January 13, 2025

Governor Newsom's seesawing shoulders inject horror into the phrase "some ideas around some land use concerns... around speculators coming in."

Discussed at X, here.

How do you read that body language (and facial expression)? I'm seeing knowledge that speculators have already outrun him and cannot be stopped. What do you think?

That shoulder action seems to say: Everyone has always found me so cute, so I'll try being extra cute. It's all I've got.

ADDED: If Newsom had controlled his body language, I would have been inclined to think that he was getting ahead of the problem and that talking to the Governor of Hawaii — who dealt with the aftermath of the Maui fires — made a lot of sense.


Dave Begley said...

Weird. Vague. Super vague.

Lawnerd said...

Gavin is a strange duck. My only hope is that this fire kills his chances at the Presidency.

Tarrou said...

My god, I just had flashbacks to my interrogation class twenty-five years ago, specifically the part about "physical negation". Supposed to indicate no confidence in what is being said. Like shaking your head "no" while saying "yes". Normally the "wobble" motion is made with the hand, not the shoulders, but seems to work.

mezzrow said...

Needs a soundtrack - here you go...
Zappa - I'm So Cute

Dave Begley said...

Here’s the question I would have asked, “Governor, do you realize that the lack of water and failure to manage the brush is one of the biggest government fuck ups in history and it is your fault?”

Enigma said...

In Hawaii there are a bunch of locals/historical owners who don't have much money (Polynesian ancestry) and who depend on state programs to get a house or keep their houses. For 100+ years they've been manipulated by outside investors and ultra-wealthy people like Larry Ellison of Oracle. Larry owns the island of Lana'i.

In contrast, this Palisades fire hit many ultra wealth residents of L.A. The folks in L.A. were likely the exact same outside interlopers who tried to get deals on the burned down houses in Hawaii.

Newsom is seesawing because he knows the hypocrisy, and sees a leftist circular firing squad in progress.

Mary Beth said...


RideSpaceMountain said...

Looks like excitement to me, but he's a sadist, so...

Mr. Forward said...

I saw another segment of the same interview and the strange body language continues. Like a combination of a coked up sign language translator and Tim Walz.

Shouting Thomas said...

New, absolutely crazy “conspiracy theory.” There has been a long running campaign to transform Palisades into high density, high rise community zoning, instead of the current residential single family zoning. The theory is that the arson torching was deliberate and the culmination of this campaign.

Ray Visotski said...

He looks way too happy to be discussing the situation at hand. Not a very measured response.

Heartless Aztec said...

Classic Frank. Good call Mezz...

Heartless Aztec said...

Classic Frank. Good call Mezz...

Heartless Aztec said...

One word: meds

Sella Turcica said...

Governor Newsom disputes many accusations of government mismanagement and negligence.


Are these statements factual?

RideSpaceMountain said...

He's a democrat, of course he's not going to let a crisis go to waste! Crises make them so giddy! Seesaw their shoulders giddy!

Old and slow said...

He's high. It's unconscious behavior.

Oso Negro said...

From the mountains to the sea, California shall be free!

Old and slow said...

Upzoning would be the intelligent response to this catastrophe, but it probably won't happen. These people are his friends and donors.

Clyde said...

Remindedme of the Peter Strzok wiggle in front of Congress. Another oily snake.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Excellent comparison.

Captain BillieBob said...

We need one of those body language experts to tell us what all those nervous gyrations mean.

Leland said...

I suspect arson was involved and therefore deliberate, but I’m not sure the fire starter had any grand motivations.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Arson is already confirmed in the Kenneth fire and highly suspected in the Palisades fire. The arsonist's grand motivation was "to fuck the whole world over", which is a very very California thing to do.

Leland said...

LIE – California’s smelt fish policy led to the Southern California wildfires

This is an outlandish connection to make. The policy is not about water availability in Southern California.
Broadly, there is no water shortage in Southern California right now, despite Trump’s claims that he would open some imaginary spigot.
Orange County Water District, which supplies groundwater to the north half of the county, has enough supply to carry its 2.5 million customers through the worst of any potential droughts for 3 to 5 years.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California also has an abundance, with a record 3.8 million acre-feet of water in storage. That’s enough water to supply 40 million people for a year.

