January 14, 2025

Speaking of social media, today is the 21st anniversary of the first day of this blog.

And yes, it continues to be true that I have blogged on every single day of those 21 years.

And not just to keep up the record! I've loved it continuously from Day 1. It's been a pleasure. Thanks to everyone who's been reading, even if it hasn't been for the entire 21 years. You're here today, and that's the most bloggy thing.


ellie said...

Congratulations! Your blog is legal to have a glass of champagne to celebrate.

tim maguire said...


I don’t remember exactly when I started reading your blog, but it was through following an Instapundit link, probably in that first year. At the time, I scanned many blogs every day. Today, there are two blogs on my daily reading list—Instapundit and Althouse.

Enigma said...


Leland said...

Yeah, the blog can drink now. Congratulations!

gilbar said...

congrads! so, by my math; you were 54 when you started your new career?

rehajm said...

…let’s all buy it drinks until it gets shitfaced and barfs in the parking lot…

Clyde said...

Congratulations on your bloggiversary! Thank you for continually find interesting topics to read about and discuss.

rehajm said...

I’ll refrain from how-I-got-heres and say I’m still here because of the curated content and the eclectic commentariat. Everybody…

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re pretty amazing, prof. I wonder if I commented on the first post, first day.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Happy Happy and thanks for your work.

Christopher B said...


Ann Althouse said...

"You’re pretty amazing, prof. I wonder if I commented on the first post, first day."

It's not too late to comment on that first post... and it was never possible to comment on the first day.

Shane said...

Happy Blog Anniversary and Belated Birthday!

Kit Pollard said...

Congratulations! I'm a very rare commenter but regular reader since the early days. Thank you for all of your work and for creating a spot that foster such interesting conversation in the comments!

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Two days late, but Happy 73. Long before emojis we radio operators used a number code to shorten messages, a system we shared with telegraph. "73" means "good luck", and to this day it is heard in sports venues with Morse-clapping. When you hear CLAP-CLAP-clap-clap-clap ... clap-clap-clap-CLAP-[CLAP] it is Morse for 73.

I first showed up in April or May '04 -- h/t Katzman -- and you've been a 3x-daily presence ever since, due to the ongoing blend of erudite, esoteric, personal, and legal. Thanks for sharing your mind, heart, joy and optimism with us all for so long.

Breezy said...

Awesome milestone! I’m very grateful for this diamond in the rough blog place. Congrats!

Marcus Bressler said...

Congratulations. I read your blog daily.

Howard said...

Very impressive. Congratulations I have no idea how you do it.

RCOCEAN II said...

One more year. Good work.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Congratulations. I follow your blog closely, but don't often comment if it's just to repeat an earlier post. May you have many more good years. Since we're about the same age, I want to have Althouse around as long as I am.

Mr. D said...

Thank you, Professor. I visit nearly every day and you have given us something worth considering and celebrating.

rastajenk said...

At 8:38 EST there are 21 comments on the 21st anniversary.

Aggie said...

Can't remember when I first read the blog, but I'm grateful for your efforts. Congratulations and Happy Blirthday ! A blog anniversary is a Blirthday, right?

William said...

Thanks very much for your postings. Reading them with my morning coffee is a fine way to start the day. You're very witty and have an interest in a lot of subjects that would otherwise pass unnoticed by me. Again, thanks.

Jersey Fled said...

Congrats, Ann !

EAB said...

Exactly my comment! I came through Instapundit blog roll, and these are the two blogs I still read all these years later. You are my morning coffee companion and evening check in. Thank you!

michaele said...

Your blog is an integral part of my morning...coffee and Althouse...two sources of brain tingles. My daughter is often amazed at what I seem to be "in know about" and I'll honestly share that I read about it on Althouse. A sincere thank you to both you and Meade for your generous hospitality.

Ann Althouse said...

"Two days late, but Happy 73."

You are a year and 2 days late. I turned 74 on January 12th.

I didn't mention it because for blog purposes, the bloggiversary is more important.

David53 said...

Althouse - where the best fisking in the world happens. Congrats!

Jamie said...

Congratulations and thank you! And, what a gift to discover an avocation you enjoy so much that you want to do it every day for decades.

FortWorthGuy said...

Happy Anniversary!

Mr. T. said...

Happy Anniversary!

Captain BillieBob said...

Congratulations! Althouse blog, the last bastion of free speech.

Iman said...

Congrats! It’s quite an accomplishment.

William50 said...

I started reading your blog to get information on the insurrection in Madison.

chuck said...

Pretty much my story. Congratulations, Ann

BG said...

