February 2, 2025

"We pay hundreds of Billions of Dollars to SUBSIDIZE Canada. Why? There is no reason. We don’t need anything they have."

"We have unlimited Energy, should make our own Cars, and have more Lumber than we can ever use. Without this massive subsidy, Canada ceases to exist as a viable Country. Harsh but true! Therefore, Canada should become our Cherished 51st State. Much lower taxes, and far better military protection for the people of Canada — AND NO TARIFFS!"

Writes President Trump, at Truth Social.

I like how he capitalized all the C words — Canada, Cars, Country, Cherished.

AND: There's one question — and I've raised it before — which is why would Canada be only one state? Why not 2... or 10... or more? The answer is: California. As long as California is only one state, Canada will have to be restricted to oneness. 

Now, you might think Canada is much bigger, but what is the relevant bigness? If land were to be the measure, one could argue that Canada deserves to be 50 or more states. It is larger than all of the current 50 states put together. But land is not the measure.

So, let's look at population. Canada has a population of 41 million. That's larger than California's population — which is 39 million — but not by all that much. Certainly, not enough to make Canada into 2 states while California remains stuck at one. And I bet if Canada became a state, a lot of Canadians would move down into the old United States. We the people of the 51 states would flow all over the gigantic territory. We'll  see how that resettles the territory. Perhaps — especially if global warming unfolds as predicted — we will be moving northward.

We'll see, but my "Unfair to California" is the argument to beat if you want to let Canada be more than one state. And let's not forget economic size. California — with a gross state product of $4 trillion — far outstrips Canada — with a gross domestic product of $2 trillion.

Maybe California could be split into 2 states in the big transaction, but I'm not seeing that. Texas will say "Unfair to Texas," and if Texas were made into 2 states, Florida would say "Unfair to Florida," and right on down the line. We'd end up redrawing all the state boundaries, and we'd lose too much meaning. Wouldn't we?


Leland said...

We don’t need another welfare state full of progressives.

n.n said...

This speaks to the progress of equitable rather than equal responsibility, at a time when diverse governments, the Canadian government, has deplored their citizens and placed them second.

mezzrow said...

Nobody's production sounded better than The Association. Love that sound.
Quick! Listen now before the tariff goes up on this Canadian product.
The Guess Who - American Woman (Official Audio)

Quaestor said...

Cherish is an adjective?

Robert Cook said...

I'm waiting for Trump to provide a lengthy and itemized document showing all the "hundreds of Billions of Dollars to SUBSIDIZE Canada" each year.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The pie is never big enough. Nothing is more American than that. Don’t want to shrink it? Grow it then.

Big Mike said...

We don’t want or need Ontario, Quebec, or the Maritime Provinces. Or New England, for that matter.

Dude1394 said...

I'm not sure that our government can handle what we have now. But in general I am always for growth.

Ann Althouse said...

"Cherish is an adjective?"

It means somewhat Cher.

Lazarus said...

Don, it's time for the swerve. You raise the question, then use it at the negotiating table to get what you want. You don't let it snowball into a major crisis and war.

Sally327 said...

There are many places in the US, major cities, that are pretty much ungovernable they're so f*cked up, the last thing we need is more territory to worry about. This is why it's so difficult to take him seriously.

victoria said...

Lies, lies and more lies, DJT. Shame.

victoria said...

He can't, because it's a lie.

victoria said...

Mezzrow, the sound is actually the Wrecking Crew... look it up. the group never played on their own records.

Mason G said...

The left is a herd of cats and Trump is the guy with the laser pointer.

Big Mike said...

Yup. Everybody lies but Cookie and Icky.Vicki.

Lazarus said...

I understand Trump's concern, but let's say Studebaker is going out of business because they can't make a profit with the US costs for labor and other necessities. They have to close their US plants, but they continue to make cars in Canada and import them to the states (something like this happened in the 60s). Who's subsidizing whom? The Canadians get the jobs, and the US gets the cars and the corporate profits (it didn't save Studebaker, though). Yes, US corporations got carried away with offshoring, but the distance between South Bend and Hamilton isn't like that between Detroit and Beijing or Shanghai.

Big Mike said...

@Mason G., I’m sorry, friend, but I gotta steal that!

n.n said...

Trump plays poker, while others play go fish.

NKP said...

Good one :-)

doctrev said...

