They gave 13 Oscar nominations to what, I've heard, is a terrible movie, and the over-honoring seems to have to do with the transgender theme and the transgender star.
But now "'Emilia Pérez' Star Karla Sofía Gascón Under Fire Over Tweets About Muslims, George Floyd, Oscars Diversity" (Variety).
A tweet from Nov. 22, 2020: "I’m Sorry, Is it just my impression or is there more muslims in Spain? Every time I go to pick up my daughter from school there are more women with their hair covered and their skirts down to their heels. Next year instead of English we’ll have to teach Arabic."And from Sept. 2, 2020: "Islam is marvelous, without any machismo. Women are respected, and when they are so respected they are left with a little squared hole on their faces for their eyes to be visible and their mouths, but only if she behaves. Although they dress this way for their own enjoyment. How DEEPLY DISGUSTING OF HUMANITY."
I haven't seen these movies and I don't intend to watch the Oscars. However, I used to care very much. That part of me would be very happy to not have a man win Best Actress.
Ha! Love to see if this bites her in the behind. By the way, this movie is unpopular in Mexico.
Transgender (e.g. homosexual) is a spectrum and Diverse under woke ideology.
It is a terrible movie with horrible music. It's a french film. You should watch Nerdrotic's review on youtube. How it managed to get as more oscar nods than Ben Hur is suspect for sure. According to Nerdrotic, it's hated by the LGTQ community, and by Mexicans especially. No one likes this film, and Hollywierd is just digging their grave by honoring a film like this.
I'm confused. Is this a guy acting like a woman and being nominated for best actress? More War on Women stuff? Or is it a woman playing a guy who goes transgender?
Hollywood starts their own fires.
Apparently, it will take many multiple billions in losses before hollywood awakens from its stupidity. Or, maybe not and dollars will continue to flushed down the toilet until there aren't any left. And no one would miss hollywood.
Hollywood and the Oscars are obsolete and irrelevant today. They made themselves openly partisan during Trump 45, so they are now an extension of the Democratic Party. Let the Party civil war play out as it will, for the zealots demand purity. The ejected will join Trump's coalition by necessity.
Cracks in the intersectional army ranks.
I watched “Emila Perez.” It was okay; kind of interesting. But not Oscar worthy. And, of course, not anywhere near as good as my, “Frankenstein, Part II.”
being honest about Islam is very anti woke. For that matter, being honest about much of anything is anti woke.
Islam is above reproach, while all other religions are fair game. They made the rules, so they can live with them.
I see on Rotten Tomatoes that critics have raved about the film, while actual audiences give it 19% positive. Neither the film makers nor the critics care much about audience tastes.
Um...this is pretty much the whole ball of wax for strivers in the Kingdom of Gavin
I tried to watch a 60 second clip and i couldn't take more than about 20 seconds. If that was a highlight or in any way representative, I can't imagine anyone lasting 90 minutes.
If those tweets are what gets her into trouble, she could wind up with some very strange bedfellows by the time it's over.
Rotten Tomatoes is a reliable indicator of political preaching in movies: High critic scores and low audience scores = lefty propaganda. Low critic scores and high audience scores = right wing or traditional values.
How convenient! Now everyone has an excuse for not voting for her by the Feb. 18 deadline, and we can all avoid the faux-happy-for-her expressions on the faces of the losing Best Actress nominees. Problem solved! And by the way, how dare she?! Women in Burkas are expressing their love for Islam, which must not be criticized.
I read the link at Variety, and can I just say how much I dislike the passive use of "were resurfaced"? Ugh.
I've noticed a trend for many years now that the audience reviews are increasingly more reliable than the critics'. There's a larger message from that: The elites have killed their own credibility.
True or not (and the released clips make me lean toward true) her nomination and tsunami of nominations for the film scream DEI. Throw in the DEI requirements to even be nominated and the Oscars have even less meaning than ever. Oh for those innocent days when Oscars were awarded based on studio PR efforts, Sure, sure call that unfair. But viewers hate this thing. And yet....
At least this unveiling of her real attitudes may limit her to a participation trophy.
All Hollywood movies, even Jason Statham ones, are on the woke spectrum. This one sounds like it's in the deep end of the pool. It's on Netflix and, someday, mostly out of morbid curiosity, I'll give it a shot. I don't have high hopes though. Barbe is on Netflix. It's entertaining and worth a watch. People tend to think of plastic dolls in stereotypical terms, but this movie gave me a nuanced appreciation of their problems.
I see that now the actor has submitted the Publicist-approved apology, or really, a non-apology statement, including their status as someone marginalized.
We love you, trannie! Oh wait - you are not towing the proper MSNBC, PBS newz, NPR radical left obedient line. Bad trannie! Bad!
comments vanishing again
"so respected they are left with a little squared hole" Intersectional heresy. But maybe it will expand audience?
A while back, there was an article by a FTM trans who talked about how many different surprising ways they were treated - some pleasant surprises, some not so pleasant. Sounds like this actress is honestly discovering all the crap things being done to women and mistakenly thinks she can be just has honest about them as she was about proclaiming her true gender.
