January 6, 2025

"Every bone in my body has always told me to fight because I care deeply about Canadians."

Said Justin Trudeau, quoted in "Canada Live Updates: Trudeau Is Stepping Down as Party Leader and Prime Minister/Justin Trudeau, who has led the country for nearly a decade, is giving up leadership of the Liberal party. He said he would remain in both roles until his replacement has been chosen through a party election" (NYT).


FormerLawClerk said...

Remember ... this is the asshole who shut down the bank accounts of farmers protesting absurd environmental regulations. He literally stole their money. Canadian men should drag him into the center square and publicly lynch him.

Unfortunately, there aren't any Canadian men left.

rhhardin said...

Gary was the last tolerable liberal Trudeau

Kakistocracy said...

He took the Liberal party too far to the left just like the Democrats in the US. He no longer represented the vast majority of Canadians. Approval rating of 20%.. The people are tired of it. He’s out and Canada is to benefit from his leaving.

A country gifted with so many natural resources, especially energy, vacant land and huge agricultural areas, should not be experiencing such large increases in the cost of living.

Kevin said...

Bans on plastic straws hardest hit.

Peachy said...

Castro's mini-me was a complete arrogant tyrant dickhead during covid.
bye, jerk.

Iman said...

au revoir, dustbin doodoo!

PM said...

Always liked his name - reminded me of Dudley Do-Right.

gilbar said...

Trudeau and he party were on the verge of being kicked out; so he resigned, But, (from the WSJ)

"Trudeau said he will stay on as prime minister until the party picks a new leader, a process that could take months. He also moved to suspend the current session of the legislature, to avoid facing a no-confidence vote in Parliament."

So, instead a vote, and a new government..
Trudeau will remain.. FOR MONTHS
and their legislature has been "suspended" ..

Nice system of "government" they have up there!

Tom T. said...

Stepping down but not stepping down.

Readering said...

Nearly a decade enough for anyone.

David53 said...

He should have listened more closely to the people of Canada and not the bones in his body.

Peachy said...

So - screw the people, once again. geeez - what a typical leftist a-hole.

BarrySanders20 said...

I heard an intertubes "rumour" that he assumed his brother Raul would succeed him.

Big Mike said...

I almost died on a vacation to Canada in 2022 because, thanks to a Trudeau’s obsession with. COVID, because I had a URT infection but it wasn’t. COVID do the doctors gave me a prescription cough syrup and sent me on my way into the boondocks. Finally in tiny Jasper an ER doctor diagnosed me with pneumonia. But I’m still alive and he’ll soon be gone.

And no, he never gave a damn about ordinary Canadians. He took his marching orders from globalist oligarchs eager to rape that country’s natural resources.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "He took the Liberal party too far to the left just like the Democrats in the US."


Abacus Boy Rich is trying to reposition himself on this blog after 4 straight years of non-stop gaslighting BS!

Too funny.

You're gonna need another name change or two to try and drop you record down the well established hack leftist memory hole.

tim maguire said...

Canada has 3 major parties—the conservatives on the right, the liberals in the centre, and the NDP on the left. It was predictable that the Liberals would bleed voters on the right as Trudeau moved them in an authoritarian-left direction, but he could have expected to poach voters from the NDP to make up for it.

But not only has that not happened, the NDP has lost support as well. The Block Quebec, a party whose sole platform is Quebec separatism, could wind up the #2 party in Parliament.

Iman said...

Stepping down but not stepping out.

Skeptical Voter said...

Lil Justin is getting out of Dodge before getting kicked out of Dodge. Or more accurately is promising to get out of Dodge at some later time. I won't miss him when he's gone. And I suspect most Canadians won't miss him either. But he did look sorta cute dressed up in India. And the ladies probably liked that.

Gusty Winds said...

until his replacement has been chosen through a party election - What does this mean? I'm not familiar. Is there a national election where the Canadian people vote and Pierre Poilievre has a chance, or does the liberal party just install another shithead?? Anybody know their process?

Ice Nine said...

It must be the u and the e that they have in common.

tcrosse said...

I await a Poilievre/Trump meeting.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

After what he did to the protesting truckers, Trudeau should be swinging from a lamppost. I'd kinda accept him being in prison.

It just goes to show how far the left is willing to go to destroy their political opponents. And no "good" liberals stood up to this authoritarianism tells me there are no good liberals anymore.

The Mouse that Roared said...

The head of the party is the PM, so when the Liberal Party elects a new head, they will become PM until the next general election.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Sophie Grégoire looks as though she might be nice.

