The article, by Peter Baker, is "In Pardoning His Son, Biden Echoes Some of Trump’s Complaints/President Biden complained about selective prosecution and political pressure in a system he has spent his public life defending."
The prosecutions of Mr. Trump and the younger Mr. Biden were each handled by separate special counsels appointed specifically to insulate the cases from politics.... There is no evidence that Mr. Biden had any involvement in Mr. Trump’s cases.... But Mr. Biden’s pardon will make it harder for Democrats to defend the integrity of the Justice Department and stand against Mr. Trump’s unapologetic plans to use it for political purposes even as he seeks to install Kash Patel, an adviser who has vowed to “come after” the president-elect’s enemies, as the next director of the F.B.I. It will also be harder for Democrats to criticize Mr. Trump for his prolific use of the pardon power to absolve friends and allies, some of whom could have been witnesses against him in previous investigations....
Mr. Biden’s pardon will also give ammunition to Republicans who have contended that Hunter Biden was guilty of wrongdoing beyond the charges for which he was actually prosecuted.... The pardon Mr. Biden issued to his son specifically covers any offenses “which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024,” not just the tax and gun charges....
“There has been an effort to break Hunter — who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution,” the president said. “In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me — and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough.”
You can only cogently say "Enough is enough" about the things that lie within your own power.
It will be funny if Joe Biden tries to keep some documents! My understanding is that is criminal as shit. Arrest him, frog march him, do a perp walk, take a mug shot, and then pardon his ass so we can forget about this sad, sad man.
"I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice"
While being encouraged to think enough is enough and kumbaya and all, what they're really doing is trying make unsavory the prosecution of all the Democrat villains for real crimes and abuses they’ve committed. Here I encourage you to reject it…
Of course he pardoned Hunter; anyone saying they are surprised by this is lying just like Biden was when he said he wouldn’t do this.
But the pardon is still a way to cover up the utter corruption of the Biden’s.
Like or don’t like Trump, whatever, but spare me any sanctimonious defending of the supposed “norms” of the modern Democratic Party.
Jack Smith was not available for comment.
If facing the consequences of his own crimes drives him to drink so be it. It will be easier to sober up in prison, as so many others have discovered…
Never thought I would live in a third world country where shit like this happens, but here I am. Thank you Joe Biden and your corrupt political party.
This also makes it clear for all to see that the Ukraine war is just a money laundering operation.
If you let them get away with it you incentivize them to do it again next time they have power. Enough is enough but we ain't in no ways tard…
Note to NYT editors- the justice dept prosecuting real crimes is why the justice department exists. It isn’t a ‘political purpose’. Stop taking you talking points from the shrews on the view…
Dog bites man. News at 11.
Now I'm kind of wondering whether a broad, global pardon like that assuages a guilty conscience for all the crimes you were going to get away with anyway.
Will Joe step down for a promise of a pardon from President Harris?
Biden ends as he began - as a lying thief.
Next: The Book of Friday Night News Dump Leftie Pardons, Volumes I, II, and III…
"Enough is enough" is also expressed by taking the matter to court, regardless what the court says.
Initiate four simultaneous criminal prosecutions against your opponent in an election year.
Lose the election.
"It's time to normalize."
"We should normalize."
"I think the important thing is to normalize."
"You know what we really ought to do? Normalize."
Take aways:
1. "No evidence" that Biden had anything to do with the lawfare against Trump and other regime enemies.
2. It was because of political pressure from Republicans that the wholly just and reasonable plea deal was scuttled by the judge who was overwhelmed by the stench.
3. The blanket pardon removes Hunter's 5th Amendment self incrimination protection if anyone decides to get serious about investigating the Biden family business. As I recall, bribery is not a crime covered by presidential immunity.
4. I want to hear them scream.
I think from now until his confirmation hearing I am going to refer to Kash Patel as "Batman."
Trump's decision to tap Batman for FBI director sends shockwaves through Washington.
Batman would bring bravado and baggage to FBI role
Trump says he'll fire FBI director Christopher Wray, replace him with longtime ally Batman
Who is Batman, Trump's pick for FBI director?
See also Is Batman a fascist?