Canada isn't a real country, and trying hard to be an enemy of the United States is going to be really bad for Canadians who have to put up with their idiot government. I'm surprised Canadian corporations are even letting the Liberals go without calling an election, but then quite a few of them are also consumed by TDS.

victoria said...

No, Doc, its more like TIS Trump idiocy Syndrome.

NKP said...

Much of my BMW was assembled in South Africa

Drago said...

In energy alone, Canada has year over year been handed the gift of appoximately $135Billion in trade surplus while the New Soviet Democraticals restrict and hinder US production which could easily be expanded to make up this difference.

Idiot victoria can return now to her blissful Slumber Of The Morons.

And the same dynamics exist with other commodities and ChiCom goods funnelled thru Canada into the US.

I would suggest victoria and cookie try and keep up with trade policy related to de minimus packages, which is now officially cut off (packages supposedly worth less than $800 that go thru customs without description nor inspection) and were estimated to be at a billion in volume for 2025, but that is quite beyond both of them.

Those packages are now dead in the water and will not be allowed in.

For Althouse readers just tuning in, once you realize the Althouse lefties want the US at significant and permanrnt trade disadvantages with its "allies" and others, all their commentary makes perfect sense.

Peachy said...

Vic - how do you know?

Drago said...

So, just suck up the permanent disadvantage, dont make waves, and allow the trade policies/results to remain unbalanced.

AMDG said...

A trade deficit is not a subsidy.

Tariffs are economically destructive. See Smoot-Hawley and its role in the Great Depression.

Trump has the same economic savvy of an 18th-19th century despot.

Just stupid.

JAORE said...

When Trump re-did NAFTA there was doom and gloom predicted. Didn't happen. Trump imposes some tariffs in his first term.... doom and gloom didn't happen (and the tariffs were left in place).
So my question re: NAFTA, was the US getting screwed by NAFTA? In hindsight, and aftert years of experience, the answer was yes.
Are our current agreements with Canada (or Mexico) fair to the US? If the answer is no, go forward Mr. Trump. (One assumes the issue can be decided w/o TDS slant.) If the answer is (even) close to fair, then consider the fentynol and illegals issue. Are our trading partners doing a reasonable effort at blocking the harm? If the answer is no....
As of now all I see is both sides saying the old "without evidence"...

hombre said...

Bad idea. Canucks are progressive sheep. And it’s cold.

Drago said...

Quick question for the Althouse lefties: in addition to the manufactured and arbitrary trade deficit with Canada the America Lasters deliver every year, does Canada even bother to meet its minimum NATO financial obligations?

Do you even need the "Spoiler" announcement?

Drago said...

There is someone "stupid" here alright....

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I think I speak for a lot of Canadians when I this is all a bit mystifiing. American progressives don't want to develop more oil and gas fields. Canadian progressives don't want to build pipelines to salt water. We trade in a mutually beneficial way. With everything that's going on, Trump has to try to change this whole situation?

AMDG said...

Hey Drago Dipwad - A trade deficit is not a subsidy.

Drago said...

"...got carried away with offshoring..." is doing ALOT of work here.

Try "Hollowed out the industrial midwest of our nation" with the ripple effects crossing decades leading to a revolt of a Deplorables party comprised of a growing multi-ethnic, working poor/working class/middle class populist movement.

Mason G said...

Is there any policy that Trump has ever proposed (or even just talked about, really) that hasn't caused the left to lose their minds?

I didn't think so.

Aggie said...

Canada is indeed a real country, one where its politically-doomed leader just unilaterally suspended Parliamentary government for a few months to the advantage of his own party and the disadvantage of its citizenry and economy, to squeeze out a bit more liberal plunder. And like good Canadians, they're putting up with it because they've learned that protest is an offense they can get censored, then cancelled for, and lose their wealth over. But Trump is the outrage.

Drago said...

"When Trump re-did NAFTA there was doom and gloom predicted."

There are those that have fully invested themselves in the narrative that Trump is a uniquely ignorant dude and thus, like an AMDG or the althouse lefties (same diff these days) EVERY decision, sneeze, activity, walking style, choice of hats, etc is somehow indicative of absolute failure.

Like parents that, out of fear, bought the trans hype and chemically wasted and physically mutilated their children, they will never be able to walk it back into a more reasonale -wait and review the results- mode.

