Context (video):The highlight of the day!!!😂
— Patrick Metzgar (@patmetzgar) January 30, 2025
SANDERS: There is no question that abortion is a divisive issue in this country.... A year and a half ago you went to New Hampshire running for president... and you talked about government should not tell a woman what she can do with her own body — that's her choice.... I have never seen any major politician flip on that issue quite as quickly as you did when Trump asked you to become HHS secretary. Tell me why you think people should have con confidence in your consistency and in your word when you really made a major U-turn on an issue of that importance in such a short time.RFK JR.: Senator, I believe and I've always believed that every abortion is a tragedy.SANDERS, interrupting: But you told the people in New Hampshire that it was their right. All right, let me do a last question here because I'm running out of time. I think the gist of what you trying to say today is you're really pro-vaccine you want to ask questions. You have started a group called The Children's Health defense. You're the originator. Right now as I understand that on their website they are selling what's called onesies. These are little things — clothing for babies. One of them is entitled "Unvaxxed/Unafraid." Next one — and they're sold for 26 bucks apiece, by the way — next one is "No vax/No problem." Now, you're coming before this committee and you say you're pro-vaccine... and yet your organization is making money selling a child's product to parents for 26 bucks which cast fundamental doubt on you on the usefulness of vaccines. Can you tell us — now that you are pro-vaccine — that you're going to have your organization take these products off the market?RFK JR.: Senator, I have no power over that organization. I'm not part of it. I resigned from the board.SANDERS: That was just a few months ago. You founded that. You certainly have power. You can make that — are you supportive of this?RFK JR.: I have nothing....SANDERS, interrupting: Are you supportive of these onesies?RFK JR.: I'm supportive of vaccines.SANDERS, interrupting: Are you supportive of these this clothing which is militantly anti-vaccine?RFK JR.: I am supportive of vaccines. I want good science and I want to protect the vaccine.SANDERS: You will not tell the organization you founded not to continue selling that product? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
RFK Jr., with no time left to speak, simply chuckles. Is he chuckling at the release of the meme "Are you supportive of these onesies?" or is he chuckling at the absurdity of the continual interruptions from Democrats who seemed determined to prevent him from ever completing a thought.
Does Bernie Sanders wear supportive onesies?
Bernie Sanders said the onesies “cast doubt upon” the childhood vaccine regime. That’s reminiscent of the Biden regime’s pressure on social media companies to censor speech that contributed to “vaccine hesitancy” with respect to COVID19 “vaccines”. Democrats are the party of censorship, discrimination, and endless wars.
That was such a ridiculous moment. Is he supportive of babies wearing onesies? Is he supportive of the 1st Amendment? What?
Whatever the answer, I'm glad the United States Senate is worrying about onesies.
Behold, ladies and gentleman, the greatest deliberative body in the world!
Bernie, stop embarrassing yourself and the state of Vermont.
How can you NOT be embarrassed to be a Progressive today??
My hope is that Cheryl Hines can be influential in getting Larry David to appear as Senator Sanders on SNL to lampoon the onesies line of "questioning"
Ages ago I bought a Chewbacca onsie for a Halloween party. It was amazingly comfortable but my dryer decided to eat it. I still miss my wookie onesie. I really supported that onesie.
With hoodie and footed is the only way to go.
I don’t find humor in any of this. I was stunned to learn the vaccine regimen for children has- what? At least a couple dozen jabs and now under the threat of being ostracized from humanity if I don’t not only comply, but coerce others to conform, I am some kind of monster. All this because a lifelong Democrat is going to upset the pharma cash flow to Congress…
so, if i understand this correctly; The Democrat Senator states that, according to HIM;
ANY person that attempts to say (or write (or Think)) ANY THING that is Not Approved by the Government MUST BE immediately arrested/imprisoned/executed; and their children castrated and reeducated
Do i have that right? or does the Approval come straight from the Democrat party?
To democrats, is there any difference?
I expect that he'll get confirmed. The opposition made themselves look foolish. At least Trump's people seem to have forced him to disavow any opposition to the measles and polio vaccines. Polling seems clear that the public is interested in RFKJr over his views on food; exposing babies to disease, not so much. It sounds like he didn't get asked about his theory that COVID was ethnically targeted to avoid infecting Jews and Chinese people.