There is no evidence that Mr. Biden had any involvement in Mr. Trump’s cases.... an easily disproven false statement. There are White House meetings with the prosecutors on record, even the GA ones. There is sworn testimony in the Grand jury recording multiple planning meetings with the archivist and the FBI managers and Garland to set up the investigation and raid at Mara Lago.
And much more. The radical propagandists at the NYT need to stop their gaslighting and try to stick to statements less easily disproved.
Also, Althouse's summary sentence is indisputably true.
There's also a Chumbawamba "Enough Is Enough":
"There is no evidence that Mr. Biden had any involvement in Mr. Trump’s cases."
There's circumstantial evidence.
True and many of us stated here that of course he is going to pardon him.
Rudy Guiliani, the only other person who has a complete copy of Hunter's hard drive, should now release the sex videos showing Hunter trafficking in sex with kids.
Odd that he did this 50 days before he left office. You have to wonder if more is coming.
There’s also Donna Summer and Barbara Streisand No More Tears with the disco version…
#3 is a big one, since Congress has an ongoing investigation into the Biden crime family and Joe has not (yet) pardoned Jim or Valerie or their spouses. Hunter can be compelled to answer truthfully or face new charges.
He had to get ahead of Hunter's sentencing since it's pretty obvious that Hunter was going to get jail time in order to justify doing the same to Trump.
“They Lie To Us, We Know They’re Lying, They Know We Know They’re Lying But They Keep Lying Anyway, and We Keep Pretending To Believe Them”
All of the cases against Trump were built on circumstantial evidence...and mind-reading.
Tell him to just get out, say it clearly, spell it out:
Enough is enough is enough
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out, I want him out that door now
Enough is enough
Enough is enough
That's enough
…and passing new laws just for him and applying them retroactively…
Never an area of my practice, but I wonder if there’s an avenue to go after the assets from illegal activities that doesn't violate the scope of the pardon. The man can't be prosecuted but if $$ can be shown to have been derived from a crime, can the $$ be seized? Given civil forfeiture laws and practices, you'd think there would be a way to seize illl-gotten gains from criminal activities even when you can't convict the criminal for whatever reason (like foreclosed by double jeopardy).
Biden should have just kept his mouth shut when asked the specific question about whether or not he would pardon Hunter. Time after time, he said so emphatically that he would not. His hypocrisy contributes to making people so cynical about the impartiality of the justice system.
I can't lay my hands on the news article right now, but Biden did, at one time, publicly chide Garland for not getting more done on the Trump prosecutions.
If the sex crimes against minors were documented in some other state than Delaware, Hunter would have something to worry about, but when the Rudy presented the Delaware State Police with the evidence, as he was required to do as an officer of the court, they handed it right over to the FBI as Giuliani trafficking in Russian disinformation.
If a lie is the shortest path to cutting off the cognitive dissonance he is feeling, a lie is what comes out of his mouth.
"[Trump] seeks to install Kash Patel, an adviser who has vowed to “come after” the president-elect’s enemies" This is a "news" article in a serious "news" organization? Time to overturn NYT v Sullivan.
It's bad enough Joe Biden has always tried to project the guilt on to his opponents for the kind of malevolence which he himself was perpetrating.
Now Biden is trying to appropriate for himself the injustice of the kind arising from his own persecution of his opponents.
“There has been an effort to break Hunter — who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution,” the president said. “In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me — and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough.”
David Frum gives us this howler in The Atlantic...
"For more than four decades before Donald Trump assumed the presidency, the FBI director was a position above politics."
By my count the FBI interfered in the last three elections for the White House.
And 2024.
Wray has been explicitly and implicitly in contempt of Congress for years. I can imagine no scenario where he stays in office.
And that headline is moronic. A Constitutional Crisis Greater Than Watergate. What the fuck? The FBI isn't in the Constitution. There is no "crisis" if the president has lost faith in his top cop. As noted in the article, Bill Clinton fired the head of his FBI. Why is it a crisis now? Bizarre to pretend the FBI is above politics while they violate norms and legalities and try to control elections. Fire that fucker on day one.
Victor Davis Hanson: The myth that Biden had nothing to do with the prosecutions of Trump
So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden's White House "neutrality." Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.