Seems argumentative and non-responsive to the issue.
I also wasn’t aware that Pacific Palisades was in the northern part of Orange County. Is there any part of Orange County suffering uncontrolled wildfires at this time?

lamech said...

Newsom makes no sense, on economics

On Meet the Press, Newsom stated that he wanted to ensure that tax assessments stay the same after rebuilding. But, then he also asserts that more stringent, higher quality, more modern building standards will be applied, which SHOULD change tax assessments.
His policies will make living in those areas more expensive, which seems rational – so why not embrace it rather than misdirect/mislead.
Newsom Meet the Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekEMq5dVZb0

Newsom’s body language, especially hand movements, in the Meet the Press interview also struck me, as highly choreographed, such as through media consultants.

Finally, the Meet the Press interview had me thinking of Terry Jones/Sir Bedevere asking Q: “How do you know he is an asshole?” A: “He looks like one!!”

Nancy said...

No sense on economics: he's extending regulations against "price gouging" i..e. materials going to highest and best use.

Cheryl said...

That man is completely incompetent. It's astonishing.

Jeff Vader said...

He looks to be on something

Howard said...

Yeah that was really really disturbing. It's pretty hard to control your subconscious mind. This is a man who knows his career is over his reputation even among his most ardent supporters as evaporated

Howard said...

More likely he's sleep deprived

JAORE said...

[If I had not seen evidence of his worthless, extravagant management style over the past decades,] " I would have been inclined to think that he was getting ahead of the problem".
Show me a problem solved by Mayor, Lt. Governor and Governor Newsom.
I can certainly show problems where billions have been spent (homeless, high speed rail, drug use, wild fires, Covid, etc) to no avail.
And, per his body language, toss in that little grin of his while addressing the horrors of the fires...

rhhardin said...

Speculators give money to victims.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Lol, watch him survive this. Between the completely braindead domesticated CA cattle and the media to run interference for him (they already tried this weekend pinning this on climate change) he'll run for POTUS in 28'. When someone asks him in 2028 about the LA fires he'll say "what fires?".

Sally327 said...

He reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Jamie said...

Looks like excitement to me, but he's a sadist, so...

I have no opinion on whether he's a sadist, but I also thought he looked excited. It's strange that in his years governing the state with the, what is it now, sixth largest economy in the world, he hasn't learned to school his expressions. Don't smile when your state is burning. Even if at that moment you're thanking the firefighters, don't smile.

Old and slow said...

Good call. That is exactly who he reminds me of now that you point it out.

wendybar said...

Funny that~~!!!

Geiger Capital
Gavin Newsom admitting that California’s excessive permits and bureaucratic red tape can be removed overnight and they just choose to make their citizen’s lives more difficult and expensive.
Gavin Newsom
NEW: Just issued an Executive Order that will allow victims of the SoCal fires to not get caught up in bureaucratic red tape and quickly rebuild their homes.

We are also extending key price gouging protections to help make rebuilding more affordable.
1:46 PM · Jan 12, 2025

MartyH said...

He’s just realized he won’t be able to snag the beachfront property he had his eye on…

Howard said...

You might be right about the depth of California's stupidity, but the DNC won't allow him to run for President in '28. JD will be tough to beat, especially if DOGE is successful.

Breezy said...

If the Federal govt (in other words, all of us) are paying 100% of the next 6 months of resources there, then we should demand majority share of the decision-making going on there. We can’t be doing this huge recovery without requiring sane water and development procedures that would mitigate risk of a repeat of this catastrophe.

Howard said...

It looked more like the reaction of a homely girl being asked to the prom by the homecoming king.

narciso said...

What a shameless jackass

narciso said...


Aggie said...

Yes. The irrepressible joy that a sociopath feels when he's certain that he's beat out the normal people, outmaneuvered them yet again. He shouldn't be so sure of himself, but being sure of himself is what has gotten Gavin where he is today, and he sees a long, wide road ahead of him

RideSpaceMountain said...

