February 5, 2025

"Rogan’s descent into far-right politics is instructive for understanding the diminished cultural resistance to Trump."

Writes Brady Brickner-Wood, in "What Happened to the Trump Resistance? If the President’s first term was colored with protests and hashtags, his second has so far been characterized by a lack of dissidence" (The New Yorker).
The comedian and U.F.C. commentator had once come across as an anti-establishment social progressive—he endorsed Sanders for President in 2020—but now he presents himself as having penetrated the lies of the Democratic deep state. His once goofy interest in alien and moon-landing conspiracy theories quickly led to his identifying conspiracies everywhere: immigrants were being bused from blue to red states to swing the electorate in favor of Democrats; eating a beef-only diet could cure arthritis; the care given to transgender children was unethical in a “Dr. Frankenstein sort of way.” His dalliances with the psychedelic drug DMT and his experiments with holistic treatment modalities have mushroomed into anti-vax rhetoric and aggressive scientific skepticism. Establishment Democrats, as he sees it, mask their deceptions with self-righteousness while Trump tells it like it is, exposing the web of lies Rogan suddenly saw in everything....

Was that instructive for understanding the diminished cultural resistance to Trump?

This article caused me to rediscover my old "tired of politics" tag. But I don't know that people are tired of protesting or tired of needing to be upset about one thing or the other out there in the political world every damned day. I think a lot of people who are just keeping quiet actually like what Trump is doing. 


Jaq said...

"he presents himself as having penetrated the lies of the Democratic deep state."

I bet I could have this guy admitting that Rogan was right in ten minutes if I could get him in a situation where he was forced to respond to my questions. But when he is safely ensconced in his bubble, protected on all sides by like minded thralls to the deep state, he can just pretend not to hear uncomfortable questions, just like the members of any other cult. But that was a pretty clever way of avoiding saying that on his part.

Paddy O said...

The New Yorker's descent into far-left politics is instructive for understanding the expanding cultural resistance to Progressive policies.

How much money has the New Yorker gotten from USAID?

wild chicken said...

If Rogan is like every other "thought leader" he probably saw which way the wind was blowing and followed his audience. Jump on it be left behind!

Charlie Currie said...

"Eating a meat only diet cures arthritis." Don't knock it until you've tried it. I've been eating meat only for more than 8 months. All my metabolic illnesses, including arthritis have gone away. It's not just that meat cures you, it's what you're not eating that caused the issues in the first place.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enigma said...

The framing changes with allegiance with the Party. Rogan is a bog standard left-leaning California "bro," and his quirks pale in comparsion to the millions of hard left California voters who obsess about decriminalizing marijuana, shoplifting, immigation, etc.

Next up, Democrats will start editing him out of photographs.

ron winkleheimer said...

"I think a lot of people who are just keeping quiet actually like what Trump is doing."

I'm stealing this from someone else:

Its like we were expecting cake, but instead we got a surprise party, and a free car, and a free house, and our grandmother came back to life.

Dave Begley said...

The Trump Resistance is composed of leftwing lunatics and those that are financially benefiting from the Liberal Establishment. Just take a look at the screaming event yesterday lead by Schumer and Mad Maxine Waters. People don't want to be associated with those losers, hypocrites and harpies.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"tired of politics"

At the rate things are going we won't have politics in 24 months, just a Roman Triumph with Trump in a chariot followed by the remnants of the DNC in chains on their way to the Tullianum.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Rogan, a former centre-left libertarian followed his audience.

Trump is also a representative symptom, not a cause. It's called a "preference cascade" in which people suddenly realise that a vast number others believe as they do.

I greatly doubt the lefties will be able to get this one back in the bottle.

Jaq said...

In Germany there is a party running from the left that is bog standard European left from recent years, but they oppose the globalist agenda in Europe, therefore they too are "far right." The most economical definition of "far right" as the press uses it is "Opposes globalism." Michael Moore, who stands up for autoworkers would be called "far right" if he ever acted in an serious way in the interests of those autoworkers, that's the kind of politics of the German "far right" socialist party has, Michael Moore socialism.

Jaq said...

Fructose increases uric acid, which causes gout, which is a kind of arthritis.

Megthered said...

That might be glorious. Put it on a pay per view site and our national debt would be gone. Most people hate the dems and the more DOGE finds out about them, the more the hate grows.

Jay said...

"descent into far right " Wow. That's one way to put it. To an objective party he was dragged out of the left bubble kicking and screaming by the commissars to be excommunicated for the capital crime of not parroting the party line faithfully.

rhhardin said...

Clickbait is the business. Outrage is attraction.

Aggie said...

