January 3, 2025

"Who planted pipe bombs outside offices of the Democratic and Republican national committees in Washington on the eve of the attack on the Capitol?"

"Hoping to generate new tips from the public, the FBI is releasing more information about its pipe bomb investigation, including an estimate that the unidentified suspect is about 5 feet 7 inches tall. The bureau also is posting previously unreleased video of the suspect placing one of the bombs.... The FBI has assessed over 600 tips, reviewed about 39,000 video files and conducted more than 1,000 interviews over the past four years.... Surveillance video captured the suspect placing the pipe bombs near the committees’ offices between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021..... The FBI also is releasing closeup images of the type of Nike sneakers worn by the suspect. Fewer than 25,000 pairs of the same shoe were sold between August 2018 and January 2021, according to the FBI."

From "FBI releases new video of a suspect planting a pipe bomb near DNC offices on eve of the Capitol riot" (AP).

ADDED: Why is the FBI releasing this now? I assume it's part of a defense against the incoming Trump Administration, a way to claim they're been working on this all along. Ridiculous news about the person's height and the shoes they wore 4 years ago!

I see (elsewhere) that the shoes are Nike Air Max Speed Turfs with a yellow logo. If someone wore Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes 4 years ago, what shoes would they be wearing today? 


Skeptical Voter said...

On January 6 issues the FBI never sleeps. On New Orleans the FBI never woke up.

SO said...

Why did it take four years to release this information?

Heartless Aztec said...

Have they looked in the mirror yet?

Dave Begley said...

5’ 7”? It is Chuck Schumer.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m looking forward to somebody, either Althouse or Scott Adams, explaining why this was released at this time. I’m coming up empty.

boatbuilder said...

Getting it out before Trump does.
Modified limited hangout.

Christopher B said...

I think boatbuilder is right, also this report from the House Republicans yesterday as reported by Julie Kelly.

No stone left unturned to find every grandma who wandered through the Capitol on 6 January 2021 but after almost four years the FBI is apparently no closer to finding the pipe bomber(s) than they were on 7 January 2021.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is there a J6 pipe bomber? Is it all another hoax?

Magilla Gorilla said...

Don't want to stray into civility bullshit, but why the gratuitous nastiness, Derve? Hope your cold is better soon, Professor.

exhelodrvr1 said...

At least they have their priorities in order!

Ann Althouse said...

Why is this being released now? I assume it's part of a defense against the incoming Trump Administration. Yeah, we've been working on this all along.

Ridiculous news about the person's height and the shoes they wore 4 years ago.

Enigma said...

And...the known evidence four years ago likely pertained to an FBI or Democratic Party operative..."We had to destroy democracy to save it from Trump."

Also see Zuckerberg's and Trudeau's "come to Jesus" actions regarding Trump in 2024.

Michael said...

I hate being so suspicious, but the timing of this bulletin after four years of ignoring the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC makes me think the FBI had a hand in it from the start.

Dan from Madison said...

They can't possibly be releasing this footage of a person in a hoodie and Nike shoes from 4 years ago in the hopes of collecting information to apprehend the suspect. It is completely ridiculous. So we can all go from there.

Sella Turcica said...

“They waited 4 years to release the surveillance video.”

Fact checker: It won’t be 4 years until Monday. Verdict: FALSE!!!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Most likely intended as a big "F U" to the right. "We've had this info all along, but we don't give a shit about you!"

Christopher B said...

The FBI is, as far as I know, sticking with the claim the geofence data they received is unusable even though the carriers have responded they see no issue with it.

So it seems reasonable to assume either they think this person wasn't carrying a cell phone, or they simply don't want to look to closely into exactly who it might be.

Christopher B said...

That's a good question. The summary from Julie Kelly outlines a lackadaisical response from various DC and Federal LEOs to the existence of the bombs, including a Secret Service sweep of the area prior to then Senator Kamala Harris's unexplained visit to the DNC that missed that one and traffic in the area not being stopped prior to the devices being removed. I don't know if anyone has pointed to explanations, though possibly the Trump rally had stretched resources but the usual theory behind the coordination of the bomb threat and the Capitol disturbances would seem to indicate they weren't a factor in LEO response to the Capitol. It does tend to point in the direction of LEO either knowing or assuming they weren't a significant threat.

gilbar said...

remember that line from that Old horror movie?
"The Call is coming from INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!!"

Christopher B said...

I'd say it's more like "we can find anybody we want to find, and when we don't want to find somebody there is nothing you can do about it."

