While we were Wednesday morning quarterbacking the SOTU the leftie sanctuary city mayors were coldly and soberly referred to DOJ for their violations of federal immigration law. I think there was some shouting matches but they didn't raise much interest...
It's comforting to know that the 2025 Resistance to Actually Hitler has shown up to defend Our Democracy with some actual weapons in the form of their little paddles that they used to use before the Civil War to signal the auctioneer that they were raising their bid on the negro up for auction ... except now they're placing little slogans on their racism paddles such as "I'm retarded" and "He's retarded" with a little arrow pointing either to the left or right to indicate which seat the retarded person is sitting in.
Good to know that Literally Hitler will soon be forced into his bunker at the Eagles Nest A Lago to suffer an ignominious defeat at the hands of (checks notes) .... Al Green waving his cane at a cloud.
It's been a solid day of no Brightspeed internet, apparently an area-wide failure. No estimate on time to fix. Possibly they're comparing cost of fixing to revenue from DSL subscriptions in the area.
Phone hotspot is a lame substitute owing to usage limits.
I have been repeatedly bringing up in the story of Peyton McNabb in Althouse comment threads. Peyton’s story was among those told by Donald Trump last night in his speech. She was deliberately spiked hard in the face by a biological male during a high school volleyball game — he admitted that he deliberately targeted her, and he laughed when she collapsed unconscious on the floor of the gym.
She should be picking out her prom dress and going around to colleges with her parents. Instead she’s undergoing therapy for the brain damage she suffered.
Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton? Is it jealousy? Are withered old harridans jealous of a pretty, (formerly) intelligent, athletic young woman? The world wonders.
The Dems have made a mistake of historic proportions. No sane person supports men in women’s sports. Trump is a genius by exposing the insanity of the Left.
Peyton exists as a barrier to Democrat power. Therefore, she must be tossed aside for the good of the Democrats in pink, just as they ignored the deaths of Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley.
Only ‘Wrong Track’ has polled better than Trump’s address in the last decade. Unsolicited advice to nitpickers, paddleballers and pimp cane pimps from Pumpkinhead and someone who will never support you: You should stop talking…
Satellites have problems too. Buck and Clay (Limbaugh network) have dropouts around 14:30 each day when the satellite passes close to the equinox sun, on the local radio station. It will fix itself with the time change moving it outside the show's time slot.
O’Reilly tonight: “Trump’s one of the luckiest presidents in U.S. history because his opposition hates him so much that they’re destroying themselves. Hatred will do that to you. You’ll destroy yourself. That’s exactly what’s happening.”
CBS forged Texas Air National Guard memos to try to rig the election for John Kerry in 2004.
CNN convinced 51 current and former CIA and NSA spooks to sign a specifically-worded statement suggesting (but not actually saying) that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" in an attempt to rig the 2024 election.
Neither of these organizations are "news" services. They make up stuff to help the Democrats rig elections and nothing ELSE they report can be relied upon either.
I read “State of Fear” including the epilogue, but I don’t know what that has to do with poll results that neither organization expected would show Trump’s speech was favorable. When CBS and CNN announced Trump won the election, did you not believe them?
"Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton?"
Mike, to understand this, you have to understand women. And no man can do that. So let me help you: Women hate all other women because they are in competition with those women for attention. Women value attention above every other thing, even gold or diamonds.
Feminists are usually older or ugly women, who can no longer attract any attention and see younger women (who can still attract attention) as enemies to destroy by whatever means they can.
This is how women approach death and gravity, which they cannot accept, but which dooms them all at any rate.
A man can be 70 and still attract an 18-year-old supple fertile female. The same cannot be said of any woman. And they know this. And it eats them alive, from the inside.
I should also note my father was one of the people that replaced W when the 147th converted to F-101s, so I knew the truth before people were able to show CBS used fraudulent documents.
"When CBS and CNN announced Trump won the election, did you not believe them?
That's kind if irrelevant, since they don't make those decisions, but if you were in the business of manipulating people, one would of course to further that aim, print true information from time to time that could not otherwise be denied and then claim that you were mere observers, would you not? As a way of trying to "fake" objectivity.
Again, read up on Gell-Mann. You are going through the stages.
@Big Mike: I don’t know any female young or old who doesn’t support biological female only sports divisions. I see the advocates in the news, but I’ve never met one in person.
"Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton? "
It's as David Mamet has said: "In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things."
The modern Progressive Liberal Democrat is trained, above all other things, to observe the Party Line and obey it at all costs - apparently, even if the cost is self-immolation due to the illogical arguments.