Is this another on the theme of "When Democrats get caught, the Republican reaction is the story"? I noticed Mr. Hyphenated didn't get into any specifics; so, it's a 'descent into madness' story, then, peppered with all the right de-legitimizing words. Tired, all right. Funny, how it would seem that 'Trump Resistance' might somehow linked to the flow of money from US A.I.D.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Except for the people that died as a direct result of POTUS Biden action, the Biden pause (2020 "win") may end up as the best-case scenario nobody could have foreseen. People had a front row seat to Biden and the democrats doing to the country what they tried to do to Trump, once he was out. Now that he is back, Trump has FDR kind of presidential powers and seems eager to find out where the boundaries are.

Had the Dems let Trump win, Trump would've been just another lame duck in a long line of lame ducks since Reagan, only interrupted by Bush the father.

Now, Trump gets to redefine "the imperial presidency" instead.

So, when you kneel to give thanks for giving us Trump, remember to thank him for the bloodthirsty democrats too. They made possible His wonders to perform. (BTW TIL "His wonders to perform" is not a biblical text) per say.

rhhardin said...

The Bulwark and Harry Liton are worth following for the headlines. Everything Trump does every day is an outrage.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Put it on a pay per view site and our national debt would be gone."

If they threw Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, and Soros from the Gemonian Stairs, I'd finance the spectacle myself. Free day-passes to the Colosseum. Come one come all to witness 51 former intelligence officials get eaten by tigers!

Iman said...

Or so says the far-left Yew Norker writer…

Quayle said...

This is the verbal equivalent of the New Yorker's iconic "view from Manhattan's nineth avenue" cover. We can call it the View from Maine.

Aggie said...

"“We’re not going to go after every single issue,” Senator Chuck Schumer recently told the Times. “We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.” Yet the resistance to Trump’s first term clearly demonstrated that lying down on the tracks was not in itself a suitable plan for winning elections and enacting large-scale social and political change. Eventually, the Democrats will need to build train tracks of their own. ♦"

The New Yawkuh hits it right out of the metaphorical park there, at the end. Remind us about that high speed rail project again, we need a success story.

Shouting Thomas said...

How long until The New Yorker is revealed to be receiving huge payoffs from USAID? So far today, Politico and AP.. The roll call is likely to be accumulating for days.

Peachy said...

Rogan spotted the liars.

This isn't hard. Unless you're a dedicated loyal democrat hack.

Enigma said...

This is the rapidly emerging Manifest Destiny or zeitgeist regarding Trump. Yep. He'll either undo a lot of wrongs, or substitute new wrongs for old wrongs.

Gusty Winds said...

Establishment Democrats, as he sees it, mask their deceptions with self-righteousness while Trump tells it like it is, exposing the web of lies Rogan suddenly saw in everything.... Bullseye!

Jersey Fled said...

Wonder how much The New Yorker got from USAID last year.

Gusty Winds said...

USAID was also giving money to the BBC.

Jaq said...

The Bernie Sanders who ran for Senate so many times in Vermont would be labeled "far right" too, before he tried national politics and abandoned so many of his pro-US worker, pro-2A, pro-1A positions.

Quayle said...

Also, is it axiomatic that a move to the right is a "descent"? I guess it is to people who chose to see the world and other people as narrowly as "good guys (i.e. us) versus bad guys (i.e. them)"

Jaq said...

OK, I have to stop commenting here for a while today, but let me say this, the "Trump is epic" tag should be used on every one of these posts.

mindnumbrobot said...

More evidence Democrats have learned nothing. Nobody has done more to diminish the cultural resistance to Trump than Democrats themselves. They're incapable of admitting this, so they pretend [fill in the blank] is to blame.

RCOCEAN II said...

Why New Yorker guy sure is a leftwing propagandist, isn't he? So many lies and propaganda terms. Rogan would be amazed to learn he's now "Far-right". OR that the Democrats are importing illegals and giving them the vote (or rather preventing anyone from stopping them voting) is a "conspriacy theory".

This is the problem with so much of MSM material. Its all framed in the same way: Liberal Establishment and their policies = Good, everyone who opposes them = Bad. And "Bad people" have no reasonable points to make. Nope, they're just nuts or liars or full of "Misinformation" or "Far right" extemists.

And it goes without saying none of "good guys" are labeled "far Left" or even "left". Nope they're just "activists" or just normal people with no-labels. And who is on the "Right" well nobody. They're just all "Far right".

Leland said...

Imagine how far left you have to be to consider Joe Rogan to be far right. Maybe we should start asking what does the centrist leftist believe? Apparently sterilizing transgender children is one belief.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"USAID was also giving money to the BBC."

Just wait, it will be revealed it was being given to RT, Al Jazeera, Haaretz, the China daily...and on...and on...and on.

