December 1, 2024

"This is firing the F.B.I. director.... It is extremely dangerous to have a change in an F.B.I. director just after a change in administration."

Said an anonymous "law enforcement official," quoted in "Trump Says He Will Nominate Kash Patel to Run F.B.I./President-elect Donald J. Trump turned to a firebrand loyalist to become director of the bureau, which he sees as part of a ‘deep state’ conspiracy against him" (NYT).
Mr. Patel laid out his vision for wreaking vengeance on the F.B.I. and Justice Department in a book, “Government Gangsters,” calling for clearing out the top ranks of the bureau, which he called “a threat to the people.” He also wrote a children’s book, “The Plot Against the King,” telling through fantasy the story of the investigations into Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign’s possible ties to Russians.... 
In planning to remove Mr. Wray from atop the nation’s premier law enforcement agency, Mr. Trump would be echoing one of the most defining acts of his first term, his dismissal of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director as investigations of Trump associates began to heat up. That act led to the appointment of the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who spent nearly two years examining the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia....


ndspinelli said...

I'm impressed that most all these appointments are younger people with their minds right.

wendybar said...

I bet they are shredding documents as fast as their corrupt little hands can.....They can go to the DC gulag where they belong.

Dave Begley said...

Wray deserves to be fired. It would be smart for JD Vance to set out the reasons why.

I liked Vivek’s idea to just abolish the FBI and send the field agents to other government agencies. The current FBI has a giant bureaucracy in DC.

Leland said...

The Mueller investigation proved Trump didn't act fast enough to clean house in the DoJ. He won't make the same mistake twice. Wray deserves to be dismissed for blowing off a Congressional hearing to go on vacation using an FBI jet.

narciso said...

Ah barrett and haberman, the easiest mark in the world

Jaq said...

"That act led to the appointment of the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who spent nearly two years examining the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia..."

Which the FBI knew, within a week of first hearing about it, was a lie cooked up by the Clinton campaign to take the heat off of her for having an unsecured server with classified document in Bill's wankatorium.

"You mean wipe it? Like with a cloth?"

I sure hope she did.

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump needs to go in and fire every single last FBI agent he is legally allowed to fire. Wipe them ALL out. They have been investigating MOTHERS at School Board meetings, for god's sake. When they weren't riffling through his wife's underwear drawer and planting fake envelopes with Top Secret stickers on them all over Mar-A-Lago.

Next, do the CIA/NSA/DoD.

Trump should fire every last Federal prosecutor on Day One and replace them with people willing to go after every Democrat who rigged the 2020 election. Every Democrat who is harboring illegal aliens. Every Democrat selling baby parts. And every Democrat who works inside the State Department.

Scorched Earth. He'd better be vicious about it and over the top and if he doesn't have the balls to do it, then he needs to hire a bunch of pipe-hittin' n ... well, you all watched Pulp Fiction. A bunch of pipe-hitters to do it for him.

I happily offer to do it for free and donate my salary to Trump's legal defense fund.

narciso said...

so which coffee fetcher issued this statement,

Michael said...

Kash at FBI, Tulsi as DNI, Hegseth at the Pentagon. These are shots across the bow of the Deep State. But the Empire has many ways of striking back. One thing is certain, Trump is playing for keeps.

rehajm said...

It’s a corrupt agency. Likely beyond repair but we’ll see…

rehajm said...

Trump is soo bad at selecting candidates. It seems liberal propaganda doesn't approve of ANY of them- amazing…

wendybar said...

Katie Pavlich
Nov 30, 2024
Disgraced & fired FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe, who was referred for criminal prosecution by the DOJ inspector general, is now offering commentary about why Patel is a “bad choice” & warning about the FBI “intimidating and terrorizing Americans.”

They’ve…been doing that.

Sean Davis
McCabe repeatedly lied under oath about his role in the Russiagate hoax. He should be in prison, not on TV. But if he’s butthurt over Kash Patel as FBI director, then Kash Patel is the perfect person to be FBI director.
Alex Pfeiffer
Andrew McCabe being upset shows exactly why Kash Patel is the perfect pick to lead the FBI.

President Trump has a popular vote mandate to reform our justice system.

gilbar said...

.. It is extremely dangerous to have a change in an F.B.I. director just after a change in administration..

'extremely dangerous' to WHO? to the deep state?
it was 'extremely dangerous' to the deep state to have President Trump turn his head.
it was 'extremely dangerous' to the deep state to have President Trump receive 76 million votes..
it is 'extremely dangerous' to the deep state to have President Trump

Hassayamper said...

One thing is certain, Trump is playing for keeps.

Good. The other side certainly has been.

John henry said...

Can someone point me to the legislation authorizing the FBI?

As in an act approved by the senate, house and president.

As far as I can tell there never was one.

John Henry

Dude1394 said...

