January 8, 2025

Counting blessings, running short.

10 hours ago:


13 minutes ago:


Shouting Thomas said...

The death spiral of the West is epic. Surrendering to the coming Caliphate… what can I do but shake my head? Feminist women have led this surrender. Feminism is a suicide pact.

Enigma said...

DEI hires do exactly what they are hired to do. Indeed, they don't know how to do anything other than 'win' the DEI competition and achieve nominal equity.

PB said...

sorry SoCal, I'm still busy praying for western North Carolina. You'll have to wait your turn.

Christopher B said...

Scroll down the replies to the second post by Woods for a suggestion of why he highlighted her bio.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Both James Woods and Chief Crowley are in show business competing for scarce resources using different tactics.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That she lists DEI higher than "meeting the needs of the community" (i.e. fighting fires) is typical of people who have been promoted on the their ability to bring "diversity" to the job. Not excellence. Not a record of saving lives and property. Not bravery. Not ANY quality admired for firefighter skills or service.

PB's comment above hints at the larger and more devastating effects of the FEMA director who was also hired to bring "diversity" not excellence to her executive position.

Mary Beth said...

I think James Woods is coming to the realization that his government is completely ineffectual at doing their primary functions.

You think he's just figured that out?

Breezy said...

Will we see the red-pilling of Hollywood? So sad to see this destruction. It didn’t have to come to this. Or maybe it did.

Leland said...

I saw a post saying people were starting to abandon their cars and fleeing on foot from the fire. The picture shows a bulldozer about to push the cars out of the way. Upfront is a Mercedes EV. The whole picture was a great representation of Gov. Newsom’s California.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Day of the Locust.

Wilbur said...

My father was a city fireman. He claimed they had a 100% success rate - they never failed to put one out.

hiawatha biscayne said...

From Daniel Greenfield - "In January 2022, Mayor Garcetti appointed Chief Crowley, the first woman to lead the City’s Fire Department. This year, of the more than 6,500 applicants to LAFD, 70% were people of color and nearly 8% of candidates were female, which is double the current percentage of female firefighters within the Department."

Amadeus 48 said...

Gosh. Have there ever been fires in SoCal before?
This is another chance to observe the difference between theory and practice.

Iman said...

Day of teh locust in Cali, day of the cockroach in Yew Nork…

Dave Begley said...

Every firefighter in Omaha is a millionaire based upon the City’s defined benefit plan. The former Omaha fire chief is running for Mayor and he has a $10,000 per month pension.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

James Woods? Did Trump even used him, you know, to fire up the base?

mindnumbrobot said...

You can praise the rank-and-file while criticizing leadership. Nothing wrong with that.

hiawatha biscayne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enigma said...

@Dave Begley: The implied cash savings required for a $100K pension is $2,500,000. This follows from a standard 4% withdrawal rate during retirement (i.e., 100,000 / .04 = 2,500,000). This is why pensions drove many employers bankrupt and why they mostly went away outside the government sector.

This is also why blue cities struggle so very much -- if you give everything away to retirees there's no money left for current workers. Hoisted on their own petards.

Money Manger said...

Only a fraction of firefighter dispatches are to real building fires. They have managed to widely broaden their domain to justify increasing expenditure in the face of declining actual fires. Automobile accidents, chemical spills, inspections, anything emitting smoke. As Wisconsin knows, they and the police are politically untouchable.

Jamie said...

I believe James Woods has been among the "out" Hollywood Republicans for quite some time.

typingtalker said...

Just for fun, go to your favorite AI and ask it for, "A list of California wildfires in the last 10 years." It will likely start with, "Camp Fire (2018): The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history, it burned 153,336 acres, destroyed 18,804 structures, and resulted in 85 fatalities."

Sometimes I think that living in California is like standing in a wheat field during a thunderstorm.

Leland said...

Interesting what James Wood considers high praise.

planetgeo said...

Unfortunately, women in positions of authority over large organizations have not exactly covered their gender in glory lately. Like the pathetic Police Chief in New Orleans (not to mention the former Speaker of the House and also the current Vice President), they've been pretty miserable examples of asserted competence.

