What with Trump being a non-drinker I think that Pete Hegseth adds a refreshing ‘Everyman’ element to the administration by being a loutish drunk who is prone to abusing women and yelling about killing Muslims when in his cups. It shows the administration doesn’t think it’s better than anyone.
Plus Hegseth is a blast to the past. He’s reminiscent of John Tower in ‘89. Children — eh, not children, 40-year-olds — John Tower was a drunk with women issues who was nominated by Bush I for SoD. It didn’t work out. Robin Williams had a great routine about him.
If you flip the top picture around 180 degrees, the sky becomes something else. It’s as if part of our recognition system is tied to our perspective, our horizon plane… if that makes sense. It does to me I just don’t have the vocabulary necessary to express it.
Someone is very very upset Hunter's child sex trafficking and statutory rape (by the dozens!) and human trafficking and drug distribution bribery and corruption is sitting right there for all the world to along with the coming Epstein files...
Remember, with 400,000 children disappeared into the LLR-democratical Rich approved open borders child trafficking pipeline, on top of the pro-groomer policies in schools done in secret without parental knowledge, Rich has had a "pretty good" New Soviet Democratical run over the last 4 years.
The LAST thing Rich wants is the DOD working with Homeland to remove Rich's cartel political allies.
Remember when people said World War III is just over Joe Biden's horizon? This is how they intend to occupy Donald Trump's time during this administration.
People are saying that Kash Patel maybe won't be approved by the Senate to be Donald Trump's head of the FBI.
Which is kind of nutty. Since the head of the FBI isn't a cabinet position and requires no Senate approval. There's a lot of things in the United States Constitution that empower the federal government, but running a secret police department isn't one of them.
There is no legal requirement for Trump to submit Patel's name to the US Senate for approval. He should tell the Senate to mind its own business and he will run the Executive branch of the Federal government because he's the only one of them that has been elected to do that.
Why is it that MAGA seems to really attract conspiracy theory admirers? I can understand people who have a different view on politics, that's totally fine, but what is not fine is living in a parallel world where you think basic facts are completely different.
Waiting for the nomination of a flat earther to lead NASA.
You mean like the stuff described that was actually on the laptop? I guess if you refused to look at it or read about it, you can pretend it never happened.
I don’t know if this is true or not… but can a president even do that? The reason why I’m asking is because it seems like right now Biden could do literally anything.
“Biden Considers Preemptive Pardons for Jill, Mayorkas, and Six Others—“
Shredder trucks (it is said) to have been spotted at DC government buildings.
Biden can do anything he wants, commit any crimes he wants, so long as Trump doesn't do anything about it. Like he doesn't do anything about Hillary's crimes. He promised he would, but then didn't. Kind of like when Biden lied about giving a pardon to Hunter.
@Kakistocracy: I suppose you are still listening to Godmother Hillary Clinton and her "vast right-wing conspiracy" theory yourself? Guess what? That was projection. Hillary's kookie cousins Sonny Hostin, Rachel Maddow, and AOC want to talk with you about their theories.
Ha. The guy whose approval is at 25% and who claimed that there were North Korean soldiers fighting the Ukrainians, just tried to shut down the parliament by use of the military.
"Say the thing, Bart, say the thing!" - The kids "He did it to protect democracy," - Bart
BTW, Zelensky admitted that they had no proof of the North Koreans fighting in Russia, and they have offered a reward for the capture of one, which Ukrainian soldiers quoted in British media have said: "They are hard to find when they don't exist."
Around here swans are often found to be contracted out from wranglers to corporations for the season. They keep the Canada geese from reflecting ponds, and thus, the grass.
"South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has announced martial law following an emergency night meeting, citing the “paralysis of government administration” amid impeachment attempts against him."
See, this guy knows how to protect democracy! Trump was such a lightweight he didn't even declare martial law when Congress wouldn't pass his proposed laws, not even when they tried to remove him from office by impeachment!
Those are probably mute swans, I think that these are the trumpeter swans you see in the western half of North America. I have never seen one myself, though I would like to.
What will this do to the flood of Korean classical music YouTube artists? They are mostly the only upholders of the Western heritage in music in the world.
What a weird story: President declares martial law because of the Parliament's sympathies, Parliament overrules him, and he says, 'OK, then' and rescinds martial law. I wonder what the heck is going on.
After snaking wires all over for a few weeks, I have ten old Dell refurbished laptops with badly erratic keyboards switchable to the main monitor, keyboard and speaker, where they work fine as desktops. A mix of windows 10 and 11.
