Video and photographs clearly show that the Bible wasn’t upside down, as fact checkers at PolitiFact and Snopes have noted. But that hasn’t stopped the claim from spreading on social media, an example of how speculation on the internet can morph into a zombie claim that refuses to die.
But just now on CNN, as Trump entered the church, the historian chosen to provide depth and context— Timothy Naftali — repeated the longstanding and long-discredited misinformation.
The lawsuit supposedly revealed CNN finances are in sorry condition…yet they persist. Have the punitive damages been determined yet? At some point it is fair to determine some of these propaganda networks should cease to exist. That point is apparently long past where the economics of the marketplace would determine it to be…
They repeat the hoaxes because liberals are susceptible to brainwashing.
Timothy Naftali is a "professor of public service at New York University." In other words a well trained liberal liar, and a completely dishonest dumbshit.
Biden ran in 2020 on the already discredited "Fine People" hoax.
Out at NYT: Charles Blow will blow no mo’
Peanuts keychain tag long ago. Charlie Brown to Lucy: "I"ve made an interesting theological discovery. If you hold your hands upside-down when you pray, you get the opposite of what you ask for."
This kinda crap was very much alive and well pre-internet. Difference now is the internet let's you see who is what and what's up with that. Whatever'
"repeated the longstanding and long-discredited misinformation" And this from progs who presume to agitate against misinformation. Another illustration of the Althouse Theorem that people don't believe what they profess to believe.
"Well, CNN..."
It’s not a lie if you believe it.
Well Tim is Canadian and has not seen a Bible til today.
But just now on CNN, as Trump entered the church, the historian chosen to provide depth and context— Timothy Naftali....
Well, there you go. Living proof that historians, who you would hope would have a commitment to accuracy, are just as full of shit as everyone else.
Just for context, it’s not sacrilegious to hold a Bible upside down. God knows your heart. Which should scare a lot of people.
This is my shocked face.
Were Doris Kearns Goodwin and Michael Beschloss not available?
I saw a news item that said the CNN lawyers wanted to settle with the plaintiff before the punitive stage begins. That was late last wek.
This is evergreen. The media allows lies and misperceptions about the right to flourish and become legend, but the same of the left never sees the light of day.
Fake historian on Fake News (and soon to be BK) CNN.
This is CNN. I suppose there is a certain attitude that comes with realizing you're bankrupt. "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose." The press is free, to libel maliciously.
Maybe it’s Dr Timothy Naphtha who’s upside down (and backwards).
It will only stop when they are sued for every infraction, no matter how trivial. Sue them until they can't pay the power bill.
@Althouse, no, no, NO! The word “misinformation” and its synonym “disinformation” we’re words coined to mean something that is true, but could hurt Democrats politically. What Naftali said was therefore not “misinformation” — it was just an outright lie.
I think half a billion in punitive damages should be a solid wake-up call.
Speaking of which, has Michael Mann paid off National Review yet?
Interesting piece of propaganda. Trump visits a church that has been set on fire by Leftists and Antifa. And carries a bible. How to attack it? Well, claim Trump is holding the bible upside down. Ha, he's no christian, its a stunt.
Basically, its a lie. Calling it "misinformation" or "disinformation" or "Uninformation" just confuses the issue.
The question isn't whether something is a lie, its how to you stop the MSM From repeating it? Rightwingers seem to think that pointing out that something is a lie is the end of the story. Its not.
During the punitive damages hearing, the CNN lawyer ask for a 15 minute break, presumably so he could call his clients and tell them they could either cut a deal right now, or else get screwed.
So they cut a deal, details of which are not released to the public.
But he gets the $5 million in compensatory damages, and an unknown amount of punitive.
Well said
Another fucking Canadian, mocking a President. Like me. But this one is a lying asshole. An expert in contemporary and recent Pesidents. How about getting him to retract and apologize, or suing him until he's panhandling in front of a train station.
I over heard some loyalist democrat idiot the other day spreading the "Trump told everyone to drink bleach" lie.
Loyal democratic leftists LIE. It's what they do.
School of Athens > Plato stab and point Heaven Aristotle benedict Earth
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