WaPo's A.I. summarizes comments — "Many commenters criticize Democrats for supporting policies that they believe disadvantage biological women" — and singles this one out as "provocative":
Yeah, who are we as a country if we don't defend someone's right to pee next to someone of their imagined gender? Or defend a guy’s right to creep out a bunch of college girls by flouncing around in his original equipment in their locker room and then going out and stealing an NCAA swimming championship from them? /s
Prediction - GOP picks up 2-4 seats in the Senate and 10 seats in the House in the mid-terms.
I shall not interrupt…
I want to hear the arguments from the Dems on this. In what world is this sane?
Democrats just said: “Yes, we are for ‘they/them’”.
my (card carrying Democrat) mom told me, that the sermon at
St Paul's Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids IA last sunday was about:
How we ALL NEED support Trans people, and vote Kim Reynolds out of office.
That was the sermon
I asked her how many people were there (St Paul's USED TO BE the 'largest protestant church in Iowa) ??
she said; "oh, quite a few.. Maybe a hundred"
Keep up the work Democrats!
I wonder how the Somalians in Minnesota feel about their Congress lady voting to allow penises in women's locker rooms?
Last month, a group of moderate Democratic consultants, campaign staffers, elected officials & party leaders gathered in Loudoun County, Virginia, for a retreat where they plotted their party’s comeback.
The party should embrace "patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery"
Fake it 'till you make it.
How many Dem senators sought out the live-shot cameras after that vote?
The party should embrace "patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery"
…OMFG- ‘tailgates’ and ‘gun shows’? Is this where I can get me a huntin’ license?
Transgenders (e.g. trans/homos), trans/sims, specifically. At worst, opponents of Democratic misogynistic principles use the wrong metrics and framing to distinguish between the sexes. However, humanity has a compelling cause to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes. Perhaps we need a Manhattan project to settle the liberal dissonance and reconcile political congruence.
That said, can they abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her "burden" of evidence, and have her, too? Time will tell how much progress people will tolerate.
The Republicans need to keep forcing the Democrats to admit who they are - and that it's a party that prohibits any dissent - every chance the Republicans can manufacture.
But the Stupid Party so I'm not hopeful and will enjoy the wins when we get them.
Fish gotta swim,
Birds gotta fly,
Dems gotta Dem 'til the day that they die.
I'll admit this is difficult to reconcile with Democrat focus on acquiring and using power as their prime objective. There is no upside for Democrats to stand on the minority side of this issue and dig in.
Completely typical. Democrats support the oppression of women with the same fervor they supported State's rights and the Fugitive Slave Act.
Now each of these “Democratic Senators” has outed themself as an enemy of “female sports.” Let each of them suffer the consequences.
Democrats just said: “Yes, we are for ‘they/them’”.
Well said, Lucien. It seems like only yesterday when Democrats were waling about "How could Trump have won?" and their own Democrat pollsters came back with: "The 'they/them' ad (by Trump) was the single most effective advertisement of this election."
Apparently they are willing to ride this issue right over the cliff. Perhaps when Trump reverses the solid trend of presidents losing the first midterm after they are elected and we rack up more seats in the House and Senate next year there will be a rethinking of this crazy Democrat strategy.
As I posted early this morning on the Cafe post...
AlinaInMiami 🌺
It’s bizarre that we need to have a law for the protection of women and girls and even more bizarre is watching Democrats voting against it yet here we are.
“Does the Democratic Party need to change?”
Don't go changing to try and please me…
I'll take you just the way you are.
"Now each of these “Democratic Senators” has outed themself as an enemy of “female sports.” Let each of them suffer the consequences."
I don't think I'd ever seen "female sports" before. The *sport* isn't female. Basketball is a sport. It is genderless. If women play basketball, the part of basketball that belongs to them is women's basketball. The apostrophe s is important. It's possessive. It's not woman basketball, like "woman President," where the failure to say "female" is just inane, since we would never say "man President."
ChrisC @ 6:07am,
Oh, so you think Collins and Murkowski will get successfully primaried?
"Many commenters criticize Democrats for supporting policies that they believe disadvantage biological women."
The nation will finally be on the road to sanity when AI learns to drop the "biological" qualifier.
When will we hear from little Benjie Wikler? He has a young daughter.
Zealots always die in combat. Wile E. Coyote must fall from the cliff before he knows he has lost. Political pendulum swings go from slow/stalled to very rapid as the old and stubborn generation dies off.
