February 17, 2025

Assuming the Democratic Party needs someone to come in and remake it, as Trump did for the Republican Party, who could that person be?

I asked Grok, and it set out 4 "key attributes" : "1. Charisma and Media Savvy.... 2. Outsider Status or Unconventional Background.... 3. Clear, Bold Vision.... 4. Connection with the Base...."

Grok then came up with 5 individuals who might have the attributes, and I'll put this below the fold so you can guess before you look — guess, then laugh... or cry: 

1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

2. Beto O'Rourke

3. Stacey Abrams

4. Gavin Newsom

5. Pete Buttigieg


wendybar said...

So they have nobody. Got it.

WisRich said...

Put me in the laugh column.

Kate said...

Fetterman. At least, he hits more marks than some of these retreads.

MadisonMan said...

Maybe ask Grok to filter out the Same old same old.

The Democratic Party Problem right now is that in opposing all things Trump, they are supporting the outrageous spending that Elon Musk is finding, especially when it's being spent abroad. That is not something that can cause someone to vote for you.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

All laughs, no crying from me. What a lousy bench. No talent at all beyond AOC, whose main gift is self-promotion. Even CA is sick of Newsome. I guess if you'd asked for ten then Karen Bass would have made the list too.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'm with Kate. Fetterman does have enough grit to go his own way at times.

mikee said...

AI here demonstrates the old computer science adage of "GIGO," that is, "Garbage in, garbage out." I presume this is an effect of the media data the AI uses. Please try the same with Republicans, sans Trump. We would likely be surprised again.

Give me Mark Cuban or perhaps an entertainer like Matthew McConneheyyyy, they could each fulfill the role of ignoring current Democrat grift operations and try to focus on more sane policy for the party than the progs have them pushing now.

mezzrow said...

the creek is long and winding, and no paddle may be found.

Peachy said...

Fire Maddow, Reid,... actually - the entire shit show that is MSNBC. That BS media model - it must wither and rot... In order to save the Dem party. The party is tethered to Biden and his mob cabal, the Censorship Complex, lies, (of course) insider money grubbing - toxic identity politics.
If they do not divorce all of that - in an authentic way - they will continue to die as a party.
Lying liars who lie - Stop it. Not helping.

Peachy said...

The Democrat elite is run by a secret cabal.
Just look at how horrified Kamala was. She was not in charge of herself.

Old and slow said...

I would have guessed Mark Cuban, though he has lost a step recently. That's a pretty sad cast of characters.

Old and slow said...

To be fair, not many people would have predicted the rise of Donald Trump prior to his winning the presidency. He did not seem like a plausible candidate, even though his name was mooted.

RCOCEAN II said...

The only person on the list that makes sense is Newsome. Pete Buttergig is a joke. Beta O"Reilly is a joke. Abrams and Cortez are losers. God, I hope the D's nominate Abrams. LOL!

None of these people are "outsiders" in any significant way. They believe what Biden, Harris, and Hillary believe.

I just read michelle obama might divorce Barrack. If so, maybe she can run in 2028.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

4. Connection with the Base....

Try changing that to "willingness to rebuild the Base" and see what answers you get. Right now clinging to the voter base they currently have is the biggest stumbling block they have. Until they make moves to rework that they're stuck.

SteveWe said...

None of the above.

RCOCEAN II said...

Newsome - winsome or losesome? We'll have to wait.

Dave Begley said...

I hope the Dems nominate one of those five as JD Vance would win at least 40 states and an EC landslide.

The best two the Dems could nominate are the governors of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Slicksters.

Charlie said...

That's a real Murderer's Row of midwit political hacks.

Eva Marie said...

I asked Groc the same question but added - must be from the business world, not politics.
Groc had these suggestions: Andrew Yang, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban.
Then I asked from the sports world: LeBron James, Serena Williams, Collin Kaepernick, Michael Strahan, Megan Rapinioe.
The arts: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ava DuVerney, Common, Shonda Rhimes, John Legend.
I was surprised Groc didn’t mention Jamie Dimon, who might be a strong candidate. From Groc’s suggestions I liked Serena Williams and Lin-Manuel Miranda (not because I’d vote for them but that they might offer the Democrat party some fresh points of view.

tim maguire said...

Everyone on that list is toxic. It will not be anyone who is on our radar today.

tcrosse said...

