January 7, 2025
"The Pentagon carried out the secret operation in the early hours of Monday..."
"... days before Guantánamo’s most notorious prisoner, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, was scheduled to plead guilty to plotting the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in exchange for a life sentence rather than face a death-penalty trial.
The handoff had been in the works for about three years. An initial plan to conduct the transfer in October 2023 was derailed by opposition from Congress. The 11 who were released included Moath al-Alwi, a former long-term hunger striker who gained attention in the art world for building model boats from objects found at the Guantánamo prison; Abdulsalam al-Hela, whose testimony was sought by defense lawyers in the U.S.S. Cole case; and Hassan Bin Attash, the younger brother of a defendant in the Sept. 11 conspiracy case...."
Maybe they're making room in Guantanamo for folks like Liz Cheney?
So Biden just gave all fed employees Thursday off in remembrance of Jimmy Carter. At taxpayer expense.
Make room for that SOB Biden.
What additional "fuck you America" actions can we expect from team Obama/Biden in the next two weeks?
At this point, The GWOT has proven more wasteful and more useless than the Vietnam War, and the Vietnam War is incredibly useless and wasteful. No wonder everything is going drone-centric....when they pull shit like this they know they're never getting anybody to sign up ever again.
Aren't these guys just going to be TikTok rock stars inspiring more terrorists? "The men are eager to rejoin the world of cell phones and the Internet." Yeah, I bet.
He was captured on March 1, 2003, so he’s served just under 22 years for murdering 2900 people. Less than one year for every hundred prople he killed.
Wait till they find out about all the peace trucks on Turo!
What a strange headline - "to start new lives"?
Yes the sad point about hunger strikers the iras pioneered that trick why let them loose and risk them restaffing their terror organization see bin qumu
Rubbaish mehsud et al
Biden's America: where terrorists and rapists and child murderers go free but he tries like hell to imprison his political opposition. I dread what else his evil handlers have in store for us over the next two weeks.
The Democrats are not merely reinforcing the case for pardoning the January 6th prisoners, they're making it exceedingly clear that all federal level Democrats should be put in the prisons.
Go read the comments there at NYT. None I saw (just read the first few) referenced KSM and his 9/11 actions. They all referenced "USA bad guy/unlawful detention/etc". Some people on the libertarian right say the same shit. Fuck you. I am a conservative because of shit like this. I would have killed KSM myself and paid for the costs involved. If you call yourself a conservative and you find USA more guilty in this scenario than KSM, then go fuck yourself.
Did Congress drop its opposition? I don't think so.
Per my previous comment, Trump should issue an Executive Order and Death Warrant for the execution of KSM and his closest buddies there at Gitmo. Send VP Vance and SecDef Hegseth down to Gitmo to supervise the execution. And live stream it on the WH website.
Biden's shadowy string-pullers are being shadowy about the identities and crimes of ten of the eleven mass-murderers. Other news sites I've checked repeat the same name, Moath al-Alwi, and the same worthless data about his hobby, but nothing about the remaining ten. This means skullduggery is afoot and the mendacious media are complicit.
It won't be long before Oman forgets where it put them.
This ain't about Jan6. KSM is different. Stay on target.
The rationale behind eliminating the death penalty is that we have the means to keep someone locked up for life without parole, so no need to kill them to safeguard society from future evil acts. It was always a scam. The death penalty is just punishment for those found guilty of the most heinous crimes. This slick move by Biden is sure to make the death penalty great again.
This is not about Biden, as Trump did the same when G.H.W. Bush died in 2018.
I deleted the first 2 comments because they were terribly off-point in assuming that KSM was not a detainee.
Mike - As Sam Kinison's character said to Rodney Dangerfield's character in Back to School, "I like the way you think!".
Like ruubaish the poet droned in 2015 when he had been the religious authority to yemeni al queda
ALL of them.
Wait - Is KSM still at Guan? Did I misread?
"To start new lives." So, are they going to be free now, or are we sending them to people who can torture them without qualms? If KSM was the architect of 9/11, why are we turning him over to somebody else?