I watch Big East basketball via a pirate website that uses a Milwaukee station. Really can’t believe the Supreme Court election advertisements. Bad business! Bad policy!
Remember those from 'Dr Who'? It was bigger in the inside than the outside. And it was "powered by the Transpower System, which charges it whenever it is in Normal Space."
Lem Vibe Bandit: Reminds me of the people who tweeted J. K. Rowling that they'd burned copies of the Harry Potter books. Her reply was something like "Thanks for the money! Buy it to read or buy it to burn, I get the same royalties either way."
I don't remember if I posted this. I collect stuff like this to later post here but sometimes I just have enough time to go to bed early so I can get up early. If I posted this before I apologize.
Via Reddit: "A psycho tried to stab multiple people in Boston but was stopped when a cop shot him dead. Boston officials then went on TV to offer condolences… to the attacker"
"If you think CBS and CNN are manipulating polls that make Trump look good, then you are the one suffering amnesia, period."
I don't care what they're doing. I pay no attention to them, since I know what they are and how they have manipulated people in the past. I pay zero attention to them when what they do seems in the abstract to support something I care about, or when they oppose my aims.
They are not honest brokers. Therefore they are untrustworthy in all aspects. ALL of them. If they temporarily position themselves on my side, I'm smart enough to realize that is temporary and only for their own objectives.
Credibility can only be spent once. They spent theirs.
FormerLawClerk ?? I'll type this S L O W L Y, so that MAYBE you will understand.. If you've lost both CBS and CNN.. You've lost the left.. I don't expect you to understand, because you seem willfully ignorant; but there it is: IF both CBS and CNN say Trump won.. Then Trump won BIGLY
I'm trying to process the idea that the Democrats sitting on their hands all night, even when it was about children surviving cancer, was "disrespectful'?
I guess I'm of two minds right now. One hand, other hand. Neither here nor there.
Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble.
It's tax season again. I expect most of you pay someone -- quite a bit, actually -- to do your taxes, and they file them electronically. I want to suggest that you do what I do; file your taxes yourself, on paper. I have always done this, because I am a computer programmer, and I am damned if I will pay someone a thousand dollars to do what I can do myself; follow a meaningless algorithm to its logical conclusion. But lately, I have been noticing that the IRS is simply unable to respond in a timely fashion. I am still exchanging paper mail with them about my 2023 return, which they hosed up completely. I believe that if enough people file on paper, we can perform what amounts to a paper Denial-Of-Service attack on the IRS. Bring them to their knees, and then whack them on the back of the neck. Combined with the extreme antipathy that many Trump appointees feel towards the IRS and the insanely complicated tax code, this is a chance to bring about the complete abolishment, or at least a massive simplification, of a system that has become increasingly burdensome and irrational. Shove your return down their throat. Let 'em gag on it.
Tariffs THEY ARE THE GREATEST, farmers love em,,they are the best..lets do a 1 month exemption. The scam isay I will put tariffs on you you say what can I do for you and voila exemption,They are so great why exemptions> Only took 24 hours this time to do the exemption scam. This guy just wants tax breaks and then extend golf time to 60 % of presidency instead of th enow 35% and then reap th eharvest from white house home shopping network..Tariffs are the greatest. i KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM i ... This fella has no need to deal with voters ,hes out at 82 and just racking u the coin!
If a man who was in the 90th percentile, who finished 5th in a race being behind by minutes or seconds, who jumped, threw, or lifted 95% of what the 1st place male did, fully transitions to a female shouldn't he be in the same relative position to the top females?
If he isn't, then he either didn't fully transition or it's impossible for any man to transition and compete fairly. Either one of which makes the position that trans-women should compete in women's sports a ludicrous idea. This is obvious to those who oppose trans-women in women's sports.
Also how come all the trans-women end up at the top of pyramid? Do any men transition to get from the middle of the field to get to the mid upper half? If men transitioning was not just to become the top women's athletes, then you would see some who transition to the less prestigious tenth place finishes.
This is why it's an 80-20 issue. It makes no sense. I have to believe that the Democrats base their issues not on rational thought but on blind irrational opposition to the any idea other side may hold.
Canada says" The USA's stock market is crashing so badly, it's almost as if the country is being run by someone who went bankrupt 6 times. Trudeau is great at stand up voulez vous couchez avec moi.