PM said...

Short version: "Mommy!"

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I heard some international studies professor/expert on the radio say that Trump’s ideas sounded “untethered from reality” and a Hamas leader said Trump’s idea was “a recipe for chaos”. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

People who don’t listen to Rogan believe that Rogan has now morphed into some sort of Rush Limbaugh like streamer. When in fact, nothing has changed. Joe’s curiosity is the podcast driver.

Former Illinois resident said...

Bernie has the $2 million in Big Pharma cash to soothe his woes. And let's not forget his wife's financial chicanery which caused a big jump in Sanders household net worth while bankrupting college when she was its president.
This guy is a big-time hypocrite who has long pretended to be a socialist dedicated to the working-class. Phew.

Yancey Ward said...

I wonder if The New Yorker will fail to make payroll with USAID shut down?

Peachy said...

inaccurate "far right" name-calling sounds like desperate far-leftism.

Jupiter said...

I am thinking of an updated version, in which the dimly seen region on the far side of the Hudson is labeled "Far Right".

loudogblog said...

You know how you can tell if someone is far-left? They refer to Joe Rogan as "far-right."

Jupiter said...

" the care given to transgender children was unethical in a “Dr. Frankenstein sort of way.”
What kind of a psychopathic degenerate is unwilling to finance the castration of children?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nicely done, from "descent" onward. If this guy really thinks he's figured Rogan out, he should offer to go on JRE and talk through his theories.

Peachy said...

LOL. Indeed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Culture, like the climate is sujbect to change. Deal with the change and stop whimpering. It's not restful or good for you.

Peachy said...

Joe Rogan was center-left and probably still is.

To the Command and Control LEFT - How Dare He give Trump a platform to .... speak!

eh - the left are full Soviet now.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Correct. We should come up with a name for this genre of Leftist journalism in which they take a renewed interest in someone they've previously branded a heretic and cast out of society, only to decide the excommunicated are now "descended into being far right."

n.n said...

Descent or progress?

William said...

I've listened to Rogan a few times. I don't recognize him in that writer's characterization. What with podcasts and You Tube videos a lot of people don't depend on journalists to tell them who's who and what's what. They can form their own opinions.....It works to a certain extent. I'm sure that there are a lot of people who have never listened to Rogan and will take this writer's word for it that he's some kind of kook. As a tactic it's increasingly ineffectual but it works. Trump got convicted of thirty two felonies by a NYC jury over some kind of bookkeeping entry. You can't completely count out their influence.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I propose "recentered" as the description of these types of "Z was normal/left/centrist but now they are far right" articles/hit jobs. How many have we had in the last year alone? RFK Jr., Tulsi, Elon, Silicon Valley, Joe Rogan, Nicole Shanahan, Zuckerberg...

No lefty journalists. They didn't "move right." It's simply that reality was recentered. Like the cartoon (link goes to my X account, which I finally changed to public so it's visible to more than my followers); here's a cut & paste version:


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I proposed "recentered" at the 1:40 mark below.

BUMBLE BEE said...

He certainly outdid Benny Hill!

Jupiter said...

"Was that instructive for understanding the diminished cultural resistance to Trump?"
Hmmm... perhaps. I suppose it depends upon what you think of as "cultural". The Brickner-Wood creature probably sees itself as an important participant in "culture", and if its resistance is diminished, it is only because it is having a bad day. Or week. Or year. But I think a more accurate perception would be that the fraction of "American culture" that is resistant to Trump has diminished dramatically. And yeah, mutilating children will do that.

Peachy said...

Democrat descent into far left politics causes brains to shrink and rot, and hearts to solidify. It also causes unhealthy rage, and dangerous addictions like eating and swilling too much lie.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I can remember when the BBC changed from reporting what happened to editorializing on what happened. It was a stark difference.

Mikey NTH said...

The little boy can cry "Wolf!" only so often before the villagers ignore him.

Shouting Thomas said...

NY Times on the USAID pad for tens of millions of dollars.

Rabel said...

"descent into far-right politics"

He descended all the way down to:

"Ninth Circle of Hell: Treachery

The ninth circle, the deepest, is where Satan resides. As with the last two circles, this one is further divided, into four rounds. The first is Caina, named after the biblical Cain, who murdered his brother. This round is for traitors to family. The second, Antenora—from Antenor of Troy, who betrayed the Greeks—is reserved for political and national traitors.'

It fits. He even got to meet Satan himself. I think it was at an MMA fight.

It is a little bit warm down here.

Jon Ericson said...

The danger of echo chambers

BG said...

“We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.” Trains have an awfully hard time stopping; sometimes it takes miles...cutting whatever is in the way in pieces.

tim maguire said...

