January 25, 2025

"The initial vote was 50-50, with three Republicans — Sens. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine — joining all 47 Democrats in voting no."

From "VP Vance breaks tie in the Senate to confirm Pete Hegseth as defense secretary/Three Republicans voted with every Democrat against Trump’s controversial pick to lead the Pentagon, forcing Vance to step in and put Hegseth over the top" (NBC News).

We're told "McConnell's vote was a stunning rebuke of Hegseth and Trump, whom the former Senate Republican leader has clashed with repeatedly over the years."
In a rare move, Hegseth, a former Fox News anchor and Army combat veteran, was on hand for the vote, sitting just off the Senate floor with his wife, parents and children. He showed his family the rotunda and could be overheard telling them, “This was where President Trump was inaugurated.”

Earlier in the day, Trump mentioned McConnell unprompted and wondered aloud to reporters whether he would ultimately support Hegseth. “Of course, Mitch is always a no vote, I guess,” Trump said, before adding, “Is Mitch a no vote? How about Mitch?”


wendybar said...

Petty man who worked for China. Good riddance. Now to get rid of the other two scumbag Democrats in hiding.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

My wife put green beans on the table last night and I took none because I wasn't in the mood so maybe that counts as a stunning rebuke to some people's way of thinking.

wendybar said...

The funny thing is, all three of these scumbags voted for the fat tranny that became Bidens "Health" Secretary. They are as much a joke as heshe is.

rehajm said...

One of my calls for this year is Congressional Republicans would fight to protect Washington by taking turns as the ones having a crisis of conscience over any and every vote for reform. I didn’t expect it to arrive so quickly… I suppose the swamp will be able to count on Mitch, who will likely take the lead in every vote but I don’t think the leftie GOP women will be obligated to do all the heavy lighting for the swamp. Expect a few more swamp Republicans to help carry the load..

Ritchie P said...

The people of Kentucky needs to give McConnell the old Nicolae Ceaușescu treatment!

rehajm said...

…which isn’t to say this is their only weapon. ‘We took a show of hands and we don’t have the votes so we’re not voting’ will be a big one, too…

rehajm said...

I suspect the ultimate goal will be to invite Trump voters to be content Democrats are not in charge of the executive and Trump gets his ‘tax cut’ (sorry, John Henry). Fox will help…

Aggie said...

"McConnell said that he did not have confidence in Hegseth’s ability to lead the Pentagon at a time of escalating national security threats posed by Russia, China, Iran and their proxies...."

He voted to advance him in the test votes earlier. He's a treacherous old bast*rd that hates Trump, is what it comes down to. And pray tell - when was the last time the DOD passed an audit? The same as the first time: Never.

tim maguire said...

Collins is a red politician in a blue state, she has to marshall her “independence” carefully. Mitchell and Murkowski have no such excuse.

Jimmy said...

McConnell is in the same shape as biden. He is at the falling stage of old age, and often spaces out with brain freeze.
His state voted for Trump, by a large margin. He voted for the freaks that biden put up, and seems to be willing to vote no just to hurt Trump.

Dave Begley said...

Cocaine Mitch showed his true colors on this vote. He just hates Trump and wants to pimp him.

Speaking of leadership, how well did SecDef Austin execute the withdrawal from Afghanistan?

rehajm said...

…or so we’re invited to think with all that ‘she votes with Republicans 99.999% of the time (on procedural votes)’ stuff they shovel. Except for possibly one agonizing indulgence I can recall, her crisis of conscience arrives when her yes vote runs inconsistent with the desires of the swamp…

Wince said...

Lloyd Austin allowed others to run the military while he destroyed morale.

Pete Hegseth will allow others to run the military while he rebuilds morale.

Peachy said...

tim M - Exactly. Mitch and Murk ignore their constituents.

Rob said...

3 members of the Uniparty stepped out of the shadows for all to see.

Peachy said...

