December 9, 2024

Sunrise — 7:04.


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Also seen this morning: a bald eagle:



Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Seen in Legal Insurrection

Are people in the media really that stupid? Text of the 14th amendment pertaining to birthright citizenship:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state ...

All Congress need do is pass a law defining "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof." Is a child born of an illegal alien subject to the jurisdiction? Nope. Whenever they talk about the 14th, they conveniently leave that part out.

Political Junkie said...

Will Ann buy Meade the Fight, Fight, Fight cologne for Christmas?

Jaq said...

I guess Syrian Girl was right, Israel has bombed Syria back to the Stone Age. At least their military, navy, air defenses, government buildings, research centers, etc. I am sure that there are plenty of Kalashnikovs to go around, though.

Eva Marie said...

As it turns out Hillary Clinton also released a book late this year. Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty was released on Sept. 17. Today’s ranking is #4007 on Amazon’s best seller list. (Melania is at #8 today and Michelle Obama is at #932)
What I find really interesting is that Hillary Clinton coauthored a political thriller with Louise Penny in 2021. Louise Penny is a Canadian mystery writer, whose main character is Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec.
She’s a popular writer and her Gamache series is pretty good.
Anyway, the thriller she wrote with Clinton centers on brave Sec. of State Ellen Adams who has to deal with a very Trumpian President who has chosen his political enemy as Sec of State. (Doesn’t that sound like the plot of a typical romance. But they don’t fall in love in this book. Although if Jill Biden had written it, who knows what would have happened.) It looks like this was a hit with 30,000+ reviews on Amazon and 79,000+ reviews on Goodreads.

Eva Marie said...

Name of the thriller: State of Terror

Mason G said...

State of Terror? They still get two senators, right?

narciso said...

I thought they had copied the maralago indictment from that story

Narr said...

How long until "Buh-bye Saturday people"?

Syria has gone from being a more-or-less secular terror-state shithole to being an Islamist terror-state shithole, no more, no less.

Celebration in the civilized world is premature.

Jaq said...

I think that Israel has made an enemy that they didn't need to make. I know that they are stealing land right now, including the highest mountain in Syria, from which they can shell Damascus, land which they never intend to give back. Doing all of this with US weapons and aircraft. We will see how it works out.

Dr Weevil said...

How to tell a tankie hypocrite: he whines for years about "biolabs in Ukraine!" (a complete nothing - see * below) and now whines about Israel destroying "research centers" in Syria, where the research is all about making newer and deadlier poison gases (and possibly biological weapons) more efficiently and storing large quantities safely until you drop them on civilian targets.

*The best explanation I've read of the biolabs in Ukraine (that the US doesn't even deny exist, OMG!) is that they were left over from Soviet times. The USSR had some very nasty ones: read Wikipedia on Vozrozhdeniya Island for the nastiest. Apparently, some post-Soviet republics shut down their inherited biolabs and weapons labs and laid off all the workers. Having families to feed, many of these scientists moved to Third World countries like Iran, Iraq, and Syria to make biological (or chemical or nuclear) weapons there. Other post-Soviet republics, including Ukraine, kept their labs open, kept all the scientists on salary so they'd stick around, and switched the labs over to useful and decent civilian uses, e.g. testing for anthrax but NOT manufacturing it, testing cows for hoof-and-mouth disease, and so on. I imagine the scientists didn't object, because (a) a job's a job, and (b) if the job is less exciting, it's also less dangerous and a lot more moral - probably easier to sleep at night.

Why do I think this explanation is the true one? Because the Russians captured something like a third of Ukraine in the first few weeks of the war. They must have captured more than one of the dozens of biolabs. So why haven't they shown us all the horrors they contained? (Syrians are showing us the horrors of the main prison in Damascus, said to contain 100,000 prisoners.) The only plausible explanation is that they found no such horrors, so all they could do is say "biolabs! biolabs! biolabs!" and let western idiots amplify that.

tim maguire said...

The problem with this "loophole' is that you are subject to the jurisdiction of wherever you are.

FormerLawClerk said...

The real question is whether it will work on her as well as it worked on Jill Biden. She was literally making eyes at Literally Hitler after getting a single whiff of the winning.

Gospace said...

Tim, that is a both yes and no kind of thing. Diplomats, for example, by treaty, aren't. And their children born here, specifically, do not gain birthright citizenship.

Here illegally? Hiding from the law as a result? Won't testify if you see a crime being committed because you're afraid of being outed? Are you really subject to the jurisdiction of the law? No.

The 14th amendment was ratified in 1868. It took an act of congress in 1924 to grant all American Indians citizenship, That would be all those Indians born here with ancestors here before the Revolution...

Not sure of the year, but apparently anchor babies became a thing due to a bureaucratic decision, not due to any law or amendment. Before that, kid was born here, parents moved away with kid, kid wasn't a citizen.

Gospace said...

I think the diplomat exception also applies to foreign military personnel here for training or non-diplomatic liaison duty.

FormerLawClerk said...

