December 26, 2024

"Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics..."

"... who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME. They know that their only chance of survival is getting pardons from a man who has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky 'souls' but, instead, will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Said Trump, yesterday, on Truth Social.


Temujin said...

We are definitely in the 'not the same old thing' era.

Breezy said...

How refreshing to actually directly hear from the person who will be responsible for our general well-being.

Peachy said...

oh geeez. Not how I would have said it - but - cheers.

Peachy said...

Leftist hearts do bleed for criminals.

AMDG said...

If you look to a single person to be responsible for your general well being you will end up disappointed.

This might be the most unsettling post I have ever read on this forum.Truely unAmerican.

AMDG said...
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Peachy said...

Forgotten by the left, and the left's desire to stop proper retribution - are the heinous crimes committed by violent heartless vicious criminals.
It's also a giant FU to the families who are waiting for those criminals to be put to death.

But a baby in the womb - even late term? The left are heartless.

Peachy said...

I hope Trump keeps his promises. His manner of speaking is often self-defeating. He needs to shut up and keep his promises and not F* over the opportunities of those who must win in 2026, 2028 and beyond - or we will fall back into the clutches of the corrupt speech-crime pro-censorship Democratic Soviets.

Yancey Ward said...

Now the left media will go nuts writing that Trump doesn't know the difference between a pardon and a commutation. What is the over/under for how long it takes Fredo Frederson to show up here?

donald said...

Put the amyls down buddy.

RCOCEAN II said...

Good ol' Trump, expressing the sentiments of most of America. BTW, while Joe Biden was communting the sentences of Killers, theives, and Frausters, a J6ers was just put in jail for over a year by Biden's DoJ. His crime? Tresspass. Over 1000 have been convicted in the greatest political manhunt in the history of DOJ.

And its still on-going. Biden wants these people destroyed. While he cares about Killers. The right kind of Killers, of course.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its amazing that no matter what Joe Biden did or does, people think of him as "Good ol' Joe" and blame all his hard-core, hate filled, actions on his cabinet or others in the adminstration. No boys and girls, the man responsible is Joe Biden from Scranton PA.

FormerLawClerk said...

As Barack Obama did when he was President, Trump could declare those 37 people to be a "clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America" and simply order them killed.

This power has no limit on it. Courts cannot stop it. The Congress cannot stop it.

Will Trump allow these 37 death row inmates to continue to live based on the "pardon" of a fraudulently elected "president?" Or will he do what's right?

My prediction is that Trump is all hat, and no cattle, on these 37 deadly criminals.

FormerLawClerk said...

They know he is not really the President, so he can't really be blamed now can he?

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...

Leftists are criminals. At heart, anyway.

Freder Frederson said...

About fifteen minutes (assuming the timestamp is CST. You're right, apparently, like you, he doesn't know (or doesn't care) the difference.

Leland said...

This might be the most unsettling post I have ever read on this forum.
It is nice when the right people are unsettled.

Freder Frederson said...

And Althouse, who should know better, apparently also doesn't care.

Paul said...

Sic 'em TRUMP!!!! MAGA!!! Proverbs 26:27, which states, "Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.". They will reap what they sowed!

Howard said...

What a great attitude to have on Jebus' birthday. Peace. Love. Jiy

Howard said...

What a fabulous sentiment to have on Jebus' Birthday. Peace. Love. Joy

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Hopefully that “go to hell” tone will change after getting sworn. There’s no need for that.

Breezy said...

Gosh - I meant that “our” as in our country’s general well-being. Lighten up.

Eva Marie said...

“go to hell” sounds appropriate when it comes to murderers.

Rusty said...

We all celebrate in our own way. Mazel Tov!

rehajm said...

In normal times I would tend to agree with this sentiment. We have been living under some awful human beings in not normal times. I approve of the message.

Big Mike said...

@AMDG, that “single person” has 77 million Americans behind him. To paraphrase Franklin Roosevelt, the American people in our righteous might have won through to … victory.

Howard said...


narciso said...

no one was asking to enable these scavengers to risk an early release, second guess the legitimate authorities who deemed this particular sentence,

Ann Althouse said...

If anyone thinks I need to make a new tag "Biden commutations" when I already have "Biden pardons," my response is go to hell. Just kidding. Get a life. Jeez.

Yancey Ward said...

Or, Fredo, she understands what Trump is doing or she understands that Trump wasn't referring only to the commutations.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Okay. Now just lower taxes and spend no more than income.

MOfarmer said...


Iman said...

Uff da!

Magilla Gorilla said...

