December 3, 2024

"This is repulsive to me. I mean, that anyone would do this to an animal. And an animal’s like a child. I don’t know if you understand that or not."

Said the judge, quoted in "Disgusted judge puts away woman who ate cat in stomach-turning video: 'You’ve embarrassed this nation'" (NY Post).


Martin said...

Was it her cat? If so and she killed it humanely I don't care if she ate it.
The judge is wrong a cat is not like a child. It is a cat.

BarrySanders20 said...

An animal is like a child, how? She should not have eaten the pussy, but wow there are a lot of dumb judges. Even his 8 children, Cow, Chicken, Pork, Seafood, Lamb, Deer, Duck, and (oops) little Pheasant think so.

Wince said...

"How am I gonna get a scar like that eating pussy?"

RCOCEAN II said...

Yep, disgusting. Your pets are there to be taken care, not killed and eaten for your weird pleasure. Livestock is bought with the express purpose of ending up as meat for the table. Its not the same as a cat or dog.

Peachy said...

A View Watcher, for sure.

Chris said...

So we went from "No one is eating cats in OH Trump is a liar" to a legitimate court case codifying the fact that people are indeed eating cats in OH.

WisRich said...

So they are eating the cats.

Oh Yea said...

My uncle had a number of exotic animals as pets that I helped him raise. One was a long haired Scottish Bull. Would it now be improper to have him slaughtered for beef since he was raised as a pet?

Freder Frederson said...

Just because someone (who is not Haitian) actually ate a cat about one hundred miles away from Springfield does not make Trump's statement true.

Old and slow said...

Unsurprisingly, “ it’s clear that [Ferrell] has an issue with drugs and alcohol”
I cannot be the only person who finds this all pretty funny. She is an unfortunate nut. Not even Haitian….

Peachy said...

Witnesses in Springfield saw Haitians removing waterfowl/ducks from parks - to eat.
But no one has the credibility of a Vindman.

Enigma said...

Tell that to the spiders, raptors, wolves, hyenas, snakes, and alligators that eat anything that comes along. Tell that to the Koreans who eat dogs and the French and Japanese who eat horses. Tell that to the Peruvians who eat guinea pigs. Being a meat eater means eating meat.

If judged on intelligence and emotions, pigs would be by far the worst common animal to eat. They are in the top tier along with apes, horses, dolphins/whales, and dogs...but they are made of super tasty bacon, ham, pork chops, and ribs. Cats are primal hunters and a notch below. Cows, sheep, and chickens are bred for rapid growth rather than brains and a step or two below that.

Aggie said...

This one gets stranger with each telling. I thought she was crazy, now it appears she was just under the influence. Next week it'll be 'stone cold sober' when she just had an itch and decided to eat the cat.

John henry said...

"pets or meat?"

Why can't I humanely kill and eat a pet cat?

In 3rd grade, in Alexandria va literally within sight of the Washington Monument we spent the year raising a pig from a piglet. Class, not after class project. It had a name and we all loved it. But we alway knew it would be guest of honor at a barbecue.

At the end of the year we, 3rx graders, killed it, scalded it, butchered it an roasted it and ate it. (adult supervise and help of course.

It traumatized me for life. I still get hungry and salivate whenever I smell roast pig.

Even though as an sda I can't eat it


Freder Frederson said...

Witnesses in Springfield saw Haitians removing waterfowl/ducks from parks

Even if true (and there was no follow up by the police to the 911 call reporting this), waterfowl are not cats and dogs, which is what Trump claimed.

He and Vance were simply lying. Why can't you admit even that?

Narayanan said...

was she Haiti influenced?

Aggie said...

Well, because they weren't lying.

gilbar said...

"an animal is like a child".. sayth the judge.
Let's take that hypothetical ball, and RUN with it
an animal is like a child..
an animal is like a judge (because judges are humans, and so are children)
it's COMPLETELY LEGAL AND ETHICAL to hunt judges for sport..

I mean, i'm NOT saying this.. The Judge IS

gilbar said...

rabbits pets or meat

Christopher B said...

I agree with the other folks saying this reasoning is bizarre.

I feel like the distinction between pets and livestock is overblown by people whose only exposure to agricultural animal husbandry is PETA propaganda.
While you can complain about standards of care for livestock, a cow in a feedlot is facing significantly less risk of random death than one roaming wild on the range, and there is no sense in deliberately mistreating livestock since that often has a negative impact on the farmer's bottom line. There's nothing that makes a cow or pig intrinsically different from a horse, cat, or dog.