Ladies, if you want to be taken seriously as co-equal leaders, you better start selecting better representatives demonstrating that equality.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump warned Newsome about this in 2018.

Breezy said...

Yes true. My comment was with respect to those who have been on the left in Hollywood. Will this event that has hurt them so devastatingly spark a change in their progressive ideologies?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One of many reasons that drove me from the Golden State to the free state of Florida.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Woods had a word about the reservoirs. Latest word, "Hydrants are down".


Steven Wilson said...

How much of the fuel that feeds these fire are chaparral that could be removed but are not for some reason? I'm asking sincerely as I've heard but do not know the truth of the assertion that much of this devastation could be avoided if steps were taken to removed the fuel source. If the fuel could be removed but isn't, why?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Oh, not to worry. I'm sure the Biden admin will spend it's remaining days making sure that FEMA and the US Army Corps of Engineers take care of all the poor unfortunates in Pacific Palisades.

wild chicken said...

What a pathetic figurehead.

My mom was married to an LA fireman. He was six foot six with red hair. They had to be strong to haul hoses and ladders and haul out bodies. He skied and played handball, built houses and laid concrete on his day off. WWII veteran.

He wanted to make chief but the city put in a college requirement. Pfffft.

Jaq said...

Well, she did make doing her actual job a "nice to have" in her bio.

planetgeo said...

Since there are firemen in our extended family, allow me to explain the "overtime". The fact is that most firemen in urban departments work 24-hour shifts, sleeping overnight at the station as part of that shift. So typically, their regular "work week" is about a day and a half. The overtime comes in when emergency calls extend their "half-days", and in major urban centers like L.A. that's almost weekly. And most of their calls are not fires, but drug overdoses and other types of medical emergencies or non-emergencies that still have to be treated as emergencies.

That's why many firemen have beach houses, second homes, premium cars and trucks, and sometimes second jobs on the side. While some of them die at an earlier age due to lung issues and various cancers from inhaled carcinogens, many of them are able to retire with full benefits in their early 50s and a portfolio in the millions of dollars. I'm not saying that's the majority, but in urban centers, it's very frequent.

gilbar said...

it seems like the Sensible, Environmentally Aware thing to do in California is:
Let Nature do her thing. California was MADE to burn.. it's Natural!

We NEED a LAW, that prohibits ANY intervention in Nature's natural fires in Cali..
We NEED a LAW, that prohibits ANY man made structures in Cali..
ALL PEOPLE in Cali NEED to be FORCED out, and back to Mexico

I'm Saying This as an Environmentalist. Let California BURN!

n.n said...

Class-disordered ideologies are founded under the Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry): racism, sexism, etc. umbrella. #HateLovesAbortion and other priorities.

Birches said...

I think it's a normal reaction. Day to day individuals are great, but the rot starts at the top. And it's hard to not recognize the dysfunction in all levels of power in California right now.

ga6 said...

And the mayor of LA be in the homeland...(not LA)

Dave Begley said...

Woods wrote that a major insurance company canceled his policy four months ago. Apparently lots of that in that area.

n.n said...

The Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism), Equivocation, Incompetence (DEI/ IED/ DIE) progressive path.

hawkeyedjb said...

She has to mouth that diversity bullshit to have any chance at being considered for the job. The bad part is if she actually believes it. The worst part comes when she acts on it.

Fritz said...

"Steven Wilson
How much of the fuel that feeds these fire are chaparral that could be removed but are not for some reason? I'm asking sincerely as I've heard but do not know the truth of the assertion that much of this devastation could be avoided if steps were taken to removed the fuel source. If the fuel could be removed but isn't, why?"

Remove the chaparral and you have bare dirt, and then you have mudslides when it rains. The house my parents owned while I was a teenager overlooked the Santa Monica Mountains. I saw them burn a couple of times. The difference now is that all those hills are covered with houses.

Ralph L said...