Maybe because I'm afraid there might be such a place, I always found "go to hell" (and G-d damn) disturbing. Even more than other curses. I was gratified by the results of the election, but I'm with Lem on this.

Eva Marie said...

“Get a life.” That’s exactly what those murderers did. They got in trouble for it.

Robert Cook said...

Trump's pronunciamentos no longer have a semblance of order, thought, logic, maturity or rationality. He has manifested the angry, self-hating 12-year-old he always has been inside, posturing and pounding his chest and stomping his feet and calling names and boasting of his superiority over others in all aspects of being and life. He doesn't care any more; he's just eager now to shit on everyone who doesn't abase themselves by offering him enough of their praises, praises, praises, and there's never enough. He's Anthony Fremont of Peaksville, the fragile narcissist (and pre-adolescent boy) born with limitless power of mind on the Twilight Zone, quick to send those in his disfavor into "the cornfield."

Peachy said...

right up there with pardoning criminals! Esp the money grubbers who buy horse farms!

Peachy said...

Still a million times better than MSNBC.

Mason G said...

And yet, Trump got more votes than Kamala. How bad do Democrats have to be, to lose to someone who is as defective (your opinion) as Donald Trump?

Cry harder. Maybe it'll make you feel better.

Limited blogger said...


tim maguire said...

Dixcus, those 37 people will not be walking the streets. They will be in jail for the rest of their lives. They are not a threat to anyone and it would be absurd for Trump to order them killed as you suggest. Of course he’s not going to squander political capital like that.

Ralph L said...

He used "pardons" to make the media amplify the Truth. They're eating the cats!

EdwdLny said...

Well, to be honest and considering the facts with particular regard to the treatment of conservatives and Republicans over the past 24 years by joey bidet and the kenyan. By their administrations, congressional democrats of all varieties and the media. President Trump was, and has been, far more polite than any of those I mentioned above and far more polite than they have earned. All of them should be grateful that his continued politeness will likely continue. As for those of us who have voted for him and are supportive of his policies and plans, not so much. Speaking for myself, I see the evil and hate visited upon us over the past 2+ decades and fully expect that those behaviors will continue at least. Vigilance is required, your past behaviors, stated goals, and unguarded comments are more than enough warning. It is plainly obvious that no depths will be unplumbed to realize your goals. I'd rather be wrong, however unlikely in this case, than unaware and expectant. So, there's that.

Ampersand said...

Trump's election occurred because the Democrats were unable to convey a message that seemed credible and effective. The current disarray among Democrats results from the absence of such a message, and especially the absence of a messenger to convey such a message. The Dems no longer have ideas other than more government, more debt, more social division, and more war.
Better to have Trump's energetic hyperbole tied to policies aimed at positive change..

AMDG said...

Big Mike - the post is unAmerican. Because a key idea of America is that Americans are responsible for their own well being. This attitude is cult of personality stuff.

Another thought is that if a politician is so omnipotent that he can control the well. Ring of his subjects he is also powerful enough to destroy the well being of his subjects.

Earnest Prole said...

Angels from Heaven Christmas message: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Trump Christmas message: “Fuck that shit.”

boatbuilder said...

You still don't get it, do you?

Trump is in full marketing mode--pointing out loudly and publicly that the Dems are on the side of the heartless criminals--making them either own up to it or condemn it.
In what way would this negatively affect the political fortunes of any Republican politician in 2026, 2028 or any other time?

boatbuilder said...

I think that in this case, Trump means to be taken both seriously and literally.

Howard said...

I thought the Zen Buddyists meditated like hell to achieve the child's mind status of consciousness? Ipso therefore facto, Trump acting like a 12-year-old is truly enlightened.

boatbuilder said...


Robert Cook said...
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The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...


Of course he knows the difference. But I'd bet that I could ask 20 random people in my place of work and only 1 or 2 of them would know. Not because they're stupid, but because they don't care.

I find it heartening that our leftist friends get excited about this stuff.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Sacral civility bullshit?

Robert Cook said...
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Robert Cook said...

"And yet, Trump got more votes than Kamala. How bad do Democrats have to be, to lose to someone who is as defective (your opinion) as Donald Trump?"

Well, the Dems didn't put forth a compelling candidate or message. Harris' only really appeal was she was NOT TRUMP. But, in addition to that, a great many of Trump's voters are utter ignoramuses who have no idea how our government works or what Trump has done in the past (not much) or may do in the future, (hopefully, not much again, given his--or, rather, Musk's-- crazed program of steps they hope to enact). Frankly, anyone who can listen to Trump without disgust and horror at the ignorant and disordered mentality his rhetoric reveals has something truly wrong with matter how apparently "rational" they may seem.