...if the homecoming king was developers.

ga6 said...

That is a per-orgasmic twitch as his lizard brain is calculating how much he, his extended family, and cronies are going to make as they buy up condemned land, establish building material firms, etc. After all he is a blood member o the clan Pelosi.

RideSpaceMountain said...

You hear that Kamala, Howard and millions of others still think you have a chance! 2028 is your year! 3rd time's the charm!

The Skeptic said...

Speculation is nothing more than a willing buyer offer a willing seller a price for an asset--both parties benefit. The fact that down the road one party may do better than the other is immaterial. If you don't want to sell your property to a "speculator," don't. Easy peasy. Speculators take huge business risks and the best way to kill a market is to confiscate the "windfall" profits that make taking that risk worthwhile. You need speculators for a market to work--but Newsom and Pelosi and their ilk hate markets (unless they have inside information). They're more into grifting.

RideSpaceMountain said...

California is the 5th largest economy in the world, they should not need any help. I'm of the opinion that this a 100% Californicated mess that needs a 100% Californicated solution.

Breezy said...

Agreed. However Biden has already signed off on Fed support, 100% for six months. It’s where we are, afaik.

Temujin said...

I've seen him use this a few other times. Yes, it is Cute Gavin at work. Look at me, don't hear me.

ga6 said...

I wish that at his next press interview someone would ask him if the French Laundry has burned and if not why not.

mikee said...

This crisis will be used to rezone places like Palisades into high density housing along transportation corridors, so the proles can live in rentals and take the bus to work.

Iman said...

Governor Hair Gel needs to have Adam Carolla tear him a new asshole, like Carolla did back in 2013 (see YouTube video). And then he needs to either resign or be recalled.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Governor Bateman wouldn't be caught dead at the French Laundry. Too easy to get a reservation. He prefers the exclusivity of Dorsia...virtually impossible for tourists to get a reservation.

Narayanan said...

have you even seen a grown man ....

RCOCEAN II said...

Very strange body movement and very effeminate. Maui and SoCal are two very different situations. Most of the people in SoCal are rich already, who cares if they get bought out. And they should have high density housing. They wanted cheap nannies, well they have to live somewhere.

OTOH, Maui had lots of working class folks who were providing the labor for tourist industry. They need protection.

Narayanan said...

with an extra bonus ass hole what kind of trans will he be?

Narayanan said...

let's wait and see if any re-building activity emerges in these areas
those whose house survived will have memnorable views for a long time

No Name said...

Don't forget a LOT of LA property-owners owned their properties for decades, when LA was still a middle-class kind of town. Now, a 70 year-old original condition two-bedrm one bath wood-frame vinyl-sided tinderbox starter home costs $1.3+ million. A lot of wildfire-destroyed homes won't be rebuilt by their current owners due to lack of adequate property insurance coverage, high construction costs, high building material costs, long permit lead-times (if ever issued), long construction lead-times, and likely shortages of building materials, construction workers and contractors, construction equipment. Then add draconian bureaucracy by LA city, LA county, and CA regulatory agencies.

No Name said...

California/LA planning & zoning regulators are ready to implement "15-minute" high-density rental housing in these destroyed neighborhoods. It's a progressive-liberal land-planner's wet dream.

No Name said...

Probably not deliberate arson by progressive-liberal government regulatory agencies, but absolutely enabled by lax policing of homeless population. On record, more than half (54% supposedly) of LA fires are now caused by homeless folks intentionally setting fires. Regulators likely anticipated availability soon of large tract redevelopment parcels, due to major fire episodes, to create new neighborhood enclaves of high-density housing. This redevelopment policy direction is absolutely tied to deliberately poor land management and intentional prohibition of brush-clearing landscape maintenance.

Iman said...

That's the night that the lights went out for Gavin
That's the night that they hung a guilty as sin man
Well, don't trust your state to no hair-gelled snake oil salesman
'Cause the governor of this state got bloodstains on his hands

No Name said...