In one of his luxury home critiques on his addictive YT channel, Arvin Haddad said in some SoCal locales, fire insurance premiums can be $40k-100k per MONTH, if you can get it at all.

MadisonMan said...

California had a wet winter last year and maybe the year before. Wet winters cause vegetation growth that then dies, and burns. So this fire is at least in part due to rain. What a dreadful thing to live through though. I have relatives (kids of my cousins) in SoCal and I hope they're safe.

Iman said...

During college (early 70s), I had a job managing the service department of a small pool table manufacturer in OC. I had a couple of firemen that delivered tables on their days off. They were always hungry for work.

A decade or so later, it appears that the average firemen began lifting weights, staring into mirrors and posing for calendars on his days off.

Aggie said...

@Fritz, "Remove the chaparral and you have bare dirt, and then you have mudslides when it rains...." - which is why you don't want fires in the first place, I guess. But, is the chaparral the problem? It's green vegetation. Or is it the dry tinder that accumulates amongst the chaparral, the dead vegetation that can't be removed because of restrictions that aver that this is destructive and unnatural and must be prevented? That was how I understood the argument.

Narayanan said...

Let Nature do her thing. California was MADE to burn.. it's Natural!
it is in the name >> sobriquet for hot as hell?!

Lazarus said...

Wildfires have probably happened in California since forever, but I remember around 1970 they first became a major national news topic. Mudslides, too. People built houses where the fires happened, and fires became national news with the subtext "End of the California Dream."

James K said...

No, they will blame "climate change." And Republicans, somehow.

Steven Wilson said...

Fritz: Thanks for the response.

So part if not all of the problem lies with building homes where you either going to incur fire risk or landslides. One of them is going to get you. Kind of like building mansions next to the ocean in hurricane prone areas.

RCOCEAN II said...

Why do we keep allowing people to build homes in earthquake and fire zones? Maybe we need to move these people out and turn it into parkland. BTW, in case you don't get it, I'm satirizing the Elite grumping about helping people when we have floods in the South or Midwest.

RCOCEAN II said...

All these wealthy assholes loved immigration and open borders. Massive population increase = massive rise in house prices. Needless to say, the insurance companies have massively increased their premiums. So bad, so sad.

Kakistocracy said...

US wildfire fighting is a mess. Companies only get paid for the amount of time they're in the air, and how well they fight, or constrain the fire isn't measured. Each year, States have to choose between reserving assets up front which you may never need (cheaper unit costs, but still wasted it they're not required) or call-off contracts when fires occur (expensive when you need it).

Individual States only get paid a proportion of Federal Emergency funds based on the percentage of wildfire damage that occurs; meaning there is no incentive to drop on fires that will cross State boundaries. And ground-based contractor crews get much better pay and conditions than USFS firefighters. The whole thing is rigged for fire fighting companies, especially aerial ones, to get paid on hours, not results, and it feeds results like this. The whole indistry is a cosy club that eschews use of tevhnology or investment and is due a shake up.

Aggie said...

The triumph of feminism is getting men to agree that 'women are equal' even when it's illogical, without acknowledging that the triumph is a hollow one: Their leverage in securing this agreement is by denying pussy. Men, having agreed so they can get laid, have more recently learned to underscore this version of 'reality' by competing in women's sports, as 'women'. Just as real. Let's all be 'equal', instead of celebrating the sensibility of 'Vive la différence' It's stupidity as a social contagion.

Oso Negro said...

As their community burns, Angelenos can take comfort in the knowledge that their lesbian fire chief was a failure.

Kakistocracy said...

Fires have always been part of Southern California’s landscape, but they strike in late summer or fall — never in winter. Now, we’re facing a perfect storm: record-breaking wind speeds, extremely dry vegetation from prolonged drought, and rising temperatures driven by climate change.