In rereading the excerpt, I noticed the NYT makes a big deal about Trump potentially pardoning people who could be witnesses against him which would be a really stupid move for him to make for this reason.
Yeah, I remember Biden and others making noises like this which was then spun as Garland proceeding cautiously because he was so sensitive to the unprecedented nature of the situation.
Adam Schiff@AdamSchiff. Apr 19, 2018
If the President issues a pardon in a case in which he or his family are implicated, the American people need to know whether it is part of an attempt to obstruct justice. This bill would make that possible and serve as a powerful deterrent.
Well, it's complicated...
I never want to hear another Democrat bleating about how “Nobody is above the law!” ever again.
First time I’ve heard a Post Malone song.
Next we will hear that Biden watched his daughter in the shower because, as a "loving father"' he wanted to protect her from drowning. Not surprised by the actual pardon - it was just a matter of the details and the time it dropped. Had Harris won, this pardon would have crippled her presidency from Day One. Whatever Trump's feelings on the subject, I hope he is smart enough to not get involved in the quagmire.
It wasn't cognitive dissonance. It was politically expedient to lie.
My money is on Hunter never having to testify. The swamp will protect them. I hope I am spectacularly wrong…
In this case "the big guy" might well be 44, not 46.
Ann, I'd very much like for you to put your law professor hat on and comment on the implications of this pardon, how wide-ranging it is in scope and time period. When has this kind of pardon been issued before? And could he issue a blanket immunity to people in the FBI, DOJ, CDC?
Commies gotta commie.
President Biden also stated emphatically that "he accepts the jury's verdict" when asked about Hunter's conviction. And now insiders report that he has been discussing the "when" with advisors for about a year, long before Hunter was convicted, and so knowingly lying and sending KJP out to reiterate the lie over and over.
I'm sure we will be told repeatedly today that all this has absolutely no reflection on the Democrat party.
"We haven’t seen a pardon as sweeping as Hunter Biden’s in generations" - Politico
For an opposing view: “I have never seen language like this in a pardon document that purports to pardon offenses that have not apparently even been charged, with the exception of the Nixon pardon,” said Margaret Love, who served from 1990 to 1997 as the U.S. pardon attorney.
Is there a "Biden is like Nixon" tag?
Let me explain it this way: joe biden was raised in a middle class houehold...
I'd rather listen to Pre Malone. You know, the one before the facial tattoos...
They would have to find a volunteer Special Agent to go through Dr. Jill's underwear drawer, so no, it ain't gonna happen.
Lawnerd said…
“Never thought I would live in a third world country where shit like this happens, but here I am. Thank you Joe Biden and your corrupt political party.”
Hilary Clinton’s email server fiasco was over a decade ago. That’s when I realized it. Since then it’s just become more overt.
I posted it late in yesterday's Hunter Biden thread, but here is the Althouse post discussing Biden's assertion, in June following Hunter's conviction in the Delaware case, that he accepted the jury's verdict and would not pardon his son. Bich and Chuck in particular were hilariously wrong with every single comment. Almost everyone else was spot on.
You forgot Deep Throat.
The rest of Biden's family are probably right now telling Joe they want the blanket-get-out-of-jail card, too, along with various other Democrat apparatchiks.
yep.. and how many HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Ukrainians died for Joe's dirty laundry?
You know, it's a funny thing, but when you own the Legacy Mainstream Media, the best way to make an issue instantly go away forever, is to do something outrageous, like go back on an oft-repeated promise like Joe Biden just did. The more outrageous it is, the more damaging to The Party, the quicker it will be made to disappear. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to set these kinds of societal conditions up and keep them in place. And a simple financial collapse of the business model isn't going to change anything, because billionaires have been shoveling cash into these failing businesses for years, and will keep on doing so to prop up their model.
Joe Biden's Parting Insult
President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son Hunter almost looks like a fiendish prank on Washington — a Sunday night ambush designed to embarrass and shock.
That was presumably not Biden’s aim. But however unintentionally, the pardon is a kind of sabotage.
It is a rich gift to those who want to blow up the justice system as we know it, and who claim the government is a self-dealing club for hypocritical elites. It is a promise-breaking act that subjects Biden’s allies to yet another humiliation in a year packed with Biden-inflicted injuries.