Newsom is punch-drunk from his significant national media coverage during wildfires. Reporters are still treating him with respect and deference. He sees sugar plum fairies, fresh 2028 presidential campaign opportunities.

Iman said...

A highly sought after trans is my guess.

Bob Boyd said...

He's excited about how much money he's going to make and how much power he has being the one in control of what happens to that land going forward.
Never let a crisis go to waste.

Enigma said...

Per the Wikipedia history, Pacific Palisades has been an elite community since effectively after its modern development in the 1920s:


L.A. proper was largely middle-class, but the area from the Hollywood Hills -- Beverly Hills -- Brentwood -- Santa Monica and over to Malibu has been prime real estate for a very long time.

I personally have zero sympathy for the long-term property owners, as they benefited from Proposition 13 at the expense of everyone else. "I got mine. You go away." Similar greedy and lazy logic is used to extend copyright laws to support family income streams forever and ever.

reader said...

Once again the people of these areas voted for the people that put these rules in place or voted on the rules themselves…because the rules pretty much kept everything frozen and protected existing homeowners. Newcomers or change was delayed or forbidden. Now these people would have to work with the rules they put in place (or allowed to be put in place) and suddenly they aren’t necessary or for a valid purpose?

One set of rules for everybody. Don’t waive them, get rid of them. Or make the people who created the mess have to deal with it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Probably not deliberate arson by progressive-liberal government regulatory agencies"

The red-skied hot-winded night is young...

Lazarus said...

Lesdyxia strikes again. Or maybe it's a childhood stammer.

I don't think Gavin meant to say that he was working with his legal team to move the plans of speculators to buy up all the land forward, but that's how it came out.

What's with his up-and-down, side-to-side shoulder movement? Hasn't he learned anything from Tim Wlaz's misfortunes? Avoid any "flamboyant" body language.

Quaestor said...

Newsom's body language shouts one thing loud and clear: HAIR GEL.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

His weird smiling and shoulder-rocking is also eerily reminiscent of the way Mayor Bass was smiling in talking about the fires this past weekend. Is this some new democrat gaslighting technique? It's weird as fuck.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Question: If there's no reasonable prospect for rebuilding these devastated areas within the foreseeable future, and therefore if the people directly hit have to relocate, what implications does/should that have in terms of federal disaster relief?

Prof. M. Drout said...

Why are these people so freaking weird?!?
Kamala Harris can't talk like a normal person. The Mayor of Los Angeles with her slack-jawed stare for 2 minutes or her totally weird grinning while talking and reading out "U. R. L." Tim Waltz with the prancing and the "knucklehead" thing and there's too many weird things to list.
Hochul and Whitmer both sound like they're auditioning to be the next Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS. Bob Dole was unable to use the pronoun "I". George W. Bush couldn't speak a sentence longer than 10 words.
Why are we being ruled by mutants?

ga6 said...


RideSpaceMountain said...

in 2024, $153 billion of California's budget was federal money, more than 1/3rd of their entire budget and larger than 37 other states combined. I don't know about others, but I think they've got enough.

FredSays said...

The smile, almost laughing, and the rocking shoulders seem to mock the Hawaiian governor’s concerns as not applicable in his California.

Howard said...

More like the lack of astroglide.

Oh Yea said...

He didn’t mention it on this clip but you can see him in others desperately inviting Trump to get involved so Newsom can blame Trump and the federal government when redevelopment goes south.

Oh Yea said...

He didn’t mention it on this clip but you can see him in others desperately inviting Trump to get involved so Newsom can blame Trump and the federal government when redevelopment goes south.

Fred Drinkwater said...

First thing I saw was his hair. Or rather, the hair gel.

Fred Drinkwater said...

The California Coastal Commission will have the final word, and its mostly going to be "No".

Captain BillieBob said...

How much red tape was cut to rebuild in Paradise Ca.after the Camp Fire. If I recall correctly every home site was considered as like a super fund site. What is the status of the rebuild, is it all rebuilt or are they still waiting on permits. If history is any guide it'll take years to rebuild.

Captain BillieBob said...

Decades even.