MountainMan said...

Why focus on the shoes? I recall reading a post by Michael Yon somewhere about 5 years ago where he described some of the things he had learned about Antifa by attending various protests in which they were involved, primarily in Seattle and Portland. One of the things he discovered was that the various Antifa groups from different locations around the country were able to identify themselves by the distinctive shoes each individual group would agree to wear..

donald said...

Howsabout they know who it is.

WK said...

The Official Footwear provider to Antifa (tm) …..

Leland said...

Why the FBI focused on securing power for Democrats. ISIS apparently was recruiting within our military to carry out attacks on civilians.

Dude1394 said...

It was fbi agents.

Howard said...

Why focus on this meaningless old news story on the day we find out the Vegas Cyber truck bomber was a bigly Trumper. Ann is trying to distract her readers from painful truth while providing them with raw meat to feed their paranoiac hatred. See how easy it is to twist everything into a grand conspiracy agenda?

Birches said...

An actual investigative agency would have had agents contact each of the 25,000 to see if the person would be considered a suspect way back in 2021. It would have been quite easy. So why not?

Breezy said...

I’d like to see video of that area 24 hrs ahead and 24 hrs after that person was there. Or maybe more.

Aggie said...

Revolver News has been persistent at chasing this story, pretty much since Jan 6th, and so has Julie Kelly as part of her own persistent Jan 6th coverage. It's clear this was part of the strategy to create a multi-faceted event for the day. The Republican House released their own report this week. This is just trying to parry the effect of the information and diffuse its impact. The FBI is just further proof that organizations cannot police themselves once the senior layers of management become hopelessly politicized. The Inspector General's office needs subpoena powers and a stronger will.

Ann Althouse said...


I asked Grok about your assertion, and it said:

"The information provided in the web results does not directly support the claim that Antifa groups used distinctive shoes to identify each other. However, there are some insights from Michael Yon's observations that might relate to this claim indirectly: Michael Yon has reported extensively on Antifa activities, particularly in Portland and Seattle, focusing on tactics and behaviors. For instance, he noted in one of his dispatches that Antifa members change clothes frequently during protests, but rarely change their shoes, which could potentially be used as a method of identification or continuity in their attire. This was mentioned in a context discussing the tactics used by Antifa, but specifically in relation to maintaining anonymity rather than group identification. Another aspect from Yon's observations is the mention of the "Hong Kong tactics" where protesters would change clothes under umbrellas, but again, there is no mention of using shoes as a deliberate marker for group identification. Instead, he discusses how shoes could be used to identify members of the same cell after they've changed other parts of their attire. Given the above, while Michael Yon does discuss Antifa's tactics and the role of clothing in maintaining anonymity or identifying members within a specific action context, there is no explicit mention or evidence from these results that Antifa groups used "distinctive shoes" as a method of group identification across different locations. The comment you read might be an interpretation or misremembered detail based on his broader observations about clothing changes during protests. However, without direct evidence or a specific post from Michael Yon confirming this practice, the claim remains unsubstantiated based on the provided information."

Peachy said...

The info tells a different story. The pipe bomb planter was spotted speaking with police.

Christopher B said...

Why would anybody think there might be something going on behind the scenes when within about 48 hours of both the NO attack and the bomb detonation in front of the Trump's LV hotel, extensive details about both attackers are wide public knowledge but we still know little about the young adult who almost killed President Trump 6 months ago? The FBI/DOJ have currently tracked down and charged at least 1600 people who entered the Capitol area on 6 January 2021 but after four years of looking they have nothing more than fuzzy pictures of the pipe bomb suspect? It's almost like something more than the public's right to know (and possible investigative concerns) motive both the release and reporting of information.

mikeski said...

Doubting our 3 letter agencies is racist, or something.

Peachy said...

The FBI and the dems concocted the fake bomb plot to get the police away from the infiltrated and soon to occur "INSURRECTION!"

Peachy said...

The FBI can and will harass pro-lifers, Catholics, parents who refuse to submit to the leftwing soviet hivemind and anyone who complains about porn in the school library, utters a word about the corrupt left's open border /horrific child abuse pedo factory.

Peachy said...

ding ding ding

Peachy said...

In other news - OJ is still looking for the real killer.

Rusty said...

Woah! Calm doen there, Birch. That sounds like work and the FBI are after all federal employees.

Peachy said...

google-fbi spamming our comments again?

Peachy said...