When I logged on, I read the headline as "The Penguin carried out the secret operation in the early hours of Monday..."
The Penguin carried out the secret operation in the early hours of Monday. The Gotham sky was still a bruised purple, clinging stubbornly to the last vestiges of night. Cobblepot, however, had been awake for hours, his little eyes sharp and glittering with a manic glee that belied his waddle. He surveyed his surroundings from the back of a nondescript catering van, the smell of stale bread and fake cheese vaguely nauseating even to him.
This wasn’t about jewels, or blackmail, or any of the usual avenues of criminal enterprise that had kept his coffers filled (and his larder well-stocked with herring). This was, as he had repeatedly told his less-than-enthusiastic henchmen, “about sending a message.” A message, he believed, that was long overdue.
The van pulled up in front of the Gotham City Zoo, a place Penguin considered an affront to his sensibilities, a mockery of the natural world. He had a particular bone to pick with the penguin exhibit, where, he felt, the flightless birds were displayed in a manner that was both embarrassing and utterly devoid of panache.
To start new lives as sleeper-cell terrorists who get across the US-Mexican border before January 20. Timing is everything.
Even msn.com:
He has been there since 2006 when they revealed the facilities in thailand where we holding him
The terrorist they let go will be back... back to the same old terror. They will be used as poster boys of what the 'worst' they can expect from the USA.
Another very "proud" move in the global irreversible dem/left-islamic supremacist alliance.against the West.
The left sure do fancy terrorists, child rapists, and criminals. (of course they just salute Crook Joe and give medals to crime-funder-Soros)
A horrific example of the left's love affair with crime and torture:
This won't make teh NBC,CBS,AB(D)-hack news - look at this absolute disgrace and heart-sickening tale in woke Scotland.
Leftist authoritarian pro-Islamic supremacy pedo-mob cretins must be purged from power - the world over.
It's now very clear why the leftist mob adore Islamic supremacy. Same sexual predatory nature.
How do you say "please kill more of us, because we have it coming" without saying "please kill more of us, because we have it coming."
Psychopaths and bullies who obtain or maintain power through lies and violence require pawns/surrogates to execute their assignments. The oligarchs then seek plausible deniability and to keep their hands free of blood. Payoffs often work. Propaganda often works. Funding self-serving "charities" often works.
That’s some “peaceful transfer of power” we've got here. Biden litters the world with scum that would-if-they-could cause more headaches for Trump as tries to secure our nation. This is treason. FJB - may he rot in hell.
They sent him to oman which is across the border from yemen where he will regroup wirh aqap
So it is about Biden…
Unless the goal of the GWOT was to (1) provide jobs and career advancement paths for members of the military, and (2) to provide contracts to keep the cash flowing to the military-industrial complex. Also see Ukraine. War pigs will be war pigs.
During the Vietnam War the US ran out of bombs, but still sent pilots on missions with limited/minimal payloads to build their combat resumes. Gotta have a career path to becoming the Secretary of Defense and/or US Senator (e.g., John McCain).
This is an argument for the death penalty, isn't it?
Okay, I rarely do this (I have only called Michael K and Cedarford this--and Cedarford probably considered it a compliment), but, you sir, are a Nazi and a disgrace to the legal profession and the Nebraska legislature.
Apparently, you have no time for the whole "rule of law" concept.
For the record, the reason KSM is getting a life sentence and not the death penalty, because the government (mainly the CIA) screwed up by torturing him, in clear violation of federal and international law.
“Old Man Yells at Cloud on His Way to Hell”
How mean does one have to be to want to deny them “new lives”!?
Quoted from https://greghalvorson.substack.com/
"Joe Biden isn't merely the worst president in America history, he's one of the most disgusting, depraved human beings on planet Earth."
Jennifer diskal who believes ksm is innocent who holder hired who cancelled the previous plea was the petitioner
“…screwed up by torturing him, in clear violation of federal and international law.”
One man’s “torture” is another man’s cheerful encouragement.