Vox has fired Taylor Lorenz, the rabid psychopath who said that "we" want more insurance CEO's murdered.

The Washington Post had fired her earlier this year, but Vox thought they could make a buck off her.

Turns out hiring psychopaths isn't such a good idea.

Dr Weevil said...

tim maguire:
I thought "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was designed specifically to exclude some classes of people born in the US, for instance, children of diplomatic personnel. It certainly works the other way around: if you were born in France while at least one parent was working in the US Embassy, I believe you're still a US citizen, and can even (I think) run for president, as honorarily native-born, and are not a French citizen. And you don't actually have to be born on embassy grounds, either.

I don't think foreign soldiers occupying US territory are included either, though we haven't had to worry about that much, and soldiers don't usually take their pregnant wives along when invading a foreign country. I'm pretty sure the Japanes who occupied Attu and Kiska in World War II didn't have any kids there.

Given that there are already exceptions, it seems at least possible to define more. In fact I think I may have read that "anchor babies" were not automatically US citizens until a court case long after the Constitution was written. Anyone know?

Dr Weevil said...

Gospaca post his two comments while I was typing and editing, but I'll leave mine up. Great minds think alike, and two witnesses are better than one.

Rabel said...

Spondylolisthesis will soon be in the news!

I feel vindicated somehow.

I must have had better insurance than Luigi. I did have a doctor I could have yelled at loudly if I let myself go, but never felt assassinationish.

BCBS for the win.

Eva Marie said...

Benny Johnson just tweeted:
“We know more about the Healthcare CEO assassin after 5 minutes of being arrested than we do about this assassin who nearly started a civil war 4 months ago.”

Eva Marie said...

Luigi Mangione played metric football in high school - which I had never heard of:
Metric football is a football game played on a field with metric measurements, such as meters and centimeters, instead of yards. The first NCAA-sanctioned game to use metric measurements was the Liter Bowl, played in 1977 between Carleton College and St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. The field was 100 meters long and 50 meters wide, with metric down-chains and end zones. The ball was 29 centimeters long.

Quaestor said...

Evidently, Louise Penny is rather confused about how the United States operates. Like most Canadians, she hasn't read the Constitution. To be fair, most Americans haven't read the British North America Act of 1867, either. That Act of Parliament functions as Canada's constitution, more or less. The fact that the typical Canadian colonial had no voice in the formulation of that Act nor any means with which to ratify its adoption goes far to explain the political passivity of the average Canadian compared to the barely contained rebelliousness of the average American.

In the Canadian parliamentary system , the Minister of Foreign Affairs could plausibly be at political loggerheads with the Prime Minister, since both report to the party in power in Parliament. This isn't the case in the United States. An obstreperous Secretary of State could quickly find himself doing podcasting rather than government work if the President lost patience with his antics. Isn't it interesting that the Hildebeeste didn't help Penny appreciate the complete implausibility of her novel's premise?

FormerLawClerk said...

We know all about him. He was trained and funded by the CIA and the Secret Service let him get off 8 shots at Trump, with only one hitting him.

Our own government is murdering not just Presidents like Kennedy; not just coup'ing Presidents like Nixon and Biden; they're also trying to murder Presidential candidates.

We know this. We just don't DO anything about it.

FormerLawClerk said...

My monthly premium for government-required health insurance called Obamacare is $1,300/mo. and I have a $12,000 annual deductible before it starts only paying 80% of my MASSIVE hospital bills.

Where do I sign up to whack these rat fuckers?

Aggie said...

Really excruciating seeing her put on the spot by Piers Morgan for finding the execution 'joyful' on his panel show. She spent the next 5 minutes trying to crawfish her way out of it. Not as easy as putting vile tweets out there or making outrageous claims, like the Health Care CEO had personally murdered 10,000 people by denying coverage to patients. Piers asks "Taylor, why the f*ck are you laughing?"

Aggie said...

Everybody Loves Taylor

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

We need a catchy name like the Unabomber for the Health Care Killer. Luigi is a lovable character in the Mario Brother's Universe. There's nothing lovable about a premeditated cold blooded killer.

Sebastian said...

"Where do I sign up to whack these rat fuckers?" You mean, the providers who are the real source of high US medical expenses? And while you're at it, smash their cartels as well?

Original Mike said...

FBI Director Christopher Wray preparing to resign

Good riddance. I suppose he'll want a pardon, too.

Peachy said...

Trump's assassin was an FBI patsy. I guarantee it. why the media won't touch him.

Sebastian said...

Also part of the 14A: "The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article." So define jurisdiction: "For the purpose of determining citizenship, "under the jurisdiction" as provided in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution shall not apply to anyone born to anyone who entered the country on a time-limited visa, or in violation of the law, present, or while in active service to another government."

Jaq said...

You do know that Israel is Russia in this scenario, and Syria is Ukraine, right? Spare me the Ukrainian propaganda, I have had enough of it.

Jaq said...

