December 6, 2024

We'll have to find a new way of living.

I'm reading "TikTok Loses Bid to Overturn Law Forcing a Ban or Sale/A federal court on Friday upheld a law that will ban the video app in the United States by Jan. 19 if its owner, ByteDance, does not sell it to a non-Chinese company" (NYT).
The decision [by a 3-judge panel of the D.C. Court of Appeals] could be a death blow for the app in [the U.S.]. More than 170 million Americans use TikTok.... The decision also raises new questions for President-elect Donald J. Trump, who has repeatedly signaled his support for the app, but who doesn’t have a clear path for rescuing it under the new law.... 
The company argued that the law unfairly singled out TikTok and that a ban would infringe on the First Amendment rights of American users....

ADDED: Will truth, beauty, and love save the world?

@thejazzemu It was such an honour to meet Mr. Peterson and show him my culinary prowess! #jordanpeterson #philosophy #cakes #cooking ♬ original sound - Jazz Emu


Lazarus said...

Some day,
We'll find a new way of living,
We'll find a way of forgiving.
Somewhere . . .

Jupiter said...

How do they propose to "ban" an app? Search our phones?

Charlie Currie said...

It was banned because it's the only popular app not compromised by the US government. As to X, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Wince said...

Don't Tik Tok, Google and others already offer short-form video platforms on the web without requiring installation of a proprietary app on one's phone?

RCOCEAN II said...

When the power elite want something, its ALWAYS constitutional. They dislike Tik-tok because there's too much freedom on it. Too many attacks on Israel are allowed. Too much anti-Genocide talk. AIPAC and the ADL worked behind the scenes to get Bi-partisan support. They roped in the boobs with talk about "its harmful for kids".

Look for the new American owners to be US Government approved.

Enigma said...

While China is almost certainly up to no good, monopolist Google stands by as Shorts is set to become the dominant short-form platform overnight.

They are all a bunch of manipulators with loyalty only to power and money.

wild chicken said...

I thought Trump himself wanted to ban it, years ago. Yes I'm confused.

Kay said...

Somewhere nikki haley is celebrating.

jim said...

The feds will seize the DNS names, and keep whacking it down. Not difficult at all to shutdown an app.

Chest Rockwell said...

It will be removed from the app store. You could probably side load it, but for iphone that's tricky.

mccullough said...

Elon will buy Tik Tok & Truth Social

FormerLawClerk said...

Will truth, beauty, and love save the world?

It hasn't ... (holds arms out and circles slowly, looking 360 degrees in all directions) ... so far.

jim said...

Trump was for banning it until Jeffrey Yass gave him money to change his mind. Other billionaires have since jumped on that band wagon and, no doubt, Trump will reverse the ban once he is installed.

Nothing confusing about this.

FormerLawClerk said...

I'm of the belief that "our" internet should not be open to the rest of the world for the same reason we have borders. Our enemies should not be allowed to build corporations that operate inside the United States and tear the country apart from within.

That's fucking stupid.

We would never allow China to come to the US and build a weapons plant and have them start handing out guns freely to jihadists because that would be fucking stupid.

Tik-Tok is essentially the same thing. It's used to gaslight the American people and divide us against ourselves. We should nationalize it and just shut it down.

And then take all of the land China has purchased in the United States next. Pakistan owns a hotel in New York. The fuck is that?

Tom T. said...

I thought Trump himself wanted to ban it, years ago.

And back then, Democrats opposed doing so. But banning TikTok helps Meta (Facebook Reels) and Google (YouTube Shorts), so the Democrats ran with it. And as noted, Trump is now backed by some TikTok investors, so he now supports the company. The fact that the politics has flipped indicates that the national security rationale is probably bullshit, by the way.

Quayle said...

We need a law that requires that all algorithms which determine what videos will be shown you, must be published in understandable form.

Then the public can decide if they want the mental, emotional, and attention "herding" of a particular application.