They must know that if they let Bobby complete a sentence he'll sound reasonable, so they've decided to interrupt after one or two words.
That line should be carved on Bernie’s headstone.
Jr should have (if he'd been able to get more than a sentence in edgewise) simply said he's supportive of free speech and parental choice.
Bernie Sanders is the Senator with the highest amount of lobbying money from Big Pharma. Elizabeth Warren is number two.
Theres a new paper out in Nature (yes, the absolute gold-standard journal): "Psychiatric adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: a population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea."
Read for yourself: >>>
"Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid"
These studies are statistically robust, and the numbers in the go beyond "concerning" to "scary."
I used to be dogmatic that "vaccines can not cause neurological / psychological disease." And the old vaccines obviously saved an enormous number of lives, but something has gone seriously wrong since 1986.
Maybe it's just food, or agricultural chemicals, or screen time, (or the one NO ONE wants to talk about: the MASSIVE amounts of estrogen we are dumping into the water), but we need to do rigorous, double-blind, large-n studies of childhood vaccines with the RAW DATA released to the public. The insane process we have now, in which we compare a new vaccine not to placebo, but to the last vaccine for that illness is unacceptable.
Anyone who objects to doing such studies is a shill. If nothing else, huge, rigorous studies released transparently would work to increase confidence in current vaccines and would therefore boost participation.
You are a miserable rude bitter person
It’s a problem for them because the Senate’s time to spit out their sound bites is so limited while RFKJ is trying to articulate nuanced points with his speech problem…
Kate for the win.
Sanders is a parody of a parody of a parody.
However, the old socialist prick is fun to watch.
Ann, take the money ($40), and delete the post(s), "honey"
I was on the fence about RFK Jr. before the hearing. Has some good ideas, but a few pretty kooky ones. Now, I am 100% in favor of him. The Democrats can't help beclowning themselves -- keep it up, you clowns! Watching my Senator Warren (The Worst Senator Ever™) attack him based on his having sued drug companies was enough to make my head explode. Since when do Democratic senators have a problem with suing companies? I guess the billions of dollars the companies spend on bribing politicians works pretty well.
The root concept is weird and inoffensive. Onesies?
Why not diapers? "Do you believe babies should use cloth diapers or disposables?" "Uhhh, I favor not letting babies poop on the floor."
Supportive? "Should athletes be required to wear jock straps, or do you favor genital freedom and free swinging?" "Uhhh, I hope they wear some kind of underwear to keep their uniforms cleaner."
Sanders: Did you order the onesie?
Kennedy: YOUR’E DAMN RIGHT I DID! It came with free shipping!
“Senator, I will not participate in a game of onesie-upmanship .”
Sanders, Warren, Whitehouse, Murphy, and Collins are great reasons to offer to swap New England for Canada’s four western provinces plus the Yukon.
Ya gotta favor all vaccines, all the time, or none at all. The middle ground is excluded
On "Finding Your Roots," Bernie Sanders was a guest, and it turns out that he is related to Larry David. That drew a huge laugh from him.
The debate we need is about the so-called Covid vaxxes. The case for anybody getting them was always weak, supported by lies. There was no case for children taking them, or anybody under 30. In one of their last gasps, as it were, boomers were prepared to fuck up everybody else because of their own fear of death. This goes with promiscuous sex and drug use can only be good, etc.
Lots of pharmaceutical products require further testing by the government.
Boxers or briefs? What if the same message is on both--kiss my ass Bernie-- but the font is bigger on the boxers?
DS: "It's actually a flex for Sanders,"
Saying its a "flex for Sanders" is not the flex for Sanders that you think it is....
RFK jr no longer has any affiliation with this organization (no leadership or board role) and therefore cannot direct this organization to begin or cease any activities or merchandize sales.
Nice try though Derve. Almost as funny as Bernie exposing himself as the complete pharmaceutical shill / fake "socialist warrior".
Well played pfizer. Well played.
It needs to be said again: one of the very best aspects of Trump's political career--having ALL the masks ripped off and exposing everyone.
Not to worry though. Bernie the "socialist" can always retreat to one of his 3 houses for rest and respite.