The only advantage so far is the ability to stream and convert to mp3 many youtube audiobooks overnight at once, say a complete set for an author.
Both Ford and Carter did it. Nixon hadn't been charged with anything, and Carter's Vietnam-era draft evasion pardon also covered any man not yet charged. I don't know if a truly preemptive pardon for future criminal activity would stand up. Would also be an interesting question if such a pardon could be rescinded by a future President.
I remember the John Tower hearings. I specifically remember a government bureaucrat who testified, under oath, that he had personally seen John Tower drunk at the Mayflower Hotel on three specific dates, which he ostentatiously confirmed in his pocket diary.
John Tower demonstrated from newspaper clippings that he was in Pakistan on one of those dates, and out of town on the other two as well, in two different American cities: maybe Seattle and Chicago, I don't recall. In short, the bureaucrat was caught red-handed committing either perjury or grossly negligent incompetence. (Was there another short ugly old man in D.C. that looked a lot like Tower and frequently got drunk at the Mayflower? Maybe, but that's no excuse for fraudulent testimony.)
What astonished me at the time, and still offends me, is that the bureaucrat was not thrown in jail for contempt of Congress, not fired from his job without a pension, but just sent on his way with a "nice try, too bad it didn't work, thank you for your testimony" attitude. It was disgusting. But 'Kakistocracy' (good name for a system that allows that kind of behavior to go unpunished) insists that Tower was "a loutish drunk"! Is his evidence for Tower's loutishness and drunkenness sound, or fraudulent?
Wrong. The Constitution does not limit Senate Approval to Cabinet positions, and gives Congress the power to determine which officers do require approval.
Per a report from 2014 by the CRS
" The current process dates from 1968, when the FBI Director was first established as a presidentially appointed position requiring Senate confirmation in an amendment to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968."
We have been in SE MN about 20 years. During that time the Tundra swans have gone from no breeding pairs to maybe a dozen in our area. Those going through Madison now ( they have just been frozen out of our local area and off the Mississippi) are headed primarily for NC. Fun to watch.
How many delays to SpaceX Starship development have your FAA pro-ChiCom bureaucrats gifted to their ChiCom masters? (You know, the ChiComs that funnelled million into the biden crime family coffers). By the way, the jewels the ChiComs funneled to the bidens was a nice touch, wouldnt you say?
I am especially "impressed" by Abacus Boy Rich going to the mat in favor of hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors entering the US.
I would have thought Li'l Richie would back off that one a bit,....but nope
He is all in! Helps explain in part the last election, doesnt it?
The US Constitution (Article II, Section 2) lays out specifically who must be confirmed by the Senate and it says NOTHING WHATSOEVER about the FBI because the FBI wasn't created by the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers had major concerns about an all-powerful government that might create a Secret Police force, such as the FBI operates. They would blanche at the thought of a federal bureau of unaccountable people with guns - such people might even lie to judges, even Kangaroo Kourt judges such as those on the FISA Court, to get warrants.
And that of course is exactly what the FBI does. The Senate has NO ROLE in the operation of departments of the Executive Branch.
Schubert Fantasy for piano 4 hands performed by two famously great soloists Yuja Wang and Vikingur Olafsson Fantasy F minor that you wouldn't expect to see together. The China-Iceland bloc. Yuja memorizes everything and Vikingur reads the music. It would have been more interesting yet on one piano but perhaps practicing right of way takes too much dual practice time.
I see your point with the video! If the almanac is correct, your low yesterday was 14 degrees F. Today probably much the same so a nice cool 15 or 17 degrees out there at the time?
If you get X, this thread is well worth a read....There are 24 tweets in this thread...and it will boggle your mind.
Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee · 13h 🧵🚨 1. Of all the deceptive sales techniques the U.S. government has used on the American people, one of them—the Social Security Act—gets far too little attention. Buckle up because this is a wild ride.
Here it is on threadreader for people who don't get X.
For many years, introduced European Mute Swans were pretty common around Chesapeake Bay, until the Wildlife agencies in Maryland and Virginia conducted a quiet, yet effective campaign to exterminate them because of the damage they did to submerged aquatic vegetation. They can be quite aggressive. I had one challenge my presence when I was running a 27 foot boat. The native swans, Tundra Swans, don't have reputation for that, they seem to avoid people if possible. I've heard of a few sightings of Trumpeters, but I've never seen one.
Those and I believe many, many more. That’s an organized crime organizations with bosses, capos and soldiers burrowed into the deepest parts of our government. That’s a lotta rats and potential rats. And they all have an extensive trails of evidence in the palm of their hands.