Is it extremely dangerous to have a dementia cabbage for potus? The democrat media is nothing if not predictable. Rip the organization out by its roots. It is unreformable.

narciso said...

last time, Chris Christie recommended his lawyer, Wray who kept him out of jail, the nomination of Kushner's father, is another rasberry to Christie as well

FormerLawClerk said...

Younger people, however, don't have much institutional memory. They don't know the crimes that say Hillary Clinton is guilty of and could still be prosecuted for, despite James Comey dropping the case against her. He didn't have the authority to do that. James Comey was the cop; not the prosecutor.

Hillary Clinton can still go to jail for her crimes. She is not out of the woods. She is not free and clear just because James Comey said so.

The problem is that Trump isn't surrounded with people who know how to WIELD POWER against your enemies. Trump is too much a dealmaker. And not a revenge seeker. So he leaves his enemies on the battlefield, waiting for their chance to strike.

They will eventually murder him for this weakness.

EdwdLny said...

The Biden administration has been a danger since the kenyan was elected. And every biden appointee and apparatchik is a danger to freedom and liberty. They shouldn't be just replaced, they should all be cashiered and denigrated for being such abhorrent shits. It would at least be a good start.

Kate said...

I love that all the talking heads say, "He can't appoint that person," and we all say, "Will he have the cajones to appoint that person?" And then he does.

FormerLawClerk said...

I see ZERO evidence that Trump is playing for keeps, or even playing at all. Show me.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump's biggest mistake was not firing enough people on day 1 of his first term. It sounds like he has learned from that mistake.

Cappy said...

Doing unto elites what they have done unto normies. Good and hard.

narciso said...

An interpretation of Title 28 US Code

BUMBLE BEE said...

gspencer said...

From the Short Memories file - remember when we were reminded - endlessly - that December 1 was World AIDS Day.

Danno said...

Guantanamo is a better option.

Levi Starks said...

Based on no evidence.

Maynard said...

The Senate hearings over Trumps nominees are going to be very interesting.

tcrosse said...

Who knows what kind of shit Wray might pull in his remaining days. "What are they going to do? Fire me?"

doctrev said...

Dixcus, President Trump doesn't need his wife punched in the face, and he doesn't lack for people who actually know what they're doing. If I'm about to fire the FBI director on Day 1, and someone is wetting their pants over the notion that I'm not firing enough people, that someone isn't stable enough to be employed by me. You'd better believe the President is keeping a sharp eye out for infiltrators, and so far his picks are excluding obviously unreliable people from truly important posts.

doctrev said...

tcrosse, the FBI's past shenanigans are most of why Wray is under judgment in the first place. Go much further than that boundary, and he could lose a lot more than his job when the new Administration sweeps in. A moral country would have dealt with Hoover like the Soviets dealt with Beria.

Koot Katmandu said...

Not far enough. Abolish the FBI.

Jaq said...

Yeah, I am sure that he was pulling punches up to now.

Bob Boyd said...

"Said an anonymous "law enforcement official"

Who was that masked meter maid?

FormerLawClerk said...

Doc, he nominated Matt Gaetz to run the Department of Justice ... a nomination that collapsed in under a week. You are delusional. Trump has also nominated the business partner of CNN's Christiane Amanpour's husband to run the DoJ. Do you want CNN running the DOJ? Trump cannot connect even dots that are right in front of his face.

Peachy said...

Don't we -the American people - deserve a FBI that isn't corrupt?

stlcdr said...

While it’d be nice to get rid of them, there are some things the FBI are needed for. I just can’t think of any at the moment.

Enigma said...

As with the recent MAGA conversions of Mark Zuckerberg and Justin Trudeau, the sycophants and snakes routinely suck up to the incoming powers. Comey was serving Obama and likely 100% convinced that Hillary would win, so he became an apple polisher for them both. For several years they held out hope that they could force Trump from office too.

Hillary's email server was a 1,000,000x more serious offense than Trump taking classified documents home (as had Biden and Sandy Berger at minimum). Instead, Hillary was allowed to flout security rules/laws from the creation date of the server. Yet, they concluded that Trump's "offense" was such that they needed to raid and indict.

I'm not sure if Trump can affect the DC Praetorians or even half of them, but if they become "bipartisan" in their evil it'll be a step up from the 2015 to 2024 era.

Bob Boyd said...

Extremely dangerous? For who?
I say we risk it.

Peachy said...

Exactly. Sadly - Mitch McConnell voted for Merrick Garland - but he will withhold his vote as much as he wants now. Can Kentucky recall him?

Enigma said...

It would be the first time ever, as the FBI has been tainted from the start. J. Edgar Hoover led the earlier Bureau of Investigation from 1924 to 1935, and then the FBI from its founding in 1935 until his death in 1972. Only after his death did the truth come out, for he was an abusive manipulator who knew everything about everyone.

AMDG said...

Just a reminder that the DOJ (including the FBI) is not an independent agency. If the Senate concurs than the President has every right to appoint whom he wants even if that person looks at his/her first priority as being the President’s wingman.

