Hi. Want to see a murder on live TV?
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 28, 2025
I give you White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller vs. Jake Tapper on CNN.
Tapper said we need illegals here to pick our crops.
Then, Fatality…
I picked cherries in Michigan one summer as a kid. That was before laws prevented it, kids on ladders and that sort of thing. Mostly families seem to do it.
Rules were that you had to finish any tree you started (no low hanging fruit stuff); and you can eat all the cherries you want.
When you filled a bucket, you got a punch on your card, and later you got money for the punches.
I'm really surprised that CNN didn't just swap out Jim Acosta for Jake Tapper. At least Acosta is nice and crisp looking, doesn't have a whiny nasal voice , and doesn't crinkle his face all up like he's smelling a turd. They are both blatantly anti-Trump and interrupt Trump spokespeople with attempted "gotcha" questions.
In my town, all of us kids worked tobacco. We could work the fields at 14. We did the work Progressives won't. Now Progressives are so afraid their kids will break a nail.
"Mr Lincoln, if you free the slaves, who's going to pick the cotton?"
Thank you for the unintentional Dennis Miller tag. Love his humor. Snarky and erudite. I met him while we were both checking in to a restaurant in Iceland. Very nice and gracious. Now I'm going to go back and read your history of Dennis Miller posts!
AA, you tagged this with Dennis Miller.
Jake didn't want to let the other Miller give a coherent (if prepared) answer.
When I was a kid, I did summer work baling hay, detassling corn and walking beans. Is there a reason why kids or the unemployed can't do that stuff now?
“They don’t want to”. None of them. I’ve checked with each one.
Miller is a happy warrior now. On the right side with the right leader.
The most base instincts, like safety, security, and self-preservation. Can’t argue with that. He deserves to gain politically if he does what he promised to do. It’s how it’s supposed to work, last I checked. He’s only just getting started, remember.
Get your cotton-picking hands off my gin. - Eli Whitney
This is the angle they want to take? We need to keep illegal immigrants because shipping them home will make the produce section more expensive?
In the 70s my Dad’s union went on a strike that lasted a year. To get by, he and I would pick apples. We got paid by the bushel. It was hard work but not bad being outside during beautiful Pennsylvania fall days. I was eleven at the time, no problem with me working then.
Yes. Team Trump 2.0 is not fucking around.
You don't just open the border and organize 15 million unvetted people to flood into the country in order to provide seasonal farm labor. That's a bullshit distraction from what really happened, why it happened, who is responsible and what must be done to fix it.
Seasonal farm labor jobs are jobs Americans don't want to do? Well guess what, those are jobs most of these illegal immigrants don't want to do either.
If we need to import workers for some sectors, then do it legally, do it openly and above board, pass the necessary laws, grant the visas, vet the applicants, etc. Americans wouldn't have a problem with that.
What happened under Biden had nothing to do with filling seasonal farm labor jobs. Jake Tapper knows this.
And one more thing. He looks more like Rachael Maddow every time I see him.
This has always been a shitty argument. Basically wanting to take advantage of illegal aliens by letting them do hard labor for shit wages. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Acosta quit CNN when they threatened to move him to the graveyard shift.
Like many rural Wisconsin kids, I picked crops, sheared Christmas trees with a thin bladed machete, worked at the local ski hill during the winter
, etc. It didn’t kill any of us kids. What I would liked to hear, would be Miller sharply schooling Tapper on the real reason food costs so much. That needs to be a whole of government message to these lying media stooges that Biden and his fellow Democrats caused this inflation.
I guess if they imagine an increase one factor in the cost of goods sold they assume price will rise and none of the other factors, like energy, can/could decrease?
I like how all the Trump people I've seen in this situation (being interviewed by "gotcha" journalists) don't give an inch, are all very well prepared and know a lot more about the subject at hand than the so-called "journalist" trying to catch them out.
…and ohbytheway there’s a worker visa program you forgot to mention CNN…
the sad (or funny) part, is that Tapper refused to hear ANY of it. Ignorance is Bliss
‘He’s been in office a whole week and prices still haven’t come down?? ‘
Deport the vegetarians. Balance restored. Problem solved.
