December 4, 2024

"Trump Talks to DeSantis About Replacing Hegseth/And about appointing Lara Trump to the Senate."

A pithy headline at The Bulwark.

This is too tit-for-tatty.

Look out, Ron!

DeSantis, whose term as governor ends in January 2027 and who cannot run again because of term limits, was most interested in becoming U.S. attorney general, but for that slot Trump wanted an appointee who had exhibited the utmost loyalty—so he tapped Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. When Gaetz proved unconfirmable by the Senate, Trump sought Bondi to lead the Justice Department instead....

He rejected you twice for the job you wanted, and you'd be only second in line after a "sleazy serial adulterer." (The quoted description of Hegseth comes from Ann Coulter.)

We're told that Trump might like DeSantis for Defense because he's "a leader in 'anti-woke' policy" and — to quote "a DeSantis confidant" — Trump needs a "don’t-give-a-fuck honey badger to go in there and root out waste... and the gov is the OG honey badger."

And, we're told, DeSantis hasn't liked being pushed to pick Lara Trump to replace Marco Rubio in the Senate: "DeSantis resented being told whom to appoint and was uncomfortable with making Lara Trump, a newly minted Floridian, a senator. 'She hasn’t paid her dues in the state. If she wants to become a senator, she can run for it in two years,' a DeSantis adviser said."

Keep your independence, Ron. 


rehajm said...

Progress in this country will be holding the Clintons Kennedys and Dodds to the same standard as everyone else. I don’t wanna hear how you don’t wanna hear it…

rhhardin said...

Bulwark and Harry Litman are two channels maintaining their audience for thinking the worst of Trump, as that apparently fades from a viable business model for commercial channels. They're both great entertainment as derangement events. Harry Litman in addition has crazy eyes.

rhhardin said...

The Senate thing isn't about representing Florida but voting in lockstep against the similarly oriented democrats.

rehajm said...

We get called sometimes when they start grilling the ones that don’t need congressional votes. There’s a lot of back and forth and everyone gets to weigh in on the optics, that kind of thing. Sometimes they drag out for weeks and the candidate is in limbo only to hear they are no longer up for this or that. Nobody ever feels dissed they weren’t chosen for this one instead of that one but then again we don’t see short listed presidential candidates either.

Ann Althouse said...

The post raises several substantive points. Are they really that hard to engage with?

Heartless Aztec said...

Florida Senator is where presidential hopes whither and die.

Mark said...

JD is trying to clear out possible competition in 2028, having Ron busy with the military (vs retired) is likely helpful, as will be the inevitable missteps or scandals that occur with military activities (or contracting) that he can pin on him claiming inside info.

Oh Yea said...

DeSantis is best served to be the alternative true to the agenda without out being personally subservient to Trump.

Money Manger said...

Lots of "people familiar with the discussions" are leaking. I'm curious to know why. My first reaction is so that Trump gets a photo-op of DeSantis kissing his ring.

Kate said...

The Bulwark is a neocon's version of The View. DeSantis is an interesting pick, but the nattering of Kristol, Goldberg and Young is hard to take seriously.

tommyesq said...

Exactly. the "sources" for this article are "four sources briefed on" the discussions. So there are no actual first-hand witnesses. Further, there is no identification of either the "four sources" or the people who "briefed" these four sources. For all we know, they were "briefed" by watching MSNBC, which is the exact type of sourcing used in the "Pulitzer-Prize-winning" Russiagate reporting.

rhhardin said...

I went back and looked for what points that might be. My only impression is what I got the first time, that Althouse likes Desantis, which I assumed is a female thing. No pussy grabbing, dresses well.

tim maguire said...

I’m not disturbed by Hogseth’s womanizing, but I am disturbed by his drinking. If those stories are true, they should be disqualifying. Still, in general, I want to see Trump fight for his picks. It’s an indication of how serious he is this time—the people pushing back are the people he was sent in to clean up.

I’d like to see DeSantis get a high profile spot that will keep his national exposure going, but I have no specific office in mind for him.

Tina Trent said...

It’s an interesting strategy to nominate so many people from Florida—they know each other well, have worked as a team, and are not DC insiders.

Breezy said...

I think DeSantis would be great as DHS lead, but DoD good, too. Politicians are scrappers and will take anything that raises their stature, regardless of any history with certain people. They’re forgiving if they gain from it, unforgiving if they don’t.

Temujin said...

As a Floridian and someone who is a great admirer of most of what our Governor has done, and considers him the best Governor in America...I would hate to lose our last two years of him as our Guv. But...

