December 9, 2024

Trump doesn't want to be "like Joe Biden," who makes promises and then breaks them.

Here are 2 examples from yesterday's "Meet the Press" — transcript here — of Trump answering a question and weaving in a criticism of Biden. 

Was he just taking advantage of a perceived opportunity to take a shot at Biden, or does he have some genuine concern about not making any absolute promises that he might not want to keep (either because he respects the truth or because he wants to keep his options open and to deprive his opponents of the ability to attack him as liar (which they always do))?

EXAMPLE #1: Asked if he'd commit to refraining using executive action — without Congress — to restrict access to "medication abortions," Trump said:
Well, I commit. I mean, are -- things do -- things change. I think they change. I hate to go on shows like Joe Biden, “I’m not going to give my son a pardon. I will not under any circumstances give him a pardon.” I watched this and I always knew he was going to give him a pardon. And so, I don’t like putting myself in a position like that. So things do change. But I don’t think it’s going to change at all....
EXAMPLE #2: Asked if he's going to fire FBI director, Christopher Wray, he said:
Well, I can’t say I’m thrilled with him. He invaded my home. I’m suing the country over it. He invaded Mar-a-Lago. I’m very unhappy with the things he — he’s done, and crime is at an all time high. Migrants are pouring into the country that are from prisons and from mental institutions, as we’ve discussed. I can’t say I’m thrilled. I don’t want to say -- I don’t want to, again, I don’t want to be Joe Biden and give you an answer and then do the exact opposite... so I’m not going to do that. What I’m going to say is I certainly cannot be happy with him....


Leland said...

I think Trump is avoiding giving evidence to corrupt Hawaiian Judges to use to overrule him.

gilbar said...

Serious Question
will we make it, to Jan 21st?
I'm really starting to doubt it

FormerLawClerk said...

Who gave Democrat operatives in the media - government embeds - the authority to demand policy prescriptions in this country?

Nobody, that's who. Fuck all the way off.

Instapundit points to a tweet by Karol Markowicz pointing out that Welker isn't a journalist. She's a Democrat Party activist and her pointed demands for Trump to implement Democrat policy and her facial expressions and exasperation when she's shown the door demonstrate this perfectly.

Nobody elected this bitch, and Trump is right to put her in her place.

doctrev said...

"But but you appointed Christopher Wray!"

"His goons invaded my home and he said the assassination attempts on me was staged."

As ever, President Trump not only slashes through the nonsense but makes his Republican critics look retarded for disagreeing. The revelation of Mike Rounds supporting Wray is surely proof that Congress will deploy the Secret Democrats- traitors, in a word- to stop the President's agenda.

But this isn't Romania, and I really think they're in for an unpleasant shock. What used to happen to British "Loyalists" during the Revolution?

Jamie said...

FWIW, my husband and I decided when our oldest was born not ever to make promises to our kids that were not within our power to keep. Things in the immediate future - "We'll go out for ice cream after the game" - were ok, but "We promise we'll never move out of this neighborhood" - we couldn't control that because of my husband's job.

We also decided never to do the "...ok?" thing: "Time to do your homework, ok?" "We're leaving for school in five minutes, ok?" "Stop talking in church, ok?"

Both of these decisions were because we wanted to acknowledge only such control as we actually, properly had, but we wanted our kids to know that when we did exert that control, we meant it. If I were Trump, I'd probably do the same thing.

n.n said...

Homicides are a state jurisdiction: six weeks or self-defense. Abortion became a hate crime with Loving: you can't help being conceived.

Trump leans into the Pro-Choice religion in politics, Wray will be aborted and sequestered when he is deemed no longer viable.

Then again, Obama, Pelosi et al set the tone for both managing burdens and redistributive/retributive change: all's fair in lust and abortion.

Amexpat said...

I think Trump likes to keep his options open and have room to maneuver. It's keep people on their toes, which can be a positive.

Biden's promises often seemed off the cuff and not thought out. Like promising to appoint a female VP of color, which boxed him.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yes, after 4 years of Biden doing whatever he wants, anyway he wants, we'll be back to Judges stopping Trump from anything they don't want, and giving BS reasons for their judicial rulings. Remember Roberts saying Trump Adminstration couldn't ask people if they were US citizens on the census form, because they didn't take due care in formulating the decision or some BS? Or that Trump couldn't undo an Obama executive order that was unconstitional because Roberts liked it?

RCOCEAN II said...

