Jen Psaki says @joerogan and @TheoVon are in a “right-wing ecosystem” which is “supportive of the Trump enterprise”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 14, 2025
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Jen Psaki says @joerogan and @TheoVon are in a “right-wing ecosystem” which is “supportive of the Trump enterprise”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 14, 2025
Guess it's that [checks watch] time to take the clown nose off. Don't worry, he'll put it back on after lunch.
One side always assumes the other is a monolith, and faults themselves for disunity, because they really don't know the other side well. The old echo chamber...
Somebody can read the room. Still doesn't matter. They won't abandon their stranglehold on the Democratic Party, they will have to be kicked out, like we did on the Republican side with the Glitch McConnell types.
What's symbolically interesting about that clip was the unforgiving crispness of Jon Stewarts video image compared to the "soft focus" of Jen Psaki, whether or not it was intentional.
In the last five years, has Jen Saki spoken the unalloyed truth in public even once?
They skip right past the obvious. STOP LYING.
It's been said a million times, but I will say it again, because this might be the time where it sinks in, they had Joe Rogan. It's just that when they came to a fork in the road, he and Bernie Sanders parted ways, he stuck with his principles, and Bernie Sanders sold out.
She's got a blind spot as large as Greenland or the Gulf of America if she has never contemplated the Boston to Washington DC echo chamber/old mainstream journalism media/Hollywood/academia/Europe elite mutual backscratching.
Jen Psaki is the mouthpiece for the Pravda media of the O'Hussein administration. WHY would anybody ever believe ANYTHING that comes out of her lying mouth?? Point and laugh at her. It is ALL she deserves.
They have the entire media + plus our tax dollars - and they think then need better messaging. More Hivemind!
Again - stop lying. Try that.
The self delusional world that the mainstream media DNC elites supported by money changer Davos billionaires refuses to see reality. Part of the problem is that the so-called elite are people with advanced degrees that have never taken advanced mathematics nor have they studied science or engineering. Therefore they are completely trained on the navigation of civil affections constructed on a whole cloth that are not based on physical reality and not subject to examination by the scientific method.
Jaq said...
It's been said a million times, but I will say it again, because this might be the time where it sinks in, they had Joe Rogan.
Yes it has, but it's not going to sink in for a long time because they'd have to admit that they (the Dems) fucked things up and have no one to blame but themselves. They're not going to do that. That is not why they joined the Democrat party. They joined so they could revel in their superiority over the rest of us mere mortals.
Psaki, marketing department staff, and used car salespeople are hired expressly for being confident liars and/or suffering from a useful form of mental illness. You can indeed fool some of the people all the time.
The corrupt left need more... Soviet lock-step and obedience.
More fake concern... and more lies. Mock Maddow all ya want - she is the mirrored reflection of your insanity.
Thhe left really needs a new way of convincing people that:
The border was secure under Biden
That the inflow of illegals can not be stopped (or even significantly slowed) without congressional action
That male to female trans have no advantage in sports
That self-declared trans women are harmless in locker rooms (even when sporting erections)
That employment numbers the are largely temporary, part-time of governmental workers are the hallmarks of a healthy economy
And on and on and on. Yep, put a prettier bow on that package and watch the merch fly out the door.
The left - and here mostly Psaki- do not understand that they are the authoritarian leftists who push people away.
She needs Rogan to be "rightwing" - and Rogan isn't at all.
Rogan seeks truth - and that pisses the corrupt left off to the hilt.
In fact most of us are not "right-wing" - we are anti-Soviet-Democratic Corruption and lies.
One side always assumes the other is a monolith, and faults themselves for disunity, because they really don't know the other side well
This seems true, as a generality - but I do think people on the right have, or at least have the opportunity to have, a clearer picture of the left than the reverse. When Psaki, in the clip, says that the left isn't good at message discipline (of course I'm paraphrasing) and Stewart laughs, ISTM Stewart recognizes the fatuity of her statement. The left is all about message discipline, and because the left owns like 90% of the news media, entertainment industry, academia, sports (ownership and commentary, anyway), the civil service whence emanate all PSAs, no one can easily escape exposure to that message discipline. When the word of the day is Joy or Weird or Insurrection, when the phrase of the day is Constitutional Crisis or Convicted Felon or Existential Threat, we all know it within a couple of hours of one another. We don't have to seek it out - it's forced on us, relentlessly.