What we should prevent are hidden algorithms constructed to foment discord, idiocy, or unrecognized manipulation.

Original Mike said...

I am happy to have a controversy I don't care about.

ChrisC said...

It's Chinese spyware. They even admit that it is and dared western countries to do something about it.

n.n said...

Labor, environmental, and monetary arbitrage, plus systemic Diversity, you'd think that they would be joyful to lose this forward-looking burden hung around their... uh, employment. There's always the Umbrella Corporation to raise their Googles.

Mind your own business said...

I'm sure they could find enough treasonous scum US citizens to "buy" it from them. The Biden family comes to mind. It would be as if they never sold it.

Bob Boyd said...

Tik tok scientists have found when a Tik tok occurs the creator is usually young, hungry and unwell.

Charlie Currie said...

ALL social media apps are spyware. I prefer China spying on me than my own government. Just ask the British. It's not China who comes knocking on their door in the middle of the night to haul them off to prison for wrong think. And, it won't be China who comes knocking on your door either.

Quit kidding yourself that you live in a free country where the government only spies on it's foreign adversaries and not their own citizens.

Jupiter said...

If you're still using an iPhone, Tik-Tok is the least of your worries. But all major browsers support embedded Tik-Tok. I suppose they might make it hard to produce Tik-Tok videos, in the US, but I don't see any way to make it hard to watch them.

hombre said...

It's always about the Jews. Right, RC?

Rabel said...

For you addicts, here's a link to America's Funniest Home Videos on YouTube.

It's not quite the same but it'll help with the withdrawal, sort of like Methadone or a nicotine patch.

Aggie said...

Maybe they should have just demanded that it be open-sourced, like Twitter/X is. Sunlight is almost always the best way to de-complicate things.

Joe Bar said...

Just assume that everyone out there can find anything you have online, and you'll be fine.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The company argued that the law unfairly singled out TikTok and that a ban would infringe on the First Amendment rights of American users....

Nope. Blocking the CCP from spying on Americans does not "infringe on the First Amendment rights of American users".

Once Tic-Tok disappears, something else will arise to take its place.

If it serves an actual market niche, as opposed to only existing because the CCP paid for it so they could spy on Americans, it will be replaced

Greg The Class Traitor said...

RC, is there any enemy of America that you don't love?

doctrev said...

The deep state would love to end Twitter and TikTok, but the fact we're talking about national bans is because no other method to reduce their influence would work. This puts President Trump in an excellent position to cut a deal with the Chinese. Which would mean a lot of news about the bribes to the Biden crime family would be incontrovertibly proved.

Fight or don't fight: I like TikTok and expect this to be one more albatross about the necks of the Democrats and their oligarchs. But what happens will be decided at a level far above mine.

FormerLawClerk said...

Google does. It's called YouTube Shorts.

The videos feature men.

Men in Shorts.

n.n said...

It censures Chinese access to the American market, until they take affirmative action to address a political consensus adjacent to American Civil Liberties Unburdened (e.g. George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome). Mexico has already acknowledged a mutual interest to mitigate progress and is pursuing emigration reform.

Earnest Prole said...

Sadly I don’t know whether to believe the Donald Trump who said banning TikTok was an urgent national priority or the Donald Trump who said the opposite.

RCOCEAN II said...

China exported $550 billion in goods/services to USA in 2022. They hold $860 Billion in USA debt. There are 4.7 million Chinese immigrants in the USA. But y'know, they are OUR ENEMY. LOL!

If they are our enemy, we have a funny way of showing it. In fact, General millie Vanillee was calling up the Chicoms in November 2020 and telling them to not worry about "crazy Trump" and General Millie Vanilliee had it all under control.

It'd be nice if the Globalists would make up their minds. If China is our ENEMY, then why are allowing Chinese immigrants to pour into the USA? Why do we give them Favored nation status and allow them to run up huge trade deficits? Why did we finance their rise to being an economic superpower over the last 30 years? Sorry, that's just a dodge. TikTok is being sold because its not dancing the same tune as Facebook and others. That's the truth. Accept it or not.

