February 11, 2025

"There has been like wave after wave after wave of people leaving the Democratic Party.... They're gonna keep shedding people. They're not gonna correct course. This is a buffalo drop."

"One of the ways to hunt buffalo was to get them to the edge of a cliff and just run at them and they'd just fall off the edge of the cliff. And then people would be waiting on the bottom and they'd butcher 'em and eat 'em.... They're not course correcting at all.... Their understanding of social media and the dynamics that you set up by having completely state-controlled mainstream media where they only said the narratives that you guys wanted —  they all said it in step. So you could watch different programs repeat the exact same words, exact same phrases. We know they got talking points. We don't trust you anymore. We don't trust the New York Times. We don't trust the Washington Post. We don't trust CNN or any of the MSNBC... They're all full with propaganda.  And so that's why the internet rose. It's not because there was some sort of a fucking right wing conspiracy.... No, you guys suck. You guys fucking suck. And you're not real people and you're not like, nobody wants to hang out with Brian Stelter. You know what I'm saying? There's the, none of these fucking people are people that people can actually relate to and like...."


Peachy said...

OMG - that right there is what dedicated leftists who watch MSNBC and buy all of it - need to hear. You guys suck.

Kakistocracy said...

Whether or not progressives are ready to accept it, the evidence all points in one direction. America’s moderate voters have not deserted the Democrats; the party has pushed them away.

Aggie said...

Imagine the reaction this would have provoked 4 years ago, before Rogan stuck up his middle finger to the Establishment. I think he may be right about failure to 'correct course', but it's early days yet. When people continually have their hair on fire, they eventually get new ideas.

Lazarus said...
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Lazarus said...

"[N]obody wants to hang out with Brian Stelter."

Truer words were never spoken. Eventually, though, the Democrats will get their next Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, who will move back towards the center in order to get elected. The Democrats won't like it, but they'll have to put up with somebody who can put them back in the White House. But that won't happen overnight. Unless something horrible happens, it's going to take them a while to come back.

n.n said...


rehajm said...

The people regurgitating the journolist talking points do suck. Eat a bag of dicks every one of you I say…but there’s enough demand for E means O and U means R and the white space between words gives us the right of way until the Supremes say otherwise. Some of that demand comes from Republicans in Congress and that’s the biggest problem.

Peachy said...

I like Rogan's point about the Soviet talking points.
We all heard the same words... the same sentences... from the lap-dog/ State Run Joe Biden/democrat hack Media.The FBI hid Hunter's lap top. The left demanded obedience and used censorship to hide the left's absolute corruption. The left's loyal brownshirts obey! It was/ is so anti-American.
Everyone on the left obeyed the left's COVID dictates. Shamed their neighbors. Everyone on the left obeyed the big lie that Crook Joe and his family were innocent. and on and on.....

Quayle said...

Eventually people get tired of being labeled and shamed, and people get tired of being goaded into labeling and shaming others.

robother said...

@Aggie: "When people continually have their hair on fire, they eventually get new ideas." That may have applied to the Democratic Party of 1988. But the longer this goes on, the more today's Democrats seem like the leadership class of the 80s USSR. Their capture of MSM that Rogan is talking about may ironically explain the similarity. Epistemic closure is fatal to the caste that achieves it.

Enigma said...

These were the same team who propped up "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden and hee hee smmuufff moop Kamala Harris as their leaders. They demanded to be hoisted on their own petards, and so let them ride 'em.

Iman said...

You want pithy, there’s some pithy!

wendybar said...

Exactly what us conspiracy theorists have been yelling for years....

boatbuilder said...

I was initially very enthusiastic about the internet being a wonderful vehicle for freedom of speech and the interchange of ideas. I did not anticipate that the forces of oppression could do things with the internet that made it harder for "unpopular" or disfavored speech to be heard, and easier for the powerful to crack down. The dark days of the Covid regime and the censorship imposed by the internet providers (and their government overlords) was (and still is) discouraging. People still are taken seriously in public life when they talk about controlling "misinformation" by government fiat.
But the tide seems to be turning. And yes, the internet is starting to fulfill the promise of those early days.
Much credit to Elon Musk. And to Joe Rogan. And Althouse. and a host of others with the courage to speak out.

Earnest Prole said...

Brian Stelter's non-elderly audience is measured in the tens of thousands. Why those people give him space inside their heads is a mystery too tiny to wonder about.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You guys fucking suck. And you're not real people and you're not like, nobody wants to hang out with Brian Stelter. You know what I'm saying?

We can all agree that no one wants to hang out with Stelter, America's potato.

Eva Marie said...

I like the concept of the buffalo drop. Sometimes when a person or an animal or a political party is in a state of high anxiety, there’s a comfort in following a familiar pattern even though it’s obviously ineffective. Seeking immediate relief is the cause of a lot of destructive behavior.