>He should have been the easy, no-brainer selection for US Attorney General. It was a direct slap in the face by Trump that he selected the clown Gaetz, then Pam Bondi, who is more than competent, but no DeSantis.

>He would make an outstanding Director of Defense. He would clean up and beef up the military- as it needs to be done.

>He and JD Vance would be the leading players from this side going into the next election. Trump would typically do nothing to help DeSantis. Vance is his guy now. So...if the nomination is made they must figure it'll push DeSantis out of the spotlight and back into the shadows. I'm not so sure. He's too good at getting things done. And people notice when others get things done.

Howard said...

Like his hero of the Bob Guccione movie Caligula, Trump is honoring his memory by appointing a horse face to the Senate.

narciso said...

No its Omidyars scratch pad

Tina Trent said...

To respond to the post, I think the Bulwark is just trying to throw everything at the wall to see if anything sticks, yet they still miss all the important political implications and are just hypothesizing about what people are thinking, rather than addressing platforms, alliances, and political realities like upcoming election schedules and trends.

I’m not a big fan of Lt. Governor Jeanette Nuñez, who would also likely lose to that reprobate Gaetz if the next Governor’s race was soon, but elevating DeSantis now would give her a chance in the next two years to show people how she governs. She is OK at following the electorate’s will. For example, she is less identity politics than she used to be. And switching even more of the base of power in Washington to Florida, especially South Florida, will strengthen and reward the right kind of Cuban-American and Jewish conservatism. As a younger Cuban-American, she can be effective to bring her peers back into the conservative fold. She has a lot of good mentors.

These are the real political considerations. The Bulwark doesn’t really merit serious consideration. They have no following. Better to consult the Daily Mail, or the Post, which are actually widely read.

cfs said...

The WSJ had an "exclusive" last night. It appears the talking point has gone out. Some in the Trump inner circle are saying it is bullshit and Democrats and their media under-lords are trying to manipulate Trump. They are targeting his nominees one by one and for each win they are more emboldened as they go after the next one.

There are 6 GOP RINOS who are basically indicating they will support none of Trump's nominees. That's even though they have supported almost every unqualified Biden nominee put forth. The "RINO" title needs to be removed from by their names; they don't even deserve that much. Just go ahead and call them "Dems" or maybe "Dims".

narciso said...

They have trafficked in the same garbage hiding their source eg joel greenberg

Dave Begley said...

Pete’s mom just spoke for her son on Fox. Theme: He’s a changed man.

Tina Trent said...

Oh, if only he would appoint the increasingly beautiful horse-faced Ann Coulter to head the DOJ. Howard, you have to admit she is courageous and a truth teller, ie. the Central Park Five were guilty as sin. Smart as hell. Watch the video when she’s about 22, wiping the floor with the execrable William F. Buckley’s intoxicated corpse, held up only by the caul of grease in his hair.

It’s on YouTube. She is unafraid and brilliant, and so young she still has acne.

Tina Trent said...

All good points.

Tina Trent said...

Thankfully, viz that bag boy Rubio.

narciso said...

Hes a lawfare hack who isnt really smart julie kelly has the receipts

Tina Trent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Trent said...

I’m not buying. We need a principled person to convince young men that they are making great sacrifices for a principled institution.

narciso said...

They still have blood on their hands for approving lloyd austin you think we donr remember abbey gate

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Keep your independence, Ron.”

What are his options? He’s already been schooled that there is no path forward in the Republican Party except as a Trump sycophant. I suppose he could appoint himself to Marco Rubio’s senate seat, but Donald Trump could then run Lara Trump against him.

Steven said...

Desantis should take no position offered by Trump.

Trumps appointments don't last long. Everyone ends up annoying him within a few months to a year and then they get replaced by a sycophant. Desantis might think Defense is a stepping stone to running for president, but in reality if he's appointed in 2025 he'll be out by 2026 and forgotten by 2028. It's a dead end.

I don't have a strong objection to Trump politically, but he's a terrible manager of people.

narciso said...

When you think you cant despise journalistic hacks they go lower

cfs said...

The media's sources are all anonymous. Several of those that worked side by side with Hegseth at Fox have come forward to say the accusations are nonsense. They've put their names to their statements.

It's as if the media first tried the "Hegseth is just like Bill Clinton. A womanizer!" accusation.

That didn't work so they are now trying the "Hegseth is just like Hillary Clinton" attack! "An alcoholic!".

We will see if that one will do the job.

Many conservatives fall for these accusations every damn time. That's why the left and their loyal media does it this way. Look up Pelosi and her speaking of the "wrap up" smear. The accusers fall back into obscurity after their job is done. What happened to Kavanaugh's accusers? Anyone?