Pro EU protests ramping the violence day by day, egged on by the EU and the US, to overthrow the elected government of Georgia.
Supposedly, according to some people, these protesters have 80% support, and the election was just "rigged," but the president refuses to release her "evidence" of cheating, her call for a general strike was ignored, the protests are getting smaller every night, which is why they are getting desperate.
In Kiev, what they did at this point was to bring in snipers to shoot into the crowd and blame the deaths on the government.
I know that a certain poster here says that that never happened, but it did, and the "proof" he offers that the courts were wrong, and that the peer reviewed paper was wrong, is that the same people who carried out the coup did some tests, and proved that they were innocent.
The west wants another civil war on Russia's border in the worst way, and is working hard to make it happen.
It would be funny if Hunter did some more wild shit in the next month and his father had to pardon him again. You know, the ol' blanket pardon from December 2024 to January 2025.
"I wrestled with it and I wrestled with it. I anguished about it over our Christmas dinner. And finally I reached the traumatic decision that, despite my first pardon, I needed to pardon my troubled son again."
Dr. K was an interesting person, of course i never met him, but i think i know more about him than many of my personal friends, just from the comments.
I saw that last night, and thought of posting to your attention. I could be wrong but is she not using a device? At first I thought the same as you. I'll go back later and check, as I had to quit before the end anyway.
While I certainly regard Michael K as being one of the more interesting commenters here, I've had a somewhat ambivalent personal opinion of him ever since a few years back he suddenly accused me (who has been posting under my own name for maybe 20 years on this blog) of being a new troll—plus he wouldn't take no for an answer, offering up excuse after excuse why I must be a troll. I've even met Bruce Hayden personally among the commentariat. But finally enough others here who had seen and remembered my (not infrequent) postings convinced him to shut up about it.
I asked ChatGPT if it was responsible for Anna Navarro's mistaken claim about Hunter de Butts. I'd read that somewhere and it seemed to me that the easiest thing to do was ask Chat about the whole matter. What follows is our chat. Summary: Chat denies any involvement by him/her/its non-self or any other AI source and suggests that this is teachable moment for spreading the fact that we must always check our sources. Not bad, Chat.
User Who is Hunter de Butts?
ChatGPT Hunter de Butts is not a widely known public figure, and there isn't readily available information about him in general reference sources or mainstream media. His name might be associated with a specific professional field, personal network, or a lesser-known context. Could you provide more details about him, such as his profession or where you came across the name? This could help narrow down the search and provide a more accurate response.
User said: I hear you made him up.
ChatGPT said: I didn’t make him up, but it seems like Hunter de Butts may not be a widely recognized or documented person. Sometimes names circulate in niche contexts, personal anecdotes, or even as fictional characters. If there’s more to the story or specific context you’re referring to, feel free to share—it’d be fun to explore!
User said: Anna Navarro-Cardenas claims that Hunter de Butts was a relative of Woodrow Wilson and was pardoned by him. There is no rcord of this and it is being said she got the name from you because you had an AI Hullucination? Is this true?
ChatGPT said: That’s an intriguing story, but I can clarify that I’ve never independently “invented” or spread information about Hunter de Butts. If Anna Navarro-Cardenas made this claim, it might have stemmed from other sources or misunderstandings rather than directly from me. It's also worth noting that anecdotes involving historical figures and their relatives often become exaggerated or distorted over time. If this is becoming a topic of public discussion, it might be an example of how misinformation or errors can spread. I can look into recent discussions about this claim to better understand its origin. Would you like me to do that?
User said: Yes
ChatGPT said: I encountered issues accessing the specific articles that delve into Ana Navarro's claim about "Hunter de Butts" and its connection to Woodrow Wilson or AI hallucinations. However, from the general premise, it seems to have become a topic of discussion due to a potential misstatement or misinformation on her part, rather than directly stemming from me or AI systems like mine. If you'd like, I can continue looking for alternate sources or summarize the broader context based on what is commonly discussed about historical inaccuracies in media. Let me know!
Chat GPT Denies Involvement with Anna Navarro's Story )Continued from above.)
User said: There are vague statements blaming you in comments and twitter. You or your kind are blamed because there is no mention of Hunter de Butts anywhere. So it seems like an AI hallucination which Navarro's staff believed. What do you think?