McConnell voted for most or all of Biden's picks.

narciso said...


Lilly, a dog said...

Hegseth should go out to a strip club to celebrate.

"Secretary of Defense Makes It Rain"

Amadeus 48 said...

Collins is usually there when we need her, but often gone when we don't. We didn't need her here. She gave the best speech I have ever heard from a senator in support of Kavanaugh. She is the only GOP senator from New England/NY/NJ/MD/VA. She gets a pass from me on Hegseth.

Two-eyed Jack said...

McConnell's vote was entirely ineffectual. Why make a spectacle of your ineffectuality?

Kakistocracy said...

Being qualified, and competent, for a position seems to be an alien concept for this administration. The only requirement is blind loyalty.

And here I thought Republicans were all about people getting jobs based solely on merit...

Kakistocracy said...

The job looks easy through the bottom of a half full glass….

Kakistocracy said...

Hegseth is a DUI hire.

Kakistocracy said...

Only the second time in history a cabinet nominee has needed a tie-break to be confirmed. When Mitch McConnell goes rogue, even as a lame duck, you know something’s off.

Larry J said...

If you want, we can discuss the qualifications and competency of Biden’s cabinet picks as a comparison.

Peachy said...

Hegseth graduated from Princeton in 2003, after which he joined the Army National Guard and served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan—earning two Bronze Stars.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.

Take the win. Give Collins and Murkowski what you can so they can be re-elected. Win-win. Trump should show a little performative anger against them. That will help them even more to win re-election.

Big Mike said...

McConnell is even more careless about his legacy than Biden has been. It’s not his party anymore, but he seems to think that it ought to be. He doesn’t get why it isn’t, and never will be again.

rehajm said...

What’s PNG?

Lucille Ballers said...

Hegseth and his complete lack of experience will put the lives of US service members in danger. The thought that Hegseth will lead the DOD is outrageous.

Big Mike said...

Kaki thinks “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg is doing a totally dreamy job as Secretary of Transportation

Peachy said...

After 4 years of ruinous corruption - under Crook Joe, Crook Media, and Crook Joe's horrible and loyal cabinet members, (Myorkas - we are looking at you) -- leftists need to sit down and shut up.

Big Mike said...

@Lucille, some of us who have actually been service members, and who’ve read his book, beg to differ with you. And for that matter, virtually anyone would be an improvement on “AWOL” Austin.

rrsafety said...

I hope he has pulled his shlt together.

Jim K said...

McConnell is playing chess here. He knew his vote would not keep Hegseth from being confirmed. Instead he is putting Trump on notice that the Senate will not be merely a rubber stamp on Trump's plans. The Senators were elected too. McConnell is putting Trump on notice that they will get a say in things.

Peachy said...

Lloyd Austin was a joke. Hivemind left do not care.

rrsafety said...

Maybe they just think Hegseth is a lout?

Leland said...

Congratulations to Pete Hegseth for winning his first battle over the deep state. May he have many more victories.

Charlie Currie said...

McConnell didn't go rogue. He went true to form. Those who cheer McConnell do so based on his ability to get judges approved. But that's just the public face of McConnell. Behind the scenes he kills off truly conservative justices before they get a chance to be nominated.

McConnell is a RINO. He killed the tea party. McConnell supports Murkowski after she loses her primary - twice. Ranked choice voting is the only way Murkowski gets elected. McConnell only supports RINOs.

McConnell is like the Palestinians who hate Israel more than they love their children - he hates Trump more than he loves America.. if he even does.

Sally327 said...

I think McConnell voting no gives some cover to the two women and didn't affect the ultimate outcome so I assume it was all just a strategic move and not indicative of some profound disagreement with the President and his choice of Hegseth. The Senate is a weird place.

stonethrower said...

McConnell saved us from Garland on the Supreme Court.

Iman said...

“The job looks easy through the bottom of a half full glass.”