"I have been repeatedly bringing up in the story of Peyton McNabb in Althouse comment threads." Well. You don't have to be a female forced to play against men to get injured in sports. Look at football. But it is noteworthy that men don't play collegiate volleyball. Presumably because volleyball with men is more dangerous than professional hockey. So, injecting men into women's volleyball is authorizing men to maim women. Sounds like something a Democrat could get behind.
Just now I've been reading a book about the Famine Years in Ireland. I never even heard of it while growing up. I don't suppose anyone every carried forward a memory of those years. Lots of memories and songs about betrayals and failed rebellions, but, the potato famine was not part of anyone's memory. From what I've read it was ghastly, and I presume people who survived did things that they'd just as soon forget.....The ultimate culprit besides British Imperialism was the ideology of the time. They didn't want to mess with laissez-faire capitalism......In our own time, there have been several horrendous famines. They were caused by collective farms. Collective farms were one of the really bad ideas of the twentieth century and perhaps caused more deaths than laissez faire capitalism.......Like the Potato Famine, the plight of those millions who starved on collective farms has never been recorded in song or story.
yup and the trumpers and the occult followers,,russia used to be the bad guy! The Kremlin says that American & Russian visions are now aligned. 80 years of hawkish foreign policy upended in a mere 6 weeks. You aint seen nothing yet, voting with Russia against Ukraine, no concession for Putin only Ukraine, extortion for minerals fuk art 5 and NATO. Fuk shared inteeligence,just get rid of that What do you think Ronnie? NEW ALLIANCE Russia,China, and the despots around the world ..beautiful MERIKA!
I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to get a movie made or a novel published, you would do better to detail the plight of a transgendered person rather than, say, the plight of someone like Peyton McNabb. Curious what excites the creative mind.
But it is noteworthy that men don't play collegiate volleyball.
I live in the hotbed of college volleyball - Southern California, not only do men play but their games get significant attendance. CSULB vs UCLA or Hawaii or UCI routinely will sell out the 4,000 seat Walter Pyramid. BYU home games are packed. The championship sold out Pauley Pavilion last year. I usually catch a couple of games a year from CSULB, UCLA, UCI, and Pepperdine, it's a fast exciting sport to watch. You can catch it on ESPN
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not open to lifting Canada’s full package of retaliatory tariffs if US President Donald Trump leaves any tariffs on Canada in place, according to a senior Canadian government official.
Trudeau’s government is cool to the idea of a “middle ground” settlement in the trade war floated by US Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick. In particular, any scenario where Canada has to fully rescind its retaliatory tariffs in return for a partial rollback of American tariffs will be rejected by the Canadian prime minister, said the official, speaking on condition they not be identified.
Trudeau won the Tariff battle, so why should he not demand a return to the existing treaty?
And in just one day, Trump's illegal tariff declariation, gasoline retail prices jumped 25%. There is no emergency condition to solve with the Canadians. Forty-six pounds of fentenal doesn't cut it folks and less than one percent of our alien immigrants came here by crossing our Northern border.
"and I am damned if I will pay someone a thousand dollars to do what I can do myself"
I pay someone to do my taxes because the last time I did my own, it took me twice as long as I would have had to work at my job to earn the money to pay for having someone else do it.
"A man can be 70 and still attract an 18-year-old supple fertile female. The same cannot be said of any woman. And they know this. And it eats them alive, from the inside." Hmmm... speaking as a 70-year-old man, I'm going to say, that if some "18-year-old supple fertile female" were to express an attraction for me (unlikely as that seems), it would be incumbent upon me to tell her to go find some young stud to raise a family with. Where do you get this garbage?
It does seem, that aging is harder on women than it is on men. It strikes them harder, and faster. Which is, perhaps, why traditional society guided them to do what they do best, when they are best at it. But the biological reality is that biology doesn't need most of us, at all. Twenty generations of massive reproductive success can be wiped out by one tsunami. It's a jungle.
"And in just one day, Trump's illegal tariff declariation, gasoline retail prices jumped 25%."
What a load of crap. From msn.com:
Gas prices increased again on Wednesday, marking the third straight day of increases at the pumps. The new national average for regular gas rose to $3.205 per gallon, according to AAA. This represents an increase of more than three cents since Monday, when gas was $3.174 per gallon.
Going from $3.174 to $3.205 is a little over 1%. You're an idiot.
"not only do men play but their games get significant attendance." Really. I was under the impression that volleyball was one of those bogus women's "sports" that the universities had added in response to Title IX, so that they could continue to coin money with men's sports. I stand corrected. But then explain to me, why don't the men all have brain damage from each others' high-speed spikes? Are men better at dodging? Or just tougher?