Drago said...


Secure your border. Drop your historical tariffs. Stop leeching off the US military umbrella.

Stop expecting an artificially created trade imbalance in your favor.

Or dont.

Drago said...

Its not just "the left". Its also the entirety of the pro-globalist, America Last simperng whiners like AMDG as well who remaim butthurt their guy couldnt buy the nomination while the funders worked hand in glove with the lawfare crew.

boatbuilder said...

"It means somewhat Cher."
I'm out, then.

Mason G said...

Trump wants Canada (and Mexico, too) to put more effort into cutting off the flow of drugs through their countries that end up in the US. Is he going about it in the most productive way? I don't know, but at least he's making an effort.

boatbuilder said...

Don't count on the whole global warming thing. Like most lib promises, they don't deliver.

Howard said...

According to the conservative Canadian political leader Pierre Poilievre, the trade surplus is due to Canadians sending relatively unrefined petroleum products to the United States at a huge discount. Apparently the libs in Canada prevented the construction of pipelines and LNG facilities in order to take advantage of their large petroleum reserves.

Tacitus said...

Canada one state? Let them be two. The pesky Francophone areas get to be one state, everything else is the other. Since the real purpose of this is to annoy the Canadian government this would outsource the work for free! The Quebecois have been a pain in the rear for Canada forever. They'd like this plan!

William50 said...

If Canada became a state the Republicans could kiss the House goodby.

Sally327 said...

Make friends with China, that's the move to be making here. I think a Chinese miliary base on Canadian soil is just the ticket. Or maybe they are already there, it must be tough to tell, hmmm...

Just an old country lawyer said...

Nobody is going to move north.

Leland said...

I would believe it, except you wrote it.

Bill R said...

I was proud to vote for President Trump. And he's certainly less crazy than the people who are all excited about mutilating children's genitals and letting transvestites terrorize girls in high school locker rooms.

But Professor Althouse is making a good point here - "I like how he capitalized all the C words — Canada, Cars, Country, Cherished." I'm pretty sure that little tic is diagnostic of something. Probably something bad.

Drago said...

Here's a decent and quick breakdown on the de minimus angle in the tariff fight:


AMDG, there's probably no point in your reading it.

Drago said...

I would also advise all Althouse lefties to route their comments thru at least one non-binary person prior to posting in order to stay aligned with the dictates of the New Soviet Democratical Party.

Mason G said...

Sure. To be fair, I don't know if I didn't read something like that elsewhere myself and forgot about it until just now. A google search turned up this meme:

"Anyone else get the feeling that twitter is Trump's laser pointer and the democrats are all cats?"


Bob B said...

Make Alberta a state. Maybe Saskatchewan. The rest can be territories for now.

Quaestor said...

"It means somewhat Cher."

A somewhat less horse-faced Armenian chick who makes fewer claims to Cherokee ancestry?

Quaestor said...

Cherish is the word I use to describe a throaty alto lounge singer.

Enigma said...

What about Colony?

Rix said...

By Texas' annexation treaty, it can be divided into four states.

Enigma said...

After ~75 years of free-trade globalism in name only, tariffs may break loose the de facto mercantilism that many fake free trade nations employ.

Mason G said...

"We trade in a mutually beneficial way."

I'm sure the topic is not as simple to analyze as the examples noted below but anyway, I asked Grok if Canada imposed tariffs on US products:

"Canada has tariffs on a broad range of U.S. consumer goods, with some categories like consumer goods generally facing a 30% tariff. Certain products like milk have significantly higher tariffs, with rates reaching up to 245%."

Next, I asked Grok if the US imposed tariffs on Canadian products:

"Before the recent increase, the majority of Canadian-origin consumer goods could be imported into the United States duty-free under the provisions of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS), specifically through the "Special" Rates of Duty Column applicable to special trading partners like Canada. However, some goods, like softwood lumber, did face higher duties. For instance, certain milk and cream products from Canada were duty-free, while similar products from other WTO members had tariffs of 17.5%."

I guess it depends on what you mean by "mutually beneficial".

Inga said...

It’s interesting to see how this has united the left and the right in Canada.

Limited blogger said...

I don't want Canada to get two Lefty Senators, and a handful of prog congress people. Make it another territory.

tcrosse said...

I want to hear what Poilievre has to say.