Southern California’s unique geography — narrow canyons, dense chaparral, and fierce winds — makes it a global bellwether. Unfortunately, this is what the future holds -- fire seasons that stretch longer, grow drier and become more destructive. And it’s not just Southern California. Similar patterns across the globe — from Australia’s Black Summer to the Mediterranean’s lengthening fire seasons, Chile’s record-breaking wildfires, and South Africa’s increasingly intense blazes. These regions see the same dangerous trifecta of stronger winds, prolonged droughts, and rising temperatures, all fueled by climate change.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Begley, Enigma-
Not to defend huge pensions of govt retirees, but my 2.5 mil gets me 100K/year at 4%, and my kids get to keep the principal when I die.
When Freddy Fireman (and his widow) dies, the money disappears as far as his family is concerned.
A person with a large IRA who wants to "buy" a lifetime pension with govt-style inflation protection can buy a 20-30 year TIPS ladder. If he dies early, the estate gets the unspent funds, if he live to 100, though, estate gets nothing.

Kakistocracy said...

Many new construction homes are not even allowed to purchase insurance, and buyers have to sign multiple documents attesting they are aware of the risks. We toured a new home just 2 years ago and learned this from interviewing the homeowners. Political affiliations aside, should this area not return to parkland?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"Only a fraction of firefighter dispatches are to real building fires. They have managed to widely broaden their domain to justify increasing expenditure in the face of declining actual fires. Automobile accidents, chemical spills, inspections, anything emitting smoke."

A fireman from the Boston area recently told me he only gets called to about one actual building fire per year. I assume that's the case around most of the country.

Rusty said...

We get a fire around here every five years or so. So when the last house fire occurred last fall it took the fire department 25 minutes to respond. The catch is that the fire department is 200 yards away. Less than 2 minutes by road.
My property taxes go up every year to make their pension payments.

Aggie said...

Every single capital-intensive business that I know of is structured this way, because of the costs associated with readiness - but you want a 'shakeup'. What does that look like? How much are you willing to pay for 'results-based- efforts? How much do you think it costs to keep an air tanker in top running condition, ready to go on a moment's notice? Do you think fire crews are stacked up in closets? You sound like the perennial cheapskate that is always looking for a 'deal' and hardnosed about being 'ripped off', wanting your comfort for free.

Rusty said...

The good news is that now all the dead brush has been burned up and there won't be a fire hazard for a few more years now.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Here's your morning dose of schadenfreude; the residents of fancy-schmancy Pacific Palisades (many of whom are celebrities) cause a traffic jam during the evacuation panic and many abandoned their cars in the streets. LAFD had to bring in bulldozers to clear the road so the fire trucks could get in.


Aggie said...

Tesla and Mercedes hardest hit.

TickTock said...

As a teenager I helped dig out a foot of mud covering a family friends house following rain and flooding after a fire denuded the mountains above Santa Barbara of their covering of chaparral. Reseeding helps, but the flooding can still be devestating.

Drago said...


Not even a "nice try" Abacus Boy! Truly one of your more pathetic efforts...which is saying something.

I'm just surprised the fires weren't extinguished with trans awareness and love!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Kammy and Doug's house now under threat! And.....brace yourselves....Harry and Megan have lost power!!!!!

donald said...

“Return to parkland”. lol.

Yancey Ward said...

"never in winter."
Prove it, Bich.

Yancey Ward said...

You can't insure against an event that is sure to happen.

Yancey Ward said...


Fred Drinkwater said...

Read John McPhee's book, "The Control of Nature". Three sections, on volcanos, the Mississippi river, and fires/debris slides in LA. Written decades ago.

Earnest Prole said...

I loathe Woke with seething contempt but no amount of human-distributed water puts out a blacksmith-bellows fire like this one — you just have to wait until the wind stops blowing.

PM said...

Grew up in LA. Those 4 are the nastiest-ass fires I can recall.

TaeJohnDo said...