What Trump did for the Republican party is piss off its establishment. It was a hostile takeover. A Democrat who wants to do the same will have to piss off the gang who control the party now.

Earnest Prole said...

If not for Hillary Clinton’s corruption, Bernie Sanders would have taken over the Democratic Patty in 2016, bringing with him people like Joe Rogan and transforming the politics of both parties. But that’s all ancient history now.

Rocco said...

Kate said...
Fetterman. At least, he hits more marks than some of these retreads.
The Hoodie-in-Chief.

Lawcruiter said...

AOC is the only one with real charisma. The issue is whether she can grow up from her current role as an attractive and compelling - but otherwise roundly laughable firebrand.

hawkeyedjb said...

Agree with Earnest Prole that Bernie once was the future of the Democratic party. Now he's just another cranky hack, screaming that it's illegal to find out what we've been spending money on. I had once thought of him as honest. Huh.

The Drill SGT said...

"4. Connection with the Base...."

Get a New, larger base

Rocco said...

3. Stacey Abrams

She’s already been the President of Earth; President of the US would be a step down (admittedly a small one).

Michael E. Lopez said...

I went deep with Chat GPT and forced it to think outside the Box. It was surprisingly difficult. But I finally got a list:

Mark Cuban
Dwayne "The Rock:" Johnson
Jon Stewart
Michelle Obama
David Chang
Malala Yousafzai
Oprah Winfrey
Michael Bloomberg

hawkeyedjb said...

Trump's secret was the he actually believed in a lot of the things Republican insiders pretended to favor. Since I don't know what Democratic insiders actually favor (other than filling their own rice bowl), it's hard to come up with a name of someone to carry on their vision.

Maybe Bernie Madoff.

Rory said...

"To be fair, not many people would have predicted the rise of Donald Trump prior to his winning the presidency. He did not seem like a plausible candidate, even though his name was mooted."

Mainstream media, aka the Dems, gave Trump $2 billion in free advertising in the runup to the 2016 primaries. That was about $200 for every dollar Trump actually spent. They turned a very famous person into a credible candidate.

Political Junkie said...

Ok. I will try to help the D's. Here goes.In 64 Reagan was active for Goldwater and then ran and won in 66 for CA gov, which was a strong R year, after the 64 D landslide year. Timing is important.Also, running a nonpolitican is a plus.

Whereas Reagan was an actor, D's should look for masculine areas. I say sports or construction industry. Must be good looking, good on tv, and likeable. Get a retired athlete, maybe someone like Grant Hill etc. Is there someone from HGTV that is a D?

The Vault Dweller said...

The list is bad. I will offer up an outside the box option, Jon Stewart.

MarkW said...

Jared Polis

Aggie said...

I picked 3 - I was thinking ol' Uncle Fester Fetterman would be on the list, though. I'd tune in to watch the Primary Debate, just for the entertainment value.

When you think about it, it didn't take long for Obama to ascend to the front of the pack, and the democrats are so hungry for a savior right now, that any glib, smooth-talking liar that doesn't have too much baggage will be in the running, and will be pushed over the finish line. There will be so much party support, you'll be thinking that Jesus has come back to Earth. First we'll get the beautification of the candidate, and then, beatification.

Mack Mariani said...

It's obviously Steve Harvey. Harvey's the only person who could win either party's nomination if he came forward. I think he'd win.

Jaq said...

It will need to be somebody who does not have a deep seated hostility to working people. When the Democrats say that they are pro-union, what they mean is that they will make deals with the leaders, Trump, on the other hand, does everything he can to create good union jobs, it's a different thing; Trump aims at the rank and file, Biden aimed at a tiny elite at the top living off taxes on the wages of the rank and file who can't be dislodged.

Fetterman seems too on the nose, though.

Kevin said...

I was surprised Groc didn’t mention Jamie Dimon, who might be a strong candidate.

No connection to the base.

Jaq said...

I wonder if the neocons will manage to keep their stranglehold on the Democrats?

rhhardin said...

Al Franken. Anybody with a sense of humor.

gilbar said...

wendybar said...
" So they have nobody. Got it."

They HAD Someone..
She was Smart.. She was Gorgeous, she could walk the nose, and hang Ten..
They threw her away.. She's Director of National Intelligence now

Kevin said...

Pottery Barn Rule: Obama broke it; Obama owns it.

Peachy said...