1. I not a member of the Nebraska legislature.
2. I'm not going to spend hours researching the KSM case, but I doubt he was "tortured." That was probably spin by the Left and the Fake News. Was he waterboarded? John Yoo issued a legal opinion that isn't torture. And even if he was, he could have been convicted without his confession.
3. As to the Rule of Law, KSM was a non-state actor and did not sign the Geneva Convention. He is a terrorist and planned a sneak attack on civilians. As far as I'm concerned, he's not entitled to any protections of American law. He should be executed for his crimes against humanity.
Now if KSM was an actual Nazi who wore a uniform and committed war crimes, he then would have been entitled to a trial like the ones we conducted after WW2. Those war criminals were executed.
4. Listen, pal, I'm a real lawyer. There are factual differences in each case. Like I wrote above, KSM is NOT entitled to any protections under US law.
Tell it, narciso! Now the slow but steady among us will need to employ their secret decoder rings to help them decipher, lol.
Those releasees will be back to lead the Islamist effort to expand the Obama/Biden legacy.
@Iman: Huh? Non sequitur. The standard practice of giving federal employees a day off with a presidential death (largely because of the DC transit and security chaos caused by their funerals) has nothing to do freeing terrorists.
The thing that really irks me about the KSM deal is that the worthless and spineless military prosecutors wasted years on this case and then didn't even try it. Why not a trial? There are murder trials across the US every day. That's what I don't get.
We need answers. We want the truth!
This is so weirdly written. When I see "Pentagon Operation" I assume an airstrike or special forces operation. From what I can tell, the prisoners were freed and then flown to Oman. Although, the strange word "transfer" is used. And the Pentagon didn't do this, this freeing of prisoners was done by Joe biden and the Secretary of Defense.
I'm betting money that the Dems will ask SecDef nominee Hegseth questions about KSM.
The 11 who were released included Moath al-Alwi, a former long-term hunger striker who gained attention in the art world for building model boats from objects found at the Guantánamo prison;
Oh brother. Ignore his past. "This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who"
Send them to the Middle East, where the Israelis can get a crack at them.
Who knows if these prisoners deserve release. I never liked the whole Guantanamo Bay permanent prison camp b******* to begin with. The fact that most of these folks were never subject to a trial is very disturbing as a citizen of the freest country on planet Earth. Maybe they should have been executed 20 years ago after a trial and conviction. The whole thing seems kafka-esque.
Bottom line it only makes Donald Trump more powerful and more free to do whatever he wants in the Middle East. Once again the Democrats play right into Donald's tiny little hands.
According to the NY post, none of the 11 have been charged with crimes. But were being held at Guatanamo as suspected terrorists.
Another "austere" islamic supremacist scholar type.
They hate us, they really hate us. Why else would they want to deliver terrorists to terrorist countries to plan more attacks on us??
It is all relevant. The Progressives hate America and are fundamentally transforming it into a hellhole before they leave.
the capitulation at kabul, would suggest to the terrorists that they won, so have events in syria, despite the deaths of bin laden, raymi, bagdadi,
oman is sort of a neutral country, as far as things go, but it's a short trek to yemen, across the empty quarter,
Biden and the democrats continue to shit all over this country on the way out.
al hela was not a businessman he was an agent of their secret police, that enabled al queda elements, in yemen and elsewhere,
Because we (the not elite non leftists) are the root of all the evils in the world. All good elite leftists would be living in a Utopia if not for us screwing things up, so it serves us right if we get blown to bits by terrorists they release into the wild.
Irregular combatants, like these 11 non-state actors, can be held indefinitely without trial according the the laws of war, if not summarily executed, which I endorse. If not tried, convicted and serving time, they can be released at the end of "hostilities" but since the Great War on Terror had neither clearly defined goals nor metrics to measure when hostilities cease we can hold these terrorists indefinitely. Sorry/not sorry you don't like it. It's been the law for almost 100 years now. Maybe "they" should not have declared war on the most powerful country on Earth.
