March 10, 2025

"Is the Democrat message pure Jacobin hatred for anything pro-American and anything that could be considered pro-President Donald Trump?"

"They’re feral creatures now, lonely, isolated, frightened without leadership, desperate for relevance, without any cogent message, terrified at what’s to become of them."

Writes John Kass, at his own website, in "Democrats Locked in Their Own Hell."

I'm also seeing "Why Democrats Are Losing My Generation/Hint: It’s not because they didn’t go on Joe Rogan" by Joshua A. Cohen (at The Nation): "[P]ut yourself in the perspective of a voter my age; e.g., someone born in the early 2000s. When we grew up, the Democratic Party was defined by a charismatic leader who oversaw a growing economy and ended his term with strong approval ratings. When we came of age, we came to know a Republican Party defined by an unpopular, flailing Trump whose weak leadership defined the most traumatic period of our lives (the pandemic). We had never known a popular Republican president or an unpopular Democratic one. But when Biden’s administration burst into flames...."

And here's Victor Davis Hanson, in "Trump’s Democratic 'Allies'/Democrats’ obsessive Trump hatred blinds them to their own unpopularity, making his counter-revolution seem inevitable—and even normal" (American Greatness): "We are witnessing the most radical counter-revolution in the last 100 years, as the Trump administration attempts to slash government spending and the federal bureaucracies.... Normally no party would even attempt such needed but radical changes.... Part of his audacity is found in the unique personage of Trump, who enjoys controversy.... But... the new Democrat Party... is so foul-mouthed, so embarrassingly infantile and exhibitionist, and so out of touch with the wishes of the American people that at least for now it makes Trump’s counter-revolution seem normal and long overdue—especially after the four-year catastrophe of the nihilist Biden administration.... In a sane world... for each of Trump’s initiatives that it opposes, [the Democratic Party] would publish a comprehensive counter agenda.... And when it... felt he was on the right side... sane Democrats would... offer bipartisan support....


rehajm said...

When we came of age, we came to know a Republican Party defined by an unpopular, flailing Trump whose weak leadership defined the most traumatic period of our lives (the pandemic)

What a silly, immature take. Hint: he was only unpopular with you and your friends. You will not take the hint…

rehajm said...

Wandering in the woods is the best look for them…and with the discovery the entire leftie regime runs mostly on taxpayer dollars and Trump is now working to cut it off, well, what will they do? Go on sports radio?

Gusty Winds said...

flailing Trump whose weak leadership defined the most traumatic period of our lives (the pandemic).

However "traumatic" this take is bullshit. COVID was a set up. A lab grown bio weapon released upon the US and the world to give unchecked power to globalists. Rights were stripped. The effort to implement absentee voter fraud started immediately after the March 2020 lockdowns began. It drove liberal white women batshit crazy, and provided masks for the summer 2020 BLM / ANTIFA sponsored riots and violence. Trump's win in 2024 hopefully saved us from a lifetime of Democrat totalitarian rule.

Peachy said...

The left went all in for the Toxic lies sold to them everyday on Propaganda network MSNBC MicrosSoft NBC. (w/ NPR and PBS news affiliates.)

The loyal D's buy every lie and they actually think Trump is "literally" Hitler. Problem is - Trump isn't anything like Hitler.. Not even a drop.
They are way more like Hitler than they can fathom.

rhhardin said...

In the age of clickbait, everybody's gone off the deep end. The violated advice is Augustine's: think the best of people instead of the worst. That gives no blog or news traffic eyeballs but it's soul-saving, what Augustine called charity.

My favorite everything-bad sites are Bulwark and Harry Litman. No exception coverage of everything that happens.

Peachy said...

The left built a kingdom of lies, and moved in.

RCOCEAN II said...

They always focus in on trivia. The Democrat is controlled by the left which hates White men. Native born Christians in particular. You'd have to be some sort of masochist to belong to a party that hates you. Of course, if you're getting some of the graft, that makes sense. Otherwise....

rehajm said...