RCOCEAN II said...

Leftwing snark about "How Christian" is right out of Alinsky's rules.
" Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. "You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

Meanwhile, the left never has to live up to their "rules" because like Howard they have no rule except "Just win baby, just win".

RCOCEAN II said...

The Capital hill police murdered ashli babbitt and caused the death of 3 other J6 protesters. When did Joey Biden ever feel compassion for them? Good grief, when are people going to wise up and realize the liberal/left are NOT "bleeding hearts" who "gosh darn it don't like killing people". They just don't like their protected groups getting the death penalty. they're all for killing people like Dylan Roof or terry nichols. Or ashli Babbitt.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

For the commenters who believe that we should not fret because the 37 will remain in prison and not walking the streets, is this tidbit from the NY Post:
Christmas also came early for Anthony Battle, who murdered an Atlanta prison guard with a hammer in 1994 while serving a life sentence for raping and murdering his wife, a US Marine, in 1987 at Camp Lejeune, NC.

He was just a prison guard, probably had it coming. I bet he didn't even go to college, and, if so, just a community college.

Rusty said...

Yeah, well. You referred to Trump people as "garbage". So, yeah. Go fuck yourself.

EdwdLny said...

Now do joey bidet, the kenyan, and the hildabeast.

Mason G said...

"Well, the Dems didn't put forth a compelling candidate or message."

You misspelled "don't have".

Just sayin'.

JIM said...

America has an information gap that is widening and getting deeper. Legacy media is about to enter in a death spiral because they cannot or will not exert a minimum of objectivity.

Dr Weevil said...

tim maguire:
"They are not a threat to anyone" is not entirely accurate. Someone on Twitter alleged that 9 of the 37 were on death row at least partly for murders committed when they were already in prison. No link was provided, but that sounds plausible. It's one of the best reasons for the death penalty, that even life in prison does not prevent violent recidivism.

No doubt some of the victims were fellow prisoners, but I suspect some were guards, partly because that's more likely to get you the death penalty. We really should try to care at least a little bit about the fellow prisoners, and we all care about the guards. All 37 will continue to be threats to fellow prisoners and guards.

Earnest Prole said...

You referred to Trump people as "garbage". So, yeah. Go fuck yourself.

Dude, I was calling myself White Trash thirty years before the Shrilldebeast renamed us the Deplorables, So, yeah, we’re in violent agreement: Go fuck yourself. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

jim said...

And a merry old soul was he!

n.n said...

Lefties propose an alternative, authoritarian model of governance. Liberals in progressive sects an alternative religion. All's fair in lust and abortion then everything makes sense.

Freder Frederson said...

Here is the exact quote: "Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. "

So how on earth do you get from this quote that "Trump wasn't wasn't referring only to the commutations." Which, in itself makes no sense.

Jersey Fled said...

“ Dixcus, those 37 people will not be walking the streets.”

Aren’t they now eligible for parole?

Freder Frederson said...

This is from someone who gets all bent out of shape when someone confuses a vulva and vagina, and excoriated me for calling her hysterical because the word is sexist.

Apparently, I am not the only one who needs to get a life.

You must have been one hell of a law professor if you didn't care if your students used commutation and pardon interchangably.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump's election occurred because the Democrats were unable to convey a message that seemed credible and effective.

Effective I will give you. Nothing about his message "seemed credible" and it has even gotten worse. That a majority of the voters believed him just shows you what a consummate con artist he is.

And who gave him the idea of annexing Canada and Greenland, and taking the Panama Canal Back. How does that even seem credible?

Freder Frederson said...

Well, that is just a lie. I am against the death penalty, and life without possibility of parole, under any circumstances. I don't know how any of you can claim to be Christians yet believe that redemption is not possible (certainly not for all the prisoners on death row, but certainly some of them).

Rabel said...

"Those individuals will have their sentences reclassified from execution to life without the possibility of parole."

That's from the commutation decree.

Freder Frederson said...

Oh, and btw, Trump was also lying about 38,000 dying building the Panama Canal. 25,000 died, and 20,000 of those were working for the French on the failed attempt to build the canal, not the Americans. Does that even count in Trumpworld?

Rabel said...

One good thing is that the left has already prepped and printed every conceivable anti-pardon argument one could possibly dream up.

They did it during Trump's last term. You could look it up.

Marty said...

Freder, I don't really care about redemption. I do care about the fact that our so-called justice system makes mistakes and sometimes sends innocent defendants to death row. That is the reason, and the only reason, I oppose the death penalty for anyone, even the three that the turnip left on death row. If he actually had principles, he would have commuted all death sentences.

