Because, look, that bottle is completely basic — it's not shaped like an upraised fist — and the lettering is very plain and the product name is close to the first thing you'd think of.
It's like an episode of "The Apprentice." Here are these photographs of the President's wife adoring the former President. Your challenge is to design a Trump-branded product and to use one of the photographs in an ad campaign.
The joke alone would have been great, but the idea of turning it into a money stream like this is brilliant. Now you know what to get your Trump loving dad Christmas... even though it's utterly well known that Dad never wants cologne.
And here we have our host blogging about the gifts she is getting her husband…
Real product or not, the guy's a natural at trolling.
The color reminds me of a cologne I really liked and the ladies liked on me but I can't remember its name. It disappeared from shelves long ago but had a definite orange tint. Duh. The orange tint might be purposely selected for a different reason.
Why not?
And watch Joe and Mikka condemn it, causing sales to skyrocket.
It’s not just Jill. Ashley is smiling too. This could get kinky, as you might expect with the Biden family.
Developing a fragrance takes time. Did Trump have a cologne before that they are just repackaging for this? Would he have to get Jill's permission to use her in an ad? Who owns the photo?
Maybe this is why Trump is Trump and I'm not. I see obstacles to doing something, he just does it. (Or knows how to overcome the obstacles quickly.)
It's funny to Trump supporters, but I question the wisdom of going out of his way to humiliate her. She's still in power for another month and potentially can mess with his transition plans. It's also a selling point for Democrats: "We went out of our way to offer normal civility, and he threw it back in our faces, and his supporters laughed."
I have to say that this maybe the first photo of "Dr Jill" where she has actually looked happy.
Normal civility?? Since when?
We laugh because it's funny. Full stop. Maybe the Dems should try humor at some point.
She looked happy when she wore red to vote for Trump too.
People always wondered how Eva Braun could be attracted to Adolph. Well here we are.
After all the lawfare they inflicted to him, he deserves a few lighthearted moments. He and his team make most people smile, even if just to themselves, if need be. It’s a terrific role model, to get beyond anger with joy.
I think Melania should give him a free pass and let him "conquer" Jill and send old Joe Biden off to hell with that being his last ignominious defeat.
While this should not be news to anyone, women across history and all around the world have routinely obtained and maintained power through association with males in power. See concubines (Charles III initially listed Camilla as his Royal Consort), Islam's multiple-marriages and history of harems, Trump reported that women threw themsleves at him long ago, also see the Clintons and JFK, etc.
Tom T. said...
“It's funny to Trump supporters, but I question the wisdom of going out of his way to humiliate her.”
You know, you can interpret it as simply charming your opponents rather than full on “any plus for me lessens you”. Unfortunately, the latter mindset seems popular in this case.
“She's still in power for another month and potentially can mess with his transition plans.”
Many will argue it has already begun.
“It's also a selling point for Democrats: ‘We went out of our way to offer normal civility’…”
When the hell was this? What civility was offered here to Trump? Don’t make a scene at a very important event sponsored by the French on French soil is not offering manners and civility to Trump; it’s basic decency (not ‘Going out of our way’) offered to the French and the rest of the world.
IANAL but I think the way it works is the photographer, or the organization they work for, owns the image. The people in it can either try to buy the publishing rights or sue over their consent to be photographed but I'm guessing a famous person at a noteworthy event would have a hard time overcoming implied consent. I think the reason most photogs try to get consent from ordinary people is mostly to avoid attorney's fees. Using it in the ad is probably a stretch but so long as he isn't implying that Jill or Ashely are directly endorsing the cologne I doubt they would do much.
BITD Santa used to ride an electric razor. Those bastards made a heluva lot of money, too…
"Fight, Fight, Fight!" is a horrible idea for a cologne.
Men are trying to get laid, numbnuts! That's the whole point of cologne!
The photograph is hilarious, though.
And I love "A fragrance your enemies can't resist." That's beautiful.
So I love everything except the actual name of the cologne.
"Today I'm going to fight and fuck."
See, that's how you end up in federal court.
Woo is a way better name, and it would have completed the joke 100%.
This is like an excellent joke grafted on top of a horrible sales gimmick.
