January 16, 2025

The World Monuments Fund "warns that more than 90 important sites on the moon could be harmed."

"In particular, some researchers are worried about Tranquillity Base, the Apollo 11 landing site where the astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped onto the moon’s surface.... Beyond the lunar orbiters and rangers scattered across the moon’s surface that express scientific achievements, there are also artifacts of human culture. Apollo 11 astronauts left a golden olive branch to symbolize peace, while a SpaceX rocket lifted a lander that carried 125 miniature sculptures by the artist Jeff Koons to the moon’s surface last year." 

If you follow the link about Koons, you'll see that his sculptures were small steel spheres — "moons" — each named after a famous Earthling, e.g., Ada Lovelace, Plato, and Billie Holiday. I guess they must all have some connection to the moon. Plato, for example, I learned from Grok, wrote that "the moon, along with the sun and the planets, are part of the visible gods, designed to move in a circular orbit, which reflects the eternal and perfect nature of the cosmos."

I asked Grok "What would Plato think about travel to the moon, particularly travel that leaves behind a small steel ball with his name inscribed on it?" The answer, to put it briefly, was that he would have mixed feelings. Really? I didn't think of Plato as a mixed feelings kind of guy.


exhelodrvr1 said...

Plato would object because it is misogynistic to use balls as a symbol.

exhelodrvr1 said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

The language and “data” of the AI bots, including Grok, which is Musk’s baby, are absolutely saturated with DNC assumptions and buzzwords assumed to be “facts.” It’s impenetrable. The welfare state is assumed to be beneficial and logical. The need for “systematic” solutions is assumed to be obvious.

Wince said...

Is it now permissible to say there are fine people on both sides of this monuments debate?

Enigma said...

Rich people shifted from Mt. Everest to Titanic visits, and will go to the moon as soon as possible. They'll find new ways to take selfies on the edge of a cliff, freeze to death a la Green Boots, and accidentally kill wild animals when they "rescue" them from wild nature.

Following history, they'll also scarf up every artifact they can for museums and private collections. Today this includes chunks of the Titanic and grave-robbed art from all over the world. The ancient Egyptians robbed dead pharoahs graves soon after they were buried.

People remain people. Rich jerks remain rich jerks. Thieves always supply the market.

Old and slow said...

My first instinct is to not care about lunatic heritage sites, but Jeff Koons? Really? His so-called art is a blight on any landscape.

Christopher B said...

Fear Of Other's Liberty

Dave Begley said...

Ada Lovelace? Why does she rate?

Leland said...

World Monuments Fund needs to stay in their lane.

Kate said...

Someone suggested we make Moon our 51st state. (This was before Canada and Greenland became the latest fad.) The arguments for it, although tongue-in-cheek, were pretty good.

Christopher B said...

She was involved with Charles Babbage and is often elevated to being his partner in the development and application of his mechanical computer.

rehajm said...

…at least change the name…

Matt said...

"...where Neil Armstrong first stepped onto the moon's surface..." Lol

MadTownGuy said...

Where was the WMF when statues were being torn down, the Lincoln Memorial was vandalized, images of Buddha were being destroyed? They've been around since the Sixties. Also, "World" Monument Fund? Maybe they intend to be the Interplanetary Monument Fund.

Political Junkie said...

Agree. Don't space tourists (regular humans!! on the moon) TRUMP a landmark sign.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Maybe Other World Monuments Fund?

Political Junkie said...

I agree. But I think Greenland's minerals/oil/magic beans will be easier to obtain.

Political Junkie said...

Matt....you aren't a moon landing truther, are you?

BudBrown said...

One human's monument is another's litter.

John said...

"Humans can't pass through the Van Allen Belt" is as dumb as "Fire can't melt steel".

Kirk Parker said...

We can always send these people to the to defend the sanctity of these historical sites.

Problem solved.

Iman said...

Plato would be too glued to another fellow’s behind to contemplate “men on the moon”.

mezzrow said...

Billie Holiday - Blue Moon

Aggie said...

I certainly hope somebody is considering the environmental impact of all these unnecessary moon landings. Protect our craters!

fleg9bo said...

At least the World Monuments Fund didn't say the moon monument is at risk due to climate change.

Aggie said...

..."“The moon seems so far outside of our scope,” said Bénédicte de Montlaur, the organization’s president and chief executive. “But with humans venturing more and more into space, we think it is the right time to get ourselves organized.”..."

I mean, don't we need a MOA to manage all this, write rules and notify of infractions? What about obelisks? And if we don't find an obelisk, can we just all throw rocks and bones at old Bénédicte instead?