In 1982 I was at AF pilot training when the AF decided they needed to 'right size' and was shedding bodies right and left. My class had a 62% washout rate, and I was the next to last to wash out late in the program. (Advanced T-38 Phase.) When you wash out, you go into casual status - they give you a job on base while they decide what to do with you - retain or separate. At that time, they only retained people with engineering degrees, weather, selected for Navigator training, etc. This usually took 4 - 6 weeks. Most were separated (I got deleted for Nav training.) At my casual status job, there was a female washout who had been in casual status for over 6 months. I asked her why she washed out - she said they had an emergency on her last flight, she got scared, and vowed to never fly again, refused Nav training, would go to Admin if they let her, but if not, wanted out of the AF. (She had a history degree.) She told me they kept putting pressure on her to get back to pilot training, that they had too few female candidates and she was needed to keep the stats up. She was a good kid, would have been a fine officer in Admin or Services, but would have been a horrible pilot. But they didn't care about her competence, they only cared about the states. That was the start of lowered standards in flight training.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

FEMA not extending motel stays for hurricane victims in WNC.


Remember this when the DemocRAT swamp creatures get hand wringy over Tom Hanks' house burning down!

Narr said...

We got one just like her here, but so far she hasn't been severely tested. And the chief of poe-leese checks many boxes at once.

mikeski said...

On TwiXter this morning, I saw video of Steve Guttenberg (!), who apparently stayed behind to help the FD (!!) telling people to leave their keys in their cars if they are abandoning them, so that Steve and his pals can move them.

JAORE said...

The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Time after time we see the power brokers promising while failing to deliver. Part of that failure is due to virtue signalling like DEI.
Meanwhile the poor schlubbs on the front lines are left to do the actual job.

Iman said...

Oh oh. Here comes another finger pointing battle when the fires are out and they find out Pacific Palisades spent their fire department budget on DEI and not on buying equipment and hiring personnel.

Aggie said...

One of my favorite writers. I've been watching Iceland but so far they haven't had to use the pumps - yet.

John Scott said...

Kakistocracy, We have had two wet rainy seasons in a row. Reservoirs up and down the state are filled to capacity. While we haven't had any rain yet this year in SoCal, they have had rains in Northern California. And one can argue that drought years produce less vegetation to burn during Santa Ana events.

Enigma said...

The $2.5M in a cash account may turn to $0 in <30 years depending on the stock market, bond market, and war status of your home country. Not to mention if a government introduces a wealth tax or some policy that causes all assets to crash. "In theory" cash savings present a much higher risk than defined benefit programs, if said program actually lasts. That's indeed uncertian.

Also, many pensions transfer to a spouse. Many men marry younger women. Many women live to be 90. Visit a wealthy retirement community, where widowed women keep massive houses long after they are needed and tend to drive 20-30 year old cars. Their income and medical insurance came from a dead hubby. Take a look at what the generous private pensions did to General Motors 15-20 years ago, as revealed during the GW Bush/Obama financial bubble meltdown.

Mary Beth said...

Woods was tweeting videos made by someone else who was keeping an eye on the property. It just made me worry about the man keeping watch.

Jimmy said...

videos were from cameras that transmitted to his phone. no one was home by then.

Jimmy said...

High winds, low humidity, produces perfect fire weather. Santa Ana winds come off the desert, and dry out everything. 60 mph winds push fires so fast they skip the interior of canyons and go crest to crest.
Same thing happened here on Maui. Time frame was hours, not days. It happens so fast.
Blaming it on climate change is nonsense. California has has these fires since it was formed, ages ago.
2014 california voted to spend billions on reservoirs for water, none of which got built, some are underway, but nothing built. California has plenty of water, but in the last decades has forgotten how to manage it.
Very little water infrastructure has been built since the original canals, aqueducts and reservoirs were built
The current and past admins priorities seem to have been DEI, climate change, and non existant creatures 'harmed' by diverting water for farming or storage.
Insurance companies realized that california was doing nothing to prepare for future fires, bailed on the state. and yes, insurance companies are often greedy etc. but the state proved to everyone how little it cared about taking sensible precautions.
The state also stopped trying to do controlled burns, stopped logging in many areas, and thus helped create a thick, dense, dry mass waiting for a spark.
Lots of blame to go around, especially the past 30 years. Incompetent, and un accountable agencies more interested in quotas, and a complete failure to learn from the past fires, are one of the reasons these fires were so bad.

