All of it done, I presume, with an intent to influence the 2024 election. All of it bullshit. By the midpoint you'll have lost the capacity to take the phrase "rule of law" seriously:
My favorite nugget: "There's a kind of old-school, sort of flinty core to his conception of how you are to be in the system — how you are to be as a person, a moral person...."One of the best supercuts ever.
— MAZE (@mazemoore) December 2, 2024
President Biden won't pardon Hunter because Joe Biden is a man of great character! 🤣😂
Flinty core!
People who watch MSNBC - and buy it - are total morons.
You can be sure the tv talking heads will forget they said those things and the idiots who regularly turn to them for "news" will forget they heard them.
Clowns, all of them. And liars- they all knew Biden was lying and they repeated the lie for him anyway.
D-MSNBC = lying party hack frauds from top to bottom.
The only reason the pardon was done now, was because of the sentencing. Now the talk will be of having Hunter, under his new immunity test about the rest of the Biden Crime Family. Hence more pardons, certainly at least Jim, by Christmas...
Awesome virtue-signaling. Confirms that Democrats are the party of "the rule of lie".
These are merely low-grade actors selling a product. They don't believe any of what they say. They just read from the script.
They lied about this. They lie about everything. It's time to MoveOn from the Democratic party.
Disinformation? Oh, please. It's disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, and handmade tales.
Correct answer. Establishment media staff are ambitious wage slaves who would read from a MAGA script or an alien cookbook if they got paid to do it. Look up WW2 German prison camp kapos. Look up the meaning of prostitute.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
I made it to 2:29.
Hacks, feebs, and pervs. Put them in a barge, take it to deep waters, and . . .
i'm curious about that.. what did Mika Brzezinski say this morning?
will she Really just pretend, that history started at 12:01 am this morning?
Has Biden’s pardon of his son sealed the deal for Kash Patel?
they all knew the Hilary!'s russia dossier was false, and they repeated the lie
they all knew the laptop from hell was real, and they repeated the lie
All of it bullshit.
It never crossed my mind that Hunter would not be pardoned by his crooked Daddy.
There is not rule of law for Democrats when it comes to voter fraud, crime, and illegal immigration.
Even the Liberal WI Supreme court makes up it's own laws (gerrymandered maps) which is outside its constitutional jurisdiction.
The Biden Crime Family: the grift that keeps on grifting.
I'm with you Big Mike. I fully expected this. Can't figure out why everyone is surprised. I think everyone is ACTING surprised.
Everyone will ACT surprised when the truth about voter fraud, Epstein etc. comes out as well.
Did anyone in his or her right mind really think that Biden was not going to pardon Hunter. This is Biden, a man who has the scruples of an alley cat (and that's being mean to alley cats).
Biden has been a dishonest opportunist is entire life in everything he has touched. Dishonesty, thy name is Biden.
C'mon man
Hey at least the chocolate ration was increased to 20 grams per week!
i mean, Hochul announces $9 NYC congestion pricing to begin in January
These "journalists" are political Progressive propaganda activists. They deserve the scorn they are getting, and I hope none of them ever find work again. Let THEM pick the vegetables and clean the toilets. It's all they are good for after what they did to our country.
There was no point to it after lawfare against Trump failed to take him out of the race.
Those two need to look into the camera and have a coming to Jesus moment a la Jimmy Swaggart.
I doubt a single leftist commenter will show up to agree - MSNBC are frauds.
Not one.
MSNBC hardest hit?
Say it ain't so, Joe
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I wanna hear, Joe
And I got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they telling us lies, Joe
Please tell us it ain't so
They told us our hero had played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good old days have gone
The image and the empire may be failing apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
We pinned our hopes on you, Joe
And they're ruining our show
Ooh baby
Don't you think
We're gonna get burned?
Ooh baby
Don't you think
We're gonna get burned?
Oh, but the earnestness with which they speak! The sanctimony. The smug self-righteous tenor. "A moment of moral clarity!", do you believe.
If they had a shred of humility they'd stand up and admit that they were wrong and wrongheaded, and give back their fees. Will we see THAT kind of moral clarity? I doubt it.
Nemesis has arrived and the retribution has commenced in full, and it will likely continue. Won't be pretty. Never is.
Conceptual irony. Karma-lic.
They talked NFL for an hour.
I was gonna say. The Big Guy pardoned Hunter cuz Hunter was gonna turn rat if he didn't. But Brother Jim is just as dirty as Hunter, maybe dirtier.
Say what you want about this woman, but when she is right, she is RIGHT.....
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸
The FBI didn’t raid Hunter Biden’s bedroom, they raided Barron’s bedroom.