Tina Trent said...

What does “second in line” even mean? I’m happy these things are not happening behind closed doors. How about “better”?

Tina Trent said...

Why would the same source offer different “garbage”? Why Joel Greenberg?

Tina Trent said...

Except that he is a real public servant.

Will Cate said...

Trump and/or his transition team probably have multiple candidates in mind for any major position. His methodology is utterly predictable: nominate the most outrageous candidate first, and if that doesn't work out, go with a more conventional pick. But I think Ann's right -- there's really no reason for Ron to go chasing after this.

mindnumbrobot said...

The Bulwark?! Yikes! You better take a shower.

Yancey Ward said...

If it is in The Bulwark, one should probably approach the article with the belief that is is all fabricated.

Lawnerd said...

As long as Trump gets picks in that will carry out his promises and actually reduce the Federal Government, I don’t care who they are. As for the Bulwark and all the other fucking neocons, they can pound salt, they have no real followers or base. That said, Desantis was my top choice in the primaries mainly because I incorrectly thought Trump didn’t stand a chance of winning it all. How stupid of me.

David53 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Now, if I assume that DeSantis is being offered the job, he should turn it down- finish out the term as Florida's governor leaves him well positioned too run for President in 2028. Being the Defense Secretary won't benefit him politically even if the Trump 2nd term is judged even very successful. As for who to appoint to Rubio's seat- I would choose a solid member of the Florida House delegation- I would choose Byron Donalds.

David53 said...

Ride that Hegseth horse all the way to the Senate floor then we'll see for sure who the real RINOs are. DeSantis will still be around if he's really interested and another pony is needed. I think Hegseth is much more likely to void the current batch of generals and SESs than DeSantis is. Those Pentagon turds need to be flushed.

pious agnostic said...

A fine analysis.

narciso said...

we know they lie as if they were breathing, I would trust none of those who have mouthed lies before,

Aggie said...

If they want a better class of candidate, maybe they should offer a better class of confirmation hearing. DeSantis would be right to stay away from this mess, he has a state to run and he's good at running it.

As for the reporting, I've concluded that anytime 'anonymous' sources are trotted out, then the story is really just whatever the reporter thinks will get the juiciest reaction. He might call an insider or two to fluff it out, but then he goes ahead with what he made up anyway. It shouldn't be interpreted as anything factual.

Hassayamper said...

DeSantis would have been a great FIRST pick for either job, with a truly brilliant track record in Florida, but will he be a team player after this humiliating do-si-do?

I suppose Trump doesn't have to worry about boosting a potential rival anymore, but Vance may be a bit put out by it.

Peachy said...

All of these picks should benefit AMERICANS - not simply political favoritism and chess moves.

Peachy said...

DeSanits has more than proven he is stellar and effective leader. DeSantis gets things done. He follows thru with promises. He doesn't let the swamp over-whelm him. He is articulate, too. Which helps.
DeSantis is the opposite of the McConnell-Right-left insider infection.

Peachy said...

Laura Trump in the Senate smells of Bush dynasty. Americans are sick of family dynasties.

William said...

My choice for DOD is Musk. I see no reason why he can't take this on in addition to his other duties.....Unfortunately for the world, Napoleon was a military genius. He was the first man to understand how to use artillery and how to unify and motivate a conscript army. The nature of war is changing. Soon it will be all about drones, robots, AI and such things. I think success in our conflicts will depend on how well we integrate robots and drones into combat rather than woman and gender dysphorics. The first person to understand such things and use them for military advantage will put his opponents in peril. I like to see our team have that advantage.

Freeman Hunt said...

DeSantis should absolutely not appoint Lara Trump. The idea is absurd. It would be such a Trump-ish, and not DeSantis-ish, thing to do.

Freeman Hunt said...

And Trump should replace a lot of his picks because a lot of them are terrible.

Peachy said...

tommyesq - exactly. NOW anytime the hack press mention "sources" - we all roll our eyes.

Peachy said...

MSNBC sources just told us the other day - the opposite. We call all trust D-MSNBC - liar network. The network that exists to prop up the corrupt modern democrat party.

Lazarus said...

It sounds fake, but Trump does have a lot of "notions" that he has to get out of his system. If you heard that Lyndon Johnson was talking about something, he was going to do it, one way or another, by hook or by crook. With Trump some of the things you hear about him saying or doing are just passing fancies -- if he even actually said or did them. He's easily dissuaded from these whims. I hope he knows and continues to know the difference between the things that pass through his head and the things he has to do and ought to do.

