January 29, 2025

"It's an astonishing reversal by the Trump administration, a day after top officials defended the funding freeze...."

"'This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze. It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo,' White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a post on X.' Why? To end any confusion created by the court's injunction. The President's EO's on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented,' she added. It's unclear what exactly Leavitt meant, as it was the now-rescinded memo — not the executive orders Trump signed previously — that outlined the 'temporary pause.'... [Some] Democrats argued the memo rescission was simply a sleight of hand, and that the Trump administration is seeking to circumvent lawsuits while keeping certain funding frozen.'..."


Earnest Prole said...

Like Muslim Ban 1.0, not ready for prime time.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...

They're testing the waters and forging a path forward to mitigate shared responsibility without representation that underlies unaffordable, unavailable, and exclusionary economics.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Constitution's Article I, Section 9, Clause 7: "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..."

I would very much like to know in what bill, and when, research on transgender mice, grants for investigating the intersection African and latinx weaving methods, and immigration NGO funding to the tune of almost $1 billion was authorized.

And very much especially immigration NGO funding, considering a lot of that was authorized by a stroke of grandpa dawdertucher's pen.

Mark said...

Amateur hour.

Ampersand said...

They need to read the lawsuit complaints, and design the orders around the legitimate problems. This can be done, but only carefully.

mccullough said...

Just slow walk the funding. Biden did.

Fandor said...

A tactical move. President Trump is engaged in political 3 dimensional chess. He is well aware how of how the democrats play the field after his first go around. Trump also knows who the uni-party Republicans are.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Amateur hour."

Super unprofessional of them to do more in a week and a half than Buck Fiden did in 4 years. Amateurs!

Kakistocracy said...

Nixon tried, he is the main reason why Congress introduced this complex federal budget process that has led to such overspending.

The question Nixon tried to raise is the nexus of the problem: where does the power of the purse reside? Legislative or executive.

The Framers clearly had thought through the permutations as they were crafting our design. Nixon and the current Trump GOP/MAGA contingent believe that the unitary executive on steroids supersedes any constitutional framing.

Where does it end ? If the executive has the power of the purse, then the argument is that the Framers wanted an elected monarch with no restrictions. Really ? No guardrails. No checks or balance.

What about a second term occupant of the WH who will never face the electorate again ? Is that person now a Super Monarch or Emperor with unlimited powers ? Presumed immunity for every action. Outer perimeter of the office with unlimited radius.

Unshackled by any clause of the US Constitution ?

Kakistocracy said...

The combination of hubris and incompetence is description thus far of the Trump administration

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Where does it end?"

It ends at exactly the same place it ended for Biden and Obama, which was nowhere. Sauce for the goose, yadda yadda, FAFO, yadda yadda.

Dave Begley said...

Tonight and for the foreseeable future on MSNBC and CNN, the narrative will be chaos.

It’s not chaos. Trump is trying to get stuff done for the American people and the Dems in the judiciary are trying to stop him. No lawsuits, no chaos.

n.n said...

There never was a "Muslim ban" nor any policy of Diversity (e.g. racism) under Trump or Republican administrations. However, Diversity has been a deeply held principle under several Democratic administrations and progressive sects.

JIM said...

Finding a partisan Judge does not render Trump's actions either constitutional or not. It's simply a stalling tactic. Prominent Democrats blatantly lied about what was affected, and for how long it would be affected. Knowing how Democrats operate, the portal that went down was probably done by a Democrat inside the bureaucracy. If true. the $50,000,000 purchase of condoms for Gaza is enough of a reason to look a little deeper on those expenditures other than the statutory items.

Drago said...

The "middle of the roader", "straight shooter", "just calling balls and strikes" guy still pushing the "muslim ban" hoax.

Not ready for prime time, off hours time nor any other time.

Yancey Ward said...

Money Congress has literally directed how to be spent must be spent as Congress has directed. The problem for Trump's critics on this order is that most of the legislation appropriating such funds gives the decisions on which grants to fund to the agencies themselves. In other words, the appropriated money is assigned, for a specific example, to the State Department for grants to loosely defined NGOs doing loosely defined activities. If Marco Rubio decides previous grantees get no new grants there isn't a damned thing a federal court judge can do about it.

Drago said...

The "Onesies" Brigade is in high dudgeon!


And Dumb Lefty Mark makes an appearance...perhaps to give us a Threads update and dance on the grave of X which he claimed would not survive waaaay back when...

Lets see what happens next...

Drago said...


This "observation" vomited up at the moment the New Soviet Democraticals are running around screaming about not being able to stop the Trump admin policies!

Poor Rich. There's always 10% that never get the update!

Leland said...

This sounds no different than the USAF having to correct their pretense of misreading Trump's EO on DEI programs and then cancelling training that predates the DEI programs. The DEI programs are still disbanded but the training is now reinstated.