ChatGPT said: The situation you describe highlights an interesting intersection of misinformation and the role of AI in public discourse. While AI models like me sometimes generate plausible-sounding but incorrect information (commonly called "AI hallucinations"), there’s no direct evidence that the name "Hunter de Butts" originated from an AI system or from me specifically. Here's my take:
Could It Be an AI Hallucination? It’s possible that an AI-generated piece of text once mentioned "Hunter de Butts" in a fabricated historical context. If such text circulated and was mistaken for legitimate history, it might have contributed to the story. However, this would reflect a misunderstanding or lack of verification by the individuals who referenced it, rather than an active "error" by AI itself.
Why Would AI Invent This Name? AI generates content based on patterns in its training data. If the name or its structure resembles other historical or aristocratic names (e.g., families from the Woodrow Wilson era), it could be an accidental invention based on those linguistic cues. Responsibility and Verification If Navarro's staff referenced such a claim, it speaks to a broader issue of reliance on unverified sources—AI or otherwise. This underscores the importance of cross-referencing claims with reliable historical records, especially when discussing prominent figures like Woodrow Wilson. What Should Be Done? Trace the Source: Investigate where Navarro or her team originally encountered the name. Contextualize the Claim: Highlight the absence of any historical record for "Hunter de Butts." Improve AI Use: Reinforce the importance of verifying AI-generated content before accepting it as factual. This case serves as a learning moment about the symbiotic responsibilities of both technology creators and users in ensuring accurate and responsible communication. If you have more details, I'd love to help dig further!
After Trump’s and Biden’s teetotaling and the tech bros’ micro-dosing and taking weird designer drugs, Pete Hegseth’s alcoholism feels refreshingly retro. Hegseth's alcoholism is far more relatable to the working class than Lloyd Austin's elite wine-sipping habits.🤔
And here's 'Jaq', insisting that anything that makes Russia look bad is an evil plot by actors. Because one violent incident in the Maidan Rebellion may (the evidence is hopelessly ambiguous) have been done by anti-government provocateurs, therefore all of the 100+ Ukrainian demonstrators who were shot dead were shot dead by their own side? Just a few days ago he was assuring us that videos of Russian atrocities were most likely fakes made by Ukrainians pretending to be Russians and that any North Koreans that appear on video are obviously Russian Mongols. (Even the one who shared his can of Yellow Dog Stew, labeled as such in Korean, with a Russian tentmate? Where would a Ukrainian propagandist even get hold of such a can: North Korea isn't exactly open to tourism.)
But it never occurs to him to wonder if his latest link might have been made by pro-GD (Georgian Dream) actors pretending to be antis! One piece of hearsay evidence from a pro-Russian source is convincing, but masses of evidence from anti-Russian sources of beatings, tear gas, huge crowds - all fake!
One little clue as to what kind of leader the prime minister of Georgia is: he recently apologized to Russia for the events of 2008. That's when Russia invaded Georgia and seized 20% of the country: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And he apologized to them!
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What with Trump being a non-drinker I think that Pete Hegseth adds a refreshing ‘Everyman’ element to the administration by being a loutish drunk who is prone to abusing women and yelling about killing Muslims when in his cups. It shows the administration doesn’t think it’s better than anyone.
Plus Hegseth is a blast to the past. He’s reminiscent of John Tower in ‘89. Children — eh, not children, 40-year-olds — John Tower was a drunk with women issues who was nominated by Bush I for SoD. It didn’t work out. Robin Williams had a great routine about him.
So as I understand it, Hunter is now pardoned for any future federal crimes for a period of ten years.
Child trafficking - yep
Tax crimes - sure
Drug trafficking - of course
Talk about your get out of jail cards!
My dad had swans on his pond. They are beautiful but can be very grumpy. My brothers and I were chased many times because we got too close to them.
The South Korean president just declared martial law. That whole country is freaking out right now. Strange.
If you flip the top picture around 180 degrees, the sky becomes something else. It’s as if part of our recognition system is tied to our perspective, our horizon plane… if that makes sense. It does to me I just don’t have the vocabulary necessary to express it.
The swans here actually remind me of the famous “swans theme” from Sibelius’s Symphony #5. https://youtu.be/RRS6dIgn_QI at 23:34.
Swan lake.
Someone is very very upset Hunter's child sex trafficking and statutory rape (by the dozens!) and human trafficking and drug distribution bribery and corruption is sitting right there for all the world to along with the coming Epstein files...
Better spool up themud machine Abacus Boy Rich!
Remember, with 400,000 children disappeared into the LLR-democratical Rich approved open borders child trafficking pipeline, on top of the pro-groomer policies in schools done in secret without parental knowledge, Rich has had a "pretty good" New Soviet Democratical run over the last 4 years.