The left, if they want to avoid learning what the right really thinks or is really like, can readily do so. And if they want to learn about us, they have to make an effort.
More and more people are realizing how corrupt the democrat party is. The left's response = 'we need less scarburough.' OK - sure. Good luck.
Hint - get on board with rooting out democrat party/ bureaucratic/ deep state corruption and start actually caring about the American people. The left has NO authentic capacity to do that. It's all team sports.
Since anything to the right of the left is rightwing, Psaki is right about Rogan being right. The real shock for the left is that the nonleft has gained ground, has real voices, and doesn't kowtow to their hegemony. The Other exists, and Othering doesn't work anymore. They have to pay attention. It's humiliating.
She only makes sense if she's talking about marketing. Fox News personalities have each other on their shows. They promote each other's books. I suppose CNN does that with their hosts and MSNBC does that for their personalities, but they don't do it for those on the other channel or for ABC and CBS. That's because the liberal "ecosystem" is bigger and older and more divided when it comes to money matters. In other words, it's about the money and corporate competition.
But look at how the mainstream media covered Russiagate or Hunter's laptop or Joe's senility or everything Trump and it's clear that there's unity -- even unanimity -- and a single party line throughout the liberal/progressive media and across all the different media companies. You didn't see that kind of unanimity on the right, though there is much common enthusiasm now for Trump.
THIS is why we don't believe ANYTHING these fools say anymore....
Steve Guest
In the 25 days since Trump’s inauguration, CNN has mentioned “egg prices” 45 times.
But in the 25 days before the inauguration, CNN NEVER mentioned “egg prices.”
Over on MSNBC, in the 25 days since Trump’s inauguration, they mentioned “edge prices” 80 times.
But in the 25 days before the inauguration, MSNBC mentioned “egg prices” just 1 time.
Beyond parody. (Count via TVEyes mentions.)
The Right: Anyone and Everyone who does not walk in lockstep with the left.
It's amazing that people will categorize others, without ever hearing what the object of their derision is actually saying. It is clear that Psaki has never listened to Rogan or Vonn for longer than a 15 second clip. I'm certain there are others that get this treatment, as well.
One of the benefits of a long-form format is that it is hard to go on for several hours or more and not be genuine. At some point you have to abandon party or ideological lines and just start saying what you honestly believe. What I think lots of folks like about Joe Rogan, and Theo Von is that they say what they honestly believe. I see that same honesty in Jon Stewart in this clip where he makes a distinction between Joe Rogan, Theo Von, and the more hardline Right Wing folks.
One side always assumes the other is a monolith, and faults themselves for disunity, because they really don't know the other side well. The old echo chamber...
True in general, but for the last 15 years or so, Democrats have been far more in lockstep than Republicans. That wasn't true when Will ("I'm not a member of any organized political party - I'm a Democrat") Rogers was around or when RFK Sr., LBJ, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, George Wallace and Sam Ervin were all in the same turbulent party. In the Reagan years, Democrats came to fear that they were becoming a minority party, so they tightened up their discipline.
Figure out who is "far right" with this one simple trick: "Have then ever criticized globalism? Yes? Far right."
Michael Moore is dangerously close, Russel Brand has already fallen past the event horizon.
Is she that stupid or just dishonest when she claims the Left doesn't have its own media ecosystem?
ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, New York Times, NPR, PBS, and the Washington Post just for starters. Of course, they've so trashed their credibility though decades of Democrat partisanship that their viewership/readership is falling.
Stewart and Psaki are insipid and effete. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.
The left's "ecosystem" of think tanks, activist organizations, etc. is at least ten times as large as the right's. You see this less clearly because much of it is embedded in institutions -- universities, schools, public unions, government programs touting poverty programs or environmentalism or international relations -- entities we subsidize to attack us. For just one example,, is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of U. Penn. U. Penn receives massive public subsisies. More ominously, teacher and teachers' training organizations are overtly extreme leftist institutions, blocking moderates and conservatives from becoming certified educators. Publishers of school books and materials -- and curricula -- have been captured by the hard left. Even STEM departments, and certainly law and medical schools and the AMA and national ABA are leftist lobbying machines. I could go on.