For the progressives talking about amateur hour; let us know when you get Adrian Peeler back in jail after Biden gave him clemency. Supposedly all the pardons/clemency were for non-violent offenders, but Adrian Peeler was doing time for a double murder. Still, Biden and Garland's DOJ couldn't be bothered to vet the list the ACLU gave them to pardon 2500 criminals. A few mistakes were made. People died.

Dude1394 said...

"[Some] Democrats argued the memo rescission was simply a sleight of hand, and that the Trump administration is seeking to circumvent lawsuits while keeping certain funding frozen.'...""

And Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the democrats solemnly nod their heads and have to admit "well played".

Drago said...

If you thought the Althouse lefties were beside themselves over their utter and complete policy abject failures, just wait until even more of the democratical sex trafficked children are located and protected under Trump

That's going to REALLY set them off.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump’s promise of a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States had to be rewritten three times before it was finally approved 5-4 by the Supreme Court. So yes, a Muslim ban, and not ready for prime time.

It’s always amusing when someone who would welcome a Muslim ban says it wasn’t a Muslim ban.

cubanbob said...

Yancy for the win. Congress can appropriate and direct where the money is to be spent so the President can't impound. However as Yancy made clear, Congress being lazy and unwilling to be precise, appropriates funds to agencies with the agencies discretion to spend so those funds are well within the President's authority to spend or not spend as he is the executive branch. Congress can always vote to specifically fund fifty million for condoms for Gaza. That would make for great TV.

Drago said...

Another complete lie by the self-styled straight shooter.

The nations targeted for the travel ban were nations identified by the obama admin as having non-existent vetting capabilities, which did not include all muslim nations nor even a set of nations that constituted a global majority of muslims.

"Executive Order 13769, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States (January 27, 2017) – The original travel ban. Travel ban for people from seven majority-Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) for 90 days, with certain exceptions:[10]"

"Executive Order 13780 (March 6, 2017) – The second and revised travel ban rescinding the original travel ban. Travel ban for people from six majority-Muslim countries (same as above, minus Iraq) for 90 days:[10]"

"Presidential Proclamation 9645 (September 24, 2017) – A third travel ban that replaced the second one. Travel ban for certain nationals of Venezuela, North Korea, and six majority-Muslim countries (five of the countries above, removing Sudan, and adding Chad).[10]"

"Executive Order 13815 (October 24, 2017) – Suspended processing and admissions of refugees from North Korea, South Sudan and nine majority-Muslim countries (Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) for at least 90 days while agencies "conducted a review and analysis":[10]"

Earnest Prole, full of crap again...but supremely smug and confident in his BS.

Drago said...

For those keeping track, you will notice that at no time was travel banned from the 3 nations with the largest muslim populations: Indonesia, Pakistan and India.

So much for the "muslim ban".

Enigma said...

Sadly, I must agree. I had higher hopes for the DOGE. The swamp is a complex swamp with clear rules and known predators in established niches. They are not fools, and they can and will eat you alive.

This recision along with the "no value for you" federal employee resignation offer are bad, really bad. Ignorance. Dunning-Kruger. These actions have the fingerprints of overeager broad brush Musk, not Trump.

Enigma said...

Think baseball. Trump will win some, he will win some. No batter hits a home run every time, even a juiced Barry Bonds. This one was a clueless flop.

Drago said...


"A new Quinnipiac poll shows the Democratic Party at an all-time low (31 percent favorable) and the Republican Party at an all-time high (43 percent)."

New Soviet Democratical "winning"!

Mason G said...

But is it "Amending the Constitution with a tweet" amateur hour?

I think not.

Mason G said...

" Congress can always vote to specifically fund fifty million for condoms for Gaza."

But hopefully, not before Nancy Pelosi has a chance to make some stock trades.

Lazarus said...

I gather this story spread when NGO's were unable to draw funds from the federal government. Are they able to now? It may be that those funds are still frozen while the federal government is paying out money for other things -- as it is for social security. If so, then one might possibly be able to say that a misunderstood or poorly drafted memo has been rescinded but the policy hasn't. It's what happens at a lower level that matters.

About the "Muslim ban": that was meant to be taken seriously, not literally. Everybody knew that the federal government wasn't going to stop people from coming here based on religion.

Drago said...

"Clueless flop"?

Question: did the $50 million for gazan condoms get spent...or not?

Earnest Prole said...

As I noted and you documented, Trump’s proposal for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” took three pathetic reworkings before it finally passed Constitutional muster. You can shine that loose turd however you like but it’s the very definition of not ready for prime time.

Earnest Prole said...

Think baseball. Trump will win some, he will win some. No batter hits an home run every time, even a juiced Barry Bonds. This one was a clueless flop.

Exactly. Only a Baghdad Bob would say otherwise.

Enigma said...

If Trump was the prime mover, this may be tactical. However, the freeze strongly resembles Musk's "Two trillion dollars in cuts" ambition. Freeze everything to remove the problems!!! Nope. Nope. Nope. Spending is baked into everything everywhere, and loved deeply by many Republicans without realizing it.

