Eject one set of proven corrupt and incompetent "leaders" for another set who may or may not also be corrupt and incompetent. But...they can't be worse.
I continue to listen to Ben Wikler’s podcast interview and he asserted, without evidence, that President Trump will use the military “to put down protests in this country.” Liar.
I left the following comment on the poll but will repeat it here. Comically, the polling system censored the "cum" in "incumbent" with an emoji.
The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days when the fastest way to travel was on horseback or in a sailing ship. We need to get rid of it. There's no reason it could not take place the day after the Electoral College votes in early December or even move it up to the end of November.
In England the incumbent PM vacates No. 10 on Election Day and the incoming PM moves in as soon as victory is secured, typically the very next day. This is true even if the same guy is re-elected and moves back in.
January 2017 through December 2020 were a pleasant surprise and validated our votes cast in the November 2016 election. The strategy meetings held by Democrat leadership in August-September of 2019 were reported to be filled with panic over how well the economy and things in general were going for the country. And the Fauci criminal enterprise was hatched.
Trump is already having a successful 2nd term as the grifters are bracing for the new reality. The tragedy is that Biden has so much time to create mischief on his way out the door. We need to speed up the transition; at least when a Democrat is in office (yes, by that I mean that Republicans are more trustworthy and behave more patriotically).
I'm so ecstatic, it feels like a "Victory in America" ticker tape parade down the 5th Avenue of the Althouse blog in such a state of euphoria that Drago has nurse Inga bent over backwards in his arms, kissing her with reckless political abandon, as she uses one arm to keep her MAGA hat from falling off and her other arm to pull him closer.
In 2017, Mr Smith went to Washington, bull of idealism about government workers. Well, now he's back, older, wiser and ready to "reinvent" government to be an asset to The People. This horrifies the college-matriculated in useless degrees crowd. All those law school graduates may have to actually figure out how to practice law after being force out into the light.
Trump should have used the military to end CHAZ/CHOP. Quelling a secessionist insurrection is a legitimate use of the military internally. The rest of the riots were police or National Guard issues.
Brings back memories of my squadronmates debating our obligations should we be ordered to provide emotional and physical "comfort" to the Queen Mother. There was some disagreement as to whether or not the Queen Mother would accept such overtures from a Colonial.
If Trump runs Washington from the White House, then we will know that he's learned nothing. It is bugged 6 ways from Sunday ... by our enemies ... you know, the American ones.
Nah, that doesn't fit the timeline or the associated evil deeds. Fauci was dirty long before 2019. Obama-era bureaucrats had offshored controversial research that wouldn't be allowed in the US (e.g., to China and seemingly Ukraine). Fauci fed money to his friends as they worked on sketchy projects, and as they pursued the insane effort to avoid a pandemic by creating lab viruses capable of causing a pandemic. The Chinese then went 'rogue' in continuing the exact same risky work that they rejected (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Fauci and friends covered up their deeds (lied) to Trump's CDC Director Robert Redfield and fed propaganda to anti-Trump news outlets in 2019. They claimed it was an animal source to hide their own responsibility and keep the pipeline open with China. The propaganda outlet NYT said "a brief lockdown will prevent much worse."
COVID resulted from gross insider incompetence, predation, and corruption -- aided by Pelosi and all others who initially ridiculed Trump's strong COVID defenses in early 2020. "Go to Chinatown." "Hug a Chinese person."
Trump is going to try something different. It could work. Somethings were working better his first time around. It’s not like he’s going to be a novice and anything major he would need congressional approval. So, a lot of the apprehension is unwarranted.
My understanding is that the Trump transition team is aware of that possibility (having already been through the RussiaRussia hoax) although I doubt they are going to be able to guard against all the possibilities. The upcoming dockworker's strike presents the Dems a possible way to screw up the supply lines, and have long thought transportation of goods would be a Dem target to make Trump look bad.
My understanding is that the Trump transition team is aware of that possibility (having already been through the RussiaRussia hoax) although I doubt they are going to be able to guard against all the possibilities. The upcoming dockworker's strike presents the Dems a possible way to screw up the supply lines, and have long thought transportation of goods would be a Dem target to make Trump look bad.
Tariffs are a blunt instrument trying to solve a major problem. Other ideas have not worked. Give the blunt instrument a chance. For those of you who may not know, the major problem is the flow of drugs and illegals into our country.
Trump is going to try something different to hopefully stem the tide.
To further Enigma's story: Then, when not enough people were dying quickly enough, Democrat governors ... and notably ONLY Democrat governors ... ordered COVID19 infected persons into nursing homes where they could spread the disease to other uninfected. Nursing homes being very lightly employed and completely unprepared for the infectious handling of a global pandemic.
Then when Trump responded by sending the Navy's Mercy Hospital ship and parked it in New York Harbor, Quomo refused to put any patients in it because then they might be saved. He needed dead people to keep his book money coming in.
And he's walking around with perfectly functioning knees. Not a single Goomba in New York did the right thing with this guy for killing their parents.