Inga said...

The Premier of Alberta said “The decision will harm Canadians and Americans alike, straining the relationship between the two countries. Canada can and must now come together in an unprecedented effort to preserve the livelihoods and futures of our people and expand our political and trade relationships across the globe. We can no longer afford to be so heavily reliant on one primary customer. We must stop limiting our prosperity and inflicting economic wounds on ourselves."

The Premier of Saskatchewan said “Make absolutely no mistake, these tariffs will cost American and Canadian families more. That will weaken the highly integrated North American economy which benefits our nations that may not be our allies Tariffs are harmful to all of us in North America.”

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...


It has done no such thing. My gosh you are dense.

The Canadian "right" (actually a tad right of center only) completely blames Trudeau and wants "Castreaux" out ASAP to reverse all of his atupid policies.

The idea that Poilievre and his crew are "united" with Fidel's son is almost too hilarious for words. It would take a P-Inga and/or victoria to come to such a buffoonish conclusion.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Hey Drago Dipwad - A trade deficit is not a subsidy."

It is if its artificially created and maintained dummy.

Inga said...

Poilievre said “Common sense conservatives condemn President Trump’s massive, unjust and unjustified tariffs, which will damage both American and Canadian economies.”

Drago said...


Sorry P-Inga. Your America Last program has been rejected and more of those horrible working class Americans that you despise will be going back to work.

But you and Hillary and "sharp as a tack" Joey-Dementia are still free to point and laugh at them as you advocate for policies that permanently weaken the US vs its trading partners.

So you've got that going for you...which is "nice"...I guess.

Anything to make you feel better after 10 years of your hoax-filled "hot takes".

Drago said...


Shorter Poilievre: Can't we please keep scraping $200Billion CAD out of the US to help fund our social programs while not securing our borders and not meeting our military obligations?

P-Inga clearly adores that idea....and I'll bet P-Inga never, ever, posted anything negative about Canada's tariffs on American goods...evah!

Did you P-Inga?

ChrisRet said...

Canadian here. We have suffered almost 10 years of a feckless Liberal government.

We had plans for pipelines and LNG export terminals, shut down. We have trade and labour barriers between provinces. We shield telecom, banking, airlines, and others from foreign competition. Our dairy cartel has an import tariff of almost 400%. A lot of our pain is self inflicted.

Our top companies are those protected banks, and our largest industry is building, selling, and financing housing. We opened the floodgates for foreign immigration, massively from India, and are digesting the consequences of adding so many low trust cultures into a high trust, easy on crime, society. We have completed unvetted international students coming in, and the colleges don’t care if they ever come to class, a conduit for bad actors. We have massive issues with money laundering via Chinese banks into Canadian accounts.

When the 51st state was mentioned, someone did a survey. Broken down by age, they found over 40% of young Canadians were ok becoming a US state or territory.

Canada is in a weak place. If the US removes income taxes, our tech companies will all move there, and the export industries will really start to hurt.. lumber, auto manufacturing, mining will have layoffs and the government is already promising to print more money, so expect more inflation and lower Canadian dollar.

At some point we will become like the independent colony of Newfoundland, which went broke after WWII. They voted to join Canada; we may have to vote to join the US.

Gospace said...

The State of Canada would need to organize a Republican form of government- none of this parliament type stuff. And with their great expanse, and upper and lower house for a state organized along lines of our current federal congress would only make sense- requiring the SC to take a look at reversing the odious Reynolds vs. Sims case.

Joe Bar said...


Drago said...

Solid post.

And it should be noted Canadian banks have become money laundering hubs for the ChiCom fentanyl trade.

No doubt P-Inga adores that almost as much as sex/slave trafficking 350,000+ children into the US in just 4 years.

We know victoria has been⁹9 on-board with those results as well.

One shudders to think what has become of these children under P-Inga's heinous policy preferences.

RCOCEAN II said...

Getting back to reality, Trump is putting pressure on Canada so they'll do their part as a Good Neighbor and stop letting Drugs and illegals pour into the USA through our Northern border.

We aren't going to get Canada as a 51st state and Trump is not "stoopid". BTW, I love how commenters always act like their super-smart and Judging Trump's actions. Oh, well i like his objective, but I'm not sure of methods. OK smart guy - how to achieve the objective? Well, the internet smart guys never say. But they've up there at 30,000 feet judging Trump.

