He has brought Washington — Democrats and Republicans — to heel, teamed up with Elon Musk and slapped a gold “Trump” sign on Silicon Valley. The lords of the cloud helped fund the coronation, and they are making a pilgrimage here to bow to their new overlord. (This includes the C.E.O. of TikTok, who is surely hoping that his company’s sponsoring of an inauguration party and his online flattery about Trump’s 60 billion TikTok views will lead the new president to save the social media platform.) But not everyone is looking forward to what’s in store. It will be hard to forget Trump’s day of infamy, Jan. 6, as he gets sworn in at the Capitol, which was smeared with blood and feces by rioters recast by Trump and his acolytes as “hostages,” “patriots,” “tourists” and “grandmothers.”...
As for Biden:
[H]e will be merely a footnote in the vertiginous saga of how Trump won the White House again.... [T]he chip on Biden’s shoulder devoured his judgment about what was good for him, for his party and for the country. His narcissism trumped his patriotism.... Many noticed that Biden was in a fog, or “dans les vapes,” as an aide to President Emmanuel Macron of France called it....
Smeared with blood and feces? If it's good enough for the streets of San Francisco, it's good enough for Washington, DC.
…you can give up the ‘J6’ gambit now. It didn’t work. I suspect that’s the last we’ll hear of it due to threat of exposing the government’s involvement in orchestrating it…
Colossus needs to be a Burger King item.
We just endured 4+ years of Oligarch Soros Family - using their massive dark money to install soft on crime DAs (that's a long haul project - Soros had much success) open borders, and other nihilistic ruinous bullshit.
Maureen(D) - go f yourself.
This is the first time I have heard about the Capitol with "blood and feces." Did it come from the two people the authorities murdered that day?
I'm also suspicious of that claim, although there was likely blood where unarmed Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by a Capitol Policeman.
wake up Maureen - Biden + Kamala = mostly controlled by others.
He seems so big, Maureen, because you lot are so small.
Supposedly, someone pooped in the Capitol, stepped in it, and left poop-stained footprints behind. The story appeared the day after in the NY Daily News and the Daily Mail but hasn't been heard much since.
Recently, a statue of a desk with poop in the form of a poop-emoji went up on the mall facing he Capitol. It featured a satirical plaque aimed at Trump and the Jan 6th participants.
Maureen -ignorant fool - The tech giants are not bowing... they are reading the tea leaves. As for Americans and probably most of Trump's party - WE STILL DO NOT TRUST THE TECH MOGULS. Why? Big Tech proved they were easily cowed by the Soviet-Democrat pro-censorship Democratic-Radical-Extremist-Left - Deep State Deluxe.
ugh - loyalist democratics in media will never get it.
btw- Bill Gates gave 50 million to Kamala in the final days of her money-waste Joy! filled campaign. Now even he is bending the knee. But guess what, Maureen - WE ALL know Bill Gates is an a-hole. We do not trust him.
Meanwhile - we note you don't mention the left's singular billionaire Oligarch of doom - The Soros family.
"smeared with blood and feces by rioters"
Dowd didn't call them "insurrectionists," so they got that going for them, which is nice.
...the Capitol, which was smeared with blood and feces
In a political environment like this, you throw at the wall whatever you can.
what is never mentioned in diatribes like Dowds, or Tribes or any of the leftist mouthpieces, is that they created this mess. The policies they promoted, supported, funded etc are what we are living with now. And precisely the reason we got Trump.
The f++king idiots are to dense to understand the simple fact. Trump is the logical response to the absolute insanity, that the left has been trying to normalize.
They created this dystopian nightmare, and then tell us, speaking from on high, how it is normal.
I expect propagandists like Dowd, and the thousands of others, to pay a price. Won't happen, but it is a nice fantasy.
Trump is coming back in in much better circumstances than he came in the first time. It could help him to achieve much, but I remember how presidents are built up early on only to be torn apart later and hear the voice in my ear, "Remember that politicians are mortal."
LOL! You found the day's theme.
The last good pieces of writing Maureen wrote: One was about how awful Hillary is, and the other was Maureen's Denver pot gummy bear overdose.
Now - eh - Old tired excuse making and skimming the surface BS.
Off topic:
Dems in Denver installed fake un-connected solar panels at Denver International Airport, around 2008. (I know this because I know the owner of the electrical company who used to do most of the electrical work out there - and he knew that entire airport up/down and sideways. He told me straight up -those panels were not connected.) Just recently, those fake solar panels were removed. I saw the stumps where the panels were attached.. now even the stumps are gone.
Analogy goes here. _____________________
Somebody took a dump on Pelosi's desk. Really, not kidding. Dude deserves a medal.
Didn't you mean, off yourself?
It was a Jack in the Box item
It will be hard to forget Trump’s day of infamy, Jan. 6
If MoDo had really thought it would be hard for her readers to forget that date, she wouldn't have thought it necessary to remind them of it.
rioters recast by Trump and his acolytes as “hostages,” “patriots,” “tourists” and “grandmothers.”...
So, a new version of "very fine people."
The J6 narrative must be 100% clarified and laid to rest.