Jared Polis ruined Colorado.

Lazarus said...

Wes Moore is African-American and relatively young. He'll be on the next Democrat ticket or the one after that.

Jaq said...

Judging by my YouTube feed, their first step seems to be shoving a lot of anti-MAGA videos down people's throats. I can't seem to "Not Interested" my way out of them, either. Maybe I should switch to TikTok.

D.D. Driver said...

Tulsi Gabbert.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Donks' bench is barely Instructional League, not even Low-A.

The Republicans have dozen of top Triple-A folks, honing their skills and waiting for a call-up. BTW, the average Doink in Congress is a GENERATION older than the Republican side, and it shows.

AND ... at the Executive level, primarily state governors, it is a consistently horrific record of repeated and rather disastrous failures. In Biology, we call it a "moribund" population.

Meanwhile, if you're familiar with Strauss & Howe, the Republicans are addressing this unfolding Crisis with a dominant and inspiring Boomer éminence grise, with a huge coterie of Gen-X managers at the sweet spot of ability and experience, and abundant young front-line shock-troops dedicated to the cause.

Democrats are structurally INCAPABLE of assembling such a team, even if they wanted to do, that has even a remote possibility of addressing the Crisis which will carry us beyond the now senescent, incompetent, anachronistic and failed post WWII system which once, quite successfully, was then the new norm.

Lilly, a dog said...

Democrats sure are thirsty!

"Hey, Kool-Aid!"

Stacey Abrams bursts through the wall,

"Oh, yeah!"

D.D. Driver said...

Kisten Synema. Someone in exile would be the right move.

PM said...

All good reasons it oughta be former D, Condoleezza Rice.

Amadeus 48 said...

What is the Dem Party base? University professors, media types, AWFLs, and black women. Not promising. They need a new base.

Political Junkie said...

Is there a hockey player or a pro golfer that is a D? Look in areas where you opponent is strong.

Ficta said...

Fetterman, Tom Hanks, maybe Oprah.

The trouble is, I'm not sure the Dems have the same sort of opportunity the Reps did. Trump pulled in a large disaffected minority that was just sitting there. They loved Reagan. They sat on their hands for Bush. Maybe they voted for Buchanan. They probably voted for Perot at least once. They loved Sarah Palin and found the establishment's reaction to her repellant. I'm just not sure the Dems have an equivalent to the Scots Irish (and similar sub cultures) that they can pick up. Maybe energizing Black voters to show up in greater numbers.
Assuming they don't just flat out lose Blacks, an outcome that I would put at unlikely but not impossible.

Political Junkie said...

PM - Not sweet Condi. She is R forever.

Scott M said...

(Channeling John Oliver): Stacy Abrams...run. Please. I'm begging you.

Temujin said...

If that's the list, they are in deeper shit than even I suspected.

hombre said...

That’s just AI thinking like a Democrat.

Joe Bar said...

Three out of five for me. Please run all of them for 2028.

john mosby said...


He’s like a time capsule from the pre-Obama party. And he has been of necessity working with the righties these last few years. And he knows how to do machine politics.


Arashi said...

Run any of them. And please yell louder and call me more names. That will secure a non-win and hopefully result in the Democrat party going the way of the Whigs.

Until they honestly admit to themselves why they lost, they are doomed to wander in the wilderness. May it be a long journey.

Darkisland said...

AOC is Bezos pet poodle. Never figured out whether she knows this or not.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Tom Hanks was on that snl special as a stereotype of what the left believes a Trump supporter is. Bigoted, half wit…problem was it couldn’t raise a laugh from the gathered leftie elite. A couple of claps is all. I encourage the left to continue what it’s doing…

Darkisland said...

I am getting an image of President Fetterman appearing in the group photo of world leaders at G20 or some such.

They are all in suits. He stands out in his shorts and hoodie

President Fetterman. I hope I live long enough to see him inaugurated. In shorts and hoodie.

John Henry

John Henry

Mary Beth said...

Ficta said...

Fetterman, Tom Hanks, maybe Oprah

I was thinking of Tom Hanks. He would fit the outsider qualification. It would be better if he hadn't shown himself to be so consistently bigoted and hateful towards Trump voters.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Jared Polis ruined Colorado”

First married (to a man) gay dude in Congress (D-Boulder). Hard core leftist. Was my Congressman for years.

robother said...