Larry J said...

How much is Canada paying for its own national defense?

RCOCEAN II said...

I also love how the Moderates and Republicans always have to qualify any praise of Trump. They always want everyone to know they arent one of those vulgar MAGA people. They're elite, dontchaknow.

Lilly, a dog said...

Repeatedly insulting millions of people is a great strategy. It always never works

Drago said...

Meanwhile, Zelensky pops up to say Ukraine only actually received $75 Billion of the $177 Billion the US has provided.

More America Last "winning" for the New Soviet Democraticals and GOPe controlled "opposition".

gadfly said...

“We will not allow the enemy to come in,” Trump said, “and take our jobs and take our factories and take our workers and take our families unless they pay a big price — and the big price is tariffs.”

So Trump would be absolute;y correct if he would admit that our tariffs simply raise domestic prices paid by Americans. The market is selling short and that is all we need to know about where the economy is headed now. It took four years to recover from Trump's first adventure into a heavy-handed inflationary tariff war and now he is attacking our friendly economic partners who signed onto a fair pact with the first Trump administration. In reality, we lost the first war when China out-manuevered Trump and company by selling to the US through secondary countries.

Drago said...


Your kitty litter boxes await your attention.

Kakistocracy said...

As one who has listened carefully to Trumps campaign speeches both in 2016 and 2024 it’s apparent that he, and his key advisors such as Peter Navarro do not understand how trade and capital flows work in terms of surpluses and deficits. They are also faced with trading partners such as the Chinese whose lopsided economy exacerbates the conflicts. Trump will never be dissuaded from the notion that surplus is good and deficit is bad. Just as he never accepted his loss he will continue his policies despite what many believe to be incorrect. Once again as I have repeatedly stated in various replies to various comments, Trump is being underestimated in terms of what he is capable of doing that will disrupt the lives of millions. As time passes the situation will continue to deteriorate and no amount of excuses or witty banter will change the inevitable.

Big question is how stubborn will Trump be. Hopefully, when Trump sees the result of his tariff he will backtrack. But this may take quite a while. Meanwhile, the equity market can drop considerably.

Drago said...


Go work on your pronouns. Something you might know something about.


wild chicken said...

The lumber wholesaler I worked for bought a lot of stuff from Vanderwell in Great Slave Lake and I always wondered why not our mills in Montana or Idaho?

We did buy a lot in Arizona, Louisiana and Mississippi. Then resold to Mexico. Crazy business totally a creature of NAFTA.

Drago said...

"How much is Canada paying for its own ational defense?"

Canada's five-year average for defence spending as a percentage of GDP will be 1.44% (compared to ONSAF's forecasted average of 1.71%). Expenditures will peak in 2025-26 at 1.49% before falling to 1.42% in 2029-30.Jan 24, 2025

And evem that amoumt can be tricky. Like our NATO "allies", large chunks of NATO member nations will include things like improving a highway near a base, which is really an infrastructure project to employ europeans with our dollars.

Maybe an upgarde to a local dual-use data center, etc.

The real key is to look at the current deployment/combat readiness of NATO "ally" troops and equipment. And it aint a pretty picture.

Drago said...

"How much is Canada paying for its own ational defense?"

Canada's five-year average for defence spending as a percentage of GDP will be 1.44% (compared to ONSAF's forecasted average of 1.71%). Expenditures will peak in 2025-26 at 1.49% before falling to 1.42% in 2029-30.Jan 24, 2025

And even that amount can be tricky. Like our NATO "allies", large chunks of NATO member nations will include things like improving a highway near a base as "defense spending", which is really an infrastructure project to employ europeans with our dollars.

Maybe an upgrade to a local dual-use data center, etc.

The real key is to look at the current deployment/combat readiness of NATO "ally" troops and equipment. And it aint a pretty picture.

Mary Beth said...

Canada shouldn't be one state, it should be one territory with statehood an eventual possibility, but not inevitable.

Kakistocracy said...

Drago the Althouse drunk -- bottoms up sport! 🥃🥃

Kakistocracy said...

Mental illness and substance abuse affects so many people these days. It's unfortunate Drago has not found effective treatment.

Drago said...

