December 15, 2024

Sunrise — 7:12, 7:09.



Talk about whatever you want in the comments. And support the Althouse blog by doing your Amazon shopping going in through the Althouse Amazon link.


Josephbleau said...

Since beiden is going to sell off all the border wall steel cheap some well off repub should buy it all at the auction. Then the Trump admin can go out for steel bids, and buy it back at the auction sale price from the only guy in the country who has it. Plus expenses of course.

Josephbleau said...

And then dock the dei budget of whichever department got the credit memo for the sale to cover the cost.

Clyde said...

Clyde's Top 15 Favorite "New" Songs of 2024 - Part 5 of 5 - Honorable Mentions

Apple Jam - "Child of Nature" - Off the White Album - 2018

You may remember Apple Jam from last year, when they had another song get an honorable mention on my list from their earlier album "Off the Beatle Path." They are a Beatles tribute band from Seattle, with a twist: They have recorded songs that the Beatles wrote but that were never released on a Beatles album or single during their career. Many of the songs were either recorded by other artists or were songs that were Beatles demos or home recordings that later appeared on deluxe 50th anniversary albums or on individual solo recordings. Apple Jam does a great job of capturing the Beatles' sound.

"Child of Nature' was written by John Lennon in 1968 during the Beatles' meditation sojourn in India. The song was recorded on the Esher demos but never released by the Beatles. Lennon later reworked the song into "Jealous Guy" for his Imagine album.
This is another one that got a lot of play this year (along with the rest of the album) but that undoubtedly got a listen last year, so it can't go into the Top 15.

Apple Jam - Child of Nature

Eva Marie said...

Why is no one asking President Biden about the drone activity?

tcrosse said...

Biden is the last person one would ask.

Tina Trent said...

Because psyop is not in the coloring books.

john mosby said...

"Why is no one asking Biden/Biden is the last person one would ask:"

This episode really encapsulates the fragmentation of the D Party and Biden Admin in its last days.

It's almost obvious that it's some agency's classified or at least FOUO program, poorly thought out because it involves stuff flying in plain sight with lights on.

In a properly functioning admin, the WH chief of staff or someone like that would just grab all the agency heads and get the responsible agency to own up, then decide what can be told to the public and put that out.

Instead, the normal workarounds for the POTATUS Problem no longer work, because of people resigning for their wilderness jobs, intra-party fighting, career employees worried about losing their clearances, etc. All the usual friction, which sometimes is even beneficial, but without any central authority to cut across the silos.

Even if you buy the theory that the drones are deliberately being disavowed in order to sell the drone-control bill, the operation is still very uncoordinated. No one seems to have approved it in advance or asked basic questions like "how long can we hide the fact these are US model drones?"

Maybe that's why Trump is relatively silent on this one. Never interrupt your opponent when he is doing a great job of defeating himself for you.


Sprezzatura said...

I came here looking for an SNL recap. Seems like this week there would have been something for Althouse to note.

For me, the big thing was Sabrina Carpenter getting attention. She's interesting because I can't think of another popular female singer that does so much jokey stuff.

Original Mike said...

"Since beiden is going to sell off all the border wall steel cheap some well off repub should buy it all at the auction."

Texas says they're going to buy it and give it to Trump.

Biden really is a prick.

Original Mike said...

Texas Lt. Gov Vows: We Will Buy Every Piece Of Border Wall Biden’s Selling And Give It To Trump

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Nice. It's been raining here too.

Original Mike said...

For those who remember commenter sippicancottage

Sprezzatura said...

What does that mean? Do you consider getting rain is a positive thing of some sort, such that you call it 'nice'?

FTR, I love running in the rain. But, I'm not wired to exalt rain. Why do you seem excited by re rain? Maybe I'm missing your main point. Perhaps you are excited because you are having rain at the same time Althouse is having rain so that makes you get feels. Maybe you have a crush on Althouse.


Different strokes fer dif folks.


Sprezzatura said...

Not to mention that the list of blogs you follow doesn't include Althouse.


Sprezzatura said...

I do see you are following rh, El, and the big dog Trooper.

What other blogs do you remember that intersected with Althouse? I think of the bit maelstrom and....was it sundries? Maybe it wasn't sundries, do you remember that female commenter that had her own blog.

Sprezzatura said...

And there was Zachary's blog. Obviously.