Listen to the chorus:
It's ludicrous. But that got our attention and made it viral. And yet, I think that what is viral is the fakeness — the rote performance — and not the substantive message. I watched the whole thing intently, but I didn't notice what they said, only the bizarre overlap.It reminded me of my favorite sequence in one of my favorite movies — "The Idea of North" (in "32 Short Films About Glenn Gould"):Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker posted identical videos—word for word—right before Trump’s speech.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 4, 2025
There's nothing that expresses spontaneous, totally grassroots outrage like identical messaging, professionally printed signs, and shared scripts.
It's that other stuff, you know, the folks who print their signs themselves, with disparate messages on the same theme, who couldn't get a proper chant going to save their lives who are the real political fakes, amirite?
Maybe the US has reached a point where we deserve to have our intelligence insulted relentlessly by Democrats and their mediaswine.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but my recollection is Trump shutting the border. It’s down to about one hundred a day.
The delusion here is that the folks at home seek out only their own senator for guidance. And they've got to be kidding.
They really are determined to politically drive away every male from their party they possible can, aren't they?
You have to wonder, whether the person who has the blackmail material on those three, and instructed them to create those videos, was intending that it should be so evident that they were reading from an assigned script. I can't see what purpose that would serve, but it was entirely foreseeable. Perhaps the blackmailer simply takes sadistic pleasure in toying with his victims. Which group would, I suppose, include all of us.
Ah! Jurnolist(ism) is so convincing. Not since the "insurrection" tag spewing from every source on Jan 6 and thereafter have we witnessed such unity! So authentic.
The dream of every Democrat politician is not to do good, save the earth, or appear patriotic. It is to go viral.
Inside the Democratic Battle to Go Viral
The rising stars in the sewer party should stay as far away from those old sell-out$$$ as possible. Though -the party is so mob-controlled, I doubt it's possible.
Jupiter said...
You have to wonder, whether the person who has the blackmail material on those three, and instructed them to create those videos...
I think you're just going to have to go with the old "truth is stranger than fiction" idea and admit that they made these videos because they thought it was a killer idea and would be a really sick burn on Trump.
None of them have original thoughts. That's my takeaway.
The Trump command of the American attention, positive and negative is dam near total. Good luck to the Dems s/
The Democrats released a perfect parody of themselves.
That’s what the strategy firm came up with at their summit over the weekend? Perhaps the quality strategists are out if their price range now that they have to pay for them themselves…
RideSpaceMountain said...
They really are determined to politically drive away every male from their party they possible can, aren't they?
They're going to do terribly during mid-terms and it's largely going to be an own goal.
I watched the whole thing intently, but I didn't notice what they said, only the bizarre overlap.
Exactly what happened to me. I Have no idea what they said, just that they all said the same thing.
This week is the Democrats blitz. They’ll have lots of help from propaganda media tonight and tomorrow morning is the commie mayor immigration crap fest hearing in Congress where they get a chance to try out their snappy new one liners…
…it’s also an opportunity for those who have not been exposed to Boston's Socialist Mayor Wu to bask in all her gloriousness. She asked and received extra time to prepare for this well timed national stage and I’m sure they got her ready…
What’s up, Puppet Boys and Girls
Democrats have achieved a synchronous consensus. AI?
"I think you're just going to have to go with the old "truth is stranger than fiction" idea and admit that they made these videos because they thought it was a killer idea and would be a really sick burn on Trump."
Hmmmm.... It turns out there were 22 of them, all parroting the same mumbo-jumbo. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Jupiter said...
Hmmmm.... It turns out there were 22 of them, all parroting the same mumbo-jumbo. I'm not sure what to make of that.
They thought it was a really, really, killer idea?
When the DOGE bites, when the audit stings
When I'm feeling sad...
My local news had a headline about gas prices being down for the third straight week.
All I could make out from the videos was that prices are up. I think if gas is dropping, other prices will follow.
The problem is that these people are being confronted with actual competency. We only had the Romney/Desantis Republicans to compare to them before.
This crap would have worked against Desantis. It wont work against Trump.
And this time Trump has surrounded himself to people who support the MAGA vision. In 2017/18 Republicans in DC like Desantis and Paul Ryan undermined him and he didn't realize they were betrayers.
It's ludicrous. But that got our attention and made it viral. And yet, I think that what is viral is the fakeness — the rote performance — and not the substantive message. I watched the whole thing intently, but I didn't notice what they said, only the bizarre overlap.