"Trudeau won the Tariff battle, so why should he not demand a return to the existing treaty?" Good point. Plus, I understand that Chrystia Freeland is ginning up an alliance with the Brits to nuke us. Really, gadfly, your best bet is to move to Canada while you still can. It's not looking good for us dead-enders here in the USA. Go North, young man! Hurry!
"I pay someone to do my taxes because the last time I did my own, it took me twice as long as I would have had to work at my job to earn the money to pay for having someone else do it." Yeah, my taxes once took about an hour, but since I got investments it has become insane. But I am not saying it is easier for you, I am saying it is harder for them. War! But, if you prefer, go ahead. Quisle.
"Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble." Yeah, I worry about that too. Imagine if they had been running something besides Harris/Walz. It was a damned near-run thing. So what are you thinking? Camps?
Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble.
They are also urban rabbit-people who produce nothing more tangible than flowery words and are unable to change a flat tire. Physical cowards who have never been in a fistfight and don't know what end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Lotus-eaters who consider intentions and emotions and motivations more important than quantifiable results.
If push comes to shove, and the urbanites revolt against Middle America, they will not just lose, but be utterly wiped out.
Not to pick on you, Jupiter, but an individual who passed through puberty as a biological male will, on average, have more muscle mass, and be taller, have wider shoulders, and be stronger, quicker, and faster than a person who passed through puberty as a biological female. It’s called sexual dimorphism, and our species has it.
You all speak about a broken immigration system and yet here you guys are aiding and abetting in that entire process…I do not think you guys are bad people but I think you are ideologically misled which is why, unfortunately based on your responses, I’m going to be criminally referring you to the Department of Justice for investigation, and as soon as I leave here, these will be going over to Pam Bondi
The Truth Commotion A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker a raving lunatic.
Women have a biological limit on their reproduction. It's puberty to menopause. A woman's lost 90% of her eggs by age 30 and 99% of them by age 40. When she hits menopause (45 to 55), she can't reproduce at all.
A man has no biological limit on his reproduction. It's puberty to death. .
Biological difference and human reproduction is why it's usually a man who is a "cradle robber" and a woman who is a "gold digger."
The French have a rule: a man should divide his age in half, and then add 7 years to that number. That is a good biological age for a wife.
Man 30, wife 22 Man 40, wife 27 Man 50, wife 32 Man 60, wife 37
Typically, women prefer older, richer men to younger, poorer men. A man in his 20s might have zero net wealth, while a man in his 40s might have enough to buy a house outright. Men, meanwhile, prefer hot, younger women. Whether it's conscious or subconscious, these are breeding strategies.
I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to get a movie made or a novel published, you would do better to detail the plight of a transgendered person rather than, say, the plight of someone like Peyton McNabb. Curious what excites the creative mind.
It's not the "creative mind" that decides what books will be published and what movies will be made. Creative people write the books and make the movies. But it's the finance people who make the calls. And the left has a near-monopoly on creative finance.
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While we were Wednesday morning quarterbacking the SOTU the leftie sanctuary city mayors were coldly and soberly referred to DOJ for their violations of federal immigration law. I think there was some shouting matches but they didn't raise much interest...
It's comforting to know that the 2025 Resistance to Actually Hitler has shown up to defend Our Democracy with some actual weapons in the form of their little paddles that they used to use before the Civil War to signal the auctioneer that they were raising their bid on the negro up for auction ... except now they're placing little slogans on their racism paddles such as "I'm retarded" and "He's retarded" with a little arrow pointing either to the left or right to indicate which seat the retarded person is sitting in.
Good to know that Literally Hitler will soon be forced into his bunker at the Eagles Nest A Lago to suffer an ignominious defeat at the hands of (checks notes) .... Al Green waving his cane at a cloud.
Interesting that both CBS and CNN conducted polls on Trump’s speech that showed over 2/3rd approval of what Trump had to say. That’s very impressive.
It's been a solid day of no Brightspeed internet, apparently an area-wide failure. No estimate on time to fix. Possibly they're comparing cost of fixing to revenue from DSL subscriptions in the area.
Phone hotspot is a lame substitute owing to usage limits.
Starlink is working.
I have been repeatedly bringing up in the story of Peyton McNabb in Althouse comment threads. Peyton’s story was among those told by Donald Trump last night in his speech. She was deliberately spiked hard in the face by a biological male during a high school volleyball game — he admitted that he deliberately targeted her, and he laughed when she collapsed unconscious on the floor of the gym.