P.S. The Bulwark also has a conversation with this site's favorite son, Ben Wikler.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"I don't have a strong objection to Trump politically, but he's a terrible manager of people."

Right, he couldn't possibly succeed in any kind of executive role.

Big Mike said...

I agree about DeSantis for DHS. Lara should stay where she’s at — she has done a vastly better job as head of he RNC than her predecessor, the rich Romney relative. A Republican almost beat the despicable Murphy in New Jersey in 2021 with no support from the RNC. Could she help us take the governorship of a deep blue state? And here in Virginia Youngkin cannot succeed himself so we need RNC support to put Winsome Sears into the governor’s mansion. Plus we need to defend a lot of Senate seats in 2026 and it would be nice to flip at least Georgia. And Mike Johnson needs a larger majority. No, please keep Lara in the RNC.

DINKY DAU 45 said...


wendybar said...

Jon Nicosia
I have covered the media for 15 years. If
was as drunk on set, etc., as people are saying, it would’ve been gossip everywhere. I was Managing Editor at
when the Roger Ailes stuff went down. That place (Fox) talks/leaks a LOT. Until tonight. Not a word or post on the current media gossip sites about the smell of booze, nothing. The media business is brutal. Getting rid of him if he was drinking opens up another prime spot for the next star in line to take a seat on the couch. It’s just that simple. Someone would’ve leaked it far sooner This is a hit piece and garbage, nothing more.

FormerLawClerk said...

DeSantis oversaw force feeding operations at Gitmo to keep the terrorists in line and enjoying their life imprisonment for 9-11. That's the kind of military leadership America could use.

Tank said...

"Big Mike said...

I agree about DeSantis for DHS. Lara should stay where she’s at — she has done a vastly better job as head of he RNC than her predecessor, the rich Romney relative. A Republican almost beat the despicable Murphy in New Jersey in 2021 with no support from the RNC. Could she help us take the governorship of a deep blue state? And here in Virginia Youngkin cannot succeed himself so we need RNC support to put Winsome Sears into the governor’s mansion. Plus we need to defend a lot of Senate seats in 2026 and it would be nice to flip at least Georgia. And Mike Johnson needs a larger majority. No, please keep Lara in the RNC."

Exactly right.

Desantis is best off where he is. Keep doing a great job and build an even better record. He or Vance would make a great president, or be great running together. All MAGA people would vote for either guy over any Dem.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Trump should stick with Hegseth and let him sink or swim at his confirmation hearing. It doesn't do Trump any good to back down from nominees simply because there are tawdry allegations that MAY kill the nomination. Don't give Hegseth's opponents a free win. If Senate republicans are going to take to the fainting couches over sex and booze allegations, make them go on record and explain exactly what their level of tolerance is for nominees who aren't Puritans.

planetgeo said...

Ron DeSantis should stay right where he is, as the best governor in arguably the most free state for all classes of people in the country. He controls his own destiny by continuing on his own path.

As for Hegseth, I fail to see (but do understand) the squishyness even among some Trump supporters regarding his nomination. At this point, the DoD is in such a corrupted and debilitated state that it is no longer fixable by a better manager or more virtuous choirboy. It needs a Patton to shake it up and re-instill a warrior ethos (not just culture) at every level. Hegseth exudes that ethos. He can hire the needed good managers and DOGE can lay out where they are needed. This is one nomination I don't want to see abandoned.

Drago said...

"All MAGA people would vote for either guy over any Dem."

This is false. And not just false, but wildly false.

As it stands today, the massive no/low-propensity voters that propelled Trump to victory in all 3 elections (yes, all 3...81 million votes for biden in one believes that) currently have no real affinity for any other politicians. This will be JD's task over the next 4 years and he might just do it.

DeSantis has almost no inroad capabilities with that mass of voters that form such a key part of the Trump (NOT GOP) base. Particularly in the midwest/formerly blue wall states.

Can that change?

Maybe. One never likes to say never in politics...particularly when polticians are still young enough to be on the scene for a couple decades to come.

narciso said...

what is the purpose of this story, is it to illuminate, it's to disparage, again I bring up these same senators who voted for Darth Austin, for Garland for Mayorkas the three horsemen of the apocalypse,

Ampersand said...

DeSantis would be a fool to allow his career to be subject to the caprice of a President.

wendybar said...


Tank said...

"Drago said...

"All MAGA people would vote for either guy over any Dem."

This is false. And not just false, but wildly false.

