March 20, 2025

"Democrats did worse in the 2024 election than you think. They completely failed to win over less engaged voters..."

"... who are becoming much more Republican. The higher the turnout, the more these voters show up and the worse it is for Democrats.... Low turnout is now the Democrats’ BFF!... Shor’s analysis... suggests that Trump outright won voters under 30. ... He also finds that Gen Z voters under 25 regardless of race or gender are now more conservative than the corresponding Millennial voters. So much for the Democrats’ generational tsunami. The issue landscape in 2024 was worse than most Democrats thought. The only really important issue Democrats had an advantage on was health care and that advantage was tiny by historical standards. The Democrats did have a large advantage on climate change—but voters don’t really care about the issue.... The way out is not with a feel-good Democratic playbook that leaves Democratic shibboleths intact. That hasn’t worked and it won’t work."

Writes Ruy Teixeira, in "How Deep Is the Hole Democrats Are In? Pretty deep" (Substack).

Shor = David Shor, who explained his findings here:

Here's the Podscribe transcript for that video.


Rabel said...

Klein's voice sounds like he's talking to children.

Peachy said...

The Democrats need to up their RAGE! Domestic Terrorism, Hatred of normal Americans, adoration of illegal non-citizens and non-citizen criminal illegals, and general lying about everything they discuss.

RideSpaceMountain said...

People hate scolds. News at 11.

Kate said...

Of course "engaged" voters, the ones who read mainstream publications, vote Left. It's their bubble. Perversely, they think it's because they're more informed.

rhhardin said...

They should have contributed less to the ASPCA and the World Wildlife Fund and more to Save the Beavers.

n.n said...

A veritable back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP racist and misogynistic... Diverse. Albinophobic, too. Such a "burden" h/t Obama. Abort? Uh, burden. Is the party still viable? A perplexing conception.

Leland said...

That’s the strategy. Insult those that didn’t vote for you as “less engaged”. That will work while you seek your own Joe Rogan. Your own version of X.

n.n said...

They have a blue and polluted sky, a first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate change. And isn't that ironic.

MadisonMan said...

Democrats should, for something like Climate problems, or any pollution problem, couch things in terms of leaving things better for your children. But that should be divorced from talk about Climate Change IMO. There are too many Democrat Party people who want you to change your life and how you live it while they do nothing to change theirs. One of the FB friends I have is very vocal about Climate Change, and extremely dismissive of anyone who questions it. There are four people in that family, and four cars. Hypocrisy is easy to spot.

Big Mike said...

Klein's voice sounds like he's talking to children.

Children, adult Democrats, what’s the difference?

Okay, I can think of one difference. When my 9 month old granddaughter is thwarted she throws a toy. When an adult Democrat is thwarted, he or she throws a Molotov cocktail.

tcrosse said...

Democrats are allowing Trump to dictate their policy positions in a backhanded way. Whatever he's for, they'e against. Whatever he's against, they're for, no matter how ludicrous. All DOGE needs to do is cut federal funding to the Flat Earth Society.

Leland said...

Meanwhile on “The Daily Show”, the more engaged:

n.n said...
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wild chicken said...

GOP won't have Trump's coattails to grab ever again. So everything could change in 2028.

n.n said...

The Democratic Contrarian has a forward-looking view to garner control and parade in a gay kleptocracy acting as a Green blight over land, sea, and air.

Josephbleau said...

Regular democrats are beginning to realize that they are not the ones who are getting the money. A postman who makes 80k and a pension now knows a failed candidate for governor gets to live off the juice of $2 billion government dollars.

RideSpaceMountain said...
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RideSpaceMountain said...


That clip is unreal. I wonder what the audience reaction would be if someone torched their cars while they were attending the daily show? Silly's in NYC. Those people don't own anything.

Jimmy said...

The Democrats have decided, decades ago, that violence is the answer to destroy all of us Nazis. You see it echoed on this board, and everyday on the official propaganda channels.
It will continue until they are stopped. Millions of us are quite ready to do the stopping, and I think it will happen within a year or so.
I hated obama, but never burned down a city. I hated clinton, but never assaulted Dems who were eating dinner. I managed to avoid keying cars with Harris stickers. or assaulting them in parking lots.
Democrats have been doing this for decades. If they want to step it up, as they seem to, it will be very dirty for them.

Kai Akker said...

"recommended by John Judis (full disclosure: Judis was my co-author on Where Have All the Democrats Gone?)"

Fuller disclosure: Judis was Texeira's co-author on The Emerging Democratic Majority.

The rats are really hurrying to get off that sinking ship. Shannon, meet Freud.

Gusty Winds said...

Democrats just showed their hand on global warming by now hating Tesla. They never thought it was real. You're going to give up saving the planet because you now hate Elon Musk?? Besides pushing transgender bullshit, what issues to they own?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Nice juxtaposition of posts.
1. We're hysterical and insane.
2. Here's the political cost.