She should be picking out her prom dress and going around to colleges with her parents. Instead she’s undergoing therapy for the brain damage she suffered.
Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton? Is it jealousy? Are withered old harridans jealous of a pretty, (formerly) intelligent, athletic young woman? The world wonders.
Big Mike:
The Dems have made a mistake of historic proportions. No sane person supports men in women’s sports. Trump is a genius by exposing the insanity of the Left.
Peyton exists as a barrier to Democrat power. Therefore, she must be tossed aside for the good of the Democrats in pink, just as they ignored the deaths of Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley.
Only ‘Wrong Track’ has polled better than Trump’s address in the last decade. Unsolicited advice to nitpickers, paddleballers and pimp cane pimps from Pumpkinhead and someone who will never support you: You should stop talking…
If Trump were to sign an EO that the world is round, the Dems would insist it was flat. Hate makes them stupid.
Satellites have problems too. Buck and Clay (Limbaugh network) have dropouts around 14:30 each day when the satellite passes close to the equinox sun, on the local radio station. It will fix itself with the time change moving it outside the show's time slot.
O’Reilly tonight: “Trump’s one of the luckiest presidents in U.S. history because his opposition hates him so much that they’re destroying themselves. Hatred will do that to you. You’ll destroy yourself. That’s exactly what’s happening.”
@Leland "both CBS and CNN"
CBS forged Texas Air National Guard memos to try to rig the election for John Kerry in 2004.
CNN convinced 51 current and former CIA and NSA spooks to sign a specifically-worded statement suggesting (but not actually saying) that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" in an attempt to rig the 2024 election.
Neither of these organizations are "news" services. They make up stuff to help the Democrats rig elections and nothing ELSE they report can be relied upon either.
You should Google "Gell-Mann syndrome."
I read “State of Fear” including the epilogue, but I don’t know what that has to do with poll results that neither organization expected would show Trump’s speech was favorable. When CBS and CNN announced Trump won the election, did you not believe them?
@Big Mike who wonders:
"Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton?"
Mike, to understand this, you have to understand women. And no man can do that. So let me help you: Women hate all other women because they are in competition with those women for attention. Women value attention above every other thing, even gold or diamonds.
Feminists are usually older or ugly women, who can no longer attract any attention and see younger women (who can still attract attention) as enemies to destroy by whatever means they can.
This is how women approach death and gravity, which they cannot accept, but which dooms them all at any rate.
A man can be 70 and still attract an 18-year-old supple fertile female. The same cannot be said of any woman. And they know this. And it eats them alive, from the inside.
Is this starting to make some sense, Mike?
I should also note my father was one of the people that replaced W when the 147th converted to F-101s, so I knew the truth before people were able to show CBS used fraudulent documents.
[Trump's] opposition hates him so much that they’re destroying themselves
"When CBS and CNN announced Trump won the election, did you not believe them?
That's kind if irrelevant, since they don't make those decisions, but if you were in the business of manipulating people, one would of course to further that aim, print true information from time to time that could not otherwise be denied and then claim that you were mere observers, would you not? As a way of trying to "fake" objectivity.
Again, read up on Gell-Mann. You are going through the stages.
@Big Mike: I don’t know any female young or old who doesn’t support biological female only sports divisions. I see the advocates in the news, but I’ve never met one in person.
"Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton? "
It's as David Mamet has said: "In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things."
The modern Progressive Liberal Democrat is trained, above all other things, to observe the Party Line and obey it at all costs - apparently, even if the cost is self-immolation due to the illogical arguments.
I’ll be more diplomatic. If you think CBS and CNN are manipulating polls that make Trump look good, then you are the one suffering amnesia, period.
I watch Big East basketball via a pirate website that uses a Milwaukee station. Really can’t believe the Supreme Court election advertisements. Bad business! Bad policy!
Via Reddit: Asian gal lives in her own TARDIS
Remember those from 'Dr Who'? It was bigger in the inside than the outside. And it was "powered by the Transpower System, which charges it whenever it is in Normal Space."
"Can someone explain to me why mature females who think of themselves as feminists can not, and will not, support a young female athlete like Peyton?"
Because they've taken much more through feminism than they've given up to transgenderism.
I don't much about economics but these videos of people in Canada purporting to take American goods off the shelves. Aren't they absorbing a big loss? For what?
Stupidity is going to convince me of what?
Lem Vibe Bandit:
Reminds me of the people who tweeted J. K. Rowling that they'd burned copies of the Harry Potter books. Her reply was something like "Thanks for the money! Buy it to read or buy it to burn, I get the same royalties either way."