They had money and power but no real constituency. This stuff only works with bureaucrats and educators who need government power to provide them with status and authority.
The administration that Trump has built is based on meritocracy and competency. Corrupt astroturf cannot compete with this now that X allows information flow and an honest comparison.
It's all about the messaging, they insist and then they produce this. If I was a Dem I'd feel discouraged.
Why are they all talking into that odd microphone? Not one of them thought to prop it onto something? Makes me think maybe these clips were all shot and staged by the same director who went around one day to all the libtard senators with the script, the camera, and the mic and the idea was: UNITY!!! The (D)iddy Party is unified against evil Trump and his illegal alien agent of a foreign nation Elon Musk!!!!
I think we know which US Senators were getting all that USAID laundered money.
Bob Boyd said, "It's all about the messaging, they insist and then they produce this. If I was a Dem I'd feel discouraged."
It was always this bad, the difference now is their old force-multipliers in culture and media are dated, derivative and out of touch. They can no longer summon their former amplitude to drown out the jeering jerkboys on the sidelines laughing at how lame and gay they are.
Jerkboys for the win.
“The dream of every Democrat politician is not to do good, save the earth, or appear patriotic. It is to go viral.”
Not going to work. A bunch of geriatric politicians aren’t going to be saved by something going viral, and least of all, by something they said going viral. They are old and stale. Things that go viral tend to be new and fresh. They think that it must be easy, because Trump did it, and he is an idiot. Except that he has intuition, honed from decades successfully marketing himself, while they spent those decades tweaking legislation for profit, moving commas around, in order to make their money through graft and the like.
They are trying to find a shortcut to regain the power that they had. And it isn’t going to work. They have a party run by Baby Boomer septuagenarians trying to go viral with Gen Z.
Do they think we are that stupid that we believe anyone could lower prices in six weeks? Plus this group is clearly insane since they believe it is ok for males to participate in women's sports and share their locker rooms. Sick sick sick!
LOLOLOLOL! Now it's up to 23!
A fasces is a bundle of sticks tied together. They hit harder, but the sticks lose individual freedom of movement.
Do we get to use that NPC meme now?
Who wrote it and who distributed it?
The democrat's message is STILL: Yeah, our policies are crap, but the other guys eat their boogers!
It’s now up to 22 Democrat Senators all saying exactly the same thing.
Elon is now offering a free Cybertruck for the first person who identifies the person who actually wrote the script.
Wow, look at what happens when you elect a non-democrat to the white house. They cause the coarsening of society!
I guess the new phrase to say when you oppose someone is:
"Shit, that ain't true!" I think I will use it myself.
What glorious statesmanship these 20+ democrat leaders are displaying.
Sprechstimme as art vs talking points under the march of authority as comedy. Dark, dark comedy. Your Gould clip is a longtime favorite. See how he finds the rhythm in the chaos.
What would Glenn Gould do with the technology of today? That's a thought that never crossed my mind until now.
Wow. Grok has the answer.
You’ll have to Grok it yourself because it’s too big for me to paste it here.
I've seen 24 of them doing it. Copy here:
Get your DOGE off my astroturf. Democrats are viable at the twilight fringe.
Thanks for the Gould video. Now I know I don't need to watch the movie.
This podcast goes into depth on how the Democrats and the US intelligence and security State used European censorship laws to extend them into the United States. They also discuss how the Democratic party still hasn't gotten the memo that they are on the complete wrong side of History.
Again this example that our esteemed hostess linked to is another feather in the cap of Donald Trump. You should be happy not angry.
Anger is a very destructive emotion if it is practiced too often. In other words it is heap powerful medicine that is very easy to overdose. Every once in awhile you have to pull the trigger I get that. However on a day-to-day basis it is much better to keep your cool and maintain an even strain. Read if by Rudyard Kipling and then take a long hard look into your bitter and oxygen starved heart
It keeps growing. Hive-drama, in full synchronized dance.
It is 22. Hot link HERE
Howard -
Knowing the Democrats are an anti-free speech/ pro-censorship sewer - reaches far beyond Trump. This is much more serious than feathers in caps.
It seems like the Democrats are bound and determined to be led off the cliff by the pied Piper of Mar-A-Lago
datarepublican (small R) says, "AI speculates one specific person is leading this: Justin Goodman, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's former communications director.
And indeed, if you go to his website, his biography brags about him as 'the chief spokesman for every Senate battle in recent memory.'”
