January 8, 2025

"I am very sorry. I didn’t mean to. But I really don’t know. I don’t know what happened, but I’m very sorry for that woman."

Said Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, 33, quoted in "Man Charged in Subway Burning Says He Was Drunk and Remembers Nothing/Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, confronted with video of the immolation of Debrina Kawam, told detectives he was blackout drunk at the time. He pleaded not guilty to murder on Tuesday" (NYT).
“Sometimes when I drink and erase the memory and I don’t know,” he told investigators. “When I wake up, I’m already in the house, already sleeping. I wake up when I’m already at home. Or there are times when I wake up and I’m already at the train station.”...

As his interrogation wound down later that day, investigators at the 60th Precinct station house in Brooklyn showed him the grisly video of Ms. Kawam’s death. They asked him: Did he recognize the man setting her on fire?

“Oh, damn,” Mr. Zapeta-Calil replied. “That’s me.”

Zapeta-Calil was in the country illegally and housed in a shelter. He'd been deported in 2018.


Dave Begley said...

Does the NYT want to make us feel sorry for this illegal alien? He intentionally got drunk and he's responsible for his actions; even if he allegedly doesn't remember what he did.

The facts are that if Biden would have enforced the law at the border, many people would still be alive today.

Aught Severn said...

A bold move as a defense strategy: I am innocent because I was blackout drunk when I did it.

I can see it working if he also decides to represent himself, places himself on the stand, proceeds to take the 5th on all of his own questions, then appeals his guilty verdict on the grounds that his defense counsel was inept.

Big Mike said...

I have no patience for people who seem to excuse themselves by claiming they were drunk. That should be treated judicially as an exacerbating factor, not a mitigating factor.

Big Mike said...

F*** the 8th Amendment. Execute this guy by burning at the stake.

Joe Bar said...

I have no sympathy for this "person.". He is a net drain on society, no matter what country he is in. I have no answers. Perhaps mandatory Antabuse, the drug that makes a person sick when they consume ethanol.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Since Hochul has been asleep on the job her entire term, it's a shame Zapeta-Calil wasn't on the metro at the same time she was for her gay little photo op. Could've lit a fire under her.

Leland said...

Doing the job Americans won’t do.

Rocco said...

Big Mike said...
F*** the 8th Amendment. Execute this guy by burning at the stake.

We need to sneak across the border into Guatemala first and light him up there.

David53 said...

“ Zapeta-Calil was in the country illegally and housed in a shelter. He'd been deported in 2018.”

“Was” in the country illegally or “is”?

PM said...

Because that's what 'blackout' drunks do? F-that.

gilbar said...

"Sometimes when I drink and erase the memory and I don’t know,”

i Know where he's coming from!
i can't BEGIN To Count the number of times i've woken up and found that i've brutally murdered someone..

of course, for ME, the reason i can't begin to count the number, is because I'VE NEVER done that, so i Have NO Number..
But still, are we REALLY going to hold it against him? That he got drunk and brutally murdered someone?

gilbar said...

it's NOT like he did something HORRIBLE, like misgender someone, or use the wrong pronouns!

gilbar said...

makes you wonder how that strategy would work for someone that was blackout drunk;
and caused a car crash where someone burnt to death?
or had sex with a woman who was ALSO blackout drunk?

tommyesq said...

He should have said he was really high - NYC liberals love the ganja and would not charge rather than admit that it might in any way be bad.

Peachy said...

ah - poor poor illegal baby. No worries - illegal baby - the left got your back.

Enigma said...

1960s: "Mental institutions are cruel" --> rise of homelessness
1970s: "Unequal outcomes prove discrimination against black and brown people" --> affirmative action
2010s: "Open borders for all" --> Biden chaos
2020s: "Defund the police" --> Biden chaos
2020s: "Mental illness, gender, and criminality are merely social constructs" --> Biden chaos

The left never knows when to stop and always eats itself.

Lilly, a dog said...

Things not believed

Bob said...

If Jekyll had survived in Stevenson's novel he might offer a similar defense - - "Hyde did it."

Yeah Right Sure said...

Deport him again soon. In an urn.

Clyde said...

We have enough homegrown criminals and thugs. We don't need to import any more, and we need to send all of the imported ones back where they came from. That's just to start.

Gerrard787 said...

Was a blood sample taken?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Mayorkas doing the bidding of Biden, allowed this over and over. Violent thugs that had been deported were welcomed back, given places to stay, cash for food. Meanwhile tens of thousands of taxpaying American citizens in western North Carolina are still without power, without shelter, with virtually no assistance from FEMA at all. Oops another $500 million to Ukraine today!