The biggest factor in the diminished resistance to Donald Trump is 4 years of Joe Biden.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The resistance have no one to blame but themselves for their terrible rendition of Weekend At Biden's.

boatbuilder said...

Lying down on the train tracks doesn't seem like it's ever a very good strategy. Not even if you build the tracks.

DId Chuck drink a lot of Corona before he came up with that one?

These people are the 'elites?'

Former Illinois resident said...

Yesterday's "Trump Resistance" howler-rally starkly exposed unhinged mania of congressional Democrats. These folks clearly don't represent our Bros, can't connect with significant number of other American men and women. Ergo Trump wins popular vote by significant margin, in 2024, and frankly, probably also did in 2020 ---- where are those missing 10 million Biden voters; Kamala sorely missed them.

Former Illinois resident said...

Trump is probably no more "right-wing" than JFK.

Former Illinois resident said...

Germany's far-left parties want to ban Christian Democrats too, intent upon banning the two parties that represent half of German voters. Perhaps they've observed Biden administration operatives, who mightily attempted to vanquish Trump and ban MAGA movement, successfully banished Bernie Sanders and his Bros to get Biden on 2020 ticket.

boatbuilder said...

Maybe this guy ought to listen to one of Joe's podcasts. Maybe one with one of the comedians he brings in. No wingers in the lot. Also generally boring and not funny. There is nothing so boring as a comedian talking about comedy. (See Seinfeld, J.; Comedians in Cars).
His "political" guests are generally lefties with their eyes open.

Former Illinois resident said...

It's the Herxheimer reaction: "an acute transient adverse reaction that occurs in some patients receiving antibotic treatment for spirochete infections, such as syphilis. Perhaps Biden term was our syphilitic era.

Joe Bar said...

I think Rogan got that from Jordan Peterson. JP found that the meat only diet solved his and his daughter's autoimmune problems.

Peachy said...

But old Joe made life so very wonderful for everyone. I heard it on the news.

boatbuilder said...

It's a shame this guy doesn't command the kind of audience that Neil Young does. He could do some real damage to Joe's popularity if he did.

rehajm said...

Far-right politics is the new center. Get on board or be left behind…

Jupiter said...

I hadn't actually connected the dots, but it occurs to me that one of the main huge red pills that Elon Musk had to swallow was what the psychotic "gender affirmation" Left did to his son. He'll forgive them for that around the time the Earth is swallowed up by the Sun's expansion.

Joe Bar said...

This article is direct evidence that the author has never listened to Rogan's podcast.

traditionalguy said...

Rogan is not a fake wrestler. He is a real fighter. In real fighting it is one man against one man with a real winner in a real fought. Guys like that are Realists. ERGO he seeks truth. And his guests freely dish the truth like RFKjr in a 3 hour uncensored interview.?

That’s what destroyed the Fake Mediia narratives spewed by the Dems and gave Trump another win.

One Fine Day said...

From your keyboard to God's ears.

cfs said...

Speaking of Harris and interviews, the FCC has released the raw video of the CBS train-wreck of an interview with Kamala Harris.


RideSpaceMountain said...

"was what the psychotic "gender affirmation" Left did to his son."

Not only that, but there's probably a dotted-line to a USAID grant somewhere. The universe, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

RideSpaceMountain said...

CBS is unburdened by what has been...'what has been' probably includes USAID money.

wendybar said...

So how many millions did The New Yorker get from the O'Biden administration???

Jim at said...

Rogan is now far-right? Somebody needs to tell him.

Peachy said...

"far right" is a threat. They are threatening him.
Good luck with that.
Of course now on sell-out hysterical Drudge- the creepy left are hoping for a new pandemic. Such horrid people.

RMc said...

Only someone named "Brady Brickner-Wood" would call Joe Rogan a "far right-winger".

Real American said...

noticing how nuts the left is makes you "far right"

Dude1394 said...

I know one thing. I am damn tired of the radical-marxist-far-left-wing media calling anyone who isn't raical-marxist-far-left-wing-democrat a "right-winger" that anyone who puts that on a title gets an instant dump into the bit bucket. They continue to play the old marxist name game.

Dude1394 said...

Yea far-right... JoeRogan, ElonMusk, Zuckerberg, Plantir guy, thiel, gabbard, rfk... so many brain-washed "far-right". In the immortal words of the "far-right" Elon Musk....they really and truly and honestly can GFY.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Surname hyphenation is a form of anthroponymic aposematism: it means "avoid me".

Randomizer said...

We love Trump's flurry of activity and are not keeping quiet, we just aren't influencers. Which is nice way of saying nobody cares if say anything.

tcrosse said...

I'm sure the other chaps at the Drones Club speak of little else, what?