The trouble here is that Democrats are devious, utopian, and manipulative while Republicans are lazy, compliant, and clueless. The spending middle ground isn't that far away from where big-dollar money goes today; Republican objections pertain to relative fringe spending on ideological junk.

Enigma said...

@Drago: Way, way more than $50M is spent regularly on absolute nonsense. The trouble is that Republicans voted for the 2023 and 2024 budgets, and they allocated this junk spending back then. Thank every Republican in Congress who voted for the annual 10,000,000 item budget. Then observe what happens to the disciplined hold-out Republicans who don't have enough votes to get their way (i.e., they are ignored, with reliance on Democrats to pass the bills).

The funding sausage is always stuffed with pork and sawdust.

john mosby said...

Today in the RFK Jr hearing, the D senators were trying to pin him down on whether the President breaks the law when he fails to spend appropriated funds.

A faster thinker, or a better-briefed nominee, would say (and RFK kinda started to say something like this, to be fair): "Yes, the POTUS has to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. That includes making sure that these appropriations are both Constitutional and don't violate any other laws. We just got here after four years of someone else doing this. We weren't in on all the conversations around these appropriations. We just need a bit of time to make sure that even the best-intentioned Administration didn't accidentally fund illegal or unconstitutional programs. I'm sure they will all turn out to be 100% above board."


Hassayamper said...

I thought the word of the day that was put out on the Journ-O-List bat-signal was "confusion".

Hassayamper said...

"Budget", Enigma? There's no budget worthy of the name. It's all haphazard Christmas-tree omnibus spending bills and continuing resolutions now.

Hassayamper said...

Congress can appropriate and direct where the money is to be spent so the President can't impound.

If the President shows Congress the finger and refuses to spend the money, does Congress have any recourse beyond impeachment?

effinayright said...

As I noted and you documented, Trump’s proposal for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” took three pathetic reworkings before it finally passed Constitutional muster. You can shine that loose turd however you like but it’s the very definition of not ready for prime time.

Oh really? The Supremes never ruled on the original case, which covered only 7 countries, and the three re-workings wer done unilaterally by Trump before the case reached the Court, which upheld the final version.

Most people would say you are dissembling. I certainly do.

Iman said...

Easily astonished.

Drago said...

Just because idiots like you chose to improperly label what was actually beng proposed and the lefty media ran with that false characterization as the term de jure to hurt Trump, doesnt make you correct in any sense of the word.

I guess "star wars" was what Reagan proposed in the 1980's and not the Strategic Defense Initiative because "star wars" was what the media ran with to try and make Reagan seem crazy.

So thanks for you actually proving my point...which is that in terms of narrative, you are happy to run with the dem talking points amified by lefty media. Which is what "straight shooters" do...not.

Iman said...

Go get ‘em, Earnie teh Vole!

Drago said...

Effinayright, Prole's schtick usually doesn't survive first blush with a drill down when it comes to Trump.

Iman said...
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Earnest Prole said...

the three re-workings wer done unilaterally by Trump

I rest my case: Not ready for prime time.

Peachy said...


boatbuilder said...

I remembered that name and looked it up. Guy had a witness killed, and her 8-year-old son along with her. It was a very big deal in CT.

How anyone could put this guy's name on a clemency list is hard to even contemplate.

effinayright said...

The Executive branch does not have to spent allocated money if there's a colorable suspicion it is not being spent for the purposes authorized. No administration is required to just stick its thumb up its ass and ignore criminality. Nor does it have to wait for an IG's finding whil the mater's being investigated. If the Left bleats about this, let them justify their position.

effinayright said...

Less than 2 weeks into this admin, and you are trying to tar it with events of 2017. Pathetic.

effinayright said...

Yes. The ban was aimed at sources of terrorism, which happened to be in Muslim countries--NOT as Muslims themselves.

Drago said...

EP: "I rest my case: Not ready for prime time."


The Trump admin never called it a "muslim ban", because it wasn't. The dems called it a muslim ban to advance their political interests. And EP sucked it up.

EP has no "case" to rest. All he has are democratical talking points, which is where he is most comfortable.

Iman said...

Helicopter and regional passenger jet collide near Reagan airport

MacMacConnell said...

Wouldn't have been easier to just indict all these NGOs and Catholic Charities on RICO charges to conspire to human traffic and enable and abet illegal immigration?

NKP said...

"Not ready for prime time," are unelected judges who are the epitome of one-man rule. How does a judge in Hawaii or Washington or any state have "standing" to decide whats right for the entire country?

rehajm said...

Yes. They’re going to be criticized as incompetent anyways. Use that to their advantage to stall the waste….

Freder Frederson said...

If true. the $50,000,000 purchase of condoms for Gaza is enough of a reason to look a little deeper on those expenditures other than the statutory items.

Too bad for you it ain't true

And not the source of my information, Reason.fucking.com, not exactly a Marxist propaganda outfit. It would almost be as shocking if Althouse admitted it was nothing but an outright lie.

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