I have had 4 roadblocks put up by google to see the results of the poll. Each one warns me of more and more dire consequences if I want to continue forward. The last one asked for a password to show google that I am aware of changing the terms of my "trust contract". OK, I balked at that one and decided to read comments and see if this happened to anyone else. I can easily guess the results heavily favored "bring it on".
>> Hassayamper said... >> The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days ...(blah blah blah)
What you're describing is the British Parliamentary method to transfer power. There are several problems with this for the USA, as I see it.
1) What if the result of the election is not known the day after? Reference 2000, Bush v. Gore. Also the whole Electoral College thing would have bo dealt with by constitutional ammendment. 2) Your idea works in Britain because the PM is not chosen by the voters, but rather by the Party Members of Parliament. The sitting MP's of the opposition party pre-selects the potential PM as the Leader of the Party, and also selects a so-called Shadow Cabinet. The Shadow Cabinet is already (at least in theory) ready to assume office the day after the election, following approval by the reigning monarch (Head of the Nation, but not Head of Government). 3) We have no such system. We COULD move the Inauguration Day by legislation, but not in defiance of the dates and places set forth in the Electoral College in the Constitution.
So, baring major changes to the Constitution, congressional rules, and the organization of our political parties, I think we're stuck with what we've got.
Incredible coincidence that Trump’s daughter’s father-in-law Massad Boulos (selected Middle East adviser) is the best qualified person on the planet for this job, while Jared Kushner’s father has been nominated as US Ambassador to France. Nothing to see here, it’s all part of “draining the swamp”.
This is hilarious that he is choosing a raft of unqualified people and hasn’t even bothered to call Drago….😉
US fast becoming Russia with kleptocracy and oligarchs ruling the country.
If you fire someone, you don’t give them 2 1/2 months to clean out their desk. The current administration is doing nothing to benefit the country now. Their only efforts are to stymie their replacements
The russkis that dumped tens of millions into the Clinton slush fund after the dems happily handed over US uranium assets to putin oligarch pals and the oligarch wife of putin pal mayor of moscow sending a sweet, sweet, very sweet $3.5 Million directly into the biden Crime Family coffers!
Poor, pathetic, sad and down and out LLR-democratical Rich! And all the while Carvillle and others are calling for an audit of the clearly corrupt kamala campaign and their $2.5BILLION fraud filled campaign!
I’m still trying to noodle how one could be unqualified to be ambassador to France. Not like they’re gonna start a war with us, those surrender monkeys…
"Bring it on" doesn't have so good a taste since George W. Bush. It sounds too much like empty bravado and tempting fate.
I liked Trump 45 a lot. He concentrated on the most important things and tried to fix what earlier presidents and Congresses had let rot and fester. I give Trump 47 my best wishes and hope he'll maintain focus and pick up where he left off, rather than becoming overly ambitious and taking on more than he can handle. It's true, though, that DC as a whole is due for a thorough overhaul.
The very LAST THING you want is Google tallying up over the years every poll you responded to and then selling that information to any SCAMMER who wants it. Don't answer these polls. Just put your feelings in the comments. Google is EVIL. (Ann doesn't understand these things because she's from Generation Alpha ... I think her sister was Eve or something ... that's how old and computer unsavvy she is.)
I think the original idea was to serve your country you didn’t need to be a noble or something. Granted the people Trump is proposing aren’t slouches. They are qualified. the only problem some people seem to have is that they are “Trump loyalist”. In other words, they may not very well be leakers or turn in testimony to a sham impeachment committee.
Well said. I rather Trump didn't have to clean up or "drain the swamp", but it is unfortunately due. I think is both overly ambitious while the real focus I want the President to have and a requirement in order for him to do the things he was doing prior to 2020. Otherwise, DC will do more than they did from 2016 to 2020 to derail the President, and perhaps worse than what they did in 2020. Accountability is now a necessity.
Ambassador to Frince is a purely ceremonial job which is traditionally a reward for well-heeled supporters or donors who have a taste for entertaining on a grand scale. It has gone to such as Sargent Shriver and Pamela Harriman
Keep in mind that moving Inauguration Day closer to Election Day is likely going to take State and Federal legislation to change when election certification and the EC vote happens, in addition to a Constitutional Amendment. The other question will be if Congressional terms should be changed as well since under the 20th Amendment the Congress elected with the President is seated prior to EC certification. If not then the lame duck Congress will be ruling on the Presidental election results. Finally, it will have an impact on the ability of candidates to contest disputed election results.
I suppose more "congratulations" are in order for LLR-democratical Rich and his Merry Band Of "Competent" Foreign Policy Best-And-The-Brightest pals: ISIS is back in a big, big way and the New Soviet Democraticals just imported hundreds of thousands of them...completely unvetted.
This is what you get when you have a bureaucracy full of Richs.
I feel cautiously optimistic. Trump got hornswoggled last time, but it looks like this time he knows what he's up against, and is nominating people who will kick over the rocks and stomp on the bugs and worms that wriggle out from underneath.