Clearly, altering their policies is not an option for them so I guess tweak the messaging is all they have. Maybe it will work…

RideSpaceMountain said...

"without any cogent message"

They have a cogent message, and it's so simple it fits on tiny little bingo paddles just so long as bigger words aren't used.

Peachy said...

The Nation = lol F off.
"When we came of age, we came to know a Republican Party defined by an unpopular, flailing Trump whose weak leadership defined the most traumatic period of our lives (the pandemic)"

The pandemic was brought in to help Biden-puppet regime get elected. Is was brought in as a mass experiment to see how far the elites could control everyone. It was brought in to alter the way Americans vote...and remove voter ID. Fauci's gain of function "research" in Wuhan China = and we tax payers paid for it all.

RCOCEAN II said...

The Left has suffered a slight setback. They figure they have time on their side, as white boomers die out, and more POC immigrants arrive. Despite Trump's election, non-blacks POC's still vote 60-40 D, and blacks vote 80-20 D.

Demographics are destiny. That's why as Musk pointed out the Democrats threw the borders open under Biden and imported 5 million or was it 10 million, illegals.

Peachy said...

"The Democrats chose the sewer."

yes. The modern demcorat party is a sewer.

Iman said...

Feral or not, these Democrat corksoakers still have their beaks hoovering up taxpayer monies from the US Treasury. Investigate, prosecute, convict and incarcerate are the orders of the day.

Howard said...

Ezra Klein on his podcast yesterday finally admitted that one of the major problems the Democrats have is over regulation of everything resulting in nothing getting built and the stuff that does get built is super expensive leading to extremely regressive economic burdens on the poor and middle class.

Apparently they have a new political theory of maximizing abundance to counter Trump.

Peachy said...

"The Democrats chose the sewer.

They didn’t do a damn thing except scream. And their childish foot stomping was on display for all the world to see last week at President Trump’s Congressional address.

They wore costumes. They waved their little bingo signs. They took a stand against women, by refusing to support a ban against men in women’s sports. Yet they wore feminist pink to gaslight their voters.

They showed themselves to be what we knew about them:

That they are not serious. They’re only about performance. They are the leftist clerisy living on money taken from Americans. And they’re quite dangerous."

RCOCEAN II said...

"The pandemic was brought in to help Biden-puppet regime get elected. Is was brought in as a mass experiment to see how far the elites could control everyone."

I dunno if the CV-19 pandemic was deliberate, but the response to it certainly was. THe Democrats never let an opportunity go to waste. They're doubling down on election fraud. BTW Republicans don't waste opportunies, they ignore them. As Trump stated to mitch the bitch mcconnell, if it wasn't for him, the Republican party would be dead. Nobody wanted President Jeb or President Nikki.

rehajm said...

When we grew up, the Democratic Party was defined by a charismatic leader

…that guy was a pothead, a Brady Bunch Johnny Bravo what fit the suit. I’m still amazed people believe he was running the Biden administration…

…I wonder what a 2025 leftie ‘charismatic leader’ would look like? A Kennedy/Clinton-esque ‘thinker’ that bangs interns in the oval office might appeal to hetero college educated white women but is that enough anymore?

Peachy said...

"Democrat open borders policy that ushered in an untold number of foreign terrorists and deadly street gang members from Latin American prisons are to be protected. Anyone who threatens their power will be demonized and hounded by the jacobin mob that has been paid by U.S. tax dollars funneled through Dark Money and Soros operations via U.S. AID and other sources. These money funneling operations are protected by left-wing federal judges by Obama and his meat puppet who was on the Ukrainian payroll Joe Biden."


RCOCEAN II said...

The R's always want to ignore the elephant in the room, and focus on trivia. The number of average people who care about "Out of control spending!!!" and "Business regulation" is incredibly small. Trump didn't win on "Getting those damn lazy Federal bureaucrats off our backs". Most people have never met a Bureaucrat, and don't own a business.

Peachy said...

