The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in [Marlean] Ames’s bid to revive her case, which was stymied in the lower courts because of past rulings that set a higher legal bar for men, straight people and Whites to prove bias in the workplace than for groups that have historically faced discrimination. That higher standard is unconstitutional, her suit says....
Some worry a ruling for Ames could chill workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at a moment when President Donald Trump has made it a priority to roll back such initiatives across the country and squash “anti-White feeling.”
I went to that internal link and didn't see the phrase "anti-White feeling." Why is that in quotes? I can only infer that Trump said it, but it's odd to put it in quotes — and odd to capitalize "White" and to use the verb "squash" here. You know, I stick closely to mainstream news reports, especially The NYT and The Washington Post, and I believe I'm seeing an abrupt decline in quality, and it feels like an effort to get Trump.
I do my own research and find the quote in a Trump interview that occurred last April, in this interview with TIME. Here's the full exchange that contains that quote:
So you have spoken a lot about “woke-ism” on college campuses. Polls show a majority of your supporters have expressed the belief that anti-white racism now represents a greater problem in the country than anti-Black racism. Do you agree?
Trump: Oh, I think that there is a lot to be said about that. If you look at the Biden Administration, they're sort of against anybody depending on certain views. They're against Catholics. They're against a lot of different people. They actually don't even know what they're against, but they're against a lot. But no, I think there is a definite anti-white feeling in this country and that can't be allowed either.
How would you address that as President?
Trump: I don't think it would be a very tough thing to address, frankly. But I think the laws are very unfair right now. And education is being very unfair, and it's being stifled. But I don't think it's going to be a big problem at all. But if you look right now, there's absolutely a bias against white and that's a problem.
TIME prompted Trump to talk about "anti-white racism" and he didn't take the bait. Not only did he soften the term to "anti-white feeling," he forefronted other forms of discrimination — viewpoint discrimination, anti-Catholic discrimination, and discrimination in general ("they're against a lot"). But he tagged on "anti-white feeling." And yet, his antagonists today are recycling that one phrase, quoting it out of context, and not linking to the TIME interview or even citing anything that helps the reader see that he was responding to an interviewer's prompt and wasn't especially excited about the issue. He didn't — as WaPo put it — make it a "priority" or vow to do anything as brutal as "squashing."
In that interview, asked what he would do, he's entirely vague: He wants fairness and he thinks the problem will be easy to solve. Why it's supposedly so easy, who knows? He often adds a rhetorical flourish, asserting that a problem can be solved very quickly and easily. Presumably, he thinks it will be easy to solve the perceived bias against white people because he wants to eliminate all discrimination — including the purportedly benevolent discrimination that is motivated by a desire to remedy past discrimination.
Anyway, the mainstream media need to recommit to professional values. Speaking of bias.
And that Supreme Court case argued today looks interesting. It's Ames v. Ohio Department of Youth Services. Here's the SCOTUSblog write-up. Excerpt:
[B]ecause Ames is straight, the court of appeals also required her to show “background circumstances” that would “support the suspicion that the defendant is that unusual employer who discriminates against the majority." Plaintiffs usually make this kind of showing, the court of appeals explained, with evidence that a member of a minority group made the allegedly discriminatory decision, or with evidence demonstrating a pattern of discrimination against members of the majority group.
But Ames cannot show either of these things, the court of appeals contended. The decision-makers in her case – the people who hired someone else for the bureau chief job and who demoted her – were also straight, and the only “pattern” she can point to is her own case....
In a brief filed by Elizabeth Prelogar, who served as the U.S. solicitor general during the Biden administration, the federal government agrees with Ames that the “background circumstances” requirement imposed by the court of appeals “has no basis in Title VII’s text.” What’s more, she tells the justices, the requirement also “contradicts this Court’s precedent, including the Court’s assurances that all plaintiffs may proceed according to the same standards.”
The Ohio Department of Youth Services pushes back against any suggestion that the court of appeals held Ames to a higher standard because she is straight. The “background circumstances” requirement, the department contends, is simply a “method of analysis” for courts to use in cases like Ames’s rather than “an additional element” for plaintiffs to show....
The level of discriminatory practices the past 15-20 years has been one of the uglier periods of American history. This dam is about to burst.
Anti-white racism is very real and very incandescent. I would like to enter Joy Reid as people's exhibit A.
This one feels like a Roberts and Coney Barrett leave the current standards stand. The judicial reason will be “just because”.