Just think about that.
That’s how morally corrupt all of these people are.
Joe did not pardon Hunter because he is a father who loved his son like the mockingbird media and Democrat liars are saying.
Joe pardoned Hunter all the way back to 2014 when Hunter started bio labs in Ukraine, started with Burisma, and began money laundering through dozens of LLC shell companies through business deals in many foreign countries including China.
Hunter is not just Joe’s son, he is his business partner, and Hunter sold his Dad’s power and influence for millions while Joe was VP and beyond.
That’s why the wide sweeping pardon from 2014 to now.
It covers VP to 4 yrs running for president to 4 yrs being president - 11 years of all kinds of crimes.
But the bigger crimes are all the people in the FBI, DOJ, State Department, CIA, and other agencies that all knew about the Biden family corrupt business and crimes yet stayed quiet, provided cover, lied about it all, but instead went after their political enemies.
The 51 intel officials who signed their name to a lie that Hunter’s laptop, with all the evidence, wasn’t real.
They all abused their power in order to create the illusion that Trump, not Biden, was the criminal.
All of these people lying today saying “Joe is a father who loves his son” are clinging to the lies and will gladly abuse power and weaponize the government against all of us if they are ever in charge again.
How many more pardons are coming for Biden family members and others?
It’s a long time to Jan 20th.
8:31 AM · Dec 2, 2024
He could've narrowly pardoned Hunter for specific crimes.
Instead he pardoned him for all known and unknown crimes over an extensive period of time.
Remember, that's what the DoJ explicitly negotiated with Hunter Biden's lawyers until a judge questioned the DoJ on that arrangement and signaled was not going to fly.
In other words....for whatever reason, immunity from known AND unidentified crimes during this time period was always what Joe Biden's DoJ and now Joe Biden himself always sought.
Many intellectually honest people can get past Biden pardoning Hunter for the gun crime and even the tax evasion. Hunter being scummy is well known.
I don't think intellectually honest people can understand a blanket pardon in this way, even for a child, over a very specific time period. There's something there.
This why Comcast put the whole channel up for sale.
No one is above the law!
Except the Bidens and the Clinton. (and the open border mobsters)
Okay we got Jim by Christmas. Any earlier bets? Valery by next weekend? Jim's wife? Place your bets now.
So, what about the substance? I do think Joe is right about the gun-purchase form. Millions of those things get signed every year, and I'm sure plenty of the people signing them are taking drugs. The tax thing, nuh-uh. He didn't forget to include his bottle returns, he had massive amounts of unreported income. Of course, he had to pass most of it on to the Big Guy and Jim, so he probably felt like it wasn't really income.
Almost nobody does. They measure these things. MSNBC in prime time, gets only about 50,000 viewers between the ages of 25 and 54 (people ... nobody else counts.)
Mika, this morning: "Oh thank God, Joe, there's no dead female interns under your desk this morning."
When the MSM and D's start their phony outrage over the Trump pardons in;jan 2025, you'll get two approaches. The 1st, "Why this is different and worse than Biden's pardons because...blah blah... [insert legalistic Talmudic bullshit]". The 2nd will be brazen stepping over their previous support of Hunter Bidens' pardon as if it never happened.
I think the 2nd approach will be more popular. The MSM and D's know the american public has the attention span of a flea. Probably most of their viewers will be like "Who is hunter biden?" 7 weeks from now.
Nobody has taken any shots at them. Why should they ever change?
BTW, this is a great video showing the hypocrisy of the MSM. thanks to althouse for posting it.
Democratic Equivocation Improvisation (DEI) was their undoing.
I’m getting a vibe: Trump Breaks Hindsight from 2020 to 2024.
I never knew a victory handed to you by an opponent could be just as gratifying as the winning, you know, the old boring way at the ballot box. I mean, every day there is a feature blaming Kamala losing on something other than themselves. Here, however, there’s no wiggle room. That video is a monument to what we have been saying over and over. These people cannot be trusted to call things as they truly are.
This clip deserves the grudging admiration of all Trump’s Baghdad Bobs.
If I were the GOP, I would immediately subpoena Hunter Biden and question him on every detail of his business dealings from January 1st 2014 until yesterday. I am sure he will suddenly develop amnesia and forget everything but that will also be illuminating.
I'm holding on January 19. Blanket pardon all Bidens.
Yes! 👏🏼
Nice reference and relevant!
When Biden said he wouldn't pardon his son, we had a moment of moral clarity.
When Biden actually did pardon his son, we had another moment of moral clarity.
What a year 2024 has been: all these moments of morality clarity.
(Clarity. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.)