The attempt to infiltrate Traditional Catholic communities in order to hunt down “right wing extremists” at a time when the country in being inundated with hundreds of thousands of single males from suspect countries should have resulted in mass firings.

One of the great threats to the nation is the rejection of institutions by a large segment of the public. Thus rejection is warranted.

Trust in institutions must be rebuilt. The first step is to clear out the rot, whether it be prosecutors more interested in political agendas than justice or generals more interested in Pride Day than killing people and breaking things.

The test for then Trump administration will be whether it can rebuild respect for the institutions or just use them like Obama/Biden did.

AMDG said...

Just a reminder that the DOJ (including the FBI) is not an independent agency. If the Senate concurs than the President has every right to appoint whom he wants even if that person looks at his/her first priority as being the President’s wingman.

The attempt to infiltrate Traditional Catholic communities in order to hunt down “right wing extremists” at a time when the country in being inundated with hundreds of thousands of single males from suspect countries should have resulted in mass firings.

One of the great threats to the nation is the rejection of institutions by a large segment of the public. Thus rejection is warranted.

Trust in institutions must be rebuilt. The first step is to clear out the rot, whether it be prosecutors more interested in political agendas than justice or generals more interested in Pride Day than killing people and breaking things.

The test for then Trump administration will be whether it can rebuild respect for the institutions or just use them like Obama/Biden did.

Temujin said...

The Establishment is digging in. The Blob will not simply go away. And they will not just go without a fight. So...consider Trump's administration the first battle in what will be a long war. But the constant use of words and phrases like "the end of democracy", or "extremely dangerous", or "threat" when talking about the appointees is so over the top, so overused, and so tedious at this point that it has a steadily decreasing effect on the American people. We've seen too much awful and illegal behavior by those running things. We no longer look to the establishment mouthpieces to tell us what to think, or how to feel about what we see.

Interestingly, not one of these people use those words like 'threat', 'dangerous', or 'the end of democracy' when talking about our open borders and the millions of illegals who have come in under Biden, nor do they use those words when avoiding talking about the counting election votes- which is still going on in California- until they find enough votes to flip yet another seat in Congress.

Somehow that's not considered a threat to democracy or even dangerous when the election was almost a month ago and they're still bringing in ballots to count.

Skeptical Voter said...

Since FBI senior management---the 7th floor at the Hoover Building in the Swamp fancies itself a political player determining who should and should not win elections, it's extremely dangerous to leave that cancer in place. The 7th floor personnel need to be canned pronto--and a fire hose brought in to flush the corruption out.

Paul said...

F*ck the anonymous "law enforcement official." I hope Trump fires them three levels down. The head, his deputies, and their deputies... and demands not one piece of evidence of their crimes be destroyed.

What goes around.. comes around.

narciso said...

no they don't nor the 300 members of the terror watchlist that have crossed the border,

RCOCEAN II said...

i get so tired of the NYT's and WaPo reporters sticking their opinions in a so-called "News article" and then disguising it as "An anonymous so-and-so said.."

There is no anonymous Law enforcement official. Or if there is, his opinion like all anonymous sources is WORTHLESS. If you wont put your name to, it means ZERO.

Oh wait I just checked my email. Seems that "anonymous Reporter familiar with the situation" says "Yes the NYT's reporter is a complete clown". So, I guess the x-burts agree with me.

narciso said...

I read the byline and work backwards, barrett first at the Journal then at Bezos carried the Russia hoax then the Mueller probe, without a hint of skepticism

RCOCEAN II said...

it took a long time for Trump to wise up. His "good friend" chris Christie swore on a stack of bibles that Wray was a straight-shooter and a perfect fit for the FBI job. And then GW Bush recommended Bill Barr for AG to replace Sessions, and all the legal X-burts agreed, Bill Barr would be a GREAT choice.

And I'm sure both of them at the job interview, lied to Trump, flattered him, and talked about how loyal they'd be. And both turned out to be the biggest backstabbers since Judas.

Goldenpause said...

The “anonymous” source almost assuredly is someone with a lot to lose if Trump starts to drain the Swamp. The only question is will it be a loss of money, prestige or freedom?

Kakistocracy said...

Is there any room left in the new administration for: Matt Taibbi, Bret Weinstein, Eric Weinstein, Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, Bari Weiss, Ana Kasparian, Piers Morgan, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Greenwald, Catturd, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Saagar Enjeti, Tim Pool.. 😏

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

South Asian Americans are often stereotyped as brainy academic high achievers. But Trump's new pick for Director of the FBI has worked to change that image.

wendybar said...

I agree...just being sarcastic towards the lawfare party.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump has been openly critical of Wray, even more so after law enforcement officials searched his residence in search of classified documents.

Particularly after law enforcement officials searched his residence and discovered stacks of classified documents which Trump had denied having and had sought to conceal.

narciso said...

Enigma said...