Eva Marie said...

Religious views weren’t added into the polling mix. Also girl/woman sports wasn’t one of the issues polled.
Which is interesting because if you don’t know a topic is of any importance how would you know to poll that issue?

MadTownGuy said...

My recollection of Ruy Teixeira is that he tried to promote the Party line as a good soldier, until he found that he couldn't do it any more. He and Matt Taibbi are making sense these days.

Big Mike said...

wild chicken said...

GOP won't have Trump's coattails to grab ever again. So everything could change in 2028.

Absolutely correct. Right now a lot of Trump voters are exactly that: Trump voters. Making them into GOP voters will be the task of (1) Mike Johnson and the GOP in the House and Senate, (2) Trump himself, and (3) JD Vance (as Trump’s presumptive heir apparent). Still, having voted for Republican(s) once, and Satan did not appear in a flash of red light and strong odor of brimstone to cart them off for doing so, it will be that much easier to vote Republican in 2026, 2028, 2030, and beyond.

mikee said...

Kamala Harris lost because the Democrat party could not produce tens of millions of ballots via unverifiable mail in vote harvesting, which won the vote for Dementia Joe. Prove me wrong, I'll wait.

stlcdr said...

Listening to the video - the general sense is that voters are the problem; they are just voting wrong!

Just my interpretation, so far.

stlcdr said...

Or, Trump is the problem. Trump seems to be mentioned as the overarching nemesis to democrats as a whole.

Bob Boyd said...

They're still digging.

Rabel said...

"Trump’s approval rating has declined..."

My home page recently changed itself to a straight Yahoo news feed.

The negativity about Trump is unrelenting. The positivity is nonexistent.

It has to have an effect, even if some people simply tire of it all.

The "conservative" alternatives are mostly clickbait trash or never-Trumpers who have been holding back due to Trump's popularity.

Rabel said...

Kai Akker said...

"recommended by John Judis (full disclosure: Judis was my co-author on Where Have All the Democrats Gone?)

Fuller disclosure: Judis was Texeira's co-author on The Emerging Democratic Majority."

Putting the two titles in order of publication is amusing.

Earnest Prole said...

It’s remarkable how competitive Democrats still are given how nasty-bad they’ve screwed the pooch. In 2024 Harris came within 1.5 percent of Trump in the popular vote. In 1972 McGovern lost to Nixon by more than 23 points.

Eva Marie said...

An indicator for where the voters are will be the Judge election in Wisconsin - although I’m completely willing to say it’s not if the Republican loses.

Chick said...

Trump succeeded with a too big to rig voter turnout and he had contingencies on the shelf for what followed. The Dems had nothing but high hopes and arrogance. They have no Plan B.

Iman said...

Earnest holds out hope for the Democrat “Abort our own children. Import hostile immigrants. Disarm ourselves.” Party.

rhhardin said...

Polls are not votes. The sort of opinion held changes, the poll as light as the wind and considered not at all, and the vote as a commitment done in a moment of madness that nevertheless commits you.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Trump The Great And Powerful. Streaming soon!

Achilles said...

Just wait until election integrity reforms go through and voter ID is required in a critical mass of states.

That is when you will see the truth about how many democrat "voters" there are.

Mason G said...
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Achilles said...

Over the next 6 months the small number of violent disgusting thugs that are supporting the violence and terrorism both of the anti-semitic and anti-tesla strains are going to find out just how few friends they have.

They are outing themselves right now laughing at late night propaganda hosts who dutifully keep the hate going.

I doubt this takes a year. People are fed up with this crap and these people including these "Judges" are going to be awakened to their new reality.

They will be lucky to get a job at McDonalds before robots put them out of work.

Mason G said...

"That is when you will see the truth about how many democrat "voters" there are."

Democrats recognize this, which is why they are rabidly opposed to voter ID and election audits.

Skeptical Voter said...

The Dims will keep digging for a while. They'll need to have a 100 per turnover in party leadlership before they can really climb out of the hole.

Peachy said...

In Colorado - The democrats in the state legislature are making crime - legal.
They got rid of cash bonds.
They won't charge for child abuse sex crimes.
They won't help ICE with deportations of criminals
and more! Total radical leftwing Nazism

Peachy said...

These nutters are involved in homicides - and they are not being charged? what?

Peachy said...

Today's civics lesson

gilbar said...

So, the Democrats are now OFFICIALLY, the party of
middle aged, college women..
To be Specific.. the Democrats are no longer the
Affluent White Female Urban Liberals party.. They are now the;
Aged Wealthy Female Urban Liberal party.. The AWFUL party

Jerry said...

Dems promise, but they never deliver. No matter how much is spent, they always need more - and nothing ever really gets done. Things get worse - but that's just an excuse for higher spending on their pet projects, right?

wildswan said...