Does Hunter have a law degree? If not all Hunter had to do is ask his father about the gun law. Joe wrote the fucking law.
11 years ago I would’ve been at a bar buying rounds 🤪
Like a Rock.
Perhaps even better would be an utter humiliation and debasement moment on a national scale, a la Jimmy Swaggart.
Is Joe right about the gun purchase form? His ATF thought it was a crime worth pursuing when others did it: Federal Prosecutors Aggressively Pursuing Those Who Lie in Connection With Firearm Transactions
I mentioned in the previous post volumes of blanket pardons. I say they go late, either in a Friday news dump or 11:59AM on Inauguration Day. Some time when the propaganda news can cloak the corruption...
And not a single care will be given by these dishonest hacks. They've already moved on to their "Republican Pounce™" narrative.
Marshmallow minds with a shovel full of smugness on their faces.
Wasn't Flint so widely used in part because unlike other rocks it chips and flakes much easier so it can be shaped into something new rather than remain, unchanged, in it's original form?
Hyenas will eat the bones of a carcass. Their scat has a flinty core...
Dear Web, thank you for enabling the assholery of assholes.
It’s all verbal diarrhea with Democrats . . . (and a lot of Republicans too).
Most of these people are government agency embeds (CIA/FBI/NSA). Remember ... 51 of our intelligence agents signed a letter to rig the 2020 election. Do you think they are not above planting their agents in our news media?
Thank God, Jimmah Carter lived long enough to see himself supplanted as The Worst President EVAH!
can we call this: negative Bill of Attainder upto 9 generations!
This morning NPR basically blamed Trump. Trump is so awful Biden had to pardon son to save his life because he would have been in danger in jail under Trump.Implying Trump allow him to be killed.
@gilabr == link says toll $9 instead of $15 ?
was it toll free before?
My favorite nugget is at 5:05-5:17 when the guy says, in reference to Joe saying he won't pardon Hunter, "It's kind of unbelievable when you think of it . .." Exactly! Taken literally, of course. Ignore that he meant it in a reverent way.
I said this elsewhere this morning:
We all knew that Dad Biden would pardon his son. What every good father would do, esp when said son was the bagman for the family’s graft operation, that made Dad, his brother, that son and his sister, wealthy. The only question was when. This was the perfect time. The election was over and everyone was engaging in tryptophan induced comas after Thanksgiving
Anyone know if Joe reported his split on his taxes?
yes those recipients served time
...all those assholes owe us some big mea culpas and a walk out onto the ice come early Spring. I know that they won't...
It's hard to be too cynical about media, politics, or "the system," specifically including justice and the courts. My default response to any assertion I don't know to be true already, or is from someone I don't know, is "Bullshit! I don't believe you." If they can convince me otherwise then I'll change my mind.
Prof: "everything was about wine, where I hear it as a fancy/bullshit way to [say] this tastes like a rock"
Barkeep, give me a large wine that tastes like a small rock!
you're being too selective.
This is the modern news media -- they will tell brazen lies right to your face, and when caught in the lie their answer is to tell even bigger more brazen lies. The Bidens are only a symptom of the problem here. They couldn't have thrived without a corrupt news media running interference for them.
Joe will set the precedent by pardoning himself on 19 January 2025. Trump will do the same at 12:01pm on 20 January 2025.
Hunter’s already out celebrating his daddy’s pardon…
@Narayanan, <a href=">yes, there was no toll for entering Manhattan</a>. The proposed toll was $15 at peak congestion times which she cut to $9.
Grüner from Austria is the best example of flinty, like a gargle with some driveway pebbles…now stop there. Do not proceed to the barnyard of Barolo or the cat’s pee of some Loire whites…
Who are the fools that thought he wouldn't do it?That's what kings do , separate set of rules always was always will be Wake up if you didn't see this coming
Wow, DinkyBrain- the fools are in the video.
“There is no limit to the amount of intelligence invested in ignorance when the need for illusion runs deep.”
― Saul Bellow
Love that woman!
I watched this AM. Joe was screaming at the top of his lungs re: Kash Patel. No lie. I give you my word as a Begley.
Trump pardoned his daughter's father-in-law last time out. That was disgusting considering what he was guilty of (and you can't pretend he was not guilty of really bad things). To add insult to injury, he is appointing this pardoned felon to Ambassador to France.
And you are going to criticize Biden for pardoning Hunter.
There is one big difference between the pardon of Kushner and Hunter Biden, Freder. Do you know what it is, or are you really this stupid?
ah scarburro if he didn't exist, we would have to invent him, if not for a dodgy coroner he would have been on the stocks,
National Geographic really should do a feature on the primitive Democrat-media lice grooming circles.