Freder Frederson said...

Can't argue with that, but then it would have turned this thread even more batshit crazy.

William50 said...

The only message the Dems had was Trump is a fascist. It shouldn't be hard to improve on that, but I doubt that they will.

Josephbleau said...

You are almost certainly wrong and a liar, the probability that 25,000 died is vanishingly small. a good source, history in charts, says

“ How Many People Died Building the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal was one of the deadliest construction projects in world history, leading to the deaths of ~25,000-30,000 people in the process.”

You treat poorly measured data from 100 years ago as a single point estimate. This is statistically innumerate. No one was writing down each persons death. And what about 100 years of deaths in ongoing construction since 1914 to today? Don’t those people count?

I think that 38,000 is well within a 90 % conf interval for total deaths as of today.

Josephbleau said...
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Gospace said...

"Those individuals will have their sentences reclassified from execution to life without the possibility of parole."

That other sentence that liberals are trying to have declared unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment. Giving those poor misguided criminals no hope of a future at all...

Freder Frederson said...

The Panama Canal was one of the deadliest construction projects in world history, leading to the deaths of ~25,000-30,000 people in the process

And this proves I am "wrong and a liar" exactly how? You think you (or Trump) can add another almost 30% to the toll by claiming at least another 8,000 died working on the canal since it was built?

Besides, that is not what Trump claimed: "we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago". Unless "we" includes the French attempt, which was 143 years ago, not 110, then he is off by a huge amount.

Gospace said...

Ah, Robert Cook, the sentiment Harris' only really appeal was she was NOT TRUMP is a perfectly valid reason for voting. Republicans could have put anyone up against Harris- and I'd have voted for him- or her- as NOT HARRIS. Or, for that matter, NOT BIDEN if he hadn't been dumped as brain dead. Which he was in 2020, but the media lied to us all, and you and Freder believed the reporting that he was sharp a a tack. And you say Trump's voters are utter ignoramuses, but it was obvious he was as sharp as the head of the tack. Possibly even duller then that...

Freder Frederson said...

But I'd bet that I could ask 20 random people in my place of work and only 1 or 2 of them would know.

Which is why the people you work for are, like Trump, unqualified to be president (except maybe those one or two who know and care about the difference).

Rusty said...

He's emanently more qualified, Freder, than either Biden or Harris.

Rusty said...

Which part of it was a lie?

Mason G said...

"they're all for killing people like Dylan Roof or terry nichols. Or ashli Babbitt."

Or Donald Trump.

Well- maybe not *all* of the left, but a lot of them sure did seem disappointed when he didn't die. And they kept stirring the pot, hoping to encourage more crazies to take another crack at it.

Mikey NTH said...

Donald Trump knows more about sales than anyone since PT Barnum.

Mikey NTH said...

Jebus: how someone let's me know that his comments are ignorable.

Jim at said...

Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden.

Do notice how Freder focuses on Trump's words and not Biden's actions.

Mason G said...

You mean supporting "the worst inflation in 40 years, stagnating wages, more war, rioting and looting, allowing mentally confused men in women's sports, increasing lawfare against political opponents, erasing the country's borders, inviting the dregs of the third world and taxing US citizens to pay their living expenses, limiting access to affordable energy and taking away ICE vehicles and gas heating/stoves" is not a winning message?

Who knew?

Mikey NTH said...

That those deaths were due to diseases, the vectors of which were not understood until the 20th century, is an important fact. A fact I doubt Freder would acknowledge.

Jim at said...

Nothing about his message "seemed credible" and it has even gotten worse. That a majority of the voters believed him just shows you what a consummate con artist he is.

We had four years to look at what Trump could do (and did) compared it to four years of Biden/Harris.

That's why you got your asses handed to you. And will again if you don't come up with an alternative.

Jim at said...

Which is why the people you work for are, like Trump, unqualified to be president

Saying commute/pardon = unqualified. Actual commuting/pardoning = qualified.

Got it.

Jim at said...

Trump Christmas message: “Fuck that shit.”

Try killing him again. Maybe he'll be nicer.

Dr Weevil said...

As I recall, four protesters or rally attendants died on 1/6/21, but only two of them were killed by law enforcement: Ashley Babbitt and the other woman stomped and tear-gassed in a tunnel. The other two died of natural causes.

Someone said at the time that people die at the Superbowl every year, and it doesn't make the newspapers, for very good reasons. Whenever hundreds of thousands of people, some of whom are old or overweight or in poor health, get very excited for a couple of hours by a political rally or a football game, there will naturally be a few heart attacks, and some will be fatal. Seemed plausible to me.