Congratulations! Somehow I discovered your blog during the “troubles” of the Wisconsin Capitol occupation, etc. Since then I don’t think I’ve missed a day checking your blog. In fact, the day Trump was shot I saw it here first. Thank you for your service, for indeed it is.

tastid212 said...

What an impressive achievement! Professor, you have long been one of the premier legal and lifestyle bloggers, yet you keep raising the bar... One of my favorite periods was during your stint at Brooklyn Law when you posted so many interesting photos.

Nihimon said...

Congratulations! I've been wondering about that for a bit now. I knew you started after 9/11 (I'm usually terrible with dates but that one's a pretty significant marker) because I knew I was reading Glenn Reynolds on MSNBC and Slate even before I started reading him every day on instapundit.com a few months before 9/11, and I knew I started reading you because he would often link to you. I'm grateful I've had access to your writing all those years (even if you often are a bit cagey keeping your actual thoughts to yourself) because it gives me a sense that I'm **actually** truth-seeking, and not just searching for an echo chamber.

Steven Wilson said...

Thanks for what you do and congratulations. I come here eve4y day to see what’s up and what has snagged your attention. I was absent for the last six months of Trump’s first administration and the first two years of Biden. It was a self imposed exile to maintain my sanity. I basically took a break from current events.

Wa St Blogger said...

Still my fist read of the morning and the only place I contribute. Thanks Althouse.

Political Junkie said...

Do we know if anyone else in the world has blogged for 21 years straight?

Bob Boyd said...

Congratulations, Professor. Love this extraordinary place you've created. Best place on the internet. You're amazing. Thanks!

Creola Soul said...

One of my morning go-to reads. I love the pictures of the changing seasons in Wisconsin.

BudBrown said...

Cheers. Congrats. Your blog is now old enough to read some of the comments.

CJinPA said...

It's my first blog read every day. I'm glad it you enjoy it. I think that affects the work.

wendybar said...

I haven't been here for the entire 21 years...but I have been here lurking at first for over 10 years!! This is the 1st place I visit when I get up at 3 or 4 am every morning. Love the comments. I have learned a lot! Thanks for hosting!!

Marty said...

Same here, Tim. Love ya, Professor!

Marty said...

. . . with a wonderful commentariat (with the few notable exceptions)!

Charlie said...

I've reading everyday for many years.....thank you Ann!

Lucille Ballers said...

Congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work!!

Temujin said...

Wow. Another year has gone by so quickly. Another year and I still cannot believe you have done this every day for 21 years. I haven't done anything every day for 21 years outside of waking up. And even that's hard to do much of the time.

I'm sure there is a Blogger Hall of Fame somewhere, or there will be someday.
You will be among the first ballot placements into that Hall. Congratulations and...Thank You! We are all better for this.

TickTock said...

Another congratulations! The first place I go every morning, and often the last at night as well.

ussmidway said...

Me too!

ussmidway said...

Dear Ann: You provide an invaluable service, which brings people together at a time when this is becoming more rare. Thank you for starting my day for over 2 decades!

Jaq said...

Sometimes I feel guilty using this blog as a personal journal, or using your posts for writing prompts that maybe result in comments that are not exactly on point, but I appreciate your patience a great deal.

I also came here from Instapundit, probably on the date that my profile was created, but I learned enough about critical analysis of texts here to finally leave that sordid sump of neocon propaganda behind.

A couple of the contrarian commenters here changed my thinking too, like Ritmo. Sure he was a jerk, but he made some solid points. Others are just broken records of the same crap you can get if you can stomach cable news, and by them refusing to answer any points made, they simply become a background hum, easily ignored.

TaeJohnDo said...

Congrats and Thanks!

Elliott A. said...

Thanks Ann! I started because of curiosity with our shared last name but was hooked right away.

Fred Drinkwater said...

You're the best. Here's a glass hoping for many more.

Kathryn51 said...

Ann Althouse said...
It's not too late to comment on that first post... and it was never possible to comment on the first day.

I wasn't here on the first day but arrived on September 13, 2006 for Jessica Valenti Boob Gate, so I thought I would leave my "I arrived on Althouse. . ." comment on that post. But it's Closed! For good reason. Like others, you are my first landing spot every single morning.

NKP said...

Nice. Your mind seems to wander off in many interesting directions. I like that about you.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Thanks for loving what you do and for allowing us to share in it once again.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Thanks for loving what you do and for allowing us to share in it once again.

hombre said...


Lawcruiter said...

Congratulations! I started reading your blog around the time that you and Meade married, and it has ever since been part of my daily read. You are the U.S. ConLaw Professor I never had! Thank you and keep at it, please!