The revelations about Fauci funding various experiments abusing dogs as test subjects should have raised a lot more ire than raising a cat for a meal.

gilbar said...

Freddy shows the world, that he's SUPER INTELLIGENT, when he states that things inside Ohio aren't IN Ohio, because they aren't IN Springfield
good one Freddy! keep them coming, we NEED the laughs

tcrosse said...

An animal is like a child, but a late term fetus isn't?

bagoh20 said...

Trump is right again. He's a prophet.

tommyesq said...

Not an illegal immigrants. Doesn't mean she is not Haitian.

tommyesq said...

For further info, the woman killed the cat in ner driveway by stomping on its head, then she dropped to her knees and ate the raw, freshly-stomped cat in front of her neighbors.

Steven said...

Eating a cat should not be a crime. There's nothing more special about cats and dogs than cows or chickens.

If it wasn't her cat, then that's another matter. But the article doesn't say, so I assume she owned the cat. If so, she should be able to do what she wants with it.

FormerLawClerk said...

Notice how the news media leaves out that convenient piece of information.

mindnumbrobot said...

Disgusting, yes, but the judge seems to be preening a bit.

PM said...

#1 Story on Parakeet Channel

Mr. T. said...

"Your honor, I/cir/xir plead Hatian/Democrat immunity..."

Mickey said...

Interesting corollary, children are like pets.

Martin said...

Only during Judge season. Out of season hunting is punishable by law. See you local regulations.

John henry said...

"2 game wardens, 7 hunters and a cow"

John Henry

Rusty said...

No, Nar. She's Haiti adjacent .

Rusty said...

Nah, Gil. He's a dumbass. Meade said so.

Rusty said...

OK, that's disgusting, but she did kill it first. She's not totally uncivilized.

Rusty said...

Wait! Did she skin it first? Waste not want not.

Rusty said...

"Cat! The other white meat!" You all knew that was coming.

Aught Severn said...

...and a pure bred Guernsey cooooooow!

Howard said...

Another story not to pay attention to. Keep chewing on that cold sore it'll eventually feel better

Chris said...

More concise Fredder: Just because someone actually ate a cat in OH doesn't mean anyone ate any cats in OH.

Freder Frederson said...

You will promulgate any lie if Dear Leader spews. Aggie makes a statement that simply isn't true. Gilbar is also lying because Trump (and Vance) specifically said Springfield, not Ohio. So he is simply wrong. Rusty, as usual, just launches an irrelevant ad hominem attack. And btw, I don't give a fuck what Meade called me.

Joe Bar said...

No, an animal is not like a child. People shouldn't be so squeamish.

Chris said...

Look, all pet's are potentially food if you are hungry enough. Heck even your best friends and compatriats are potentially food if you are hungry enough - read up on the sinking of the Essex, or that Uruguayan rugby team. Not to mention the Doner (party of 2)! I would never eat my pet cats. But I would if I had no other alternative.

MadTownGuy said...

Freder, do you mean like "I won't pardon Hunter," or "Joe Biden is sharp as a tack?"

Rocco said...

Did it taste like chicken?

MadTownGuy said...

Sidebar: Freder, looks like you're the rare holdout with the reduplicative name around here. I remember Blarty Blackleblart, Montaigne Montagne, Cacimbo Cacimbo, and a host of others who used to participate here. I give you props for still standing.

D.D. Driver said...

I think the judge meant the animal was helpless against her cruelty and could not defend itself, not that killing a cat is the moral equivalent to killing a child.

D.D. Driver said...

I don't think it was a lie. They got caught up in the moral panic. There do seem to be credible reports of killing waterfowl at the park. The way rumors spread that became "eating cats and dogs." Also, apparently Haitian do eat cats but dogs not so much. These are the things I believe to be true, but what is actually true is hard to know given the media.

Eva Marie said...

From the news story:
“She said she stomped it out, stomped the head out,” the bystander added.
You don’t kill a cat and go to the hospital, you go to jail,” the officer replied. “She had cat hair on her mouth. As long as I’ve been a policeman, I’ve never had a call where someone has eaten a cat.”

Eva Marie said...