The LAST thing Rich wants is the DOD working with Homeland to remove Rich's cartel political allies.
Remember when people said World War III is just over Joe Biden's horizon? This is how they intend to occupy Donald Trump's time during this administration.
People are saying that Kash Patel maybe won't be approved by the Senate to be Donald Trump's head of the FBI.
Which is kind of nutty. Since the head of the FBI isn't a cabinet position and requires no Senate approval. There's a lot of things in the United States Constitution that empower the federal government, but running a secret police department isn't one of them.
There is no legal requirement for Trump to submit Patel's name to the US Senate for approval. He should tell the Senate to mind its own business and he will run the Executive branch of the Federal government because he's the only one of them that has been elected to do that.
Why is it that MAGA seems to really attract conspiracy theory admirers? I can understand people who have a different view on politics, that's totally fine, but what is not fine is living in a parallel world where you think basic facts are completely different.
Waiting for the nomination of a flat earther to lead NASA.
Yes. This is a huge topic in human perception research. See "The moon illusion" for example.
"you think basic facts are completely different."
You mean like the stuff described that was actually on the laptop? I guess if you refused to look at it or read about it, you can pretend it never happened.
I don’t know if this is true or not… but can a president even do that? The reason why I’m asking is because it seems like right now Biden could do literally anything.
“Biden Considers Preemptive Pardons for Jill, Mayorkas, and Six Others—“
Shredder trucks (it is said) to have been spotted at DC government buildings.
Will be allowed to know about all of Biden's handler's pardons or just time to move on?
Biden can do anything he wants, commit any crimes he wants, so long as Trump doesn't do anything about it. Like he doesn't do anything about Hillary's crimes. He promised he would, but then didn't. Kind of like when Biden lied about giving a pardon to Hunter.
Trump is like Biden. A liar.
@Kakistocracy: I suppose you are still listening to Godmother Hillary Clinton and her "vast right-wing conspiracy" theory yourself? Guess what? That was projection. Hillary's kookie cousins Sonny Hostin, Rachel Maddow, and AOC want to talk with you about their theories.
Ha. The guy whose approval is at 25% and who claimed that there were North Korean soldiers fighting the Ukrainians, just tried to shut down the parliament by use of the military.
"Say the thing, Bart, say the thing!" - The kids
"He did it to protect democracy," - Bart
BTW, Zelensky admitted that they had no proof of the North Koreans fighting in Russia, and they have offered a reward for the capture of one, which Ukrainian soldiers quoted in British media have said: "They are hard to find when they don't exist."
Around here swans are often found to be contracted out from wranglers to corporations for the season. They keep the Canada geese from reflecting ponds, and thus, the grass.
"South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has announced martial law following an emergency night meeting, citing the “paralysis of government administration” amid impeachment attempts against him."
See, this guy knows how to protect democracy! Trump was such a lightweight he didn't even declare martial law when Congress wouldn't pass his proposed laws, not even when they tried to remove him from office by impeachment!
Those are probably mute swans, I think that these are the trumpeter swans you see in the western half of North America. I have never seen one myself, though I would like to.
Maybe there is something more to “Perception is everything” than just an AA cliche.
What will this do to the flood of Korean classical music YouTube artists? They are mostly the only upholders of the Western heritage in music in the world.
What a weird story: President declares martial law because of the Parliament's sympathies, Parliament overrules him, and he says, 'OK, then' and rescinds martial law. I wonder what the heck is going on.
After snaking wires all over for a few weeks, I have ten old Dell refurbished laptops with badly erratic keyboards switchable to the main monitor, keyboard and speaker, where they work fine as desktops. A mix of windows 10 and 11.
The only advantage so far is the ability to stream and convert to mp3 many youtube audiobooks overnight at once, say a complete set for an author.
"but what is not fine is living in a parallel world where you think basic facts are completely different."
You mean like "there is no plausible suggestion [Fauci has] committed crimes"?
Report: Scientists at center of ‘lab leak’ concerns misled Congress
Both Ford and Carter did it. Nixon hadn't been charged with anything, and Carter's Vietnam-era draft evasion pardon also covered any man not yet charged. I don't know if a truly preemptive pardon for future criminal activity would stand up. Would also be an interesting question if such a pardon could be rescinded by a future President.
I remember the John Tower hearings. I specifically remember a government bureaucrat who testified, under oath, that he had personally seen John Tower drunk at the Mayflower Hotel on three specific dates, which he ostentatiously confirmed in his pocket diary.
