I guess that's the way the New York Post has been talking for a long time. "Fiend" is another example.
By the way, the word "firebug" was originally used to refer to a firefly — AKA lightning bug — but it became a slang word for "arsonist" in the mid-19th century. I note that it would be highly abnormal to use "arsonist" to refer to a person who murdered someone with fire — not unless a building were set on fire and the death happened as an unintended consequence.
"Firebug" connotes pyromania — a crazy fascination with fire. The New York Post unwittingly helps this accused man with his insanity defense.
Much more could be said about the practice of likening a human being to an insect — a bug — but I will stop here... out of respect for the dead.
He should get the same treatment as his victim did.
This woman's avoidable death is a direct result of the open borders policy of Biden and the Dems. But for the open borders policy, this woman would be alive today and celebrating Christmas with her family.
And apparently all sorts of people stood by and dead nothing; including a highly-paid NYC cop. That cop should be fired today! Shades of Kitty Genovese. We saw that movie in high school.
Joe Biden is going to burn in Hell. The funny thing is that he's so senile, he can't even enjoy his stolen money.
Fuck Joe Biden and all his handlers.
Why hasnt he been charged we have the video right
there yes witch hochul is in up to her chin
Gregor Samsa has entered the chat
The genovese story might not be entirely true but it set the path for the lindsay apocalypse this might lead to an awakening
Because in your estimation it is impossible for Begley to not have benefitted from illegal immigration in some fashion, however indirect, unknowing, and unwitting, he is therefore precluded from opposing illegal immigration?
Is that what passes for logic in your world, Derve?
C thomas is not the sharpest tool
Horrific event, horrific video, horrific non-response from policeman on site, and horrific use of a trivializing word to describe the madman (at best) killer.
Tim: That's not the test. We have bright line laws regarding immigration and Biden and the Dems have intentionally not enforced them. I can't control if some farmer hired illegal aliens to harvest crops.
The images make the words almost irrelevant thats why the Times buries the story, the blood price of their deal with Carlos slims
He's getting vastly different treatment than the victim.
His photo, for example, is being published.
On the other hand, the New York Post is deliberately NOT printing the photo of the very young, very pretty, very white ... victim of this heinously evil murder.
White people are being erased by our media. By so-called conservative media.
You cannot hate the media more than you should be hating the media.
The use of the word firebug is disgraceful. We're not talking about a kid who likes to play with matches.
The psycho didn't have to "sneak" back in. He was welcomed. And he didn't have to "make his way" to New York either, thanks to our Mystery Rulers.
... out of respect for the dead.
By who is the dead woman? I get that she was burned beyond recognition, but nevertheless the NYPD seems to be taking its own sweet time identifying her. A viral post identified her as Amelia Carter, but the accompanying picture seems AI generated. Newsmedia immediatelylabeled the article a hoax, which is probably the best reason for believing it.
I'm sure that Joe Biden has already pardoned this immigrant ... who is only here to pick the vegetables that we grow in the New York subway underground.
If they charge him, they'd have to try him and the black District Attorney in New York is unqualified to conduct a criminal trial. He's only there because he's black.
Progs have introduced new eldritch horrors into the equation
A cop stood by and did nothing? Hard to believe.
Respect for third world cultures. Hawk tuah.
She is a very young, very pretty and very very WHITE person. They will never show you her photo.
It is extremely difficult to provide a link to the video of this cop pacing around while this woman clearly is standing there burning to death. He makes absolutely no attempt to assist her or to put out the flames. He's on his cell phone, pacing back and forth, presumably calling for backup. Because of the HORRIFIC nature of a person literally burning to death, no sites will host the videos and they're taken down as quickly as they're put up.
The cop is black, by the way. The victim burning to death is white and the perp is Hispanic.
"Brooklyn prosecutors are now awaiting word on whether the flames caused the woman’s death — which could mean murder charges against the suspect...." And still, even in this story, the victim is ignored, not even given the respect of saying her name. She's 'the straphanger', 'the woman', the 'sleeping passenger'. She's not even the 'victim', except mentioned this way once, in connection with the pending autopsy. Say her name and tell her story !
"The suspect does not appear to have any other previous criminal history, sources said...." I guess he was here legally, then - twice, since they kicked him out the first time.
The NYP has gone as blood simple as the average NYC voter.
One response from that media that I find baffling is those that state, "well crime is actually down if you look at the reported numbers". Oh? So that makes this heinous act more acceptable? (Never mind the fact that crime is not actually down). So many journalists are ignoring the depravity of his acts and are lumping the crime into other statistics as just a cost of "doing business".
This hellish depraved act is not something that we should just ignore and accept as part of the new normal in our nation. The guy had previously been deported under Trump's administration and allowed back into our country under Biden's open border policy. We are importing the destruction of our society. But as long as they remain insulated from the results of Biden's policies, the media is fully on board with those policies.
