January 11, 2025

It's shocking that a man in this mental condition is President of the United States.

I'm reading "Biden Calls Meta’s Ending of Fact-Checking Program ‘Shameful’/Responding to a question from a reporter, the president said he believed Americans 'want to tell the truth'" in the NYT.

You can see from the headline that the NYT is forefronting something he said that seems like something its readers will agree with. I think it's wrong and deceptive — shameful, really. He doesn't seem to understand the "community notes" approach to dealing with misinformation or the bias problem with the fact-checkers. 

But if you keep reading this article about yesterday's press conference, it gets worse and worse.
The president appeared tired.... He fumbled his words several times and at one point misunderstood a question. Mr. Biden was asked about new intelligence reports relating to the Havana syndrome, in which American diplomats have been struck by mysterious brain-related ailments. He answered by casting doubt on the possibility of a connection between Islamic terrorists and the recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. 
Asked whether he regretted deciding to run for re-election in the first place, Mr. Biden said he did not. He said he had believed that both he and Vice President Kamala Harris could have won the election. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I think I would have beaten Trump, could have beaten Trump. And I think that Kamala could have beaten Trump, would have beaten Trump.”

He didn't explain how Kamala "could have... would have beaten Trump." Was there supposed to be a condition? She coulda/woulda beaten Trump if only... what? Something Biden is just too tired to elaborate? Or does he not remember that she was the Party's nominee and that she did lose? The most lucid idea I can excavate from those mumblings is that he ran for re-election because he could see that if he didn't, Kamala would be the nominee and she would lose. When they pushed him out, he gave way, and the ensuing events proved him right.


Lloyd W. Robertson said...

What brought Obama out of retirement is that polls showed Trump winning 400 electoral votes.

Dr Weevil said...

Nine more days. (Hmmm. Just looked at my P.C. clock and it's exactly nine more days until noon on January 20th: serendipity.) Let's just hope Putin and Xi and Khamenei and Kim and Maduro and all the rest don't try to take advantage of the absolute void at the top of the U.S. government. Fortunately, they're running out of time.

Peachy said...

Biden was forced out - against Jill's will. But old Joe must still play along - because Biden is not running anything. Un- elected cretins are running the show.

Peachy said...

Smother all truths that make democrats look bad. If you do not comply - you will be labeled "shameful."


Democrat party elite are vile and evil - and anyone who watches D-MSNBC or The View- you like being lied to, and you might be an idiot.

Political Junkie said...

His condition is very bad now. I thought it was bad in 2020, but the Ds and MSM were able to sneak him in. And his drugs were good enough to get him through the debates.

n.n said...

Walz 'N Karma-la, America Takes A Knee (MTAK), if not for misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, and insufficient handmade tales to steer the vote with empathetic appeal.

n.n said...

Progressive Conditions (PC)

Michael said...

When will we wake up and acknowledge that the greatest source of misinformation in America is the United States Government

Two-eyed Jack said...
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RCOCEAN II said...

I'm giving Biden a pass. Yes, it is somewhat senile, but these are his true beliefs regarding freedom of speech. I just saw his answer, and it was fumbling and slow. But that's just the way it was said. The actual words are chilling. Biden thinks people shouldn't be allowed to post "Things that aren't true for millions to read". And some mysterious someone should censor it.

And then says "that's not what America is all about". No, what "America is about is freedom of speech and freedom of the press". And includes the freedom to say/write "Things that aren't true". And of course, who decides what is "True"? Thats why untruth can be met with truth.

rehajm said...

Golly, just a few months ago you could have read right here that he wasn’t that bad. The disease took him quickly, like overnight…or like, in time for the overnights to come in…

RCOCEAN II said...

Ooops, I wrote "Im giving Biden a pass" when I meant to write "I'm NOT giving Biden a pass". And note that Harris, the Leftwing MSM, and almost all the Democrat party believes the same thing.

RCOCEAN II said...

Probably like a lot of old people, Biden has his good days and his bad days. And even on his good days, has to primed and prepped to answer questions in a coherent manner. The standard MSM practice is to give Biden the questions in advance, so he can call on the "Right" Reporters and answer them. Which makes his peformance even worse. But then he didn't have a cabinet meeting for over 1 year. And required Cabinet members to send him a written memo and questions before he talked them individually.

Iman said...

Read the transcript of Biden’s interview with the ass-smoocher Susan Page of USA Today. Biden’s mind is gone, baby, gone.

Dave Begley said...

Don't be shocked Ann Althouse. The Dem Party wanted a pliable stand-in as President. He's Chance Gardner from "Being There."