People on the left are insane. Here's some of what they support:
Higher inflation
Lower wages
Unrestricted immigration
Rising energy prices
Men in women's sports
Bans on ICE vehicles and gas stoves
More wars
Killing the unborn
Institutionalized discrimination
Justice system weaponization
Sterilization and genital mutilation of children
In what universe would a more unified voice make *any* of those things sound appealing? You might as well try sprinkling some sugar on rabid weasel vomit.
The left and the MSM ecosystem have been in lock step for decades and continue to be today. Rush Limbaugh would always do the compilations of the talking points with exact same phrases spoken by key Democrats and all the news people on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, MSNBS, CNN etc. And while Rush has been gone for a few years others have continued the work. The latest, just this week, "Constitutional crisis."
This was like watching two wealthy passengers on the Titanic argue over a deck chair----from a lifeboat.
More ominously, teacher and teachers' training organizations are overtly extreme leftist institutions,
Indeed, I inadvertently left "education" out of my list of the left's spheres of influence. Or perhaps it's more accurate to say "spheres of control."
Jen Psaki is the Sean Hannity of the left: She persuades only those who already enthusiastically agree with her.
Prole. Not really.
Hannity is a Trump super-fan and he makes no excuses for that - but he also doesn't spend his time lying. Perhaps you don't like Hannity's style. I'm not a big fan, either. ...
But Sean Hannity is NOT the flip side of lie-bag carrier, and propagandist, Psaki.
Jen Psaki is so much bullshit. How many memes exist showing Democrats and Media repeating the exact same phrased talking point on the same day? Progressives and Democrats and Media don't just support each other, they do it word for word.
I'd like to circle back around to a discussion that isn't as frivolous as commenting on a former press secretary's current paid mouthings. Baghdad Bob at least had the threat of imminent death from his boss to cause him to speak his lies. Psaki does it because she both supports the lies she is fed to regurgitate, and is paid to puke them up. But I doubt she goes so far as to believe a word she says.
I see I'm repeat Curious George above, who is right that even Limbaugh pointed this out for decades. Of course, Democrats always said they needed their own Limbaugh, and damn they got Joe Rogan! Joe Rogan voted Democrat, until Democrats moved so far left that even Joe Rogan is now considered far right. Donald Trump and Elon Musk were both Democrat supporters.
Psaki says that the left doesn't support and promote one another. Didn't the New York Times just hire Jeffery Toobin?
The left suffers collective rage and frustration over the FACT they cannot buy everyone off.
When Psaki, in the clip, says that the left isn't good at message discipline (of course I'm paraphrasing) and Stewart laughs, ISTM Stewart recognizes the fatuity of her statement.
My retort - "gravitas."
Jenn Psaki, who served in both the Obama and Biden administrations and served as Biden's mouthpiece and was then hired by CNN and subsequently MSNBC (I would have called that a downgrade, but these days really just a lateral move) says that the leftwing media doesn't have a cross-pollinating promotional system.
So she's complaining and lamenting about how people she derides as "right wingers" help each other in their own eco-system ... as she's talking with John Stewart on their podcasts in the left wing eco-system?
I do think Stewart is right in that Rogan, Vonn, Brand, Shane Gillis and the like have formed a "comedian/libertarian" social media presence. Some of Rogan's best political commentary has come from his fellow comedians, much more so than from politicians or pundits (not sure Rogan has pundits on, but I couldn't say for certain). This group has become influential in no small part because they discuss topics in considerable depth, looking at all side of an issue, including the everyman view and the comedic side of things, and are (or at least appear) willing to hear and respond to what the other side/point of view is. With the left, all we get is ad hominem attacks that looks past the points being made. Trump won in some part because he showed a willingness to engage on the issues, appearing on both Rogan's and Vonn's podcasts.
Jen Psaki believes that anyone who hasn't been castrated recently is a NAZI.
How far inside the bubble do you have to be to think that there is no liberal "ecosystem"? Aside from the entire MSM, there are the "late night" shills like Colbert and Kimmel, NPR, Hollywood, etc.
They really don't understand how much damage their lies did to them, do they?
Jen Psaki lives in a democrat media bubble world echo chamber cocktail party circuit hologram.
It’s reassuring they are lost…
The simplest explanation is that people like Joe R and other are still leftish, but they refuse to see five lights. And they are offended when they are asked over and over again to see five lights. They refuse, and they have the money to back it up, to survive the blacklists, to lie, which is what the left does every day.
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