Ahh… the “bottom of a half full glass”… where your best friend floats.

Iman said...

Go get ‘em, Pete!!!

chuck said...

Last night's "stunning rebuke" is already dusty history.

Kakistocracy said...

Whether it is four-star general Lloyd Austin causing a scandal by secretly undergoing surgery, or Fox television personality Pete Hegseth allegedly being drunk every day, abusing his wives, cheating on them, and assaulting strangers, both secretaries of defense have caused scandals.

Kakistocracy said...

Whether it’s Lloyd Austin earning four stars as a general or Pete Hegseth drinking four gin and tonics before noon, both Secretaries of Defense have some impressive accomplishments.

jaydub said...

Mitch and I were fraternity brothers in the mid sixties. He was a self centered asshole then, and I don't know of any of our other fraternity brothers who have ever held a different opinion of him. I half expected him to approach the podium and give two thumbs down like McCain did to kill the repeal of Obama Care.

Gravel said...

Persona non grata.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump got his nominee. Hegseth got the job. Next.

M Jordan said...

Tis stunning to see the level of personal animus and fractured ego in these men (and women) of the country’s supposedly most deliberative body. John McCain riding a gurney to thumbs-down the very thing he campaigned on, Obamacare’s removal, was the ultimate display of such corroded character but Mitch’s No here isn’t far behind. These men are worse than weak, adolescent brats: they are rotten to the core. And they represent the end of an equally rotten era. I predict Mitch will be gone in less than two years, gone and forgotten of any good he thinks he did, remembered only for his dark, tiny, withered, rich-kid privileged, selfish heart.

Bob Boyd said...

I doubt anyone involved feels stunned or rebuked.

M Jordan said...

That’s the one good thing I will grant this asshole.

Bob Boyd said...

This wasn’t a reply to M Jordan. His comment wasn’t up yet when I wrote mine.

M Jordan said...

Appreciate the clarification. Stunning might not really be true even for me. Sickening may have been a more accurate term.

Jersey Fled said...

I’m with you on the green beans thing. They made me gag when I was 4 or 5.

William said...

Donald Rumsfeld and Robert McNamara were industrious men with solid reputations for sobriety and competence. They really knew how to work the levers at the DOD. They were celebrated in their time for their smarts. They're less celebrated nowadays. It's better to be right than to be smart.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump got his nominee approved, but he suffered a “stunning rebuke!”

RCOCEAN II said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

Show me a military vet that hasn’t been to a strip club.

MadTownGuy said...

"We're told "McConnell's vote was a stunning rebuke of Hegseth and Trump..."

And Vance's tie breaker was a resounding rebuke of McConnell's 'No." Also, poetic justice for times McConnell's "Yes" votes resulted in Harris' tie breakers.

RCOCEAN II said...

McConnnell voted for Joe Biden's hard left picks because "The President gets to select his own cabinet" but now that its Trump he's going to help the D's. Amazing.

At least McConnell is no longer sabotaging Trump behind the scenes like the 1st term - he's doing it right in the open. This is why just voting for anyone with an R after their name to "save the Senate" accomplishes nothing unless they're actual Republicans. Not if they're just Democrats running under the R label.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its a stunning rebuke to every Kentucky Trump voter and Trump himself. They supported "Mitch" in his re-election bid. BTW, Liz Cheney when she was in the House was best buddies with McConnell. That should tell you a lot.

William said...

I don't find it disturbing that a few Republicans broke ranks on this issue. What's really disturbing is that no Democrats did. Whatever the pros and cons of the Hegseth nomination, you've got to admit that there are pros and cons. No Democrat could see the plus side of his candidacy.....There are lots of Republicans who have voiced reservations about Trump in his first term , but where were the Democrats who spoke up about Biden's manifest debilities. What disgruntled Harris staffer has written a book about their problems with the boss. Has any ex-girlfriend of her husband run off to tell TMZ or People of their harrowing experiences? The Democrats are the party of the dogs that do not bark.