The real question is, who is going to work the dishwashing station in the fancy NY, LA, DC restaurants. Is Jake Tapper ready to pay two dollars more for his Veal Piccata?
Tapper and the rest of the MSM all seem desperate to score gotcha points.
Meanwhile, the White House put out a call for new journalists who want to be part of the daily briefing.
That is a big deal, and is the real story . Trump has given up on the MSM, and treats them all with contempt.
Press corp with Joe Rogan, Scott Pressler, or ?
When this happens, watch for Tapper and his crowd to go batsh8t crazy, live on air. I can't wait.
'Ill take question now, no, not you Tapper, lets here from Theo Von
Call the cops. We need ti report a murder.
We need illegal immigrants to do the midnight shift on CNN that Jim Acosta won’t do.
We picked oranges. It was easier for the smaller kids (less weight on the ladder) to get the oranges from the top of the trees and toss them down.
Strawberries. Hard on your knees or hard on your back…
could there be conspiracy to gotcha me back with MSM
It’s shit like this what makes me determined to see the investors in this propaganda lose bigly again. Maybe then it will start to go away…
Tapper is taking the position of Big Agra. It's a battle taking place in Florida right now, with RINO's in the legislature defying DeSantis in order to protect cheap labor.
I would add that my experience with field labor is they are some of the hardest working, cheerful, and grateful people you'll ever meet. The fact they are so openly exploited is a travesty.
Correct! We also need them to do the background research that today's MSM will not do.
chairs in press room with MaxHeadroom faces showing in display screens for video call in
Good one!
No exploitated labor, by God? Lol
Deportations were higher under Biden than under Trump and jumped to a ten year high in 2024.
That's the thing about militant unpleasantness and being obnoxious. Once you do that for a few years, you're in no position to object to getting some handed back.
This is not the Miller from 2017.
I hope military kids are not asked to go on illegal alien raids. They haven’t trained for that. It would be a disaster waiting to happen.
Arrivals were also vastly higher under Biden than Trump. Fake asylum seekers were vastly higher.
Miller understood the assignment.
Also picked strawberries at some small farms. They made a fuss about kids under 15 doing it, even though we were all working/middle class kids out for a few dollars, not exploited child labor. IRC, the girls were much better at picking then the boys. Today, those farms, assuming they haven't been turned into housing tracts, are using illegal aliens. Insane.
As Jake tapper its just the same ol' lies and propaganda. Every year the Liberal/left MSM talks about "crops rotting in the fields". As Miller says, we have a guest worker program, and we don't need to import 30 million immigrants over 15 years to staff a 1 million man agriculture industry.
I'll never get over the 'murican love for immigration and war, even though it hurts the country and doesn't benefit them personally. But then who ever thought the American public was smart?
So the Biden admin leaves the border wide open for 3-plus years but deserves credit for beginning to close it toward the end of its term? With logic like that, it's a wonder Democrats didn't lose by wider margins.
Since the founding of the party, Democrats have always supported using cheap labor imported from out of the country to do the agricultural work they want done.
My father, who grew up on a family farm and ran away to WWII rather than stay, had all three of his sons work for a family friend for a day, harvesting cucumbers. Never again, and we were not paid enough for that one day. Robotics is the future of farming, because indentured servitude, slavery, "guest workers" at low wages, and paying citizens enough to do the work just ain't got any sustainable future.
This is in line with their recent interest in the increase in the price of eggs which they also caused. The all got the same memo, which is quite disturbing actually.
Ha, ha! As the video was loading, there was a quick little blip that said something like “Hi! Want to watch a murder live on TV?”
AA, you tagged this with Dennis Miller.
Well, that's because just like when the Shareef found out about the all the rocking going on in the Casbah, when Jake Tapper heard Stephen Miller's response it was apparent he don't like it. Yeah baby!
Love Scott Pressler. His work, registering R voters, is too important for him to go to a darn briefing. He needs to turn NJ red, and keep PA red.