South Asian Americans? Hmmm????????? East Asians yes. South Asians include the Hmong farmers from Vietnam, the Filipinos, the Indonesians, etc. Your generalization may apply to Indians who left India for the US, but not Indians in India.

D.D. Driver said...

It seems crazy to fire these guys when they are so hard at work investigating the assassination attempt. The new team might have to start all over from scratch.

Zavier Onasses said...

Time to recall this clip.

Mason G said...

I don't know about "the end of democracy", or "extremely dangerous", or "threat" when talking about the appointees. I'm thinking the better descriptor is "right choice".

Aggie said...

Keep the Crime Lab resources. Send the Administrative function to the wasteland, every blessed one of them.

Christopher B said...

Nope, and I'm not sure we'd want to even if we could.

Even though the Governor (currently Beshear, a Democrat) has to pick from three names submitted by the Party of the retiring/outgoing Senator, his replacement would not serve out his term. The timing of his resignation/removal and upcoming elections would trigger a jungle primary/general election that would need to occur in 2025 and then would need to run for reelection in 2026 if he was retained.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Funny thing is, Trump appointed Wray. So, yeah, he can fire him.


Lawcruiter said...

Looks like all the right people are against this appointment!

Ice Nine said...

And the Deep State will indeed strike back. It will have a tougher time with the experienced Patel but its cunning and obdurate bureaucracies will flat out toy with the greenhorns Gabbard and Hegseth.

Original Mike said...

24/7 Declassification Office. Works for me.

Why is Jack Smith redacting anything?

Ice Nine said...

>and demands not one piece of evidence of their crimes be destroyed.<

Thanks; I needed a good laugh this morning.

Big Mike said...

Well, first of all, abolishing an agency cannot be accomplished until one goes through the US statutes line by line to determine all of the statutory responsibilities assigned to that agency, figure out whether these responsibilities are still required in the 21st century, and then amend the statutes to reassign those responsibilities to some other agency. It takes time and cooperation by the legislative branch of government.

Anthony said...

premier law enforcement agency


Oh, please stop. . . .


David53 said...

If only Trump had fired Comey on day one of his first administration before talking to him. He knows now not to trust any of them.

Kakistocracy said...

Durham was appointed by Trump with a mission to discredit the Mueller Report. The only finding was that there was not sufficient evidence to open the investigation -- (in his [remember] -- Trump appointed -- opinion).

The conclusions of the Mueller Report were not questioned at all.

Kakistocracy said...

I’m trying to figure out how Patel was even nominated without having some sort of sexual assault accusation in his biography.....

mindnumbrobot said...

Mr. Patel laid out his vision for wreaking vengeance on the F.B.I. and Justice Department...

Make no mistake. It’s not revenge he’s after. It’s a reckoning. --Doc Holiday, Tombstone

Iman said...

Democrats like Ka-ka conflate retribution with accountability. This leaves them quivering in their Birkenstocks.

I embrace the power of “AND”…

Peachy said...

Solid reminder - Christopher B.

Mitch McConnell Tenure
1985 - Present
Term ends 2027
Years in position: 39
Compensation/Base salary: $193,400
Net worth $22,841,026 Million.

Amadeus 48 said...

"special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who spent nearly two years examining the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia", [and finding none.]
Fixed it.

Hassayamper said...

Don't denigrate either his experience or intelligence because you don't like his politics. He's been in positions of great responsibility within the DOJ and the national-security/intelligence apparatus. He is objectively more qualified than a good many Democratic appointments, starting with Janet Reno, who was promoted from Dade County Attorney to Attorney General of the U.S. without having worked a day in the federal government, because vagina.

Kakistocracy said...

Elect a criminal. Get a criminal gang. Who would've guessed?
We haven't reached Peak Shamelessness just yet but we are getting awfully close.

Trump Names Charles Kushner as Pick for Ambassador to France ~ NYT

He was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, which he served in the Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery. As a convicted felon, he was also disbarred in three states. The case was prosecuted by Chris Christie, who said Kushner committed "one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes" he ever prosecuted.

We all need to work a bit on our criminal records. These days, it is part of polishing up your CV!

Kakistocracy said...

^^ Despite the report’s lack of indictment, however, Mueller stopped short of exonerating Trump on counts of obstruction of justice. As one notable line in the report states, “If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.” Mueller declined to state.

Kakistocracy said...

Patel vowed to investigate and “come after” journalists who “lied” and “helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections.”

It's all a laugh until they "come after" you, too.

effinayright said...

Rich, maybe that's becaus the conclusions of the Mueller Report re Trump were ...inconclusive.

From the Report:

"Obstruction of Justice: "If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state."

Otherwise put, "After a thorough investigation of the facts we have no confidence that the President committed obstruction of justice."

RCOCEAN II said...