Mason G said...

"No, you guys suck. You guys fucking suck."

He's not wrong, you know.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"No, you guys suck. You guys fucking suck."

Which is why they aren't dealing with things well. Too much of their self-worth and self-esteem comes from their political beliefs.

ron winkleheimer said...

Marc Andreessen
"Biden campaign and even the Kamala Harris campaign. They came back with the same reports. It’s completely consistent, which is that social media was a catastrophic mistake for political reasons.

Because it is literally killing democracy and literally leading to the rearrival of Hitler."

Since before the internet went public, when it was still Arpanet, there was discussion of how the change from a controlled broadcast media that functioned in a from a few to many model to a peer-to-peer model would disrupt society as control of information slipped from a central control. I know this because I was there. I participated in it. The only reason the left allowed it to happen was because they thought that they would win all of the arguments. Now, they are trying to put the genie back in the bottle. Too late.

Narr said...

"Tater" Stelter. One of Gutfield!'s better mockeries.

Enigma said...

@Mike: We can all agree that no one wants to hang out with Stelter, America's potato.
@Narr: "Tater" Stelter. One of Gutfield!'s better mockeries.

Stelter is a kinder, gentler, softer, rounder, low-T, transgendered version of a potato. He's got the body of Mr. Potato Head toy with Ms. Potato Head's lips and coloration.

Hassayamper said...

@Rich: Whether or not progressives are ready to accept it, the evidence all points in one direction. America’s moderate voters have not deserted the Democrats; the party has pushed them away.

Blind pig finds an acorn.

Peachy said...

got CNN to say "Harry Balls" live on air."

Again - Musk is having fun.
The corrupt left are seething with rage. How can they stop the Nazis!? oh noez.

Big Mike said...

More truth from Instapundit:

Coddled affluent professional
Libs need to feel morally and intellectually superior to you at all times and if they’re not able to they get a little schizo.

It’s very sad. They’re fragile narcissists. Very difficult way to go through life. They’re very fragile.

I certainly see no counter-evidence from the above assertion from the drivel
Pushed by the Althouse trolls.

Big Mike said...

More truth from Instapundit:

Coddled affluent professional
Libs need to feel morally and intellectually superior to you at all times and if they’re not able to they get a little schizo.

It’s very sad. They’re fragile narcissists. Very difficult way to go through life. They’re very fragile.

I certainly see no counter-evidence from the above assertion from the drivel
Pushed by the Althouse trolls.

Jaq said...

Once you think of Brian Stelter as "The Gimp" from Pulp Fiction, it never goes away.

Hassayamper said...

I know this because I was there. I participated in it. The only reason the left allowed it to happen was because they thought that they would win all of the arguments.

I first got on Usenet during the second Reagan administration. The Left was still traumatized by the thrashing he had given them in the 1984 election, and eager for any ray of hope that might provide them a way out of the wilderness. They flocked to Usenet. I recall a lot of triumphalist taunting about how decentralization of the news media and the rise of uncensored free speech would overthrow the "conservative" (ha ha) New York Times and Big 3 broadcasters, leading to permanent victory for the Left. I did plenty of taunting right back at them, arguing the opposite.

Nearly 40 years on, I think I can now say I won.

Peachy said...

Brian AlkaSteltzer/no pants-> is an amazing journalist - leave him alone.

Jaq said...

On social media, Hillary said it best during the Monica thing: "The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers."

This is where AI will come in, it will gate keep social media and we can get back to the Nazi Germany model of party control of all media.

Jaq said...

They keep pushing policies that have no support. There is > 60% support for voter ID, the support for gaining control of the borders is also on that level, they keep pushing these unpopular issues as of they are existential to America, but really they are only existential to "our democracy" which can be substituted without loss of meaning or even tone to "our phony baloney jobs."

It's a preference cascade, similar to when the East Germans learned that they could cross into West Germany, and the trains west were jam-packed.

The Vault Dweller said...

There is no there there in the modern, woke, Left.

Peachy said...

JAQ - they do more that push unpopular issues. They lie to our faces about millions of illegal immigrants taking up space all over the nation (tax payer funded hotel rooms) - because the illegals were imported on purpose.

Jupiter said...

Anyone who appears to take Maxine Waters seriously is an idiot or a liar. Likely both.

Peachy said...

I'm noticing that the Soviet corrupt left are desperate for a new deadly disease outbreak.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

The rules must be followed. When Brian Stelter is mentioned, it must be like this. Brian Stelter, who is a potato, is the media analyst at CNN.

The Vault Dweller said...


I have heard a rule of internet forums that the more heavily moderated a forum the more likely it is to be Left wing, and the less moderated a forum the more likely it is to be Right wing.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Peachy said...
got CNN to say "Harry Balls" live on air."

Again - Musk is having fun.