I remembered! It was Jovan Musk Oil. Apparently it IS still available, and the Chrome AI summarized its scent (although the Musk oil is very expensive compared to the "Jovan Musk for Men" described here:
Jovan Musk for Men by Jovan is a Woody Floral Musk fragrance for men. Jovan Musk for Men was launched in 1973. The nose behind this fragrance is Murray Moscona. Top notes are Carnation, Pepper, Amalfi Lemon and Lime; middle notes are Spices, Lavender, Amber and Mint; base notes are Musk and Woodsy Notes.
The Bidens are also coming out with a line of fragrances. It's called "Corruption" and you don't want to know what it smells like.
From USA Today on November 15 2024, the Trump victory cologne existed before the Notre Dame picture was taken. It also appears from the story (though there is no picture of the bottle) that the color is the bottle, not the cologne.
The cologne is the "signature scent of strength and success, encased in a luxurious gold bottle," according to Trump Sneakers, the online store selling Trump merchandise.
See below, or above. The cologne predates the Notre Dame photo. There was a story about it in USA Today dated November 15, 2024.
My wife knows to get socks and underwear for Christmas. She does estate sales and will get "fancy" colognes for me at pennies on the dollar. I don't request, I just receive and say "thanks".
Remember Jeb Bush’s $75 campaign guacamole mortar and pestle? You could smash avocados and think of Jeb’s sleazebag wife illegally smuggling expensive perfume through customs in Miami.
Will smell like smega, but the MSM will say it is refreshing with a dose of honesty.
Another link to a fragrance review site Comments/reviews posted in November 2024.
“Civility”… You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Saucer of milk, table two.
Mary Beth,
I could have a new fragrance ready to release tomorrow. The makers put a lot of mystique into it but fragrance making is just another chemical industrial process.
Filling the retail pipeline might take weeks. A hundred samples? Tomorrow
More like used Depends and Ensure.
I feel bad for Jill. Hahaha! Well, only a little. Oof, that's cringe.
I bet Jill is thinking, "Yeah, I wish he'd grab my p*ssy."
The one AND FUTURE President...not merely the "former." And oh wow that picture is so funny. It almost, almost, makes me feel bad for Jill, but then I remember who she is.
Not to burst anyone's bubble but Ashley and Jill are looking behind Trump to something off to the left of Macron, who is seated to the left of Trump and also looking off to the left. There's a wider shot that show all of them and the fact that Trump is actually leaning to his right in the photo in order to hear Ms Macron who is hidden by Trump but leaning toward him and speaking into his ear.
The should add a disclaimer that all proceeds go to pay for Trump's legal fees. That would drive the Left even further over the ledge.
P.S. Never forget that Jill is a horrible person guilty of elder abuse.
The Biden's are horrible people. I'm long past caring about how they're treated.
The wider shot shows Jill and Ashley looking at Trump.
Here's a slogan to go with the picture:
"You can shower with it."
I first heard an ad for this on November 30th - I can remember the date because I discussed it with a friend who loves Kiss and loathes Trump, and it struck me that (at least in terms of marketing everything under the sun) Trump is Gene Simmons.
Dr Jill got her comeuppance, having lived large on federal dime for decades. Perhaps Notre Dame Cathedral happening was her last hurrah. Then its Depends and Ensure as she resumes her role as Biden family babysitter, though babies are no longer Hunter and Beau but rather their Diddling Daddy.
Are you trying to tell me that Jill did not vote for Trump? Pfffft. Of course she did.
Each of their three kids had run-ins with the law. Please clap.
I liked this take on the photo.
This is pretty common in marketing these days. Here you can select from Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Brittney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, etc. brands of perfumes.
Why stop at fragrances? Next up: the FightFightFight ED pill. Essence of MAGA.
I hear that they are using the essence of corpse flower to capture the real feel of what morality was like in the Biden WH.
There are multiple shots of the kittenish expression of Jill interacting with Trump. It's not just this one instance.
I read a lot of history, with a particular fondness for Rome. Not just the 500 years of the Western Roman Empire, but all that preceded it and followed it. If Rome and Constantinople had not fallen, we would have been to the moon 400 years earlier.
One of the most interesting parts of this story is the women who rose to have vast influence, despite being treated as the chattel property of their fathers and husbands and even their sons under Roman law. Through irresistible sexual beguilement, shrewd and cunning political calculation (and even assassinations) to improve their positions and that of their offspring, or wise counsel delivered to weak and stupid Emperors behind the backs of their flattering courtiers and scheming opponents - sometimes all three qualities in the same woman - they were sometimes the real power behind the throne and helped build our modern world.