The Dem party was ready to keep the charade going until Biden's decline was obvious in the debate. The Dems are so, so dishonest. Trump will reset people's beliefs and expectations and we will enjoy a JD Vance term of 8 years as POTUS.

gilbar said...
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MacMacConnell said...

The women on the View and MSNBC are why a Dem woman will never be elected President.

Jimmy said...

Biden has been a vile, corrupt, bigoted idiot for his entire life as a politician. The definition, in a negative way, of that career. He was installed in 2020, after being hidden away for the entire campaign season.
How long until one of the white house staff, writes the book on just who was really in charge.
Some say Obama, some say Jill. Or was it just a consortium of 20 and 30 something staffers who covered it up, day by day, for 4 years.
Everyone knew, both Rs and Ds, and they did nothing until the last minute.
It is a huge scandal, or should be. But the MSM still covers for him, and his party.
The last 4 years has been a giant coverup, while someone else, who hates America, made all the policy.
Yeah, sharp as a fucking tack. It's not cruel to speak out, this isn't someones 80 year old father, who is slowly slipping away. This is supposedly the President of the United States, with all the power of that office.
Biden will never suffer the consequences of the policies he, or someone, came up with. He's done, and hopefully will be put into a home allowed to die in peace.
the people who were part of this absurd, disgusting cover up should suffer for what they tried to do, and what they actually did.

gilbar said...

"She coulda/woulda beaten Trump if only... what? Something Biden is just too tired to elaborate? "

And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Kids"

JAORE said...

"He didn't explain how Kamala "could have... would have beaten Trump."'
The kindest explanation I can come up with is he meant that he THOUGHT Kamala would win so he felt he could drop out.
But I also recall Biden being asked about polling that showed Trump well ahead. Biden responded about that not being the polls he saw.
One suspects that, until he was forced out, the "polls he saw" were fake or, at least, carefully screened.

RCOCEAN II said...

Biden White house along with the FBI/DHS was working with facebook, twitter (pre Musk), Instagram, etc. to censor Trump supporters, conservatives, critics of Israel, Ukraine war aid opposition, CV-19 skeptics, etc. Anyone who didn't post the "approved" thoughts on the 2020 Election, J6, Trump, Russia, CV-19, etc. was likely to banned and blocked.

James A. Baker, from the FBI, the same guy who was involved in lying about Trump/Russia gate, was one of Twitter's Legal counsels before Musk fired him in December 2022. He was actually involved in "screening" the twitter censorship files that Tabbi was looking at. This guy was up to his eyeballs in doing what Biden wanted, aka "making sure untruths weren't seen by millions".

RCOCEAN II said...

Thank God, this clown will be gone on January 21st. He never should have been elected.

Peachy said...

Joe and Kamala are not running anything.

Kathryn51 said...

Political Junkie said. .
And his drugs were good enough to get him through the debates.

The drugs and the doctors - the real cover-up. What drugs? What mental acuity tests? We could see the decline, the 4-day weekends in Delaware where no visitor logs were kept and when nothing was on the public schedule. He should have been 25A'd long ago because there is no way he could have handled that "phone call at 3am".

His condition was known, power brokers turned a blind eye to keep their power and status and if Bezos truly wants to re-build WaPo's investigative brand, he would have a team of 10 reporters/doctors digging into this one last Big Cover-Up.

wildswan said...

The way I read Biden's comment on Kamala winning is that he was trying to say that he thought (past tense) he could win or she could win but he actually said "I think" instead of "I thought." He didn't notice his mistake because he isn't following behind himself to clean up his own mis-statements. He reads the prompter and if he doesn't get it right, so be it. He should not be President but there's no way to get him out in the remaining time. Meanwhile, he has promised to spend the US budget to get the California coast around LA back to its pre-burn status although in pre-burn time he was working to get that coast back to the pre-pre-burn status which is the present status where most people are gone from the coast and the rest are living in a primitive way.

But the Greenie plan requires that the return to nature be done in such a way that a lot of good green cash goes to Dems. The fire isn't doing this and it is, moreover, orange , so that shows. So Noisome Newsom is working on message massaging. Eazy-peazy - Trump is to blame.

After all, how do you think Noisome Newsom could possibly explain why the electric company plan was to shut off the electric power to the hydrants which it was the fire company plan to use;
why it was the fire company plan to use hydrants against a wildfire;
why it was the water company plan to eliminate reservoirs that hydrants and fire-fighting helicopters depend on;
why it was the California plan to allow drunken and drugged and reality-challenged homeless people to live and light fires amidst tinder-dry brush.

Diversity? Diverse from reality, anyhow.

Political Junkie said...

I agree totally. The world is waiting for the next Woodward & Bernstein, because there is a book/movie to be made that wil blow away All The Presidents Men.