One of Matt Taibi’s recent rants was about how hard it is to find the original source for what is being reported on. For example, the NYT panned Vance’s Munich speech but did not link to video or a transcript.
Space Mountain: “ I would like to enter Joy Reid….”
I don’t think you’ll have much competition there, mate.
"Some worry a ruling for Ames could chill workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at a moment when President Donald Trump has made it a priority to roll back such initiatives across the country and squash “anti-White feeling.”
"The way to stop discrimination by race is to stop discriminating by race."
Chief Justice John Roberts. (Parents Involved...2007)
According to Perplexity over 30 US universities have classes on “Whiteness”. I wonder whether review of course descriptions and syllabi would reveal any “hate speech” directed against white people?
Ames is not transgender (e.g. homosexual)? Not politically congruent ("=")?
DEI is institutional, systemic Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry): racism, sexism, ageism, etc.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
JSM - in "Why'd Ya Do It" the late, great Marianne Faithfull mentioned something about "cobwebs" and "giving to the poor".
Some worry
Mm hmm.
The acknowledgement that allowing this case to proceed would result in a "flood" of lawsuits is an admission that this type of unlawful discrimination does, in fact, exist.
...President Donald Trump has made it a priority to roll back such initiatives across the country and squash “anti-White feeling.”
Besides anti-white discrimination, "orange-man" Trump has had to overcome anti-squash discrimination.
RideSpaceMountain said...
Anti-white racism is very real and very incandescent. I would like to enter Joy Reid as people's exhibit A.
THIS^^^ 100% THIS^^ and you can add the mutts of The View with this Joyless Joy.
2/26/25, 7:31 AM
"Some worry a ruling for Ames could chill workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at a moment when President Donald Trump has made it a priority to roll back such initiatives across the country and squash “anti-White feeling.”
I am troubled by the notion that rolling back anti-White feeling is something to "worry" about.
Biden DOJ filed brief supporting petitioner saying court of appeals failed to follow US Supreme Court precedent. So looks like not a close case.
"Anyway, the mainstream media need to recommit to professional values."
That will never happen.
Instead, the MSM needs to be burned to the ground, that ground be sewn with salt, and an entirely new media arise to take its place. Fortunately that process is already in place, with much of the MSM's destruction being self destruction.
…I’ll cash one language nitpick chit and point out there’s nothing reverse about it- it is and should be referred to as what it is- discrimination. Shove your politically-biased style book….
Planned Publisherhood (PP)? Yeah, it's a wicked solution, a transhumane religion, but wouldn't it be karmic? Don't you think?
“…odd to capitalize ‘White’…”
Not capitalizing “White” is blatant majusculophobia.
“ Anyway, the mainstream media need to recommit to professional values.”
If anyone thinks this is going to happen I have a bridge for sale.
I am troubled by the notion that rolling back anti-White feeling is something to "worry" about.
Some people are afraid of losing the ability to express their government-approved racism.
Will there be a call for Reparations for straight, white people?
What could be easier than ending something by simply not doing it anymore? What could be easier than proving something by pointing to the willingness of people to engage in it? Public, institutionalized in-your-face reverse racism has been an exercise in power for at least the past 3 decades.
Disparity of Cult, ref charity sex: Ms Reid probably does want to give a white boy a good hate-fucking right about now....
the court of appeals also required her to show “background circumstances” that would “support the suspicion that the defendant is that unusual employer who discriminates against the majority."
"Unusual"? Seriously? What planet is this judge on? Discrimination against the majority is the rule, not the exception.
Affirmative Discrimination. DEI/IED... boom. DIE in a selfie-abortion.
JRoberts said...
“Will there be a call for Reparations for straight, white people?”
40 iced chai tea lattes and a tiramisu.
Democracy is a majoritarian political system. Fortunately, we have a republican form of government under a Constitution that respects diverse (i.e. individual) rights and mitigates authoritarian progress. Throw another baby... fetus on the barbie... bonfire, it's over. #HateLovesAbortion
I've worked for public and privately owned companies for >20 years.
Last year I saw our HR team promote and celebrate that 60% of hires were non-white and ~65% of hires "identified as women"
This was celebrated and in a town hall discussion it was asked how to further increase non-white hires, particularly in certain areas that remain predominantly white. No one called out to say that was wrong. I did not feel professionally safe from reprisal for pointing out that, per guidance to achieve diverse representation, we should focus on hiring more caucasians and men. This was in a public company.