Which is nice.
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Onesie party?
DS: "One questioner asked if he would take lobbyist money and go work for them when he gets out of office.."
Gee, I wonder who that "one questioner" was....and why that specific question was asked when it clearly does not make sense given Kennedy's decades long track record of only SUING pharmaceutical companies over and over and over again, with zero "danger" of Kennedy going to work for them?
Pocahontas....and she only asked that question to set up the amazingly stupid attempted Gotcha Moment by demanding the Kennedy renounce, forever, any potential future contingencies fees he might receive as an attorney SUING pharmaceutical companies.
And why should that be necessary according to pfizer-owned Pocahontas? Because as HHS Sec Kennedy might be able to influence findings/studies/conclusions/declarations etc, all on HHS "letterhead" that could possibly influence future lawsuits. LOL
Well, that was quite the "tell" by one on of pfizers/big pharma contribution recipients (Pocahontas), and properly pushed back on by Kennedy.
Megyn Kelly laughing behind Kennedy is great.
Clyde commented:
“Bernie Sanders is the Senator with the highest amount of lobbying money from Big Pharma. Elizabeth Warren is number two.”
She’s number two in more ways than one. (Very delicately put, Clyde)
From the latest Quinnipiac poll:
Republican Party: 43% favorable, 45% unfavorable (-2)
Democratic Party: 31% favorable, 57% unfavorable (-26)
Keep going Dumbocrat senators!
Recent data showing the post Covid decline in learning for 4th and 8th graders is concerning. But it has to be incomplete. The Democratic party has been impacted catastrophically. You just got your lunch handed to you (its probably Ensure and ice cream) for being the party of decrepit senility. And now you want to highlight a garment designed for ease of diaper changes? The savagery of this week's Power Line Week in Pictures is going to be off the scale.
He seemed very concerned about the $26 price.
Probably less exercised by $18 onesies.
Commisar sanders is one of the stupider ones
You're correct, it isn't funny, which is why Sanders must be mercilessly mocked and other Democrats (and RINOs) shamed for openly shilling for Big Pharma and Big Agra that are slowly poisoning us.
"One questioner asked if he would take lobbyist money and go work for them when he gets out of office.."
As opposed to Sanders, Warren, and many (most?) others in the Senate who take lobbyist money and go to work for big pharma now.
Uh oh. Looks like Derve has gone Full LLR-democratical Rich / Inga with wholesale deletion of comments.
Isn't it interesting how often our resident moronic lefties do that?.......
He's not anti-vaccine, he's not pro-innoculation, he's not anti-abortion, he's pro-choice. Senator, homicide is regulated by the states. Elective abortion after six weeks is premeditated murder, it is a hate crime following conception with Loving.
How many dissonant, conflicting bits of input can a mind juggle? The Progressives and RINOs are acting as if they've caught Kennedy Derangement Syndrome. They don't seem to recognize how self-damaging this is. Exhort us to 'Trust the Science', and then challenge the candidate that explicitly wants to see scientific principles applied to the approvals process for vaccines, drugs, and food safety. Ask confrontational questions, and then start yelling again before the subject can answer. Demand independence and transparency from drug company funding, while themselves raking in millions, undisclosed, from drug company lobbies.
The only thing missing was a studio audience responding to the cues from the lighted signs for 'Laughter', 'Applause', 'Gasps', 'Boos' and so on.
Yes but my reply offered as "found poetry" is now lost, deservedly so as a matter of quality.
From “A Few Good Onesies:”
RFKJr: You’re damn right I ordered that onesie. You can’t handle the onesie! I suggest you put on a onesie and stand a post. You want me in that onesie. You need me in that onesie!
Bernie: When I was a baby, we didn’t have these fancy onesies. You know what we had? Flour sacks! Nice and soft and absorbent. No diaper rash. You just put your baby in the sack. And you only need two sacks: the baby wears one while the other one is getting washed and dried. You just hang it on the line between the tenements - dries in no time at all. He makes a mess, you switch and repeat. I’m wearing a flour sack right now! Just cut two leg holes in the bottom. It’s one of the same flour sacks I wore as a baby, ninety years ago. More comfy than boxer shorts. Onesies….oy gewalt!