RCOCEAN II said...

"McConnell saved us from Garland on the Supreme Court."

Why do you RINOs keep repeating this? Trump saved us from Garland. He didn't drop out in October 2016, even though Mitch McConnell demanded Trump do so to "save the Senate". McConnell refused to help Trump in 2016, and President Hillary would've given us Garland in Jan 2017.

wendybar said...


RCOCEAN II said...

If you're shocked that the D's vote as a bloc, maybe you should pay more attention. Anytime in the 1st term Trump tried to nominate that wasn't a Uniparty hack, the D's voted as bloc against him. They all voted against Sessions as AG. They always vote as a bloc. Even Fettermann who every loves votes with Schumer 95 percent of the time.

Lazarus said...

Kinda, sorta makes you wonder whose side Team Captain Mitch was on all those years. Mitchie, who's on his way out, probably voted against Hegseth so that Lindsey Graham, who still has constituents to answer to, could vote for him. I believe they call that "pairing," "pairing up" or "pairing off" or something like that. No jokes, please.

Hegseth is unlikely to do as much damage to the country as hypercompetent McNamara or Rumsfeld, but Mitch, Linds, and the Democrats are probably holding out for the triumphal return of Dick Cheney or some other Cheney to the Pentagon.

Aggie said...

You mean, when he wasn't busy being AWOL ?

Lazarus said...

McConnell dropped his first name -- Addison -- when he went into politics because he didn't want people assuming he was a disease before they really got to know him.

Paul said...

Bye bye traitor Republicans.. you failed... and Trump has four years to fix your little red wagon...

Drago said...

Lucille Ballers: "Hegseth and his complete lack of experience will put the lives of US service members in danger."

Feel free to explain precisely how Hegseth has a "complete lack of experience" related to military matters and how he will put the lives of US service members in danger."

Make sure to place your argument in the context of the last 30 years with how our military has been treated for comparison purposes.

Then, when you can't effectively do any of that, you might want to ponder the possibility of keeping your yap shut until you figure out some basics.

Or don't.

Irrelevant either way.

Lazarus said...

Collins will vote for RFK Jr. She likes how he talks.

(If you've heard Collins speak, you'll get the joke.)

JAORE said...

"...complete lack of experience ....". C'mon, COMPLETE lack of experience?". Not his education at "elite" schools? Not his book on problems infecting the military, where failure is rewarded? Not HIS ACTUAL actual TIME IN combat? Is this TDS on steroids or just head cheer leading for your team?

Drago said...

Hardly. McConnell simply employed the already established "Biden Rule", so called for when a President of one party nominates a SC nominee in the last year prior to an election when the Senate is controlled by the other party.

This was no "brilliant" move by McConnell. It was already established political tit for tat that held zero downside for McConnell and the republicans.

McConnell is also the guy that handed Murkowski $10M in republican donor cash to run as an independent in Alaska which was used solely to attack the actual republican party nominee and give Murkowski ("independent"...wink wink) the "win"....and we see how that's playing out.

McConnell has spent 30 years lining his pockets (Elaine Chao's family actually made millions in the ChiCom shipbuilding business side of the house...

...and who is leading who now in terms of shipbuilding and access/control of key chokepoints like the Panama Canal and who is building artificial islands in the Spratly Islands to create more ChiCom controlled territorial waters and continues to expand their Belt and Road expansion efforts?

Yeah, Mitch is a real "treasure" alright. He got us judges on the SC that take turns alternating with joining with Roberts here and there (more "pairing up") to keep handing wins to the dems when they should be shut out on constitutional issues alone.

Kakistocracy said...

Seems frankly rude and bitter to hold the Hegseth vote without an open bar.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Being qualified, and competent, for a position seems to be an alien concept for this administration."