Yesterday you called Syria Girl a liar for reporting this, you probably have some kind of website with smears for every media outlet which publishes any types of news not approved by "The Ukrainian Anti-Disinformation Service" Today you defend these, now 300, airstrikes, per Israeli press, on a country they haven't even had the courtesy to declare war on, and whose territory they are seizing.

Dr Weevil said...

"Syria is Ukraine"? No, Syria actually had vast stocks of chemical weapons that they used to slaughter civilians by the thousands. Ukraine had, and has, no such thing. What biological weapons did Russia find in the biolabs located in occupied territory?

Syria Girl is now a "media outlet"? She's a propagandist for Assad and Putin, and I called her a liar for claiming that they were bombing downtown Damascus and killing civilians, when they were in fact hitting only military targets.

As for declaring war, why would they need to? Syria has attacked Israel several times, starting in 1948, and I don't recall them ever declaring war. I don't believe they have ever signed any sort of peace treaty or established relations, either. It appears to be a permanent state of war, begun by Syria in 1948, so no declaration is necessary. See this Jerusalem Post 'explainer': link.

And you might want to mention that Israel only advanced further into Syria from the Golan Heights to protect the UN peacekeepers in the buffer zone, whom Syrian militants were firing on. Kind of pertinent, I would think!

Gospace said...

From the writer of the amendment: "This amendment which I have offered, is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."

Original intent is important in determining meaning. Link:

Several other authoritative sources kind of leave out "include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens,", and replace it with "..."

JK Brown said...

Wisconsin makes a move to assume command of the Democrat(ish) party

Ben Wikler - A Vision For the Future of the Democratic Party | The Daily Show

Iman said...

State of Error would be more honest.

FormerLawClerk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FormerLawClerk said...

Nancy Mace took a shot of alcohol and kissed a chick 10 years ago.

We're supposed to #Cancel her now because the Deep State has all the videos on our phones and is selectively releasing them whenever someone goes against the Democrats.

Gospace said...

There's a lot of things about citizenship that people don't know. A few years back there was a court case where the judge actually ruled in favor of biology... Biology? Yes.

Seems an American citizen female had married her other nation's citizen girlfriend- and the GF had a baby from artificial insemination. Overseas. From- an anonymous sperm donor. IIRC- the nation they were in determined citizenship by father, not mother, but that's immaterial. They moved to the US and claimed the child was an American citizen because one parent was---- except--- no parent was. The child wasn't the American mother's child- the child was her "wife's" child. And the father? No one knew. Hence- the child was not a US citizen. And the judge correctly ruled that. Also, if I recall correctly, the nation where the child was born (not sure if it was the mother's nation of citizenship) did accept the child born there as a citizen- since the procedure took place there, and they assumption was- the sperm donor was from there.

All kinds of fun exciting things happen when you do wacky things like that without aforethought.

wendybar said...

Don't be so sure. Progressive women are having a WAP problem over him...

Big Mike said...

Repeating a comment I’ve made before, she was just remembering when the world leaders looked at Joe that way. Probably feels as though Kyle happened a century ago.

wendybar said...

CORRECTION....HALF black. He did nothing but condemn his WHITE side, WHICH is the side that actually raised him....

"The thrill is gone for the 44th president. He will be remembered, and that's good, for being the first African American president. He won't be remembered for much more because he was always an empty suit, a media creation, and don't get me started on ObamaCare."

Money Manger said...

The McDonalds employee better actually get that 10k/50k reward.

Rusty said...

Poor Syria, huh, Jaq. Israel is stealing their land! Well. FA and FO Jaq.

Josephbleau said...

And the eagle is in the lower left center, on a branch leaning 45 degrees left in the closest tree. But in the light i cant see his baldnitude.

Saint Croix said...

Obviously illegal immigrants are "subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.," which is why they can be arrested and charged with crimes. (And diplomats cannot).

Saint Croix said...

Also, even if Congress passed a law that successfully rewrote the 14th Amendment, and passed Supreme Court review, such a law could not be applied retroactively. Our Constitution forbids ex post facto law, both criminally and civilly.

As it stands now, all babies born in the U.S. are citizens of the U.S.

Saint Croix said...

She's probably more of a callous youth than a sociopath. Too many video games and internet chat rooms, not enough Bible study and recognizing the humanity of your enemies.

Saint Croix said...

Many people in the media wanted Trump dead, and they're embarrassed at their lack of humanity, civility, and decency, so after the failure of the assassination attempt, they had zero interest in really thinking about it or talking about it.

Also, discussing the assassination attempt only helped Trump politically. And people in the media didn't want to do that, so the investigation was quickly rabbit-holed.

Also, after the lawfare shit-show, my trust in the Biden administration is at an all-time low. They were desperate to stop him. After all that Hitler rhetoric, is it so unthinkable that one or more people in the deep state wanted Trump dead and took steps? I hate to say it, but I think it's entirely possible the government might have been involved in that attempt. It's worthy of a serious investigation.

Finally, there might be complicit people who are begging Joe Biden for blanket pardons right about now.

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