The strategy meetings held by Democrat leadership in August-September of 2019 were reported to be filled with panic over how well the economy and things in general were going for the country. And the Fauci criminal enterprise was hatched.
What an absolute pile of bullshit. Where did you get this ridiculous shit?
Authoritarianism! I fumed. How dare Althouse limit my choice to one? I could pick two, she didn't specify only one. But the widget only accepts one choice. However, I could invoke the Eric Cartman evasion, and say screw you guys, I'm going home... But, I didn't. I weakly submitted to demands of convivial conversation, and made my one and only one pick like the slimy worm I am.
Trump shouldn't have needed to lift a finger. That was 100% the responsibility of the WA State gov; Trump's only involvement should have been to instruct the DOJ to prosecute Inleee for sedition; his failure to make any effort to enforce the law in CHAZ/CHOP made him constructively a supporter of what was happening there.
Trump's mistake was listening to Washington insiders. Granted, they were Republicans, but what Trump failed to realize is being an insider leads to riches an ethical Republican (or Democrat, if they're not all extinct) could never earn in a lifetime of open and aboveboard politicking in Congress or service in an agency. So he unwarily followed the direction of those who were insiders first and foremost, and Republicans a distant second.
Trump is smarter this time and won't be fooled again. He's bringing in rough people who have been wronged and harassed by dems for years. I hope there's enough popcorn for this. It's going to be fun to watch.
I didn’t say Fauci wasn’t dirty and a disaster before COVID hit… his misdeeds and death count dates back to the time of AIDS. As I recall, COVID hit 1Q2020.
Hassayamper said… “The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days when the fastest way to travel was on horseback or in a sailing ship. We need to get rid of it.”
We used to hang our stocking on the fireplace for St Nicholas Day, not Christmas. Maybe we can use that day for Inauguration. So America would get either a treat or a lump of coal either way.
Ambassadorships, with few exceptions, have never gone to the best person for the job. They have long been, for probably hundreds of years now, political patronage, pure and simple. Some of the only patronage left to the President and his party. Back during the Clinton Administration, the cost of an ambassadorship in civilized Europe was supposedly maybe $3-500k. So, he is making his daughters’s fathers in law ambassadors? BFD.
Ambassadorships, with few exceptions, have never gone to the best person for the job. They have long been, for probably hundreds of years now, political patronage, pure and simple. Some of the only patronage left to the President and his party. Back during the Clinton Administration, the cost of an ambassadorship in civilized Europe was supposedly maybe $3-500k. So, he is making his daughters’s fathers in law ambassadors? BFD.
I've read news articles that progressive-left, Antifa, and Palestine protestors intend to have massive protests on Inauguration Day. Probably will cause traffic jams, property damage, retail storefront looting, and physical violence by protesters and opportunists, which Ben Wikler apparently endorses without concern for other people's rights, property, and personal safety. Ok Ben, message received.
Oh, so former mayor of little old sleepy South Bend was qualified to be Secretary of Transportation, et al for Biden appointees, to say nothing of Biden's unseemly personal business dealings with Chinese, Ukrainian, and Russian government representatives? People who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones, translated: staunch progressive-liberal supporters of Biden-Harris administration are in weak position to flag seeming inadequacies of Trump-Vance appointees.
I continue to listen to Ben Wikler’s podcast interview and he asserted, without evidence, that President Trump will use the military “to put down protests in this country.”
Maybe Mr. Wikler would prefer the citizenry 'put down' the left's violent riots instead. I suspect he'd be begging for military intervention should that happen.
He needs those Rough People. Parts of the federal bureaucracy have waged war against him for 8 1/2 years now. From The FBI director waiving off Crooked Hillary ‘s thousands of Espionage Act felonies, while illegally electronically surveilling Trump and his people, through investigating him for 4 years for a Clinton instigated Russian Collusion hoax, through the J6 fraud, to finally getting him shot through intentionally weakened and substandard USSS protection. Meanwhile the DOD pulled out of Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of $billions$ in arms for the Taliban, and now prioritizing transsexuals over readiness to defend the country. The list goes on.
It reminds me a bit of the scene in Godfather, when the Don tells Tom, the long time family attorney, that he is being moved to Las Vegas. They were going to war, and they needed a wartime consigliere there in NY.
For some perspective, how about if you name all of the first world countries that select their head of government via a single nationwide popular election, along with what percentage they make of all first world countries.
Ambassadors are the personal representatives of the President overseas. Ambassadors have always been someone trusted by the President to speak in his behalf. There is no conflict unless the Democrats can force Trump to appoint someone who will be opposed to him and try to F him up diplomatically. Historically, the ambassador to England has always been rich, (see Joe Kennedy), so they could afford to have the required parties at an Englishly proper level at their own expense. Oh No! only rich people get in!
Well, the world turns, how connected is the ambassador to the US from Quttar to the royalty of that state?