I hope Patel not only declassifies everything, I hope he stops the corrupt practice of Wray and Comey of hiding behind "Oh, cant comment, might effect an on-going investigation"

Mueller, Wray, and Comey all leaked things to the MSM or scum like Adam shits, and then when people asked for proof, they'd refuse to answer. "Oh thats top secret, very hush hush, cant say more"

WHen they unredacted most of the Russiagate report, they found out 95 percent of the redactions were just to protect someone's reputation, or to hide something that made the FBI or Mueller look bad.

Leland said...

Bich makes my point. Great job.

RCOCEAN II said...

Unless its a top military secret it should be disclosed. Why is some of the J6 footage still being held from the public? Why are we still guessing as to how many FBI/DHS/Etc. agents or assets were in the crowd? Now that Trump is in charge, the wimps in the House of Reps have Zero excuse for not doing a thorough investigation.

Kakistocracy said...

“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.”

Mueller declined to state.

RCOCEAN II said...

And maybe Patel will tell us whether Ray Epps is a Government asset or just an innocent man wrongly accused

Saint Croix said...

The chutzpah of these fuckers continues to astound me. They think they are the government and can't believe they're not in power for life.

You arrested him, moron! Of course you are gone. It would be extremely dangerous, and incompetent, to keep the KGB thugs in place!

Yancey Ward said...

Bich wanted Trump indicted for claiming he was innocent of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

Yancey Ward said...

McConnell should have retired before his last election and I write this as one of the 650,000 people who voted for McConnell in his first run for the Senate in 1984.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah- the Potomac is going to inundated with computer hard drives.

Yancey Ward said...

Bich, why don't you list the acts of obstruction Mueller investigated?

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Bich has had a hard last 4 weeks.

mindnumbrobot said...

After the past 8-years, pearl clutching over a weaponized government is falling on deaf ears. All the talk about January 6 and Threats to Democracy™ certainly haven't worked. They only have themselves to blame.

Rusty said...

The very least we should expect is a DOJ and FBI that are impartial. We haven't had that in awhile.

Hassayamper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hassayamper said...

Making Kash Patel Director of the FBI is solving the problem like the Romanian people solved the problem of the Ceausescus.

I recall it well and savor the memory. That really was a glorious day, and a model for how about 80 percent of the peoples of the world ought to deal with their government oppressors this very day.

It is also a model for how 100 percent of the peoples of the world should threaten to treat their government oppressors, if they ever forget that they are nothing more than hired help.

One of Chesterton's most famous quotes laments how terrible it is to contemplate how few politicians are ever hanged. I agree.

Rusty said...

He's a scared little boy.

narciso said...

Barrett would repeat every morsel that Weissman, one of the most desired target would whisper to him, the one actual criminal case, they handled the Concord Catering case, was dispatched because of an equally able atty a veteran of the Miami and Manhattan DA offices,

Hassayamper said...

It's all a laugh until they "come after" you, too.

That ship sailed under Barack Obama. Or more correctly, under Bill Clinton, when the ATF and FBI tried to collect a scalp from the Branch Davidians to intimidate the gun owners of America and facilitate the process of confiscating our firearms. Instead they ignited a prairie fire of hatred and contempt for the Federal government that burns brightly to this day, not least in my own heart.

I want vengeance for the little babies the FBI demons gassed and burned alive. I want their agency smashed to pieces. I want all government employees from the Attorney General to the janitor to fear the wrath of the people every time they sign their name on a piece of paper or speak one word to a citizen.

effinayright said...

Dixcus, please name "the business partner of CNN's Christiane Amanpour's husband nominated to run the DOJ", as well as the name of the firm(s) involved, and what they do.

As for CNN running the DOJ, CNN may not even exist in the next year.

Christiane Amanpour has been reduced to bitter kvetching on CNN, and is now a spent force. Trump and his people will assiduously ignore and her pathetic husk of a network.

Original Mike said...

The "obstruction of justice" scam is infuriating. Weissman et al. attempt to charge Trump for defending himself against something that he didn't do.

Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.

Kakistocracy said...

Over a 24-hour span, Trump announces jobs for the fathers-in-law of both of his daughters.

Draining the swamp, or something….

Trump nominates Charles Kushner, to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to France.

Trump appoints Massad Boulos to serve as Senior Advisor to the President on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs.

Is 'Trump crime family' too derivative?

cfs said...

I wonder why John Bolton is so worried about Kash as FBI Director? What concern is it to him who the FBI Director might be. After all, if he has done nothing wrong, he shouldn't be upset. On the other hand, "No one is above the law".

Big Mike said...

This is firing the FBI director.

It certainly is, and he certainly deserves it. Back in August of 2022 he airily departed early from a Senate oversight committee hearing to go on vacation in the Adirondacks using an FBI jet that is supposed to be for official FBI business. "Public servants" need to remember that they are answerable to the Congress, and those who find it convenient to forget that fact need to be removed from office immediately. It is a black mark against Joe Biden that he did not do so before Wray even boarded the jet.

