February 25, 2025

"The liberal democracy most of us grew up taking for granted is brittle and teetering, but its fall still feels unthinkable..."

"... even if it also seems increasingly inevitable. Perhaps this is one reason Democrats, with a few admirable exceptions, seem so frozen. People who’ve spent their lives working within a system of laws and civic institutions may be particularly unsuited to respond to that system’s failure. But an F.B.I. run by Patel and Bongino is a sign that the system — which for all its manifold flaws has provided Americans a level of stability uncommon in history — is falling apart."

Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "Trump’s New Deputy F.B.I. Director Has It Out for the 'Scumbag Commie Libs'" (NYT).

If only that "system of laws and civic institutions" had been taken care of by those who purport to care so much now. 

The phrase "Scumbag Commie Libs" comes from this Dan Bongino tweet from May 30, 2024, the day Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts. This is the full tweet:
The irony about this for the scumbag commie libs, is that the cold civil war they’re pushing for will end really badly for them. Libs are the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen and they use others to do their dirty work. Their mommas are still doing their laundry for them as they celebrate tonight that their long sought goal of the destruction of the Republic, has been reached. But they’re not ready for what comes next. They never have been. It’s all revolutionary cosplay with them. Not anymore, as it’s all real now. You assholes wanted it. Now you’ve got it. Good luck.


Kevin said...

The liberal democracy most of us grew up taking for granted is brittle and teetering

My name is Donald J. Trump. You killed my country. Prepare to die.

mindnumbrobot said...

Michelle Goldberg and her ilk seem to operate under the mistaken notion they have credibility.

Krumhorn said...

Reaping that which has been sown is scary business for those whose perch of unassailable virtue has been sawn off by the voters.

- Krumhorn

Eva Marie said...

The guy’s a prophet.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Daily reminder that this is why they tried to kill Trump. Twice.

Also @Kevin: FPBP

rhhardin said...

The word of the decade is "projection."

n.n said...

Fortunately, we have a conservative republic to fall back on, and a Constitution that mitigates the progress of a kleptocracy and Diversity (i.e. class-disordered ideologies) under a liberal (i.e. divergent) democracy (i.e. majority governance) and codifies a demos-cracy where there is diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion

Gusty Winds said...

The FBI is corrupt. We're they ever NOT corrupt? But they went after Trump along with the rest of the Democrats and deep state. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for the American people, Trump won. They even searched through Melania's closets and underwear drawer when they raided Mara Logo. Planted fake boxes full of "classified documents" and let the media run with the photos.

There is good reason the early United States resisted a Federal Police force.

Does anybody believe The Patriot Front aren't just a bunch of feds and FBI guys in the business of agitating? Nobody tries to out these guys or arrest them. When they march in DC they are given access to quick public exit areas. Go get 'em Dan!

OldManRick said...

The liberal democracy most of us grew up taking for granted started teetering when bureaucrats decided that they knew what was better for you than you did and decided they could run things without your input or oversight.

planetgeo said...

"If only" indeed. Complete lack of soft-awareness. Think Darth Vader bemoaning the fact he is not perceived as St Francis of Assisi...as he perceives himself.

planetgeo said...


Jupiter said...

Say, isn't Michelle Goldberg actually a scumbag commie lib herself? That might help to explain her concern.

Kate said...

The Third Era that began with FDR was never going to last forever. Welcome to the Fourth Era. It's not the pearl-clutching end of liberal democracy; it's the end of your version of it.

WhoKnew said...

Althouse said: "If only that "system of laws and civic institutions" had been taken care of by those who purport to care so much now". Exactly. If they had any care for the institutions they wouldn't have corrupted them. USAID feeding cash to NGOs that funnel money to their board of directors (all, coincidently retired gov't workers or political operatives) and spend precious little on their purported charity work being the latest example. Congressmen retiring as millionaires who came into office relatively poor are another example. I wish my investments did as well as Nancy Pelosi's.

Dave Begley said...

"People who’ve spent their lives working within a system of laws and civic institutions may be particularly unsuited to respond to that system’s failure."

Are these the same people who let in 10m plus illegal aliens? Those rule of law people?

Freder Frederson said...

If only that "system of laws and civic institutions" had been taken care of by those who purport to care so much now.

And publishing the entire quote supports your contention, how exactly. If anything, the entire quote makes him look like even more of a partisan hack.