Aggie said...

You have to go pretty far down the NYT page to get past the 'Saint Castro's Passion' part, to the 'suspending the legislature' part, which is just before the 'vote of no confidence instantaneous loss-of-power problem' part. Freeland's Teutonic lips are chapped from licking them so much, but my money's on Poilievre, as are my hopes. Canada needs a change very badly, before they become North America's Europe.

Kakistocracy said...

Bring out the Gimp....Most observers say that being drunk at 11 am is a sign of a serious drinking problem. But at Althouse's blog, they aren't so sure. 🤣🤣

tcrosse said...

A general election has to occur before October. The leader of the party with the most seats in the house gets to form a government, or failing that to cobble together a coalition to govern.

Kakistocracy said...

You can either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Guess this quote was coined for Justin Trudeau.

FormerLawClerk said...

Almost every Canadian carries a weapon in the bush. They deserve the government they allow.

Mr. T. said...

Congratulations Rich on figuring out what we all knew 8 years ago.

No doubt you have been busy scrubbing your hardrive all this time to not notice until now.

Mr. T. said...

Congratulations Rich on figuring out what we all knew 8 years ago.

No doubt you have been busy scrubbing your hardrive all this time to not notice until now.

Iman said...

Just keep teh back bacon and Molson Gold coming, please!

Mr. T. said...

Now where will the violent, Neostalinist Hamas-loving blue-haired Gen Z leftists going to flee to now, if they can't threaten to move to Canada now that the Liberals and Left are imploding.

FormerLawClerk said...

As usual, the media isn't reporting the story accurately. Trudeau hasn't resigned. He has merely claimed that he will resign - at some time in the future - but he did just disband the entire Legislature to prevent them from taking votes.

Sounds like Hitler to me.

Iman said...

Low-hanging fruit.

Ralph L said...

The worst part is that he's young enough to return to power in a decade or so after the demographics change some more. Next PM needs to eject most of the imported people before they get citizenship or birth more babies.

Gusty Winds said...

@Mouse that Roared - What triggers the next general election?

Paul Zrimsek said...

His funny bone seems to do most of the talking.

wendybar said...

The Drunk Republican
Jan 6:
- Kamala has to certify election
- Trudeau steps down

It’s official, there are now 13 days of Christmas.
10:27 AM · Jan 6, 2025

Wince said...

Not sure he's had as many bones in his body as Margaret Trudeau, but he's still got time.

Kakistocracy said...

Trudeau should have to face voters in an election. This is the only way he will get a sense of how badly he has let Canada down. Proroguing Parliament and having a leadership contest is not in the best interests of the Country.

Enigma said...

Cuba will be hit hardest by Castreau's departure.

Iman said...


tcrosse said...

Whomever the Liberal Party choose as their new leader will be the one facing the voters indirectly in the next election.

Jerry said...

I'm pretty sure he's going to do as much damage as possible on the way out. Let's see - mandating the decommissioning/destruction of oil and gas infrastructure and shutting down gas-fired power plants, spend billions on solar farms, quadruple taxes on gas and diesel, double taxes on food and consumer goods to pay for the solar farms (which are exceptionally useful in midwinter after being covered in snow, with the sun far down in the sky) - mandated return of land to the indigenous peoples, tax non-indigenous people for not being indigenous, setting the speed limits on the roads to 25 kph to reduce emissions - I'm sure there's more things, but that's all I can come up with at the moment.

MikeD said...

It's taken a few years but, the Trucker's have succeeded.

Jerry said...

Still a Trudeau - you're swapping Bill in for Hillary.

Paul said...

Until he packs his bags and leaves 24 Sussex Drive ... he is still PM.

MadisonMan said...

A big step down the size of a small step down.

NMObjectivist said...

If a national leader has a bad philosophy bad things will follow.

doctrev said...

At least Rich is still around, low watt NPC though he is. I wonder if "Inga" was really a retired nurse in Wisconsin who is just so OUTRAGED about Trump youguise, or if she was always an operative on the clock.

It's over for the Rich types inside the Republican Party. They might have more success with Polivere, but spaces are limited.

gspencer said...

"Because I deeply care about the Canadians I deeply care about. Those Canadians are what the majority of other Canadians think of as lefty loonies. So for that majority, it's basically TS for you."

"Let 'em all go to hell except for Cave 76."


Geoff Matthews said...