Kakistocracy said...

Having mastered large language models, epidemiology, general election campaign strategy, toilet paper supply chain logistics, submersible engineering, and bridge design, Drago would like to delve into his newfound expertise as an amateur climatologist and firefighter.

Bottoms up Gimp 🍹🍹

Joe Bar said...

Calif.or is has always burned. If you read accounts of the first White settlers, you know they found vast stretches destroyed by fire. Indeed the indigenous people used to burn the Yosemite valley yearly. This is not new, nor due to "Man Made Climate Change."

JaimeRoberto said...

@Kakistocracy, define prolonged drought. As John Scott mentioned the last two winters were very wet at 215% and 152% of average in that area. This winter so far has indeed been dry, but there have been similar dry early winters in 2017, 2015, 2000, and 1999. I don't know if there were fires in those years, but if not, it was just a matter of luck.

Interested Bystander said...

You would think the priority should be having the best training and the best equipment for putting out fires.

Interested Bystander said...

That’s insane. We’re talking people’s lives. FU!

Interested Bystander said...

Not the state. Democrats. They outnumber normals by 2:1. That means there are millions of normal Americans in California with ZERO voice in what happens.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Of course Rich is full of Adam Schiff. These fires today are driven by Santa Ana winds that come off the desert with high velocity and very low humidity. They typically happen in the Fall but stretch, like wildfire season, into December sometimes or even January. Most of the worst wildfires are in Summer because they fuel level is high in wilderness areas then. California has had several very wet years in a row but Newsome blocked efforts to store runoff in reservoirs. This continues a Democrat history in the Golden State of letting the great infrastructure we built in the '60s and '70s crumble and not doing anything to capture and use the vast water resources CA has. A typical two-day storm in the City of LA in JAN or FEB creates enough runoff (straight into the LA River) that if captured would provide a year's worth of drinking water to the entire LA County.

Aught Severn said...

[...] and rising temperatures driven by climate change.

He claimed, without evidence.

Leland said...

One would think. This reminds me of one of the phrases used after 9-11. There was a "failure to imagine" such an event might happen. Maybe for the people that were in leadership at the time, but many people had imagined it and were concerned about it. They were ignored.

bobby said...

Climate Change means never having to say you're sorry.

EdwdLny said...

The ongoing culmination of decades of fascist democrat governance. Otherwise known as abject failure. What a bunch of fucking idiots. Should there be casualties, I hope that they are the cretins who voted for this bullshit. Karma.

Lazarus said...

The Rubber Room or Reassignment Center is where they put teachers who aren't allowed in the classroom but can't be fired. We need more rubber rooms for people like the LA Fire Chief and the NOLA Police Chief. They'll stay on the books as diverse hires and pioneering firsts, but they'll be kept from doing serious harm.

Rusty said...

Maybe if people quit setting fires there wouldn't be so many fires.

No Name said...

First comes the fire, then come the looters. Perhaps this awful event will change people's opinions regarding LA and California governance. The magnitude of destruction that has already occurred suggests this is a catastrophe, with massive property damage losses and likely deaths too.
Watched the live report footage filmed today in area supposedly evacuated, couldn't help note large number of able-bodied hoodie-wearing young men roaming around, ignoring fire-fighters and failing to assist in battling on-camera house fires.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

No real estate development to speak of took place up in those canyons until the 1980s. For years, the fire department had warned that they could not get sufficient water pressure running up the mountain to stop a multi-structure fire. At 3 AM last night, the fire hose has stopped producing. And here we are.

Pacific Palisades could be turned to a wildlife refuge. Or we could undertake the rebuilding of these $10 million dollar houses, with the multi billion dollar cost of that effort paid by Main Street insurance customers from across the country.

It’s worth remembering that periodic fires are an integral component of the California mountain ecosystem.

john mosby said...

Mikeski, ref Steve Guttenberg:

It was his sworn duty as a Stonecutter.



Old and slow said...