Big Mike,
Democrats often report unfavorable views of their own party, but still vote for Democrats. The 45% unfavorable rating of Republicans is pretty much cast in stone thanks to the media and academia. That means the Dems don't have to convince a lot of people that the Republicans are awful.
I just learned that Bernie received almost $2 million in campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Explains a lot.
More seriously, RFK is a counterexample that proves Trump’s gen-X strategy. He is possibly the poorest-briefed nominee so far. Probably because of his age and status - either staff were afraid to brief him, or he wouldn’t feign to be briefed.
So many of these questions had easy answers. Abortion? “Senator, Donna returned that issue to the states.” Done. You’re not going to mess with Big Ag, are you? “Senator, the Trump Administration is not siloed - pun intended. While we are not going to saddle Ag or any other industry with redundant regulations, we are also not going to let fly balls drop between two agencies. I will coordinate with the AgSec and all other cabinet officers on matters where our jurisdictions affect each other.” Done.
Althouse is the one deleting the unwelcome comments. Some people are unable to read the room and know that their presence is neither wanted nor needed.
Vaccines (i.e. sterilizing inoculations) are part of a risk management protocol. With rare exceptions, people will contract a virus, and develop natural immunity that mitigates pathogenic progress (PP). The most lives were saved not by vaccines, but improved sanitation, water purity, food safety, and availability of reliable energy. Vaccines may, in fact, induce pathogenic progress (PP), cause excessive inflammation, and other side-effects that should be mitigated with a rational schedule where the risk deems them necessary. Elective abortion is the Choice with a day after regret. I am pro choice with informed consent.
Bernie never saw anyone flip faster than RFK on abortion? He must have missed Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Bush 41. The first Bush was pro-abortion and then when he became VP - presto chango - he was against it.
McCain flipped and flopped so much it was hard to tell. At the start of the 2000 primaries he was supporting Pat Robertson and was pro-life. By the time he got to California, McCain was saying he didn't want Roe overturned and labeled Robertson an "agent of intolerance".
Then in 2008, he was back being pro-life and loving Pat Robertson again. LOL. Just build the dang fence, was just one of many lies.
These confirmation hearings have turned into clown shows. Schumer decides before they start which way all the D Senators will vote, and then we get the dog and pony, show which has zero effect on anything.
If the nominee is uniparty, then some or all of the D's will support the nominee. If the nominee isn't uniparty like Tulsi , DoD Pete, or RFk then Schumer passes the word, and all the D's vote against.
“He is possibly the poorest-briefed nominee so far. “
I think the friendly fire shocked him.There’s also the possibility that the Trump administration thinks it’s win win either way. If the only scalp the Dems get is Kennedy’s, the Dema get to claim a victory to their supporters and donors and Trump gets all his other nominees. Whether he gets the position or not, he’s going to be involved in the Trump governance in some advisory position - maybe modeled after Elon Musk’s position.
As for Bernie, its tragic that he's the closest thing the D's have to a real leftist. Because he's a fake. He talks anti-war and pro-worker, but everytime the chips are down he sells out. And as shown in the clip, he's clownish on a personal level. But then Bernie bros all fell in line for Biden, Hillary, and Harris. so what does it matter?
Just tell the senators what ever you have to. Get the votes and then do what you want. Its like the SCOTUS hearings. Teach it round or teach it flat. Be left or right. Just get the votes. And then in office, disregard what you said.
We used to say that we have the best politicians that money can buy, but that no longer seems true.
Not all vaccines are the same. Saying someone is for or against vaccines is like saying they're for or against medicines.
If you thought a certain medicine should be studied more or was causing harmful side-effects that were not listed or recognized by the manufacturer or was dangerous for children, does that make you anti-medicine?
The whole discussion is fundamentally dishonest.
RFK is to Big Pharma and the public health establishment as DJT is to the Fake News media establishment. Sometimes you need somebody to come along and take shots at the entrenched powers that be, even if not all of those shots are fair or well-aimed.
Just remember to purchase your onesies through the Althouse Amazon Portal.
"It sounds like he didn't get asked about his theory that COVID was ethnically targeted to avoid infecting Jews and Chinese people."