As it stands today, the massive no/low-propensity voters that propelled Trump to victory in all 3 elections (yes, all 3...81 million votes for biden in one believes that) currently have no real affinity for any other politicians. This will be JD's task over the next 4 years and he might just do it."

You say I'm wrong but unfairly changed my statement. I specifically referred to all MAGA people. Yes, they would all vote Desantis or Vance over any Dem. Anyone not named Trump is going to have to work hard to keep the "other" people who voted for Trump and keep them on our side.

We actually agree.

Peachy said...

Kash Patel is Trump's best pick so far.

Gravel said...

It's nothing but speculation and unnamed sources. Add to that that it's the Bulwark, and there's no reason to take it seriously. If they get it right, it's an accident.

Howard said...

Thanks for that insight Tina. I have no doubt she knows how to kick ass and take names. She's not one to stay at home and bake cookies and stand by her man, LOL

Howard said...

Yeah the strategy is to go negative and call all of the nominees either crazy extreme or highly corrupted

Howard said...

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Howard said...

Drago and I are in complete agreement on his point. I keep telling my libtard friends that Trump is now going for legacy and if someone can carry on the mega movement that just will bring Trump more power in the history books. JD Vance might just be the guy who can pull that off. If you think it's Rhonda Santas, then you probably live in a fetted swamp in Central Florida that you purchased while living in New Jersey.

Kakistocracy said...

Looks like checks and balances is making a comeback.

How about vetting people before “nominating” them? Old-fashioned, yes; but avoids all this sturm und drang. Trump’s cred is waning with these in-your-face nominations. Not that he cares, but the US Senate apparently does.

Kakistocracy said...

Yes, the new Republican principle — abuse the power of Big Government to attack private business.

Drago said...

The confusion lies in the use of phrase "MAGA people". I dont believe all "MAGA people" are transferrable to other republicans not named Vance (I believe Vance will continue to grow trust amongst that group).

DeSantis is behind the power curve due to his Paul Ryan-clone days while in congress and his support for TPP/Fast Track Authority that served the globalist agenda and is despised by midwest/working class voters.

Narayanan said...

will not Trump move Presdicny to Mar a Lago? ?new improved? version of swamp?

Narayanan said...

he wasted lot of money in primary! is he even budget conscious?

narciso said...

did they vet Robert Malley how about Tabatatai, the former UNWRA official at Defense tell me another one,

Drago said...

Correct. Make the GOPe swamp rats stand in the public spotlight and vote up or down after having given so many upvotes to the Biden Cabinet Hack Menagerie.

The entire purpose of this behind the scenes effort is to get all of Trump's nominees to withdraw so the GOPe-ers can publicly pretend to support the trump/republican base voter vision while actually working to advance the dem/GOPe Alliance America Last vision.

And they aren't even bothering to hide it.

Narayanan said...

RonD wasted lot of money in primary! is he even budget conscious?

Drago said...

DeSantis is not and never hs been "true to the agenda" of anti-globalist America First. Thats one of the key reasons he was crushed in Iowa.

Narayanan said...

Ron D wasted lot of money in primary! is he even budget conscious?

Drago said...

The pentagon just failed its 7th audit in a row.

7. In a row. Hundreds of billions "missing".

So much for establishment "vetting" of candidates....

Narayanan said...

he wasted lot of money in Iowa primary! is he even budget conscious?

Narayanan said...

How much of Ron D success is because of FL legislature? if we are going to talk about political finesse?

Kakistocracy said...

"Donald Trump has discussed replacing Pete Hegseth..."

Not a problem.

There are plenty more totally unqualified candidates.

Sexual misconduct and embezzlement seem to be Trump’s main criteria for choosing his staff.

The next 4 years will be very entertaining, to say the least.

Drago said...

To illustrate the political mountain DeSantis would have to climb to position himself as even a remotely plausible republican primary candidate in the future, here's the text of a tweet put out by Brendan Dilley of the beloved Dilley Meme team that was so effective for Trump during the campaign and has a real finger on the pulse of the MAGA base:

#RonDeSantis is a backstabbing, untrustworthy, disloyal scumbag who deserves nothing but contempt and ridicule from any self-respecting Trump supporter.

....and President Trump once thanked me for ruining meatball Ron's campaign"

Yikes. Tall mountain indeed.

Kakistocracy said...

Speaking of a crisis in masculinity

"My mother will hear of this" is not the confidence inspiring male flex you think it is.

Drago said...

Embezzlement is precisely why the large democratical donors to kamala's campaign want a full audit.

Looks like Abacus Boy Rich is playing confession by projection again!


As always. As certain as night follows day...

