December 7, 2024

Robot bird, robot rat.


Dixcus said...

All cute, fun and games till Skynet becomes self-aware.

rehajm said...

Rats Learn to Fuck with AI Scientists: An Academic Review

Breezy said...

Rat cafe?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

‘Opening the door to comprehending the social interaction between humans and artificial intelligence.’

Dave Begley said...

We need a new series of robot rats from Althouse.

Lazarus said...

Robot Bird
Robot Rat
Do the jitterbug down in Robot Land
And they shimmy
Rat is so skinny

And they whirl
And they twirl and they tango
Singing and jingling a jangle
Float like the heavens above
Looks like Robot Love

Original Mike said...

Wait till we can't turn the robot rats off.

At least they can't reproduce. Right?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I would recommend binging The Sopranos. But, what do I know.

Joe Bar said...

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

Joe Bar said...

Bummer, I thought the bird was going to ornithopter itself away.

The Godfather said...

I think this is VERY interesting! If they can train the rats to practice law (and that REALLY shouldn't be so hard), they will have made a great societal improvement.

DavidD said...

“Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot”

Why has YouTube started doing this and how do I get it to stop?