Eva Marie said...

“Free speech brother, free speech” - Dana White

Wince said...

ADDED: Will truth, beauty, and love save the world?

“We sing about beauty and we sing about truth,
at $10,000 a show.”

Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Cover of the Rolling Stone

john mosby said...

BTW, that Peterson pastiche is pure genius. Someone should say it, since you took the trouble to post it.


Greg The Class Traitor said...

Here's a good review of the situation

Greg The Class Traitor said...

It will also be illegal for any US based web service to host it.

Could you explain why you're so desperate to be a tool of the CCP? I'm curious

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I prefer China spying on me than my own government

Then you're a complete fucking moron

Dr Weevil said...

A thread about Tik Tok with 39 comments, and not one of them shows any awareness of the biggest news about TikTok, that it was (allegedly) used to steal an election in a fairly large country! Why am I the only one here who knows this? Most of you complain about the mass media never telling you what you need to know, and I've recommended Twitter feeds worth following many times, but apparently no one listens.

Here's the news you haven't heard:

Romania's highest court just annulled the results of the presidential election they held on November 24th, canceling the run-off that was supposed to happen the day after tomorrow. Why? Because of massive cheating, much of it done through TikTok, and corruption. The winner of the first round, a pro-Russian guy named Călin Georgescu who is also a literal Fascist (he praises the Iron Guard government of the '30s) came out of nowhere to win almost 23% to 19.25% for the liberal - enough to put them both in the runoff in a crowded field. Not only was there gross electronic interference, he also claimed not to have spent any money on his campaign, but seems to have received a million Euros, and there is talk of prosecution for treason. Leaders of two other pro-Russian parties have just fled to Qatar. If you're curious, here's a Twitter thread to get you started: link.

Earnest Prole said...

Was TikTok connected directly to the voting machines?

For election-fraud stories to be truly convincing you somehow need to work in the ghost of Hugo Chavez.

RCOCEAN II said...

"thejazzemu" is hilarious. Now I'm going to spend the afternoon watching his comedy and not working.

Dr Weevil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

Fearless Leader is always right. Tic Tok was evil when condemned by Trump, then they stopped being bad for fear from the great Memsahib.

Dr Weevil said...

Why don't you follow my link and read the 8-tweet thread before asking questions? If you're too lazy to spend 5 minutes doing that, here's tweet 6/8: "A declassified document from the Romanian intelligence agency revealed over 85,000 attempted cyber-attacks on election websites and IT systems, concluding that 'the attacker has considerable resources specific to an attacking state,' according to Reuters." Does that make this election-fraud story at least half-way convincing?

doctrev said...

"A thread about Tik Tok with 39 comments, and not one of them shows any awareness of the biggest news about TikTok, that it was (allegedly) used to steal an election in a fairly large country! Why am I the only one here who knows this?"

It's in major news media like The Guardian, so you can stop celebrating your own genius now. And yet I am grateful! Your co-ethnics on the right wing are begging you to shut up, because this is a fantastic example of how much globalists and their oligarch puppetmasters absolutely dread TikTok. By the same token, it's a useful tool to MAGA types and nationalists throughout Europe. You'd have to be crazy to deny that, except certain people are outraged that TikTok doesn't celebrate the Gazacaust more. So it has to be banned.

You do more work to perpetuate stereotypes than a dozen rcoceans, and I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to take notice of this. Thanks a thousand times, Doc weevil, for posting on the blatant cancellation of democracy in Romania: it would be antiwhatever for me to have pointed it out first. And yet you celebrate it. Absolute perfection.

Mark said...

What a surprise. All these Lifelong Conservatives shilling and apologizing for the Communist Chinese, just like their master Trump.

D.D. Driver said...