RideSpaceMountain said...

You can take the mutant out of hollyweird, but you can't take the hollyweird out of the mutant.

The entire state is practically a "They Live" commercial.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Strzok. I will NEVER forget that scum. Or another: Alex Vindman

Skeptical Voter said...

Best advice I heard for Mayor Bass and Governor Newsom is that they should not get on a jet for the next few years. Stay home and take care of business instead of gallivanting around the world.

Ann Althouse said...

I recommend that Newsom shave his head or at least get a crew cut. That would be penance, that would be forswearing the cuteness that’s apparently gotten him way too far. We could listen to what he actually has to say substantively and see what happens. Take it from there.

Eva Marie said...

OMG He is the male Kamala. Listen to the blah blah blah and look at those hand gestures. Total Kamala:

Captain BillieBob said...

And turn it into hair shirt and force him to wear it.

Big Mike said...

If Newsom had controlled his body language, I would have been inclined to think that he was getting ahead of the problem and that talking to the Governor of Hawaii — who dealt with the aftermath of the Maui fires — made a lot of sense.

I assume he contacted Governor Josh Green to find out how large a kickback he should expect from the land speculators.

Really, Democrats, Karen Bass, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris are the best you’ve got? Maybe you ought to close the doors on the DNC and just go home.

Wince said...

Newsom is a skier. A charitable reading of his body language is that he was expressing the Governor of Hawaii told him how to navigate the ins and outs, twists and turns of what can be expected in this situation.

Eva Marie said...

“Really, Democrats, Karen Bass, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris are the best you’ve got?
They also have David Hogg. Tim Walz wants him to be DNC vice chair .

RideSpaceMountain said...

Travel is the least of their worries. I recommend fashionable body-armor and growing eyes in the back of their heads for Luigi Mangione copycats. Simple statistics would suggest tens, if not hundreds, of new CA Luigis just found their life's motivation starting last week.

Captain BillieBob said...

He must be a piss poor skier turning his shoulders like that. You use your lower body to turn not you upper body.

Original Mike said...

At this point, the best course for homeowners of modest means is probably to sell out to "speculators" and use the cash to settle elsewhere. But Newsome will make sure they don't have that option.

Ralph L said...

He's trying out poses for the colossal statue of himself that he plans for his new 100 acre home in west LA.

Jupiter said...

I would say he is just delighted to have discovered a way to posture as the defender of the populace against wealthy developers. He knew there was a political pony somewhere! He is also savoring the idea of the hefty donations he can expect from those wealthy developers.

NeggNogg said...

This is the body language of a teenage cheerleader flirting w/the captain of the football team.

RideSpaceMountain said...

He could polish it to a glossy shine. From Hair Gel Hero to Plastic Fantastic, come on Barbie let's go party!

Leland said...

Shave his head and have him walk around in public with a person behind him ringing a bell shouting “shame!”.

MayBee said...


Leland said...

Having read more about Newsom’s activity over the weekend, I sense a land grab. He’s announcing a “Marshall Plan”, which was what the US government put together to rebuild Japan. Except when asked about the plan, he didn’t seem to have anymore detail than a title. I suspect the other detail is that the original Marshall Plan involved the transfer of a lot of tax dollars to Japan. The other part is who controls the rebuilding.

From this interview, I think he is looking forward to fully controlling the rebuilding. Lots of kickbacks from developers to contractors. I think the individual homeowners won’t be able to compete.

James K said...

I see it mainly as saying "I'm so proud of myself that I can say something that sounds like I'm being decisive and effective," while in fact he is just giddy at the prospect of a power grab.

Captain BillieBob said...

In addition to being a piss poor governor

Enigma said...

Many will want the 15-minute rule, high density housing, bike lanes, etc. However, the rich and near-rich in this area are the most hardcore NIMBYs possible. They bet their fortunes on real estate -- their specific houses -- and it's often the only way they have to fund retirement and their lifestyles. They will fiercely resist anything that would harm property values.

This is where California's true left may split from the money-left who use the left's agenda for personal enrichment and to block changes. This replicates the Israel vs. Palestine leftist split.