With blue states fixated on transgender support, most parents will move and young children will mostly be born in red states. The few remaining blue state babies will gender swapped and sterilized as a sacrifice to the Woke Green Gaia Godess.
Trans/homosexuals are not the problem in this context. Gender (e.g. sexual orientation) is not the salient issue in this context.
DOGE is getting holy hell for mistakes real or perceived. And, of course, real fraud and waste are ignored by the left. But people forget the "rip the band-aid off" is better than the slow, painful tugging the left would like you to think they support.
They won't even acknowledge there is a band-aid to pull. On this, and many other, topics (DEI anyone?).
Let them continue down this dark path for ever and a day.
"Ann Althouse said...
I don't think I'd ever seen "female sports" before."
NYT headline on the subject: "Democrats Block Bill to Bar Transgender Girls From FEMALE SPORTS Teams." Also many many instances of "women's sports" references. I know the left can't define "woman", but the Oxford Dictionary does: an adult FEMALE human being.
Welp, they're sticking by their principles.
Democrats are trapped in the liberal tar pits of Diversity (e g. sexism), misinformed with emanations from the twilight fringe. Lose your ethical religion, your wicked solutions.
There are three reasons to recognize the sexes separately. One is to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes in society. Two is to acknowledge disparate [average] performance in limited contexts. Three is the issue of "burdens" that may arise when a male and female have sex.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Reconcile.
The strategy of supporting trans athletes has worked so well for the Ds they should definitely keep it up.
gilbar said...
"my (card carrying Democrat) mom told me, that the sermon at
St Paul's Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids IA last sunday was about:
How we ALL NEED support Trans people, and vote Kim Reynolds out of office.
That was the sermon"
Isn't that a violation of IRS rules for tax exempt status? Oh, wait...
Ann Althouse said...
"I don't think I'd ever seen ‘female sports’ before. The *sport* isn't female.”
“Female” is both an adjective and a noun. And the usage here fits Merriam-Webster definitions for the adjective:
1e: designed for or typically used by girls or women
- a female glove
1f: engaged in or exercised by girls or women
- female suffrage
- female political power
1f should be clear. 1e applies because the women/girls’ game is different from the men’s, just as the pro game is different from college is different from high school.
“…we would never say ‘man President.’”
But we would say “Male President”. “Male” is the pairing of “Female”, not “Man”. And the usage of “Male” mirrors the usage of “Female”.
Huh, I never heard an overtly political homily at my Catholic Church. Only once, in 2004 one of the younger associate priests told us not to cast our vote "based on greed" so I conscientiously voted Republican even though they might take muh Social Security. You never know!
Miriam-Webster link to “female”: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/female
I guess this goes to show the power and implacable momentum of Democrat quid pro quo. I've heard it expressed that Joe Biden got to be the candidate by agreeing to long lists of favors from the rest of the splinter candidates, in exchange for bowing out, which is why we got the kind of administration that we've had for the past 4 years. He's gone now, so it's just a matter of winding down the business arrangements. Some of them are amazingly tenacious though, in the face of these tough crowds. Who could ever have agreed to something like this, in principle, even if politically expedient? And here they are, voting for continuation, obedient to the cause right to the bitter end.
I applaud the 100% vote of the Democrats to die on this hill. The courage. The virtue. And I hope they continue to have this position in the 2026 elections. I also eagerly await the installation of urinals and condom dispensers in the congressional Democrats' inseminated persons' restrooms.
Because the democratic party refuses to become the party of the working class, which is all of us, and thus allows the party of the plutocrats to pose as the party of the people.
So, it's not the Senate that blocked it - it's the Democrats.
The Democrat party in one picture....
And yes. That is a Democrat Congress thing from Connecticut. Rosa DeLauro
Democrats are primarily kleptocrats operating under a Pro-Choice [ethical] religion, at the twilight fringe, with wicked solutions (e.g. Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele, ethnic Springs, Diversity, redistributive change schemes, etc).
This was your typical GOPe kubuki theater. Do you really think Thune and his senile master Mcconnell care about social issues? LOL
The GOP Senate has doing this trick all my life. It started under Reagan when Dole would bring up busing bills or bills on school prayer, then some Democrat would say "I filibuster" and Dole would go "Gosh, gee whiz we tried".
When the Senate Majority wants something passed they declare it not covered by the filibuster, or they stick in the reconciliation or the DoD budget bill and they pass it with 50 votes.
The phrase "biological women" is redundant.
