February 7, 2025

"Under her leadership articles have included 'How Feminism can Guide Climate Change by Action,' 'Denial of Evolution is a Form of White Supremacy,' and a critique of Star Wars..."

"... titled: 'Why the term JEDI is problematic for describing programmes that promote justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.' The author of this last piece called the Jedi 'a religious order of intergalactic police-monks, prone to (white) saviorism and toxically masculine approaches to conflict resolution (violent duels with phallic lightsabers, gaslighting by means of "Jedi mind tricks," etc)'...."

From "How magazine went from publishing Einstein to calling Jedi racist/Scientific American has been accused of abandoning objective rigour for a ‘woke’ agenda" (London Times).

The "her" in "Under her leadership" is Laura Helmuth, who was appointed editor-in-chief of "Scientific American" in 2020. She supposedly had a "deep respect for the brand," but then "broke the magazine’s tradition of impartiality by endorsing Joe Biden for president in 2020."

But: "Helmuth was forced to resign last November after making a series of derogatory comments about supporters of Donald Trump. In since-deleted posts on Bluesky after Trump’s election, she called his voters 'fascists' and the 'meanest, dumbest, most bigoted' group."


Iman said...

#Resistance! Here’s a prescription for all “progressive women”:


FredSays said...

“Under her leadership” ie. follow me into the abyss.

Original Mike said...

I had a Scientific American subscription for years, but gave it up a few years back. SA lost its way. Or maybe more accurately, they were taken over.

Kate said...

"Surprised I am to be called a white guy," said Yoda.

Oh Yea said...

That she lasted this long tells you that the problems are deeper than one person.

Big Mike said...

… prone to (white) saviorism …

Also IIRC green saviorism, blue saviorism, black saviorism, etc.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"toxically masculine approaches to conflict resolution (violent duels with phallic lightsabers, gaslighting by means of "Jedi mind tricks," etc)"

I'm imagining a movie where Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi Wan, Vader, Darth Maul, and Palpatine sit around for 120 minutes over tea and crumpets in a conflict-resolution jam-sesh while the jedis secretly tell each other the Sith are fat and the Sith secretly tell each other the Jedis are sluts before a massive pillow fight, and afterwards all drink hot chocolate and hug each other like proper frenemies.

Lucas made a huge mistake. What a doofus.

Ralph L said...

Can I beat rhhardin here to complain about the monstrous rule of women?

FormerLawClerk said...

Let's see if we can tease this out ...

The editor of Scientific American from 1915 to 1920 was Lyman J. Gage. A man.

Laura Helmuth is a woman.


gilbar said...

They're Still putting out Scientific American?
who knew? I mean; besides USAID.. Of Course; THEY knew

Big Mike said...

"Helmuth was forced to resign last November after making a series of derogatory comments about supporters of Donald Trump. In since-deleted posts on Bluesky after Trump’s election, she called his voters 'fascists' and the 'meanest, dumbest, most bigoted' group."

I dunno. When it comes to mean, stupid, and bigoted it’s pretty hard to beat Democrats. I’m thinking about the people of North Carolina sleeping in tents during winter nights with subfreezing temperatures as their tent heaters sputtered out because the mean, stupid and bigoted people of FEMA failed to secure adequate supplies of propane.

gilbar said...

it seems WEIRD, that all the press became "woke" and "left..
until you consider that the budget for USAID in 2024 was 32.2 BILLION DOLLARS
of course, it was ACTUALLY about 44 BILLION Dollars.. which explains it EVEN better

RideSpaceMountain said...

You don’t need to read woke Scientific American.
It's not the Scientific American you were looking for.
Woke Scientific American can go on about its business.
Move along.
Move along.

gilbar said...

There is NO PLACE for fat shaming (Or slut shaming) in our galaxy!!

RCOCEAN II said...

Interesting how the London Times does the usual MSM-Leftwing thing of putting themselves off to one side when accusing some leftwinger of being bad or being silly or biased. When critiquing the Right or Center-Right, they're just accused of being bad or biased, but here we get:

"Some have accused her" - see its not the London Times saying this, its conservatives pouncing. Had she put conservative politics in the magazine the headline would've been " Editor turns SciAmerica far right"

Lilly, a dog said...

Yoda was a puppet supremacist.

Milwaukie guy said...

It was an April Fools Day article in the 80s sometime when I quit subscribing to SA. They made fun of flat earthers and anyone who thought a bullet could be made to hit a bullet, a swipe against Reagan's anti-missile defense initiative. I think the third target was global warming deniers.

Missile defense was merely a technical problem. There was nothing anti-science about it. The rot started early.