Enigma said...

"California: The land of fruits and nuts"

RideSpaceMountain said...

He is unburdened by what has been burned.

AZ Bob said...

Prices go up with demand. I have a friend who manages rental properties in pricey Newport Beach, CA. He said he is getting a flood of calls from people burned out of Pacific Palisades looking for a house to rent. One of the draws is the reputation that area has for public schools.

I am told by another realtor in Altadena that most people are not going to rebuild. Taylor's Meat Market in Sierra Madre lost its power Tuesday night and lost all its meat. The owner is said to be selling his business.

My home was spared but were are living out of a suitcase. Actually it a bag with some underwear and t-shirts. No electricity or water. But the toxic pollution from burning houses is was frightens me. We will hire cleaning professionals before returning to live in our home.

We were lucky but many of our friends lost their homes.

TaeJohnDo said...

"...reimagining LA ...." LA is even more screwed than ever. Woke reimagine equals a dystopian landscape for the middle class and poor.

Hassayamper said...

That will make a devastating ad for the Vance or DeSantis campaign of 2028.

JaimeRoberto said...

He talked to the governor of Hawaii the same way he was already talking with Biden, not at all.

JaimeRoberto said...

When I become dictator I will ban the word "reimagine".

Rusty said...

Leland. Orange County is nowhere near Pacific Palisades.

JaimeRoberto said...

The smelt thing is a bit of a red herring (pun intended) in this specific case. I think 50% of the water in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers is required to flow to the ocean. 40% is used by agriculture and 10% residential. Allegedly the lakes around LA are pretty full after two wet years. But like politics, all water is local, and that one local reservoir was empty because its cover needed repairs, and apparently it's been down since about April. I'd like to know how long it takes to repair a cover. I'm guessing not long for the actual work, and a lot of time to get through the red tape and procurement process including the DEI requirements of getting quotes from diverse suppliers.

Skeptical Voter said...

Newsom will solve the homeless crisis by building Section 8 housing in the fire cleared Pacific Palisades.

Richard Dolan said...

Focusing on 'speculators' seems more about messaging and agenda than it does the problem at hand. Perhaps there were some low-income areas devastated by these fires, but the news accounts have talked mostly about upscale areas like Pacific Palisades and Malibu. Those folks are well able to decide for themselves whether to sell at whatever price the market will currently provide, or to hold out and try to rebuild, subject to all the risks posed by California enviro/building regulations that may make that a long and difficult prospect. As in Maui (Hawaii is another one-party Dem state), looking for the boogie-man is also a way not to talk how the folks running the place (that would be Newsom and other Dems) failed to take obvious preventative measures and failed to prune back governmental roadblocks that stopped those measures from being effective.

Lots of chatter right now about the need for competence from those in leadership. Not seeing that with Newsom.

Yancey Ward said...

You can see what the Democrats are going to try to do going forward- by next week it will be a full on media blitz that the fire was the result of evil insurance companies, oil companies, and real estate developers; and you will see Bass and Newsom on television everywhere talking about their plans to persecute those responsible for this fire.

Darkisland said...

JD will be tough to beat, especially if DOGE is successful.

The idea of a VP running for president is pretty new. Between 12A which changed the vice presidency and Nixon, only 2 sitting VPs ran. Van Buren who won and Breckenridge who lost. 2 others tried but failed to be nominated. Wallace ran 3rd party so probably doesn't count.

Of the VPs who did run, only 2 won. Of VPs who did get into the Oval via death, resignation, none were able to get reelected to a second full term. Except Nixon who could not get through a second full term.

Except for Coolidge, no former VP has had a very successful presidency.

So Howard is right, the demmies should be plumping starting now for JDV to be the 28 candidate. Even Newsome would be able to beat him.

I like Vance, I think he will be a good VP. I hope he will be an active Senate President. But legislators make lousy executives. It is a different skill- and mind-set.

But Vance will be great for demmies to run against.

John Henry

James K said...

And maybe getting some more insurance execs murdered. Kamala already got the ball rolling a couple of days ago with comments leaving the impression that policies were canceled recently.