Mr. Patel laid out his vision for wreaking vengeance on the F.B.I. and Justice Department in a book ...

A little hyperbole anyone? No, "vengeance" would be burning James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Christopher Wray at the stake. Oh, and Chris Christie for recommending Wray in the first place. Also, every FBI agent who participated in the Mar-A-Largo raid, no matter how junior. Lefties want to get rid of the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments, but how about we start with the Eighth?

I can back down from the hyperbole any time the Times wants to do likewise, because it is very clear that the FBI is in serious need of reforms. Let's start with the FBI's reliance on Form FD-302. These are the agent notes from interviews, including background interviews, suspect interviews, source debriefings, whatever. The FBI can videotape suspect interviews, but generally doesn't. If I were on a federal jury, I would be told that the FBI did not videotape the suspect interview, but that I can rely on the FD-302 notes as being true and accurate. Except thanks to John Durham we now know that people who were not even there participating in the interview, such as supervisors, can edit the FD=302. So I leave it to the Lefties who comment on this blog, now that Trump's people are going to be in charge of the DOJ and the FBI, how would you feel about going to trial based on an FD-302 that had been edited to change "I categorically deny all these charge" to read "I completely admit to all these charges." Don't think it can happen? Something very like that did happen to Michael Flynn.

That act led to the appointment of the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who spent nearly two years examining the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia....

During which he found nothing?

Big Mike said...

@Aggie, I would specifically call out the Crime Lab as needing urgent reform. How many people spent how many years in prison based on the junk science of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis? One person for one year is already too many.

Hassayamper said...

And JFK appointed his brother to be Attorney General, a man who was ludicrously less qualified than Kash Patel.

RFK Sr. worked as an entry-level Justice Department lawyer for less than a year, right out of law school. Then he worked temp jobs on several Senate committees, in between political campaigns for his brother and Adlai Stevenson. Then hey-ho! He was made Attorney General, never having tried a single criminal or civil case in court.

But Rich would have us believe the Democrats are serious, really serious guys trust me, about making sure our DOJ and FBI leadership are supremely qualified.

Christopher B said...

@Peachy, my comment was more forward looking. Any replacement for McConnell would likely have to run multiple campaigns over the next two years. Kentucky is pretty red but there's a chance of something going haywire. We do occasionally elect Democrats statewide.

Original Mike said...

"The FBI can videotape suspect interviews, but generally doesn't."

Is there an official explanation of this policy? I can't think of a legitimate one.

Leland said...

Two years of investigation into a fake "Dossier", and Mueller can't even come to a conclusion. That level of incompetence needs to hit the streets and quit getting paid by the taxpayer. If nothing in the document can be collaborated and the source is compromised, as they knew Christopher Steele was at that point, then falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. Really not uno and more like mas. Fire them and make them pay restitution to the taxpayers they defrauded.

Jupiter said...

Who is that creepy shit-weasel in the middle video? He needs to up his fentanyl dosage.

Leland said...

Elect a criminal. Get a criminal gang. Who would've guessed?

Those of who knew in 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic.

Mason G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mason G said...

"But Rich would have us believe the Democrats are serious, really serious guys trust me, about making sure our DOJ and FBI leadership are supremely qualified."

Well, sure- they are serious. But then, the left defines "supremely qualified" as "willing to do whatever it takes to further Democrat goals and protect Democrat interests" in this context. In another context, it means something completely different. Words are just tools, after all, and the ends justify the means.

Lazarus said...

Anonymous sources do exist and are easy to find. They're people with axes to grind, not unbiased observers. The links between the intelligence and surveillance agencies and the Post and Times are well established. It doesn't mean their stories -- I won't say their reporting -- are any good.

Rabel said...

That's Tim Miller. A Never-Trumper who worked for Jeb, McCain, and Romney.

He's at The Bulwark now.

Creepy shit-weasel fits.

Drago said...

It is so amazingly and gloriously wonderful watching Abacus Boy, LLR-democratical Rich come zorching in rhetorically with debunked hoaxes, hilariously transparent lies, confession by projection admissions on top of 4 straight years of him being embarrassed over and over again when his talking points collapsed!

Its the best.

You should have seen Li'l Richie just the other day panicking and attacking X and Musk and claiming all these savvy investors at X were never going to recoup their X investment...

...then just 12 hours later having the X investment in xAI comlletely cover the X investment when xAI hit a $50B valuation!

Can you imagine being Rich right now? He makes Harry Sisson seem like Aristotle!

Drago said...

Tim Miller, like all the other NeverTrump grifters, is and has been 100% on board with the ENTIRE New Soviet Democratical plan to implement the ChiCom model in the know, to "conserve cnservatism".

Drago said...

Abacus Boy Rich is very, very, very, very upset that Trump is putting people in place that will carry Trump's actual policies and messages to key parties across the globe without the pro-hamas/pro-terrorist morns at Foggy Bottom getting in the way and lying their way to WW3.