"Most revealing the Democrats pointedly refused to stand and show some compassion for the 13-year-old cancer survivor D. J. Daniel–who was made an honorary U.S. Secret Service Agent during the speech. To make it worse, Democrats through their MSNBC high priestesses Rachel Maddow and Nicole Wallace mocked it all. D.J.’s father had this strong reaction for Maddow undermining his son’s moment."

Not enough FU's and go to hells for leftist authoritarian liars Maddow and Wallace.

RCOCEAN II said...

"These money funneling operations are protected by left-wing federal judges by Obama and his meat puppet who was on the Ukrainian payroll Joe Biden."

Its amazing how many far left judges Biden and Obama put on the bench. They really stacked the lower courts with crazies, many of them POC and "sainted immigrants". They are young too, and will be around for a long time.

Iman said...

“Wandering in the woods is the best look for them…and with the discovery the entire leftie regime runs mostly on taxpayer dollars and Trump is now working to cut it off, well, what will they do? Go on sports radio?”

The Democrats will continue both promoting and resorting to political violence because voters are rejecting them at the ballot box. They’re already printing and distributing bumper stickers that call for the assassination of “Nazis” that depict Elon Musk’s targeted image.

Jaq said...

My SO hates Trump, but she changes the subject as soon as I bring up that she voted for Joe Biden, but Joe Biden is who the Democratic Party is. They can deny it, but like the relationship gurus say on YouTube. "Don't listen to their words, people lie all the time, don't listen to their apologies, people lie, instead, look for signs of sincere attempts to change in that person's actions." Well, that's where Democrats, the rank and file Democrats, ought to be right now. Denial of what Joe Biden has recklessly done to our world just says that they will do the same things if they get power again.

People are done with our supposed elites. We know that in 2016, if Democratic primary voters had not been "managed" to put Hillary on the ticket, it would have been Bernie Sanders vs Donal Trump. This is because the Uniparty, Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden at that time, but their successors now, the war mongers, are politically bankrupt.

Jersey Fled said...

Where are all of our Lefty friends on this one?

Aggie said...

Trump has done the two things that he had to do. First, he took over the Republican Party, which had lost touch with its electorate base and had become the Pathetic Loser Party, without principles, without direction. Having accomplished this, he now had the machinery he needed to ruin the Democratic Party, whose existence had come to depend upon the seemingly endless supply of cash looted from the US Treasury. Without their paid supporters and the necessary grease, the party platform has disintegrated, because it's platform is unsupportable at the grass roots.

Now, the mop up.

Aggie said...

If Democrats want to survive, they're going to have to produce someone strong enough to do what Trump did: Wrestle control of the party away from the people that are bent on riding it for their own cynical reasons, until it drops.

Jaq said...

How many years can we go on increasing deficit spending as we have been? Our debt went up $4 trillion last year. If nothing changes, it will be $5 trillion this year, probably, that's where we would be headed had Kamala won. Living on credit cards is a lot of fun, until one day you can't make the payments anymore, and you can't figure out how, exactly, to make enough more money to pay them.

It's like Hemingway said, financial ruin first comes slowly, then it happens rapidly. As somebody else said, "there is a lot of ruin in a country," but even Rome collapsed, as great and rich an empire as that was.

Peachy said...

Update on Leftwing Neo-Nazis:
"Democrats are distributing bumper stickers calling for the assassination of Elon Musk. The left is resorting to political violence because voters are rejecting them at the ballot box."

Image of Neo-Nazi-Democratic behavior.

GOP can use this in all future campaigns.

Peachy said...

JAQ - 9:19.
Same experience all over the place.
To the collective left- Biden doesn't exist. He was so horrendous - they collectively refuse to acknowledge him. (other than to repeat the banal.. "but he did good things")
During Biden's 4 years - the collective left often spoke as if Trump were still president.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Aggie said...

If Democrats want to survive, they're going to have to produce someone strong enough to do what Trump did: Wrestle control of the party away from the people that are bent on riding it for their own cynical reasons, until it drops.

