January 4, 2025

Liz Cheney looks so uncomfortable receiving this medal from President Biden.

I like the way he gives it to her, then pulls it away, and she lets him and waits for him to get around to handing it back. What is she thinking? Who can know? Perhaps: Is this instead of a pardon or are you coming through with that pardon too?

I presume that everyone can see that a pardon for Liz Cheney — whom Trump said "should go to jail" — would benefit Trump. It must be hard to decide whether (over)protecting Cheney is important enough to be worth forgoing depriving Trump of that benefit.


Dave Begley said...

The degradation of the Cheneys is nearly completion. Why in the world did she accept that?

The pardon will be next. Hope Dick is proud.

AlbertAnonymous said...

If I believed Joe was still sentient, I would see this as him F-ing with her… “here’s a prize but not a pardon, ooops, maybe not even a prize, here take it … nope, psych…. Hahaha. Sadly I think he was just as clueless as ever and didn’t know where to look for the picture…

Breezy said...

She’s ashamed of the now interminable association with Biden. She knows he’s the worst president ever. Plus, she didn’t put just any people over party - it was her people over party… Her people are the neocons.

Aggie said...

This is pretty funny to watch, the script being honored as if 'honor' was in the room.

Political Junkie said...

Agree. I used to be a pretty big Dick Cheney fan. Although, I fear he was wrong about "deficits do not matter". We need cuts in gov spending and some tax increases/adjustments on the well off. Come on MAGA, fight for the increased taxes on the well off. We can rescind them once the federal budget is balanced.

Blair said...

She looks like she had sex with Harvey Weinstein to get a movie part, and then didn't get it anyway.

J Severs said...

Maybe Biden temporarily withheld the award because he was still waiting for Ms. Cheney to hand over a check or bag of money.

michaele said...

If Jan 6 was as awful an assault on our democracy as Dems promoted it as, they should have played fair with how they handled the Select Committee . They made it so political that it became a nothing burger to fair minded people.

Peachy said...

George Soros and Hillary get freedom medals from Crook Joe.

Soros is the man who brought high crime to the US.
Hillary and the the use of her Private Server used while secretary of State so she could line her pockets in secret.
Hillary is also behind the Russia Witch Hunt.

She should be sued until poor and dead.

FormerLawClerk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peachy said...

I don't care if he pardons her.
She and that committee must be investigated. Relentlessly

FormerLawClerk said...

I don't think it was a nothingburger at all. It helps educate Americans to leave their cell phones at home and bring weapons to their protests or else the Democrats will put you in political prisons.

Cell phones are the way the Democrats will eventually track you down and put you into their Gestapo gulags. If you bring guns instead, you have a much higher chance of your protest being taken seriously.

FormerLawClerk said...

Barack Obama, when he was president, established a very important Presidential power: He declared US citizens to be a "clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America." And then he had them murdered.

Trump has that same Presidential power.

So, as long as Trump has the same testicular fortitude as Barack Obama to do it, then a pardon doesn't protect Liz Cheney. He can just kill her.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, this wins the internet for at least the next week.

Yancey Ward said...

I hope Biden does pardon her and all the other January 6th government persecutors- nothing is a clearer as an admission of guilt than a pardon being offered and accepted.

Yancey Ward said...

And Cheney does look like she is sucking on a dog turd in that video. Good- I love seeing her humiliated this way- she fucking deserves it.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

My favorite part of 2024, was the Dems embracing the Cheney Claim and the Neo-cons while Trump got Musk, Rogan and Gabbard. The art of the deal, indeed.

RCOCEAN II said...

Let me defend Joe biden, I think he was keeping her on stage, because people in the audience were taking photographs/filming and its when enough had been taken, he let her go.

As for Liz cheney, she's a liar and a fraud just like her old man. Hopefully, she will now stop pretending to be from Wyoming or a Republican, and honestly run for any future office as a belt-way Democrat. That she and Mitch the bitch McConnell were best buddies isn't surprising.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm in the minority, but I hope Biden actually goes through with pre-emptive pardons. Not only will it increase disgust and rage, it sets a precedent for Trump not just at the end of his term, but during the entire term, and Trump doesn't need to run for reelection.

If it's autocracy they want, it's autocracy they'll get.

RCOCEAN II said...

That she was OK with her J6 committee destroying witness videos and transcripts rather than turn them over to the House Republicans, says it all. She has no ethics or honesty.

William said...

I don't see much of a career path forward for her. Maybe she can be the token conservative on MSNBC for a few months. Well, not to worry, she's in the will.

Ampersand said...