And Kara Swisher is seething with rage.

I just listened to Kara Swisher on the Ezra Klein show.

I now have much better insight as to why Silicon Valley has sifted to the right.

Her entire "analysis" is petty and personal insults about the men she covers. Contempt just absolutely drips off her tongue in every sentence.

To Swisher, they're just scared little boys who want people to love them. They have "little dick energy." And so on."


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Brian Stelter, who is a potato, is the media analyst at CNN.

What, may I ask, do you people have against our humble yet tasty friend the potato?

Hassayamper said...

They have "little dick energy."

Sigmund Freud's ridiculous confabulations will live forever in smug left-wing rhetoric, won't they? This obsession with mens' penises started as a way to change the subject when the progressives were losing the gun-control debate, and is now an all-purpose ad hominem/non sequitir insult for any man displaying masculine or conservative characteristics that frightens or displeases a leftist, especially a white liberal cat lady.

To the extent that actual scientific study rather than Freudian armchair speculation has been performed in this field, it appears that gun owners, red-meat carnivores, weightlifters, and other conservative-leaning cohorts of men are either no different, or in some studies have higher testosterone, larger penises, and more frequent and fulfilling sexual intercourse than the noodle-armed soy-boys making these accusations.

ron winkleheimer said...

"I first got on Usenet during the second Reagan administration."

I was an Usenet admin as part of my duties as a UNIX admin while I was in the army in the early 90s a year or so before Arpanet went public. Remember the debates about whether commercial activity should be allowed? And the outrage about spam?

Bob Boyd said...

Buffalo drops - hot, spicy, chicken gummies.
Buffalo Hot Drops.

boatbuilder said...

I have heard a rule of internet forums that the more heavily moderated a forum the more likely it is to be Left wing, and the less moderated a forum the more likely it is to be Right wing.
That is not because the participants in the less moderated forums are Bill Buckley Conservatives or Trumpers or racist skinheads (or whatever definition of "right-wing" currently prevails in the fevered liberal imagination); it's because FREEDOM is now a "right-wing" value.

wild chicken said...

Buffalo JUMP you moron

Amadeus 48 said...

Newt Gingrich is reported to have said, find an issue that 80% of Americans support and stand right next to it. Demmies are having trouble with that, and with their lack of leaders that aren't dug in behind woke, they are going to have a tough time for a while. But Trump is always a wild ride, so buckle up.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich, "progressive" leftist poster at Althouse blog: "Whether or not progressives are ready to accept it, the evidence all points in one direction. America’s moderate voters have not deserted the Democrats; the party has pushed them away."

Whether or not Rich and his "progressive" allies are ready to accept it (and Rich's continued commentary proves he is not), the evidence all points in one direction. America’s moderate voters have not deserted the Democrats; Rich and his party of gaslighting and Rupar-ing liars have pushed them away.


Naturally, the devastating nature and degree of this New Soviet Democratical collapse has forced Rich to try and pull a Full LLR-democratical Chuck ploy whereby he attempts a reset to faux "muh principles" "conservative".


Not gonna work Abacus Boy. You are already too far down the LLR-Democratical Chuck rabbit hole.

Bob Boyd said...

What happens at the buffalo drop?
Buffalo droppings.

RCOCEAN II said...

Brian Stelter was hired because he was Jeff Zucker's Mini-me. Both are bald, Jewish, leftwing, and dishonest. Zucker was head of CNN, and he'd have a meeting every AM where he would them what stories to cover, and the "Party Line" for the day.

Stelter was Zucker's online persona. Its no accident that once Zucker left, Stelter didn't have a job at CNN.

Its good that Rogan is finally calling out the MSM. Too bad he wasn't doing it in 2020.

RCOCEAN II said...

I have no idea who most of these on-air news personalities are supposed to appeal to. Maybe they know their leftwing audiences just want to see wimmin, POCs, and Jews, and it doesn't matter what they look like or sound as long as they Spout "the party line" every day.

I can remember the days of McNeil Leher. those guys were Leftwing but they were intelligent and had some gravitas. Today the "Newshour" has anchors I wouldn't trust to be competent baristas. OTOH, their "Opinion Segment" gives us two sides: The side that hates Trump, and the other side that really, really, hates Trump.

MadTownGuy said...

The buffalo drop is supposedly how Chugwater, Wyoming, got its name:

"Etymology of the town's name

Some historians hold that the name "Chugwater" is derived from a Mandan account of a bison hunt. According to this narrative, a chief was disabled during the hunt and his son took charge of the hunt or "buffalo jump". Under his direction, hunters drove the bison over nearby cliffs; when the animals reached the ground below, a sound of "chugging" was heard by the hunters. The story concludes with an etymology: since a stream was near the base of the cliffs, the site of the stampede has been called "the place" or "water at the place where the buffalo chug."

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