After Carter lost in 1980, the Democrats picked Mondale and then Dukakis. Sounds like they're on the same path. Sometimes it takes longer than one season to burn out the undergrowth.

Lazarus said...

The Harry Trumans, Lyndon Johnsons, and Bill Clintons have mostly been replaced by women, and none of them are Thatchers, or even Merkels. The Tammys, Pattys, Tinas, Mayzies, and Amys don't have the necessary gravitas. Neither do the men in the party. Chris Coons? Chris Murphy? Maybe Mark Kelly is their best bet among those currently in politics.

Breezy said...

Dean Phillips - he was one of the lonely D’s predicting the 2024 loss if Biden-Harris put forward again.

After four years of the Biden failed agenda, though, what overarching theme could anyone put forward that counters MAGA and that could win? Rainbows and unicorns are spent. Perhaps good q for AI….lol.

John said...

Paul Krugman is available.

Darkisland said...

Dave Begley is yet another example of hope over experience. Re Vance.

VP's never win. VPs, including Vance, are mostly senators who have no executive experience. Former senators make really shitty presidents. See Biden, Obama, Ford (rep but same issue) Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Truman

Vance needs to be an activist VP and build power in the senate. Then run for VP again in 28 and continue building power. Maybe be a permanent VP.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Not being snarky, David. I usually find you pretty astute. But, like so many people, you seem to see the VP as a sort of assistant president and logical successor when they are neither.

John Henry

Bruce Hayden said...

“Tulsi Gabbert.”

And. Bobby, Jr. Biiig mistake letting Trump snag them. Doubt that either will ever give up their Dem affiliation, but neither could probably win an election as dog catcher in a Dem precinct, after working in Trump’s Cabinet.

Ann Althouse said...

I did follow up with the prompt: "What if the answer is not to veer left but to do something interesting and new!”

I got:

A Tech Entrepreneur or Innovator: Someone like Andrew Yang...

A Business Leader with a Social Conscience: Think of someone like Howard Schultz….

A Non-Politician with a Strong Public Following: An individual like Oprah Winfrey...

A Leader from Civil Society or Philanthropy: Someone like Darren Walker from the Ford Foundation….

An Academic or Thinker with Fresh Ideas: A figure like Angela Glover Blackwell, founder of PolicyLink….

So I prompted: "Your answers seem more about getting an individual that can get elected but I see little capacity to remake the party the way Trump did to the GOP."

Then I got:

Marianne Williamson

Cornel West

Nina Turner

Andrew Yang

JIM said...

I'm surprised Whoopi Goldberg didn't make the list. She checks the required boxes, knows everything about everything (just ask her), and has some media savvy.

Darkisland said...

Earnest Prole said...

Bernie Sanders would have taken over the Democratic Patty in 2016,


He is not now and never has been a Democrat. He has never campaigned for other democrats. He has never raised money for other democrats, demmie PACs or the party. He has never claimed to be a Democrat.

He has also been fiercely and publicly an (I)

Why should the Demmies allow him to use Act Blue for fund raising? Why should they allow him to run as a Demmie in 16 and 20?

Donald Trump at least pretended and claimed to be a Republican.

John Henry

Rosalyn C. said...

Jamie Diamond
Denzel Washington

Mason G said...

"I guess if you'd asked for ten then Karen Bass would have made the list too."

You'll need more than ten. Stacey Abrams has to count for at least six.

RJ said...

As a Texan, I can tell you that "Beto" is not going to be the answer. Shallower than a Petri dish.

Josephbleau said...

Democrats need to run Michelle with Tanishi Coats as vp. Then have street riots every day until the election. Why abandon your strengths?

Rocco said...

Lazarus said...
"Wes Moore is African-American and relatively young. He'll be on the next Democrat ticket or the one after that."

His campaign slogan should be "Wes is Moore".

Josephbleau said...

Of all people I think Andrew Yang would work out best.

Robert Cook said...

I like Pete Buttigieg and AOC, and I also like Katie Porter, who recently lost her seat in the House. Essentially though, any Dem will be preferable than any Republican. But this is not a cheer of applaud for the Dems, who are mostly ineffective and most of them are really "liberal Republicans" rather than "leftists" or even progressives. Still, the Trumpified Republican Party is appalling beyond belief.

wendybar said...

D.D. Driver said...
Tulsi Gabbert.