I don't remember if I posted this. I collect stuff like this to later post here but sometimes I just have enough time to go to bed early so I can get up early. If I posted this before I apologize.
Via Reddit: "A psycho tried to stab multiple people in Boston but was stopped when a cop shot him dead. Boston officials then went on TV to offer condolences… to the attacker"
link to video
"If you think CBS and CNN are manipulating polls that make Trump look good, then you are the one suffering amnesia, period."
I don't care what they're doing. I pay no attention to them, since I know what they are and how they have manipulated people in the past. I pay zero attention to them when what they do seems in the abstract to support something I care about, or when they oppose my aims.
They are not honest brokers. Therefore they are untrustworthy in all aspects. ALL of them. If they temporarily position themselves on my side, I'm smart enough to realize that is temporary and only for their own objectives.
Credibility can only be spent once. They spent theirs.
FormerLawClerk ??
I'll type this S L O W L Y, so that MAYBE you will understand..
If you've lost both CBS and CNN.. You've lost the left..
I don't expect you to understand, because you seem willfully ignorant;
but there it is:
IF both CBS and CNN say Trump won.. Then Trump won BIGLY
I'm trying to process the idea that the Democrats sitting on their hands all night, even when it was about children surviving cancer, was "disrespectful'?
I guess I'm of two minds right now. One hand, other hand. Neither here nor there.
"IF both CBS and CNN say Trump won. Then Trump won BIGLY."
If you believe CBS and CNN in this ... then you will believe them in the other. You see them as worthy of belief.
I know they are not worthy of belief in any event and they want you to believe them now so they can mislead you later.
They are not honest narrators whether they are supporting your cause or not.
Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble.
It's tax season again. I expect most of you pay someone -- quite a bit, actually -- to do your taxes, and they file them electronically. I want to suggest that you do what I do; file your taxes yourself, on paper. I have always done this, because I am a computer programmer, and I am damned if I will pay someone a thousand dollars to do what I can do myself; follow a meaningless algorithm to its logical conclusion. But lately, I have been noticing that the IRS is simply unable to respond in a timely fashion. I am still exchanging paper mail with them about my 2023 return, which they hosed up completely. I believe that if enough people file on paper, we can perform what amounts to a paper Denial-Of-Service attack on the IRS. Bring them to their knees, and then whack them on the back of the neck. Combined with the extreme antipathy that many Trump appointees feel towards the IRS and the insanely complicated tax code, this is a chance to bring about the complete abolishment, or at least a massive simplification, of a system that has become increasingly burdensome and irrational. Shove your return down their throat. Let 'em gag on it.
Tariffs THEY ARE THE GREATEST, farmers love em,,they are the best..lets do a 1 month exemption. The scam isay I will put tariffs on you you say what can I do for you and voila exemption,They are so great why exemptions> Only took 24 hours this time to do the exemption scam. This guy just wants tax breaks and then extend golf time to 60 % of presidency instead of th enow 35% and then reap th eharvest from white house home shopping network..Tariffs are the greatest. i KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM i ... This fella has no need to deal with voters ,hes out at 82 and just racking u the coin!
If a man who was in the 90th percentile, who finished 5th in a race being behind by minutes or seconds, who jumped, threw, or lifted 95% of what the 1st place male did, fully transitions to a female shouldn't he be in the same relative position to the top females?
If he isn't, then he either didn't fully transition or it's impossible for any man to transition and compete fairly. Either one of which makes the position that trans-women should compete in women's sports a ludicrous idea. This is obvious to those who oppose trans-women in women's sports.
Also how come all the trans-women end up at the top of pyramid? Do any men transition to get from the middle of the field to get to the mid upper half? If men transitioning was not just to become the top women's athletes, then you would see some who transition to the less prestigious tenth place finishes.
This is why it's an 80-20 issue. It makes no sense. I have to believe that the Democrats base their issues not on rational thought but on blind irrational opposition to the any idea other side may hold.
Canada says" The USA's stock market is crashing so badly, it's almost as if the country is being run by someone who went bankrupt 6 times. Trudeau is great at stand up voulez vous couchez avec moi.
"I have been repeatedly bringing up in the story of Peyton McNabb in Althouse comment threads."
Well. You don't have to be a female forced to play against men to get injured in sports. Look at football. But it is noteworthy that men don't play collegiate volleyball. Presumably because volleyball with men is more dangerous than professional hockey. So, injecting men into women's volleyball is authorizing men to maim women. Sounds like something a Democrat could get behind.
