January 31, 2025

"Stop trying to sane-wash, RFK Jr. Just. Stop. It."

That's the top-rated comment at The Washington Post's "Did RFK Jr. or Michelle Obama say it about food? Take our quiz" (free-access link).

All that's going on there — the supposed "sane-washing" — is that you are confronted with how much RFK Jr. and Michelle Obama sound like each other.

I closely followed this issue on a daily basis for the entire relevant time period, and I scored 3 out of 7 — worse than the average of random guessing!

And did you listen to the NYT "Daily" yesterday? Here's "How R.F.K. Jr. and ‘Health Freedom’ Rose to Power" (audio and transcript at Podscribe).
So he announces he's going to run for president in April of 2023.... And not surprisingly, he's a Kennedy, he's doing it as a Democrat, right?.... And eventually he realizes that he can't do it. And about six months later in October, he announces he's gonna run as an independent, but eventually it becomes clear that he's not gonna win. 
And he became convinced that the best way to present and bring forward the issues he really cared about would be to partner up with Donald Trump. And you can imagine what a shock this is, certainly to his family, right Who are, you know, aghast. I mean they've all come out for Biden and now to see that he's partnering with Trump. But Kennedy is convinced that Trump will give him the power, the platform, the latitude that he needs to advance this medical freedom agenda....
Yeah, I think it was very transactional.... I went to a Trump rally in Georgia a few weeks before the election and Kennedy was there and they were very simpatico. And Kennedy just got wild applause from the Trump crowd. I mean, he was really a showstopper....

MAHA is born.... And suddenly you started hearing, you know, conservatives talking about ultra processed foods and you know, big pharma and regulatory capture and all of these catchphrases that were part of Kennedy's rhetoric....

Part of what was supposed to be Democratic Party rhetoric.

Or is RFK Jr. supposed to look like a fringe character to the Democratic Party partisans of today?

Think about what Kennedy's life work has been. His whole life's work, or at least the last 10 or more years, has been to sow distrust in these federal agencies in the CDC and the FDA and the NIH. And now that work has catapulted him to a place where he is poised to oversee the very agencies that he is telling Americans do not deserve their trust. So I think that really speaks to something broader in our society, sort of a cultural moment that we're in. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is emblematic of the mistrust that we are seeing across society, a mistrust in government, in the media, in the pharmaceutical industry, in all manner of authority. This crisis of mistrust has seeped into every corner of American society.

Trust government... but not this government.

RFK Jr. ran for President and the Democrats did what they could to obstruct him — to keep him off the ballot and keep Joe Biden on track for the nomination. RFK figured out moves he could make, and while his erstwhile party was tripping over itself and driving ordinary people over to the Trump side, he found a path and took it. The mainstream media is still straining to exclude him. They portray him as a dangerous weirdo. But he found a way to win. And you Democrats, who seem to be searching for more ways to lose, cannot even participate in the triumph of a Kennedy.

A Kennedy who talks like Michelle Obama.


Earnest Prole said...

There is nothing more delicious than the butthurt of someone confronted by their own intellectual dishonesty.

Joe Bar said...

As horrible as the mainstream media and the democrat apparatus's repudiation of RFK Jr. is, I find his family's repudiation much more reprehensible. What depraved people do this?

wendybar said...

People that would lobotomize their kid??

Saint Croix said...

How many pro-choice people do Democrats think are going to be Trump nominees for HHS? I can almost guarantee that if you demonize this centrist pick, the next one is going to be all kinds of right-wing.

See also Tulsi Gabbard.

If Democrats can't find nice things to say about people who ran for President (as Democrats!), they really ought to shut the fuck up.

You can be unified leftist hags and scolds, or you can wake up and see the humanity in people who disagree with you on some things.

Ann Althouse said...

"How many pro-choice people do Democrats think are going to be Trump nominees for HHS?"

He's also with them on climate change.

You would think they'd love having that on the inside of the government they oppose. Maybe they do like that but just won't say it, because they must oppose everything Trump.

Shouting Thomas said...

My concern with eating fresh, whole foods goes way back to my youth (my 20s) in San Francisco, where I read Adele Davis’ “Let’s Eat Right to Stay Fit.” San Francisco’s markets featured a glorious array of fresh produce, and heavy whole grain bread was easy to find. I learned to cook by following Davis’ recipes, and I still use a few to this day. Davis’ “healthy food” obsession was entirely a lefty, hipster thing. She was also way ahead of her time in her criticism of pesticide and additive laden packaged foods.

Breezy said...

The Kennedy clan are aghast at RFKJ because he risks their social standing in the world. They can’t have a f-ing family member cross over. That’s downright blasphemous, anti-Camelot, and risks them not being invited to all the best events. America’s health be damned. Profiles of Courage - ptuey!!

Mary Beth said...

People who supported lady-killer Ted.