"Could you explain why you're so desperate to be a tool of the CCP? I'm curious"

That's a strawman. No one likes the CCP. It's just that the CCP cannot audit my taxes or freeze my bank account if I don't take a vaccine. But, FBI/CIA/CDC/FACEBOOK/GOOGLE can and do.

D.D. Driver said...

"the national security rationale is probably bullshit"

Ya think? The way to get the GOP to jump is to tell them you "saw a Chinese." The way to get the Dems to jump is to tell them Trump would hate it.

People who believe this is actually about "national security" are children. It's about keeping Google fat and keeping the FBI spooks in their offices. It's a win-win. Heaven forbid the FBI has to get a warrant and follow legal processes to snoop on us.

Dr Weevil said...

doctrev (2:41pm) thinks the Romanian election was a battle between "globalists and their oligarch puppetmasters" and "MAGA types and nationalists" because he's too lazy to look up the "nationalist" candidate Georgescu, who is not only a nationalist (that much is true) and a Putinite and an out-and-out Fascist, as already noted, he's quite the globalist himself.

Here are some pertinent bits from the 'Diplomatic Career' section of his Wikipedia article: "Secretary General in the Ministry of Environment . . . executive director of the National Centre for Sustainable Development . . . President of the European Research Centre for the Club of Rome . . . Executive Director of the UN Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva and Vaduz . . . UN Special Rapporteur for human rights and hazardous waste . . . represented Romania on the national committee of the United Nations Environment Programme". In short, he's been a well-paid globalist himself for most of his life, as well as a Fascist and Putinite.

Next time, do your homework before replying.

And don't pretend that Romania has canceled democracy. They're going to schedule a do-over with safeguards against cheating. Do you oppose that? I think that's exactly what we need more of in the U.S. All those congressional races where they count for 27 days and the Republican is still ahead, then on the 28th the Democrat pulls ahead and they say "OK, we're done! We have a decision!". Or the race where they admit that 20 valid ballots were destroyed and the margin of victory is 14. We can't just reverse them. We need do-overs, with observers from both parties watching like hawks to make sure they don't fuck it up again. Do you disagree?

Finally, do tell me who my "co-ethnics on the right" are: I don't believe I've ever mentioned my ethnicity in my ~20 years commenting here.

D.D. Driver said...

"85,000 attempted cyber-attacks on election websites and IT systems"

What does this mean? Do they vote online in Romania? If someone hacks "" that has zero effect on the ballots. Can't they do a recount? What did the recount show? Very confusing. The Georgians are also denying their election results and as far as I can tell, the Georgians just didn't want to join the EU. (The UK wanted out too remember so that seems perfectly reasonable.) But the losers don't like that result so Putin *must* be behind the election. There is no other explanation.

We have a boy that cried wolf problem here because Americans tell me that Putin interfered in our elections in 2016 and there was never any evidence of it and I think it was absolute bullshit. So when I hear "Putin did it." I ask, did he this time? How is this time different than last time?

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, does anyone know what Jordan Peterson interview the tik tok guy is taking his words from? Peterson looks like he's on verge of a nervous breakdown.

Dr Weevil said...

Those of us who watched the news from Georgia on election day know that the opposition isn't just "denying their election results". Here's the Wikipedia summary of what I saw on Twitter that day, often with video included:

"On election day, a polling station was closed in Marneuli after footage emerged of ballot stuffing being conducted there, during which an election observer was attacked while trying to film the incident. The CEC said that a criminal investigation had been opened and all results originating from the precinct would be declared invalid. Two people were hospitalized after Georgian Dream supporters attacked the offices of the UNM. Election observers also noted cases of voter intimidation and ballot stuffing nationwide."

In short, the election in post-Soviet Georgia was a lot like some elections in American Georgia, or Philadelphia, except with more violence by the ruling party. Note: Georgian Dream is the party that supposedly won, beating the polls by 10% or so, as I recall. Polls are not fool-proof, but when the difference is that big, and when beatings and visible ballot-stuffing are included, questioning the supposed results is not just election denialism.