Richard Dolan said...

Brava and thanks. Been reading and occasionally commenting on this blog for about 20 years. Thinking back to the early days, does anyone else remember Sippican Cottage? (No clue why, reading today's post, he came to mind but whatever.) He was a regular (and quite good) presence in the comments for quite a while in the early days, and then (for reasons that were never apparent) went through all the posts and deleted every comment he had made. Strange what people do but each has his reasons. Just a small part of the history of what AA created.

Coast-bound said...

We miss you in Brooklyn!

RJ said...

Congratulations; remarkable consistency and high quality

mezzrow said...

Congratulations! Your consistency is the diametric opposite of foolishness.

If you do what you love, you’ll never have a day off for the rest of your life.

Magilla Gorilla said...

Thanks, Professor. I've been here from the beginning, or close to it, but only started commenting recently, and very occasionally. Your commenting community is so interesting and valuable (Hi Temujin!). Thanks for hosting us, and good luck ousting the trolls.

Josephbleau said...

It must be a heavy burden to have never missed a day in 21 years. I would probably just skip a day and then I would not have to worry about it, but I appreciate the effort and the blog, thanks.

wsw said...

Kudos and thank you, Ann

Jon Ericson said...
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NMObjectivist said...

Remarkable accomplishment. Thanks Ann.

Jon Ericson said...

I read Althouse every day, ever since you had to swap your bug for a TT.
(I missed a few years due to Moderationgate).
This is, without question, the very best Blog in the world.

David53 said...

He's still around, has his own blog site.

PM said...

A sanctuary city, this. Thanks, Ann.

WhoKnew said...

I missed the first 7 years. Only found the blog shortly before the Act 10 protests/insurrection.

Beasts of England said...

Congratulations- an impressive streak… 😎

dreams said...
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dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narr said...

I wasn't here for the infancy and childhood, but have enjoyed the teen years and look forward to the young adult blog.

Tomcc said...

Yeoman's work, thank you and congratulations!

Danno said...

Best blog in the blogosphere without a doubt and our blogger is clearly the Cal Ripken Jr. of blogging.

PerthJim said...

I don't comment much but did want to say thanks to Ms Althouse for keeping the blogging flame alight. I am, like many that have commented on this, a long time reader, probably led here by Instapundit. I don't spend that much time with blogs anymore, but Althouse is my first stop every morning and has been since I first landed here. I like the often contrarian takes on topical things and the rabbit trails you've led me down over the years. Here's to many more years of quality blogging.

Disparity of Cult said...

Congratulations! Many thanks!

Pete said...

Congrats, Althouse

pious agnostic said...

I wasn't there for day one. I recall Instapundit often quoted and/or linked to you, back in the earlies, and that's how I found this blog. And I've read it regularly daily ever since.

Thanks for being such a positive and informative and entertaining part of my life.

Lynn said...

Congratulations! I can't remember exactly when I started reading, but I know that it soon became a daily routine. You offer something unique that I can't find elsewhere online.

Jimmy said...

A very happy Birthday to the Professor. And congratulations on your blog being old enough to drink and buy smokes.
This blog is amazing for many reasons- to me, the most important is the variety of topics, the connections made, and my favorite parts, when Ann dissects sentence structure.
A wonderful spot on the net, to which I have visited many 3am mornings( It's 9 in Madison)
Here's to many more Birthdays, and many more early morning ramblings.

Leslie Graves said...

Awesome. I wish I could better date the year I started reading. I know it was in the early years but I don't think I became a daily reader until in the 2010s.

Evan said...

Happy blogiversary! I have been reading since probably summer of 2004.... almost never comment here but I greatly appreciate your perspective!

gpm said...

I'm pretty sure I came here through Instapundit. Don't remember exactly when, but it was long before the 2008 election. I've long since stopped paying attention to Instapundit but have continued to come here more or less every day. I comment only rarely, and only on non-political stuff. One thing I have noticed is that the political stuff has become a lot more prevalent.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, everyone!

TML said...

Most hearty congratulations. Yours is the only blog I still read. It really is an achievement, though I wish you'd do a daily Spelling Bee post! I discovered it from you.

DavidD said...

I’m a little late—it’s been a busy week.

Congratulations on your anniversary.

I came to your blog from American Thinker circa 2008, who cited Rush Limbaugh, and then to Rush, who cited you.

I found American Thinker because I was looking for someone else to see Soviet propaganda posters in the Shepard Fairey Hope poster.

I left for a while when you disabled commenting, but then came back.

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