Said Jeff Bezos, quoted in "Washington Post Opinion Editor Exits as Bezos Steers Pages in New Direction/Jeff Bezos, the owner of The Post, said that the newspaper’s opinion section would focus on 'personal liberties and free markets'" (NYT).
"I suggested to him [David Shipley, the opinion editor] if the answer wasn’t 'hell yes,' then it had to be 'no.'"
To paraphrase a face of the left: "Hide dare he!"
I read his entire statement and pleasantly shocked. It's a bold move. Of course the crazies on X immediately cussed him out canceled their subscriptions and urged a boycott of WaPo.
Because he's for personal liberties and free markets. WTF has happened to so many people in America?
Oh say can you see... MAGA!
Love how these libs throw temper tantrums, quit, and go home. Who reads the WaPo opinion section anyway? Does anybody care other than the nutjob Jennifer Rubins of the world?
Our billionaire class is starting to self-segregate into pro- and anti-Freedom groups. Some like Bill Gates prefer the WEF model. Some like Musk and Bezos prefer the USA model. Very interesting.
I read his entire statement and pleasantly shocked. Bezos wants to sell stuff to EVERYONE. I use Amazon. It's kick ass. Reminds me when all the libtards through a shitfit back in the 1990s because Michael Jordon said "Republicans buy shoes too."
So what? Bezos bought the WaPo because he's a liberal captialist. He wants social liberalism, open borders, invade the world-invite the world, and the ability to make billions more than he already has.
What that has to do with "personal liberties" is anyone's guess. What the freedom to take cocaine and pay legal hookers? I'm sure Bezos likes that.
Does anyone, other than dumb rightwingers, think Soros, Bezos, Cuba, Zuckerberg, etc. are against Big Business making money or tax cuts?
Reading the comments to his post, seems Phillip Bump & Jeff Stein are ripe for firing and/or early retirement. In other news, former head of WHCA, Eugene Danirls, & former Politico writer will join a panel show at failing/failed MSNBC
He wants to sell anything to anyone, unless the far-left, ADL or some other group objects. That why certain books and movies can't be sold on Amazon.
Jeffrey… Jeffrey Bezos
Jeffrey… Jeffrey Bezos
America is a diverse nation... over 300 million of us at last census, with conceptions, and births to keep us viable. Opinions and motives may vary as humans do.
Zuckerberg and Bezos are both hiding behind Trump's skirt vis-a-vis avoiding massive EU fines. I trust their commitment to this as far as I can throw them, but there is at least a ray of understanding of the political divide.
You don't like where the boss is going--you quit. It's the honorable thing to do. But it doesn't mean that the boss is wrong.
It's a win. I'll take it.
Damn. I gotta get a couple billion and run shit.
Never underestimate the power of large breasts on a man's worldview.
Sounds like Bezos is getting rid of some more high-cost deadwood without having to give severance or UE- he just gets them to quit instead with little effort.
I would have had more respect for Bezo's had he done this over 2 years ago but his efforts are as sincere as the Vichy French becoming anti-nazi in the summer of 1944. He's just a wind vane shifting with the political winds.
At least David Shipley still has his dignity. Bezos should get Big Balls to lead the revamped WaPo editorial page. 🤣
WaPout of WaPoo watch your shoe.
It was very good that Vichy France became anti-Nazi in the summer of 1944 because that meant the Allies were winning the war.
"Gusty Winds said...
Love how these libs throw temper tantrums, quit, and go home."
You say that but I think that behavior and mindset is far more common on the right. The right's instinct frequently seems to be to retreat. I think it is born out of a 'to each their own' mindset which can be good, but I think the Left's mindset is typically more along the lines of 'they're not doing what is right, I need to fix that.' A lot of the angst surrounding Trump is that he has that latter mindset. And it feels bad to the institutionally minded Leftists because they got used to only their side playing offense.