Wrong. They are enemy combatants. Waging war on the USA is their crime.
but I doubt he was "tortured."
Well, you are just wrong about that (note that this is a link to The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald's site).
Was he waterboarded? John Yoo issued a legal opinion that isn't torture. And even if he was, he could have been convicted without his confession.
John Yoo's opinion was a disgrace. He ignored the U.S. statutory and International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (which by the way was signed by Reagan and ratified by Congress) definitions of torture and created his own definition of torture, which contradicted the accepted definition of torture that has existed since at least the end of World War II. The opinion, once it was revealed, was rescinded.
John Yoo should have never been allowed to return to teaching law (at Fucking Berkely no less), and he, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld at the very least, should still be in jail for crimes against humanity.
As far as I'm concerned, he's not entitled to any protections of American law.
Again you are just wrong about this. Show me where the Geneva Conventions allows summary punishment or execution of anyone.
As I noted above in responding to Dave Begley, you are simply wrong about this. I don't know where you get this shit, because it has no basis in law (U.S., UCMJ, or International)
One man’s “torture” is another man’s cheerful encouragement.
No, torture is well-defined in U.S. law and International treaties. You just can't make up your own definition of torture like John Yoo attempted to do.
Yes. Yes it is.
FF: John Yoo is a friend of mine. He's a distinguished legal scholar. I trust his scholarship, research and judgment on this matter.
How did this entire Gitmo operation get so fucked up? After WW2, we and the Allies carried out the entire Nuremberg trial in less than a year. And Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson was the Chief Counsel.
Justice Clarence Thomas should have gotten the assignment for the Gitmo trial. I'd be his special assistant.
Death by firing squad!
John Yoo is a war criminal. He was flat wrong and there is nothing in his abhorrent opinion reflects "scholarship, research and judgement". Heck, he ignored the U.S. statutory definition of torture 18 U.S. Code § 2340 and the definition found in the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (look that one up your own damn self).
Death by firing squad!
"Sentence first--verdict afterward"
the Supreme Court threw out more than a hundred years of precedents in some three decisions hamdan hamdi and boumedienne
How did this entire Gitmo operation get so fucked up?
First off, we didn't torture the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials. Heck, we even got the Soviets to forego torture (at least for the Nazis tried in the International Tribunal).
You could call the French underground non-state actors as well. That doesn't mean we need to treat them like the Nazis did.
Note that no one has ever presented any evidence about what happened on 9/11 in a courtroom. That's because the official narrative is a complete lie. Osama Bin Laden was as surprised as you were (They always have a patsy. Always).
"John Yoo is a friend of mine. He's a distinguished legal scholar. I trust his scholarship, research and judgment on this matter."
Yoo is an unethical lickspittle of the American Criminal State. His "wave the wand and it is so" denial of waterboarding as a form of prohibited torture was a disgrace. (Let's not forget the many other unconstitutional and criminal physical assaults inflicted by American personnel on numerous captives taken in the wake of 9/11). Constitutional protections of the law are not just special niceties applicable to US citizens, but are restrictions on US behavior and treatment of any accused persons held by US authorities.
Obama's 3rd term ain't over till it's over.
"I don't know where you get this shit, because it has no basis in law (U.S., UCMJ, or International)."
They get it from the criminals in the Bush/Cheney who decided to use torture and vigorously justify it as "not torture," but "enhanced interrogation,"*(and even if it was, it could be freely applied to shitbag non-Americans).
*(A term the Nazis also used to describe their torture regime.)
"Wrong. They are enemy combatants. Waging war on the USA is their crime."
Without trials to determine their innocence or guilt, how can you know they're guilty of anything, much less of "waging war on the US."
Biden, Obama, like most Democrats, believe in Capitol punishment. Once the utility of terrorists, murderers, protesters, babies, etc was determined to no longer be viable, they should have been summarily aborted, sparing their victims a progressive "burden".