2/17/25, 10:34 AM

Too bad the left considers her a Russian asset thanks to Corrupt Hillary.

Wilbur said...

John Gotti, Jr. is available.

The Vault Dweller said...

@Bruce Hayden

While I don't think RFK Jr. has ever said he left the Democratic party, Tulsi Gabbard did publicly state she left the Democratic party.

Gospace said...

Do young people understand the reference to "below the fold"?

Have to agree with the first comment by wendybar: "So they have nobody. Got it."

Leland said...

I see David Hogg is out.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Only Newsom is a realistic possibility. But...

During Covid I was "entertained" by his press briefings (his attempt to follow Gov. Cuomo's model). That man 1) LOVES the sound of his own voice, B) Can't extemporize intelligently at all (like Harris), III) steps all over whoever he's supposed to be collaborating with.

I don't think costly hair gel can compensate, even among the easily-swayed. Newsom cannot fake sincerity and articulateness like Obama could.

The Vault Dweller said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
Only Newsom is a realistic possibility.

The recent LA fires, along with literally burning a lot of homes, have figuratively burned a lot of bridges between California establishment Democrats and the Left-wing base in California, and probably elsewhere too.

tcrosse said...

Remember that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton came out of nowhere.

Drago said...

Bruce Hayden: "“Tulsi Gabbert.”

And. Bobby, Jr. Biiig mistake letting Trump snag them. Doubt that either will ever give up their Dem affiliation, but neither could probably win an election as dog catcher in a Dem precinct, after working in Trump’s Cabinet."

Tulsi registered republican in 2024.

Drago said...

Fred Drinkwater: "Only Newsom is a realistic possibility."

Tell me the "pitch" Newsome could make to swing the industrial midwest to him as well as GA, NC and the CA border states NV and AZ where hundreds of thousands of voters fled to from CA

Keith said...

I am just starting to read the responses but the list should be obvious:
1) RFJ Jr. Democrat. Believes largely in what they believe in.
2) Tulsi Gabbard. Believes largely in what they believe in.
3) Joe Rogan. Believes largely in what they believe in.
All are charismatic, speak well, and are supported by many.
But they kicked them all out for not being doctrinaire enough. Now there's no one left who can lead.

The Vault Dweller said...

Trump remade the Republican party, and has made it more widely appealing to voters. Trump was able to course correct or soften the Republican positions on a few areas to do this. He made Republicans less militarily adventurous (which I view as a short aberration following 9-11.) He made Republicans less free-trade and free-market absolutists. He also softened Republicans on some socially conservative issues especially at the Federal level.

Whoever remakes the Democratic party will have to course correct the Democrats. The biggest issue by far is getting rid of, or at least strongly diminishing identity politics. Democrats will always be the party that looks for Big Government solutions to societal problems so they shouldn't abandon that, or they will just appear as cheap TEMU versions of Republicans to the people who would be their voter base.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Dwayne "The Rock:" Johnson”

My choice. Multiracial. Extreme male. Superb at marketing and remaking himself. And overall joyful. Nominating him would be a direct assault on the MAGA demographic, esp blue collar males, regardless of race.

Most of the choices above are stale variations on a theme. They mostly speak to a demographic that the Dems have sewn up - esp college educated, often unmarried, women. After 16 years of extolling feminists and weak “girly” men, transsexuals, etc, the culture is swinging back hard towards a more masculine ideal. Just look at the amount of male facial hair we see today, or guys showing off their muscular builds. when was the last time we saw several guys (Hegseth, Kennedy) with public pictures of their muscular physics, along with several hot women (Bondi, Gabbard), in a President’s Cabinet?

Something else. Rock is very good at marketing himself, as well as changing directions, as his career progressed. Similar to Arnold Swartzinager (who would have been a good choice, if he hadn’t been CA gov as an R, and then embarrassed and divorced by a Kennedy). He has continually reinvented himself, as both Trump and the Governator were able to do.

Keith said...

Eva Marie said...