Nothing last forever so they eventually will. But it is going to take a long time and they are going to have to divest themselves of the AWFL's, Trans types and Neo-Communists who have driven the party so far to the left that it's become anathema to American Normies.

Steven said...

"when Biden's administration burst into flames..."

This is the sort of statement that shows how people are living in different worlds now. I was a Trump supporter in his first term, (though I disagree strongly with much of what he's done in his second), and I was no fan of Biden. But, his presidency was basically unremarkable. Nothing either great or terrible occurred.

A Trump presidency that focused on undoing official endorsements of DEI policies and promoted pro-growth economic policies would address most of the problems of the Biden presidency and would not even be particularly controversial.

Instead we have constant chaos and recriminations that serve no useful purpose. We should worry about what the Democrats will do with the precedents being set by the Trump administration.

rehajm said...

The number of average people who care about "Out of control spending!!!" and "Business regulation" is incredibly small

…given the plus/minus and right direction polling that is as positive for any political figure in my lifetime I’m inclined to suspect this statement is not entirely accurate…

wendybar said...

"We should worry about what the Democrats will do with the precedents being set by the Trump administration."

Most of them were already set by the Obama/Biden administrations.

Breezy said...

The left has scraped the last morsel of a revolutionary issue with the trans one, which has failed them spectacularly. What new made up issue will they find to ride on? They’ve been proven wrong on so many, and the support for those that they had will turn out to be astroturfed using our taxpayer money. They could wait for an economic downturn, but they’ve already put us in one. Who’s going to believe they can get us out of one? Identity politics, climate scaremongering, unimpeded illegal immigration, etc are all on their way to the dustbin of history.

RCOCEAN II said...

"We should worry about what the Democrats will do with the precedents being set by the Trump administration."

I've been hearing this crap my entire life. "Don't fight back Republicans, it'll set a bad precedent". LOL.

The Democrats have only one motto, just win baby win. They don't care that the Republicans followed the norms, traditions, and didn't "change the rules".

20 years ago, the Democrats broke tradition and started to filibuster appeals judges based on ideaology. The Senate R's moaned and groaned and issued idle threats about the "Nuclear Option". It depressed Trent Lott so much, he cried on camera. Finally, McCain and Collins rode in to save the filibuster for the D's with their Gang of 8.

Flashforward to the 2010 - The R's start to filibuster Obama's picks, Harry Reid and D's just get rid of the filibuster without batting an eye. No fuss no muss no tears no compromise.

And in 2022 or was it 2023, the Senate D's came within a couple votes of getting rid of the Filibuster for everything all together. It wasn't for lack of trying.

But no doubt if Thune wanted to get rid of it, someone would cry it would "Set a bad precedent". LOL!

Dave Begley said...

I publicly called the Dems in the Nebraska Legislature "Jacobins" last year. The term "Jacobins" perfectly captures the nature of today's Dems.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cool. Seven nights ago Trump entered the non-SOTU Joint Session to see a democrat soman holding a sign that said, "This is not normal." And now VDH elucidates how Trump's counter-revolution is expected and "normal."

That's a lot of progress in seven days.

Political Junkie said...

I fear the Rajun Cajun is right. I think the D's will start "ticking upward" due to political gravity, potential stagflation, deficit, and "perceived chaos". I want DJT and R's to do well, but I have concerns. Still 100% glad I voted DJT 2024, but I have worries. Results matter, surely as I despise the modern D team.

Rory said...

If the Dems want to get better, they have to investigate: the promotion of Trump as a dirty trick in the runup to the 2016 primaries; the undermining of Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries; the installation of Biden in 2020; the lack of opposition to Biden in 2024; and, the swap of Biden for Harris in 2024. Anyone connected with any of these actions should be puged from party. Only after they're gone can the party assemble a new platform.

Skeptical Voter said...