He doesn’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
The Times They Are a-Changin
Because he's for personal liberties and free markets. WTF has happened to so many people in America?
That's because personal liberties and free markets are dog whistles for transphobia and racism.
It doesn't change my mind about Bezos, but I gotta say: If the Opinion Editor is flouncing off in a huff without rebutting meaningfully, then he must not be very good at expressing his opinions.
Donald Trump has moved from living 'rent free' to outright ownership.
Jeff Bezos goes Full Michael Jordan which is precisely the correct path to take given the lunacy that has consumed the New Soviet Democratical Party.
"At least David Shipley still has his dignity."
Too true. He refuses to truckle to the cult of individual liberty and free markets. He remains true to the American Founders' vision of a nation based on slavery and mercantilism.
"For the times* they are a'changing."
*Not the Times, though.
Hey Captain Bob--you got there first.
LOL! Bich, you clearly don't have a clue what dignity looks like.
At least David Shipley still has his dignity.
Heh. Yeah, I haven't been this inspired since watching Braveheart.
"America is a diverse nation... over 300 million of us at last census, with conceptions, and births to keep us viable."
And getting less diverse over time. Why would Bezos dead-end the WaPo to satisfy the monsters on his payroll? He wouldn't, and hence this long-delayed adjustment toward morality and patriotism. Force the nasties to resign.
I think it's telling that the opinion editor quit over having to support individual liberty and free markets. I wonder if he's opposed to both or just one of the two. Same with the people cancelling their subscriptions. Although it's ironic that they are protesting support for individual liberty and free markets by exercising their individual liberty in a free market.
"At least David Shipley still has his dignity."
Shipley has no dignity to lose. He was as foul a liar as Jake Tapper or Joe Scarborough regarding Joe Biden's putrescent brain and criminality. (e.g. the suppression of Laptop from Hell) Why degrade your soul for the sake of someone who'd laugh at your simplicity?
boatbuilder said...
"Hey Captain Bob--you got there first."
Great minds think alike
Yah I’m supposed to be impressed this person left. Insert Paul Harvey He Would Want Us To Know His Name here…
Bezos is amazed America is a place where socially unpalatable nerds like him can get a woman who likes to show off her great tits to suck up to him…
There was simplicity in complicity, but now that Biden has left, Walz 'n Karma-la have been unequivocally rejoined, the joy is gone and the bill is due.
"HistoryDoc said...
Zuckerberg and Bezos are both hiding behind Trump's skirt vis-a-vis avoiding massive EU fines. I trust their commitment to this as far as I can throw them, but there is at least a ray of understanding of the political divide."
Every now and then, I ponder the notion of letting the EU experience a Week Without American Technology. I'd like to see all of the big US tech firms just shut down access to the EU countries. The message is "You need us a lot more than we need you. FAFO."
Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
And you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'
I can only assume that Shipley will achieve a soft landing in academia somewhere, as a Journolism professor.
Yeah, lot of that going around lately. As billionaires go, DJT may be just fair to middling. But the man is President of the United States, and he does have the richest guy on the planet as his wingman. And if yer a businessman ya dont wanna be Osterized or left out in the cold. So....
Trump haters ought to be applauding a “free market” viewpoint, which surely will be in opposition to Trump’s mercantilist tariff policies.
Lefties are trying to organize an economic boycott on Feb 28 as a means of shaking their pitiful tiny little fists at reality.
If you have a non-urgent purchase pending, try to buy it on Feb 28 as a buycott.
Double points if it's a purchase on Amazon, given the news today. Triple points if bought through Ann's Amazon portal.
Jeff Bezos, American.
He hears America's cash registers ka-chinging.
“The times they are a-changing’.”
I have little sympathy left for democrat journalists, they purposely hid the fact that Biden was non compos mentis from the American people, although they claim they hold the people of government accountable. The 4th Estate, right?
Right now their mission is to feed the American people that Trump is reckless, chaotic, ruthless, lawless, a danger to our Democracy, and a big bad meany. Oh and he's not the President, Musk is.