Awards from a senile corruptocrat. The next thing you know, he'll give the highest civilian award to the irredeemably evil George Soros. Biden is making the most of his chance to finally show his true colors, and without shame. 81 million votes.

Jerry said...

She might still be representing Wyoming if she hadn't decided that state was worthless as far as her political ambitions went.

How do you sort out the people who really want to do good for their state, for their constituencies, from the grifters who are looking to do good for themselves?

gilbar said...

what did she get this medal FOR?

doctrev said...

The man's degenerate trash who thought he was protected (for some reason), but even I wouldn't accuse him of having zero taste. Still, hilarious.

Jerry said...

Yeah, looks like Soros and Hillary are going to be getting them.

This is really making the whole idea of it worthless. It's becoming a participation trophy for the well connected.

gilbar said...

(finally watching the assignment).. Oh! i see;
"for putting the Democrat Party over the American People".
Interesting thing to get a medal for

James said...

Madam Con Law Professor: It’s been about 50 years since I took Con Law so I am a bit vague on this subject but isn’t anything she did as a member of a Congressional committee insulated from prosecution by the Speech or Debate Clause?

mindnumbrobot said...

She's not ashamed. You have to have a conscience to feel shame.

Ice Nine said...

Hilarious - she pats him on the arm, carefully avoiding shaking hands with him to prevent that being memorialized by twenty cameras in the room (she still, presumably, has political ambitions). And then he immediately grabs her hand! LOL. She did everything but hold her nose.

Her body language reminds me of that little blonde actress chicky with Oprah who pulled away in revulsion as the gross Harvey Weinstein approached her. I love seeing her humiliated this way.

Ampersand said...

Incidentally, I asked both Grok and ChatGPT why people claim that George Soros is evil and I learned from both of them that it was primarily due to baseless conspiracy theories, misinformation, and anti-Semitism.

Wince said...

Biden represents an interesting look into senility, especially senility when buttressed by hubris.

Biden knows what he is doing and why. So, in that sense, he is completely responsible for all of his actions, contra Hurr on that aspect.

The dementia disconnect is in his diminished ability to process external information objectively in a way that may conflict with his internal narrative.

With Cheney, Biden knew what he was doing and why. But, as Gilbar notes, Biden seemed completely blind to how partisan his "putting the American people above party" sounds coming from a Democrat about a Republican.

Moreover, per above, I believe Biden himself was the one who supplied that laughable "people above party" trope as the basis of his decision when he told his staff to write the rest.

Phaedrus said...

I hope Biden pardons her, Schiff as well as a range of others, like Fauci and Gen. Milley. The value of the pardon for propaganda purposes is enough but the ability to question in front of congress with no 5th amendment protection is invaluable, especially since failure to answer or lying to Congress or other Federal officials will still be on the table to prosecute. The team making decisions probably knows that and I imaging it’s a Scylla an Charybdis scenario behind closed doors for them. The American people deserve answers on a range of things, from Covid, to J6 to the Biden decline coverup. Without pardons, while they could get prosecuted, they likely wouldn’t. With them, we can at least get some information that could otherwise be buried forever.

Ann Althouse said...

"Madam Con Law Professor: It’s been about 50 years since I took Con Law so I am a bit vague on this subject but isn’t anything she did as a member of a Congressional committee insulated from prosecution by the Speech or Debate Clause?"

What? Beyond the rule of law?!

Jimmy said...

A nice video of two people who sold their honor and integrity for power and cash.

Peachy said...

Dix - No Trump will not just kill her. Fed.

Peachy said...

War mongers and money grubbers of a feather---> stick together.

Peachy said...

hahaha. Indeed. Nothing more important to democraxiy! than placing loyalty to Soviet-democrats on the highest pedestal.

Maydaygal45 said...

At one point, she rolled her eyes.

Jupiter said...

Is that like "beyond the yellow, brick road"?

Jupiter said...

If those two had traded their honor and integrity for a handful of magic beans, they would still have gotten the better end of the deal.

Freder Frederson said...

We need cuts in gov spending and some tax increases/adjustments on the well off. Come on MAGA, fight for the increased taxes on the well off. We can rescind them once the federal budget is balanced.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. But I sure as hell hope you didn't vote for Trump expecting him to actually do this. If you did, you are a fool who is about to be sorely disappointed.

Rabel said...

He has a firm grip for 82.

She tried to pull her hand away and he forcefully pulled her back.

Freder Frederson said...

I presume that everyone can see that a pardon for Liz Cheney — whom Trump said "should go to jail" — would benefit Trump.

I presume you mean that it benefit Trump because it would stop him from doing something extremely stupid and destructive.

Freder Frederson said...

What? Beyond the rule of law?!