Maybe there's something about those burkas that's a secret thrill. Maybe a whole slice of them are men.
I have a very wide range of interests and tolerance regarding films, but this one definitely tested that range. I would summarize "Emilia Perez" as a quasi-musical apparently written by a high school sophomore attempting to copy "Westside Story," but set in and characterizing Mexico as a violent, sex-crazed narco-state, and starring an actual trans-female who plays an "El Chapo"-like male who transforms into a liberated, heroic female who starts a movement that treats her like Our Lady of Guadalupe by the Mexicans...and the Oscar voters and media.
Bonus for the supporting role by Selena Gomez as the slutty, gold-digging wife of El Chapo/Our Lady of Guadalupe trans. Totally explains the recent tears for "my people."
As for the 19% score given by Rotten Tomatoes viewers, I believe Variety missed a golden opportunity to use the following classic headline: "Hix Nix De-dixed Sex Flix."
“Hollywood gets a wokeness wake-up call.”
A woke-up call.
Penis? Gone!
Vagina? Gone!
Cranium? Gone!
This is just Hollywood pushing its values on the rest of the country (world), as usual. They did it with antisemitsm (cf: Gentlemen's agreement), then racism, the Gays, and now we're on to Transgenders. People are just upset because they haven't been brainwashed enough.
Pretty soon, this will be the new normal, and we wont need bad propaganda movies about the poor transgenders. And Hollywood will move on to normalizing pedophilia or Polygamy or whatever they want.
As for the attacks on Islamic dress, well that was brave of her. Sorta. Now lets see her snark about Orthodox Jews. And see what happens. Or maybe tweet "Im Defcon 3 on the Jews". LOL.
Bad Old propaganda movies that were overpraised:
Gentlemen's Agreement - 1947
Broken Arrow - 1950
Judgement at Nurenberg - 1961
Guess who's coming to Dinner - 1967
Driving Miss Daisy
Broke back Mountain. Whenever
Philadelphia - whenever
Is this a Milkshake Duck situation? It seems like it.
you gonna finish Frank 2 about the same time I get started restoring my retired '75 Chevy work truck.
The tweets don't seem that bad. Not compared to what you can find on the internet any day of the week. The lesson, though, seems to be to let your publicist write your tweets/x-ings for you.
I wonder though, aren't French directors making movies about Mexican drug lords or American directors making movies about Russian mobsters doing cultural appropriation and deeply unwoke stereotyping? I remember watching Scandinavian crime shows. When the villains aren't Nazi Swedish aristocrats and industrialists, they are invariably Eastern Europeans. There may be a Muslim cop for PC cred, but the Russians and Serbians don't get that break.
It will be fun if this movie, and "actress" takes the awards. As said above, the looks on losers faces will be great. They all be smiling and clapping with tears of joy running down their faces. Hoist by their own retard.
Definitely worth recording.
Kinda against rules to criticize Muslims, 'cause they might kill ya. Christians and Jews, not so much.
In a social movement based on performative purity, no one is ever pure enough.
This is not a Hollywood movie. It's a foreign-language film that was made in France by French companies. Netflix paid $8 million for the North American distribution rights.
The AMPAS is itching to give it awards, but don't blame Hollywood for a movie they didn't make.
Bad, Peachy! Bad!
The script is finished and has been rewritten. I'll do one more rewrite and I'll take it to market for the last time. It is hard as hell for a complete unknown to sell a script.
Gregory Peck and John Garfield are excellent in Gentlemen's Agreement, a very good movie. And you'll be dismayed and bitter to learn that it was originally supposed to be about anti-black racism, but those Jews...IYKWIMAITYD.
Maybe they should give the film a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize, too, just to seal the deal.
Intersectionality is great until the inevitable collisions at the intersections.
If you want to watch a film that really looks at a transgender person w/an interesting, emotionally honest take, I highly recommend the unfortunately forgotten The Crying Game. It's mature, many-layered film that simultaneously functions as a thriller/romcom/political commentary. Stephen Rea and Jaye Davidson are excellent in it.
This weeks edition of, "When Tribes Collide".
The frequent disparity between positive critics' ratings and negative audience ratings has made Rotten Tomatoes worthless. The "critics" uncritically push the "Woke" garbage.
There's another bad Hollywood propaganda movie called "Crossfire" that came out at the same time as "GA". It too dealt with antisemitism, Big Bob Mitchum was running around killing Jews, for no reason. Robert Young finally arrests him, but no before giving an absurd speech about his Irish-American Granddaddy was lynched by American Proddy-stants "JUST FOR BEING IRISH". LOL!
The original story was about a Ex-GI killing Gays - which makes more sense. Since the Mitchum is always inviting Jews up to his hotel room for a drink and a strangle.
Just yesterday I was reading about a 14 year old girl named Hira Anwar, who was murdered by her father and uncle in an “honor killing” because she was active on TikTok and her father felt that her posts brought dishonor on the family. Her parents took her on vacation to his home country of Pakistan, but they never intended to bring her back alive.
Can Muslims coexist with the 21st century?