Darkisland said...

Should have been "death, resignation and hiatus" (Nixon and Biden)

John Henry

Darkisland said...

How does the state prevent me from selling my lot to anyone I damn well please? How is that legal or constitutional?

I suspect that a lot of those homes will be turned in to banks. Will Newsome prevent the banks from selling the burnt out lots?

Another, sort of related, issue: Who cleans up the burnt out remains? If I don't have insurance, I may not have the money to do it. Cleanup may cost more than the lot is worth.

Does the state hound me into bankruptcy tryng to make me? If I just walk away, does the state have any recourse other than seizing the land?

John Henry

Bruce Hayden said...

Agree with BillieBob. Moving your upper body will just skid the tails of your skis. That was ok with the old straight skis. But the newer shaped skis are designed to carve. That said, I do find myself still rotating in deep snow, because there is no surface to carve on. But then, in CO, we rarely had enough really deep snow to get good at skiing it.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"Except for Coolidge, no former VP has had a very successful presidency."

Jefferson did. TR did. HST arguably did. Nixon's presidency was successful, he just crashed due to scandal. GHWB's presidency was hardly a failure, he just lost in a three-way race to the greatest retail politician of his generation.

I'm not sure there's anything about the job/role of VP that makes them more unlikely to succeed as president than presidential candidates who weren't VPs.

Bruce Hayden said...

Well, insurance police’s were not renewed. Canceling, per se, would be a big no no. So, your homeowners insurance renews every year, until, as here in S CA, the insurance company doesn’t offer you a renewal. Last year, a number of insurance companies announced their exit from the CA market because the Insurance Commission denied their requests for adequate rate increases, to cover increased payouts, caused, in great part, by idiotic environmental policies, plus the utility regulators denying the electric utilities adequate rate increases to cover the costs of maintaining their electric infrastructure (which ultimately helped cause more debilitating wild fires).

So, technically, the policies were non-renewed, and not canceled. The homeowners had plenty of notice of this, but not a lot of alternatives were available, given that this was a general problem faced by the entire industry. Newsom and Harris shouldn’t have been surprised at this - companies cannot stay in business if they can’t at least cover their costs with revenues. And CA regulators weren’t allowing them to do that.

Captain BillieBob said...

"Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way, turn"

FullMoon said...

"I personally have zero sympathy for the long-term property owners, as they benefited from Proposition 13 at the expense of everyone else. "I got mine. You go away." Similar greedy and lazy logic is used to extend copyright laws to support family income streams forever and ever."

Sure, all the old retired Social Security geezers who should be paying taxes on their house valued over a million in a 60 year old neighborhood should be paying 12,000 a year or more in taxes like the high tech millionaire newcomers across the street.
Thaen the govt would have enough money to do the right thing, for sure.

FullMoon said...

How many fire insurance policies cover living expenses while home is rebuilt? Normal people have lost their home, their clothes, their second car, their computers, tv, food appliances, furniture and everything they couldn't carry away in a hurry.
How do normal middle class or retired people survive for 2 or 3 or 4 years while home is being rebuilt?

FullMoon said...

Homes destroyed in Paradise fire in Northern California six years ago still have not been rebuilt.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Firstly, it appears Governor Latex has found out about his moratorium powers and is going to make good use of them now considering he didn't lift an executive finger before any of this happened (except when Xi JinPing visited SFO...then it was all fingers on deck clearing out the homeless). Secondly, it isn't legal or constitutional but they're going to do it anyway knowing they can bind owners up in the legal system for months if not years. They will put the onus on owners to prove their actions constitute a 'taking'.

If it comes to mass liquidation, the banks will do what they did in the 07-08 financial crisis by putting large swaths of their exposure into new corps expressly created for that purpose, ideally with the goal of selling of said 'swaths' en masse for cash to offset their losses, which incidentally they will write off for tax purposes.