"I did not come here to guide lambs. I came here to awaken lions. —Javier Milieu"
Great powerpoint slide!! I remember in the '70's when the the VP's had hand drawn transparencies on the opaque projector saying, "in the jungle, the tiger is eaten last."
All I desire of Trump is to release the truth. That is enough. who killed the Kennedy's. Who blew the Nordstream pipes, Who choreographed 1-6. Who is on epstein's and diddy's list. The truth of Covid. The timeline of the Hillarie foundation and Bengazi. What was Crooks the assassin's deal? What does the raw file say about the Vegas Shooter. What did the US Intelligence Monstrosity do to Trump. Let us see the "obviously true" documents that Schiff said he saw, that proved that Trump is /was colluding with Putin over.
If we can't have the gov info, then burn it down. Sure there are secrets to be held, but probably not for 20 years.
Harry Reid was a dirtball who said, "well it worked didn't it?" Democrats will lose until they stop lying, even if they get liars victories every now and then.
He started out strong. "Because I'd put you in jail," Trump said to Hillary Clinton.
But he didn't. Because he's all about the bluster. But when it comes to taking knees out, he's not got the temperament for it. He needs pipe-hitting n ... for that part. He's too genteel. Too country club. Too 19th hole.
When they tried to murder him I thought that might toughen him up, but it didn't. He's even more of a girl now. Inviting people to Mar-A-Lago to kiss his ring is working for the OTHER SIDE. They know how to keep close to the King for when the time is right to pull the knife.
He'll die for his weakness, long before he vanquishes them.
Kennedy was killed when I was 6 years old. And there has been no significant information released since the Warren Commission. I don't know wtf Oswald was doing in Russia, Cuba, and Mexico, do you? The FBI knows more than I do though.
How does a cruelly neutral blogger attract such a Trumpian readership? Could it be that cruelly neutral is another phrase for reality-based, and the self-proclaimed reality-based Party is anything but? G-Pub
Progressives are keen on censoring ideas they disagree with. What's the incentive for Trump supporters to hang around in an environment where they're not allowed to speak?
It had nothing to do with why I voted for him this time, but as a pharmacist I am thrilled by Marty Makary's appointment to the FDA! I'm cynical about politics so I expect to be disappointed, but currently feeling optimistic.
Honestly, at this point I'm thinking that politicians themselves can't handle the Presidency. The country's a business. You need to go for the best possible outcome, which is what a businessman wants.
Politicians want power and money. Outcomes are irrelevant.
Iman: Friends who were in the CDC when Fauci was knew him as a publicity-seeking incompetent. Asshole knew who to suck up to, though - and kept rising through the food chain.
One thing you never hear anyone say about Trump is that he makes the same mistakes twice.
I'm thinking a lot of people are going to be expecting him to repeat the mistakes of his first term, and will be grievously and painfully disappointed.
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It’s a trap!
The poll or reality?
Eject one set of proven corrupt and incompetent "leaders" for another set who may or may not also be corrupt and incompetent. But...they can't be worse.
I continue to listen to Ben Wikler’s podcast interview and he asserted, without evidence, that President Trump will use the military “to put down protests in this country.” Liar.
I hope he will use the national guard if needed this time to stop the rioting, looting and burning. And I hope he will be mostly peaceful about it.
"to put down protests in this country.”
I wonder if Wikler would call the January 6th event a "protest."
I was concerned 8 years ago that a non-politician could handle the presidency. No such worries this time around.
I left the following comment on the poll but will repeat it here. Comically, the polling system censored the "cum" in "incumbent" with an emoji.
The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days when the fastest way to travel was on horseback or in a sailing ship. We need to get rid of it. There's no reason it could not take place the day after the Electoral College votes in early December or even move it up to the end of November.
In England the incumbent PM vacates No. 10 on Election Day and the incoming PM moves in as soon as victory is secured, typically the very next day. This is true even if the same guy is re-elected and moves back in.
Not very good. A CNN employee is going to control the DOJ. How is that good for either Trump or the country?
Trump will only put down the "mostly peaceful" protests.
"Mostly peaceful isn't all the way peaceful." - Miracle Max.
He’s fully invested in Dem rhetoric. Jan 6 was worse than the Civil War and a full on insurrection.
Let's find out some stuff.
January 2017 through December 2020 were a pleasant surprise and validated our votes cast in the November 2016 election. The strategy meetings held by Democrat leadership in August-September of 2019 were reported to be filled with panic over how well the economy and things in general were going for the country. And the Fauci criminal enterprise was hatched.
Trump is already having a successful 2nd term as the grifters are bracing for the new reality. The tragedy is that Biden has so much time to create mischief on his way out the door. We need to speed up the transition; at least when a Democrat is in office (yes, by that I mean that Republicans are more trustworthy and behave more patriotically).
. Date was changed from march 4 to Jan 20 in 1937. Pretty sure we had cars and planes then.
I'm so ecstatic, it feels like a "Victory in America" ticker tape parade down the 5th Avenue of the Althouse blog in such a state of euphoria that Drago has nurse Inga bent over backwards in his arms, kissing her with reckless political abandon, as she uses one arm to keep her MAGA hat from falling off and her other arm to pull him closer.