Drago said...

He has already allowed his career to be subjected to the caprices of the globalists and Paul Ryan types.

Everybody picks their poison...

Dagwood said...

Howard said...

Like his hero of the Bob Guccione movie Caligula, Trump is honoring his memory by appointing a horse face to the Senate.

...says the guy who has wet dreams about John Kerry.

Original Mike said...

"This is a hit piece and garbage, "

A hit piece? From The Bulwark?

I understand the merit of reading widely, but I do find it disturbing that Althouse is lending any credence to that cesspool. I have spent a little time over there after the election and they are beyond the pale.

Narayanan said...

Ron wasted lot of money in primary! is he even know what budget means ?

Narayanan said...

if putting together a team why not figure in team player view of each other?
for rhythm and harmony!!

The Vault Dweller said...

I agree with the unnamed staffer who says appointing Lara Trump to the Senate seat from Florida is a mistake. Part of the problem of the swamp is that DC is populated by folks who think in terms of Washington DC and the unitary nation. An antidote to that is people who think more in terms of what is best for their state and their constituents. If the people of Florida like Lara Trump they can vote her in. Who knows, all it took was Hillary Clinton putting on a Yankees ball cap and that was sufficient to persuade the people of New York she was a genuine New Yorker.

Kakistocracy said...

Democrats seem to have no problem with the president's son being a philandering addict. So why not the Secretary of Defense?

Kakistocracy said...

Navarro joins the clown 🤡 show.

NKP said...

DeSantis Haters are every bit as wack as Trump Haters. The Gov pretty much flipped-off the Covid Mafia and his state prospered. He ended Disney sovereignty in Florida. He re-introduced sanity and decency in the state's public education system.

Is he perfect? Thank God, NO. Perfect is the enemy of the good!

DINKY DAU 45 said...

wtf! Maybe should try Vetting people so you dont keep coming up with the dregs,but seems to be the format.Cmon man wtf! Well at least you got the prison perp GREEN BAY SWEE guy fresh from jail LOYALTY DELUXE...there ya go! beauty

mccullough said...

It would be better for DeSantis to serve out his term as governor and then take a cabinet position in two years. Defense or AG likely will be open again by then.

As far as who to appoint as Senator, just find another guy whose Dad was a bartender

hombre said...

Seriously, rh? A female thing?

Rabel said...

Can you clarify what "substantive" points you see in the Bulwark article?

Almost everything you quoted is based on rumors and anonymous sources reported by a group with a history of dishonesty and hate.

Rabel said...

I'm reading through the comments and find it hard to understand how anyone can accept a single word of the article as fact.

rehajm said...

Only terrible Republican picks get fatal scrutiny and criticism…and I’m probably the only one who thinks so but Gaetz is gone not because he’s a horrible person but because he was such a bipartisan pain-in-the-ass when he arrived in the House. I’m happy letting the terrible picks have at the bastards.

American media will have to apologize then commit seppuku on-air if you want good conservatives to ever be attracted to public service. You go to war with the party you have…

rehajm said...

This post is compost rich from the OP on down- His picks are terrible! We need Ann Coulter! 😳 You all need whisky and penance…

rehajm said...

…I’ll agree DeSantis might be better suited to address the impossibly heavy lift of reforming Defense but he has no honey badger in his DNA…

effinayright said...

That phrase "has the receipts" is now a tired cliché.

IOW stick a fork in it; it's done.

Tina Trent said...

I agree. And Georgia is about to tumble off a nearly inevitable demographic cliff. We have to root the sleazy leftitarians out of the GOP. Just like the DNC did with that same gang of fools. Chase Oliver types.

We have some real conservative talent in our state House and Senate, some I’d love to see in Washington, but I don’t know any who want to run for the Senate. We do need Lara Trump helping us here. Florida is doing fine.

effinayright said...

Narayanan, Florida indeed has a budget surplus.

john mosby said...

William, I love the idea of Musk as SECDEF. If you will permit me to riff off your lead:

- Defense industrial strategy is a huge part of the job. Elon has been a government contractor for 20 years. Certainly he has a huge collection of "why don't they do it this way" ideas by now. Also, he knows the BS contractors pull, because he has pulled some of it himself (cmon, he's only human, plus sometimes the system incentivizes or even forces you to do BS). Finally, he has successfully developed and fielded strategic new technologies in real time, not 30 years after conception.

- He's an engineer, and so many of the generals and admirals are service-academy-trained engineers. He can speak to them in a common language.