I asked Groc the same question but added - must be from the business world, not politics.
Groc had these suggestions: Andrew Yang, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban.
Then I asked from the sports world: LeBron James, Serena Williams, Collin Kaepernick, Michael Strahan, Megan Rapinioe.
The arts: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ava DuVerney, Common, Shonda Rhimes, John Legend.
I was surprised Groc didn’t mention Jamie Dimon, who might be a strong candidate. From Groc’s suggestions I liked Serena Williams and Lin-Manuel Miranda (not because I’d vote for them but that they might offer the Democrat party some fresh points of view.
2/17/25, 9:56 AM
Re Cuban, Oprah, etc. Please remember - elections are war. The opposition is going to find every single thing you've ever done and weaponize it. Trump is the only non-politician with FU money to be able to do it. Does Cuban have a lot of money? Oprah? Gates? Yes. But they do not have FU money. Trump does. Musk does. FU money is not a number. FU money is enough money and gumption that you really don't give a darn and are willing to burn it all down. I don't see Oprah or Cuban or any of them prepared to undergo colonoscopies every day all day and have everything they've ever done exposed when their lives are pretty sweet right now.
Trump was willing to burn it all. Musk too. There's no one prominent I think who is willing to take the hits on the D side.

Keith said...

I'm sorry for quoting myself. I KNEW I was forgetting someone. Elon Musk was one of them. Everyone prominent and charismatic and accomplished who could have led them has been forced out and found their ways here to the conservative side.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ I like Pete Buttigieg and AOC”

Of course you like them.

Republicans are salivating over running against Buttplug in ‘28. The campaign ads have already written themselves, with the photos of him and his husband, in bed, “nursing” one of the babies they had bought, out on 4 month maternity leave, in the midst of the transportation disaster at the LA and Long Beach ports. If he had been a serious person, he would have been seen rushing there, manfully cutting his maternity leave short, to take control of the situation. But he didn’t. Of course. Which left the country seeing him as just another weak, self important, self satisfying, ineffectual gay guy. (Ric Grinell, in Trump’s inner circle, is just the opposite).

AOC still sounds like a leftist loon. Just run short clips of her rants as campaign ads, and she loses > 40 states. May do better than Sec Buttplug, but that is a pretty low bar.

NKP said...

Party switchers seem to have appeal - Reagan, Trump,
Gabbard. Maybe Mittens could bounce back as a Dem. If Canada becomes 51, does Trudeau become eligible?

Truth is, Dems screwed the pooch when they stiff-armed Tulsi. Maybe they should court the chick who played Teeter on Yellowstone. Or the District Judge du Jour?

Lazarus said...

The Rock is an interesting choice. He's part Obama and part Schwarzenegger (if not part Trump). I have no clue what kind of president he'd be, but if Republicans falter, a lot of the swing voters might be drawn to him. Right now, though, Democrats are dominated by ideologues and don't attract those independent swing voters, so he'd have a hard time in the primaries.

Kate said...

Ah, poor Marianne, a kooky, interesting candidate. For progressives, the Dems are surprisingly conservative and provincial in their national politicians. Any block of wood will do.

MadisonMan said...

The problem with Buttigieg is his dreadful tenure as Transportation Secretary. He also needs a great answer to the question: "Why did you lie so long to America about the state of Biden's Health?"

JaimeRoberto said...

AOC is at least easy on the eyes, but I don't understand the attraction of any of those five.

Ralph L said...

Bill Clinton totally flopped at the '88 Dem convention, talking far too long, and later claimed the Dukakis people set him up (never his fault). Even after major bimbo eruptions and his draft evasion letter, he got the nomination, but the Party's mood was bleak about damaged goods and oiliness. Someone must have cracked the whip, demanding joy at the '92 convention, because it materialized.

Was there anyone redeemable at the '24 convention?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

The most plausible candidate I can think of Harold Ford, Jr. IMO, Trump will have shifted the electorate enough in the direction of "common sense," anti-wokeism that a successful dem nominee would need to be someone unassociated with any of the insanity of the last 4-8 years. Ford passes that test, and he's smart and likeable to boot. I think a lot of conservative-ish people who'd never even consider voting for AOC, Newsome, or Buttigieg would at least give him a look.

Bruce Hayden said...

In the past, the Dems really haven’t needed FU money. They had big money available to them through ActBlue, etc. but that appears to be ending. Why was USAID at the top of Trump’s hit list? My guess is because it was so instrumental in funding Dem causes, including ActBlue. Shut it down, and it strangle a lot of what Dems have been used to having funding. This includes much of the MSM, NGOs, and political campaigns. Did USAID, through the Clinton’s personal NGO, help fund Chelsea’s wedding? More likely than not. They are likely going to suck wind for collection of campaign funding from the DC crowd, with many of the SES level crowd embedded by Obama and Biden thrown out of jobs, and contractors scared of contributing too much to Dems, and the DC housing market already starting to collapse.