It's a tough time for the Donks now. They are being beaten like a rented mule with blows coming from every direction. I have a sometimes political sparring partner--a 90 year old Manhattan born Jew--with a PhD-who taught in university for years before taking over a federally funded science program. A person with that background should be a Democrat voter until his death and 50 years beyond. And yet today I got an e-mail from him pointing out that Trump is transparent and will admit things that are bad for him--as in "Trump won't rule out recession". My friend's reaction. "I Like Him!"

When the Dims are losing a life long voter like that, they're in trouble. As the Brits might say, the Biden administration over egged the Democrat pudding. And now the Dims are paying the price of overreach.

Gusty Winds said...

Steven said...But, his presidency [Biden's] was basically unremarkable. Nothing either great or TERRIBLE occurred.

A list of terrible things that happened:
1) Biden took the oath of office knowing he was installed via absentee voter fraud.
2) Russia invaded Ukraine because Biden sent dingbat Kamala to Europe to publicly flirt with Ukraine joining NATO.
3) Biden and many other US gov't officials were, and still are willing to risk WWIII to cover their Ukrainian money laundering corruption.
4) Inflation skyrocketed in, 2021-2022, due to stupid, corrupt overspending by Democrats.
6) Poison mRNA vaccines were mandated upon the American public in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
7) Coordinated Gov't censorship was winning the narrative battle until Elon Muck purchased Twitter.
8) October 7th happened in Israel.
9) Biden cognitive decline means he was just and installed figurehead and some leftover Obama cabal was actually running the White House.

There were a shitload of terrible things that occurred during Biden's "presidency." Anybody who ever supported Trump would recognize that. It's why Trump beat Kamala and increased his support in all demographics.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

As Morty would say, the Democrats need to get their shit together.

Jaq said...

"Nothing either great or terrible occurred."

Except for the trillions in new spending that was all borrowed, and pushing us to the brink of WW3 by prosecuting a war with US personnel vs a power with 6,000 nuclear weapons.

What exactly would you consider "remarkable"?

We have been seeing it all now, Trump 1? Remember we called him a cross between Hitler and Stalin? Well, actually, he was kind of a nice guy, but this new Trump? Now HE is the cross between Hitler and Stalin!

Predictable talking points is what I see here from almost al of our LLR and purportedly lefty commenters. I will say it again, I think that Vicky from Pasadena is maybe the only honest contrarian voice we have here, the only one not checking talking points on BlueSky or whatever before posting here.

Jaq said...

"I was a Trump supporter in his first term..." - Latest LLR

How stupid do they think we are? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.

Jaq said...

If anything, Trump's support has increased, not shrunk the way many accounts posting Democratic talking points here say.

Lawnerd said...

Democrats believe their own bullshit to the point that they defend massively unpopular positions. The men in sports issue is a glaring example. Polls show that even among registered democrats about 70% are against men playing in women’s sports. This correlates with my democratic family members who all think the trans support is ridiculous. It is so bad that even a moron like Gavin Newsom knows that the issue is toxic.

Lawnerd said...

Dems are so misguided they probably believe the recent gaslighting around town hall meetings is proof that their party is popular.

Gusty Winds said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...

Steven (9:31): “But, [Biden’s] presidency was basically unremarkable. Nothing either great or terrible occurred.”

Oh, I don’t know. Eight million+ illegal entrants including nearly two million completely unvetted “getaways” and the political corruption of federal law enforcement seem troubling, if not remarkable.

Steven said...

"I've been hearing this crap my entire life"

It's funny, if I read a left-leaning website or blog, they say the exact same things.

Everyone is obligated to do what is right, even if it is not expedient.

Peachy said...

Howard said:
"Ezra Klein on his podcast yesterday finally admitted that one of the major problems the Democrats have is over regulation of everything resulting in nothing getting built and the stuff that does get built is super expensive leading to extremely regressive economic burdens on the poor and middle class. "

What does get built - are an army of over-paid do-nothings, stuffing their bank accounts - and not doing much of anything for anyone.

Lazarus said...

Joe Biden is who the Democratic Party is.