Anyone else enjoy watching Amazon's Clarkson's Farm and the scenes where he has all those MENA immigrants to the UK go into his fields to harvest the crops?
Howya gonna keep 'em down on the farm?
These days: Show them Gay Paree.
Handgun Control Inc. media hack is so far out of his depth its embarrassing they keep him on.
I guess it beats dead airtime.
Jake Tapper is a F-Head.
Of course Biden's Illegals are NOT working. Most of them are not working - and certainly they are not working in agriculture. They are living in hotels at our expense - while many commit crime and make life unsafe for the rest of us.
The CNN-hack-D left can do nothing but lie.
The hack D media sure do pimp democrat party narratives. Doesn't matter to D-hack media - that the left's narratives are all lies.
I'm sorry I missed the Dennis Miller tag!
Based on the MSM talking points, I get the impression that the Democrats are beginning to see the issue of illegals like having a wolf by the ear. They can neither hold fast nor let him go.
Dennis Miller and Norm MacDonald and David Spade
Personally, I'm delaying an addition to a house because I'm not certain, given uncertainty in the labor market, that a contractor can actually complete the work.
I will welcome citizens being able to make a living in construction again. Despite what some people may tell you, Mexican construction work is substandard, and must be carefully supervised. Still, there will be a LONG period of adjustment before US labor is ready to fill the gap.
Also, what will happen to meat prices when they start raiding the "heartland" slaughterhouses. Is Miller saying they not going to do that? They're illegals.
You are a very excitable fellow.
You'd think lefties would love the slaughterhouses pricing themselves out of business with citizen labor. A 'nudge' toward veganism!
You know, you could build your muscles picking strawberries. You know, bend and scoop... like the Mexicans.
Shit, maybe I could get you a job with United Fruit! I got a buddy with United Fruit. Get you started. Start with strawberries, you might work your way up to these goddamn bananas!
When, boy? When... are you going to get your act together?
Oh, good God Almighty me. I think he's the Antichrist.
Google is having a hell of a time finding Jake Tapper, Dennis Miller, and Tap Tap the Chiseler. They're all escaping justice! Or at least the search engine.
I did find an old Underdog episode featuring the villain, Tap Tap the Chiseler. That's a nickname that ought to stick!
Leland, ref Clarkson's Farm:
Can you pinpoint the episode(s) and time hacks where immigrants harvest his crops? I have watched the whole series and can only recall him using big combines, driven by himself and one or two other crotchety indigenous Englishmen. As for his livestock, it's Clarkson and his wife staying up all night birthing the lambs, then other crotchety indigenous men helping them corral the animals for slaughter.
They don't show what goes on inside the knacker's, so maybe there, as here, it's immigrants - in their case, probably Yugoslav civil war veterans who aren't bothered by blood and screams.
Curious how this plays out with the developments in AI. High school kids don't mow lawns like they used to. Was that because they are trying to get into the best colleges or because they are playing video games in their rooms and endlessly facebooking and tiktoking each other? If the colleges aren't what they used to be and the jobs they provide are disappearing, will teens go back to mowing lawns? Or just go on videogaming, facebooking, and tiktoking? Is it even the up to the kids? Upscale suburbanites don't want teens doing their lawnwork and would rather pay a firm to do it, even if the actual workers are illegals.
Orwell described young Londoners going out into the countryside to pick hops. I believe there was also a movie with that setting. They had fun (at least in the movie). It was a chance to get out of the city and away from grinding urban poverty, make a little money and sing a folk song or two. The other side of the coin was the compelled labor to bring in the harvests in communist countries.
The language barrier is a big problem in construction and on our roads.
We'd assume the "safely first" nanny-ist control freaks on the left would care. They do not.
Picked blueberries for $0.20 per pound when 11 & 12. Summer work that made me enough money to buy a radio, my working parents didn't have to pay a babysitter, the blueberries got picked, and created a blueberry snob for life. Win-win-win-win. At 13 started a weeding job at a local nursery at minimum wage. The entire crew was made up of 13-15 year old local kids.