Hassayamper said...

Kisten Synema. Someone in exile would be the right move.

This is probably the Dems' best chance. She's liberal, but not crazy or unpatriotic.

If the next four years see tough economic times, Vance will not be the shoo-in we are all assuming. Synema could beat him in that circumstance. I hope she doesn't want it, or that they don't want her.

Hassayamper said...

The most plausible candidate I can think of Harold Ford, Jr.

Agreed. A Synema/Ford ticket that went out of its way to repudiate the lunatic excesses of the era of George Floyd, Covid-19, and men in girls' locker rooms would be formidable, or at least more so than anyone else they've got now.

Bruce Hayden said...

“VP's never win. VPs, including Vance, are mostly senators who have no executive experience. Former senators make really shitty presidents. See Biden, Obama, Ford (rep but same issue) Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Truman”

In my lifetime, only GHW Bush (43) managed the feat. Very often, they run as a 3rd term for the President that they were VP for. Thanks to the Biden interregnum, ‘28 would effectively be Trump’s 2nd term. And Presidents often do better running for a 2nd term, than they did for their 1st term, esp if they appear to have had a successful 1st term.

Vance has also become the public face of the Trump/Vance Administration. The one who can go on. TV and eviscerate MSM hosts and interviewers, then fly off to Europe to strong arm other countries.

Hassayamper said...

Maybe energizing Black voters to show up in greater numbers.

Blacks already vote in remarkably high numbers.

Part of that is an admirable cultural norm, paying tribute to their ancestors who couldn't vote. May it never falter.

Part of it is the effectiveness of the Dem GOTV machine in urban areas. That's going away as we continue to find out more about how it was funded by a cabal of Democrat moles embedded in obscure government agencies and laundering tax dollars through grants to a web of shadowy NGOs. Trump and Musk are about to burn it all to the ground.

Part of it, I'm convinced, is out-and-out vote fraud. There are supermajority black urban districts where the modal household has not seen an adult holding a full-time job for the past four generations, where children are raised on Froot Loops and donuts bought with food stamps, where the omnipresent litter and graffiti bespeak how little the residents care for the well-being of their community, and yet they routinely show 95% turnout, or 125% if the accusations are to be believed.

William said...

AI is way overrated.

Quod erat demonstrandum

wendybar said...

What the hell is up with Progressives dancing and singing lately?? If they think this is helping, it isn't. It just makes them look MORE insane.


Nov 15, 2024
Governor of Massachusetts: “we will resist Trump because he’s not a serious president”

Female governor of Massachusetts in blond lesbian cut today on social media:

MaxedOutMama said...

Fetterman is literally the only one I can think of right now that has the guts necessary. See, I think Grok missed one of the necessary qualities - sheer guts. I can hardly imagine the level of abuse anyone trying to remake/refocus the Democratic party would have to face.

matthew49 said...

I think the most plausible potential Democrat candidate for 2028 is Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky. He has no diversity points but that's what Vice-Presidential candidates are for in the Democratic Party.

Breezy said...

Cart before the horse, this is. First - what’s a conceivable platform that could beat common sense MAGA? Then find the person best situated to run with it.

Gospace said...

On Buttigieg. As many a meme went, he was so bad at his job that people knew who the Secretary of Transportation was.

Loses the male vote, any race, decisively. "The campaign ads have already written themselves, with the photos of him and his husband, in bed, “nursing” one of the babies they had bought..." Run that pic in in ethnic areas, on cable or in print, with the words "Buttigieg for President", nothing more, nothing less, will sink him like a rock.

Craig Mc said...

They had Bernie, in the same sense that the British Labor party had Jeremy Corbin with messianic support from rusted-ons, but otherwise an unelectable commie.

AOC is the most charismatic, but hopelessly dim. Mind, that hasn't stopped Democrats putting forward the last two candidates. Jen Psaki? She's cynically dishonest enough, and smart by Democrat standards.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I thought RFK would he'd the list :-)

Robert Cook said...

"AOC is the most charismatic, but hopelessly dim."