Sure, in the sense that he was a rubber stamp for everything that the Democratic Party is. The man himself was something of a cipher. John Kass sees Obama as the source of what he calls "the infection," but Obama also seems like something of a nonentity -- less a dedicated conspirator and more like the guy who's satisfied with his mansions and millions.

Are the Democrats a top->down operation or a bottom->up outfit? Both? Neither? Pelosi and Schumer enforced an unprecedent uniformity on their caucuses, but it does seem like their representatives want the kind of stunts they are pulling. Ideas and policies seem to come from foundations, universities, and activist groups and move on from there. Is that inside->out or outside->in? Or are they doing the bidding of Soros and the oligarchs who sign the checks?

Jaq said...

"if I read a left-leaning website or blog, they say the exact same things."

If you don't know what LLR means, well we had a guy here to claimed to be a "Life Long Republican" but all he ever posted were Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden talking points. So you aren't the first account to try this gambit, in fact most of the contrarian commenters here claim to be disaffected Republicans, yet they never seem to make any comments that would indicate that they ever were Republicans, just warmed over Democratic Party talking points, like your posts here.

hombre said...

Democrats are fortunate to have state AGs, other shyster lawyers and politically corrupt federal judges to protect their grift. It also helps that they have no shame.

hombre said...

Democrats are fortunate to have state AGs, other shyster lawyers and politically corrupt federal judges to protect their grift. It also helps that they have no shame.

Mason G said...

"It is so bad that even a moron like Gavin Newsom knows that the issue [men playing in women’s sports] is toxic.

So he says. I hear he has a rather important position in a pretty populous state, has he done anything about it aside from run his mouth?

Peachy said...

On top of the left's insane neo-Nazi behavior - they are clapping and stomping for economic ruin and WWIII.

n.n said...

It's a woman, no she's a man with a sexual fetish. It's a baby, no she's a fetal "burden". It's a Green blight, no it's a clean solution and renewable energy. It's a molecule of life, no it's a radiative danger and toxic conception. And so on and so forth. Thus the Democratic contrarian was birthed and progressed.

Steven said...

Jaq - I don't comment a lot, but if you check my history I've been reading this blog for 10+ years. That's quite a feat for a democrat sockpuppet.

I do like to read a variety of perspectives. I was proudly banned from boing boing back in the day for arguing with them from a conservative perspective. Not a great feat of political courage, I admit, but still it's something.

MadisonMan said...

Democrat problems are (in part) that they only hector people. Listening to lectures -- as any college student can tell you -- gets boring quickly.

Josephbleau said...

As I recall, the house can make majority votes to cancel any regulation they want, for a limited time. I have not heard that they have done so, I think there are a few that could be changed.

Josephbleau said...

The democrats are scared, the next step is for the FBI and DoJ to take some scalps. Some Democrats need to be indicted and jailed for abuse of USAID and Act Blue fraud. This would demonstrate that the administration is more powerful than the deep state and would officialize the damage to demoreputations.

Known Unknown said...

"Elon Muck "

What a great typo.

Readering said...

Reminder that Trump got less than 50% of popular vote in November.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump and his HHS secretary got a majority of the popular vote.

Lawlizard said...

Known Unknown We can call the X journalists Elon’s Muskrakers.

Achilles said...

Steven said...
"when Biden's administration burst into flames..."

This is the sort of statement that shows how people are living in different worlds now. I was a Trump supporter in his first term, (though I disagree strongly with much of what he's done in his second), and I was no fan of Biden. But, his presidency was basically unremarkable. Nothing either great or terrible occurred.

Nobody believes a thing you say.

The best part of what is going on right now is that what our government and these shady NGOs and this entire collection of worthless parasites have been doing is out in the open.

What you people have been doing is so indefensible no intelligent person can honestly defend it.

So when a scumbag like "Steven" comes along and posts obvious lies like this it is just transparently obvious to everyone what he is trying to do.