Mary Beth said...

They'll still get invited, but all the talk will be about Ted instead of the attention being on them. Can't have that!

Saint Croix said...

He's also with them on climate change.

These are major, major divisions.

I would conclude that there are a huge number of people in the federal government who don't give a damn about abortion, or climate change. They just pretend like they do.

Saint Croix said...

He's basically Bill Clinton on abortion. He thinks it should be safe, legal and rare. And the Democrats are flipping out, like he's betrayed them all.

I guess they don't want any moderates in the Trump administration?

Breezy said...

If Bobby really believes in following the actual science, he wouldn’t be with them on climate change. He’s inconsistent here.

Kate said...

Crunchy Cons have been around for a while. And then came Covid. Support on the Right for Bobby isn't that shocking.

Ann Althouse said...

"... “Let’s Eat Right to Stay Fit.” ..."

That stressed high protein. You didn't move on to "Diet for a Small Planet"?

n.n said...

Stop playing semantic games, blackballing people, and focus on the relevant issues. Sometimes a scalpel is the better weapon of choice than a machete.

Ann Althouse said...

"Crunchy Cons have been around for a while. And then came Covid. Support on the Right for Bobby isn't that shocking."

Yes, and I keep meaning to blog this NYT article from a few days ago: "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has an Excited Fan Club: Conservative Christian Moms/These parents believe in home-schooling and distrust food and drug companies. In Kennedy, they see 'a bull in the china shop.'"


“'If you are countercultural enough both to take on the rigors of home-schooling, and to take the risk of social opprobrium for doing so, chances are you are far more willing to be open to other forms of counterculturalism,' Rod Dreher, a conservative writer, wrote in an email.

"Mr. Dreher reported on the phenomenon of what he called 'crunchy conservatives' in a cover story for National Review in the early 2000s, which later became his first book. At the time, he was writing about — and a part of — a subculture that even many conservative Christians were unaware of.

"Since then, 'crunchy' has gone mainstream within conservatism.

"Joel Salatin, a self-described “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer,” has been a crunchy conservative for decades. In books and articles, he evangelized about his life running a farm and home-schooling his children.

"In the 1990s, he said, liberals — 'tree-huggers, earth muffins, greenie weenies' — were mostly the ones who made pilgrimages to his farm. Now, conservatives are showing up in greater numbers. They want to 'disentangle,' he said, from society’s most dominant institutions, including public schools, large-scale agriculture and mainstream medicine.

"'I feel like Cinderella — I’ve been back in the ashes forever, and suddenly we’re being asked to dance at the ball,' he said. 'This is as big a cultural shift as I’ve seen in my lifetime.'"

Ann Althouse said...

Link to that NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/28/us/rfk-jr-fans-christian-parents.html?smid=url-share

James K said...

"Sane-washing" is not the first description that comes to mind for pointing out overlaps with Michelle Obama's words. Michelle did happen to say some sensible things, but also a lot of nonsense, like advocating vegan school lunches.

Shouting Thomas said...

Currently, I do modified Keto, so I’m still on high protein.

Blair said...

Kennedy helped Trump and Trump owes him. I'm a "Let's try it, what's the worst that could happen?" supporter. I still think he's a little nuts. But less so than the Donk Senators screaming at him.

BudBrown said...

Substitute spiritual for Christian and they seem like hippie moms.

Mickey said...

Vaccines are too much like a religious ritual, like circumcision, which, when you start to question it, destabilizes your entire sense of reality. Actually circumcision is a very good analogy because it’s treated like a “surgical vaccine” for about a dozen different things with dubious scientific support. However it’s far crazier to question that politically because, well, don’t you want to support Israel?

Bob Boyd said...

MAHA is born.... And suddenly you started hearing, you know, conservatives talking about ultra processed foods and you know, big pharma and regulatory capture and all of these catchphrases that were part of Kennedy's rhetoric....

It wasn't that suddenly. Covid and the government response opened a lot of eyes and shattered a lot of trust.
When the facts change thinking people change their opinions. Too many Dems today only change their minds when their party tells them to.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Another Trump victory. Those donk senators are so much fun to watch. Positively middle school playground fools.

tim maguire said...

Part of what was supposed to be Democratic Party rhetoric.

Democrats are trying to follow their usual routine of demonizing formerly Democratic constituencies who no longer vote Democrat instead of trying to figure out why they lost those votes. But now that they've demonized a majority of the American people, they're reduced to trying to insane-wash winning electoral positions.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its amazing how the Democrat liberal/left behave. They lose the election. They lost the house, senate, and Presidency yet they still think they get to decide who is in Trump's Administration. They don't care what the American people want. They don't care who they vote for. They are in charge - forever.

I'm sure plenty of peeps voted for Trump because he got RFK's support. He should be in HHS. And his stand on abortion is irrelevant. He's not going to pass a legal mandate. He can't do anything about abortion at HHS.