Yes, the biggest booster on Althouse blog for years for the decrepit Joey Bag-O-Dementia and biggest Praiser Of All Time for kamala-la-la-la-la's campaign decided now would be a fantastic time to chime in with that comment!

No wonder LLR-democratical Rich had to try and rebrand as "kak". If you had LLR-democratical Rich's track record at Althouse blog, you might be tempted to try and run from your hilariously failed years long rhetorical "campaigns".

Kakistocracy said...

Lucky ladies at the Pentagon!

rehajm said...

It’s what he wants to do what’s the problem. Old order Republicans won’t let it happen. The Collins drama is for those who prioritize bread and circuses…

Lawcruiter said...

Ultimately, the Senate gave Trump his choice. They weren't happy about it - but they allowed it to happen (while holding their noses) by way of Vance's vote.

Kakistocracy said...

Can you imagine any other job — any -- where during the interview you had to promise you wouldn’t drink if you got the role.

Drago said...

Tillis can read a poll, but failed to look more closely at those polls until after he started the strategically practice the unwise "hamlet on the potomac" act weeks back over the Hegseth nomination. Tillis was definitely testing the waters.

Historically, the republican base has not moved quickly enough when the inside the beltway type "republicans", start openly selling out the republican base voters for media praise, more-er and bigger-er globalist donor dollars, happier invites into swankier DC insider circles with promises of even bigger post-Senate payoffs, etc.

But those days are not these days and the technology/info/activism shift on the part of the republican base is extraordinarily more effective and efficient today than it has ever been in the past.

Had today's party been the party of 10 years ago, Tillis would have caved and voted no and delivered the classic "Repubican"/"muh principles" Failure Theater that we've had to witness over and over again since the 80's.

n.n said...

So, Trump can rely on most People, Republicans, and his VP to make Make America Great Again. Opinions will surely vary, but as they pour the foundation, the plot thickens.

Drago said...

Derve Swanson: "His job, if he can do the work and keep it..."


Oh yeah. He might fail 7 audits in a row, or disappear for weeks on end, or lead astonishingly incompetent withdrawals and institute ruinous disruptive woke policies that lower standards and set service members against each other and allow troops to be deployed willy nilly anywhere with no push back and help cover up weapons systems failures etc etc etc.

Yeah, lets hope we can dodge THOSE types of things, eh?

Mark (no, not that Mark) said...

We'll see. If he turns out as bad you think he'll be - then you can come back here and tell us that you told us so. In the meantime, shut your trap ... no one cares what you think.

Original Mike said...

"I don't find it disturbing that a few Republicans broke ranks on this issue. What's really disturbing is that no Democrats did."

In Congress or the Supreme Court, they never do. We get lectured on blind partisanship by the side that continually manifests it.

Breezy said...

Hegseth is a completely different model for SecDef. He actually will put the enlisted men and women first, modernize their weapons, and get the transgender noisemakers out of their ranks. That is what is so uncomfortable for people like McConnell and Collins.

Yancey Ward said...

The Democrats are looking for a pelt to put in front of the fireplace- they are always looking for that pelt and, with Hegseth, they saw a great chance. I imagine the next targets will be Gabbard, Kennedy, and Patel. I can pretty much guarantee Collins and Murkowski will vote against all three.

Saint Croix said...

I don't think you will ever hear me saying a bad thing about MCConnell. If he robs a bank tomorrow, I'll be up here saying, "Well, at least he kept Garland off the Supreme Court." Talk about asserting the power of the Senate! Obama got his ass bit. I'm still dancing over that shit.

I had no idea how bad Garland was, until he was AG for four years. He's the Darth Vader of AG assholes. If Darth Vader was a soft mushy banana who did whatever the Emperor asked him to do. Biden's complaint about Garland is that he didn't violate the law fast enough.

McConnell could put on a pink pussy hat and start running naked through the streets. Right after he robs a bank. And I'll still be up here saying, "At least he kept Garland off the Supreme Court."