"1f should be clear. 1e applies because the women/girls’ game is different from the men’s, just as the pro game is different from college is different from high school."
The game itself isn't female. The people who play it are female. Let's say there is a car designed for females — you can come up with the attributes of this thing on your own — but that wouldn't make it a female car!
People would understand what you mean, but you would sound uneducated (or unserious).
I'm still rooting for any woman with a penis in all women's sports. If liberal white women want this, give it to them. And I'm rootin' for the dudes. Show 'em who's boss.
Checking the OED, I have to concede that my objection to this use of "female" isn't consistent the various definitions recognized there:
"Designating an item, esp. of clothing, designed for women or girls; adapted for use by women or girls.... Designating a room, building, institution, etc., for accommodation of or use by women or girls only....
derogatory. Of a man's actions, qualities, etc.: regarded as (stereotypically) appropriate for or characteristic of a woman in a way considered to be inappropriate for or undesirable in a man; weak, petty; inferior (now rare). Of a man or boy: possessing qualities traditionally or stereotypically associated with women or girls; unmanly.... Of material and immaterial things: having a colour, size, strength, or other property associated with the female sex, esp. as compared to a corresponding object regarded as male."
The game itself isn't female. The balance beam in gymnastics is definitely female. Women with penises will not try to dominate that event. Anyone with a working set of balls know to avoid the balance beam.
1730 — "There are in Venice four of these Female Hospitals."
That strikes me as ridiculous.
The corrupt Biden supporting left are stuck on "HATE Trump" all the time - no matter what. Pathetic.
Progressive commie dems do not care about women and girls.
1966 — "Coat hangers designed for female clothes."
MadTownGuy said...
"Isn't that a violation of IRS rules for tax exempt status?
Oh, wait..."
That was EXACTLY what i asked my mom..
and she said: "Republicans do that ALL THE TIME down south"
i asked her if she could give me an example?
she said: "it happens ALL THE TIME"
and i said, then it should be Easy to give me an example..
and she said: "i Just Did.. i TOLD YOU, it happens ALL THE TIME!"
to be fair to my mom; she will be 93 next month
Dave Begley said...
"I want to hear the arguments from the Dems on this."
Here's a sampling from the WaPo commentariat:
-There is no national emergency there is no need for federal intervention at this time.
-In 2023 there were exactly 5, FIVE, trans athletes in sports.
-This is such a low priority issue that impacts a tiny minority of people.
-There are much bigger issues that need to be tackled that this shouldn't even be on the radar.
-In all NCAA sports there are 2 trans
-This impacts such a small part of the population.
-This is all a manufactured non-problem. More demonising the vulnerable and telling the aggrieved whom to hate.
-I don't think this is a federal matter.
I don't find any positive arguments in favor of men's participation in women's sports - even those opposed to this legislation agree it's a "problem," just a small one that's not worth noticing.
Let's say there is a car designed for females — you can come up with the attributes of this thing on your own — but that wouldn't make it a female car! - Are we sure about this? Lesbians love Subaru.
I could see saying "female clothes" if you had some expansive belief in yin and yang and saw everything as having a male/female quality.
Ann Althouse said...
" 1966 — "Coat hangers designed for female clothes."
This is a great Trump victory just in time for his State of the Union address.
There are in Venice four of these Female Hospitals.
That strikes me as ridiculous.
There are birthing centers whose sole purpose is to help women give birth safely. I doubt they are offering prostate exams as well.
"Let's say there is a car designed for females — you can come up with the attributes of this thing on your own — but that wouldn't make it a female car! - Are we sure about this? Lesbians love Subaru."
There is a playful idea of saying "This X is gay." That kind of foolery doesn't belong in a WaPo headline.
If your point isn't about language — about someone saying the car is a lesbian — but about the difficulties of designing a car for women, that's just your usual design problem. You're trying to appeal to a particular sort of person and you either succeed or fail... or stumble into it unwittingly (as I think happened to Subaru).
Now, with Subaru, a non-lesbian woman might say, "That car will make me look like a lesbian." But that doesn't mean the car is a lesbian. Is the car nevertheless a "lesbian car"? In casual speech, we know what you mean if you say that, but I think a MSM newspaper headline should not say "Subaru, a lesbian car..." It has to say something like "Subaru, a car known for its popularity among lesbians...."
Policy positions like this explain why Republicans must be treated as demonic beings. You would only vote Dem if you thought the alternative was Satan.