"Drunk" on reality:
Mexico exports to U.S. as a percentage of GDP: 35%

Canada exports to U.S. as a percentage of GDP: 22%

U.S. exports to Canada as a percentage of GDP: 1.5%

U.S. exports to Mexico as a percentage of GDP: 1.2%

Looks like everything is going to be fine.

LLR-democratical Rich, weren't you supposed to provide an updated valuation for X investors post-X receiving a 25% share of xAI? You remember, don't you? The single move, before all the other in work (X Pay, etc) launches/app rollouts, that brought all X investors right back up to full valuation recovery based on xAI valuation?

Perhaps your abacus does not contain a sufficient number of beads to complete such a calculation.

Drago said...

I will say this for Poilievre, unlike P-Inga and LLR-democratical Rich I have never heard him advance a single subterranean low-IQ hoax.

So that's something

Kakistocracy said...

As with all things MAGA, the "logic" is invariably illogical and supposed rationale always slips to new positions upon demonstrated falsehoods.

Before the elections there was much talk about "art of the deal" master (as if we didn't see him in action during the first term). While the base chanted the slogans at the rallies, the soft MAGA supporters winked and claimed that Trump was just doing what's necessary to win and will normalize after the election -- particularly as a lame duck.

None of that came to fruition, of course -- just as it didn't in Trump 1.0. The soft MAGA retreated toward "you have to shake things up to really make a change" and "let him negotiate". The hard base roared with demand for retribution, blood, and public executions.

As the public maps at the Zoo plainly state "you are here".

From here we will head to the MAGA habitat Where we will observe displays of chest thumping, excrement throwing, and loud whooping -- most notably in Drago's area.....

The next destination for soft MAGA is more vague. It depends on how much of their own credibility they are willing to invest in the next round of justifications.

Kakistocracy said...

And to add to the turmoil, Trump is likely to start raising the pressure on the Fed to cut US rates sharply -- after having set the inflationary fires through the tariffs route.

And there is no good outcome when this happens -- either the Fed wilts and delivers the rate cuts and enrages the bond market or it gets into a conflict with Trump that will escalate rapidly and affect the markets. (IMO -- Powell will not budge. He's made some mistakes in the past having assumed that inflation would be transitory -- but he is a principled individual who will not allow Trump to browbeat him into submission.)

The great optimism with which the markets clambered aboard the "Trump trade" bandwagon in November is hence due to be sorely tested, especially the stock market and the FX market.

There is always the theoretical possibility that Trump might be forced into a quick U-turn and a face-saving way out, but now that prize a second presidential term is not on the table, he is more likely to dig-in his heels rather than negotiate quickly.

"I'm not absolutely certain of the facts, but I rather fancy it's Shakespeare who says that it's always just when a fellow is feeling particularly braced with things in general that Fate sneaks up behind him with the bit of lead piping." ~ P. G. Wodehouse, Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest

wendybar said...

Just ask American progressives that haven't learned a single thing.

Drago said...

Poilievre just ripped "Castreaux" for allowing 80% of the pre-cursor drugs for manufacturing of fentanyl into Canada, completely unregulated, from the democraticals ChiCom allies, then keeping the borders wide open to move that fentanyl into the US.

Yeah P-Inga, the "right" and left in Canada are really "united".

TaeJohnDo said...

Vulgar deplorable MAGA person here. The moderates may not be as vulgar, but they finally figured out who to vote for. Elite moderates for TRUMP!

Inga said...

“Reacting to U.S. President Donald Trump putting 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian goods while China only faces a 10 per cent tariff, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre on Sunday questioned the move. “In what strategic mindset does that make sense? If it's to do with fentanyl, the fentanyl is coming from China," Poilievre said.”

john mosby said...

Much better Cherish song:



Drago said...

This is fun: 87.5% of Canada’s toilet paper is imported from the U.S.

john mosby said...

And a Cherish song that’s not too bad:



Kakistocracy said...

We're gonna need new acronyms for the economic blocs that will emerge from Trump's ill-conceived tariff "plan."

Drago said...


New Soviet Democratical Party approval collapses to 31% with a 57% disapproval.

Looks like no one but the hard core, dead-ender, hiding-in-caves, walking NPC's are buying whats coming out of the New Soviet Democratical messaging Politburo.

Not to worry dems.

David Hogg is on the case!

wildswan said...