Thank God Trump was elected. Cats and dogs and ducks and maybe even squirrels and raccoons safe now.

Rocco said...

I was in a book club where most of the members were female. After a run of modern books catering to more feminine tastes, the ladies reiterated that they didn't want to be a "Chick Lit" group, and suggested some classic American literature like Twain or Melville. Since it was my turn to choose the book, I chose In The Heart of The Sea which had just come out about the Whale Ship Essex disaster which in turn was a key inspiration for Moby Dick.

After reading the book, the women were horrified by the cannibalism. The only other guy and I were fascinated with the decision process, and how they made choices that made things keep getting worse and worse.

Rocco said...

While he was not a member of the Donner-Reed party, Alfred E Packer was the sole survivor of a party of 6 who confessed and was convicted of cannibalism in the 1870s. Both the Colorado University cafeteria and my high school cafeteria were named after him.

Freder Frederson said...

Freder, do you mean like "I won't pardon Hunter," or "Joe Biden is sharp as a tack?"

I don't know what these two statements have to do with my comments. I have defended neither.

btw Freder Frederson is a character from one of my favorite movies. Google it if you are interested.

Ampersand said...

Isn't there a sanity issue here?

n.n said...

A child, a "burden", Planned Parenthood is equitable and inclusive of pets, too. Perhaps if they could identify as a clinic, then this practice would be more appetizing to the modern family.

n.n said...

A wind turbine would make makr a fine Cuisinart, then a photovoltaic panel for grilling would be a novel Green deal.

Chris said...

Rocco as a huge fan of Melvilles Moby Dick, I really need to get on with reading In The Heart of the Sea.

Aggie said...

This is the most bizarre aspect of this story. The cops roll up to see a woman on her hands and knees in the driveway, bent over the freshly-killed cat, gnawing on it. How can the judge conclude anything but that she's a crazy as a bedbug? Or maybe zonked out of her gourd on some kind of street drug? Instead, he reprimands her for the crime of eating a pet and not having good social skills. It's like scolding a rabid dog for slobbering.

fleg9bo said...

Sounds like the judge is a real sourpuss.

Iman said...

Shorter Fredo: “Ain’t no whiskers on me!”

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hmmm... Reminds me of a song I once heard!

Iman said...

Cats and dogs eaten together. Mass cafeteria.

Iman said...

Ha! 😁

Iman said...

“Cat Snatch Fever”?

Eva Marie said...

Cat sushi. It’s a delicacy in parts of the world where Trump is not President.

Rusty said...

Put a little cat oil on it.

Readering said...

This is nuts. Remember seeing butcher shops with horse signs in Paris. Remember passing a dog restaurant in Beijing. But also remember a restaurant serving whale being shut down in Santa Monica. At least that's endangered.

mikee said...

In the movie "The Book of Eli" the opening scene has a cat being hunted for food &, we later learn, its rendered fat, in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. I think it was meant to show the degraded state of survivors after the war, hunting former pets.

Readering said...

I heard there are no pets in N Korea

Narayanan said...

if no other alternative.>>>>>>>> pet cat may attempt eat the human?

boatbuilder said...

The purpose of Trump’s statement was to draw attention to the absurd but true situation that there are 20,000 Haitian “migrants” in a small city in Ohio.

It worked.

Even Freder now acknowledges that there are lots of Haitians in Springfield Ohio.

He got ya, Freder.

Rusty said...

So she didn't skin it first. Heathen.

Rusty said...

'Cat Food', takes on a whole new meaning.

Jim at said...

Even if true (and there was no follow up by the police to the 911 call reporting this), waterfowl are not cats and dogs, which is what Trump claimed.

Do notice how Freder is focused on what the residents of Springfield claimed and not the underlying fact the Administration he supports dumped 15,000-20,000 people from a shithole country into a town of 60k.

Aggie said...

Maybe she was trying to. There are different ways, y'know

pious agnostic said...

“What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent feline meal?!”

bagoh20 said...

I guess I'm just different, but I prefer to eat pussy when it's lively.

Peglegged Picador said...

Ok, an American citizen definitely ate a cat in OH. Pretty sure no one's disputing that. Why you all are disputing the straightforward point that someone saying multiple immigrants are eating multiple pets is a lie (and pretending a US citizen eating a cat makes that statement true) puzzles me.

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