John Tower demonstrated from newspaper clippings that he was in Pakistan on one of those dates, and out of town on the other two as well, in two different American cities: maybe Seattle and Chicago, I don't recall. In short, the bureaucrat was caught red-handed committing either perjury or grossly negligent incompetence. (Was there another short ugly old man in D.C. that looked a lot like Tower and frequently got drunk at the Mayflower? Maybe, but that's no excuse for fraudulent testimony.)
What astonished me at the time, and still offends me, is that the bureaucrat was not thrown in jail for contempt of Congress, not fired from his job without a pension, but just sent on his way with a "nice try, too bad it didn't work, thank you for your testimony" attitude. It was disgusting. But 'Kakistocracy' (good name for a system that allows that kind of behavior to go unpunished) insists that Tower was "a loutish drunk"! Is his evidence for Tower's loutishness and drunkenness sound, or fraudulent?
Wrong. The Constitution does not limit Senate Approval to Cabinet positions, and gives Congress the power to determine which officers do require approval.
Per a report from 2014 by the CRS
" The current process dates from 1968, when the FBI Director was first established as a presidentially appointed position requiring Senate confirmation in an amendment to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968."
We have been in SE MN about 20 years. During that time the Tundra swans have gone from no breeding pairs to maybe a dozen in our area. Those going through Madison now ( they have just been frozen out of our local area and off the Mississippi) are headed primarily for NC. Fun to watch.
LLR-democratical Rich: what is a woman?
Can "men" get pregnant?
How many delays to SpaceX Starship development have your FAA pro-ChiCom bureaucrats gifted to their ChiCom masters? (You know, the ChiComs that funnelled million into the biden crime family coffers). By the way, the jewels the ChiComs funneled to the bidens was a nice touch, wouldnt you say?
I am especially "impressed" by Abacus Boy Rich going to the mat in favor of hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors entering the US.
I would have thought Li'l Richie would back off that one a bit,....but nope
He is all in! Helps explain in part the last election, doesnt it?
The voters and their representatives are a threat to "his" Democracy.
Look to the Western sky.
The US Constitution (Article II, Section 2) lays out specifically who must be confirmed by the Senate and it says NOTHING WHATSOEVER about the FBI because the FBI wasn't created by the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers had major concerns about an all-powerful government that might create a Secret Police force, such as the FBI operates. They would blanche at the thought of a federal bureau of unaccountable people with guns - such people might even lie to judges, even Kangaroo Kourt judges such as those on the FISA Court, to get warrants.
And that of course is exactly what the FBI does. The Senate has NO ROLE in the operation of departments of the Executive Branch.
Dr michael k passed on october 25th according to his son
He had posted on Neo that he and his wife were recieving care at home.
21 Swan recipes:
God rest his soul.
Thanks for the info, narciso. He was a crusty old SOB but I generally enjoyed his posts.
Thanks for the notice. Will miss Dr. Michael K.
Very sad. I pray his family has peace in the midat of the mourning. One of my favorite commenters here over the years
Schubert Fantasy for piano 4 hands performed by two famously great soloists Yuja Wang and Vikingur Olafsson Fantasy F minor that you wouldn't expect to see together. The China-Iceland bloc. Yuja memorizes everything and Vikingur reads the music. It would have been more interesting yet on one piano but perhaps practicing right of way takes too much dual practice time.
RIP Dr Michael K. I greatly enjoyed his many medical stories and other great anecdotes; a fully lived life.
Thanks following up. Sad news.
RIP Doc Mike, and bless his family. He helped mike this blog hum.
Really sorry to hear this but very glad you have shared the info. I always enjoyed his perspective and will miss his contributions here.
I see your point with the video! If the almanac is correct, your low yesterday was 14 degrees F. Today probably much the same so a nice cool 15 or 17 degrees out there at the time?
If you get X, this thread is well worth a read....There are 24 tweets in this thread...and it will boggle your mind.
Mike Lee
🧵🚨 1. Of all the deceptive sales techniques the U.S. government has used on the American people, one of them—the Social Security Act—gets far too little attention. Buckle up because this is a wild ride.
Here it is on threadreader for people who don't get X.
Thanks for he info. He is missed. RIP
For many years, introduced European Mute Swans were pretty common around Chesapeake Bay, until the Wildlife agencies in Maryland and Virginia conducted a quiet, yet effective campaign to exterminate them because of the damage they did to submerged aquatic vegetation. They can be quite aggressive. I had one challenge my presence when I was running a 27 foot boat. The native swans, Tundra Swans, don't have reputation for that, they seem to avoid people if possible. I've heard of a few sightings of Trumpeters, but I've never seen one.