Maybe Rich would feel better if Trump had his people install unsecured servers in bathrooms to facilitate the selling of US policy to foreign powers for hundreds of millions of $ the way the dems did.


Rich is burned out its amusing.

rehajm said...


Drago said...

Rich is indeed a scared little boy...trying to puff himself up by recycling all his previous lies. Lefty meltdowns like his are fun to watch.

Not quite at LLR-democratical Chuck level yet, with buffoonish sidekick LLR-democratical lonejustice in trail.

Drago said...

Zorching = flying in at a rapid pace, potentially in an out of control fashion

tcrosse said...

Kash and his intention to fire Wray are Trump's opening bid. If Kash isn't confirmed by the Senate he probably has other candidates teed up.

Iman said...

I suspect they’ve cleaned everything, including the rat turds left behind.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

It sure looks like Abacus Boy Rich is deathly afraid of having those Epstein files (the ones that havent been destroyed yet by Rich's beloved dems), Diddy files, Whitmer fake kidnapping/fednapping files, Jan 6 fedsurrection files, FBI/tech company fascist censorship program files, ChiCom Wuhan files, etc released.

Drago said...

Not on this one. Read the announcement again.

Iman said...

“I see ZERO evidence that Trump is playing for keeps, or even playing at all. Show me.”

FFS… it’s nearly two months out, what say we watch this thing rollout before soiling our diaper.

Narr said...

Not only that, but when Mueller turned in the dolls, his dog had chewed them.

Iman said...

Well said, Temujin.

Jersey Fled said...

The FBI hasn’t been a “ premier law enforcement agency” since the day Obama took office

SAGOLDIE said...

"It is extremely dangerous to have a change in an F.B.I. director just after a change in administration."

200% Fear Mongering!!

First, to claim that it's "extremely dangerous" implies knowledge based on having done it before with awful results actually attributable to the shots period between the Director change soon after the Administration change. Are we offered even one example "Like when [some President] replaced [some former Director]."

And how many times has this supposedly happened? According to Brittanica dot com, there have been only 12 "permanent" Directors (not "Acting Directors").

In other words "is" extremely dangerous is pure speculation. Better to have written that it "could" be dangerous with an explanation of "how it could be."

Which beings me to my second point . . . . "Dangerous?" To who? How?

If he means dangerous to senior FBI leaders because they could be at risk of criminal prosecution for perjury, fraud, etc then I have to ask, "So what's the problem?"

If the danger is to us, the country, the government, the FBI then a good explanation is needed.

Anyway, that's what I think.

Mary Beth said...

It sounds like either a threat or a message to our enemies that it will be time for another 9/11-level attack. Something where they could point fingers and say it was all Trump's fault for making a change, they had the baddies under surveillance, but lost track because of the chaos. ("Chaos" was a favorite word during the last Trump administration. I expect it to make a comeback.)

tolkein said...

Not Candace Owens.

jim said...

No, but there is room for Benny Hill

FormerLawClerk said...

Jamie Rubin is Pamela Bondi's partner in their lobbying firm for the Qatar government. He is of course married to CNN's Christiane Amanpour ... who is a Deep State CIA embed at CNN and the most virulently anti-American employee they have.

Mason G said...

"but lost track because of the chaos."

If that'd be the response, I'd say those who "lost track" weren't competent to be in the positions they were in.

Lawnerd said...

If the President cannot fire and replace the head of the FBI, then the FBI has too much power and must be reformed or eliminated.

Gospace said...

I suspect, Dixcus, that the young people Trump appoints are well versed in recent history. Unlike liberal friends my age who can't remember the headlines when I was young about the impending ice age... and worry endlessly about the ever warming world that isn't actually warm enough. Melting glaciers in Alaska reveal that their creation mowed down vast swaths of forestland. Imagine a forested Alaska instead of a snow covered Alaska...

Gospace said...

Which title was added after the FBI was created- by presidential proclamation. Congress never authorized it. Created by a president- can be destroyed by a president. Except the courts seem to keep finding the constitution says "Except for Trump".

Every other function the FBI does is duplicated by other agencies. TH US Marshals Service could take over the investigative part. For all cases. The Secret Service fight against counterfeiting could be extended to bank fraud. The Coast Guard could be enlarged and work with border patrol to root out drug trafficking. And all the US armed forces investigative agencies- which should be kept agency specific and not unified- could be tasked from time to time with specific actions outside their normal realm of operation. And all of them collect intelligence through different means and sources. There should be central clearinghouse so we they find intelligence that's not related to their duties- they can punt it to someone to decide who should handle what they found.

hombre said...

“This is firing the F.B.I. director,” said one law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity ...." I had an anonymous law enforcement official over for dinner last night. If you need proof, here's his plate.

hombre said...

The statute of limitations may have run on Hillary, but not on Biden.

Gospace said...

Which is why all interviews any level of law enforcement does should be videoed. No longer expensive and hard to do.

