December 11, 2024

"It was an announcement made amid a swirl of tabloid speculation: Kimberly Guilfoyle, a loyalist of President-elect Donald J. Trump and — more pointedly..."

"... the fiancée of his son Donald Jr. had been named ambassador to Greece. The timing of the move — early Tuesday evening — would have been unremarkable except for what preceded it: rumors that the president-elect’s eldest son was dating a socialite, Bettina Anderson. The new relationship was seemingly documented in a series of photos published earlier on Tuesday by the British tabloid The Daily Mail, which described them as 'incontrovertible proof the soon-to-be First Son has moved on' with a 'stunning '"it girl."'"

From "Amid Rumors of a Breakup, Kimberly Guilfoyle Is Appointed Ambassador to Greece/The announcement came as Donald Trump Jr. has been seen with the socialite Bettina Anderson in Florida" (NYT).

Don and Kimberly got engaged 4 years ago. I don't trust long engagements! What's supposed to be going on? Either you're getting married or you are not. Don't live in limbo. Are you testing commitment... by being half-committed?


FormerLawClerk said...

The Daily Mail claims his new chick is hot. She's an aging 6.5 on her last legs. Now, if you compare her to the girl Don used to be engaged to - who starred in Brazil as that old lady with the stretched face - she would be "hot" in that sense only.

So, we need to question their entire world view.

Danno said...

Wasn't Guilfoyle cast aside by Governor Newscum earlier?

Money Manger said...

It's like "testing" whether to have children. First you get a dog.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I'm so old-fashioned, I thought Kimberley was holding out for a White House wedding. Maybe that will be Kai.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...


Howard (not that Howard) said...

At the risk of establishing my shallowness, Jr does not have great taste in women.

J Severs said...

Make a decision!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Guilfoyle has been exiled to Greece. At least that’s a nice place to be exiled.

The long engagement is a stall not to get married until one of the partners gets a better job or a better partner.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The Long Engagement by Arthur Hughes.

Enigma said...

Or, cover for two people who both wish to avoid marriage when they pressured to marry by their families.

Or, cover for two people who are gay / lesbian but don't wish to identify that way.

Nina I can be your boyfriend
So you can stay with your girlfriend
Your father is a sweet old man
But it is hard for him to understand
That you wanna love a woman

Nina I can be your boyfriend
If it puts an end to all this nonsense

Ultimately, I try to not judge relationships from the outside. Interactions can be very different behind closed doors.

Gunner said...

Kimberly was superhot in her Red Eye days of Fox News. You gotta make your move at the right time, I guess.

Dave Begley said...

Nice reward.

Curious George said...

Better than Emanuel Macron, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama.

Kate said...

Jr dumped his wife and the mother of his children for Guilfoyle.

Dave Begley said...

Bettina has a twin sister! I’m dating her!

Kimberly wore way too much makeup.

Bob Boyd said...

A source told [the Hindustan Times] that Trump Jr, 46, is now dating Anderson, 38, and that he has split from Guilfoyle. “Bettina and Don have been together for a few months, and are super cute and happy together. It’s just a natural fit — everyone is happy for them!” the source told the outlet.

“Don and Kimberly haven’t been getting along over the past year,” the source claimed. “They get argumentative at Mar-a-Lago in front of people. Nothing crazy, but you know when a couple is fighting. They bicker in public.”

Enigma said...

Guilfoyle is age 55. Menopause. This means having radically different hormones and likely different perceptions of, and interests in, male companions. Pre-menopausal women have a distinct sexual 'breeding essence' that cannot be avoided or denied.

Also see the relationship between young Ashton Kucher and older Demi Moore.

Disparity of Cult said...

Grow old with me. Good luck with that.

Louie the Looper said...

It’s been a long time since I heard the term “socialite.”

Birches said...

Didn't need The Daily Mail pictures. I already knew they were on the rocks because she wasn't in the family picture on election night. I'm guessing the break up is amicable.

AMDG said...

Guilfoyle must have used Meg Ryan’s plastic surgeon. When I saw the words “Ambassador to Greece” and her picture I told my wife that Trump had nominated Caitlyn Jenner.

JES said...

Who cares??

Tina Trent said...

The only public part of this is the ambassadorship. And if you make a list of these appointments, about 5% have anything to do with anything except personal favors.

Darkisland said...

I'm just happy to see a Puerto Rican named ambassador to Greece.

Yeah, she is half Irish. A huge number of Puerto Ricans and South Americans have Irish blood so she fits right in.