I remember when calling an arrested but uncharged person "the accused" was sufficient, without any extra descriptor. Too hard to guide a narrative with fewer words?
Excess murder... with empathetic advocacy.
There is no "mystery" as to who is running the United States (into the ground):
It is Barack Obama, in his illegal third term as President.
She is white. Therefore unimportant to the media.
Crime is down, if you look at the numbers released by the politicians who's continued no-show jobs depend on those numbers showing crime being down.
If you see a member of the media, punch them right in the face.
The narrative in other cases promulgated by the usual suspects, include: hate crime, some lives matter, torture-torture, color supremacy, misogyny, toxic masculinity, "burden", xenophobia, deplorable, anti-something or other, etc. This girl was collateral damage in the pursuit of social progress.
Date Line Nuremberg 1945: The accused German gas chamber enjoyer, who has not yet been charged; has been taken into custody...
"entered the country illegally" = illegal alien. Think of how much more concise the headline would be with that phrase.
date line Israel: "An accused Arab Hang-glider and gun enthusiast, has not yet charged with actions on October 7th"
Guatemala? Mexico is not a good faith partner in international affairs. To be fair though, he may just as easily been transported by Biden at our expense. American Civil Liberties Unburdened
I don't want to see the video. I was imagining reading a credible report of a cop doing nothing.
Too late
We had a "firebug" in our neighborhood when I was a boy. He set garages and sheds in the neighborhood on fire. He got caught when he set fire to his own garage. That was a firebug. "Arsonist" seems too strong a word for that guy.
A polity actually committed to justice & public safety would either hang this creep or imprison him for life. On the other hand NYers voted for this stuff so it also might be justice to just release Senor Fiendy Firebug back to the streets and let NY burn. Bc "democracy".
I agree that "firebug" is way too cutesy, but fiend understates the enormity of the crime. No Capital punishment in NY. The good citizens of NY will now fund his room, board, medical care and imprisonment for the rest of his days......Would it be possible to enter into some kind of agreement with the home country of these criminals where we could send them back back to be imprisoned there?
You are expecting decency from the New York Post? They are proud of their cutesy lingo. Remember how much fun they had with Anthony Weiner:
The murder victim is slandered as a "sleeping drunk homeless person", rather than the accomplished college grad she is/was. Why? To what purpose is she misidentified, as if also culpable for her own murder. The video is horrific. The murder is horrific, coming just hours after Biden Administration sadly commuted death sentences of another group of heinous murderers.
It is what invited Inspector Callahan & Co. onto our screens.
Here's the most EXPLICIT video I've seen. Probably one of the most depressing sights I've ever seen on so many levels.
And no one intervened to help this woman. No one. This is outcome of Daniel Penny arrest and trial. Though Penny was ultimately acquitted, the damage is done, and most people won't intervene now when they see a violent crime in progress, or violence soon to occur, for fear of prosecution, the stress, financial cost, reputational harm, and long-term negative consequences are a real deterrent. And this woman's murder is now the most prominent example of such reluctance.
@ Dixcus, are you talking about that AI-generated photo?
Note the silence from Biden Administration regarding this murder, which accorded only hours after they pardoned 37 heinous murderers.
Is it believable to suggest that the cop thought the flaming victim standing there was a manikin spoof by a prankster?
That requires a slow torturous execution to balance the universe.
Perhaps it was more humane, at that point, to leave her to die? Just sayin.
Fuck New York.
"Horrifying video obtained by The Post showed the suspect calmly looking on as flames consumed the still-unidentified woman, who stood inside the open subway car doors.
A transit cop walked by, and seemed to pull out a radio and say something as they continued down the platform."
"...The suspect brazenly sat on a nearby bench as cops huddled around, pulling his hood up at one point just before an officer spoke to him. “Do me a favor? Walk down there,” the cop said, motioning down the platform with his radio. “I need this space cleared up.”
The man stood up, then left the scene."
The NYT has the same info, but they are reporting what they read in the Post plus this - "The Post’s video also shows a uniformed police officer walking right by the burning woman. Joseph Gulotta, the chief of transit for the Police Department, was asked at a news conference why the officer did not try to help her.
He said the officer was securing the crime scene. “I commend that one officer who stayed there, made sure he kept the crime scene the way it’s supposed to be, made sure he kept an eye on what was going on,” he said. “So I think he did his job perfectly. As his fellow officers went and got M.T.A. workers, got fire extinguishers, and eventually were able to extinguish the individual.”"
I think the first description will turn out to be more accurate. Do you think she's culpable for her death if she was sleeping off a drunk in the subway?
The photo being circulated is AI-generated. The name is made up.