So, Trump will have to be very careful about what he says in public or the D's and Leftwing Judges will use it to stop any firings or executive orders. In any case, nothing is served by saying he's going to fire Wray in public, when everyone knows he going to do it anyway.

doctrev said...

Yes, the globalists are in a state of total frenzy as they expect us to applaud cancelling democracy in Romania, or accept that Kamala Harris got an additional seven million votes since election night. But everyone faces judgment, and no one gets to decide when.

Take some heart in that it's never been harder to claim that globalism has a "mandate" in America, and their powers of repression ultimately rest on the nukes. Which would do incalculable damage to their legitimacy and power alike.

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...

I’m reading the transcript. Welker is an AWFL bitch, isn’t she?

RCOCEAN II said...

I think Trump learned from the last 8 years. McConnell and his gang are NOT his friends, they're Schumer's friends. Generals are SJW clowns. Bushies are untrustworthy clowns. Loyalty to Trump's agenda needs to be a top priority in appointments. No more "pragmatic" "talented" "great resume" appointments.

doctrev said...

I don't know where this is coming from. With some in the Senate praising Wray, President Trump really did have to point out the obvious. Comey and Mueller aside, the FBI does not run this country and it's high time we had a President who will put them in their place.

RCOCEAN II said...

I skimmed through the transcript. Standard MSM questions. What about abortion? What about those poor noble immigrants? What about tarriffs raising prices? etc. Republicans go on these shows and its just them reacting to Gotcha questions and talking about the Liberal/left agenda. Even if the R's push back, they're in a debate over "When did you stop beating your wife".

I just the GOPe/RINO's on Capital Hill watch the Sunday shows, so that's why Trump is on. Certainly very few of his base watch them.

cfs said...

I'm not sure of the left's plans, but I don't think they plan to have Trump enter the White House on January 20th. Democrat leadership is publicly too accepting of Trump's win of the election. The possibilities are too horrific to consider but we have to acknowledge the steps they've taken thus far (luckily all unsuccessful) and wonder exactly how far they will go.

But even if we do have a successful transition of Presidential power, the Democrats (those such as Blinken and others who are behind the curtain) are working hard to leave only after tossing Trump multiple sticks of dynamite with short fuses already lit.

john mosby said...

Is Trump really suing the USG over the Mar a Lago raid? That breaks new legal ground. I know we established 30 years ago that Clinton could be a civil defendant in office, but this must be the first time a sitting POTUS is a civil plaintiff. And with the USG he leads as the defendant? How the heck does that work?

I hope he doesnt appoint an independent counsel to rep the US in this thing….


FormerLawClerk said...

Let's also remember that the FBI agents brought along evidence and PLANTED that evidence in Mar-A-Lago.

He's not going to have to fire Chris Wray. He will retire and resign before Trump gets the chance. And if he doesn't, Trump will fire him Day One.

jim said...

Crime is at an all time high?

Let's build that wall or whatever! Can't wait til infrastructure week!

Howard said...

An hour and a quarter long MSM interview. Joe Rogan did that.

Peachy said...

Trump will never be a good speaker.

FormerLawClerk said...

The FBI took out Nixon. Woodword and Bernstein's "source" for all of their Watergate stories was the Associate Director of the FBI.

The CIA definitely took out JFK, who was addicted to methamphetamines and hookers.

The Secret Service let Trump's assassin get off 8 shots before they took him out. They had the shooter in the sights of their high-powered sniper rifle the entire time that the shooter was squeezing off 8 shots.

So if you're gonna try to tell me that the FBI\CIA isn't running the country, I'm going to have to disagree with you there, bub. They can murder whoever they want with complete impunity and often do that. They run this show.

Michael said...

Trump is wise, at least at this point, to answer all such questions with the Zen Master's "We'll see." Let the heathen rage.

FormerLawClerk said...

You really have to watch the video to get the full flavor. Here she is pretending to be an unbiased journalist and she's rolling her eyes around, gets all huffy when Trump doesn't agree with her that he needs to implement Democrat policies after they LOST the election, etc. etc. She's clearly an activist with a grudge and she simply cannot hide it.

Trump should order his FCC chief to break up the Comcast monopoly and when they get the execs in a room, he should bring up this interview specifically to explain to them why their company is being dismantled.

Limited blogger said...

This is a new and improved version of Trump. MSM needs to step up their game.

Bruce Hayden said...