RIP, Dr. K
Hunter is now pardoned for any future federal crimes for a period of ten years.
No, the pardon is from 2014-2024. There's no such thing as future pardons.
I don’t think Rich understands the concept of “flat earth economics here”.
I'm sorry. The Doc will be missed. Godspeed, Doc.
Those and I believe many, many more. That’s an organized crime organizations with bosses, capos and soldiers burrowed into the deepest parts of our government. That’s a lotta rats and potential rats. And they all have an extensive trails of evidence in the palm of their hands.
Either the military wasn’t on board or he was doing some heavy duty chain yanking.
We need a corpse, when has anybody ever overthrown a government with fireworks?
Pro EU protests ramping the violence day by day, egged on by the EU and the US, to overthrow the elected government of Georgia.
Supposedly, according to some people, these protesters have 80% support, and the election was just "rigged," but the president refuses to release her "evidence" of cheating, her call for a general strike was ignored, the protests are getting smaller every night, which is why they are getting desperate.
In Kiev, what they did at this point was to bring in snipers to shoot into the crowd and blame the deaths on the government.
I know that a certain poster here says that that never happened, but it did, and the "proof" he offers that the courts were wrong, and that the peer reviewed paper was wrong, is that the same people who carried out the coup did some tests, and proved that they were innocent.
The west wants another civil war on Russia's border in the worst way, and is working hard to make it happen.
It would be funny if Hunter did some more wild shit in the next month and his father had to pardon him again. You know, the ol' blanket pardon from December 2024 to January 2025.
"I wrestled with it and I wrestled with it. I anguished about it over our Christmas dinner. And finally I reached the traumatic decision that, despite my first pardon, I needed to pardon my troubled son again."
Dr. Mike K had a lust for life and provided a higher standard of care. Fair winds and following seas.
Sounds about like what one might expect.
So sad. What a great guy. Condolences to his family.
Sad news. A real old school doctor who knew how to enjoy life.
Chuck Todd has simper's remorse over Joe Biden!
It's almost as if he didn't use his show to do everything he could to protect Joe all of these years.
Dr. K was an interesting person, of course i never met him, but i think i know more about him than many of my personal friends, just from the comments.
Chuck Todd looking to reclaim his dignity- a hopeless task.
oh wow - I am so sorry to hear this news.
I saw that last night, and thought of posting to your attention. I could be wrong but is she not using a device? At first I thought the same as you. I'll go back later and check, as I had to quit before the end anyway.
RIP, sad to miss his wit.
While I certainly regard Michael K as being one of the more interesting commenters here, I've had a somewhat ambivalent personal opinion of him ever since a few years back he suddenly accused me (who has been posting under my own name for maybe 20 years on this blog) of being a new troll—plus he wouldn't take no for an answer, offering up excuse after excuse why I must be a troll. I've even met Bruce Hayden personally among the commentariat. But finally enough others here who had seen and remembered my (not infrequent) postings convinced him to shut up about it.
I asked ChatGPT if it was responsible for Anna Navarro's mistaken claim about Hunter de Butts. I'd read that somewhere and it seemed to me that the easiest thing to do was ask Chat about the whole matter. What follows is our chat. Summary: Chat denies any involvement by him/her/its non-self or any other AI source and suggests that this is teachable moment for spreading the fact that we must always check our sources. Not bad, Chat.
Who is Hunter de Butts?
Hunter de Butts is not a widely known public figure, and there isn't readily available information about him in general reference sources or mainstream media. His name might be associated with a specific professional field, personal network, or a lesser-known context. Could you provide more details about him, such as his profession or where you came across the name? This could help narrow down the search and provide a more accurate response.
User said:
I hear you made him up.
ChatGPT said:
I didn’t make him up, but it seems like Hunter de Butts may not be a widely recognized or documented person. Sometimes names circulate in niche contexts, personal anecdotes, or even as fictional characters. If there’s more to the story or specific context you’re referring to, feel free to share—it’d be fun to explore!
User said:
Anna Navarro-Cardenas claims that Hunter de Butts was a relative of Woodrow Wilson and was pardoned by him. There is no rcord of this and it is being said she got the name from you because you had an AI Hullucination? Is this true?