Howard said...

Hegseth is completely out of his league as Defense Secretary. Since the experienced guys have mucked it up by killing millions of innocent people and funneling trillions to contractors, maybe we need a fresh set of eyes on the problem. He can't possibly do worse.

Greg Hlatky said...

Nobody in Alaska actually wants Murkowski as their senator, but thanks to the the quasi-fraud of RCV, she gets in every six years. She thinks the seat is family property.

Hassayamper said...

Hegseth has more years in service than Ulysses Grant did when he was appointed to lead the Union Army, and is older than he was as well.

Amadeus 48 said...

I agree with Howard on this one. Hegseth is entering a building with a huge, breathing, malign presence committed to crossing him up. Maybe he can do some good. He can't do worse, but my expectations are low.

Peachy said...

It's well documented that Pete doesn't have a perfect past private life. But what you say - loyalist leftist Soviet - paints a picture that isn't real. Kak-bich - f off.

Peachy said...

Good thing precious and holy democrats are perfect in every way. After careful butt-sniffing and Biden family underwear snorting - Kak assures us we must all worship his corrupt democratic party.... and ignore all of their massive corruption and failures.

Peachy said...

That's the spirit.

Peachy said...

Kak - you insufferable prick - tons of people drink after work, on weekends and on vacation. Is that still allowed? under your soviet rules - the same rules that all your precious democrats are not subject to.

Peachy said...

Kak - Indeed. Princess fake Indian needs her a cocktail.

Big Mike said...

Green beans are okay, but God damn Brussel sprouts.

Peachy said...

Kak -this is for you. Eat Dookie.

Peachy said...

One more - for all the loyalist white leftists.

Peachy said...

Well, this one tops them all.

Peachy said...

This one fits the topic, perfectly.

Jupiter said...

Duh. You're a fruit bat.

gilbar said...

best case scenario for Garland would have been being voted on..
which he would have lost.
All McConnell did was let Senators waffle on him.

Freder Frederson said...

Oh good, apparently it is now acceptable to call for the summary execution of fellow Republicans who displease you.

Althouse should delete this post as threatening to kill congress members is a felony (18 U.S.C. § 875)

Freder Frederson said...

And pray tell - when was the last time the DOD passed an audit? The same as the first time: Never.

So your solution to this problem is to appoint someone who mismanaged the finances of the two (rather small) non-profits that he was in charge of?

Absolutely brilliant plan!

Freder Frederson said...

As a captain or lesser rank (his promotion to Major came after all his tours). How does that even remotely qualify him to be Sec. of Defense.

Kakistocracy said...

If Pete Hegseth looked drunk during his Senate hearings, it’s only because his lawyer told him to take the fifth.

Kakistocracy said...

Busy days and months ahead for the GRU’s Honeytrap Unit.

Gospace said...

He's got his work cut out for him- direct disobedience to orders from teh USAF hierarchy.

Kurt Schlichter's advice on how to proceed

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich, the even less competent Harry-Sisson-like buffoon, beats a hasty and pathetic retreat back to the the pile of vomit which was the russia russia russia collusion hoax!...its 2025!


Thanks for the laugh Abacus Boy!

Dude1394 said...

Murkowski and Collins continue to believe all women even after the disgusting kavanaugh smear. Oh except for the ACTUAL woman they were spinning smears with. They don’t seem to actually believe the ex wife. Sorry, your morals are quite questionable and transparent.

McConnell is worried that his cronies in the defense industries and Ukraine will not anger anymore billions of dollars. It’s always the money with Mitch.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"McConnell's vote was a stunning rebuke of Hegseth and Trump..."

Every retiring republican senator: Here's looking at you, historians. (They did used to say news articles were "first rough draft" of history.)

mccullough said...

Trump will be gracious toward Mitch when he croaks soon. He’ll ask Xi to lower the Chinese flag to half staff and give Mitch a state funeral in Beijing

rehajm said...