They had money and power but no real constituency.
"Is you is or is you ain't my constituency??"
Did you guys see Trump's press conference yesterday when he had that Taiwanese chip manufacturing CEO announcing that they were going to invest another 10 billion in expanding their manufacturing plants and arizona? In my opinion that's the real important stuff. Unless Trump is able to reignite the American economic engine unburdened from ridiculous regulation, none of this tit for tat political theater is going to have any long-term success
Again - Howard.... The American Democrat party is corrupt - with or without Trump in the picture.
Not 10 billion 100 billion
I actually agree April. You guys are totally right on a lot of these issues and I was wrong. I just hope that Trump backs up all of the positive things that he says with action.
Ooh, they are cursing. I guess they must really mean it.
And they covered the T so Trump looks like Rump. So clever.
Wow...apparently it wasn't just these three. That's bad enough. There are twenty-two of them.
- Alsobrooks
- Baldwin
- Blumenthal
- Booker
- Cantwell
- Coons
- Duckworth
- Durbin
- Gillibrand
- Hirono
- Kaine
- Kelly
- Kim
- Lujan
- Markey
- Merkley
- Padilla
- Peters
- Schatz
- Schumer
- Van Hollen
- Warner
- Warren
- Whitehouse
The Hive -
Messaging went out from NWO Central, aka the Council on Foreign Relations, and the drones did as drone do.
What are they basing the notion that inflation is rising? BLS won’t release February’s inflation numbers until March 12th. That means the only numbers are for January, when Biden was still in office. The January numbers were higher than Decembers. In fact, each month was higher than the previous going back to July. So the rate of inflation was getting worse in the final 6 months of Biden’s Administration. Also, inflation is a lagging indicator. For Trump to have any impact on inflation this quickly, then those DOGE cuts are bigger than they are pretending them to be.
Love how they titled it "SH*T that isn't true". Highly ironic since they seem to consider Trump to be the height of vulgarity.
The challenge is to get the eyeballs. That is job 1 these days - garner attention. This trick did that. Whether it then delivered the payload is less clear.
I actually thought I was the only one who watched "32 Short Films about Glenn Gould".
The last time I looked there were 22 Democratic Senators dutifully reading their scripts on X. There is nothing new here. These are clone-like people. There is no sound philosophical base, there is only anti-Trump or anti anything Trump and his team might talk about doing, even if it's beneficial.
They released this the day after they voted down a bill to prevent men and grown boys from playing in women's sports. This- from the party that wears pussy hats in an attempt to show you that they really care about women. On the other hand, they're also the party of the Hamas supporters, BLM riots, Antifa, and open borders. Not sure how anyone can vote for any of them any longer.
“ I've seen 24 of them doing it. Copy here”
That’s not how you get something going viral.
“Elon is now offering a free Cybertruck for the first person who identifies the person who actually wrote the script.”
That’s how you do it, and kill their entire attempt at going viral. We now have video of 24 or so Dem Senators, half their caucus, just looking idiotic. And one guy blowing it up, as an afterthought.
This Democrat troika couldn't drive a sleigh if they had to. The Dims have a real problem--no leaders and no leadership. The voters have left them out in the cold.
Howard said...
I actually agree April. You guys are totally right on a lot of these issues and I was wrong. I just hope that Trump backs up all of the positive things that he says with action.
I''m waiting for the Democrat congress who will say on Wednesday morning--"I wanted to throw an egg at Trump during his speech, but I couldn't afford the egg." That's a sure fire knee slapper.
Unison Covid - Nobody is safe!
Howard- yep me too.
We need to keep our eyes on the house and senate.
If corrupt jerk-wads regain power - it's all back to censorship, men in women's spaces and sports, lies, money grubbing, war, massive public debt etc...
Do they think we are that stupid that we believe anyone could lower prices in six weeks?
Apparently, Trump does. He promised prices would start dropping on day 1. Exactly how long are you giving him to make good on his promise? Everything he has done since he got into office is contrary to his promised price reductions (unless of course you think the ultimate result of reductions in the federal workforce using a chainsaw will result in lower prices).
Polly the Psychogeneric Democrat
FormerLawClerk said...
"I think we know which US Senators were getting all that USAID laundered money."
Yep. That was my take away too.
Yeah, Howard. How come we're not hearing about this on the local news. It's a big deal.