For one thing, they can start thinking for themselves, instead of repeating the Progressive talking point word for word in videotaped messages to their cult members...Here is Schumer, Warren, and Booker repeating their daily talking points. How pathetic can they be??
Charlie Kirk
It’s all fake and staged. This act doesn’t work anymore. Sad!
“This was your typical GOPe kubuki theater. Do you really think Thune and his senile master Mcconnell care about social issues? LOL”
Well, sure, but who knew the Democrats would be so obliging?
There's something jocose about "female," the adjective.
Here, watch the John Waters movie "Female Trouble" ("Nice girls don’t wear cha-cha heels/Dawn Davenport progresses from a teenage nightmare hell-bent on getting cha-cha heels for Christmas to a fame monster whose egomaniacal impulses land her in the electric chair").
Female genes give rise to the feminine gender. The demand for tattered genes as a fashion-forward statement is a myopic progression.
"Honey, does this car make me look like a lesbian?"
In a party's internal politics, as in national politics, you can't beat somebody -- or in this case something -- with nobody. Right now, there's no one with the authority or the charisma to put the Democratic Party on a different path, so it goes on as if on autopilot until some Bill Clinton comes along to drag it back to something resembling the center. The difficulty is a result of increased polarization. After McGovern (or Goldwater) there were still enough moderates in the Democratic (or Republican) Party to take over the ruins. Nowadays, it's harder.
The Democrat Party - after 4 years of the most dishonest crooked propped up regime - is a sewer.
The international ANTI-free speech left are no different.
The left love Islamic supremacy and Islamic theorcray and Islamic child rape. Because the creeps vote the right way.
The international left are money whores, worse than Putin.
It really takes an effort to be worse than Putin.
“Welp, they're sticking by their principles.”
I’m still struggling to define the principle that they’re sticking by here. Trans Rights isn’t a principle. It might be a movement or a cause, but what is the basic core principle that it rests on?
Sports in their purest basic form are about competitiveness and fair play. Biological boys competing with girls is about neither.
So what is that core principle that that the Left is willing to fight so hard for.
I’m waiting.
"So what is that core principle that that the Left is willing to fight so hard for."
Core Principle: Whatever MAGA is FOR is what we're AGAINST, no matter how insane a position that may be.
Perhaps the Democratic liar left could pause their leftist in-unison bot-lying ?
It's really Soviet and it's tired and busted.
Breezy said, "Core Principle: Whatever MAGA is FOR is what we're AGAINST, no matter how insane a position that may be."
Ludicrous though it is, that pretty much sums it up. I recommend MAGA adopt the following additional policy priorities:
- Support for raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
- Advocacy for bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
- Funding for wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of MAGA's favorite things.
Republicans are reactionaries. Democrats are contrarians? Let's meet in the middle and conserve our differences. #MAGA
... Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.
These are a few of my favorite things.
n.n said, "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes."
Don't forget snowflakes that stay on your nose and eyelashes. Blammo...democrats will now be in favor of global warming.
Evidently, Democrats are going with “the big lie” on this one. E.g., If they claim the person in the locker room with a dick is a “woman” sooner or later it will be believed.
Behold: The democratic Party - unison club.
I drive a Subaru. I guess, when I get looks from women, it isn't what I thought it was...
There is a certain strategic advantage to an up/down vote on this issue, however, it needed to be a part of a bill democrats couldn't have voted no on. Then come election time make them explain themselves why they voted against "transfreedom". Republicans are so bad at the 'game' aspect of legislation.
The Republicans need to keep pushing issues that are broadly popular with the American people. The Democrats, with their resistance mindset will vote against every reasonable and popular proposal put up for a vote. Keep giving them losing issues to support.
I still remember my first encounter with a Subaru. 1995 ish. It was my project manager's car. I was uncharacteristically effusive in my praise of the design. It even had the Eddie Bauer color scheme. She was a married woman, not that I had any insight into her sexual preferences.
My father, a Marine officer, bought one (the older small Forester), which I still have. Its excellent. I've put an unreasonable amount of money into keeping it in good working order now that it's pushing 200,000 miles.
A year ago I got a lovely black Kia Rio. Her name is Black Beauty. Last week my husband got a bright red Kia K5. Its name is MAGA ("Make Autos Great Again").
Me: Is MAGA a boy car or a girl car?
Him: A boy car.
Me : Then any day now we can expect to find in the garage a little baby car with black and red diagonal stripes.
Democrats stuck to their principles. And if you don't like those, they have others.
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