Sounds like that Truedau is signalling that he will not run for leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, but will continue as leader until a new leader is selected.
Current polls show the Liberals being demolished in the next election. The comparison to Mulroney's resignation and the PCs being reduced to 2 seats isn't that far off. And that's WITHOUT a new left party emerging. The NDPs looks to lose seats as well.
Whoever takes over as leader of the party will have a thankless task of trying to raise moral for the party and examine what they need to do to regain the trust of the Canadian people.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives will need to work on deporting 6% of the population that is in Canada under a temporary Visa.

mccullough said...

First he quit his marriage then he quit his job.

tim maguire said...

But he won't be as impressive doing push-ups with his shirt off by then, which is how he won the party leadership the last time.

Quaestor said...

"...I care deeply about Canadians."

The actions of Trudeau's government against the unalienable rights of ordinary, patriotic Canadians proves the infernal perversity of that statement.

Joe Biden can at least claim sheer idiocy as a mitigating factor against the well-founded proposition that he is the worst president to ever occupy the office. Fidel Junior, however, is a man of high intelligence, and therefore must be remembered as a deliberate tyrant who despoiled Canadian democratic traditions with cool, open-eyed determination. It must be admitted that Trudeau inherited his ruthless autocratic nature from his natural father, but it was within his considerable powers of mind and will to overcome that despicable facet of his personality, and there is the foundational sin underlying all the others.

Quaestor said...

"Meanwhile, the Conservatives will need to work on deporting 6% of the population that is in Canada under a temporary Visa."

If only the uncounted millions of invaders living in the United States were subjected to the lawful requirement of holding a visa...

RCOCEAN II said...

Trudeau is gone. That's nice, but nothing will change. The Candian Tory leader supports Liberalism lite. And the leftwing NDP and Liberals still have the support 60 percent of Canadian voters. To put it in USA terms, imagine Biden resigning, and Democrats losing the election to "Conservative" Susan Collins or Larry Hogan.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its easy to laugh at clown like Justin Trudeau, but as shown by his iron fist during the Trucker strike, he's an authoritarian who will crush any real dissent. And he doesn't give a fig about average Canadians or Canada. If he's cutting back on the "great replacement" its only because of politics. Oh, not to mention he supports war in Ukraine and genocide in Gaza. He's an elitist to the core. A killer-clown.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peachy said...

Alexandra Pelosi explains the Jan 6th Scam.

Jaq said...

This reminds me of how "to protect democracy" in Romania, they simply voided an election that didn't go their way, claiming it was the long reach of Putin who interfered, and when it turned out that the real culprit who did the TikTok manipulation was the main political party in the country, doing it because they thought that the guy would take votes from their opponent, well, the election is still nullified, and since it looks like the guy they are afraid of would win over 60% of the vote, if they honored the runoff and ran an election, they are just kind of stuck, afraid of holding an election, and still keeping power.

This is why democracy eventually turns into just as much a joke as any other system, because like communism, fascism, etc, eventually a small cabal of sociopaths will figure out how to game the system to frustrate the voters at every turn. In Europe, the courts are rotten to the core, which is how they do it there. Here the courts are only rotten to the core in blue states... so far...

In South Korea, the president, who was incredibly unpopular, only half as popular as Biden, believe it or not, was frustrated that the vast majority of South Koreans didn't want to send weapons to Ukraine to fight against their close neighbor, Russia, well, he simply declared martial law, and even though he only held power for a short time, well, all of the weapons were being held by the US, and sure enough, South Korean missiles showed up on the battlefield.

These WEF types absolutely despise the voters.

Jaq said...

S.O.P. for the World Economic Forum, and Trudeau is one of their boys, and Ukraine Firster, Chrystia Freeland is one of their girls, is to keep a pretty boy or a hot girl in charge, doing their bidding, until that person inevitably becomes so unpopular by implementing their policies, that they switch them out for a new person who is not as yet carrying the stink of supporting the WEF agenda. My money is that they are going to try to put their little starlet, Freeland, granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi, in power in Canada.

Anthony said...

Prime Minister Zoolander steps down.

"There's more to being Prime Minister than being really, really, really good looking. You have to read a teleprompter good, and do other things good, too." *Blue Steel look*

veni vidi vici said...

"Every bone in my body has always told me to fight because I care deeply about Canadians."

For full effect, say it aloud in the gayest, lispiest sotto voce imaginable, and you'll be approaching the levels of "faggerei" of the Justine Trudope ignominy.

Jaq said...

In South Korea, the minority party, which does hold the presidency, even after the guy who declared martial law has been removed, refuses to appoint any new justices, which conveniently denies their supreme court a quorum, so that they cannot make any rulings, and keeps the whole martial law stunt from being investigated.