Yes, it feels that good.
In 2017, Mr Smith went to Washington, bull of idealism about government workers. Well, now he's back, older, wiser and ready to "reinvent" government to be an asset to The People. This horrifies the college-matriculated in useless degrees crowd. All those law school graduates may have to actually figure out how to practice law after being force out into the light.
The future's so bright, we gotta wear shades.
What a visual! Thanks
Trump should have used the military to end CHAZ/CHOP. Quelling a secessionist insurrection is a legitimate use of the military internally. The rest of the riots were police or National Guard issues.
Of course you realize this means war....
They have a narrative to sell, and by golly they're not going to stop now.
Brings back memories of my squadronmates debating our obligations should we be ordered to provide emotional and physical "comfort" to the Queen Mother. There was some disagreement as to whether or not the Queen Mother would accept such overtures from a Colonial.
This is how we know Trump won't use the military when Democrats start the fires again.
If Trump runs Washington from the White House, then we will know that he's learned nothing. It is bugged 6 ways from Sunday ... by our enemies ... you know, the American ones.
The GOPe-ers were just waiting for something like that so they could claim political cover while voting with dems for impeachment.
That combined GOPe/dem threat of impeachment alliance existed throughout Trump's first term.
No one would believe any of it now...hence the fear.
A train wreck is fun to watch regardless.
I completely agree about replacing "horseback" dates with modern day dates. If that's done then they still wouldn't be counting votes in California.
Nah, that doesn't fit the timeline or the associated evil deeds. Fauci was dirty long before 2019. Obama-era bureaucrats had offshored controversial research that wouldn't be allowed in the US (e.g., to China and seemingly Ukraine). Fauci fed money to his friends as they worked on sketchy projects, and as they pursued the insane effort to avoid a pandemic by creating lab viruses capable of causing a pandemic. The Chinese then went 'rogue' in continuing the exact same risky work that they rejected (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Fauci and friends covered up their deeds (lied) to Trump's CDC Director Robert Redfield and fed propaganda to anti-Trump news outlets in 2019. They claimed it was an animal source to hide their own responsibility and keep the pipeline open with China. The propaganda outlet NYT said "a brief lockdown will prevent much worse."
COVID resulted from gross insider incompetence, predation, and corruption -- aided by Pelosi and all others who initially ridiculed Trump's strong COVID defenses in early 2020. "Go to Chinatown." "Hug a Chinese person."
Impending... Spring in progress. What a "burden"... diverse... uh, Diverse "burdens" of State. #HateLovesAbortion
thats what we have seen for four years, which you approved off
Trump is going to try something different. It could work. Somethings were working better his first time around. It’s not like he’s going to be a novice and anything major he would need congressional approval. So, a lot of the apprehension is unwarranted.
So excited.
Inauguration Day used to be in March. It was moved to January in the 1930s.
My understanding is that the Trump transition team is aware of that possibility (having already been through the RussiaRussia hoax) although I doubt they are going to be able to guard against all the possibilities. The upcoming dockworker's strike presents the Dems a possible way to screw up the supply lines, and have long thought transportation of goods would be a Dem target to make Trump look bad.
My understanding is that the Trump transition team is aware of that possibility (having already been through the RussiaRussia hoax) although I doubt they are going to be able to guard against all the possibilities. The upcoming dockworker's strike presents the Dems a possible way to screw up the supply lines, and have long thought transportation of goods would be a Dem target to make Trump look bad.
I remain guardedly optimistic.
There is a third option, which is the one that will take
Tariffs are a blunt instrument trying to solve a major problem. Other ideas have not worked. Give the blunt instrument a chance. For those of you who may not know, the major problem is the flow of drugs and illegals into our country.
Trump is going to try something different to hopefully stem the tide.
I love how Trump talking about tariffs all of a sudden makes his critics and haters into Adam Smith converts. Aren't these the same people who said inflation was not going to be a problem?
To further Enigma's story: Then, when not enough people were dying quickly enough, Democrat governors ... and notably ONLY Democrat governors ... ordered COVID19 infected persons into nursing homes where they could spread the disease to other uninfected. Nursing homes being very lightly employed and completely unprepared for the infectious handling of a global pandemic.
Then when Trump responded by sending the Navy's Mercy Hospital ship and parked it in New York Harbor, Quomo refused to put any patients in it because then they might be saved. He needed dead people to keep his book money coming in.
And he's walking around with perfectly functioning knees. Not a single Goomba in New York did the right thing with this guy for killing their parents.
The major problem is John Deere closing up factories in the United States and moving those jobs to Mexico.
That does FAR MORE damage.
I have had 4 roadblocks put up by google to see the results of the poll. Each one warns me of more and more dire consequences if I want to continue forward. The last one asked for a password to show google that I am aware of changing the terms of my "trust contract". OK, I balked at that one and decided to read comments and see if this happened to anyone else. I can easily guess the results heavily favored "bring it on".
for comparison what is precedent for calling in Military?
can D's go to eleventy to that level?
gives them time to find pennies in the cushions to add to next budget!!