You may be correct. Wray can be fired for cause (as Comey was). They may be able to use his dodging before Congress as such. Which probably means maybe an indictment for lying before Congress. The good and the bad is that to a great extent, the Director doesn’t really run the FBI. Operationally, we saw with Comey and McCabe that the Deputy Director has most of the power. Then, there is its National Security section, and esp its Counterintelligence Division (CD) (yes, the RussiaGate, etc people), that are, essentially, a law until its own. So, with the MAL raid, Wray may be able to say that that was all CD’s doing. Which it probably was.

So, my thoughts right now is the way to get rid of Wray is to indict (or at least be prepared to do so) for lying to Congress about his knowledge of 1/6, in particular. He stated that he didn’t know many dozens of times, but intentional ignorance is no excuse. Moreover, he told them that he would report back, and never did. That paints him as dishonest, and institutionally, the FBI can’t afford to have two Directors in a row fired for lying. Heck, I can even see defense attorneys trying to use that to impeach FBI agents. With that threat, Wray retires, Trump lauds him for his dedicated service, and Trump brings in someone like Patel.

But I do think that Wray has to go. There was no reason for a SWAT raid of MAL. The only reason to exclude Trump’s attorneys was to prospectively hide tampering and falsifying evidence. And, probably most importantly, there were no plausible reasons to rummage through Melania’s underwear drawers. They did it because they could, and they could because Wray didn’t prevent it. His position is the only position in the FBI subject to Presidential nomination or appointment. And that means that the Director is the only one who can legally rein in the agency. And Wray didn’t.

Readering said...

From the guy who says whatever pops into his head.

Aggie said...

I thought it was a local cop sniper that took out the shooter, not the SS.

Freder Frederson said...

Yet, in another post you note he has promised to lower (not just halt the rise) of grocery prices. How is he going to achieve this when he is about to disrupt the entire agricultural industry with his mass deportations. Does he (or you) really believe that white people are going to flock to jobs in agriculture without raising wages for farm workers?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Transportation accounts for a larger percentage of retail prices for ag products than labor, and transportation costs can be lowered by reducing fuel cost, just like Trump did before. The "mass deportations" are targeted primarily at the vast numbers of criminals (MS13 and Tren de Agua, etc.), terror watchlist creeps and Chinese Nationals that have entered the country via Biden's open-border policy. Maybe it will affect the labor for ag and meatpacking, and maybe it won't, much like Trump's first term had more of an impact on illegal crossings than on deporting those employed by agriculture companies. Finally, reducing the burden of the administrative state on businesses, farms and related industries included, always has an ameliorative effect on the economy and was key to the success in his first term too.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, yes she is. And dense to boot. Several times he gives a cogent answer that goes over her head and she rephrases her leftist talking point, but she doesn't really listen to his answers. She's horrible at that job.

Freder Frederson said...

The "mass deportations" are targeted primarily at the vast numbers of criminals (MS13 and Tren de Agua, etc.), terror watchlist creeps and Chinese Nationals that have entered the country via Biden's open-border policy.

What makes you believe this is true?

Transportation accounts for a larger percentage of retail prices for ag products than labor

Do you have a link for this assertion. I have been searching online and the best I can figure is that fuel and transportation are about 5% while labor is in the 10% range. I might be wrong and would like to know what you are basing your contention on.

rastajenk said...

I think that is known to presidential historians as "ticking legacies."

Leland said...

From you, the person that just reposts whatever someone told you to write, eh?

Rusty said...

How is he going to do it? Lower the price of energy, dumbass. Lower energy prices mean lower fuel, seed and fertilizer prices. Lower cost herbicides and pesticides. These things translate directly into lower food costs.

Political Junkie said...

I really like DJT's answer to #2. He stated the facts that he felt were material. If he fires Wray, whom he appointed, we know some reasons for his firing. But he still might keep him on. One might say that was a master class politician answer. DJT is improving at this game!!!!

Robert Cook said...

Hahahaha! Trump is the KING of not fulfilling his promises!

Iman said...

Look at those Manson Lamps for eyes on Welker! Activist bitch please pick-up the courtesy phone…

Bunkypotatohead said...

I wish the guy would just shut up and govern.
Broadcasting his intentions, almost daily it seems, just gives his enemies more time and ammunition to wreck his plans.

Mason G said...

"I wish the guy would just shut up and govern."

Ok. And then, somebody else will say "Why won't he tell us what his plans are?" Doesn't matter what he does, somebody won't like it so he might as well do what he thinks is best.

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