"Fake Jake" (as Ace at AofSHQ calls him) has very occasionally sounded relatively sane about Republicans, as opposed to Acosta who was the guy who thought journalism was performance art in the White House Press Room during Trump's first term.
He thinks it's not kosher
The left have no problem with exploited illegal labor. The Jack Tapper WHITE left rich white kids are too good for that type of work. The left's rich white kids are on the march to radicalize the tech work space.
I'm pretty sure the military folks are mostly doing support like mass transportation, deportation flights, and border surveillance work, to free up ICE/DHS resources to do the actual apprehensions.
"Is Miller saying they not going to do that? They're illegals."
I think he is saying that there are guest worker programs to fill positions needed. That a very small percentage of illegals here are needed to fill these positions and the rest are a net drain on the economy.
Bambi vs. Godzilla.
"Arrivals were also vastly higher under Biden than Trump."
Yep. Increase arrivals and all the numbers go up.
It is not possible to credibly argue that Biden didn't "open the border".
Christopher B on the military doing mostly support work: Spot on.
I would add that the National Guard, in addition to training/experience raiding houses in the GWOT, also has lots of experience handling civilians in situations short of combat, during natural or man-made disasters. Plus a lot of Guard members are cops, firemen, and other state/local employees who are very used to dealing with civilians in stressful situations.
I did something similar in 6th grade. We did something called "drop picking" in an orchard. We gathered the apples that had dropped off the trees, that were not rotting yet. These were turned into cider. I think we received .50 for each basket. Good money in 1969.
Miller is focusing on the immediate problem which is the illegals Biden let in when he opened up the border. Tapper is trying to scuttle the resolution of that problem by focusing on what may (or may not) happen years down the road. He gets angry when he can't control the framing of the problem and the direction of the discussion, but Miller handled him well.
Lucille! Honey, is that you?
The Left has discovered Economics.
Who has been counting these?
Thanks, Saint Croix, that is an excellent link . Norm always maks me LOL.
I think he said there will be guest worker program. If there is a working guest worker program, why are the abattoirs full of illegals.
I do tend to get excitable at the proect of spending a few $100K on a project that might or might not be completed.
Thread winner!
I join you in congratulating the Biden administration on its many, many successful deportations of illegal aliens. But I still think Trump will do better.
Successful anchors are not paid for their wisdom and gravitas. They are, however, paid to look wise and concerned about really big issues.. Jake Tapper is more telegenic than Stephen Miller and has much better hair. To be fair Miller pulls off the shaved head look in an okay way, but, still, Jake Tapper furrowed his brow in an impressive way and looked like he really gave a shit about this weighty issue. ...A lot of people are even more superficial than me, but we're starting to catch on.
I bet if a lot of news anchors started getting raped and ass fucked by illegal migrants, they'd be a lot more sympathetic to Trump's deportation orders. I just don't see the downside of deporting illegal migrants who are sex offenders. Tapper is obfuscating the issue.
Only a few years ago I went to a fruit packing company to apply for a job. For a business that is supposedly always looking for help, they didn't seem enthusiastic about an old white man willing and able to do the work. They made a stink about me getting an original birth certificate and SS card. I looked around at the other workers, most of who spoke only Spanish, and asked how they got hired. There was no answer but, "I'm sorry, it's the law..."
"Stink face" we call it. Common in cat herding when one puts their nose up close to a butt in need of cleaning.
Same argument they made for keeping slaves just before the Civil War.
Small towns still have teenagers that mow lawns, shovel snow, etc. A town near me has a neighborhood page on FB. Someone posts they need their lawn mowed, etc. Always three or four replies from teens.
These empty headed media figures like Jake Tapper are the worst kind of sophists.
Miller was 100% correct. These laborers ARE EXPLOITED. It is everywhere in the America's manufacturing supply chain. Owners get rich underpaying illegal aliens. They are not given health insurance, nor are they protected by any labor laws. The are the first to get laid off and discarded because then can't collect unemployment.
It the dirtiest "secret" in the American economy, and it is all over the parts working in your car.