>> Hassayamper said...
>> The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days ...(blah blah blah)
What you're describing is the British Parliamentary method to transfer power. There are several problems with this for the USA, as I see it.
1) What if the result of the election is not known the day after? Reference 2000, Bush v. Gore. Also the whole Electoral College thing would have bo dealt with by constitutional ammendment.
2) Your idea works in Britain because the PM is not chosen by the voters, but rather by the Party Members of Parliament. The sitting MP's of the opposition party pre-selects the potential PM as the Leader of the Party, and also selects a so-called Shadow Cabinet. The Shadow Cabinet is already (at least in theory) ready to assume office the day after the election, following approval by the reigning monarch (Head of the Nation, but not Head of Government).
3) We have no such system. We COULD move the Inauguration Day by legislation, but not in defiance of the dates and places set forth in the Electoral College in the Constitution.
So, baring major changes to the Constitution, congressional rules, and the organization of our political parties, I think we're stuck with what we've got.
Incredible coincidence that Trump’s daughter’s father-in-law Massad Boulos (selected Middle East adviser) is the best qualified person on the planet for this job, while Jared Kushner’s father has been nominated as US Ambassador to France. Nothing to see here, it’s all part of “draining the swamp”.
This is hilarious that he is choosing a raft of unqualified people and hasn’t even bothered to call Drago….😉
US fast becoming Russia with kleptocracy and oligarchs ruling the country.
I didn't have any problem with seeing the results. Right now, it's "Oh, no!"- 21, "Bring it on!"- 683.
Good news- Chelsea Clinton won't be getting any cushy high paying Bs job because Kamala lost. Sucks to B U.
At this point in space and time this is our path. Cowabunga dudes.
If you fire someone, you don’t give them 2 1/2 months to clean out their desk. The current administration is doing nothing to benefit the country now. Their only efforts are to stymie their replacements
‘unqualified’ here means not of the swamp or a relative of leftie corruptocrats…
OT: WTF are we feeding kickers now? From 54 is now a chip shot..
The russkis that dumped tens of millions into the Clinton slush fund after the dems happily handed over US uranium assets to putin oligarch pals and the oligarch wife of putin pal mayor of moscow sending a sweet, sweet, very sweet $3.5 Million directly into the biden Crime Family coffers!
Poor, pathetic, sad and down and out LLR-democratical Rich! And all the while Carvillle and others are calling for an audit of the clearly corrupt kamala campaign and their $2.5BILLION fraud filled campaign!
I’m still trying to noodle how one could be unqualified to be ambassador to France. Not like they’re gonna start a war with us, those surrender monkeys…
"Train wreck" accurately describes your political "analysis" and "predictions" over the last several years.
"Bring it on" doesn't have so good a taste since George W. Bush. It sounds too much like empty bravado and tempting fate.
I liked Trump 45 a lot. He concentrated on the most important things and tried to fix what earlier presidents and Congresses had let rot and fester. I give Trump 47 my best wishes and hope he'll maintain focus and pick up where he left off, rather than becoming overly ambitious and taking on more than he can handle. It's true, though, that DC as a whole is due for a thorough overhaul.
The very LAST THING you want is Google tallying up over the years every poll you responded to and then selling that information to any SCAMMER who wants it. Don't answer these polls. Just put your feelings in the comments. Google is EVIL. (Ann doesn't understand these things because she's from Generation Alpha ... I think her sister was Eve or something ... that's how old and computer unsavvy she is.)
"Becoming?" Dude, we're already there and have been for years.
Look at who's gotten plum ambassadorships over the years.
I think the original idea was to serve your country you didn’t need to be a noble or something. Granted the people Trump is proposing aren’t slouches. They are qualified. the only problem some people seem to have is that they are “Trump loyalist”. In other words, they may not very well be leakers or turn in testimony to a sham impeachment committee.
…there’s still flights to London and Shannon if you need them Howard…
If nothing else, it shall be entertaining!
Well said. I rather Trump didn't have to clean up or "drain the swamp", but it is unfortunately due. I think is both overly ambitious while the real focus I want the President to have and a requirement in order for him to do the things he was doing prior to 2020. Otherwise, DC will do more than they did from 2016 to 2020 to derail the President, and perhaps worse than what they did in 2020. Accountability is now a necessity.
Ambassador to Frince is a purely ceremonial job which is traditionally a reward for well-heeled supporters or donors who have a taste for entertaining on a grand scale. It has gone to such as Sargent Shriver and Pamela Harriman
Keep in mind that moving Inauguration Day closer to Election Day is likely going to take State and Federal legislation to change when election certification and the EC vote happens, in addition to a Constitutional Amendment. The other question will be if Congressional terms should be changed as well since under the 20th Amendment the Congress elected with the President is seated prior to EC certification. If not then the lame duck Congress will be ruling on the Presidental election results. Finally, it will have an impact on the ability of candidates to contest disputed election results.