Dude1394 said...

He will be drooling into a cup in two years. THAT is what the democrats media pushed on us.

mikee said...

Sometimes, and this is one of those times, I feel pain over being correct way back in 2020 when I commented here that Joe Biden had dementia. Nobody needs this situation, nobody wants this situation except Dr. Jill and a few high admin officials who have run the admin for the past 4 years, and nobody will suffer for bringing this on the country, even though they deserve both calumny and probably jail time for their actions.

Narayanan said...

can you hold wake for FJB already!!
this daily declamation of dismay is disgusting.

baghdadbob said...

Political Junkie said...
I agree totally. The world is waiting for the next Woodward & Bernstein, because there is a book/movie to be made that will blow away All The Presidents Men.

Woodward & Bernstein were little more than stenographers for Mark Felt, who was determined to destroy Nixon. Watergate? Meh! What about Team Hillary creating a fraudulent "dossier," and handing it off to the FBI, CIA, DOJ and left-wing media, to destroy Trump's candidacy and failing that, his Presidency. Now THAT's a scandal.

robother said...

Too bad Joe missed his chance to go out in a blaze of New Deal glory, throwing himself on the coffin of Jimmy Carter as they shoveled the dirt into the grave. An Arlington twofer. A monument to malaise.

Rory said...

I'll guess he meant that he or Kamala could have beaten Trump, but switching in mid-stream is what did them in.

Charlie said...

Not hyperbole! Not a joke! No, I mean it!

narciso said...

Woodward's cracked fairy tale, is what they can produce, it starts on the worst day of the history of the republic , January 6th eleventy, how about Frank Foer's rotten doorstop the politician which came out around the time of the Kabul capitulation

William said...

Any number of people whose paths crossed at any point in time with Trump wrote about their experiences with that uniquely awful man. Their memories made the papers, the best seller lists, the criminal docket. Trump was a celebrity for decades, but it wasn't until he became a Republican that the full measure of his evil was realized and appreciated..... From what I've read Harris has had a huge staff turnover and I'm sure lots of strippers have had memorable moments with Hunter. Why have we never heard from them? Just because there's a story to be told, doesn't mean it ever gets told.......FDR was wheelchair bound for his Presidency. Who even knew, and paraplegia is just as difficult to hide as dementia. Has any woman ever written a book detailing his lousy experience with a Kennedy?

Jupiter said...

Did he say anything about Hunter's laptop?

Ampersand said...

Biden's essential features were his pliability (believing in nothing and wanting only power and money) and his vulnerability to blackmail. His cognitive decline, which started at least 10 years ago, merely accentuated his usefulness.

The last decade should have taught the public that they are vulnerable to vast clouds of long term deception created by our educational systems and our media outlets.

Political Junkie said...

Good points.

Rabel said...

No comment section on the Times article. Would have been interesting.

mindnumbrobot said...

It's shocking that a man in this mental condition is President of the United States.

Shocking to who?

bobby said...

This next week will be interesting. I'll guess that the autopen with Biden's signature has been left unlocked, and random staffers and visitors will be wandering through, enacting pardons and executive orders as they each see fit.

Aggie said...

Call it what you want, but it's not shocking. Joe Biden is a nasty, corrupt, lying pol and always has been, and now he's senile and dementia-ridden. Everybody with eyes could see this in early 2020, but not everybody was willing to admit it.

But what is really shocking, is that there are bright, engaged, focused people that determined it would be a good idea to prop this senescent fool up, and have been running this disaster administration for 4 years, and having a lark putting all kinds of mischief into place for the next 4. I don't believe anybody has brought this much anti-patriotic sentiment to government, ever.

Sebastian said...

"It's shocking that a man in this mental condition is President of the United States." More shocking is that Dems knew it, enabled it, used it, got MSM to hide it, and vilified opposition to it. Even more shocking is that they thought they could get away with it. Even more shocking than that is that they sorta did. And still more shocking is that Dem voters will happily support them next time in spite of the shocking charade, in spite of the lies.

If the Biden fiasco doesn't show that Dems put party above country, what does? Knowing that they allowed that man to be our "leader," who can now think they care about us at all?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Biden is correct though. Kamala would have definitely won if she ran against Trump… in the imaginary world Biden’s brain inhabits. You know, the one he’s always telling stories about where he finished first in his class and advised Golda Meir how to win the war of 1812.

Amadeus 48 said...

Newspaper pundits and reporters are sinking into the quicksand of events. Soon all we will see will be the tops of their heads.