How old are you, Freder? Six? Didn't get the pony mom and dad promised you? "He promised he'd lower prices on day one and it's 12:01! Waaaa!
Grow up, dimwit.
Freder - the liar leftist democrat media machine told us all that Inflation was non-existent under Crook Joe.
But it was off the charts.
The dream of every Democrat politician is not to do good, save the earth, or appear patriotic. It is to go viral.
Oh, it's gonna go viral. Just maybe not the way they intended.
It's a "strategic messaging tactic" to be obviously scripted? How? In the same way that repeating the words "convicted felon" 1,000,000 times was supposed to cement that idea, Pavlov-fashion, in all our brains? Just as with the "trans women" in women's sports thing, didn't they notice how that worked out for them last fall?
And: it's also bugging me that they're using "strategic" as a modifier for "tactic." A tactic is what you do to further a strategy; all tactics are therefore strategic - at least as far as I can see.
Unison Covid - Nobody is safe!
Flashback farther: remember when AIDS was an illness that didn't show favoritism, so to speak? We were all equally at risk. With the child hemophilia sufferer who got AIDS from a transfusion and the healthcare worker whose glove tore the same day she (always she) had an open cut on that hand always held nearby, ready to be thrust in front of a camera.
We are Borg. You will be assimilated.
they should do a dance video
See new posts
Libs of TikTok
These 23 Senators all posted the same word for word script.
- Alsobrooks
- Baldwin
- Blumenthal
- Booker
- Cantwell
- Coons
- Duckworth
- Durbin
- Gillibrand
- Hirono
- Kaine
- Kelly
- Kim
- Lujan
- Markey
- Merkley
- Padilla
- Peters
- Schatz
- Schumer
- Van Hollen
- Warner
- Warren
- Whitehouse
Who’s directing them to post this and who wrote the script?
Here's the link if you want to watch them all make complete fools out of themselves...
Who’s directing them to post this and who wrote the script? Musk is now offering a Tesla Cybertruck for anyone who can identify and prove who wrote the propaganda.
Obviously reminiscent of those memes showing like 50 news anchors all saying exactly the same thing at the same time.
The Dems apparently decided to cut out the middle men and create a meme of themselves.
The term Theater Kids comes to mind.
Hey you guys! Let's do a skit!
This is just a inkling of what these shameless hucksters will do at the SOTU. I would actually be impressed if they all cross-dressed to show their solidarity for fake woMEN.
Meanwhile - Fetterman is the lone wolf - speaking truth to lies.
I realize the humor of Dems repeating the same line, but they're initial claim that reducing costs is bullshit lacks a basis on their part. The FED PCE is actually lower for January than it was at any time prior to September 2021. In fact, PCE was steadily rising September 2024 to December 2024, when it suddenly came January per data released February 28th.
I guess they are ignoring James Carville's advice to tone it down and let Trump make his own mistakes.
It's going to be interesting to see what the Dems do. They're playing their same old silly games with their allies in the media without (seemingly) any awareness that the rules have changed. They are dinosaurs and they have Ø, zilch, nada in terms of NEW messages. It's just the same old Trump-bashing.
wendybar said...
"Here's the link if you want to watch them all make complete fools out of themselves..."
Thanks but no thanks. If I want to watch children behave poorly I'll go to the playground.
“It's ludicrouth!”
—— Mike Tyson
It'll help you understand the Democrat Party if you think of all these as if they're a hostage video.
“And they covered the T so Trump looks like Rump. So clever.”
They be clever like dat AMDG foo…
And then they announce they are going to embarrass themselves tonight...
Daily Caller
🚨 Female House Democrats will be wearing PINK in protest of Trump for his speech before Congress tonight....
Is it a protest of Trump or are they using it as a sign of support for men in women's sports?
so a bunch of federal workers moonlighting during "work from home" time are going to show up in Congress to complain that they have to do their jobs?
Oh wait, that's the Democrats in Congress.
"Justin Goodman"
The question is, which Dem insider owns Goodman.
"Who’s directing them to post this and who wrote the script?"
Leftists/liberals/dems/LLR-democraticals, by nature, are sheep and will do and say whatever they are told to do and say by their "betters".
Just look at this blog. LLR-democraticals Rich and lonejustice, Inga, victoria, Dumb Lefty Mark, Freder, Left Bank, etc. They all, without exception, fall into the Ron Burgundy category of idiots that will repeat whatever is written and placed in front of them, even if it completely contradicts whatever they were saying just 15 minutes before and/or is self-contradictory on its face.