Also, even with the internet it's really hard to find out what's on the bottom of the flat earth. Maybe SA could work on that.

RCOCEAN II said...

This reminds me of the two science guys who showed up on BHTV. I don't know what happened to one of them, but the other dropped the mask of being "Scientific" and just started pushing Leftism. And saying stuff like "Well just because its science doesn't mean we should look into it, maybe we should just ignore it".

RCOCEAN II said...

It also turned out he was into UFO's or astrology or some nonsense. Like some other scientificy athiests, he was living proof of "When men stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything”.

Krumhorn said...

SA was a premier publication. I subscribed for years. The Marxist march through the institutions trampled science, and we are left with global warming and “evidence-based” political drivel. Now musicology and art history is white supremacy. There is no place where the bug-eyed lefties have not deposited steaming piles of shit.

- Krumhorn

EdwdLny said...

Eh, all that they have to do is be sane. But, they are even incapable of doing that. Self reflection has never been a strong point with any of these cretins.

tommyesq said...

That she lasted this long tells you that the problems are deeper than one person.

That she got fired over mean tweets (oh the irony!) rather than over her crashing the reputation and seriousness of the magazine tells the same.

rhhardin said...

Under her leadership is always followed by something politically correct.

Wince said...

The "her" in "Under her leadership" is Laura Helmuth, who was appointed editor-in-chief of "Scientific American" in 2020... In since-deleted posts on Bluesky after Trump’s election, she called his voters 'fascists' and the 'meanest, dumbest, most bigoted' group."

Pronounced Hellmouth?

Prof. M. Drout said...

Don't get me wrong: this woman is a talentless nutbar and absolutely sucked as an editor, but, like a lot of other print magazines, SciAm really started going down the tubes around 2008-10. The thing that had made the magazine great (and American Scientist even better) was that the majority of the articles were written by actual scientists, rather than "science" journalists.
I'm guessing that although the articles were written by real scientists, the editorial staff had to do a ton of work to make the writing clear and effective for a non-specialist audience, and it was cheaper just to have journalists write stuff.
But whatever the reason, SciAm got so bad that in around 2008-2010 we didn't bother to renew a subscription that we'd even kept up when we were poverty-stricken grad students.
The crapification of all institutions reached its peak 2020-2024, but it started a rapid increase quite a bit earlier,.

Larry J said...

Her body, her choice. Far be it for me to criticize her choice to eliminate herself from the gene pool. May she serve as an inspiration to millions of like-minded people!

gilbar said...

"really hard to find out what's on the bottom of the flat earth. "
it's elephants all the way down

pacwest said...

I grew up with that magazine. Couldn't wait for the local library to get the next issue. Subscribed for decades. You could see the decline start in the nineties. By the 00's it was starting to become a waste of ink. I haven't picked up an issue in almost 20 years. Same thing with Science Weekly. 9 social science articles and one hard science per issue. I miss them.

Freeman Hunt said...

That magazine was bad before 2020. I agree with Drout. Didn't renew our subscription at around the same time.

Rocco said...

Kate said…
"Surprised I am to be called a white guy," said Yoda.

“White adjacent you are,” said Darth Helmuth.

Earnest Prole said...

Scientific American sucked for many years, but under Helmuth it was so egregious as to be indistinguishable from satire.

Enigma said...

They lost their way before they endorsed the puppet Biden. In 2007 they said "Climate Change Verdict: Science Debate Ends, Solution Debate Begins." In 2021 they said COVID vaccines were safe and effective.

Consider the source.



RideSpaceMountain said...

The woke really are nose-blind, aren't they?

MacMacConnell said...

The Mag became trash long before the 1990s.

Enigma said...

Bullets can be made to hit bullets. That's even been demonstrated by Youtube channels with budgets of thousands, not the billions given to the military. Given anti-drone technology, there's a lot of spending on making a bullet (or net or shotgun blast) hits small flying objects too.

Enigma said...

The iPad came out in 2010. Magazine readership and attention spans suffered. There was a huge, huge push in publishing to move old-school print content to the easily digestible tablet format. "Tablets will save the publishing industry," they said to themselves. Plus, Obama lost control over Congress and the first Globalist Deep State Great Propaganda War began.

Peachy said...

Yo leftist Maddow-types. Keep calling all men "toxic" and wonder why men are abandoning the Corruptocratic party.

Iman said...


mikee said...

When Reagan started his antimissile programs, the Soviets already had an anti-ICBM missile defense for Moscow, legal under existing treaties with the US. IT consisted of nuclear tipped missiles which didn't need to actually hit an incoming warhead, just get to within its blast radius. April Fools, or overkill?