It is amazing that someone who went full bore objecting to lawfare, now appears perfectly comfortable with two partisan, unqualified, hacks running the FBI.

Jupiter said...

"You assholes wanted it. Now you’ve got it. Good luck."
That sounds remarkably prescient, for May of 24. Sounds like Trump and Patel made an excellent choice with Bongino.
But I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about Pam Bondi. I had a vague recollection about her, so I looked it up. Back during the Trayvon Martin hoax, she was the Florida AG. She appointed a lying, fascist harpy named Angela Corey to railroad George Zimmerman. When it became apparent that Benjamin Crump was foisting a ringer on the court (that chick who looked like a hippo and claimed to be Trayvon's girlfriend -- she wasn't), she prevented Zimmerman's attorney from deposing Crump under oath. Now she's making lots of promises, but she isn't doing squat. I'm afraid Trump got rolled again.

MartyH said...

If the reporting is correct:

CIA employees are contemplating working for foreign intelligence services.

FBI employees are wondering if they have criminal liability in cases where they knowingly lied to a judge to get a court order.

NSA employees had a highly sexualized LGBTQ internal chat system having nothingness by to do with their jobs.

Is that what Goldberg is referring to?

PM said...

All the Michelles have left is a teen dream of being the Rebel Alliance.

MJ said...

The only reason leftists cared about their " "system of laws and civic institutions" was to weaponize them against anyone in the path of their progressive vision. Failure to use it in that way would have rendered it useless, so that was never a real choice.

Jupiter said...

Pam Bondi, swamp creature.

RCOCEAN II said...

Shorter Goldberg - I sure do hope the Republicans wont act like Democrats now that they have power.

Lazarus said...

Context matters. "Scumbag commie @ssh0le libs, big pussies whose mommas are still doing their laundry" was a mild, moderate, and measured response to the government bending the rules to try to put an opposition politician in jail.

America has had stability for quite some time. That came in part from the long-standing political system and in part from other advantages. By the "long-standing political system," I don't mean what we've had in recent decades, but the older and deeper foundations and underpinnings of that system. The more recent version of our governmental/political system has been moving us away from democracy and hasn't done much to provide stability. Sorry, but I suspect that such stability as we have has been in spite of the bureaucracy not because of it.

Wince said...

“Scumbag” is so derogatory. Try “Inseminated Commie Libs.”

William said...

Scumbag Commie Libs? If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck … it's a damn duck!

dbp said...

The country was and is still, mostly governed by unelected and unaccountable federal employees. It was stable-ish but not entirely stable in that it resulted in the election of a reformer, who wants power to be held accountable to voters. Yes, democracy, which is kind-of the opposite of "our democracy".

Quayle said...

Brittle and teetering? I'm sorry you're feeling so much distress. But I am satisfied that there are enough intelligent, fair-minded, and caring people in the U.S. to steer the ship well and forward. It is, after all, the people that steer. But you seem overly fixated on DJT. And you don't seem to know the character or value the collective judgement of many of your fellow citizens. Perhaps you might consider moving out of your current location and social and intellectual bubble.

gadfly said...

Octogenerian James Carville is entertaining but hardly an expert in today's political arena, where the biggest liars make the best politicians. His right call back when he ran Bill Clinton's campaign that "Its the economy, stupid" drove the Dems to victory but it just doesn't work anymore.

This past year the price of eggs worked for Trump but not because anyone really believed he could lower commodity pricing or that he could conquer avian flu or that more tariffs would lower inflation. But they did believe that the GOP billionaires residing in the tech and financial fields would assure victory. Now with the advent of the Musk Doggies and the subsequent attacks on our Constitution have not been realized by the MAGAt politicians who fear Trump retributions.

hawkeyedjb said...

Oh those sweet laws and civic institutions, weaponized to go after one man and his supporters - rarely has the adage been more appropriate: When you strike at a king, you must kill him.

Never a thought for tomorrow - we and our kind will always be in charge.

Hassayamper said...

the entire quote makes him look like even more of a partisan hack.

Oh God! That's awful! What ever would we do if partisan hacks somehow burrowed into the Federal government?

Bob Boyd said...

"The trophic food chain system most of us grew up taking for granted is brittle and teetering, but its fall still feels unthinkable..." - Wiley Coyote

Big Mike said...