If other cities and their municipal codes are a guide, the owners are responsible for the aftermath. This will be a lovely shit sandwich of owners, insurance companies, local government, and banks (if involved) trying to figure out the legality of who does what, when, and how, and will assuredly require one of the aforementioned parties to concede/subordinate in order to move forward. If history is a guide, the owners will be that loser.

I believe a large number of the homeowners in some of these areas won't go bankrupt despite all this damage their net worths are that high, but that's a double-edged sword politically. In other words, there's going to be a scramble by everyone affected to be first in line to get their problems fixed first, and everyone can't be first, so it just becomes about resources again.

Not only do I believe California would seize the land, I have almost no doubt that the state, county, and the cities WOULD LOVE TO EMINENT DOMAIN these people right out of some of the priciest and most desirable real estate in the country. That state is packed with lawyers (some of the probably lost their houses) that would love to make an argument for "higher and better use" to be made whole again by some developer.

California is where sanity goes to die.

boatbuilder said...
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effinayright said...

The Marshall Plan was to rebuild Western Europe, not Japan.

Peachy said...

Immature entitled Newsom would rather pick a fight with Elon Musk - than - you know -be an adult with responsibility.

Peachy said...

The Lahaina fire - people were trapped in their cars because the officials told the police to block the exits. That's how bad the democrats in Hawaii are.
Incompetence doesn't cover it.

Peachy said...

Idiot Newsum gleefully tore down many dams. Just stupid.

Peachy said...

Gavin is the Obedient Leftist Vanity Project. We are all required to marvel at him.

Peachy said...


Darkisland said...

Prior to 12A in 1810 the VP was chosen differently which is why I exclude those. There are those who think TR had a successful presidency and I go back and forth on that. Probably not but YMMV. In hindsight, 75 years later, Truman has been somewhat rehabilitated. I would still argue that is was unsuccessful.

The presidency is the mother of all executive jobs. Spending money, hiring and firing people, developing and supervising strategy and tactics. Pretty much everything a Senator is not. TR, Coolidge, Bush had executive experience. Biden, Obama, Gore, Mondale, Humphrey, Nixon, LBJ, Truman did not.

As I said, it is a different skill and mind set. Neither necessarily better or worse, just different.

The Peter Principle gives examples of great teachers being promoted to lousy principals or great analysts being promoted to lousy managers. Not quite the same thing but analogous.

John Henry

Peachy said...

That is a very Rush Limbaugh idea. If he were still alive - I bet he would read that aloud on his show.

Peachy said...


Enigma said...

@FullMoon: The social-security geezers would move out, make an absolute fortune on the sale, and live very happy lives elsewhere. The next generation of productive earners might then compete for a similar lifestyle during their working careers. The state may then stop managing itself with short-sighted voter initiatives and force their elected officials to come back to reality. Proposition 13 started very bad electoral habits and led to a whole bunch of stupid laws. Removing all voter initiatives would put much heavier pressure on Sacramento.

As it stands today, social security geezers pay $800 per year on a $1M house, while the 30-year-old couple with two young children next door pay $10,000 per year. They then get frustrated by being owned by dumpy houses they can barely afford and move to Texas. The state is then incentivized to import the Latino servant class to care for the old establishment. Many retired 65-year-olds in California spend their energy strategizing on how to block growth and development, and how to best maintain property values. Aggressively. I've witnessed cranky-old-guy NIMBY greed many times.

FullMoon said...

Six years later,Paradise still a mess. Building stymied by codes requiring upgrades, among other things.

Aggie said...

This was a campaign promise made by Bass in order to get elected. Broken many times since, of course. 3 trips to the Paris Olympics, alone. Taxpayers dime, maybe from the fire budget? You could look it up.

Peachy said...


Bunkypotatohead said...

He's growing into his role as American Psycho.

Kirk Parker said...

the greatest retail politician of his generation.

This is how I know I am of a completely different species. The moment I saw Billy Jeff I thought, "Slimeball. Scumbag. Run for the exits! No, wait, we better count the spoons first."

What in any other place than the depths of hell was there anything "great" about Clinton?

stlcdr said...

It’s like this is the first time that California has seen a wildfire. Gotta give them a break for being unprepared.

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