Iman said...

A big fan of the Supremes, I am.

In the name of love STOP!

mikee said...

I quit reading in the 1980s, a few years after Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games column at the back of the magazine ended and was replaced by Douglas Hofstadter's annagramatical Metamagical Themas column. I think it was the absolutely insane level of hatred directed at Reagan at the time that lost me.

Big Mike said...

Glad to see you’re still around, Freeman Hunt!

n.n said...

A blue and polluted sky. #HateLovesAbortion

RideSpaceMountain said...

"There is NO PLACE for fat shaming (Or slut shaming) in our galaxy!!"

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away...
Some lesbian jedi called a mean girl sith "slut"...
And some mean girl sith called a lesbian jedi "fat"...
It is a period of uncivil war in the galaxy...
A galaxy devoid of "toxically masculine approaches to conflict resolution"...
Prepare to be bored.

n.n said...

Satirical science (SS)... under a blue and polluted sky.

Howard said...

SA hasn't been any good for decades.

n.n said...

Equivocal evolutionists are religious brayers of human rites, hate and extremism with Loving. Scientists reserve judgment and labels to the near-domain and beyond with hypothetical purportations.

n.n said...

Feminism is a class-disordered ideology under the Diversity umbrella. Masculinism, too. The former from Venus, the latter from Mars, and social progressives are from Uranus.

Smilin' Jack said...

Before it turned to shit SA played a big role in leading kids to careers in science (I was one). I was sad to see its decline and I hope it can be salvaged.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Scientific American was sold to a big German publisher back in the 1980s. That’s when it started going downhill, and the trend accelerated in the 2010s and 2020s.

PM said...

As a Lit major, I knew it was going south when I could understand the articles.

JIM said...

She sounds objective.

wildswan said...

"Power begins by listing some things that will seem good to many or most Americans — health programs, "giving girls a chance to get an education," "growing local economies," "helping communities rebuild after ISIS."

These are aspirations. The devil is in the details. "giving girls a chance to get an education [in Afghanistan where the money cannot possibly be going to women's education but rather to the Taliban who ban women's education]; growing local economies [i.e., assisting poppy farmers in Afghanistan; assisting fentanyl smugglers in border communities]; helping communities rebuild after ISIS [by supporting a different terrorist group].
Samantha Powers is Irisg and the Irish government has equated the Irish struggle against the English to the situation in Gaza just as in the Forties the Irish government supported Hitler because it equated Hitler's struggle against the English with the Irish struggle against the English. These equations of evil with the Irish struggle were and are a desecration of a great cause. Samantha Powers is just a bought and paid-for agent of the latest manifestation of the drive for power, a wolf-like madness that roams through history destroying. It never was and never will be the wearing of the green.

Craig Mc said...

As Iowahawk said:

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.

Fred Drinkwater said...

I was raised by SA and Nat Geo in the 60s and 70s. I used to go to the local JC library, where they had bound copies going back to the year zero, and our garage had all the issues we had received.

I stopped looking at it about 1985.

MadisonMan said...

SA was pretty good in the 80s. I wonder if it, like the Democratic Party, can come back from loonie land. Time will tell, as they say.

Qwinn said...

Has anyone checked the USAID data to see how much SA got from them?

Note to Ann: Since the changes that got rid of "Reply", I have to drop Brave shields to be able to comment. Otherwise I get a "Sign in to Google" button that doesn't work.

JAORE said...

As an engineering student in the 1970's I pounced on every issue of SA. My interests were varied and most (sadly not all) articles were understandable and very interesting to me.
Today? Feh.
I think my disdain for SA and similar peaked with early global warming (then transitioned - without benefit of hormones or surgery) to global climate change.
Why? In a nutshell:
- Computer models can be valuable and even accurate. Their value and accuracy declines with the length of time they are to represent and the complexity and number of variables. Global warming fails to impress.
- "The science is settled". This is blasphemy except for the simplest of studies. See above, GW ain't it.
- Science is a guy saying, "Hey, look at this" then providing his/her data for others to check. GW is not able to be checked in this way. The inputs have, as admitted by advocates, been cherry picked, modified and held secret.
- Scientists, perhaps more accurately, funding of scientists, are held hostage by political points of view. Follow the money applies here too.
- Whenever an "existential threat" is declared. hold onto your wallet. Adaptation (even if the GW occurs) is rarely discussed. Instead we are told trillions are needed to flow to.... our guys.
- Predictions come and go again and again. Ho hum.
There is more.

Gary said...

Calling Trump voters 'fascists' and the 'meanest, dumbest, most bigoted' group" seems likely true if subjected to a survey.

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