Theodora, Livia Drusilla, both Agrippinas - the Elder and Younger, Fulvia, Tanaquil, Servilia, Julia Domna, Pulcheria, Helena, and Cornelia are just some of the women who shaped Rome. The influence of some, Theodora and St. Helena in particular, persists to this day in our religion and legal codes.
Typical Trump. Brilliant.
@Hassayamper: Don't leave out Cleopatra of Egypt. She was a brilliant but rather average looking (IMO) Greek of the Ptolemiac dynasty. The Ptolemys were Greeks who followed Alexander the Great in controlling Egypt, despite their inaccurate and ancient-looking traditional stone portraits.
Yep. Laughed and laughed and laughed, and relished the spectacle of their degradation with grim satisfaction. Not sorry.
I wonder if Arnold would make himself available for a commercial.
I think it's probably the best candid picture I've seen of her. I hope she and Joe ARE happy, no matter what went down on Election Day and prior - Biden may have been a pretty-to-very venal career politician for the past fifty years, and he may have gotten rich via Hunter's influence peddling scheme (side note: it seems to me that Joe's quashing of the corruption investigation in Ukraine probably didn't move the needle a ton, given how short a time it took Zelenskyy to go from reformer to hip-deep in Ukrainian business as usual, but I am no expert and indeed barely a dilettante on that subject), but... can we just turn the page, you know? We have a future to get to.
Now I want to read Jitterbug Perfume. (That Tom Robbins.... what a weirdo.)
The Daily Mail is having a lot of fun with Jill and Don's big adventure. When Hunter travels with Jill, Greg Gutfeld jokes that Hunter is trying to do with his stepmom what he did with his sister-in-law, but it looks as if Trump is making more of an impression and would get there first.
Probably Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina scent as well.
Cologne is almost always awful and ridiculously expensive.
Chesebrough-Ponds used to have a plant in Las Piedras PR. Cosmair used to have a plant in Rio Grande PR, Chanel used to have a plant in Humacao PR (The "Paris" where Chanel #5 was made)
I did a lot of work with all three plants. Whenever we were quoting a new machine, I would need samples. Lots of samples. It was not uncommon for me to come home with, say a case of Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds and a case of Red Door and a case of Sunflower. I might bring 50-60 bottles home to send off for testing and evaluation.
I would send most of them off. But my wife and daughter always had plenty of samples to douse themselves with.
Chanel never gave me any though. Never bought anything from me, either.
John Henry
@Enigma: Oh indeed, Cleopatra is in a class by herself when it comes to using every tool God gave women to manipulate men. I left her out because she wasn't Roman, but she certainly played a huge role in Roman history.
I agree that her surviving busts and portraits don't show a ravishing beauty to compare to, say, Nefertiti, who was herself a greatly powerful queen and may even have ruled Egypt as its Pharaoh in her own right for a short time after her husband's death.
But there must have been something profoundly, irresistibly attractive about Cleopatra. Julius Caesar and Mark Antony were powerful, strong-willed men who were in a position to have their way with almost any beautiful young woman they chose, and both of them were helpless to resist her feminine wiles.
Other well known warrior-queens who confronted Rome were Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, and Boudicca, queen of the Iceni Britons. Less famous but equally interesting are Teuta, the pirate queen of the Illyrians, and Candace Amanirenas, the one-eyed queen of Kush, who led an invasion of Egypt shortly after it became a Roman province.
Plutarch had this to say about Cleopatra:
“For her beauty, as we are told, was in itself not altogether incomparable, nor such as to strike those who saw her; but converse with her had an irresistible charm, and her presence, combined with the persuasiveness of her discourse and the character, which was somehow diffused about her behavior towards others, had something stimulating about it. There was sweetness also in the tones of her voice.”
Fight Fight Fight, when it's a long night of glad handing and you need to mask a full Depends. Jill and Ashley are wondering what's that new car smell? Only your gastroenterologist knows for sure.
So everyone is ok with the President (elect) selling cologne and the first lady selling ornaments?!? This is a new low. What is next, he is going to sell bibles?? Oh wait....
Yeah, Lucille, the proper thing to sell is a warehouse full of books to your bribers like the Obamas have done and the Bidens will do.