The lionization of firemen is absurd. They drive huge vehicles to respond to non-fire emergencies and they all collect ludicrous pensions after a half of a normal working life. Great guys, most of them. But it is inexcusable that they are paid so much for so little. I’ve seen 2 fires in my community in the past 20 years. One was an unoccupied historic mansion and they let it burn down to be on the safe side. The other was a Cyprus tree hit by lightning. They put that one out. This is a fire department that cost me over $1600 per year on my property taxes. My FD neighbor has shiny new trucks every couple of years and toys like BMWs. I work for a living.

Old and slow said...

When my boys were young we had a little rhyme we would say when we saw a fire truck. It went like this: “Firemen, firemen, fuck you too!”

Old and slow said...

“Mr. Wibble” is only the worst among many angry voices here. This is one of the best comment pages on the internet, and still it is dominated by angry unpleasant people. I’m sure most are decent and kind in their actual lives. What the hell happens to people given anonymity?

Kakistocracy said...

I’m pretty sure Bertolt Brecht was living in Santa Monica Canyon, which has just been incinerated, when he wrote “On Thinking About Hell.”

Contemplating Hell, as I once heard it, My brother Shelley found it to be a place Much like the city of London. I, Who do not live in London, but in Los Angeles, Find, contemplating Hell, that it Must be even more like Los Angeles.

Also in Hell,
I do not doubt it, there exist these opulent gardens With flowers as large as trees, wilting, of course, Very quickly, if they are not watered with very expensive water. And fruit markets With great leaps of fruit, which nonetheless

Possess neither scent nor taste. And endless trains of autos, Lighter than their own shadows, swifter than Foolish thoughts, shimmering vehicles, in which Rosy people, coming from nowhere, go nowhere. And houses, designed for happiness, standing empty, Even when inhabited.

Even the houses in Hell are not all ugly. But concern about being thrown into the street Consumes the inhabitants of the villas no less Than the inhabitants of the barracks

Old and slow said...

Rich, your very best writing is when you are not writing at all. Well done!

Iman said...

KAK!!! ah.

Jim at said...

I hope that they die.

Which makes you no different than the snotty leftists wishing ill on the people of Western North Carolina.

Is that really the look you want?

Ampersand said...

Amen, brudda, says this Angeleno.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich, fresh off an astonishing years long streak of failed prognostications/predictions/"analyses" and assessments, would like readers to forget the following:

Riddle us this Abacus Boy (when you find the time to de-couple yourself from trying to figure out why your predictions of X, xAI, SpaceX and Tesla failure didn't pan out (LOL), if LA had the most rainfall in the past 25 years along with signficant extra snowpack in its mountains, how is it that its "climate change" that's causing the lack of water to put out the fires?

Spoiler: LLR-democratical Rich's New Soviet Democratical pals have been destroying dams, refusing to build new reservoirs, refusing to build desalination plants (that little thing just to the West of CA is called the Pacific Ocean Richie boy), etc.

According to Rich in this very thread, apparently "climate change" reared its ugly head and shut off the water supply to the firefighters in Pacific Palisades and Malibu!

That just might be the hottest of Richie Hot Takes since he declared the Kamala campaign the singular most efficient and effective political campaign in history.


Truly, this is going to be an enjoyable 4 years watching the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog continue his non-stop meltdowns over every single issue.

But only every single issue.

Without exception.

Kirk Parker said...

Money Manager, Dogma:

This is just an instance of the bigger picture concept that Reserve Capacity Is Expensive. We saw this in all the silly and largely fake moaning about I see you bed usage during the scamdemic, and it explains a lot about why SWAT teams are so dangerous - - what do we have these fancy and expensive elite squads for if we aren't going to *use* them?

And, how are we going to staff them because the high performers we want and need aren't really going to be happy with high paid sinecures, they actually want to be doing stuff.

Jimmy said...

Re: Mr Wibbles mental breakdown. You, like Stalin and Lenin, thought that if you got rid of a few imperfect people, you could have a perfect society. You, like Stalin and Lenin, and others, are shit.

Kirk Parker said...

Oops, stupid voice dictate. That is, of course, "ICU bed usage"...

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