The left invented economics
I spent a good part of my childhood on a horse ranch, mostly feeding them (and hauling off the "used hay" later). I was sometimes needed to curry and saddle the animals before their owners showed up for a ride, and could manage the whole job by age 12 or so. I also earned pocket money by clearing out unhealthy thickets of young "dog hair" pine trees with a small chainsaw, and skinning the larger ones with a drawknife to make fence rails. Used the chainsaw skills I gained on the little trees to cut bigger trees for firewood as I got into my high school years, and sold hundreds of cords of wood. That is hard labor. It would all be considered child abuse by modern standards, I am sure, but it did me a power of good.
The left want exploited illegal labor, illegal votes, and enough children for their dark pedo army.
Miller's points are the best one i've heard yet. Even if you agree we need non-Americans to pick lettuce, we have a farm guest worker program to do that. I repeat - we aleady have a program that does that. We do not need illegal aliens.
2nd - Even if you agree we need non-Americans to pick crops, 90 percent of the illegal aliens are NOT - I repeat NOT - picking crops.
So any argument that we need millions of "Migrants" legal and/or illegal to pick crops is wrong. 100 percent completely wrong. Case closed. Tapper is a liar.
My brother and I worked in a evergreen nursury hoeing rows and trimming evergreens. fifty cents a row and 10 cents for trimming.
jim: "The left invented economics"
Feel free to show your work.
It's totally false to say that if there were no illegal immigrants that crops wouldn't be picked. All that would happen would be that the farmers might have to raise wages to attract other workers to take their places and prices might go up. So we're not talking about having no food, we're talking about having cheaper food. And the political left has no problem saying that they approve of illegal activity and the explotation of workers just to have cheaper food. That's kind of disgusting.
'The left invented economics'. Judging from the last administration, I'd say that their economics were invented about 98% of the time.
I pretty sure Leland was being sarcastic.
Around these parts (dairy country, WI) most of the detassling is by machine now, no need for kids or illegals. Roundup and other chemicals handle the walking beans part.
Did both of those growing up in Iowa. By machine is a vast improvement in the quality of life for the farmers. Not sure about those who used to and no longer do that work. Of course most of them are down the road at one of the fast food joints. Probably better work and better pay.
But not for the African American kids who no longer get those jobs.
And so it goes. Ourobouros.
I know of many born in the USA black and hispanic kids who would have no problem working the dishwashing station.
Ask yourself: When's the last time you saw a black busboy? 'Round here, it's been at least since the turn of the century.
"The left invented economics"
Just got done reading an interesting book by the noted Leftist Adam Smith. Maybe you should read it, could learn a thing or two.
Any old white man looking for a non-skilled job like you claim you were applying for, will be (quite reasonably) assumed to be an addict or a problem person of some sort. Why else would he be applying? Hiring you would be a stupid move on their part. That is assuming that you are not making up the whole story.
The left invented economics
Hesiod's Works and Days is the first text that could be said to deal with economics as a field worthy of a scholar's attention. There are also venerable Chinese, Mesopotamian and Islamic sources that show an understanding of economics. It was not meaningfully differentiated from accounting until Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations appeared in the 18th century, but Smith did not invent it as a field of study.
I think it is safe to say that if anyone from Hesiod to Ibn Khaldun to Adam Smith could be brought back from the grave and shown a representative sample of the modern Left and their economic policies, they would laugh themselves sick at the notion that anyone could consider them sane enough to walk freely on the streets, let alone worthy of being called the "inventors" of economics.
If Trump has the guts to abolish all government handouts for able-bodied young men, and build work camps in farm country, the crops will get picked. Forcing the idle young men now lounging on the stoops and street corners of our major urban centers to "Work or Starve" would do a lot of good for society over and above feeding us.
Is there a reason why kids or the unemployed can't do that stuff now?
Child labor 'laws' in Washington state. Not actual laws, but rules shoved down our throats by the Department of Labor and Industries in 1993.
Lol @ dipshit Old And Slow. Nobody older and slower than you, droopy fool.
That's when you find out how big an acre is and how many trees can fit on one.
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