Just now I've been reading a book about the Famine Years in Ireland. I never even heard of it while growing up. I don't suppose anyone every carried forward a memory of those years. Lots of memories and songs about betrayals and failed rebellions, but, the potato famine was not part of anyone's memory. From what I've read it was ghastly, and I presume people who survived did things that they'd just as soon forget.....The ultimate culprit besides British Imperialism was the ideology of the time. They didn't want to mess with laissez-faire capitalism......In our own time, there have been several horrendous famines. They were caused by collective farms. Collective farms were one of the really bad ideas of the twentieth century and perhaps caused more deaths than laissez faire capitalism.......Like the Potato Famine, the plight of those millions who starved on collective farms has never been recorded in song or story.
yup and the trumpers and the occult followers,,russia used to be the bad guy! The Kremlin says that American & Russian visions are now aligned. 80 years of hawkish foreign policy upended in a mere 6 weeks. You aint seen nothing yet, voting with Russia against Ukraine, no concession for Putin only Ukraine, extortion for minerals fuk art 5 and NATO. Fuk shared inteeligence,just get rid of that What do you think Ronnie? NEW ALLIANCE Russia,China, and the despots around the world ..beautiful MERIKA!
But it is noteworthy that men don't play collegiate volleyball.
They most certainly do.
I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to get a movie made or a novel published, you would do better to detail the plight of a transgendered person rather than, say, the plight of someone like Peyton McNabb. Curious what excites the creative mind.
But it is noteworthy that men don't play collegiate volleyball.
I live in the hotbed of college volleyball - Southern California, not only do men play but their games get significant attendance. CSULB vs UCLA or Hawaii or UCI routinely will sell out the 4,000 seat Walter Pyramid. BYU home games are packed. The championship sold out Pauley Pavilion last year. I usually catch a couple of games a year from CSULB, UCLA, UCI, and Pepperdine, it's a fast exciting sport to watch. You can catch it on ESPN
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not open to lifting Canada’s full package of retaliatory tariffs if US President Donald Trump leaves any tariffs on Canada in place, according to a senior Canadian government official.
Trudeau’s government is cool to the idea of a “middle ground” settlement in the trade war floated by US Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick. In particular, any scenario where Canada has to fully rescind its retaliatory tariffs in return for a partial rollback of American tariffs will be rejected by the Canadian prime minister, said the official, speaking on condition they not be identified.
Trudeau won the Tariff battle, so why should he not demand a return to the existing treaty?
And in just one day, Trump's illegal tariff declariation, gasoline retail prices jumped 25%. There is no emergency condition to solve with the Canadians. Forty-six pounds of fentenal doesn't cut it folks and less than one percent of our alien immigrants came here by crossing our Northern border.
So, is the 6% drop in DJIA in early December better or worse than the 3% drop these last 2 weeks? Libs are so ignorant.
"and I am damned if I will pay someone a thousand dollars to do what I can do myself"
I pay someone to do my taxes because the last time I did my own, it took me twice as long as I would have had to work at my job to earn the money to pay for having someone else do it.
@ Gadfly
Then move to Canada and stfu.
"A man can be 70 and still attract an 18-year-old supple fertile female. The same cannot be said of any woman. And they know this. And it eats them alive, from the inside."
Hmmm... speaking as a 70-year-old man, I'm going to say, that if some "18-year-old supple fertile female" were to express an attraction for me (unlikely as that seems), it would be incumbent upon me to tell her to go find some young stud to raise a family with. Where do you get this garbage?
I usually catch a couple of games a year from CSULB, UCLA, UCI, and Pepperdine, it's a fast exciting sport to watch.
Seconded. And so much better since the game went to rally scoring.
It does seem, that aging is harder on women than it is on men. It strikes them harder, and faster. Which is, perhaps, why traditional society guided them to do what they do best, when they are best at it. But the biological reality is that biology doesn't need most of us, at all. Twenty generations of massive reproductive success can be wiped out by one tsunami. It's a jungle.
"And in just one day, Trump's illegal tariff declariation, gasoline retail prices jumped 25%."
What a load of crap. From msn.com:
Gas prices increased again on Wednesday, marking the third straight day of increases at the pumps. The new national average for regular gas rose to $3.205 per gallon, according to AAA. This represents an increase of more than three cents since Monday, when gas was $3.174 per gallon.
Going from $3.174 to $3.205 is a little over 1%. You're an idiot.
"not only do men play but their games get significant attendance."