Bobby K. believes this? He's more of a kook/ignoramus/hustler than I was aware. Bravo to his cousin Caroline for warning the public against him! .
Sanders receiver 1.95 million dollars from pharmacological companies.
Warren received 1.2 million dollars.
Perhaps, that is why they are the most aggressive senators on the panel.
Sanders nails RFK Jr without being over the top pissy. Bob has "you got me" written on his face.
Sanders needs to make his onesies more interesting than RFK's onesies.
Always thought Jr. was a nut. Last year, read an article where he claimed pharma had done tests on a bunch of kids in a localized geographical area, with alarming results. Pharma dumped those results , modified tests and spread the testing out to a much larger area so that negative percentages would appear much lower.
Wonder if that is true?
Anecdotally, 18 month peripheral toddler got a covid vax. Mom brainwashed by media, afraid to say no, Dr. knows best,baby might die without it.
You would expect a Dr. to know that babies and toddlers didn't die from covid.
Colorado Senator Bennett did ask him about that Covid-19 theory, and Kennedy replied that he was quoting an NIH study. Here is a clip of this exchange:
Sanders sounds angry all the time.
I personally know far too many young adults born in 90s who are on autistic spectrum, who were subject to a far more extensive vaccine regiment, one quite different from my generation's list. I know their parents, who all remarked on behavior changes after their kids triple-vax MMR shots. I know that possibility of MMR vax-injury was a topic as verboten, parents chastised for questioning link to dramatic changes in their kids.
RFK Jr was bombarded by moms of MMR-injured kids, the women armed with medical records, personal experience, and European research. He was an environmental activist-attorney pursuing water pollution cases before he became a vax questioner too.
Big Pharma lobbies Fed government and elected officials to reject requests for meaningful medical research on vax injuries. Go find list of Big Pharma contributions to US senators, and find Sanders has accepted largest amount of any senator, just shy of $2 million. No wonder Sanders is shouting about the onesies; he has enormous ethical conflict in regards to children's vaccinations and Big Pharma issues.
@Maynard, go get to 57% disapproval the Democrats have to have turned off a lot of people who call themselves Indrpendent. Likewise, to reach 43% favorable the GOP needs to have been looked upon favorably by a large fraction of the Independents.
My son and his fiancee took her twin girls, then 4 years old, to the pediatrician. He tried to get their consent to give the girls the Covid vax by telling them that they (the parents) might die from Covid and the girls would have to go into foster care. My son just told them no.
Believe all onesies!
This link will take you to Amazon where you can buy a T-Shirt that has silhouettes of Sanders and Trump with Bernie waving a finger at Trump and telling him to "Get off of my lawn." Believe it or not, this shirt is marketed to Bernie Bros. They are that out of touch.
Actual text from the link:
"Funny political humor for Bernie Bros voting for Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America. A great gift among Democrats & Bernie meme lovers.
Hilarious novelty to make fun of politics & Donald Trump. For when Sanders is president 46 telling Trump off in the front yard of the White House. A meme for old people, boomers, millennials, & gen-X. Feel the Bern or get off my lawn this November!"
So much for making accommodations for a person with lesser abilities to communicate. But then Congress does not have to comply with the ADA except for when in-crowd leftists want the accommodation.
The dems are a sickening display.
That exchange had a total Bizarroworld feel to it!
I don't know about onesies. Bur Ol Bernie's knickers were in a knot yesterday. But Bernie has taken almost two million dollars from a single pharmaceutical manufacturer. He's protecting his infant feeding bowl.
As in the old country song, "If I can't be Number One in your Heart, then Number Two on you".
Speaking of promiscuity, the byproducts produced in your blood after getting this fake vaccine can be sexually transmitted. They call it "shedding."
That’s what you get when dealing with Democrats like Psychogawea…
“you got me laughing”… maybe.
Same tone… same choppy hand gestures… same wispy hair and rheumy eyes… and best of all, same fucking nonsense. Day in. Day out.
Bravo to his cousin Caroline for warning the public against him!
Why didn't she 'warn' us when he was running for the D nomination? And then as an Independent?
It’s no surprise that this dirty, smelly communist is on the take. For real.
I, for one, think antiestablishment onesies are pretty darn cute on babies. And hey, the babies can't read anyway.
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