I notice that Schor keeps talking about how changes on issues in this country which he might be able to explain resemble global changes which he can't explain.

I'll make a proposal. To me it seems that within-family concerns about how each family member is doing entirely eclipse in their strength and stability concerns about politics as such. So polling on what white women of a given age are concerned about for themselves doesn't really catch what white women of a certain age are concerned about in relation to their family - how they see different policies impacting their husband, parents, sons and daughters. This concern can be summed up as "the economy," but the point is the meaning of "the economy" goes beyond money into, if you will, how much money each family member is getting or rather into "how are the kids doing, how's Mom, have you talked to Dad." In short, advocating for men in women's sports and for abortion and for antisemitism and for most Dem policies (and in fact the whole way Dems speak which generally expresses contempt) - none of it fits into the underlying enduring concerns of almost everyone which are concerns about a few people they care about, not just about themselves.

FullMoon said...

Heroic Man caught on camera smearing his own fecal matter on Tesla.

Mason G said...

"Heroic Man caught on camera smearing his own fecal matter on Tesla."

"For one thing, the Democratic turn toward more-educated voters means that the Tea Party’s anti-elitism and anti-intellectualism would be a poor fit for millions of Democrats...." writes David French.

Big Mike said...

I watched roughly the first third of the Klein-Shor podcast but stopped when they expressed puzzlement that in 2024 Trump “ran to his right” on the border, yet increased his share of the Hispanic immigrant vote.

You know, if Democrats could bring themselves to actually listen to voters, they’d realize that the entire Hispanic voting demographic has been telling them for years to lock down the border and keep out the gangbangers. Why? Well, again, if a couple Lefty bubble-dwellers would stop ruminating among themselves and do the research, they’d discover that gangs like Tren de Argua and MS-13 preferentially commit their crimes against working class Hispanics, and they’re not at all happy about it.

I get that listening is something Lefties don’t like to do, but it really does work from time to time.

wendybar said...

Kristen Mag
The Right boycotts by spending money somewhere else.

The Left boycotts by threatening people and burning stuff.

We are not the same.

wendybar said...

They were indoctrinated in public schools to terrorize people if they lose, and to believe in fairy tales like men can be a woman. It's almost like radicals from The Weather Underground were professors and teachers......

rhhardin said...

Belmont Club cites Grok
"Imagine a world where AI exposes corruption or generates real-time, transparent analyses of institutional decisions. This could empower people to question and resist authority, much like how social media today amplifies dissent, but on an exponentially larger scale. We are back in the pre-canonical age. The rule of the educated has been destabilized by the explosion of the knowledge frontiers."

Which seems to me not deep but based entirely on cliches. The machine just makes it more obvious.

wendybar said...

Chucky Schumer threatening Republicans, and sending his attack Act Blue Antifa gangs to Republican townhalls.
Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸
Sen. Chuck Schumer says he’s sending Democrats to threaten Americans:

“We have people going to the Republican districts and going after these Republicans who are voting for this and forcing them to either face — change their vote or face the consequences.”

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry I botched hitting "publish" on the open thread post! It's up now.

rehajm said...

We have people going to the Republican districts and going after these Republicans

We have people? Taxpayer funded thugs? Is that what he means to imply? It sure sounds like what he means to imply…I don’t see how this ends well for the Democrats but especially the thugs. In red places they aren’t backstopped by lawfare judges and prosecutors. There’s still rule of law and people more than willing to serve some up for these hired leftie mobs…

Jersey Fled said...

Tax dollars—>NGO’s—>taxpayer paid thugs

Big Mike said...

Democrats deliberately embracing political violence is not going to help the “less engaged voters” that Shor discovered in his research to flip back to reflexively voting Democrat.

What a message! “Vote for Democrats and get more inflation, political violence, foreign gangbangers, graft, and corruption.” Both parties could run on that slogan.

(And in Schumer’s position I’d be really careful about embracing a guy who covers his hands in his own feces to rub on Teslas. Just sayin’) ;-)

Mr. D said...

RideSpaceMountain said...
People hate scolds. News at 11.

Yep. Especially scolds with episodes of psychosis.

Real American said...

The problem with the climate-change fanatics is what they push is always bad things now (with them in charge and less freedom) in exchange for some amorphous positive benefit in the future that supposedly arrives when we're all dead. It's like the opposite of the national debt which lets us spend money and makes our heirs pay for our debts. They want us to pay now and the benefit probably won't ever come because we've supposedly done too much damage already. It's a tough sell.

It's not like they're cleaning up a polluted lake. It's the invisible molecule that's going to get us if we don't inconvenience ourselves as much as possible.

To make the point, the fanatics' primary method of communicating this, outside of indoctrination in schools, is stopping traffic and destroying priceless works of art. These people are nuts and people have largely caught on.

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