Fun trivia fact: The El Morro fortress overlooking San Juan Harbor was build by Spanish Inspector General Alejandro O'Reilly and Colonel Tomas O'Daly.

The Spanish Viceroy for most of South America was Ambrosio O'Higgins. His son Bernardo O'Higgins liberated most of his territory.

Lots of Irish History in South America. Probably more Irish than Spaniards came in the 16-1700s

John Henry

Lazarus said...

"Socialite" suggests that the Trumps are moving up in the social world. That's unlikely. For one thing, how much of a social world is really left? It would also be strange if the remaining Astors, Vanderbilts, and Rockefellers were more accepting of Trump as he moves rightward.

Leland said...

I think it is generational. Younger people aren't finding value in calling themselves married, so they don't do it. It is just one of the consequences of making marriage a secular act rather than a scared one.

Lazarus said...

It's not always easy to tell who dumped whom. It must have been hard for any woman to have to share the bathroom with Gavin Hair Gel.

Lazarus said...

Sacred or secular, getting married can still be a scared and scarred act.

Disparity of Cult said...

I was initially surprised to learn that a few of my co-workers from southern India have some Irish ancestry, but then there's the colonial connection.

tommyesq said...

I know this isn't the point of the whole story, but the Daily Mail seems to think that $39 for a seared snapper dish or $125 for Wagyu Ribeye is exorbitant. They must not get out much.

Aggie said...

I never knew why she was involved with the family, except as a hustle. Now, it's off to the 'next' thing.

Breezy said...

She chooses poorly, it seems. As does he.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

I'm old so I like Brigitte, but on the others, point taken.

mikee said...

How is the relationship of Greece with Turkey these days? And how will that change as Syria devolves under ISIS/Al Queda leadership and Turkish influence? Might be nice to have someone he's known for a while who will answer the phone in Greece when Trump needs something done. Too bad the engagement fell through, but she's still a known quantity as ambassador there.

No Name said...

Too big an age gap, Kimberly hasn't aged well, and boy-toy Don Jr may be a bit too Hunter for her post-menopausal taste in men. When sex is no longer a priority, companionship and intelligent conversation are more important traits. But given Kimberly's past partner Gavin Scumball, she probably has inherently picked men who are wealthy celebrity types rather than cerebral types. Minor blip in the tabloid news, but she did get a big severance package in form of ambassadorship to sunny Greece.

Gospace said...

One of my brother's in law was engaged for 5 years before he tied the knot. I married my wife in August after meeting her late January with first date in February. The two of us have 5 siblings with so far with a total of 8 divorces and 11 spouses between them. We're the only two with lasting marriages.

I'm not a fan of long engagements either. But it seems to work for some.

I'm even less of a fan of living together before marriage. Failure rate in that is huge. And something I've advised to both younger men and women who asked if I thought someone they were cheating with was the right one- "If they cheat with you they'll cheat on you." None of them seemed to realize that also applied to them...

Earnest Prole said...

He’s his father’s son: Next!

wendybar said...

No, he didn't. He was a man whore. He was with Diddy Pop Star Aubrey O'day for a while which ended his marriage. She posted revenge pictures of their feet together after "coitus" for the world to see.

wendybar said...

Kimberly had too much work done on her face.

wildswan said...

From NewsLite to EngagedLite to AmbassadorLite. Today's Socialite frivolous-career path.
Whereas the Socialist career-Realism path is a regular via dolorosa:
NewsHeavyWithAnguishedHumaneFeeling to
LivingTogetherWithAnguishd HumaneFeeklingAndADog to LivingAloneWithSorrowOverThe Presence of JewsAnywhereOnEarthButEspeciallyTheyShouldNotBeInTheir HomelandTheyARENazis

RCOCEAN II said...

Yep long engagements never work out.

Yancey Ward said...

If two people aren't married within 18 months of an engagement, the relationship will end.

FormerLawClerk said...

Just like Kamala ... she's been passed around to the lot of them.

Bruce Hayden said...

Probably jealous of his little brother, whose wife just came off of a stint as RNC co-chair, where some credit her work in fraud prevention as being key to Trump’s resounding win. Rumors are that she is being pushed with DeSantis to replace Rubio in the Senate.

FormerLawClerk said...

Kai Trump is the smokeshow of the two of them.

Yancey Ward said...

Ms. Guilfoyle is a still an attractive woman but is trying to hard to fight off the ravages of time. She doesn't need the money of a Trump marriage and I don't personally think of Donald Trump Jr. as much of a catch. Both are certainly better off without each other.

Enigma said...