NOT North Carolina. NOT California. It's like Joe thinks he was elected to be the exemplar of the worst of government, where basic functions are ignored and gobs of money shoveled out to the fat pigs that put him there and pull his strings (or sent money to Hunter, like Zilinskyyyy and Xi).

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Somehow he wasn't too drunk to find his way back to the good old USA. Odd.

walter said...

No shit. Full tox report. If he was that drunk, it should have been known before his statement. The guy is mentally ill beyond drinking.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The death penalty was made for such cases. He won't be drunk anymore. He won't be sneaking into our country. And bonus! He won't be murdering people in cold blood. He purposely lit the woman and then FANNED the flames. He stood there and watched her die. He needs to die.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Fuck the urn. On the wind.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Why go to all that trouble and expense when 9x19mm FMJ can be bought for $0.19 per round? (And that's what you or I'd pay for it, I expect the Gubmint can get a volume discount!)

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It's a perfectly good, time honored defense......in Guatemala.

Dude1394 said...

Another horrific murder by democrats

Jupiter said...

Having seen the video of him "fanning the flames", with what looks like a towel, I think it's at least possible he was actually trying, albeit feebly, to put them out. I'm not defending him. Just trying to make sense of the whole thing. The video is bizarre -- how can a person be on fire, flames from the waist up and over her head, and simply stand there, rocking gently back and forth? She must have been even drunker than he was.

Gravel said...


Narr said...

When I started waking up with no memory of the previous night of drinking, or how I got home, I stopped drinking.

IIRC, the ancient Romans punished crimes committed under the influence of alcohol twice as severely as sober ones. This guy should be given a fair trial, executed, cremated, and his ashes flushed.

Spiros said...

Typically, drunkenness is an aggravating factor and does not excuse criminal behavior -- “the drunkard deserves double punishment” (see T. Aquinas). But since NYC is lib central, no crimes happen on the subway, the criminal is an illegal Latino immigrant, the victim is a mentally ill White woman, Soros prosecutors run the show, etc., it is very unlikely that Sebastian Zapeta-Calil will get more than a slap on the wrist.

Aggie said...

Oh, My God. Look what that bottle did.

jim said...

Yes, I am eaten up with sympathy. Kindest thing would be to gently euthenize him, but that won't happen. One way or the other he has a long life of zombietude ahead of him.

Wince said...

Countdown until the defense is made that, because of his race and genetics, he lacks the enzyme needed to metabolize alcohol.

Goldenpause said...

The political leaders of New York City and New York State supported "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants and made this outrage not only possible, but inevitable. I doubt that any of them will lose a minutes sleep over this murder.

gspencer said...

It's beyond comprehension why people have forgotten the wise subway advice given by Petula Clark in 1967. She knew there were people like this illegal lurking about,


Kevin said...

Diddy: (taking notes)

Jersey Fled said...

I’m going to be really sorry when they throw the switch on him.

Big Mike said...

It’s not as though anyone in New York City cared very much about Debrina Kawam when she was still alive. Hell, the cops on the scene didn’t even bother trying to put out the flames as the poor woman stood there on fire So they probably don’t care much about punishing her killer.

n.n said...

She was a "burden", and cramped his social progress. Capital punishment is undeserved. Send him to Planned Perphood, or District of Criminals, to perform a sympathetic act of Capitol Punishment. They will celebrate.

Biden empathizes with murderers, rapists, haters/terrorists selectively, abortionists, and other liberal perps.

n.n said...

Day after regrets are a familiar handmade tale.

Meade said...

Trump was right (as always)—they’re not sending their best. In fact. They’ve sent the worst of their worst.
12 days and counting but, as BHO famously remarked—with rare candor—never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck up everything beyond all repair.

Jupiter said...

According to his roommate, he was not just drunk, he was more or less constantly high on some sort of non-pharmaceutical drug. Which undoubtedly cost a small fortune. What do you suppose he did for a living?

Old and slow said...

I believe him. I can even sympathize with the situation he has put himself in. It doesn’t change what he has done. Alcohol can explain much bad behavior, but it does not excuse it.

Gospace said...

When I enlisted in the Navy in 1973 being drunk was a mitigating factor in a lot of minor cases. By 1983- it was an exacerbating factor. Those few years where it was changing were rough on some sailors who needed to learn the change the hard way...