Peggy Noonan outdoes herself today in a WSJ column suggesting that Biden give a "wise" farewell address. She must be smoking some good stuff. Biden has never been wise. Rather, on his best day--sometime in 1978-- he was empty, stupid and vicious. Too bad Peggy didn't read this interview before she launched her latest vaporings.

rehajm said...

I blame the enablers. Think carefully before you claim you weren’t one of them…

John henry said...

Begley represents the triumph of hope over experience.

If we pin our hopes on Vance, attraive as he is, the dems will elect someone horrible in 28.

Since the 12th amendment, 2 sitting vp's have managed to get elected. A number have gotten in by death or resignation.

None of them, not one, managed to get reelected to a second term of their own (don't count the stub term)

2 Biden and nixon managed to get in after a hiatus.

With 1 exception, Coolidge (maybe try) none were very good president's or residencies.

I like Vance for a lot of reasons. But the very best thing he could do for the country and him party would be to announce as firmly as possible that he will not run for president in 28.

He should do that ASAP in Jan or Feb.

John Henry

John henry said...

He should then focus on being an activist and building a power base as senate president. Like lbj did as speaker.

Since he won't be a presidential candidate in 28, the party will have no power over him. Nor will donors or anyone else including president trump.

If he does a good job as senate president, he could continue in the vice presidency indefinitely.

John Henry

John henry said...

He should then focus on being an activist and building a power base as senate president. Like lbj did as speaker.

Since he won't be a presidential candidate in 28, the party will have no power over him. Nor will donors or anyone else including president trump.

If he does a good job as senate president, he could continue in the vice presidency indefinitely.

John Henry

mccullough said...

The Interregnum Ends

BUMBLE BEE said...

Copyright that one ... you named The Book!

Drago said...

He wasn't elected. He was installed.

Tarrou said...

My current definition of the Deep State is whoever they would actually bring the nuclear football to in case of emergency. Because it ain't this guy.

Justabill said...

If only someone had noticed. You know how those things are, though.

Lawnerd said...

Abject stupidity and dementia are a bad combination.

Pointguard said...

Biden has been a political lightweight since 1973 - when he first was sworn into the Senate.

MaxedOutMama said...

Yes, he does not make sense and he often cannot even interpret questions correctly. Imagine this in a decision-making situation. The NYT cleans up his responses to make it sound a bit better than it does, but this is very bad. Nine more days to go before this particular presidential nightmare ends.

It's pretty clear that he hasn't really been making presidential decisions much of the time. Also that everything presented is filtered so that he doesn't get upset and nasty. This shouldn't have happened, but did, and I certainly hope the country learns from this and that we can get away from geriatric presidents in 2028.

Ed said...

It was blindingly obvious in 2020. Those who denied it were so partisan they couldn't admit he was already demented back then. But everyone knew.

John said...


Bill Befort said...

Nine days is a long time in politics, as they say in Los Angeles.

The Sanity Inspector said...

He should have been allowed to retire in peace. But the Democrats had neglected to develop any leaders; just raised a generation of unlikable agitators.

Iman said...

“Has any woman ever written a book detailing his lousy experience with a Kennedy?”

A tranny having sexual congress with a Kennedy? That could be a best seller!

Bunkypotatohead said...

The old prick still remembers how to give away $90 billion to his burnt out supporters, over there in the city of fallen angels.

Zev said...

He was never in retirement.

DeepRunner said...

We've had The Potemkin Presidency these last four years. It will be great when someone, anyone writes the story. Trump was so hated, rightly or wrongly, that the Capital City Cabal, K Street, and coastal media elitists bought into the the hoax, perpetuated it, upheld it, and finally saw it burn to the ground in June. The autopsy on this Presidency, when it's done completely, and without MSM slant, will be something to behold.

wendybar said...

It's shameful that Joe Biden is responsible for a lot of death during covid for HIS misinformation about Ivermectin. Joe did that. Not Trump. Joe Biden.

wendybar said...

THANK GOD MacMacConnell!! God help us if anybody like them ever wins.

Fritzthecat said...

His dementia and the cover up are an important story. However, the Biden cartel corruption is a bigger and more critical story to be pursued. Not that any "journalist" will do any pursuing.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Althouse generously gave Biden the benefit of the doubt, excused debate performances as not too bad, and clearly held out hope that our POTUS wasn’t as bad as he seemed. She could actually be shocked by how bad Biden is. Or she is using a standard turn of phrase to emphasize how shockingly bad the situation is. It’s hard to know for certain with our reticent resident of Cruel Neutralville.

Quaestor said...

"She coulda/woulda beaten Trump if only..."

But, she took a dive for the short money.

Joey shoulds looked out for her just a little bit. She could been a contendah instead of a bum. A lot of things went down between the debate and 427 River Street.

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