Of course that doesn't stop Pence from grandstanding.

Bob Boyd said...

The Dems gave up on effecting change through persuasion. They went with censorship, election fraud, mass immigration and social extortion.

RCOCEAN II said...

The RFK treatment is the difference between Ds and R's. The D's crucify their traitors. The R's elect them to the Senate.

Bob Boyd said...

Via Scott Adams: Every candidate for DNC Chair blamed their loss in 2024 on racism and misogyny.


Leland said...

There is a lot of policy stances held by the Democrat Party on issues that I do not support, but it is not all of them. There are stances I disagree with Republicans, but they tend to give me more of the things I want, if not all that I want. Democrats had a better track record on health. Yet now they are siding with big pharma without questioning and saying anyone that doesn't just accept the "settled science" on all medicines is fascist. I didn't see that coming 8 years ago. Now that we are here, I see a "conservative" government adopting a policy stance I wanted. Bouncing RFK Jr. just solidifies this policy change amongst parties.

If I was a Democrat and wanted to mess with Donald Trump. I would be heralding RFK Jr. as a good longtime Democrat and focus on putting him through while asking him about policy questions that would make Republicans weary of him. In short, rather than throwing him out of the Democrat Party; I'd make Republicans wonder what wolf they were letting in. Democrats don't seem that smart.

D.D. Driver said...

You see sane washing RFK, I see crazy washing Michelle.

Krumhorn said...

Trump appeared to resist naming Kennedy to head HHS, but he clearly benefited from Kennedy’s support and rather than fight about it, he agreed. I suspect that Trump figures he can’t lose since it’s ultimately up to the Senate.

- Krumhorn

Drago said...

Interesting take for which one could add the silicon tech and new media types (Rogan etc) being shoved into the republican column (not GOPe column) as well:

"I think I've figured it out.

I've been watching the US confirmation hearings and something very deep has shifted.

It's more than just the kinds of people being appointed, it's bigger than a 'vibe shift'... but I couldn't figure out what it was.

It's the revolution eating it's own.

Even Democrats are having their eyes opened as they watch their heros from the last few decades try to tear down the people who COULD have made the Democrats great again... People who SHOULD have been their next generation of Democratic heros.

RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard stand out as great examples, and long time Democrat power brokers like Bernie Sanders are trying every trick to destroy them, every weapon, all the things that USED to work, and it's blowing up in their faces.

The Revolutionary Old Guard are trying to eat their own children, and are being devoured by them instead.

These senate confirmation hearings are highlighting the fact that MAGA is actually a unity movement, with the best of the Republicans AND the best of the Democrats, taking the country forward together and leaving the decrepit old guard behind."


BudBrown said...

Arguing Arugula!

JAORE said...

"Michelle did happen to say some sensible things..." Talk to an elementary school "Lunch Lady". I have. Michelle was despised by all but the true believers in the Light Bringer.

Bob Boyd said...

The question was a test. To pass they all had to go along with vilifying the voters as racists and misogynists. They haven't learned a thing.

Aggie said...

The kind of people that support a kid that bludgeoned a girl to death with a golf club, was convicted of it 25 years later, and then got the conviction overturned after a few years of a life sentence?

Aggie said...

"You would think they'd love having that on the inside of the government they oppose...." Only if it's under their thumb, and Junior' has made it clear, he's under nobody's thumb.

Wince said...

I'm just thinking what a JFK Jr. and Marianne Faithfull duet would sound like.

J Scott said...

The Covid response was so integral to winning the 2020 election that the Democrats committed themselves to something they can't back down from. Short term political win but a strategic mistake.

People who were sewing little masks out of whatever fabric they could find, like they were growing Victory gardens, identified to something extreme.

When they started wearing 2 or 3 masks (at the same time!) they broke something in their minds. They started to believe there were Five lights.

Lazarus said...

Did Big Media "brain-wash" Biden by pretending that he had a functioning cerebellum? Or was he already brainwashed by China or some other entity?

I'm listening to Caroline Kennedy now. She makes some valid points about RFK Jr and his failings, but there's a smarminess and hypocrisy in her presentation. It sounds like a denunciation that you'd hear in a totalitarian society. It's also sounds like the decades-long tension between Jackie and Ethel vomited out for all to hear. The Kennedys really are a monstrous family from hell.

Lazarus said...

Nobody has ever read Rod Dreher or read about Rod Dreher and asked for more.

Aggie said...

I grew up in the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts, so I had a lifetime bellyful of the Kennedy family before I was out of my teens - Teddy's heyday, primarily. With that kind of money and no end to the free time of the rich & idle, the only thing that Kennedys seem to agree on, is solidarity in keeping their sordid family exploits out of public scrutiny. The exploits are worse than you think. Seeing Caroline taking this tack is strange new territory for the family, maybe a sign that its royal time has finally come to a close, or is at least in sight.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

...suddenly you started hearing, you know, conservatives talking about ultra processed foods and you know, big pharma and regulatory capture...