I suppose more "congratulations" are in order for LLR-democratical Rich and his Merry Band Of "Competent" Foreign Policy Best-And-The-Brightest pals: ISIS is back in a big, big way and the New Soviet Democraticals just imported hundreds of thousands of them...completely unvetted.
This is what you get when you have a bureaucracy full of Richs.
I feel cautiously optimistic. Trump got hornswoggled last time, but it looks like this time he knows what he's up against, and is nominating people who will kick over the rocks and stomp on the bugs and worms that wriggle out from underneath.
The strategy meetings held by Democrat leadership in August-September of 2019 were reported to be filled with panic over how well the economy and things in general were going for the country. And the Fauci criminal enterprise was hatched.
What an absolute pile of bullshit. Where did you get this ridiculous shit?
Althouse commands, "You have to pick one."
Authoritarianism! I fumed. How dare Althouse limit my choice to one? I could pick two, she didn't specify only one. But the widget only accepts one choice. However, I could invoke the Eric Cartman evasion, and say screw you guys, I'm going home... But, I didn't. I weakly submitted to demands of convivial conversation, and made my one and only one pick like the slimy worm I am.
Gawd, I hate myself.
Anthony @ 10:38 AM,
Trump shouldn't have needed to lift a finger. That was 100% the responsibility of the WA State gov; Trump's only involvement should have been to instruct the DOJ to prosecute Inleee for sedition; his failure to make any effort to enforce the law in CHAZ/CHOP made him constructively a supporter of what was happening there.
As far as the overall question here: Trump is a necessary but far from sufficient part of the effort to restore constitutional government.
"Trump got hornswoggled last time."
Trump's mistake was listening to Washington insiders. Granted, they were Republicans, but what Trump failed to realize is being an insider leads to riches an ethical Republican (or Democrat, if they're not all extinct) could never earn in a lifetime of open and aboveboard politicking in Congress or service in an agency. So he unwarily followed the direction of those who were insiders first and foremost, and Republicans a distant second.
Trump is smarter this time and won't be fooled again. He's bringing in rough people who have been wronged and harassed by dems for years. I hope there's enough popcorn for this. It's going to be fun to watch.
I didn’t say Fauci wasn’t dirty and a disaster before COVID hit… his misdeeds and death count dates back to the time of AIDS. As I recall, COVID hit 1Q2020.
I like Althouse's choice of words here. "...the impending Trump administration." Impending carries with it a certain atmosphere. "Impending doom" isn't a well-used phrase for nothing.
Hassayamper said…
“The Jan. 20 inauguration is a relic of the days when the fastest way to travel was on horseback or in a sailing ship. We need to get rid of it.”
We used to hang our stocking on the fireplace for St Nicholas Day, not Christmas. Maybe we can use that day for Inauguration. So America would get either a treat or a lump of coal either way.
Would have to include end to electoral college. Just add up national votes.
Kushner Sr has spent some time in prison for corruption? Is that a good qualification for ambassador?
I think in the future it will be mandatory 🤣
I expect Charles Kushner will make the most out of the diplomatic immunity that comes with his new job.
Ambassadorships, with few exceptions, have never gone to the best person for the job. They have long been, for probably hundreds of years now, political patronage, pure and simple. Some of the only patronage left to the President and his party. Back during the Clinton Administration, the cost of an ambassadorship in civilized Europe was supposedly maybe $3-500k. So, he is making his daughters’s fathers in law ambassadors? BFD.
Ambassadorships, with few exceptions, have never gone to the best person for the job. They have long been, for probably hundreds of years now, political patronage, pure and simple. Some of the only patronage left to the President and his party. Back during the Clinton Administration, the cost of an ambassadorship in civilized Europe was supposedly maybe $3-500k. So, he is making his daughters’s fathers in law ambassadors? BFD.
I did not come here to guide lambs. I came here to awaken lions. —Javier Milieu
Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have. Harry Emerson Fosdick
I've read news articles that progressive-left, Antifa, and Palestine protestors intend to have massive protests on Inauguration Day. Probably will cause traffic jams, property damage, retail storefront looting, and physical violence by protesters and opportunists, which Ben Wikler apparently endorses without concern for other people's rights, property, and personal safety. Ok Ben, message received.
Oh, so former mayor of little old sleepy South Bend was qualified to be Secretary of Transportation, et al for Biden appointees, to say nothing of Biden's unseemly personal business dealings with Chinese, Ukrainian, and Russian government representatives? People who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones, translated: staunch progressive-liberal supporters of Biden-Harris administration are in weak position to flag seeming inadequacies of Trump-Vance appointees.
I continue to listen to Ben Wikler’s podcast interview and he asserted, without evidence, that President Trump will use the military “to put down protests in this country.”
Maybe Mr. Wikler would prefer the citizenry 'put down' the left's violent riots instead. I suspect he'd be begging for military intervention should that happen.
He may nominate a Buttigieg-type. Perhaps a Walz 'N Karma-la. Time will tell.