She built her career on youthful appearance, and is now on the Baba Wawa (Barbara Walters) facelift cycle. A nip and tuck soon becomes a full reconstruction or three, and then Michael Jackson-level facial distortion.

Narr said...

There was a General Odonohu' in Mexico (Chile?) in the 19th C.

Check the upper ranks of the Austrian army in the time of the French Rev and Napoleonic Wars. Irish (and a few Scots) "Wild Geese" went to Spain, France, Austria and other Catholic powers in fairly large numbers after the Stuarts were run out for good (very very good!).

One of our drivers in Dublin in early November told us that Cassius Clay is considered Irish by many there. It's entirely possible he had a lot of Irish blood, like many blacks.

I don't know anything about Guilfoyle except her looks, which I consider so-so.

Narr said...

My wife and I dated for nine years (we met when we were in [different] high schools) but never lived together and were never formally engaged. We just
decided to tie the knot and told everyone when, a few months before IIRC.

I had my own place(s) for most of those years, where we fucked like stoats.

Leland said...

Heh… I did mean sacred.

PB said...

Bettina is not that stunning.

Narr said...

Gotta correct my math. We dated for six years; it was nine years after we married that we had our first and only.

Jupiter said...

Alvaro Obregon was a general in the Mexican civil war and later President of Mexico. Obregon = O'Bryan.

Ice Nine said...

Well, "stunning" is a shitty, empty criterion for picking a mate, so maybe this pairing might go somewhere for him. Especially since he's the other part of that pair who is not that stunning...

PM said...

In SF, her walk-on music was "I Get Around".

JAORE said...

Kimberly wore way too much makeup.


Kimberly had too much work done on her face.

A rare double BINGO.

NKP said...

True dat.

Kakistocracy said...

We can’t have DEI but Kim Guilfoyle is Ambassador to Greece. NEPO is the new DEI.

Readering said...

Ireland taken? Maybe her dad said he emigrated for a reason

Big Mike said...

Has anyone besides me looked up Jefferson House, the mansion that is the US ambassador’s residence in Athens? The job comes with the house and a salary of $187,500, plus perks, and I’d take that job in a heartbeat if it was offered to me.

Iman said...

ka ka

Danno said...

If they stay single they generally pay more in federal income tax. A win for the fisc.

Rusty said...

Is there trout fishing in Greece? That would be the deal breaker.

Disparity of Cult said...

Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors at Expedia. Malia Ann "Don't call me Obama" made her directorial debut at the Sundance Film Festival. And then there's Hunter Biden.

Narr said...

FTR, I find it stunning that Bettina Anderson is described as stunning.

mccullough said...

The other two sons got the height. Junior might scrape 6 foot but he better keep his girlfriends away from The Barron

Big Mike said...

Keep whining man. I love to see trolls like you whine.

Jim at said...

I miss Kimberly Guilfoyle's legs on The Five.

Mikey NTH said...

Wait - Trump would appoint a loyalist as ambassador?

Get outta town! That's just crazy! Like no one would do that! I mean, imagine a Democrat appointing Carolyn Kennedy ambassador to Japan!

jim said...

Well, stormy's kicking herself now. A little patience, and loyalty, goes a long way.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump announces more picks, nominates Kimberly Guilfoyle to serve as ambassador to Greece ~ FOX News

The Fox News write-up of Guilfoyle getting nominated to an ambassadorship does not mention her work for the network, possibly because her departure came after she was reported for sexual harassment with Fox paying a reported $4 million settlement.

Another fine person from the sexual predator pool.

Few women have ever been guilty of conduct that required a seven-figure payout for sexual harassment. A real achievement.

Big Mike said...

@Rusty, lots of fish in the Aegean Sea.

Tina Trent said...

We aren’t in James Bond territory anymore, is all I know.

Tina Trent said...

The Daily Mail has been lying a lot lately.

Marc in Eugene said...

I know this isn't the point of the whole story, but the Daily Mail seems to think that $39 for a seared snapper dish or $125 for Wagyu Ribeye is exorbitant. They must not get out much.

The DM knows its readership. While I'm not sure what is meant by 'exorbitant' here, we who are closer to the bottom than to the top of the income scale don't spend a couple of hundred bucks on a single meal.

Josephbleau said...

And don't forget the noted congress person Ocasio Cortez. Apparently a PortoRican descendent of O’Casey and the conqueror of all Mexico.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I grilled a waygu ribeye that I found at Walmart for $20. It was the 2nd best steak I've ever eaten.
What it was doing at Walmart I can't imagine, as it was the only one I've ever seen there.

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