At least the subways are safe, as deemed by Mayor Hochul, with deployment of the national guard.
I miss typed - safer, not safe. This is absolutely horrific, not least is the lack of help by bystanders and even what is believed to be transit police.
Plus, the "reported" numbers don't reflect the actual situation on the street or underground. I've lived and/or worked in Manhattan several times over the past thirty years, and conditions are approaching or have surpassed the pre-Giuliani early nineties. NYPD cops (there are a few in my circle) and civilians alike think it's a fool's errand to bother reporting even fairly serious assaults these days. You'll hear cops saying things like "They'll be back on the streets before we file the paperwork, and they won't show up in court if it even gets that far."
All those "men" filming it on their cell phones, saying, "Oh, sh*t!", and not doing a thing to help. A younger version of me wouldn't have been able to imagine it.
Larry McMurtry in Lonesome Dove had a good term for this kind of sadistic psychopath: Manburner
No. I am talking about the 3 minute video of the woman burning to death while the cop did nothing but pace around on his phone.
She could have been both an accomplished college graduate who became a sleeping drunk homeless person. Neither of those statuses makes her more deserving of this fate (unless of course she worked for United Health).
For whatever reason she was in harm's way, and harm had its way with her. Harm being this psychopath who should never have been here and who will have a not too bad life from here on out as I suspect psychopaths do fairly well in prison.
The killer was filmed watching the victims death agony (falsely identified as "Amelia Carter" by someone nearly as evil as the killer) from the comfort of a platform bench. The version I've seen has much editorial pixelation, the fire being just an indistinct brightness inside the F-Train car, but one can hear shouts of alarm and outrage. There's no evidence that anyone came to her rescue other than the transit cops who arrived far too late to save her. An overcoat sacrificed to smother the flames might have saved her, but apparently no one thought her life was more valuable than his cold-weather garment. But everyone nearby with an iPhone whipped it out like a samurai's katana. That "identity withheld" young woman may rest assured that, unlike the murder of Kitty Genovese, this time New Yorkers did "get involved" ... as documentarians.
I do not believe Sebastian Zapeta set fire to his victim using a cigarette lighter alone. Most cold-weather outer garments are treated with fire retardants. They certainly will burn, but slowly. Witness reports and video claim the victim was fully engulfed by flames almost immediately. Therefore, the fiend Zapeta must have used an accelerant -- lighter fluid, charcoal starter, gasoline -- some kind of readily available volatile fuel touched off with a lighter. Zapeta probably planned his "entertainment" well in advance.
According to a CBS report dated 12/23 at 11:26 am, Sebastian Zapeta, the man seen taken in custody by NYC Transit Police, has been charged with first-degree murder.
Like I said, he planned it well in advance.
Go look right now 11:12am 12/24/24 ... at the front page of The Daily Mail. There is a screen grab from the 3 minute video of the cop pacing back and forth on his cell phone doing nothing while this person burns to death. It's not "AI" generated. It's real. And it's sickening.
People are apparently refusing to ride the subway now, creating more traffic and gridlock. Those who do ride it, report kids jumping over the turnstiles, screaming and yelling. and of course the 'normal' numbers of men masturbating, and using the platforms as a toilet.
wonderful. all those progressive ideas hatched in the faculty lounges of americas 'great universities' are so successful.
the left are getting the results they voted for, make no mistake about it.
'insanity' defense indeed-that would be a perfect ending to this horrific event.
The POS who did it, was deported by Trump, came back under Biden. Probably on public dole, so all of us got to finance the death of an un named woman who was mostly likely white, which means her life was worth less than POC. And yes, that is another of those fine progressive ideas that oozed out of a faculty meeting long ago.
One Charles Bronson per car, but armed with better weapons. No cameras allowed.
The New York Post unwittingly helps this accused man with his insanity defense.
Althouse unwittingly helps his goofball public defenders with his insanity defense. Ooh - this is fun!
I understand that the identification of the victim may be false and the phot AI-generated, but posters over at Instapundit have been suggesting that the whole event never happened and all of the video was AI-generated. We are getting close to (or perhaps already at a point where) no one will believe anything they don't witness first-hand.
Dixcus, I'm sorry you have cancer, but it's Christmas Eve. Can you give your racial animosity a rest for a little while? Alvin Bragg would be worthless in any color.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose ..
Alvin Bragg would be an offence against carbon-based life forms regardless of his skin color. But he would not have been allowed to enter the practice of law if he couldn't claim to be "black". Same as Fani Willis, Kim Foxx, and on and on and on.
The video I have seen is utterly horrifying, but there is certainly no way one can determine the poor woman's race, as she is engulfed in flames. It makes me ache to knock her down and roll her up in my jacket. Hideous.