No Name said...

The murderer is preparing his defense, claiming he has no knowledge, that he was "blind drunk". Politically correct view sees "substance addiction" as a disease, where person has no choice or control over his addiction, no agency in his crime. This murderer thinks he's innocent.

rhhardin said...

``A further illustration of the difference between ritual concerns and substantive ones comes from occasions of accident in which the carelessness of one individual is seen as causing injury or death to another. Here there may be no way at all to compensate the offended, and no punishment may be prescribed. All that the offend[er] can do is say he is sorry. And this expression itself may be relatively little open to gradation. The fact - at least in our society - is that a very limited set of ritual enactments are available for contrite offenders. Whether one runs over another's sentence, time, dog, or body, one is more or less reduced to saying some variant of ``I'm sorry.'' The variation in degree of anguish expressed by the apologizer seems a poor reflection of the variation in loss possible to the offended. In any case, while the original infraction may be quite substantive in its consequence, the remedial work, however vociferous, is in these cases still largely expressive. And there is a logic to this. After an offense has occurred, the job of the offender is to show that it was not a fair expression of his attitude, or, when it evidently was, to show that he has changed his attitude to the rule that was violated. In the latter case, his job is to show that whatever happened before, he now has a right relationship - a pious attitude - to the rule in question, _and this is a matter of indicating a relationship, not compensating a loss_''

_Relations in Public_ ``Remedial Interchanges'' p.117-118

RCOCEAN II said...

I think we can understand. Haven't we all gotten drunk, set someone on fire, and watched them burn? Seriously, talk about lame. Being Drunk doesnt get rid of your sense of right and wrong. All drink does is loosen your inhibitions so you do what you wanted to do.

RCOCEAN II said...

Most criminals are drunk/high when they commit crimes. That's because it gives them "Dutch Courage". The drink/drugs enable the crime, they don't cause it.

Vance said...

Here in Utah they just arrested a man who murdered his girlfriend. They caught him on a bus to Mexico... because he was illegal. Of course, he had been deported back in 2018, under Trump... then snuck back in under Biden, murdered this girl, and then was trying to go back home. But our leftists like Freder tell us illegals are wonderful beyond measure, just like this guy who burned the woman to death, apparently.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Death for him.

Meade said...

Give him the same due process that was given to Jeffery Dahmer

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

It looks to me like he lives off the state for a living.

Howard said...

I prefer the Ted Bundy treatment.

Drago said...

P-Inga will be along shortly to explain why this was a "spark of Divinity" murder.

Mary Beth said...

Repeatedly blackout drunk? That's some hardcore drinking. Did they just throw him in jail when they arrested him or did they take him to a hospital for detox?

boatbuilder said...

I don't suppose they could let him get blackout drunk for his execution. It would fit the crime, but it's NY, so probably not.
Maybe they can establish that he falsified his business records...

ga6 said...

At least once week throughout my 37 year in the civilin workforce I was told the following: "I didn do nuffing an I don remember anything." Must be ingrained in their DNA.

Bob Boyd said...

Let he who has never gotten drunk and lit someone on fire cast the first stone.

Old and slow said...

Alcoholism and drug addiction are absolutely not excuses for any behavior. But they often go far to explain them. Life and humanity are not simple. Unfortunately, our legal remedies must often be simple, direct, and harsh. Understanding and even sympathy can and must coexist with stern penalties.

Tina Trent said...

He basked in her burning flesh and blew on it.

Why no hate crime? She was just a white heterosexual woman.

I will say this until it sinks into stupid people’s heads.

Like this blog, where certain constitutional scholars refuse to engage with the grotesque disparities. Or make an argument. Or even acknowledge above the kindgartden emotional level.

Stupid, maybe diminished capacity, stupid.

Tina Trent said...

Sorry. Stupid autocorrect.

Ampersand said...

Is there such a thing as a worthless person? If so, what do you do with them ?

Zev said...

“When I wake up, I’m already in the house,"

Let's make that the Big House.

Bunkypotatohead said...

A "Fairytale of New York" for our times.

And the bells were ringing out for Christmas Day.

typingtalker said...

Apparently "blackout drunk" refers to memories after being drunk, not an excuse for why a drunk would do something ...

"What Happens to Your Body When You Black Out?
The technical term for the type of memory loss that people typically experience during a blackout is known as anterograde amnesia. This means that you cannot form or store new memories."

American Addiction Centers

RobertL said...

If only there had been a better warning label on the liquor bottle...

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