Perfection. I was worried that Joe Biden would implement a normal pardon for his son's crimes. Sure, it would prove federal gun laws are garbage because normal people could never skate on a seventeen-year sentence, but it would be understandable
Ten YEARS?! What has that meth smoking degenerate even been doing? Are there murder charges Hunter was facing? Worse things with children? President Trump shouldn't merely continue to pursue this (debatably) mentally competent adult, it should be the centerpiece of the campaign against two tier justice. Who else will join Murkowski and Collins on Team Biden? Let's find out.
Mann Act violations were also swept aside by this pardon. Ordinarily, confession and penance is THEN followed by absolution.
If you ignore the fact the article makes constant excuses for the Biden regime and Merrick Garland, sure: most transparent DoJ in history. But then, Merrick Freisler and his People:s Courts really need to face the same sentence as his predecessor. At least with Nixon, Ford issued the pardon as part of the resignation agreement, without which Nixon might have fought outright. But that haunted Ford for the end of his days. Why give this scumbag junkie a ten year pass? Sounds like something we could use an investigation into.
Giving ammunition to Republicans--that's the worst. Unpardonable for a Dem.
There wasn't choice. It wasn't just Hunter that would have gone down. Hunter was always a pawn.
From ChatGPT:
In November 2022, President Joe Biden addressed concerns about former President Donald Trump’s potential return to office during a press conference. When asked about international worries over the stability of U.S. democracy and the prospect of Trump’s political resurgence, Biden responded:
“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next president again.”
I think this statement from Biden is evidence of his knowledge of lawfare against Trump.
Another interesting thread from Althouse. Some prescient comments from Laslo and Howard (no, seriously- read Howard's comments in that thread- he nailed it!)
Anyway, thanks for introducing Post Malone to those of us who had never heard of him or were too frightened by his facial tattoos and metal teeth to want to find out more.
The 2001 references in the video were also cute. How would humanity have evolved if the monolith had been a giant ice cube and the bone thrown in the air had been a booze bottle?
I for one am glad Biden pardoned Hunter and even glad he did it with that public letter. Nothing, literally nothing, Biden could have done more beautifully defines the man for the piece of lying shit that he is- so much so that his political allies are having to reswallow their vomit in defending this. Hilarious.
Lots of cop killers on that list.
Really, Lawnerd? Maybe you’re young, but take a good look at Jimmah, Clinton, and Obama’s pardons.
Brilliant, Leland. There are several good symbolic days for resignation coming up.
"No evidence Biden had involvement in Trump's cases???" Oh boy, that's rich.
Statement is either confirmation that Biden had little to no role-responsibility as president, that his cabinet appointments were made without his consent, that Garland (another Illinois partisan idiot) was instructed by some other being, or that NYT willful ignores obvious inconvenient facts to promote its progressive-liberal democratic party agenda.
Yesterday Biden pardoned his proxy Hunter Biden, the Biden Family bagman, with full intention to preemptively pardon himself for his own treasonous and corrupt financial dealings with foreign government agents. And to keep the cash-kitty safe for Dr Jill. Despicable people.
Clintons initiated banana republic era of blatant federal agency and presidential family corruption. Bushes and Obama contributed. Bidens polished the turd, with obvious mainstream media complicity. Biden Crime Family may yet get away with their massive financial and criminal corruption, treason as foreign agents of enemy countries.
Clintons initiated banana republic era of blatant federal agency and presidential family corruption. Bushes and Obama contributed. Bidens polished the turd, with obvious mainstream media complicity. Biden Crime Family may yet get away with their massive financial and criminal corruption, treason as foreign agents of enemy countries.
Biden tried to pardon himself, by pardoning Hunter Biden yesterday for "all known and still unknown crimes committed from 2014 - 2024". Biden is trying to insulate Biden Crime Family, including himself, from future further criminal investigation and eventual prosecution. Read Miranda Devine's 2024 book on Hunter Biden laptop content, the criminal actions and documentary evidence is contained on laptop hard-drive held by FBI, DOJ, and Trump operatives.