You don't seem to mind it when Trump is "beyond the rule of law".

Steve said...

Pardoning any of the J6 committee who’ll give Trump a rhetorical free pass to pardon all the demonstrators.

Yancey Ward said...

Like Biden and his DoJ did to Trump and his supporters, Fredo?

Bonkti said...

Ol' Joe overtly agreed with your assessment of Cheney as liar and fraud. Introducing her (and Clinton, Soros, et al.), Biden said, "They are incredible. Incredible."

Iman said...

I imagine Cheney’s life isn’t going the way she’d hoped.

Too bad. She’s earned it.

paminwi said...


Dogma and Pony Show said...

I hereby renew my call for Trump to rescind the presidential medal of freedom that Obama gave to Biden. I also suggest that he rescind the one Soros is about to get, and this award to Liz Cheney. For these honors to have any lasting meaning, they shouldn't be given out as rewards to political allies, and they must be subject to being rescinded based on the recipient's subsequent conduct, or other new information coming to light about the recipient.

Readering said...

Cheney has done nothing to be pardoned for. I hope Biden does not pardon anyone associated with the January 6 investigation.

Readering said...

That's the future? Each president rescinds predecessor's awards. What fun.

Iman said...

Given this bullschiff, Readering, your prescription is what the M.D. ordered and will work well.

jim said...

Can't imagine Trump giving even a little speech like that without a victim.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Witness tampering is a serious crime, misreadering. If she's prosecuted, good. If she's pre-emptively pardoned, good. Either way it's win win for the new administration.

Narayanan said...

I see garbage truck in DC were late to collect FJB et al

Rabel said...

I was watching the ceremony until they brought up Michael J. Fox. Fuck. Life sucks sometimes.

Rabel said...

I guess that was a different medal ceremony. Hillary, Bono.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Despite all the talk about preemptive pardons, has anyone actually received one?

Prizes that have been debased by politicians: Nobel Peace Prize, Hero of the Planet, Best Picture.

campy said...

She looks like he was sniffing her hair a minute before the shutter clicked.

Eva Marie said...

Why does she look so uncomfortable? Is the award being given in place of the pardon she really wanted?

Mason G said...

"That's the future?"

Maybe the Democrats should have thought of that when they decided using lawfare against their opponents was a good idea.

Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.

Kirk Parker said...


"How do you sort out the people who really want to do good for their state, for their constituencies, from the grifters who are looking to do good for themselves?"

For starters - - and note I think this is necessary but not sufficient on its own -- Let's have some serious long-term residency requirements before you can represent a district or state. No more of this parachuting in candidates!

And furthermore, the residency requirement needs to continue after the elected official takes office. I don't agree that Congress can do all of its work via virtual meeting, but it can certainly do some, and we need to force senators and representatives to spend a significant part of the year physically present In the state or district they represent.

Hey Skipper said...

Liz Cheney looks so uncomfortable receiving this medal from President Biden.

That's only fair.

She is uncomfortable to look at.

tcrosse said...

But wait. There's more. Hillary gets one, too. If I had one, I would throw it over the White House fence.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I don't think so. There's no precedent to my knowledge and I think that's why everyone is watching the next 2 weeks so closely. Pedolf Sniffler already pardoned his crackhead progeny and has shown a disregard for decorum his whole life so the odds are about as good as they've ever been.

If he does, it opens pandora's box, and the left will regret harshly ever considering Pedo Pete for the nomination.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The problem with fucking around and finding out is you won't no how much you’ve found out until you've fucked around, Ms. Readering. But you all soon shall.

Tom T. said...

There might be significant old man smell at this point.

Mason G said...

"I don't agree that Congress can do all of its work via virtual meeting..."

If it's good enough for schoolkids, I'm sure Congress can figure out how to make it work for themselves.

Peachy said...

Along with Soros and Hillary - Biden is giving a medal of honor to --- Hamas terror supporters.

"UNREAL: Joe Biden is giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom to José Andrés who founded World Central Kitchen.

A more accurate name for WCT is Hamas Central Kitchen.

World Central Kitchen employees participated in the Hamas’s October 7th attack on Israel."

Clyde said...

Re: This and Biden's Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees like Hillary Clinton and George Soros:

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
-- Isaiah 5:20

Dave Begley said...

Not if she got a witness to falsely testify under oath.

Jerry said...

Top 10% pays 75% of the taxes. Top 5% pays over 60%. When they start blathering how the 'rich need to pay their fair share', as usual it's manipulative. And they'll never say what that 'fair share' actually is - except what they're paying is nowhere near enough.

Jerry said...

And a quick link on that... https://files.taxfoundation.org/20230125101530/FedData2023_2.png

Jerry said...