Iman said...

Plato was a man on “the moon”, as were many other Greek males.

Former Illinois resident said...

World would be a better place without all these self-described experts and advocacy groups.

Lazarus said...

"Space tourism" is a thing now? Did we wake up in 2060?

A helpful hint from Consumer Reports: It's cheaper to go to Rekal, Inc. and let them implant the memory of a trip to the moon in your mind than to actually go there.

RCOCEAN II said...

I never understood why people are always quoting pluto. He's just a cartoon character.

john mosby said...

Koons and Plato’s metal versions of visible gods made me think of Judas Priest’s Metal Gods.

It would be so metal to put a big neon sign on the moon, visible from earth.

I’m certain the Chi Coms plan to do it.


mezzrow said...

"woof!" - Pluto Disney

john mosby said...
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john mosby said...

Which means Musk and Trump will do it first.

Metal! MAGA!


Bob Boyd said...

Save the Moon!

Original Mike said...

"while a SpaceX rocket lifted a lander that carried 125 miniature sculptures by the artist Jeff Koons to the moon’s surface last year."

This is a site that needs protection? I can see Apollo 11, but they blow their whole argument with this example of lunar littering.

mikee said...

And how many divisions does the World Monuments Fund command, to enforce their mandates? How are those Afghan Bhuddist sculptures doing, WMF? Got them reassembled yet?

Yancey Ward said...

Eventually, a meteor will strike and destroy every single one of these heritage lunar sites within the time frame of human existence.

Rusty said...

Exploit every last resource it has and then turn it into a prison colony.

PM said...

Grok is a guy?

Jersey Fled said...

Wait a minute. We’re worried about monuments on the moon when we’re ripping them down all over the U.S.?

Scott M said...

Sorry, WMF, but Luna is a bit outside your juristiction.

Biff said...

Imagine permanently preserving the detritus left by the first visitors to...everywhere.

Bill R said...

...a lander that carried 125 miniature sculptures by the artist Jeff Koons to the moon’s surface

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

MountainMan said...

I am looking forward to Musk getting us back on the Moon. I hope one of the early landings would be near the Apollo 15 landing site. The first reason for this is just to prove that, yes, we really did go to the Moon. The second is to show the Lunar Rover, which was used for the first time on that mission. I am sick and tired of the idiots showing up in my feed on X or FB claiming it was all faked on a movie set and the Rover is proof of that because it was impossible to get something like that on the Moon. I will enjoy laughing at all those idiots if this were to come to pass.

Jupiter said...

AI does not make "assumptions", or consider "facts". AI attempts to produce a new document having a certain sort of resemblance to a preponderance of the vast collection of existing documents it has been "trained" on. The First Law of Computing still holds; "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

Jupiter said...

They will also discover that passing through the Van Allen belts kills you.

Jupiter said...

Humans can pass through the Van Allen belts. They just won't survive it. And fire can certainly melt steel. Just not a fire fueled with jet fuel and office furnishings. You need thermite.

Jupiter said...

This is old news. Some time back, NASA had a contest for kids (natch!) to design robots to dig up the Moon. But someone got the idea of a mobile robot, that could go find the Apollo landing sites. That got NASA's knickers well and truly twisted. I am not sure how high up you have to be at NASA to be officially in on the secret. I suppose it's like how high you have to be at CIA to get the limited hang-out on JFK. But they scurried about, and got Congress to pass a law, the "One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage in Space Act".

Jupiter said...

" yes, we really did go to the Moon." What do you mean, "we"? You got a Moon rock in your spacesuit pocket?

rhhardin said...

I remember the Honolulu Advertiser "Man Walks on Moo." Unfortunate fold in newsstand. I "watched" the landing on a TV set up in the lobby of the Reef Hotel on Waikiki beach, on a business trip layover.

Big Mike said...

@Dave Begley, Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, is regarded as being the world’s first computer programmer. She was the first, even ahead of Charles Babbage himself, to recognize that the Babbage machine did not merely perform mathematical calculations but actually engaged in symbol manipulation.

Jim at said...

Just not a fire fueled with jet fuel and office furnishings.

The steel didn't melt. The fire weakened it to the point it could no longer support the building's structure.

I've got a good friend who's a Truther. He simply refuses to see what's right in front of his face. He came to a conclusion and then cherry-picked unrelated details to reach it. Like all Truthers do.

Enigma said...

The SIMPLE way to prove we went to the moon is to direct a laser toward the huge honking reflector we left on the moon to measure the earth-to-moon distance.