Such sentiments are not for everyone - it seems that the political left in America has become more anti-freedom over my lifetime, and now much of it is virulently so. I don't find it a convincing argument that Bezos is unduly interfering in the newspaper: the editorial page is the place where the institutional voice of the paper is presented, and I see no reason why that voice shouldn't reflect the view of the owner. And besides, as Bezos noted, there are plenty of places to find the day's Democratic Party talking points - it's not like that will be an underserved market without the WaPo.
Seriously, the greatest accomplishment of Trump is that he has flushed out the true feelings and true allegiances of people in this country, and around the world. They are self-identifying, and we better pay attention and act accordingly from this point forward.
Leftists do not tolerate freedom. They call freedom , nazi , on CBS news.
Big balls isn’t a leftist with a stale leftist opinion…
He’s cleaning up your team’s mess.
LLR-democratical Rich: "At least David Shipley still has his dignity."
Sure he does tiger.
Sure he does.
It doesn't take a weatherman to tell what side the bread is buttered on.
Before joining The Washington Post, Shipley was editor of the Op-ed page at the Bloomberg View. Before that deputy editorial page editor and op-ed editor at The New York Times (2003–2010), executive editor of The New Republic (1993–1995), and a senior presidential speechwriter and special assistant to President Bill Clinton from 1995 to 1997.
I always thought the NYT/WaPo Op-ed pages were leftwing, badly written, echo chambers, and this guy was partially responsible. He can be replaced by a zillion other leftwing Journos.
This is Bezo’s first move for the Presidency 2028. Not bad. He could easily save the Democrat party and a lot of Trump voters just might be ready for a kinder, gentler leader.
Capitalism enslaves workers and enriches the rich. That's solid academic Marxism, and a Marxist isn't going to disown it. Hence the editor's resignation.
Groc wasn’t convinced, so I pushed Groc in that direction:
“By 2028, the Democrats could be a mess—especially if they’re coming off another loss or infighting between the progressive and moderate wings keeps boiling over. The 2024 election fallout, with Biden out and Harris struggling to unify, might leave them desperate for a big name with deep pockets. Bezos could swoop in as the guy who’s not a career politician, promising to “fix” things with his business chops and a fat checkbook.
His pitch could lean on that outsider status: “I built Amazon from scratch, I can rebuild America.” He’s got a track record of scaling systems—logistics, tech, jobs—that he could spin into a vision for infrastructure or economic growth. Toss in some crowd-pleasers like climate action (he’s already got the Earth Fund going) and healthcare tweaks (Amazon’s dipping into that too). . . Plus, his money means he doesn’t need donors, so he could play the “I’m not owned” card against rivals.
The party faithful might bite if they’re tired of the same old faces. Progressives could warm up if he pushes green jobs; moderates might like the CEO vibe. The trick is dodging the “billionaire overlord” backlash—unions and the AOC crowd won’t forget Amazon’s labor fights. But if the Democrats are truly in chaos, desperation could outweigh the gripes. Savior complex activated.”
His target audience is no longer the DC populace. It's far more selective.....The Post staff should be grateful that he's still there writing checks.....What's the popularity rankings of the hyper-billionaires. Zuckerberg and Gates are unlikable and a tad creepy, but they don't really crave the political spotlight. Bezos and Musk are flamboyant. I don't get the sense that Bezos is all that interested in politics. He just wants to ride his yacht and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Musk is by far the most political. He's a likable guy, but he's got millions of people hating him. I wish him luck, but we'll see how it turns out. He looks somewhat hubris prone.
Kak stores his dignity alongside his leather ball gag.
Seminar live on what Marx can teach us about the Trump situation today starting soon. Might be in a heavy French accent, don't know yet. Columbia U.