I had to look up what “ vertiginous” means. ButI still don’t get how it applies to Biden’s time in office.
Maybe it has something to do with that cocaine they found.
I've tried to check "feces and blood." It seems a bit sketchy. One early source was Chuck Schumer's office. Perhaps tracking poop from bathroom down the hall, as opposed to deliberate desecration? There were probably people bleeding on both sides, so some blood may have made it onto a wall. Let's have a real investigation: Truth and Reconciliation as Peter Thiel has suggested.
The lords of the cloud....
Dowd has always been vapid, but she does have a knack for the turn of the phrase.
I know that Mx. Dowd intended her screed to be critical of Trump and his supporters, among which I include myself, but I interpreted it as a somewhat hysterically phrased but generally favorable review of the incoming administration and its policies. I suppose that is, among many things, what separates her from us. As the somewhat dated meme put it, " I already supported Trump. You don't have to sell me."
Colossus? Does that mean bigly?
The thing is, when FDR said day of infamy he meant it and it was and still is regarded as such. When MoDo tries to inflate one of the smallest and most peaceful riots to ever happen in DC to fit the grandiose historical phrase it comes off catty and weak. The Democrats have already compared it to the Civil War and Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and by doing so convinced Americans by a huge majority that the opposite is true. Diminish your side mo' MoDo! Go ahead.
The vertigo was from Trump's dizzying ascent and astounding journey back to the White House. Would it have happened if Biden didn't run again? Maybe. The public likes new faces. Did Biden do the country a disservice by not withdrawing earlier? No. What would that have given us? Harris? Newsom? Whitmer? Warren? Buttigieg? Some other arrogant incompetent?
"Many noticed that Biden was in a fog..."
Yeah, it's been pointed out for years now. Welcome to the party, pal.
When Maureen Dowd is unhappy, I'm happy - and the country is in good hands. After reading her pouty diatribe this morning, I'm downright ecstatic.
Ah so it was Nadler most likely.
Many were accused of conspiracy theorizing for noticing.
is Maureen Dowd still alive?
"His narcissism trumped his patriotism" Since his narcissism was always boundless and his patriotism situational, that had to be true.
"Many noticed that Biden was in a fog, or “dans les vapes”" Many also noticed that many failed to notice, or worse: actively covered up the vapes. That's Biden's real legacy: the discrediting of all the colluders.
What's scary to the Washington elites is Trump has a tremendous amount of political capital and he sounds like he intends on spending like a drunken sailor.
Remember- the left HATE Trump's supporters more than even Trump.
That's why they don't give a crap about grandma in jail - or Cory C murdered by an paid leftist patsy.
If blood and feces were smeared - my money is on masked FEDS or masked Antifa (same thing)
Imagine if Ashley Babbit were a Biden Supporter?
it would be non stop wall to wall whining from all leftist MSNBC-type "newz" sources.
J-6ers, I believe, were unorganized, unarmed, planless and cheated-on loyal Americans who simply wanted to show-up at the office of the bastards who lied to them and stole from them and scream. "Fuck YOU!!!" Evidence that they sought to harm anyone is lacking. Property damage was far less than caused by fans of teams that win whatever championship.
Once upon a time, a brief professional encounter with Dowd, became an hour-long conversation that turned quite personal. I will always have a soft spot for her. I am a pushover for a curious mind and caring heart and, IMO, she has both. Sadly, I believe she's hooked on bitter medicine for private reasons.
The Feds refused to bring in the national guard like Trump wanted.
Pelosi refused to bring in security.
The capital police started throwing incendiary grenades into the crowd that was BEHIND THE LINE.
When they ran out of grenades they started throwing incendiary gas canisters into the crowd that was. BEHIND THE LINE. If you wanted to instigate a riot, that is exactly what you would do. Throw grenades into the crowd BEHIND THE LINE.
Pardon them all with a pardon in your pocket right after being sworn in. And everyone who brings it up as some kind of marker of something can GFY.
True dat!!! A win in 2020 would have produced four more years much like the four before. He's now had time to understand what happened and why. Pedal-to-the-metal Offense. Keep enemies on their heels (including members of his own party). Clean out rot in Executive Branch. Unleash DOGE!!!
“It will be hard to forget Trump’s day of infamy, Jan. 6, as he gets sworn in at the Capitol, which was smeared with blood and feces by rioters…”
Who’s not accepting the election results now?
I have a theory as to why Trump has broken so many people. More about that in an upcoming sunrise post
J6 did more for her side than Biden, Kamala and Obama ever could. 😏
“It will be hard to forget Trump’s day of infamy, Jan. 6 ….” The leftmediaswine and their ilk misunderstand the significance of the event to half the country. We see it not as rivaling December 7th or 9/11, but as a mere riot symbolizing the willingness of a Democrat regime, crooked DC judges and politically biased juries to trample the constitutional rights of their fellow citizens. J6 and trans activism are good hills for Democrats to die on.
Down has hit the stage of Bitter Resignation.
You really make this difficult for me.
Now we know how Dowd spent the week. Coming up with "vertiginous saga".
Trump is returning as a collosus.