South Korea is one more banana republic, like Canada is starting to look, and if you remember who has always run these banana republics, well it's the US pulling the strings.

Leland said...

I never thought Justin Trudeau would resign and technically, he did not. His "resignation" will only go into effect when his party votes in someone else, which was likely to occur at the next election. This would be like Joe Biden announcing that with his reduced mental capacity, he will step down just before noon on January 20th.

ga6 said...

No "La Cubana"

RCOCEAN II said...

On the plus side, this will give Justin more time to put on blackface, and dress up in Indian garb. Perhaps even pretend to be a Nigerian prince.

Sean said...

Remember that Canada is a confederation and therefore it is the provinces that have most of the power. I think Covid was a unique opportunity for the federal government to take power and unfortunately for Canadians, they used all they had.

Also keep in mind the sway of parties is normal. Back in the Mulruney days the Tories went from a majority to a two seat party. The GST led to the creation of the reform party and the Liberals dominated. They got good press back then by resolving the separation issue.

Hopefully people are fed up with the progressive ideas that should only reside in the NDP and the Tories can come back again. But the circle keeps turning around.

tcrosse said...

Poilievre has called for a snap election, natch.

Hassayamper said...

What triggers the next general election?

In a parliamentary system, after an election has taken place, the Prime Minister has a fixed period of time before he is required to call another election. In the UK this is 5 years, but in Canada it is 4 years.

However, unlike our system, the PM also has the option to call an election sooner, if he fancies that his party's chances of winning are good. When that happens, the clock is reset for another term.

planetgeo said...

That's a big 10-4 for the Canadian truckers.

Darkisland said...

He is not Canada's prime minister. He is not even prime minister of Canada.

He does not swear alliance to Canada or the people.
He is King Chuck's prime (not only,just first) minister for Canada.

His oath of office is to chuck,personally who appointed him and can fire him at will.

He was not elected by the electorate,.he was selected by the party.

Party recommended him to king Chuck who appointed him to the post.

People who will put up with this nonsense are fundamentally incompatible with the US.

If the system works for them,great,no problem with me.we can certainly be friends and allies.just not in the same country.

John Henry

Lazarus said...

Did Trudeau take his party further left? He probably made the Liberals more authoritarian, but weren't they already further left than US parties?

Somebody more businesslike or more down to earth might have been a more convincing and reassuring face of the party and the country, but Trudeau actually got votes because he wasn't as businesslike and competent as Stephen Harper. His appeal was that he was a soft-edged, non-threatening, vulnerable guy who the women of Canada wanted to mother. A more adult figure like Harper, Martin, or Chrétien wouldn't have lasted as long.

Jay said...

The prorogation of parliament is the important thing. All legislation, bills and regulations in the mill get tossed out. March 1st the Liberals have to come back to start a new session of parliament with a speech from the throne and a completely new plan. Brand new leader, brand new plan, make a deal with the New Democrat Party to support the Liberal minority, won't have to go to an election till late fall. Trudeau's buddies have been looting the till for 10's of billions. Gives them another 8 months to hide it and the stupid Liberals will believe they can win an election with a new leader.

Terry said...

People on the left, especially journalists, tend to be deeply impressed by popinjays. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama . . . Neither Biden nor Harris were poppinjays.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich went so far over the lefty cliff (his natural stomping grounds) that he clearly realizes its going to take a long time trying to reestablish his non-lunatic Harry Sisson-like behavior he vomited all over the blog for years.

Good luck with that Abacus Boy. And be sure to give us plenty of continuing updates on what you claimed were all of Elon's "fake" businesses: Tesla, SpaceX, X, xAI, etc.

Remember, according to Rich the self-declared business wunderkind, those businesses are all frauds and offer nothing.

Too funny.

Talk about getting too far out over your skis.....

Tim said...

I haven't read it yet, but one of the Economist's columnists this week is all about how Canada should join the EU. There are supposedly good reasons for this.

Dagwood said...

Thread winner.

Christopher B said...

@MadisonMan ... heh. I wondered if somebody would reformulate that to fit.

The Godfather said...

I grew up in New England. I took many visits to Canada with my family and then later. I always wanted to take a train trip across Canada, but I flew to the Pacific Coast instead. A WONDERFUL COUNTRY (to visit). And wonderful people!
I did notice that when visiting Europe, Canadians referred to themselves as "North Americans", and I wondered why not "Canadians"?
I had a Canadian client whose child's objective in life was to become the President of the USA.
When the news stories started to come in about Trudeau and his strange actions and statements, I was surprised. Weren't most Canadians descendants of the same folk whose descendants were the ancestral stock of the USA?
My tentative conclusion is that the Canadians inherited the British legal and political system, but our founders tried something new. And that turned out to be our salvation.