Dave, a pro tip from someone who has actually sold a script. Rewrite it again and rename it, "Frankentrans." And change your nom de plume to Marty Shelley. I'm serious. Come with me if you want to sell...
It's certainly going to put Academy voters in a quandary! Which liberal "protected class" are they going to reward?
I think even more poorly of "her" for apologizing for these eminently fair and reasonable comments than I do for her being a willing tool of the Gramscian termites who have been working for the past century to corrode the moral fiber of society.
Made in France, true enough. But from all the nominations it's garnered it's a movie that Hollywood wishes it 𝘩𝘢𝘥 made, as it aligns perfectly with the current mindset and sensibilities.
"Judgement at Nuremberg - 1961"
This is a decent watch solely because of Montgomery Clift's astounding minor performance. Judy Garland is good, too.
“New York, New York, 42nd Street
Hustlers rustle and pimps pimp the beat
Monty Clift is recognized at dawn
He ain't got no shoes and his clothes are torn
And everybody say, "Is he all right?"
And everybody say, "What's he like?"
And everybody say, "He sure look funny"
That's that Montgomery Clift, honey”
Love to see if this bites him in the behind.
Yes, brother, love Crossfire, good film noir! They should remake that one with the original gay storyline. One correction- Robert Ryan was the Jew-killer in Crossfire. He played a very menacing bad guy in a bunch of movies, like Bad Day at Black Rock and Act of Violence.
Get a room.
I for one approve of a movie that so disrespects a drug cartel boss. That said, I also see no need to ever see this movie. I doubt it will be as well received by the public as Crying Game, or even Kiss of the Spider Woman, Oscars or not. The long history of "transgressive" films that break social boundaries kind of peaked for me with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Different genre, same idea: give the audience not what they want, but what will disturb them, because it is "better" to disgust than entertain.
It's a transwoman (man) playing a transwoman (man).
^Jules Dash agrees with this strategy.^
I heard of an EGOT. I guess that would be a NOP. Or a PON. Right?
What a cast! Includes Bill Shatner, and Werner Klemperer!
Inconvenient fact-posting destroys career hopes.
Now they've found some of his tweets praised of Hitler and approved of the Holocaust. I guess we have no choice but to just ignore the cross dressing Nazi's posts. A cross dressing Nazi, how cliched.
That part of me would be very happy to not have a man win Best Actress.
Not me. I WANT him to win. Let them choke on the shit sandwich they're trying to force onto the rest of us.
One of the oddest things about Crossfire is that you'd think Big Bob Mitchum was the star. But he's not. Robert Young is the star. Ryan is the villian. And Robert Ryan (as stated above By M/F ) is the villian.
One of the funniest things about Hollywood is the would often cast the most liberal/left actors as the bigots. LIke Richard Widmark in "No way out" or Ryan in "Crosfire".
Judgement at Nurenberg - A concentration camp spectatular, with special guest star appearances by Monty Clift and Judy Garland. With Burt Lancaster as the Bad German, and Spenser Tracy as the hanging judge. You'll cry, You'll laugh. Its the movie everyone must see. Coming to theater near you!
Judgement at Nuremberg was later superceded by "Schindlers List". And of course, while Stanley Kramer made Judgement at Nuremberg for profit, Speilberg donated all his profit and salary to Jewish orphans. It was " a labor of love".
"so respected they are left with a little squared hole"
Sounds like the surgeon made a mistake.
I wonder why the Mexicans don’t like it, Que es mas macho?
“Robert Young finally arrests him, but no before giving an absurd speech about his Irish-American Granddaddy was lynched by American Proddy-stants "JUST FOR BEING IRISH".
Like the old story, Daddy, I knew when I told you I had become a prostitute you would throw me out of the house. Prostitute did you say? Come to me darlin, I thought you said Protestant!
No te muevas, maricon!
The film barely played in theaters in N. America, enough to qualify for film awards. But on Netflix. The French writer-director, 72, has had a long career going back to the eighties. But nothing like this.
The actor should have stuck to criticizing Republicans. Nobody in hollyweird would have held that against him.
I met my first adult MTF trans person a long time ago. The issue was that this person struggled to stay in character, and their behavior tended to alternate between stereotypically male and stereotypically female. (Plus it's hard to pull off "female" with a 6' tall, 200 pound body.) It's inherently disconcerting, as small children often behave as stereotypical boys or girls. This is obvious with toddlers even, with some coming across "boyish," "girly," or gay very early.
Forgotten? It was a landmark in lefty circles back then. It *HAD* an utterly shocking plot twist back upon release, but with the trendy gender fashions of today it is now anachronistic. As with the bikers, hippies, and rebels of 50 years ago, one must have dominant square and predictable norms for rebellion to mean anything or evoke a reaction. Today's cultural anarchy leads to "so what" reactions and avoidance of those trying to get attention.
A few years ago, the profoundly creepy"Power of the Dog" scored a record number of nominations (won 1). Critics gushed. "Production cost" (Tinsel Town synonym for "money laundering") was $35 - $45 million. Box office receipts were $417 K.
Linda Hunt played a MAN in "Year of Living Dangerously and won an Oscar for Best Supporting ACTRESS.
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