"[Does] does have a knack for the turn of the phrase"
Indeed she does, or at least did. Remember "Mommy Weirdest"?
Dowd has a very selective memory. She talks about how dignified and bipartisan past inaugurations have been - skipping 2017 where most major Democrats boycotted, and "Not My President" teeshirts sold like hotcakes - and this came after the Clintons had reached out to Electors to persuade them they could and should switch their votes from Tump to Hillary.
A chill? Trump is already fighting global warming just by showing up. Now is the time the oceans will recede.
I've thought and been saying for some time that the best things for the Democrats would have been a Trump victory in 2020. He's saddled with the Covid disaster and he continues to fight like Gulliver against the Lilliputians. Now he returns with perspective and with a much stronger team. I think this worked out for the best for him and us.
Let's not forget the libtard riots that the Democrat Party sponsored on the day of Trump's First Inauguration. Burning cars, smashing storefronts, torching buildings, injuring our precious Law Enforcement Officers- Democracy Now!
Cry harder Maureen.
I did not know FJB misplaced himself and his diaper that day on J6
"As for Biden.... Many noticed that Biden was in a fog...."
Sure, sure. Many professional journalists noticed it, and then proceeded to cover for Joe, just like they have been for 50 years. The shameless Democrat hustle. But now that the era of this kind of pol is over, now they are trying in desperation to reform themselves by coming clean, as if it was all just a Big Misunderstanding....
But, when you're willing to tell the truth only as a matter of survival, you've been doing something wrong.
That definitely needs to be in a Parade on January 20, 2025 here or there!!
You got one right, Wibble.
"It will be hard to forget Trump’s day of infamy, Jan. 6"
Watch me.
Quite a few Congressionals were pooping their pants, so - true.
The alternatives to Trump as shown through interpretive dance.
"[Biden] will be merely a footnote in the vertiginous saga of how Trump won the White House again."
Hopeless optimism. In a hundred years historians will question whether President Biden ever existed.
"...the vertiginous saga..."
I suppose it is to someone like Dowd, immersed in a maelstrom of lies she has either invented or promoted.
"...blood and feces..."
The blood belonged to Ashli Babbitt, criminally executed by the Capitol Police.
The feces issued from Nancy Pelosi's mouth.
Dowd knows her Shakespeare. By her use of colossus she expresses her desire to see Trump ending like Caesar.
Are we still supposed to think of Dowd as some sort of comic or satirical writer? Because there's no much of that in this current effort. All I see is the MSM Propaganda line being pushed. Attack Elon Musk - check. Attack tech giants for "Bowing" to Trump - check. Pretend that Trump is some sort of Vengeful monster - for no reason - check.
The fault dear Dowd, lies not in Trump, but in ourselves. Is Dowd, like Cassius, tryng to get the Senate to get rid of Trump?
Yep. And it's likely any success he has will increase that capital even more and he will spend even more of it. He's on a binge.
With all the discussion about Trump as a colossus, I thought you were going to link to this (tweeted by @DC_Draino - link), and am surprised that no one else has mentioned it either:
"Giant bronze Trump statue unveiled🔥
"Ohio artist Alan Cottrill's 'Don Colossus' is a 15-foot-tall, $1 million bronze statue of President Trump that will tour the country before eventually ending up at a future Trump presidential library -NYP
"We should install 1 in every state!"
Follow the link for a picture - it's not a bad likeness, and more traditional in style than the Italian float, wonderful as that is.
This sounds like Dowd is hot for Trump and hates herself for it. At least from the summary.
Maureen Dowd was at her peak when analyzing the Monica Lewinsky matter. Anything deeper than that, not so much.
Peachy said...
"We just endured 4+ years of Oligarch Soros Family - using their massive dark money to install soft on crime DAs (that's a long haul project - Soros had much success) open borders, and other nihilistic ruinous bullshit."
Before that, it was the Secretary of State Project.
But outdated. "Cloud" was hot jargon ten years ago, but it's just water to fish now. Might as well call them Lords of Lightning in honor of Faraday, Westinghouse, Edison, and Telsla.
Nadler was the turd burglar that first came to mind, Mike.
Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a loco prosecutor! Able to leap tall judgments in a single appeal!
Yes, it's MAGAman, orange native from another grove, who came to the Capitol with Constitutional pronouncements and deals beyond those of incestuous DemocRats and RepubliCons strangling the Republic as an Ouroboros with epmpathetic progress.
Leaving the politicos deranged and braying in emotive solidarity.
Colossus was a super computer that took control of western nuclear weapons. Guardian did the same for soviets. So Trump is in effect, colossus. But filmed in black and white.
Blogger won’t let me post until I turn off my vpn, It really wants to get to know me better.
"[T]he chip on Biden’s shoulder devoured his judgment about what was good for him, for his party and for the country. His narcissism trumped his patriotism.... Many noticed that Biden was in a fog, or “dans les vapes,” as an aide to President Emmanuel Macron of France called it...."
Some of us knew this 30-40 years ago. Biden has always been like this. But only in the last 4-5 years was he unable to hide it. And in the last year others finally became unable to hide it for him. Biden is who he always has been and many people preferred his narcissism because it brought them money or power
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