Example #347,993 how the Media doesn't know shit about conservatives. We've discussed "regulatory capture" for years, and anyone who's really familiar with the concept knows it has been a concern. Kennedy has some common sense ideas, which is where the Venn diagram of MAGA and MAHA converge.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow three excellent examples right out of the block. Nice!

hombre said...

Except for his disruption value, I don’t think much of RFKjr. However, the list of contributions by big pharma to his main Dem detractors is astounding! So are Caroline Kennedy’s investments. At this pace Trump may actually succeed in cleaning out some DC corruption.

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

RFKJr was a wildly successful environmental attorney responsible for instigating more environmental cleanup than any single individual that I'm aware of. He also was successful in bringing significant monetary awards to people damaged by environmental pollution. This tremendous amount of work on his resume is being completely ignored. I do not agree with his position on vaccines although I do believe that vaccines could probably be reviewed and evaluated a little bit better especially impacts on the very young.

Personally I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of being approved by the Senate. He's much too much of a loose cannon and extreme eccentric with hobbies that people find to be strange and even creepy.

jrytrpt said...

They sound alike when talking about food. They sound nothing alike when talking about literally any other topic, including WIFI causing cancer or vaccines causing autism or using deworming treatments for curing COVID.

planetgeo said...

Personally, I discovered that one can be both very fit and very happy on the "Haagen Dazs and Pretty Much Everything Else You Like To Eat Diet" if you just reduce your portions and exercise regularly.

planetgeo said...

You know, whenever I hear all this first-world arguing about healthy food and diets and whatnot, it makes me want to pull out my autographed B.B. King guitar and start riffing a few bars of my favorite blues composition, the "Chicken Cordon Blues"...

...found a new ding on my Mercedes,
second mortgage is coming due (lawd, lawd, lawd...),
just heard Whole Foods ran out of baby arugula,
go those Chicken Cordon Blues...oh yeahhhh...

(If you want more, I'm going to have to out the digital tip jar.)

mikee said...

So the lifelong Democrat environmentalist activist health conspiracy theorist former heroin addict won't be approved? Oh, darn. I for one wait for the next nominee, who might just be a conservative looking to reform an out of control federal agency without bringing a truckload of personal baggage along.

loudogblog said...

"sane-washing" That's a new one. It's really kind of sad that the hardcore party supporters see someone that they don't get along with as insane. But that does explain why they suck at debating people that they disagree with. If you're only argument is: That person is nuts so we should ignore them, you've already lost the argument.

Joe Bar said...

^^^This works for me, too!

Joe Bar said...

I was in a waiting room at a physician's office in Charlottesville, VA yesterday, and overheard a phone conversation. A man in his sixties was explaining to someone that the US voted for Trump because we were too racist to vote for a black woman. I almost LOL'ed. All of us on the right voted for Winsome Sears for Lt. Governor 4 years ago, and will probably vote for her again this year. (Winsome Sears is a black woman.)

One Fine Day said...

In the great wash of history, none of what we're seeing should be surprising:

1. Gen X is regnant as Boomers start dying off. Gen X learned to be distrustful of institutions because of the way the Boomers lived their best lives at their kids' expense;

2. We're at the end of the Third Great Awakening. The previous two ended with lost of trust in institutions, major political realignments, and, well -- civil war.

TaeJohnDo said...

Topher Field via Instapundit: "I think I’ve figured it out.
I’ve been watching the US confirmation hearings and something very deep has shifted.
It’s more than just the kinds of people being appointed, it’s bigger than a ‘vibe shift’… but I couldn’t figure out what it was.
It’s the revolution eating it’s own.

Even Democrats are having their eyes opened as they watch their heros from the last few decades try to tear down the people who COULD have made the Democrats great again… People who SHOULD have been their next generation of Democratic heroes.
RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard stand out as great examples, and long time Democrat power brokers like Bernie Sanders are trying every trick to destroy them, every weapon, all the things that USED to work, and it’s blowing up in their faces.
The Revolutionary Old Guard are trying to eat their own children, and are being devoured by them instead.
These senate confirmation hearings are highlighting the fact that MAGA is actually a unity movement, with the best of the Republicans AND the best of the Democrats, taking the country forward together and leaving the decrepit old guard behind.

Jim at said...

using deworming treatments for curing COVID.

And this is why nobody should ever take you seriously again.

JAORE said...

There ain't enough "lather, rinse, repeat" cycles in the world to sane wash some of those Senators spewing hate and spittle at these hearings.
(Hearings are a funny term for grandstanding lectures where questions are asked but responses are not allowed.)

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