People like Ted Giola who analyze music say that music is becoming much less innovative. These guys couldn't even do a three-part harmony.
The Men wearing dresses in women's locker rooms - and men in your daughter's sports brigade are preparing for an Anti-Trump stunt tonight.
Any guesses who and what?
Pink shirts? Pussy hats?
"No vaginal inspections for men with dicks!" t-shirts?
"Tampons for Timmy Forever!" T-shirts?
Justin Goodman...any relation to Saul?
What's so strange - is the left really hate men... most of the time.
They love trannies. They love fake women, especially the cheaters and devious pedophile types.
Then they whine on Q - about the "less than 1%" hot garbage.
80% of everyone are against it - and yet they are willing to die on this hill. Again - total insanity.
Real transgendered people are actually usually respectful when it comes to privacy. It's the fake-fem-males who want to win against your daughter - no matter what. It's the the fake-fem-males(trannies) who want to undress your daughter in the women's locker room - without your knowledge or permission and the power of the state(D) to make YOU the villain. It's the fake fem-males who want to parade their exposed male parts in the women's locker rooms.
These are the same men wearing dresses you see on the street - screaming at people.
What would James Carville do?
Reminiscent of the EU leaders who made identical tweets of support for Zelensky after his meeting with Trump and Vance:
"Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people.
Be strong. Be brave. Be fearless.
You are never alone, dear President @ZelenskyyUa.
We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace."
But I guess the good news is that Pelosi may finally be leaving the spotlight. It looks like Schumer may have replaced her as the party's biggest drag and liability.
Chick said, "What would James Carville do?"
Roll over, play dead, and wait another 2 weeks...
How cute, look at the talking monkeys!
Apparently, they are up to 22 senators recording the same thing, now.
Freder whines Trump is too slow fixing the mess his party made.
Wonder what he'll bitch about when the prices do come down.
I wonder if there are more videos that didn't get posted to the web after the feedback started coming in.
Joe Bar said...Apparently, they are up to 22 senators recording the same thing, now.
That just shows that they can't think for themselves. But we knew that already.
Leland said...I guess they are ignoring James Carville's advice to tone it down and let Trump make his own mistakes.
They don't like Carville. They don't like winning. They all want to die on the hill of men in women's sports. Let them.
It has been revealed that it was Sen. Cory Booker who put together this little sketch. Fiercely Heterosexual Cory Booker for the win, and you can see more of him and bi-Curious Barack Obama in this Summer’s long-awaited sequel to Brokeback Mountain, BuckBroke Mountain 2: A Fiercely Heterosexual Vegan Leather Harness Love Story. In theaters this June.
Bob Boyd said, "The term Theater Kids comes to mind.
Hey you guys! Let's do a skit!"
Fiercely Heterosexual Director Cory Booker: "Cut. Print. Gay. That's a wrap folks."
Justine Bateman said (well, implied;) that NONE of these politicians actually recorded ANY of these..
That each and EVERY one was created through AI
It's ALL the Same.. Because It's ALL FAKE
you got to be some kind of stupid to believe what trump says.It was all the con just to get to his tax breaks and then he'll just sit back ,he doesnt give a flying fuk about your prices,you know a word groceries, only the fools fell for it. Mid western farmers getting a giant pitchfork up there A.. Yup some kind of stupid.. Watch him on the lie fest,I'l wait and read it in the paper,.. Prices going down what a crock on the really stupid believed.
So, who was the puppeteer with the hand up their asses?
“And they covered the T so Trump looks like Rump. So clever.”
Cory Booker says, I just asked Grok a question and it told me I was clever! So there! You republican dummies!
Re: Prices coming down. Regular gasoline has dropped $0.35 in my area since the inauguration. I just bought a dozen eggs for $3.50, $1.50 down from the high, and there were plenty on the shelf.
Can hardly wait for tonight! The Dems are going to make complete fools of themselves. Pelosi's tear up stunt made it impossible for them to do anything meaningful without making asses of themselves. It's going to be lit!
“Apparently, Trump does. He promised prices would start dropping on day 1.”
Haven’t you ever said “I’m going to start losing weight right now”
Be honest now.
Before I went to law school and practiced law, I was a paid political consultant for many years. Both sides, Democrats and Republicans, do this all of the time. Nothing unusual about this. Just Google all of the Democrat and Republican talking points. That is why I hate most blogs, but why I like this blog.
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