In a private company ~4 years ago, the EVP of HR openly said that if two candidates had near equal scores we should make the offer to the minority candidate. I'm talking like a caucasian scores an 88 and a minority scores an 86, offer the job to the minority. This was, again, illegal guidance offered without constraint.
I have seen GOOD come from a push to hire more representative workforces. And I have seen evil come from it. The problem is the evil is dismissed, rather than identified and addressed.
Washington Post decided in 2020 to capitalize Whites.
I take one issue with Trump’s answer to the reporter. I think the law is fine. That the law is good is why SCOTUS may likely rule for the defendant. The problem is the regulators meant to monitor the law, which have ignored the law and put thumbs on the scales of justice.
Is it more racist to say that:
after fifty years of affirmative action the black community does not need affirmative action any more
or to say that :
even after fifty years of affirmative action the black community cannot get along without it?
Is it more correct for the white community:
to acknowledge that we understand the black community and deliberately refuse to help it
to acknowledge that we do not understand the black community and so nothing we do helps it?
Billy Brennan is dead. This is getting reversed.
Yeah, the last thing we want is for white people to treated equally not discriminated against. LOL . You've had this massive discrimination in promotion and hiring against white men in the last 40 years. And now its against white women too. And the MSM is like "OMG, how terrible if this ends".
As for the scaremongering about the SCOTUS case. First all 3 D's judges will vote against the women's claims. And you can be sure 2 of the 4 "moderate" judges will vote the same. Now, doubt Roberts will write an opinion, ala Grandma O'Connor, about how maybe 20 or 30 years from now we can revisit the issue and then obey the Constitution and plain meaning of the civil rights act.
The media are a one note samba. And 'racism' is that note. For those on the left, it is everywhere. For others, it shows up some times, but not often, and not usually where we're told it'll show up. Instead it pours out from the pages of the NY Times and WaPo, from the mouths of academics, and 'experts' on racism, DEI Directors & trainers, and of course, our media in general (including the streaming network movies and shows).
We are told it is everywhere, and in a sense, they are right. It mostly emanates from them- those screaming about it. And it doesn't go away for them because they always hear themselves screaming about it.
Sue, baby, sue.
rulings that set a higher legal bar for men, straight people and Whites to prove bias in the workplace than for groups that have historically faced discrimination.
Once you set a higher bar for white people to prove racial discrimination, all you are really doing is putting your own racist theories into law. It's de facto racism. What an insane thing to do! You're creating a huge class of future victims. And for them to prove that they were discriminated against, all they have to do is quote the racist line of cases that say you can discriminate against them.
Ivy Leaguers are mad. Are you trying to inspire lawsuits and racial hostility? Is it so hard to treat people like individual human beings instead of avatars for your racial theories?
I think I'm going to mail the Supreme Court nine copies of The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. Some over-educated racists need a refresher course in humanity. Or we will continue to see more and more examples of Sylvester McMonkey McBean (e.g. Black Lives Matter or Robin DiAngelo).
>but it's odd to...capitalize "White"<
No it's not. Whites aren't white and Blacks aren't black. And the names of racial groups have long been capitalized.
Some worry a ruling for Ames could chill workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at a moment when President Donald Trump has made it a priority to roll back such initiatives across the country and squash “anti-White feeling.”
That ending racial discrimination against white people puts DEI programs in jeopardy tells you everything you need to know about what DEI is actually about.
Here's a kid who was hired out of high school by Google. He had a 4.42 GPA and an almost perfect score on the SAT. And 16 universities rejected him.
Blatant racism in the universities.
And what's startling about this is that he and his family couldn't get any attorney to represent them. They had to file suit by themselves, using A.I. to write the 300 page lawsuit.
I don't feel too sorry the kid -- he's going to be rich, and a lot of these brainiacs find out that school is a waste of time -- but still that's a rather shocking and obvious case of racial discrimination. Strange that no attorneys in California would take the case.
(The one I really feel sorry for is the clerk who has to read that 300 page A.I. filing. Holy shit!)
List of universities who don't want a top of the class and future Googler as an alum...
Carnegie Mellon
UC -- San Diego (!)
UC -- Santa Barbara (!!)
UC -- Davis
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (?)
Georgia Tech
Wisconsin (oops)
and kudos to Texas and Maryland for finding a spot for him.
That's really fucking disgraceful.
Reporting from today's argument suggests 9-0 result.