The NY Post has published more true statements this year than the NY Times has in the last decade. Sometimes they write politically incorrect but accurate phrases. Sometimes their pun headlines make me smile. If it weren't for the Post, NYC would get little to no news.
There is a deficit of bug lovers among the empathetic females, perhaps males who identify as the feminine gender, no sympathetic lusting groupies for you. It will be be back... black holes... whores h/t NAACP until Biden makes a Choice or choice or delegates to American Civil Liberties Unburdened through immigration reform. Karma-lic.
Lighter Violence!!
There are a bunch of NY women cheering for the release of Luigi while one of their own is being burned to death just down the street.
They all deserve what's coming.
The affordability in the government market is embedded in the 40 trillion dollar public debt, progressive prices, and collateral damage from immigration reform.
It appears the identification of the victim as a white PhD student was premature and probably in error. It's now being said she was a homeless woman. I don't know why this was omitted in the current round of stories, except perhaps to keep the readers focused on the more sensational and repulsive aspects - the better to sell papers, eh?
I misread "accused firebug" as "accursed firebug".
We Americans should collectively understand that without strict border enforcement Trump's mass deportation program is going to be largely worthless bc if the borders are left undefended criminal migrants can just come right back, like this guy did. These lowlifes have to do some jail time first just so they get the message, (no mas!), good and hard.
Wrong as usual, Jupiter. No surprise. And the rest of morally cogent people will feel just as bad if she were not, you racist.
Dixcus, I’m sorry to hear you have cancer. Best wishes. If it’s fun for us to fight, I can be much worse, but it only means I care.
Dave, you are a voice of calm reason.
We can’t know what the cop was doing. Another cop arrived quickly with a fire extinguisher. He was likely alerting him. Most cops start as traffic accident cops. They learn in ways we can’t understand that she was already dead, and intubating her would only extend her agony.
Death by fire is horrifying. Videos are deliberately edited. Stop hating cops. Start hating the scum who let this scum in here after he was deported at least once, fed, clothed, and given money to get high, then let him kill this woman.
Hate every last Democrat. I mean, really hate them until they make amends and make this stop. There’s not a few Republicans who merit the same treatment.
I’m an equal-opportunity hater. My last Republican Representative, some dolt who wants open borders, is sending me hate mail for holding him responsible.
Come on people now. Come together.
None of them deserve us,
but that woman on train surely did.
Fuck up your elected officials for Christmas. It’s moral. Jesus would have done it.
Yes. Also perverted murder-torturer. Only about 5% of arson killers watch their victims burn.
But of course this won’t be investigated as a hate crime, just like 9/11 was not documented as a nationality-based hate crime (which is a real category used for everyone except Americans).
None of it is true. Several called the police. Then he stopped attacking her, followed her into her hallway (not visible), and there he killed and raped her, in that order. She was gay (which her assailant didn’t know). A gay male friend of hers witnessed the actual murder-rape, climbed out of his apartment, terrified and in shock (understandable), and then called for help. What happened on the street was not clear to the few witnesses who were awakened. Nor should the friend be blamed.
Shock does a lot of weird stuff to you.
Jesus wept.
I analyze media for a tiny living. Both the the Post and the Daily Mail, once reliable, have become extremely woke.
Sorry dead white women.
Well done, Howard.
It’s time for young men to be trained to protect everyone again. Also the husky girls.
"This woman's avoidable death is a direct result of the open borders policy of Biden and the Dems. But for the open borders policy, this woman would be alive today and celebrating Christmas with her family."
Perhaps. Perhaps...but, how many illegal migrants are violent or psychotic criminals, seeking to mete out violence on others for any or no reasons at all, (rather than most being simply fleeing desperate situations and hoping--as our forebears did before us--to find opportunity and a better life)?
But, still, to take your point, the literally hundreds of mass shooting situations in the US each year (and the consequent dozens or hundreds of wounded and killed victims of these shooters) are all a direct result of the ease with which virtually anyone can obtain firearms, not least, automatic firearms.
So...if we're serious about deterring or preventing additional such unexpected, random and continuing such single and mass acts of violence in the country at large, we have to be truly serious about effective ways to make them more difficult to occur. Obviously, you would advocate for all illegal immigrants to be deported--not withstanding the economic devastation this would bring, and acknowledging most illegal immigrants are not violent. With the same seriousness, we have to pass laws now that render the purchase of firearms a significantly more difficult and time-consuming process to successfully achieve, with many more blockades to pass through before one may obtain a gun.
But...pshaw...that's crazy talk!
Economic devastation, Cookie? What has the world come to, that a commie like you can advocate exploiting the world's poorest on behalf of rich Americans?
But of course even the non-violent ones are by definition criminal, and I would love to see every single one of them deported.
Chipmonks roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost ripping off your clothes........
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