Leftist race-hustler pedophile-lovers are sick leftist a-holes the world over.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'm glad others have discussed Revolver News and Julie Kelly. The FBI devoted massive resources to finding the "Bomber" but then stopped in early 2021. And refused to cooperate with the Republican House investigation.

The oddest thing about the so-called "pipe bomb" is after it was discovered, there was no clearance of the area. In fact, VP Harris drove/walked (cant remember which) right the past the DISCOVERED pipe bomb . And she never talked about that in public. And her secret service weren't too concerned either.

Isn't that odd? Harris constantly talking about "The deadly insurrection" and "J6 neo-nazis Trumpers" and never saying "I, the VP of the USA, was almost blown up by a pipe bomb on J6"? But as Revolver news states, she's never said boo about it.

FBI refuses to talk about the FBI assets in the J6 crowd. Refuses to discuss Ray Epps. And just now releases data on the DNC pipe bomb. Trump needs to clean out the FBI, and let some sunshine in. And maybe some cleanser.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The old "pretend to be busy just before the boss drops by" trick. Former USSS agent Dan Bongino said, and footage obtained by Julie Kelly appears to confirm, that the "bombs" were placed in cooperation between the FBI and USCP but once the "riot" operation was successful in disrupting the Congressional hearing the bomb plot was unnecessary. Every action by FBI is consistent with this theory, including the "bomber" clearly using a cell phone on the video but somehow escaping the geofence that caught every single "trespasser" at the Capitol.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I've seen video of him being delivered close to the infamous bench outside the DNC, in which he climbed out of a clearly marked Capitol Police vehicle.

Koot Katmandu said...

Are they about to frame someone for it?

Breezy said...

One rumor is the poorly constructed (non-lethal) pipe bombs were meant to create a reason for an emergency session of Congress if the goading of Trump supporters into the building didn’t work. The emergency session allowed them to delete the objection process - skipping right to certification with no electoral challenges. Because the Capital was breached they could ignore the fake pipe bomb scare for the most part. This was a theory from a commenter on CTH.

mikee said...

Looking in Hell, as he died last April. Are there mirrors in Hell?

Iman said...

Back to “comment approval”. Thanks, Swanson… you POS.

Oh, well. Adios!

Original Mike said...

""The information provided in the web results …"

A web creature says in the web rather than on the web. I find that interesting.

Original Mike said...

""The information provided in the web results…"

A web creature says in the web rather than on the web. I find that interesting.

Original Mike said...


Lazarus said...

Descriptions of those wanted for a local burglary list what the suspects were wearing at the time, but not any physical characteristics of the suspects. Are we really to expect that someone would be wearing a grey sweatshirt days after the crime, or that everyone wearing a grey sweatshirt should be considered a suspect? Bulletins like this should contain a footnote explaining whether the bulletin doesn't give the race of suspects because that's just not what's done, or because they don't want to give away the race of the suspects in a particular case.

Bob Boyd said...

What shoes would they be wearing today?
Cement shoes.

Aggie said...

Maybe they should consult their own internal phone records for direction.

Skeptical Voter said...

Yeah the FBI is busting its chops hunting down each and every person who was in anyway associated with January 6--but somehow missed the New Orlean truck assassin. Color me not impressed with their performance. I hope that Patel goes through the 7th floor of the Hoover Building like a wheat combine and flushes all the debris out the door.

Original Mike said...

OK, I 'm not suspicious or anything, but a comment on Grok gets censored with none of the telltale attributes: first and only comment of the day, no links, nothing. Just sayin'.

Jupiter said...

Because it's a cover-up.

Butkus51 said...

Kabuki theater. They already know.

Steven Wilson said...

Is it too late to blame Richard Jewell?

Rabel said...

The shoe information isn't new. It was included on the wanted poster they issued in 2021.

I think most or all of the video has previously been released.

Rabel said...

So what are they up to? Seems like a desperate attempt to prove their relevance and competence in light of recent events. Or something worse.

JIM said...

Liz Cheney got a medal for being the NeverTrumper of the year, but she just footnoted this pipe bomb incident in the final J6 850+ page report.

Bruce Hayden said...

Yeh. Too much evidence, out for too long, that it was a setup, with cops knowing the guy.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

No brainer retort to the Repub released report nothing being done..Most likely released prompted by a report from congressional Republicans criticizing the FBI's lack of progress in the investigation.
The FBI hopes will encourage someone with information to come forward. The suspect remains unidentified, and the FBI is offering a reward of up to $500,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual

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