Once a huckster always a huckster. Maybe the president-elect just needs to do things like this the way a cat needs to swat at a string dangled in front of it, bc it just can't help itself. That's the most charitable way I can think of to interpret this move.
Hassayamper: “If Rome and Constantinople had not fallen, we would have been to the moon 400 years earlier.”
Mind showing your work? That would be 1569, just over a century after Constantinople did fall. They didnt seem to be anywhere near space travel then, or even railroads.
A stable Roman Empire, whether western or eastern, had no need for technological progress.
Europe chopped up into competing kingdoms definitely did. Combining Germanic respect for small groups with Judeo-Christian-Islamic respect for the individual gave us free enterprise, republicanism, and free speech. The monks gave us logic, the basis for information technology. None of those are things the Byzantines were famous for.
The great thing about capitalism is that it provides for people who wake up one morning and say, “What I really want is to smell just like Donald Trump.”
Better than selling out our country with 500 million cash shipments to Iran and opening our borders.
How about the president's son selling access to the president? Are we cool with that?
"I love the smell of Fightx3 in the morning. Smells like...victory."
It's also a selling point for Democrats: "We went out of our way to offer normal civility, and he threw it back in our faces, and his supporters laughed."
"Civility", you say? The left tried to kill Trump. And many on the left expressed disappointment that the attempts were unsuccessful. Perhaps Democrats should be grateful that all Trump's supporters are doing is laughing at them right now. "Selling point", my ass.
Brilliant x 2. Once he is president we will have his ads forced upon us if we want to follow government actions.
ha ha ha
There are TWO colognes – the other has a very distinctive bottle but is sold out. Called "Victory," the bottle cap is a small gold bust of Trump’s head.
Not that long ago, the left got Trump banned on Twitter. Seems to me, they don't want to follow his actions.
And none of you are concerned that the president-elect is authorizing the use of his image and name on watches (one limited edition selling for 100k), sneakers, bibles, who knows what else, and now cologne? Doesn't it seem the least bit unseemly that Trump is profiting off his presidency?
Imagine a perfume approved by Pedo Pete.
How much did Obama profit off of his, Fredo?
I don’t ever use cologne, but if he makes a “Fight, Fight, Fight” aftershave I’ll bet the wife will buy it for me as a joke gift.
(Especially if I drop some hints.)
I thought you all complained about how much profit Obama made from the presidency. Most of the money he made came after his presidency, not during it.
So everyone is ok with the President (elect) selling cologne and the first lady selling ornaments?!?
Yes. Next question.
Doesn't it seem the least bit unseemly that Trump is profiting off his presidency?
It takes some serious chutzpah to ask that after what the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens have done.
Take the fucking beam out of your eye.
Yep. If there were academy awards for trolling- he'd be the winner.
Sniff, Bite, Sniff
Good grief Dixcus. That would be punishment.
I read once, maybe in something you wrote, about a lab where they can analyze any great wine, down to it's smallest chemical components, then using basically grape juice and additives- produce a taste-alike that wine snob experts cannot differentiate from the original.
Ever since reading that, I've been waiting for some enterprising entrepreneur to duplicate a few $1000.00+ bottle of French Bordeaux to sell to us hoi polloi. Most wines I drink are under $20 a bottle. I buy $60 bottles of ice wine for my better half. Or as I call them- wine syrup- they're disgustingly sweet.
Trump is a businessman. His big product now is himself. Why would it be unseemly that he's marketing based on his popularity- which includes him being president elect- soon to be president? It's not selling access or taking bribes (or having family members selling access or taking bribes ), which is unseemly. It's not making a bulk sale of 100,000 books to a union or school district- which will never be read or distributed. It's straight out and out perfectly legal commerce. Nothing hidden. Auditable.
Perhaps he should set up a foundation with lofty goals that does nothing but hire family members in high paying position to pay lip service to those lofty goals... The Clintons could give him the blueprints.
Trump gonna wait until entire left and MSM insult him for this, and then announce all profits going to charity.
I didn't stop to consider that a "new" fragrance isn't necessarily the same as a "good" fragrance. Also, "The New Look" may have given me a distorted idea of what goes into the creation of a fragrance.
It surely smells better than than that "art" that Hunter was trying to sell recently.
Remember Hai Karate?
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