Michelle Goldberg and her ilk seem to operate under the mistaken notion they have credibility.

@mindnumbrobot, Goldberg “and her ilk” do have credibility — with the sufficiently gullible.

Big Mike said...

When you strike at a king, you must kill him.

@hawkeyedjb, they tried their damnedest, didn’t they?

Leland said...

I check CitizenFreePress regularly. The headlines usually help me know if there is anything else I might be missing from my other news sources. However, I do find it a tough read because of Bongino's preference for hyperbolic language. That said, his tweet was on the money.

Kakistocracy said...

If Trump had wanted the FBI to slow walk investigations of Republicans, without putting a hack podcaster atop its org chart, he could have appointed Merrick Garland.

When was the last time you heard Trump go after Garland? He has ferociously sh*t-talked everyone else involved, from Jack Smith to Biden, but he never seemed to go after Garland.

Kakistocracy said...

Garland would have continued at his trademark glacial pace.

FormerLawClerk said...

I think it was Congressman Maxine Waters who explained very succinctly why Democrats appear "frozen" and "unable to function."

"We don't know what they have on us," she told a group of her supporters.

WhoKnew said...

Freder said : "It is amazing that someone who went full bore objecting to lawfare, now appears perfectly comfortable with two partisan, unqualified, hacks running the FBI." so this is directed towards him )or anyone else who has made the same argument). What qualifications are required and which of them are Patel and Bongino missing? They have prior legal and law enforcement experience, so is your issue that they don't have enough experience? Or, is it that they have the wrong type of experience?

Harun said...

Freder doesn't understand that if one person is principled and the other is not, this doesn't work. Game theory says that you must tit for tat punish so that defectors from the good way learn its painful and they will feel it, too.

Sorry, Freder, you guys need to take your medicine. Its a bitter pill, but until you fear retaliation you won't control your bad impulses.

Leland said...

When was the last time you heard Trump go after Garland?

Is the qualifier "Trump", because Merrick Garland was testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee 3 weeks ago, and Republicans were saying it to his face. Trump is just letting Congress do its Article I investigation of the previous Administration.

boatbuilder said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Goldberg's piece does not mention Peter Strzok or Andrew McCabe.

rehajm said...

Scumbag commie libs hardest hit…

Rocco said...

Dave Burge said…
1. Identify a respected institution
2. Kill it
3. Gut it
4. Wear its carcass as a skin suit while demanding respect.

To that I would add…
5. Have Trump, Musk, Patel, etc, drive a silver stake through its heart to make sure it’s dead. <— Hey, Michelle, you are here.

Interested Bystander said...

Bongino called it.

Megaera3 said...

I understand that story writers don't necessarily write their own headlines, but what is this headline idiocy about "has it OUT for" ? The phrase is and always has been, "has it IN for", and means having spiteful or hurtful intent regarding someone. I know the NYT is staffed by defectives, but don't they at least have a style book? Hell, even the AP has a style book. Or so they claim.

narciso said...

Michelle Goldberg is always wrong, I can't think of any instance she has been write on any issue, the weaponization of the security services has been like Frank Marshall Davis, might have counseled, the old Stalinist who was Obama's mentor,

Rick67 said...

Shhh. Bongino had me at "scumbag commie libs".

Paul Zrimsek said...

Alas for the good old days when J. Edgar Hoover was running the place!

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,"
That was Chuck Schumers description of the place 7 years ago, well before Patel and Bongino came along.
Apparently he never considered the shoe might someday be on the other foot.

JIM said...

We still don't have a mutual understanding of what is America.
Which is fine. Just don't gaslight me bro,

Jaq said...

I was pretty angry that day too. That was one of those days that the Democrats really brought home to me that they were trying to recreate East Germany.

Jaq said...

Trump knows a thing or two about game theory. He knows that if you don't pay back aggression with aggression, you will lose like the rabbit constricted by the snake.

Tina Trent said...

Bongino is a very smart, educated, principled guy. He led the security teams for Bush2 and Obama. He stepped in for Maryland Congressional (?) races so the Republicans could have a candidate on the ballot, a thankless job in such a Party minority district. And he worked hard on those races. He’s a great pick by Trump. He’s a rare leader of men, even if this punditry sounds purely partisan.

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