Think Biden was motivated to do pardon by: Dec 12 Hunter Biden sentencing date; 2) Kash Patel named as Trump's FBI nominee. Patel has repeatedly stated that laptop content must be released, fully investigated, and crimes prosecuted. Biden believes Patel will do so.
doctrev: Ten years takes us back to the good old days of Hunter's involvement with Burisma, the monstrous mess with Ukraine, the Russian oligarchs, the massive corrupt payments schemes and, most importantly, the tax fraud charges relating to all the above. The "justice department"'/Biden IRS failed to prosecute Hunter for tax fraud, whingeing that somehow, unaccountably, the tax vampires had let various statutes of limitations run on a multiplicity of charges, many of which involved massive cumulative-over-time fraud penalties (with interest) that would have bankrupted medium-sized countries, let alone Hunter, So, oops, shrug. Can't prosecute, obv, bec statute's run...EXCEPT. The statute of limitations is not like some crucifix against vampires -- it is only an affirmative defense to be raised along with all others IN AN ACTUAL PROSECUTION. The prosecutor should never be the entity determining an SOL defense and declining to prosecute because of it -- it is always a question for the trial court to determine. So the scope of this pardon not only protects Hunter and the rest of the Bidens from all of the criminal influence peddling charges related to his dear, dear Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese friends, it insulates him from all those monstrous tax charges and penalties related to his corrupt transactions.
Suddenly, I’m liking this pick a lot more. Also Pam Bondi. She’s unreliable about some things, but not politicized prosecutions.
The Winter Court has finally come for the DNC.
"No evidence"? What about Nathan Wade's meetings with WH counsel? Or is the Times leaning into the idea that Biden may not have PERSONALLY involved himself in the lawfare against Trump? These people are so f'ing dishonest.
They still haven’t come up with any reason for Trump to pardon himself. 4 years they tried to come up with a case. With the exception of a clarification on official immunity, which protects W., Obama, and Biden as much as Trump; nothing has really come of the political prosecution of Trump, at least at the federal level. The state stuff is absurd, and we are still waiting to see if it will ever pass upon appeal.
Yeah, Howard was right about the show trials. Will it be the same if Trump prosecutes those in the deep state?
Despite his appearance with all the tattoos and all, he is actually quite the nerd. He even purchased a Magic: The Gathering card for $2 million. Magic is a trading card game that is up there for nerdiest of hobbies.
This is a gem:
Kakistocracy said...
Man, Crooked Joe Biden and his weaponized DOJ in a clear witch-hunt. No, wait, I'm getting mixed up. It's weaponized when it's the GOP. Am I doing this right?
Joe Biden called out the DOJ in pardoning his son. Doh!
Hopefully no convicted felons will run for president.
6/11/24, 11:08 AM
Trump was never sentenced, so still not a convicted felon. If it were otherwise, we would be waiting to see if the conviction would be upheld in appeal.
"There is no evidence that Mr. Biden had any involvement in Mr. Trump’s cases"
He used cutouts, just like Hilary used cutouts to compile the Russia dossier.
"There is no evidence that Mr. Biden had any involvement in Mr. Trump’s cases." Except for the extremely close coordination between the White House and the bumptious Democrat shysters who filed those utterly specious cases.
It is especially telling to consider, that had the Democrats not forced him off the ticket, he would have left Hunter to the wolves.
Only in America could you enable a convicted felon to become President then claim hypocrisy over the sitting President using his powers to pardon a convicted felon.
From Bich in June when Biden said he wouldn't pardon Hunter:
"Biden’s statement upon his son’s conviction is more or less everything you could hope it would be. I’ve had my criticisms of him as a President but one shouldn’t forget the difference with the institution-scorning rule-of-law antagonist Trump is very stark."
How stark is it, Bich?
Also from Bich in June:
"Biden’s son convicted in federal court and Biden declines to pardon him which is all somehow further evidence of Biden’s corruption.
He's "Post-processing" Malone - as in audio post-processing. The auto tune happens in real time.
Is there a Pre- Malone?
As for why Biden didn't wait until the last day in office- consider this- by pardoning Hunter now, 7 weeks before he leaves office, Joe Biden has opened an auction on pardons for everyone else in danger from Hunter talking.