@RideSpaceMountain: Beware the precedents you set - they may be used against you later.

But the Dems believed they were at the 'end of history', and they'd have a lock on things from here on out - so it didn't matter what anyone outside their little group thought about what they did.

Now their own eagerness to run everything the way they wanted is coming back to bite 'em. They set the precedents so Biden (or whoever's got their hand up his ass at the particular moment) could do what they wanted. How could they possibly complain if Trump did the same thing?

Readering said...

Or murdered a baby. Same amount of evidence for each charge.

Readering said...

Folks not old enough for Nixon?

Readering said...


Rusty said...

As for cuts in government spending we could start with Freders job. He's pretty useless.

Rusty said...

Freder. You really are a dumbass.

mccullough said...

Good to see Magic Johnson received it. Giving it to Denzel again seems redundant. He’s done fine charitable work with Boys & Girls Clubs but that was included in him receiving it a few years ago for contribution to Motion Pictures

Rusty said...

It's a participation trophy.

walter said...

To be fair, Pedo Pete might have been sporting a full diaper.

Conrad said...

I don't think the revoking would become tit for tat except for obvious political and otherwise bad picks. No successor president is going to revoke a prize given to Jack Nicklaus or Ella Fitzgerald. But if you give one to Hunter Biden, it should be understood that a future president might rescind it.

Iman said...

Keep digging for that pony, Jimmy! Don’t mind the kak.

The Godfather said...

Wars in my lifetime:
I was born during WW2, when FDR (D) was President. I think the verdict of history is that the US got involved TOO LATE, NOT TOO EARLY.
Then came Korea. Truman (D) was President, and he decided that the US (and our then-proxy UN) would oppose Red aggression. Probably the right decision at the time. When the war stalemated, Ike (R) "went to Korea" and ended the fighting,
Then there was Viet Nam and more broadly Indochina. Although the Eisenhower Administration provided some support to the French in the early years, Kennedy (D) ordered major US military involvement, and it became a US war under Kennedy and Johnson (D), which was ended under Nixon (R).
After that, things get murky: A couple of wars against Iraq, and then there's Afghanistan. It's hard to assign partisan "credit" or "blame".
The point I think is that the US NOW has no stomach for major involvement in foreign wars, but doesn't want to "sit it out", either.

Ice Nine said...

Yes, many people have: Vietnam draft dodgers.

Rocco said...

Fredo said…
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. But I sure as hell hope you didn't vote for Trump expecting him to actually [cut government spending and raise taxes]. If you did, you are a fool who is about to be sorely disappointed.

So you agree with Dick Cheney that deficits don’t matter.

Rocco said...

Incidentally, I asked both Grok and ChatGPT why people claim that George Soros is evil and I learned from both of them that it was primarily due to baseless conspiracy theories, misinformation, and anti-Semitism.

Well, Soros should not be doing those things.

tommyesq said...

Beware the precedents you set - they may be used against you later.

Nah - the Dems don't give a crap for precedent, comity, traditions, etc. - they will do what they want regardless of what Trump does.

tommyesq said...

At least with the draft dodgers, there was a specific crime identified for which they were being pardoned. C'mon Joe, tell us the specific crimes committed by Hunter for which you pardoned him!

Bunkypotatohead said...

Liz is short for Lizard, right?

Christopher B said...

I also hope Biden doesn't pardon her so Pam Bondi's DOJ can open a can of lawfare on her ass.

Deep State Reformer said...

Oh ffs. Does Liz want the pardon or not? That's what it comes down to. Every egomaniacal alpha loves making their victims do a humiliation ritual. Mitt Romney had to eat frog legs (ick!) during his lunch interview to be Trump's Sec of State in '17. The look on Mitt's face when asked about that is priceless.

wildswan said...

Anyone who talks about guns in comments is a person I avoid. I don't even read their commenst once I've seen that.

DEEBEE said...

Liz has a Dick. When did that transition happen? ONG

JIM said...

"For putting country before party" - She almost singlehandedly destroyed the integrity of Congressional hearings by making it a personal vendetta against Trump. For that she gets a medal. That is forever diminished because it wasn't about country, but only about party electoral politics.

Readering said...

So start with the Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan awards by Trump.

stlcdr said...

What did she get a medal for, again? Why do any politicians get medals?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Readering said...
That's the future? Each president rescinds predecessor's awards. What fun.”

The currency is so debased (Hillary?) that there’s no reason to support it. Turn these tchotchkes into million Reichsmark notes.

JAORE said...

Perhaps Trump should develop a different medal to award to the deserving. He should announce it is replacing the Medal of Freedom since recent awards have debased that one.

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