”Unusual"? Seriously? What planet is this judge on? Discrimination against the majority is the rule, not the exception.
I caught that too. Shameful editorializing. The judicial equivalent of the “falsely” and “without evidence” asides that you see in the news media all the time now. If she loses, and I were an appeals court judge, that would be enough for me to order a new trial.
2/26/25, 8:35 AM
Biden's Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar, who was replaced when the administration changed, briefed in support of Ames before she was replaced?
This goes against type. Very confusing.
It was back in Ye Olden Tymes of 2003 that Justice O'Connor wrote the majority opinion in Grutter v, Bollinger, in which she told us that twenty five years hence, racial preferences in student admissions would/should cease to have any valid reason to continue. We're a little behind the timetable, but I think we might see her prediction become legal fact.
Rabel: pretty standard for AG to weigh in on interpretation of federal statute. Time for doing so was December. Current Acting SG then requested time for argument. Granted. A lawyer on the brief did the argument. Which went well for position of petitioner, supported by Biden and Trump DOJ positions.
Readering, she's arguing that anti-majority discrimination exists.
Anti-majority means reverse discrimination. In this case regarding sexual choice, but it will also apply to anti-white discrimination.
Like I said, that's not the Democratic Party's position, but this comes from Biden's DOJ!
Biden and Trump DOJ take no position on merits of her her case. Take position on how to construe the statute under which she is suing. Say Court of Appeals got it wrong.
Assuming USSC reverses, it will be easier for her to win at trial but that will be in hands of jury.
You've had this massive discrimination in promotion and hiring against white men in the last 40 years. You've had this massive discrimination in promotion and hiring against white men in the last 40 years.
@RCOCEAN, try 60 years, not 40. Some people trace affirmative action to Jack Kennedy's Executive Order 10925 promulgated in 1961 but I think most trace it to LBJ's EO 11246, promulgated in 1965. There were people in grade school when affirmative action was established who've now died of old age.
"If she wins, the flood of reverse discrimination claims will be like nothing we’ve ever seen. Straight, White people everywhere could be filing."
Which, since we have been illegally discriminated against, would be a good thing.
End the racism, sexism, and sexual preference bigotry of the HR departments and return to individual merit, or else get destroyed
the names of racial groups have long been capitalized.
What a piece of racist revisioning!
The infamous AP Style Guide changed "black" to "Black" in 2020. So, if you're nine years old, I get that this strange use of media grammar seems like a long time. But for the adults who consume media, it happened literally overnight, five years ago. When the AP style guide came out, all the "journalists" who are constantly saying how they "speak truth to power" just continued to follow the AP style guide, like lemmings going over a racist cliff.
Anybody who notices things like grammar, or racist theories of reality, was suddenly flooded with Black, Black, Black in all our official media, as if race was the most important thing ever. But this rule only applied to black people. Nobody else got the capitalized treatment. The rest of humanity was sent to the back of the grammar bus.
So that was five years ago. And it speaks volumes about the quality of journalism in the USA, and why so many people hate it.
See also the failure to never use the word "pro-life" or "unborn child," and to always use the words "anti-abortion" and "fetus." These two AP rules have been followed by an unthinking and uncritical press corps for 50 years!
The AP style guide is a moral dictator. And our journalist class is made up of good little authoritarians who do whatever the AP style guide says to do. Without thinking!
Notably, the AP style guide did not say that you capitalize white. But every once in a while, you see a leftist "free thinker," struggling to be fair, and they put White in capital letters, like it's the 19th century and you're writing Plessy v. Ferguson.
Oh, wait! They didn't capitalize White either!
No, our media teachers only bring out the big W when some crazy honky accuses them of having a double standard. They bring out the White like a grammar token, just for this one article. And the media hopes you will forget all about the Whites by next week. So they can go back to following the AP style guide with rigor and lack of thinking.
Just be glad the AP style guide never said that all individual white people need to be capitalized like e.e. cummings.
Or that individual black people need to be in bold and upper case. BARACK OBAMA.
I've been denied jobs or strongly dissuaded from bothering to apply for them because I am white. I have been told to my face that white females could not report outright fraud and theft by black men by a high-ranking Federal official. But to get to a point about lack of standards, why, in legal documents and prestige news, is this woman referred to by the slang word "straight"? Why is she not described as heterosexual? This is the standard used by other federal agencies and the statistics they produce. It is beneath the intellectual credibility of the Court.
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