Biden should now commute the torture of American citizens held in federal prisons and targets of nationwide Palmer-style witch hunts in progress following the witch trials held after the Pelosi-rrection and Whitmer/Holder-style conspiracy in American Civil Liberties Unburdened.
Freder and other defenders of KSM and his crew:
A lawyer in Council Bluffs, Iowa by the name of Emmet Tinley sent his sons to Omaha Creighton Prep. I didn't know any of them, but they were a known Prep family; just like the Edwards from CB.
One of the sons worked in the insurance industry and he was in his office in the WTC on 9/11. I talked to one of his sisters. Of course he died. I don't know the manner of death. Was he burned alive or did he jump from the tower like so many did.
Was this man tortured before he died? Did he "deserve" to die. Or was he just doing his job when KSM's plan worked?
Don't ever tell me that any of those 9/11 plotters don't deserve the death penalty for what they did.
At Prep, there is a memorial for all the alums who died in war. His name is on the memorial.
OWH, "Twenty years later, Suzanne Tinley remains struck by what a perfect, crystal-clear day it was.
It had rained heavily in New York City the day before. But this day — Sept. 11, 2001 — had dawned with brilliant blue skies as she looked south from her apartment window toward the majestic twin towers of the World Trade Center, just six blocks away.
Tinley talked on the phone that morning with her brother Michael E. Tinley, who at that very moment was preparing for a business meeting on the 100th floor of the north tower.
Today, Suzanne recalls everything about that phone call, for it would be the last time she would ever speak to her brother.
The Creighton Prep and Creighton University graduate was about to become among the 2,753 souls lost in the terrorist attack on the Trade Center. And his sister would watch the entire disaster unfold before her eyes."
Since Mike Tinley was on the 100th floor, he was believed to have been killed in the initial fireball. Burned alive. He's dead while KSM and his buddies are sitting in Cuba enjoying themselves.
Dallas TV, "Michael Tinley didn’t get to see his daughters become mothers, but Jenna and Lisa see reflections of him in the grandchildren he never met.
They also feel his presence in ways they never dreamed."
Joe from Scranton is both a merciful and a vengeful God. He grants life and he takes life. He revels in using his power.
"The Pentagon carried out the secret operation in the early hours of Monday, days before Guantánamo’s most notorious prisoner,...."
Oooh, the exciting, suspenseful intrigue ! John LeCarre, call home ! Why, we all had our sigintel feelers trained on Guantanamo since forever, and they sneaked this right by us, top secret clandestine-wise, those clean-cut operatives ! Give me a break.
Freder and other defenders of KSM and his crew:
You are just a fucking liar. Find one post I have ever written defending KSM and his crew. Condemning Yoo and the rest of the Bush torture regime does not constitute defending KSM.
Truth hurts; doesn't it Freder? How much due process did Mike Tinley and the other 2,500 plus dead get from KSM? I want the Truth!
You are just a fucking liar. Find one post I have ever written defending KSM and his crew.
You were defending these fuckheads way back when it happened. At John Hawkins site, Right Wing News.
You were a terrorist sympathizer then. You're a terrorist sympathizer now. A fifth-column POS.
Again, provide one post or comment where I defend or sympathize with terrorists.
Nuremberg trials were a joke. Like The Hague. Either kill them or let them go. But stop with the bullshit. You don’t a trial to hang Tojo. Just hang him.
It had to be done in secret because they knew it would never withstand public scrutiny.
Biden's entire reign has been for the benefit of non citizens...illegal aliens, Ukraine "leaders" and Iran.
Crimes with Diversity (e.g. hate) motives. Biden should pardon or commute all sentences of Diversitists in federal custody.
Biden reassesses, sectively, hate criminals to terrorize another day.
The legal status of the Gitmo detainees is that they are Unlawful Combatants. They are therefore not covered by the Geneva Convention or afforded rights under the US Constitution or judicial system. They could, legally, all be shot by firing squad tomorrow without issue. So if you want to know why it's taken so long to charge them with anything... well that's the reason. They just don't have to. Which make the very notion of a plea deal all the more appalling.
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