"Robert Cook
I'm waiting for Trump to provide a lengthy and itemized document showing all the "hundreds of Billions of Dollars to SUBSIDIZE Canada" each year."

In 2023, the US military spent approximately $820.3 billion, or 3.4% of GDP.

In 2022 the Canadian military spent approximately $26.90 billion, It will meet Nato's target of spending 2% of its GDP on defense by 2032. So why doesn't Russia just move in on Canada as it did on Ukraine? It shares borders with Canada. It wants Canada's resources.

Robert Cook said...

"We don’t need anything they have."

Then why is Trump so hungry to take in Canada as the 51st US State, (so hungry he'd actually state something that stupid out loud).

Jimmy said...

Mason- Trump understands TDS better than all of the left, especially the ones on this blog. and yes, it is fun to watch them react like trained seals. This time around he has it down to a science, and the left still can't figure it out. Oh, and I'm stealing that one line of yours, its brilliant.

Robert Cook said...

"I was proud to vote for President Trump. And he's certainly less crazy than 'the people who are all excited about mutilating children's genitals and letting transvestites terrorize girls in high school locker rooms'".

No such people, except possibly in your imagination. No wonder you fall for Trump's idiocies.

jim said...

Drago is a very good dog. Sit. Have a treat Drago.

Eva Marie said...

If these tariffs save just one person from using or overdosing on fentanyl, it will all be worth it.

Marty said...

Drago, you've confused me by referring to Inga and Victoria as two separate people. I thought Vickie was a nom de plume of Inga. They certainly sound like the same deranged troll who will die hating DJT or, perhaps, will die from hating DJT.

Drago said...

Double ooof!

Following Marco Rubio's visit with the Panamanian President today, Panama's President announced Panama would NOT renew its Belt and Road agreement with LLR-democratical Rich's ChiCom allies!

Thats a very tough break for our resident America Last-ers and, for those paying attention, is precisely the result LLR-democratical Rich claimed was impossible!

Not only was it not impossible, it was acheived in about 12 hours!

Another stellar foreign policy/economics "hot take" from Rich goes into the Failure Column...which I must say, appears maxxed out and overflowing.

Similar to years now of Li'l Richie's claims Tesla/X/SpaceX/xAI/Boring Co and Neuralink were all "fake companies" that would go bankrupt and it was impossible for them to succeed.

Well, when it rains it pours.....for some.

Drago said...

Your confusion is understandable.

They are both lunatics in their very own ways.

victoria of pasadena is a big fangirl of Joey Dementia showering with and sexualizing his own adolescent daughter.

P-Inga backed off her "honorable" BS applied to biden after it was demonstrated biden did that.

However, P-Inga is a big defender of open borders and MS13 machete murderers, claiming they had a "spark of divinity" by mere virtue of their being humans while simultaneously refusing to make note of or call attention to high school girls murdered by these animals.

Again, there are other ways to slice some differences between these psychos, but thats probably enough for now.

Jim at said...

I thought Vickie was a nom de plume of Inga.

Trump-deranged Victoria is from Pasadena. Trump-deranged Inga is a cut-n-paste specialist from Wisconsin.

Drago said...

Interesting, and an absolute nightmare for the David Hogg-led LLR-democraticals like Rich and lonejustice:

"BREAKING: Almost half of Canadian businesses are now planning to shift investments or production to the United States in response to President Trump's tariffs.

Additionally, 60% said they will now look to make business acquisitions in the U.S. and are bracing for a recession in Canada.

According to them, the tariffs are a "wake-up call." - Via KPMG's survey"


BUMBLE BEE said...

Good backhand there!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Wrecking Crew were musicians, not producers.

BUMBLE BEE said...

And they didn't graduate from Wharton.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It's a New York State Of Mind, Lily.

Ralph L said...

Connect Toronto onto NY state, add Vancouver to Washington, send the Francophones to warm up in the Canal Zone and learn Spanish, and the rest of Canada will be fine.

bob said...

All this durm and strang because our good neighbor won't control their own border and keep fentanyl and illegal immigrants from coming into our country.

tcrosse said...