Looking forward to all of these people at a minimum having to get real jobs. I would also like to see an nice reference list of all the scammers and frauds that have been skimming our tax dollars and how much money they stole from our country and future generations.

Duty of Inquiry said...

Khaled Khalefa, In Praise of Hatred, Beirut, Emissa, 2006. “Hatred possessed me. I was excited by it, I felt it was saving me; it gave me a sense of superiority I had been seeking for a long time.”

I believe hatred is one of the fundamental tools the left is using to gain power. Righteous anger is more addictive than any drug, and more dangerous than any weapon.

Peachy said...

Readering - remove corrupt and stupid California - and Trump won in a landslide.

hombre said...

At what point do Democrat sociopaths acknowledge that January 6th, even by their bullshit rendering, doesn’t begin to offset the antisocial, criminal, oftentimes terroristic behavior of their Party and it’s proxies?

gilbar said...

"I was a Trump supporter in his first term, (though I disagree strongly with much of what he's done in his second)"

it's certainly unbelievably amazing just HOW MANY life-long-Republicans there are here, that (while they are Life-Long-Republicans,) have NEVER voted for a Republican.. In their life.

It's ALMOST AS IF; they are making things up?

Jaq said...

You will forgive me Stevan, if I find myself wondering how you didn't find, oh let me think:
—Opening up of our borders to unrestricted, totally unfettered immigration.
—The spending of trillions we don't have trying to outlaw the internal combustion engine with the oxymoronically named "Inflation Reduction Act" and through regulation.
—The unprecedented use of the power of the Justice Department to prosecute President Trump whom you claim to have generally supported, for complete non crimes.
—Using US personnel and weapons to attack Russian territory when they have 6,000 nukes.

What exactly would qualify as "remarkable" to you?

Jersey Fled said...

One weak post from Readering. The rest of our Lefty friends seem to be MIA.

Laughing Fox said...

RCOCEAN II points out that most people don't run businesses. But most people do buy things from businesses, both small things like groceries every week, and big things, like housing. And they pay taxes so that their cities, counties and states could get things bought or made. The overregulation of the American economy has been a tremendous burden for the American taxpayer and welfare recipient alike.

Drago said...

Steven: "I was a Trump supporter in his first term, (though I disagree strongly with much of what he's done in his second), and I was no fan of Biden. But, his presidency was basically unremarkable. Nothing either great or terrible occurred."


Wink wink

Seminar Posters. They are all exactly alike...right across the board.

Drago said...

Astroturf is everywhere.....particularly at the astroturfed republican town halls being funded by Omidyar, Soros, Hoffman and Gates.

john mosby said...

Cohen: Why Democrats Are Losing My Generation

So he thinks the young folk are telling the D's to f-f-f-f-f-fade away?


Rusty said...

"Apparently they have a new political theory of maximizing abundance to counter Trump."
OK. That's funny.

john mosby said...

Lawlizard: "We can call the X journalists Elon’s Muskrakers."

Muskrake Elon, Muskrake Don
Doin the DOGE they get their Muskrake on
And they slash it
Take a program and smash it
And they whirl and they twirl and they tango
Cuttin' and struttin' on cable
Blow it up to heavens above
Looks like Muskrake love


Ralph L said...

"Some Democrats need to be indicted and jailed for abuse of USAID and Act Blue fraud."
They need to find some they can prosecute outside the DC area--or outside any big city. Any trial will be a month long circus to give some confused, dimwit juror an excuse to acquit. The process will have to be the punishment. What a sorry state the country is in.

William50 said...

Readering said...

Reminder that Trump got less than 50% of popular vote in November.

Correct, but he got more of the popular vote than Kamala so he did win the popular vote, and that's all that really matters.

Jim at said...

We should worry about what the Democrats will do with the precedents being set by the Trump administration.

How many times do you need to be reminded that ship has sailed?

Jim at said...

Reminder that Trump got less than 50% of popular vote in November.

And Bill Clinton got 43 percent in 1992. What's your point?

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