If this is true, if she believes the seat is family property, then the maverick votes are not to preserve her seat, they’re because its what she wants to do…

Gospace said...

Things like that don't matter to opponents. My grandfather and his 3 brothers who lived to adulthood all left home at age 16 (great-grandfather was apparently a tyrant of sorts) and went to sea as merchant sailors. All 4 were drafted and commissioned as officers in WW1 and were ship's engineers What were their qualifications? They could do the job. Seems President Trump has a good feel for people who can do the job. I trust his judgement more then any other current elected official.

Narayanan said...

instead of breaking tie can VP ask vote be do-over?

Big Mike said...

Kristi Noem has just been confirmed. Good news (unless you’re a dog that won’t hunt),

Mary Beth said...

Peachy, Powerline doesn't allow hotlinking. None of those links work.

Skeptical Voter said...

A stunning rebuke, or just a petty act by an old man? I report you decide.

Peachy said...

dang. they work for me. Strange.

Peachy said...

Kak - Yes - you leftists have your priorities.

TreeJoe said...

Generally, the commenters here have a good sense of things. This time I think everyone is missing the obvious. All of the politicians on both sides of the aisle are generally bought and paid for and in the pockets of the military industrial complex. This nominee is not in their control. And so you have to look at the behavior of the senators, not as voting for or against, but as offering their vote in exchange for certain promises or commitments from either the administration or from the military industrial complex. That is the real reason this vote was a tiebreaker.

And why Mitch, a most owned of all, voted to advance him early on and then voted against him. Mitch wanted to be in a position to extract something from the admin, and didn’t get it, and voted against.

boatbuilder said...

"We're told "McConnell's vote was a stunning rebuke of Hegseth and Trump, whom the former Senate Republican leader has clashed with repeatedly over the years.""

Mitch was, until very recently, the Majority Leader. Isn't the vote to confirm a stunning rebuke to McConnell?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


boatbuilder said...

The reason that Garland, a white male, was nominated by Obama was because he was a sacrificial lamb. They knew that ANY Republican leader was going to apply the Biden Rule.
Obviously everybody on both sides knew this, because none of the libs complained about Garland's while maleness.

Kakistocracy said...

Hegseth vowed to stop drinking if confirmed as Secretary of Defense. But after the shameful treatment he received from Democrats, I think we can all agree he’s entitled to another week before he starts that promise. 🍸🍸🍸🍸

boatbuilder said...

Not one Dem had the stones to vote to allow the President to appoint a reformer. Not a single one.
The military must be in great shape.

gspencer said...

Maybe he just squeaked by, but when he walks into the Pentagon Monday morning, the greeting will be, "Good morning, Mr. Secretary."

Variant on the title given to the guy who finishes last in his class at medical school, "Doctor."

Jim at said...

Freder's non-stop sniveling and whining - while aligning himself with a piece of shit like McConnell - shows Hegseth was the correct choice.

Mind your own business said...

My recollection is that U.S. Grant didn't have a uncheckered past either. But he know how to fight a war.

No Name said...

Where's the "stunning rebuke"? Democrats are required to vote lockstep as directed by Schumer. The two RINO ladies need to protect their re-elections in purple-blue states. McConnell is on his revenge tour, showboating in anger.

No Name said...

McConnell is a compromised Chinese asset through his wife's family. Connect the dots.

No Name said...

Tree Joe, you're spot on.

McConnell is a Chinese agent via his wife's family, which is why he conceded to Biden Administration on most Dem votes. Murkowski and Collins are purple-state senators, they can do the math, vote no, and still get Trump's guy approved. Schumer controls the dems; they don't cast a vote without his permission.

No Name said...

Note, "lack of experience" didn't bother Democrats in regards to their presidential candidate Harris, or for that matter, Obama.

No Name said...

Sadly, Murkowski Family does own that senate seat. Reference Daley Family - Chicago, for more context.