Aggie said...

Well.... What does the 'chutzpah' cost them? And, what, potentially, could they gain from it?

'Chutzpah' is a safe bet when nobody is slapping the sh*t out of you, for your insolence.

Leland said...

There is no statute of limitations for mishandling classified information.

Drago said...

Mary Beth's scenario is precisely the primary modern day Operation Northwoods exercise that is feared the dems/GOPe/deep state would pull since another Fauci-like bio-attack would be far too obvious.

Let us hope that even our psychotic New Soviet Democraticals would fear enough information emerging that it will keep them from such an action.

Rabel said...

I think it's 5 years.

Peachy said...

Dear Kentucky. Now is the time to find your second Rand Paul.
Love, 'Merica

The Godfather said...

A new generation should have an opportunity to start over. Of course, that's hard with a huge institution like the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!. But to start with the FBI (a huge symbol of Federal Power), I say close down their huge building in DC (I used to work a block from there). Let's define more narrowly the role of the FBI, adopt a reasonable program to remove it's inappropriate functions, while transferring assets to other appropriate agencies (federal or state), and reduce it's staff to respond to these reduced functions.

Flat Tire said...

Not Candace Owens. How about Roland Fryer??

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob said...

Ya keep the head of the FBI on, it's not they have done all they could over the last 4 years to Mr Trump in a place where he could not become the President...
Oops, my mistake, the FBI's main job since the last election was to get Trump & they failed at that...
They all have to go after the last 4 years!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Most if not all of Hillary's non-murder crimes are not outside the statute of limitations

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Are NOW outside the statute of limitations

Saint Croix said...

I continue to be astounded at how many Democrats are opposed to things like free speech and transparency in government. Liberals used to believe in these things, deeply.

I wonder how many Democrats will vote to confirm Patel? I'm guessing zero. They like a police state (as long as they control the police).

And journalists, who you would expect to appreciate free speech and transparency in government?

They prefer the status quo, of powerful government officials doing rotten things in secret, and giving "leaks" to journalists. Our journalist class abandons free speech because they like their privileges in the swamp. Disgusting.

The American people, who voted Trump back in office, have also voted with their feet and left the propaganda arm of the Democrat-media complex.

Bunkypotatohead said...

It's a mistake for Trump to be announcing all these appointments this early in the game. It just gives the swamp creatures and their acolytes in big media more time to marshall their forces in opposition.
He could have named all these people the 3rd week in January.

Rocco said...

Enigma said...
"South Asian Americans? Hmmm? East Asians yes. South Asians include the Hmong farmers from Vietnam, the Filipinos, the Indonesians, etc."

I think of South Asians as a term for the subcontinentals. And I think of Vietnamese (including Hmong) and Indonesians as East Asians. Filipinos are their own category.

Looking at Wikipedia (I know), their definition of South Asia matches mine. Their definition of East Asian excludes Southeast Asian and the Philippines.

Saint Croix said...

Astounding to me that there are Republicans who think the FBI has been doing fine over the last several years. The Republican Senator for South Dakota, Mike Rounds, said this on ABC:

"I think the president picked a very good man to be the director of the FBI when he did that in his first term," Rounds said on ABC's "This Week." "I don't have any complaints about the way that he's done his job right now."

That's like saying Trump's house should have been raided and he should have been prosecuted for crimes. Is he oblivious or are the swamp rats blackmailing him?

Saint Croix said...

In 3, 2, 1...

FBI says that Kash Patel is a spy for Putin!

Saint Croix said...

In 3, 2, 1...

FBI raids Kash Patel's home and seizes all his electronic devices!

Saint Croix said...

I really don't see how Senate Democrats are going to thread the needle on this. "The FBI prosecution of Donald Trump was completely legit and we're not sure why the American people voted him into the White House."

The Democrats are so bad now, even Oliver Stone has noticed!

Rob said...

I think they are getting ready to hit the ground running on day one!

Peachy said...

MSNBC swiller.

Achilles said...

Wray is a traitor. Jail should be the best thing he could expect.

DarkHelmet said...

What's dangerous is to have an FBI power structure that believes it is the master of the people rather than the servant.

Freeman Hunt said...

Patel can give all the FBI people those supplements that he claims protect people from others shedding the COVID vaccine. #winning #tigerblood

ccscientist said...

The FBI has been a political actor, sending out Patriot Front marchers repeatedly to scare people about conservatives. Totally a false flag operation. Since when do conservatives all go out and buy identical khaki pants etc and arrive in a Uhaul truck? The "kidnapping" plot of Mich gov was a FBI op. They pushed the crowd on Jan 6 to go into the Capitol and tore the barricades down. Recently they visited the home of the guy whose poll showed trump winning. Just those things alone (and there are lots more) are enough to discredit them bigly.

Craig Mc said...

MSNBC commentators like Miller must be wondering where their next grift is coming from.

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