As compared with...? There is no dimmer bulb in the government now than Donald Trump. Yet, he did (just) squeak into office, (if the votes are legit...if not, he cheated, a life-long tactic of his business career). That so many voted for him reflects badly on half of American voters, as they would have to be dimmer than Don to see him as a competent, much less desirable person to hold the executive office.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Darkisland said...
VP's never win.

As Bruce pointed out, the reason why VPs so rarely win is either like Gore they're running for a President's 3rd term, or else like Mondale they're running against the guy who beat them 4 years ago.

Vance will be running for Trump's "2nd consecutive term". If Trump can't get inflation and gov't spending under control, and employment of Americans up, then Vance will get crushed.

But if Trump keeps on going as he's going, and massively cuts the $$$ going to the Left while increasing oil production, booting the illegals, getting Americans to fill the jobs / homes the illegals are losing, then Vance will cruise to an easy victory in 2028.

Then if Vance can use his intelligence and work ethic to develop good gov't policies, I expect he'll win re-election in 2032.

After which I expect the Dems will get tired of losing, and create a new DLC like organization will sound the next 4 years figuring out how to force the "progressive" to STFU so the Dems can win in 2036, at which point the electorate will be tired enough of the GOP that it won't take much to get them to vote to boot teh GOP out.

Esp since SCOTUS and the lower Courts will all be sold GOP

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Darkisland said...
VP's never win.

Some history:
1948: Promoted VP Truman won
1952: No VP on ballot
1960: VP Nixon lost
1964: Promoted VP LBJ won
1968: Former VP Nixon won
1976: Promoted VP Ford lost
1980: No VP on ballot
1984: Former VP Mondale lost
1988: Current VP Bush won
1992: No VP on ballot
2000: Current VP Gore lost
2004: No VP on ballot
2020: Former VP Biden won
2024: Current VP Harris lost

Your claim is not even remotely supported by the facts

Robert Cook said...

"...if Trump keeps on going as he's going, and massively cuts the $$$ going to the Left while increasing oil production, booting the illegals, getting Americans to fill the jobs...."

Really? You think Americans are going to seek (or accept) jobs working in the fields working on farms, for the minimal pay the illegals are paid--or even for better pay, if the farmers could pay it?* That is not going to happen.

*(They can't.)

Kirk Parker said...

Hassayamper @ 1:54 PM,

Thanks for getting us a little bit back on track - - our hostess's question wasn't "who could be in appealing face" for the Party of Moloch, but rather who could remake it into something that wasn't its current unpalatable self.

I absolutely agree that Ford or Synema could be that appealing face; nothing I know about them suggest they could do the incredibly heavy lifting required to throw out the lunatics currently infesting the Democratic Party.

Jim at said...

Dear Sainted Barack Obama absolutely devastated the D's bench. Losing more than a thousand state and federal seats will do that to a party.

Not to mention their message sucks.

Jim at said...

Still, the Trumpified Republican Party is appalling beyond belief.

Well, that would certainly explain why he expanded his reach in every demographic, wouldn't it?

Keep up the hate, Cook. It'll surely work next time out.

MJ said...

Four of these have already failed, and Newsome has no connection except to a handful of rich benefactors.

What I think Grok missed is that Trump offered a different program than the existing alternatives, exploiting that the Rep leadership had not been appealing to the base for decades. They understood their job as convincing the base how much of the Dem plan they had to accept.

This is not the same dynamic on the left and thus what is required for a game changing catalyst is also different.

Sebastian said...

Shoulda picked Oprah in 2016, as suggested at the time by yours truly (y'all remember, right? I thought so). Too late now.

Dark horse: Tim Cook. Rich, competent, gay, fresh. Better than Buttigieg. But I suspect Shapiro will be in the mix. If economy goes sour, competence will go a long way in '28.

J Scott said...

They need to be independently wealthy with FU money as mentioned before. And they gotta walk the talk. Trump walks the talk. Reason why he took over the establishment. Reagan Democrats, Perot voters, independents of all types, Palin supporters, Tea Party types, they've been dying for someone to walk the talk and Trump showed up and leads the way as flawed as he is.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Poor Cookie just can't give up on the lies.

Yeah, Cookie, you're right! In 2017 when all those illegals self deported, every single low wage company just completely shut down. There was no CA produce in stores, we all just starved to death.

Does it ever hurt, being so stupid?

Mason G said...

"Does it ever hurt, being so stupid?"

As the meme says...

Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid.

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