Quaestor said...

A thorough probe of McConnell's finances will bring him back into the fold.

Drago said...

I did not think it was possible for your moronic talking points to actually devolve to a level worse than what we've witnessed over the last several years.

But here you go!


Not even yahoo comments section "quality" any longer, are they? What's the matter kak? Have your New Soviet Democratical Politburo Talking Points Directorate simply not able to provide better fodder for your severely limited contributions here?

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder is having Pete Butti-judge-judge "withdrawal".....and possibly not in a "good way".

The Godfather said...

When I saw on the news that the then-recently-elected President elect was planning to nominate some young kid as Secretary of Defense, I wondered why? But I saw that Hegseth had written a book, so I read it. Now I see why.

If Hegseth is right in his book (and I haven't seen anyone on this blog or elsewhere make a serious argument that he's wrong) the Defense Department is in what we used to call "Deep Sh*t". Have you read his book? Seriously, if you care about your country's future, read it. If you have, tell me where he's wrong. Otherwise, if you think his critique is right, but he's not the right messenger, tell me who is.
And by the way, I don't give a sh*t about his personal behavior. Grant-Whiskey.

Scientific Socialist said...

Ten years from now, will anyone remember or care that Pete Hegseth was confirmed with JD Vance’s vote? Heck, no one but the NYT, WaPo, et al. will care next week…

hawkeyedjb said...

We’ll see. Predictions of Hegseth’s future success or failure are worthless. But I’ll go with this: not one Democrat voted against Hegseth because they think he will fail. They are afraid he will succeed.

Kevin said...

tim maguire said...
“Collins is a red politician in a blue state, she has to marshall her “independence” carefully. Mitchell and Murkowski have no such excuse.“

I agree with Tim. I’d rather have a Collin’s who votes to organize with the GIO but occasionally defects than the most likely alternative from Mains. McConnell and Murkowski get much less of a pass from me.

rehajm said...

That’s why the Republicans voted against him, too!

Mr. T. said...

Thread winners ^^^^^

Mr. T. said...

Quick call the police Fredo!

But you should probably delete all those pics on your hardrive that you sent to Adam Westbrook first...

john mosby said...

Freder: "As a captain or lesser rank (his promotion to Major came after all his tours). How does that even remotely qualify him to be Sec. of Defense."

Winston Churchill. Harry Truman. JFK. Dick Nixon. All combat-experienced junior officers who ran their entire governments, not just defense (Winston was simultaneously PM and his own MOD).


Mason G said...

How many of Joe Biden's nominees did Freder post objections to on this blog as not being qualified?

I don't know but I'd bet it was less than one.

Aggie said...

Are these the 'new rules'? When do we start working through the revisions to FDR, JFK, Clinton, etc etc. By golly, I bet we could have a real housecleaning in the Halls of Congress. Let's get to work ! I'm sure these same Senators will be graciously resigning their committee positions and maybe even their seats. Excellent ! Let's start the Citizens Filming Politicians Drunk In Public 'n Cheatin' website !

Iman said...

“If Pete Hegseth looked drunk during his Senate hearings, it’s only because his lawyer told him to take the fifth.”

Rip Taylor! Man… I thought you’d died.

mikee said...

I, for one, found his masterful explanation to a Senator of what a Jagoff is, to be uniquely qualifying for him to be a very successful SecDef. I look forward to the reassignment of those in DEI billets with great anticipation.

mikee said...

And I, for one, love green beans. Toss some red pepper flakes on them and I'm good to go.

heyboom said...

@Jim K, I don't believe any president has been as willing to work with both sides of the aisle as much as Trump has. But he's not going to accept any of the status quo bullshit the GOP is famous for.

Rusty said...

He served in the military with distinction. He knows which end the round comes out. And he doesn't dress like a woman. I'd say he's more qualified to be SecDef. than you are to comment here, Freder.

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