Freder Frederson said...

He used "pardons" to make the media amplify the Truth.

How does lying amplify the truth. After all your lamentations that we are sinking into the world of 1984, this is just precious.

Freder Frederson said...

Yes, most of the deaths were from disease (mostly malaria and yellow fever). I know this, it is irrelevant as to whether Trump was pulling numbers out of his ass. It makes my point (that Trump exaggerated the death toll) invalid exactly how?

James K said...

There have also been several suicides of J6 political prisoners. Say their names: Nejourde Meacham, Matthew Perna, Mark August, possibly another whose name I couldn't find.

RCOCEAN II said...

"Someone on Twitter alleged that 9 of the 37 were on death row at least partly for murders committed when they were already in prison"

"Someone on twitter" is correct. I'm not provide you with a link either, go google it. You can easily find the names of all 40 death row inmates, and their crimes summarized in one sentence. They seem to come in several flavors, those who murdered someone while in federal prison. Murders done while on Federal property. And "Hate" or "Terrorist" crimes - like the 3 Biden didn't commute.

Please everyone, tell me how you punish someone who murders while in prison for 20 years or serving "life" without the death penalty.

Aggie said...

But she's not teaching law, and we're not her students. Her suggestion pertains to your hair trigger: Get a life.

Josephbleau said...

You said there were 25,000 deaths, were you lying or telling the truth. I was only pointing out that you don't know how many deaths there were. You don't even know the variance of the measurement.

If a guy got bit by a mosquito and went home to NY and dies, did he get counted, no. Did a toxic chemical get used in the construction project and many people died of cancer?

Just don't be so sure of yourself. Don't call someone a liar when they are expressing a thought or opinion.

Mason G said...

"Get a life."

He's got one. Doesn't appear he enjoys it much.

Kakistocracy said...

I think what we can predict is a lot of incoherence, a lot of chaos and a shocking amount of infighting. All of these things were characterized in the first Trump administration, so they’re not very outrageous predictions. Furthermore -- it’s probably not worth trying to predict policy coherence because most of his people won’t be there by the end of the year.

James K said...

There was also one who escaped from prison and murdered on the outside. I don't have more details because the list I found online was of current federal death row inmates, shortly before it went from 40 to 3. So the information about the 37 is no longer available there.

Tina Trent said...

Tim Maguire: think fast. Who was Corrections Officer Andrew Lansing? Was.

He, like a statistically unlikely number of the victims of the killers Biden commuted off death row, was murdered by a very much alive offender this Christmas morning.

So no, just because the commuted will now spend the rest of their sentences in prison (fools may dream), it doesn’t mean they won’t kill any more innocents.

And, yes, Althouse, killing a corrections officer is indeed targeting a specially protected group under the law. Since Biden commuted more than one murderer of corrections officers, there’s yet another lie on his administration’s part about the choices for the selective commutations and yet more proof of the selective application of the law you claim to be defending.

Officer Lansing served 20 years at the corrections facility and was well-liked and respectful towards everyone. Instead of spending Christmas with his family last night, they are preparing to bury him.

By September, inmate assaults on corrections officers at his facility had risen by 32%. 50% of the incarcerated there are considered high-risk for violence.

This is yet another reason why we execute these subhumans.

There is no word on Officer Lansing’s last meal. We do know it wasn’t Christmas dinner with his family.

Peachy said...

Again - leftist hearts break for sub-human monsters who snuff out the lives of the innocent.

Gospace said...

And Freder Frederson proves what I said above, that liberals want to abolish life without possibility of parole.
"Well, that is just a lie. I am against the death penalty, and life without possibility of parole, under any circumstances."

It is possible for anyone to be redeemed. Doesn't mean they shouldn't face earthly punishment for their misdeeds and crimes. There is no way for shrinks or theologians to determine whether someone has truly changed for the better. And if they tell you otherwise- they're lying. Many who have been released early because of their "redemption" have gone on to commit the same or greater crimes. They can even bamboozle some of the brightest among us. For an example, look up Edgar Smith and William F Buckley.

I worked in a "correctional facility" for a few years. One thing that one can either take to heart when told it during indoctrination, or learn later the hard way- all inmates are con men. Among other undesirable qualities they may have.

James K said...

This is why I thought "Dead Man Walking" was inadvertently pro-death penalty. The only reason the Sean Penn character faces up to his crimes and asks forgiveness is because of his imminent execution. Otherwise he would have remained the same evil scum that he had been up to that point.

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