Unfortunately for Canada, the guy who is least able to deal with this tariff matter is their soi-disant Prime Minister, and if I know it then Trump knows it. too.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

He can’t because it’s a troll. And only a moron would pretend otherwise. But I’m glad it kept you occupied while Trump scours the bureaucracy!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Exactly. Bob used to be one of our more nimble Commies. Since November, he’s chased every stuffed squirrel.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

First heard the Association at the Ice House in Pasadena. No Wrecking Crew then and they had pretty tight harmony and playing skills at the time.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

And yet it was FDR that extended the Depression by his policies.

In an article in the August issue of the Journal of Political Economy, Ohanian and Cole blame specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933. “President Roosevelt believed that excessive competition was responsible for the Depression by reducing prices and wages, and by extension reducing employment and demand for goods and services,” said Cole, also a UCLA professor of economics. “So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies.” Using data collected in 1929 by the Conference Board and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cole and Ohanian were able to establish average wages and prices across a range of industries just prior to the Depression. By adjusting for annual increases in productivity, they were able to use the 1929 benchmark to figure out what prices and wages would have been during every year of the Depression had Roosevelt’s policies not gone into effect. They then compared those figures with actual prices and wages as reflected in the Conference Board data. In the three years following the implementation of Roosevelt’s policies, wages in 11 key industries averaged 25 percent higher than they otherwise would have done, the economists calculate. But unemployment was also 25 percent higher than it should have been, given gains in productivity. Meanwhile, prices across 19 industries averaged 23 percent above where they should have been, given the state of the economy. With goods and services that much harder for consumers to afford, demand stalled and the gross national product floundered at 27 percent below where it otherwise might have been.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

When Canada becomes the 51st state, it would get 46 seats in U.S. House of Representatives, and those seats would have the be taken from the other 50 states including California. Since that likely wouldn’t fly politically, the House would have to be expanded with Canada getting 53 seats.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Don't blame me, I voted for Ross!

Mason G said...

"First heard the Association at the Ice House in Pasadena."

Hey! Me, too!

Ralph L said...

No, Left Bank, just like their dollar, Canadians will count as 3/5ths of an American. The ones not in labor camps.

Marcus Bressler said...

Inga didn't have the decency to stay away forever. Her liberal tears could have put out the fires in CA

Jerry said...

So far I'm... optimistic. But it's still early days, though we've gotten more done in the last two weeks than a normal year for Bush and previous. Not that they'd have done what Trump did - seems like they were fine with the status quo, only making some minor changes and never really rocking the boat.

So we'll see.

Jerry said...

Our progressives just hate everyone outside their little circle, don't know about yours. At a certain point you realize that they're nowhere near as powerful as they seem to be, and all it takes is a leader standing up to them and saying 'No'.

Trouble is, many politicians are beholden to progressives. Finding one that isn't is like finding an albino moose...

Jerry said...

Elections have consequences. I'm thinking a lot of companies in Canada have been looking at their leadership and going "Oh, holy crap - what can we do to survive a party that seems to hate us?"

Trump's given them a reason to get out of a hostage situation. And maybe, to say 'No' to the folks who'd gladly bleed them out of existance.

NKP said...

If I may add a "B" - "BINGO, BOB B"

NKP said...

More than one person will likely die to achieve this goal as markets this size are never surrendered with a fight.

Quaestor said...

"No such people, except possibly in your imagination. No wonder you fall for Trump's idiocies."

At least we know just how small and soundproof Robert Cook's box truly is.

Even Dracula would find it cramped.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

AMDG writes as if tariffs actually declined under the Biden administration. They did not. Perhaps he is the one stuck in 18th century economic theory.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Those are facts. Leftist and globalist commenters are allergic to facts because they tend to turn taxpayers away from globalist and Leftist "policy" prescriptions. However, your insight from across the border is valuable, ChrisRet.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

3/5ths of a person for those who remain in Canada after 60% move to TX, FL, and ID.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Remember how the post-election analysis showed all but two counties in the country moved right? Maybe Robert is in one of the two.

Mark said...

Haven't heard a slavery joke this century.
Quite a place Althouse runs here.

jim said...

What do you call it when the president of US intentionally creates a recession?

What can we do about it?

Nihimon said...

I like the way Trump capitalizes here - Energy, Lumber... I've done this since I was young - I think I was influenced by the Founders.

One Fine Day said...

Wishcasting by a low-IQ Proglodyte.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No one mentioned slavery but you, Mark, the guy from the party of slavery and open borders. The joke was 3/5 = 60% but you're likely innumerate as well.

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