- He saw what the SADF was able to do in his home country. He has participated at least somewhat in the Ukraine war with his Starlink stuff. So he is familiar with military models other than the US one.

- He runs multiple complex companies at the same bloody time. He can probably manage six services.

- Dems in the Senate would approve him just to make him divest from his companies.

Musk as SECDEF, and Hegseth as a hatchet man at the highest level appointable without Senate confirmation (or as a Pershing-style direct promotion to one-star!), would be a great combination.


effinayright said...

Years ago, back at State U, a girl in a certain sorority used to say that after a hot date she threw her panties against the wall to see if they would stick.

If they did, she had a good time.

In these days of sexually wanton females that test is no longer necessary.

Tina Trent said...

Narayanan: the Florida Legislature is a very mixed bag. What the state has is a critical mass of terrific activists, in part because of the number of retirees. I met so many retired business owners, professors, and quite a few former government money crunchers, engineers, teachers, and even social workers in TEA Parties there. They knew the issues and the stakes, and they learned how to avoid fraudsters posing as allies long before anyone else. With the glaring exception of Rubio.

Narayanan said...

why 'talks' without photo evidence of present in same room
instead of -has talked- would be vaguer

Kakistocracy said...

Trump Replaces His White House Counsel Before He Even Started the Job ~ NYT

Trump appears to have had a change of heart for his White House counsel, elevating Dave Warrington to the role after first naming Bill McGinley.

Revolving door administration will be standard operating procedure.

Gravel said...

"I'm not disturbed by [story that has actual verification], but I am disturbed by [story that is entirely based on anonymous sources, and repudiated on the record by named sources]" is certainly a take.

Drago said...

Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Tim "jazzy spirit fingers" Wz fanboy sez wut?

Drago said...

Still no "chest feeders" as far as I can tell.

Drago said...

RFKjr nominated for Health and Human Services and whammo, the CEO of the biggest Health Insurer in the country is assassinated in clearly a professional Times Square.

Simultaneously, US intel sources feed Andy McCabe and CNN the story of Iranians (wink wink) attempting to run an op against Kesh Patel...

...which conveniently opens the door for the FBI/CIA/NSA/etc to open a "counter-intelligence" (wink wink) investigation on Patel to, you know, "protect Patel" (wink wink) by having our intel side do a full blown deep dive on Patel and everyone remotely in his orbit for as far back as they can go.

To "protect" (wink wink) Patel, doncha know...

Quite the series of messages sent in the last 24 hours, wouldn't you say?

wendybar said...

The people who actually work with him, and aren't hiding behind "Anonymous" are calling the whole thing BULLSHIT. Is anybody really surprised that the Uniparty is spreading hate, lies and disinformation as usual to get their way?? As Harry Reid says "It worked, didn't it". Don't fall for being a stupid Progressive. Wake the hell up...why would ANYBODY Want to work in Government when they treat you like shit?? Unless you are one of the special ones.

Drago said...

It appears Abacus Boy is "forgetting" to provide the actual story.

Would you like to try again?

And while you are pondering this latest info foulup on your part, perhaps spend a few moments on this:

"Critics said Musk 'overpaid' for Twitter. Thanks to Trump and xAI, it could actually be a steal."

Ouch! It appears some in the business media world are just starting to figure it all out...not Richie of course. He'll always be years behind.

Drago said...

Team "Rachel" Levine continues to have thoughts re: clown shows

wishfulthinking said...

Lara Trump won't win in Florida against Desantis. No matter how much Trump helps her. Won't happen. I personally would rather have DeSantis as my senator and prefer Moody over Nunez for governor The latter strikes me as a shadow anti Trumper and a RINO.

Iman said...

Hilarious! That “stick a fork in it; it's done” was a tired cliché nearly a decade ago.

Iman said...

I bet you went through a ton of 409 and panties, missy!

Iman said...

No, just attacking assholes like you, rich.

lonejustice said...

The problem here is that so many commentators never engage Althouse's posts with her substantive points. They just spew their personal opinions, whether or not they have anything to do with the host's posts. Sad. That's why I have almost given up on reading the comments. But I still love this blog, without the comments.

Jim at said...

Yes, the new Republican principle — abuse the power of Big Government to attack private business.

Apparently you slept through the COVID years ...

John said...

Trump's support of Kavanaugh should be a good reminder that he can be steely in face of adversity.

The Godfather said...