Kakistocracy said...

The gimp doubles down 🤡🤡

Perhaps you could use the Althouse Amazon link — purchase a book about substance abuse. Help yourself & Althouse — win win 🙌

tcrosse said...

They are also impressed by charlatans, thimbleriggers, mountebanks, and jackanapes.

boatbuilder said...

I was pretty sure you hit the nail on the head. I looked up "popinjay." "A strutting, supercilious person."
You hit the nail on the head.

boatbuilder said...

It is hard to believe that a country that produces hockey players and loggers, and spends 9 months of the year fighting hard winter, can allow itself to be governed by a collection of preening douches. But it does.

Hassayamper said...

Thread winner

tcrosse said...

The problem with Canadian identity is so many of them define themselves not by what they are but what they aren't, I.e. Americans. At least the Québecois don't have that particular problem.

Christopher B said...

Remember that Canada is a confederation and therefore it is the provinces that have most of the power.

Might have been true at one time but I suspect things changed significantly in the wake of the earlier agitation for Quebec nationalism, and Trudeau pere's response. As I understand it, there is basically a 'block grant' program on steroids that collects funds from provinces like Alberta which has significant oil royalty income and distributes it to the poorer eastern provinces. The confederation agreement was also changed to require consent of the other provinces for one to leave. It doesn't help that in a parliamentary system the three-way party split means the western provinces' tendency to vote Conservative gets them little to no power.

Rusty said...

Psst. Rich. You're the gimp.

Iman said...


Prof. M. Drout said...

Now can we FINALLY stop with the nepos? Bush II was a disaster. Trudeau II (or Castro II, whichever you prefer) is a disaster. Hilary Clinton sucked at everything except grifting, and if it weren't for her we would have had neither Trump or Dementia Joe. And lets not forget Fredo Cuomo and his idiot brother.
The next child or spouse of a prominent politician who runs for office should be thrown into that volcano in Iceland.
We should also consider similarly sacrificing those children and spouses of celebrities who won't have the good graces to enjoy their unearned wealth and fame and STFU.

hawkeyedjb said...

“The problem with Canadian identity is so many of them define themselves not by what they are but what they aren't, I.e. Americans. At least the Québecois don't have that particular problem.”

I think the Quebecois define themselves as “not Canadian.”

Cappy said...

I thought he was an invertebrate.

Robert Cook said...

"He took the Liberal party too far to the left just like the Democrats in the US."

Hahahahahaha! Pure idiocy.

Yancey Ward said...

Slime mold.

Yancey Ward said...

My prediction for the Canadian elections when they do occur- the Liberals and the New Democrats will do what was done in France- each will withdraw candidates in selected constituencies in order that, together, they win a majority again.

Lazarus said...

He's an authoritarian, but it was more of a collective authoritarianism -- an authoritarianism of the government and elite, not necessarily personal. When you hear that Trump is authoritarian, it's not authoritarianism that's objected to. It's the personal, egotistical element. That's why the old-fashioned world autocracy was revived.

That said, there was a certain neediness in Trudeau. Like I said, women wanted to mother him. Maybe that was reciprocal, and Justin saw himself mothering or fathering his country. Perhaps that is the personal, egotistical element.

Deep State Reformer said...

I receive CBC channels bc Ann Arbor is close to Windsor, Ontario and based on what I'm seeing many Canadians are as sick of Trudeau as we are of Biden. Sadly both those weasels whether both here and in Canada just won't get gone already. Especially in Biden's and Trudeau's case where any mandate they might have gotten from the electorate as long since evaporated.

gilbar said...

so, it sounds like Trudeau will be around until they FINALLY get their elections..
which are being postponed until late March 2025.

JAORE said...

Every bone in my head made me want to fight for Canadians in the most , embarrassing, expensive, counter productive manner.
- JT (edited for clarity and the truth)

Deep State Reformer said...

So, to openly state, the received wisdom from the Canadian and American Left is that authoritarian measures are allowed and even congratulated as long as they are done for the higher service of advancing "The Cause". So be it. They should ALL be indicted, audited, disarmed, term-limited, de-banked, muzzled, censored, arrested, and perp-walked for the media. That's what I've got from the buzz and noise emanating from Democratic Media Complex since 2009.

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