He needs those Rough People. Parts of the federal bureaucracy have waged war against him for 8 1/2 years now. From The FBI director waiving off Crooked Hillary ‘s thousands of Espionage Act felonies, while illegally electronically surveilling Trump and his people, through investigating him for 4 years for a Clinton instigated Russian Collusion hoax, through the J6 fraud, to finally getting him shot through intentionally weakened and substandard USSS protection. Meanwhile the DOD pulled out of Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of $billions$ in arms for the Taliban, and now prioritizing transsexuals over readiness to defend the country. The list goes on.
It reminds me a bit of the scene in Godfather, when the Don tells Tom, the long time family attorney, that he is being moved to Las Vegas. They were going to war, and they needed a wartime consigliere there in NY.
It won't be boring.
That would be a disaster, and a non-starter.
For some perspective, how about if you name all of the first world countries that select their head of government via a single nationwide popular election, along with what percentage they make of all first world countries.
I'll wait for your answer.
Ambassadors are the personal representatives of the President overseas. Ambassadors have always been someone trusted by the President to speak in his behalf. There is no conflict unless the Democrats can force Trump to appoint someone who will be opposed to him and try to F him up diplomatically. Historically, the ambassador to England has always been rich, (see Joe Kennedy), so they could afford to have the required parties at an Englishly proper level at their own expense. Oh No! only rich people get in!
Well, the world turns, how connected is the ambassador to the US from Quttar to the royalty of that state?
"I did not come here to guide lambs. I came here to awaken lions. —Javier Milieu"
Great powerpoint slide!! I remember in the '70's when the the VP's had hand drawn transparencies on the opaque projector saying, "in the jungle, the tiger is eaten last."
Let's get back to the animal spirits 'Kay?
All I desire of Trump is to release the truth. That is enough. who killed the Kennedy's. Who blew the Nordstream pipes, Who choreographed 1-6. Who is on epstein's and diddy's list. The truth of Covid. The timeline of the Hillarie foundation and Bengazi. What was Crooks the assassin's deal? What does the raw file say about the Vegas Shooter. What did the US Intelligence Monstrosity do to Trump. Let us see the "obviously true" documents that Schiff said he saw, that proved that Trump is /was colluding with Putin over.
If we can't have the gov info, then burn it down. Sure there are secrets to be held, but probably not for 20 years.
Harry Reid was a dirtball who said, "well it worked didn't it?" Democrats will lose until they stop lying, even if they get liars victories every now and then.
"Trump got hornswoggled last time."
He started out strong. "Because I'd put you in jail," Trump said to Hillary Clinton.
But he didn't. Because he's all about the bluster. But when it comes to taking knees out, he's not got the temperament for it. He needs pipe-hitting n ... for that part. He's too genteel. Too country club. Too 19th hole.
When they tried to murder him I thought that might toughen him up, but it didn't. He's even more of a girl now. Inviting people to Mar-A-Lago to kiss his ring is working for the OTHER SIDE. They know how to keep close to the King for when the time is right to pull the knife.
He'll die for his weakness, long before he vanquishes them.
Kennedy was killed when I was 6 years old. And there has been no significant information released since the Warren Commission. I don't know wtf Oswald was doing in Russia, Cuba, and Mexico, do you? The FBI knows more than I do though.
Biden pardons Hunter. Bribe at 11.
How does a cruelly neutral blogger attract such a Trumpian readership?
Could it be that cruelly neutral is another phrase for reality-based, and the self-proclaimed reality-based Party is anything but?
Progressives are keen on censoring ideas they disagree with. What's the incentive for Trump supporters to hang around in an environment where they're not allowed to speak?
It had nothing to do with why I voted for him this time, but as a pharmacist I am thrilled by Marty Makary's appointment to the FDA! I'm cynical about politics so I expect to be disappointed, but currently feeling optimistic.
If he doesn't close down the Whitehouse press office on day 2 then he hasn't learned anything.
You seem obsessed with Deere. There are still mor John Deere factories in the US than in the rest of the world.
People who value free speech tend to be more intelligent and open to differing ideas.
Honestly, at this point I'm thinking that politicians themselves can't handle the Presidency. The country's a business. You need to go for the best possible outcome, which is what a businessman wants.
Politicians want power and money. Outcomes are irrelevant.
Iman: Friends who were in the CDC when Fauci was knew him as a publicity-seeking incompetent. Asshole knew who to suck up to, though - and kept rising through the food chain.
And we know where he ended up.
It's been my observation that the progressive 'reality-based' folks wouldn't know reality if it came up and kicked them in the 'nads. Twice.
One thing you never hear anyone say about Trump is that he makes the same mistakes twice.
I'm thinking a lot of people are going to be expecting him to repeat the mistakes of his first term, and will be grievously and painfully disappointed.
He may serve NJ pizza at Embassy?
I thought this blog had a bunch of conservatives.in the comments. Apparently not!
As long as we are changing the dates of things, why don't we change election day to April 16?
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