Hard to imagine Bezos as a fit for the Dems. Depends how low they go. The problem remains that as a regional coalition party, they can't separate their issues. They need every vote from every little interest group. Running a real moderate as the Dem candidate isn't possible.
@J Scott: I hope you’re right
He pronounces "Trump" as "Tramp."
A The Eighteenth Brumaire of Donald Trump comparing Trump to Louis Napoleon
Mike MJB Wolf,
"Because he's for personal liberties and free markets. WTF has happened to so many people in America?"
I have for some time now been proposing the idea, with only partial modesty, that the West did not win the Cold War.
What happened, rather, Is that the Soviets withdrew from the field of armed conflict, and sat back waiting for subversion to do its work.
Bezos thinks Trump and his reforms will last. (Hotel California closes.)
Can the Post come back? Yes, if it covered corruption being exposed. But the corrupt are all people whom the Post employees know as neighbors. Could you report a friend's downfall? and what if the corruption involved, as you well know, all your friend's and neighbors? Susie's mother, Jamie's father and you to do a hard-hitting story on them? and then watch them pack and leave, your own children crying with their friends?
I wish Bezos well. As the nuns always said in my parochial school, "God desires no man's death", and we're supposed to align with that.
I think Trump is more like Napoleon III than Napoleon. He more wants to be grand than great. Musk is more the Napoleon type. Even among billionaire entrepreneurs, a guy like Musk doesn't come around every day. He'll leave his mark on this age.
Until shown otherwise the Washington Post is still our nations "High School Newspaper of Record." All the cool kids work there.
To me, personal liberties means something different from Personal Liberty. I hope he meant the latter.
Even among billionaire entrepreneurs, a guy like Musk doesn't come around every day. He'll leave his mark on this age.
Ever since he liberated Twitter, but even before he joined forces with Trump to save the nation from Democrat doom, I've been saying that history will consider him the most consequential individual human being since Churchill.
it seems that the political left in America has become more anti-freedom over my lifetime, and now much of it is virulently so.
They always were, but pretended otherwise when they were weak and marginalized.
Freedom for the Left is merely a tramcar. When you get to your destination, you step off.
.."Freedom for the Left is merely a tramcar. When you get to your destination, you step off. .."
Or rather, when you reach your destination, you push everybody else off, and go for the next load.
Perhaps Bezos should hire Nick Sandmann-the teemager he helped libel.
Bezos=kiss ass
What good is it to be worth hundreds if billions of dollars and still not be able to afford a backbone?
The Wall Street Journal has always been a very left-wing newspaper, with a right-wing editorial page. It kind of sounds like that's what Bezos is shooting for with the WaPo. I imagine a lot of people in that newsroom are shocked that their employer supports free markets.
It's a smart move, I think, because a libertarian editorial page is a good way to show the woke scolds where the door is. And a libertarian editorial page is still a rarity in mainstream news.
The WaPo is competing with the NYT, and this is a highly effective way to distinguish themselves. The WSJ has a nationwide audience with their right-wing editorials and left-wing journalism. There's no reason Bezos can't do the same thing with a focus on D.C. as opposed to Wall Street.
I wish him luck!
Dude. He has a spaceship that looks like a dick.
LLR-democratical Rich: "What good is it to be worth hundreds if billions of dollars and still not be able to afford a backbone?"
Yes, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog wrote that. Just now. Then hit publish.
Oh gosh, WaPo is explicitly stating its general outlook. It didn't have to explicitly state anything like this before, but they sure were successful at creating a monoculture among their ranks.
If Bezos is truly thinking about getting into politics, the first thing he's gonna need is a personality transplant. I personally doubt this is his intent - I think he sees the political world as just another set of variables to manage. Honestly, his wealth is impressive and his achievements with Amazon are as well, but I don't think he has the imagination to take on the political world.
Bezos could have made it pithier: Democracy and Republics Die In Leftism
"Dude. He has a spaceship that looks like a dick."
Bezos has a spaceship that looks like Donald Trump?
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