How much money can Jim and Hunter get for arranging pardons with Hunter's dad? Could some more Kerry-Heinz money end up in the Biden accounts?
You're quite right, Meg, but the protection there is that the Senate might cross to impeach if the President threatened cross-party prosecutions over Burisma. More, it gives Hunter credit he hasn't earned. What has he been doing? Were there deaths or murders associated with his meth usage? Seems like something we should have an investigation for!
What are the odds that Hunter goes out and celebrates his pardon?
Oh, I am sure Hunter already celebrated it back in June when his father told him he would pardon him.
They can't help themselves. What's the explanation for that nonsense sentence?
a. They're compulsive liars.
b. They're completely deluded.
c. Both a and b.
Just do it, despite promising not to. But spare us the sob story.
Agree with Taibbi, 100%.
Note on the FBI
I'm pretty sure that if anyone Biden pardons was involved in the violation of any citizen's civil rights, the pardon does not remove their liability in a civil suit, and Trump or Biondi can refuse to grant them qualified immunity. Maybe the best we can hope for is Garland, Smith, and a bunch of their co-conspirators being stripped of everything they own.
Musk needs to finance a non-profit that seeks out victims of the Deep State reign of terror in places like Alabama and Wyoming, and helps them bring suit in their local courts to bankrupt the government scum who did it.
Taibbi is on fire!
Patel was one of the only Justice Department officials willing to publicly break from enforcement consensus about all this at a time when virtually everyone considered the Mueller probe a Watergate-like supernova destined to consume the presidency. Even Alan Dershowitz proclaimed Mueller’s final report likely to be “devastating” to Trump. For Patel to bail on the Justice Department and question Mueller took courage that apparently all of his DOJ colleagues lacked.
I did not know Patel is the one who busted up the whole Russiagate conspiracy theory first!
It’s only because Nunes was the elected head of a subpoena armed-Congressional committee that Patel and his team were even able to start to puncture Russiagate’s myths. Based largely on material from the FBI’s original “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, the Nunes/Patel memo made a series of accusations instantly deemed heretical, including:
The warrant for FISA surveillance of Page had been obtained based on intelligence from a dossier “compiled by Christopher Steele… on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign.”
In that warrant application, “neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts.”
The warrant application cited as supporting evidence a September 2016 article by Michael Isikoff at Yahoo! News, but “this article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo! News.” In other words, the FBI was citing the same evidence twice.
Steele was “suspended and then terminated as an FBI source for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations—an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI in an October 30, 2016, Mother Jones article by David Corn.”
Steele’s reports were a crucial part of the FBI probe into Trump, so much so that even Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought… without the Steele dossier information.”
Patel nailed them. Batman!
About a year and a half after this madness, on December 9, 2019, Justice Department Inspector General and Barack Obama appointee Michael Horowitz released a 478-page report on the conduct of the FBI (and other agencies) in the FISA matter, titled “Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.” It was a brutal document. Horowitz worded findings in a way that left no doubt that Patel and Nunes nailed their key conclusions.
Country Lawyer -- The only thing prohibited in pardons is an impeachment offense: "[The President] shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." Article 2, section 2, first paragraph.
MM -- The timing had to do with Hunter's sentencing: Dec. 12 for the gun charges, Dec.16 for the tax charges. By doing it now, Andrew McCarthy at NRO explains, it is as though the crimes HB committed never happened, as neither felony charges are entered until sentencing.
More on the controversy over theNunes memo.
Key sentence: In his December 9 report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz found all items asserted in the Nunes Memo were true.
Insane that the same people pushing the Steele dossier horseshit are now claiming that Patel is a "conspiracy-theorist." All he did was shoot your reputations into tatters with the truth!
Here is the Nunes memo, based on Patel's investigation of the FBI.
Batman was right! FBI can suck it.
Just do it, despite promising not to. But spare us the sob story.
You think *Joe* is the brains of the operation? The whole family is greedy and stupid. They are all just pawns and puppets (and vegetables, in Joe's case).
"No one fucks with a Biden."
In all these cases of known corruption, has anyone ever actually lost anything without getting even more back later like book deals or stints on TV, etc. In other words, does crime ever not pay in the Democrat world. And we wonder why it's epidemic now.
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