Dr Weevil said...

Damn! I missed a good joke in my previous comment. I should have written of Georgian Dream "beating the polls (as well as the opposition observers) by 10% or so".

doctrev said...

It's cruel to continue holding up Jordan Peterson as some kind of major public intellectual. I don't know if Russia actually used some MKULTRA mindwhammy on him, or if he simply needed advanced detox that would end his career in the West, but claiming that it was over cider (?!) was shocking even by the standards of "Jordanetics." Which is a book you should read, if you haven't already.

Roger Sweeny said...

Give props for the writing, acting, and editing skills of the people who made the video.

Ampersand said...

There is quite a bit of evidence that TikTok allows the CCP to use app algorithms to affect American young people. It also gives the CCP access to a great deal of personal information about its US users. If you think that the CCP is a malign force, you would like to find a way to prevent those two types of things. I don't know if there was an alternative to a ban that would work. Maybe somebody could help us by explaining a workaround short of a ban.

Rabel said...

Sell it to a US company.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I like it and don’t like it is my reaction to trying my ideas in the kitchen.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Truth? Beauty? Maybe, but FEMA pulls out leaving few trailers for survivors in
North Carolina. With people like FEMA we need not fear CCP.

BUMBLE BEE said...

RCOCEAN II said...

I found it. Source for Jordan Peterson comments the Tik Tok video. This makes Peterson look less crazy. podcast with Steven Bartlett’s “The Diary Of A CEO" has the whole thing.

Ampersand said...

Good thought. Perhaps that will happen.

boatbuilder said...

OK--but why is Google allowed to "spy on Americans?" Is it OK because it's Americans (and their government) spying on Americans? (I write as I post using a Google email address on a Google-hosted blog...)

Narayanan said...

what is wrong with China wanting a less hostile generation to grow in USA?

Narayanan said...

from map terrain-wise western NC looks more accessible from E TN
did rescue efforts take that into account?

Mason G said...

"did rescue efforts take that into account?"

Based on reports, they were busy taking into account who the victims would be voting for.

Aught Severn said...

Google does. It's called YouTube Shorts.

The videos feature men.

Men in Shorts.

My big concern is hats. Are they with or without hats?

Aught Severn said...

We need a law that requires that all algorithms which determine what videos will be shown you, must be published in understandable form.

I am curious about what you would consider "understandable" in this context. Assuming that these companies haven't just gone full ML at this point, understanding the basic algorithm would be fairly useless in helping to identify why you are shown particular videos. Seeing your personal weights (or coefficients, or whatever your favorite label is) would probably mean even less.

We are not talking about a series of simple if, then, else statements. The data file used for ML-based processing of complex data (think LLM, or object recognition in complex scenes, etc...) that stores the matrix values runs into gigabyte territory for just the basic models.

So I get your intent, but what you would get out of such a law would not achieve what you are trying to do.

D.D. Driver said...

"A wikipedia account of what I saw on twitter."


D.D. Driver said...

"There is quite a bit of evidence"

That's cool. Show us the evidence! I don't believe people who say foreigners are trying to influence us. It's 100% always the people trying to scare us into believing foreigners are trying to influence us that are lying to us and manipulating us. From the Steele Memo 🤯to all the Russian Bots 🤖 to TikTok 🐉, "foreigners" are always trying to manipulate us but it's always "an inside job." Always. This is not an exception.

lonejustice said...

The only time I ever watch Tik-Tok videos is when they are posted here on Althouse Blog. But I have to say that this one is very well done, and very amusing. And I'm a big fan of Jordan Peterson.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

1: Because we don't expect Google will be nuking the US, for one thing
2: Because Google, as an American company, has 1st Amendment rights
The CCP does not

D.D. Driver said...

But we still don't know how he had all of the details about how he knew where Thompson would be.

Killer has a bad back...victim's wife is a physical therapist.

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