Really. I was under the impression that volleyball was one of those bogus women's "sports" that the universities had added in response to Title IX, so that they could continue to coin money with men's sports. I stand corrected. But then explain to me, why don't the men all have brain damage from each others' high-speed spikes? Are men better at dodging? Or just tougher?
"Trudeau won the Tariff battle, so why should he not demand a return to the existing treaty?"
Good point. Plus, I understand that Chrystia Freeland is ginning up an alliance with the Brits to nuke us. Really, gadfly, your best bet is to move to Canada while you still can. It's not looking good for us dead-enders here in the USA. Go North, young man! Hurry!
"I pay someone to do my taxes because the last time I did my own, it took me twice as long as I would have had to work at my job to earn the money to pay for having someone else do it."
Yeah, my taxes once took about an hour, but since I got investments it has become insane. But I am not saying it is easier for you, I am saying it is harder for them. War! But, if you prefer, go ahead. Quisle.
You can file a paper return even if someone else prepares it for you, you know.
"Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble."
Yeah, I worry about that too. Imagine if they had been running something besides Harris/Walz. It was a damned near-run thing.
So what are you thinking? Camps?
Crazy or not, the Resistance represented by the Dems last night is composed of at least 75 million people. Some are quite intelligent . That's an awful lot of potential trouble.
They are also urban rabbit-people who produce nothing more tangible than flowery words and are unable to change a flat tire. Physical cowards who have never been in a fistfight and don't know what end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Lotus-eaters who consider intentions and emotions and motivations more important than quantifiable results.
If push comes to shove, and the urbanites revolt against Middle America, they will not just lose, but be utterly wiped out.
Jupiter said...
But then explain to me, why don't the men all have brain damage from each others' high-speed spikes? Are men better at dodging? Or just tougher?
Men have faster reaction speeds on average. More grey matter in the nervous system and fast twitch muscle fibers. Also much higher bone density.
When you are training women to fight you just have to hold back because they have slower reactions.
For the recently interested but desperately seeking a talking point: Historically, equity market pullbacks of 10% happen 2x-3x a year…
Where do you get this garbage?
@Jupiter (10:57), go look up the story Anna Nicole Smith (who was, granted, 27 when she married). Or, from another angle, look up Hugh Hefner.
Not to pick on you, Jupiter, but an individual who passed through puberty as a biological male will, on average, have more muscle mass, and be taller, have wider shoulders, and be stronger, quicker, and faster than a person who passed through puberty as a biological female. It’s called sexual dimorphism, and our species has it.
I caught the commitment to refer the leftie mayors to DOJ. The best was the bit of pity: I don’t think you’re bad people…
You all speak about a broken immigration system and yet here you guys are aiding and abetting in that entire process…I do not think you guys are bad people but I think you are ideologically misled which is why, unfortunately based on your responses, I’m going to be criminally referring you to the Department of Justice for investigation, and as soon as I leave here, these will be going over to Pam Bondi
They should and likely will be prosecuted…
I can’t speak for the others but Michelle Wu is just a bad person. Petty, vindictive, a bit of the sociopath…
The Truth Commotion
A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker a raving lunatic.
– Dresden James
I'm on another roll.....Wordle in 2 again!!!
Credibility can only be spent once. They spent theirs.
Well sure, but you found an interesting way to waste yours.
Where do you get this garbage?
You don't believe in biological sex difference?
Women have a biological limit on their reproduction. It's puberty to menopause. A woman's lost 90% of her eggs by age 30 and 99% of them by age 40. When she hits menopause (45 to 55), she can't reproduce at all.
A man has no biological limit on his reproduction. It's puberty to death. .
Biological difference and human reproduction is why it's usually a man who is a "cradle robber" and a woman who is a "gold digger."
The French have a rule: a man should divide his age in half, and then add 7 years to that number. That is a good biological age for a wife.
Man 30, wife 22
Man 40, wife 27
Man 50, wife 32
Man 60, wife 37
Typically, women prefer older, richer men to younger, poorer men. A man in his 20s might have zero net wealth, while a man in his 40s might have enough to buy a house outright. Men, meanwhile, prefer hot, younger women. Whether it's conscious or subconscious, these are breeding strategies.
I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to get a movie made or a novel published, you would do better to detail the plight of a transgendered person rather than, say, the plight of someone like Peyton McNabb. Curious what excites the creative mind.
It's not the "creative mind" that decides what books will be published and what movies will be made. Creative people write the books and make the movies. But it's the finance people who make the calls. And the left has a near-monopoly on creative finance.
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