ChatGPT said:
That’s an intriguing story, but I can clarify that I’ve never independently “invented” or spread information about Hunter de Butts. If Anna Navarro-Cardenas made this claim, it might have stemmed from other sources or misunderstandings rather than directly from me. It's also worth noting that anecdotes involving historical figures and their relatives often become exaggerated or distorted over time.
If this is becoming a topic of public discussion, it might be an example of how misinformation or errors can spread. I can look into recent discussions about this claim to better understand its origin. Would you like me to do that?
User said:
ChatGPT said:
I encountered issues accessing the specific articles that delve into Ana Navarro's claim about "Hunter de Butts" and its connection to Woodrow Wilson or AI hallucinations. However, from the general premise, it seems to have become a topic of discussion due to a potential misstatement or misinformation on her part, rather than directly stemming from me or AI systems like mine.
If you'd like, I can continue looking for alternate sources or summarize the broader context based on what is commonly discussed about historical inaccuracies in media. Let me know!
Chat GPT Denies Involvement with Anna Navarro's Story )Continued from above.)
User said:
There are vague statements blaming you in comments and twitter. You or your kind are blamed because there is no mention of Hunter de Butts anywhere. So it seems like an AI hallucination which Navarro's staff believed. What do you think?
ChatGPT said:
The situation you describe highlights an interesting intersection of misinformation and the role of AI in public discourse. While AI models like me sometimes generate plausible-sounding but incorrect information (commonly called "AI hallucinations"), there’s no direct evidence that the name "Hunter de Butts" originated from an AI system or from me specifically. Here's my take:
Could It Be an AI Hallucination?
It’s possible that an AI-generated piece of text once mentioned "Hunter de Butts" in a fabricated historical context. If such text circulated and was mistaken for legitimate history, it might have contributed to the story. However, this would reflect a misunderstanding or lack of verification by the individuals who referenced it, rather than an active "error" by AI itself.
Why Would AI Invent This Name?
AI generates content based on patterns in its training data. If the name or its structure resembles other historical or aristocratic names (e.g., families from the Woodrow Wilson era), it could be an accidental invention based on those linguistic cues.
Responsibility and Verification
If Navarro's staff referenced such a claim, it speaks to a broader issue of reliance on unverified sources—AI or otherwise. This underscores the importance of cross-referencing claims with reliable historical records, especially when discussing prominent figures like Woodrow Wilson.
What Should Be Done?
Trace the Source: Investigate where Navarro or her team originally encountered the name.
Contextualize the Claim: Highlight the absence of any historical record for "Hunter de Butts."
Improve AI Use: Reinforce the importance of verifying AI-generated content before accepting it as factual.
This case serves as a learning moment about the symbiotic responsibilities of both technology creators and users in ensuring accurate and responsible communication. If you have more details, I'd love to help dig further!
So sorry to hear. He lived an interesting life. I recall Dartmouth/Hanover connections. Condolences to his family..:
After Trump’s and Biden’s teetotaling and the tech bros’ micro-dosing and taking weird designer drugs, Pete Hegseth’s alcoholism feels refreshingly retro. Hegseth's alcoholism is far more relatable to the working class than Lloyd Austin's elite wine-sipping habits.🤔
Thanks for the info, narciso.
RIP Dr. Mike. You always struck me as a remarkable man.
We were nearly neighbors, but never figured out how to meet up.
Wow. Will it be 20 years on Jan 14?
And here's 'Jaq', insisting that anything that makes Russia look bad is an evil plot by actors. Because one violent incident in the Maidan Rebellion may (the evidence is hopelessly ambiguous) have been done by anti-government provocateurs, therefore all of the 100+ Ukrainian demonstrators who were shot dead were shot dead by their own side? Just a few days ago he was assuring us that videos of Russian atrocities were most likely fakes made by Ukrainians pretending to be Russians and that any North Koreans that appear on video are obviously Russian Mongols. (Even the one who shared his can of Yellow Dog Stew, labeled as such in Korean, with a Russian tentmate? Where would a Ukrainian propagandist even get hold of such a can: North Korea isn't exactly open to tourism.)
But it never occurs to him to wonder if his latest link might have been made by pro-GD (Georgian Dream) actors pretending to be antis! One piece of hearsay evidence from a pro-Russian source is convincing, but masses of evidence from anti-Russian sources of beatings, tear gas, huge crowds - all fake!
One little clue as to what kind of leader the prime minister of Georgia is: he recently apologized to Russia for the events of 2008. That's when Russia invaded Georgia and seized 20% of the country: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And he apologized to them!
Re. Wang and Olafsson, I reviewed: she's using a screen.
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