I lived in Florida for 5 years, between the Jeb and Ron Administrations. Before living there, I had spent a lot of time visiting there part time. I have a fairly good sense of what Florida is like as a polity.
I have a great deal of respect for Ron DeSantis. I would have supported him for President this year (no offense to Trump; I just thought he would be out-gunned by the Establishment). I would be happy to support DeSantis for the Republican Presidential nomination for 2028. I also like Vance a lot, and I would support him. Can't we wait until the "old king" is gone?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Well when the most qualified,combat veteran and a sexually abused women came out of the Fox guy meeting today and said basically nothing you can bet that guy will be the 3rd rejection of the trump no vetting people.(he finally smartened up and gave permission for real vetting)Joni Ernst would be first woman in history,as stated combat veteran and well able to deal with the sex perps THAT seems rampant in these hearings OF PEOPLE starting at the top.Plus being convicted felon fine, a conspirator, a sexual abuser a fraud and a serial womanizer okay for top guy thats fine, but NO ALCOHOL,,not liking drug addicts. Next up DESANTIMONIUS WTF CMON MAN..

Kakistocracy said...

DeSantis wants you to forget all about Meatball Ron...

Kakistocracy said...

Bob Iger (Disney) flouted a law passed by Florida's house (brought by the Governor) and DeSantis revoked Disney's special district status (the one that allowed Disney to do whatever it wanted in their theme parks), Iger retaliated by withdrawing all planned investment in Florida.

Both parties sued and countersued till the crescendo last spring, where DeSantis agreed to surrender key decision making for the theme parks back to Disney (ostensibly under the auspices of a new government authority but it's just a facade ), Disney agreed that it maybe at some point perhaps it will possibly invest in Florida... and the law that Iger flouted.... well nothing on that front.

On the whole it was point match and score for Disney.

Kakistocracy said...

Sexual misconduct.
Financial misconduct.

Minimum pre-requisites for any Trump appointee.

Leland said...

"Substantive"? Points yeah, but substantive? Let's try a direct quote:
I can’t say it’s definitely going to happen, but the governor is receptive and Trump is serious, too.
"They can't say it is definite" What makes that substantive?
"The governor is receptive" He took the phone call? He listened to Trump?
"Trump is serious" If Trump is serious, and he appointed Hegseth, what again is this unserious talk about Trump having fear?

But hey, that's a "Top Republican" that they won't say who is, and doesn't sound like Trump, DeSantis, or anybody else in the Republican leadership.

“Initially, Lara Trump was not part of all of this,” the source said. “But there’s no way it could have been avoided.”

Please make sense of that "substantive" comment. Do you believe all those other things mentioned just previously were part of the conversation, including who to replace Marco Rubio, but they weren't going to talk about who to replace Marco Rubio?

“I’m not sure what Pete is going to say, but right now he looks like a goner,”
We know what Pete said, because he told Megan Kelly.

“Trump talking to DeSantis while this is all going on is a sure sign that Trump doesn’t think Pete is gonna make it.”

All this seemed to be about replacing Marco Rubio. There is no reason other than an anonymous source to think it was more than that.

ABC news is making a similar report. Let's talk about how substantive these source are.

Multiple sources also told ABC News that Trump and Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke about the job Tuesday and DeSantis expressed interest in it. Other possible candidates include Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst and Tennessee Gov. Bill Hagerty, said sources familiar with private discussions.

Well first of all, it seems a lot of people are in the discussion, not just DeSantis. But Sen. Joni Ernst is also in the news elsewhere. What for? She is on a list of GOP Senators that claim they won't vote to confirm Hegseth. We are supposed to believe Trump would reward that behavior by offering the job to her instead?

Look, I'll be just as substantive. I'm not saying it isn't going to happen.

Kakistocracy said...

Musk and Hesgeth are the kind of tough alpha males that America needs, according to their mommies...

Mikey NTH said...

Substantive, the Bulwark article contains a lot of anonymous speculation, so much that credence would need to be suspended until someone is willing to place his name on the record.

Mark said...

Of course you defend United Health Care.

guitar joe said...

A little late to the game (travelling yesterday), but here goes: I don't see any benefit for DeSantis here. Trump appointees often are pretty short-lived. It's possible that things will change this time, but not, I think, likely. It makes more sense for DeSantis to continue as governor, build his brand, and have time when his term ends to run for president. He's fiscally conservative, which should satisfy the trads, and he's handled the culture stuff in a way that MAGA folks have to at least acknowledge. He'll never be Trump, but there's not going to be another Trump. Not a fan, but his skills as a candidate, his ability to read the changing media landscape and tailor his message to it, is extraordinary. The fact that the Dems still think dragging aging rock stars on stage with the candidate is a winning strategy tells you everything you need to know--and lots of the folks running the Harris campaign are far younger than Trump!

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