Since Biden is senile... Is his pardon legal??
Nara; there were tolls for bridges etc, but the "congestion toll" was Going to be $15 ON TOP of the other tolls. This was proposed last summer..
THEN, for the election, Gov Hochul announced that it WOULD NOT HAPPEN..
THEN after the election Gov Hochul announced that it WOULD HAPPEN..
BUT! it would be "only" $9, instead of the proposed $15.. which SHE Called 'a savings'..
So, it's going from ZERO to $9.. which "saves" $6..
This is Classic "girl math": Look Honey! i saved $120 on this dress! it was on sale!
Fredo appears to be coming apart at the unseemlies.
The thing is Joe did it before sentencing was scheduled. I always thought Trump would commute Hunter's sentence after he served a year and a day.
I would love to have spent the holiday with the Bidens. Image Hunter complaining to Joe that he pardoned a turkey, but not him. WTF!
I can't help speculating if the pardon was part of a negotiation by Hunter to agree to not write an expose on the Biden family and its corruption. Imagine how much money Hunter could have made writing that book. Even if Joe was sincere about his respect for the integrity of the legal system, he really did not have a choice about giving Hunter a pardon. If Hunter went to jail, the whole Biden family would go with him.
So Joe Biden now looks like a complete liar and a moral fraud to anyone with a brain. But imo the Bidens couldn't give a fck and are all having a good laugh about how they conned the public for all these years!
Freder I'm not criticizing Biden for pardoning Hunter. I'm criticizing Biden for lying, for political gain, when he promised that he would not do that.
I'm also getting a big laugh over the news media laying it on so thick about how Biden's promise not to pardon Hunter proved him to be so much more ethical than Trump.
The backlash would have been less if he had just said, “He’s my son, I love him, I can’t stand the thought of him suffering in prison. I’ve already lost one son, I only have a few years left on this planet and I can’t bear the thought of Hunter being locked up. I’m sorry I lied to the American public.”
That video was great. Plenty of comparing Trumps genuine claims of lawfare to Hunters obvious guilt. Dozen comments of Biden, and Democrats being the party that accepts juries verdicts 100% , whule republican Trumpists do not accept juries verdicts.
Guess those dems forgot about thousands upon thousands of appeals and mistrials.
Looking forward to seeing same people explain how this pardon was a great thing for America.
Yancey, Freder has stupid he hasn't even used yet.
MSNBC is no longer hiding their being the underside of whale shit.
Also he served some of his time, some of the prime minister they have had, only stayed out of prison because of parliamentary immunity
I don't actually respect the French that much but I'm sure they enjoy a good scandal about prostitutes and revenge.This sounds like a win/win to me.
Yeah, but Trump!
Yeah, but Trump!
Yeah, but Trump!
Yeah, but Trump!
It's not a magic incantation of absolution. It's just a statement of preference.
What I noticed (in the 60 seconds I watched) was a bunch of women who were certain that Joe Biden was going to abort his child. And they were so proud! It was a tough choice, but that was the right one. And I saw one man, Chris Wallace, who thought Joe Biden would choose to keep his son, but only after the election. And another man who thought there was no question Biden would save his son.
Pro-abort lobby, disappointed again! These women are like the Bad Girls of Big Brother. Children are disposable, the party is forever.
(Finally I saw a pro-abort man at the 2:00 minute mark. But that's what jumped out at me -- all these leftist women who were so impressed that Biden would abort his own child, for us).
exactly. None of this corruption is surprising.
Chris Wallace nailed it at 0:19. He knows Joe very well.
You're soaking in it
I was reading the words, and thought to myself, I hear Roger Daltrey singing this. Lo and behold....
SNL skit that will not run...
Joe Biden is at his desk. Hunter comes in with a piece of paper.
Joe: "What have you got there?"
Hunter: "I need you to sign this, Dad." He puts the piece of paper on the desk. Joe glances at it.
Joe: "Pardon? Why do I need to sign a pardon?"
Hunter: "So I can look after you in your old age."
Joe: "Aw! That's nice." Joe signs the pardon. Hunter puts another piece of paper in front of his father. Joe signs that one, too. "What's this?"
Hunter picks up the second piece of paper. "It's a blank check."
Joe: "Why do you need a blank check?"
Hunter: "So I can write in $2 million!" Hunter runs out of the room.
Joe: "Hey! Come back here! You rascal!" Joe walks in a circle around his desk, looking for Hunter. "Where'd he go?" Joe sits back down. "I better call the bank." He picks up his phone. "Hey. This is Joe Biden. I need to cancel the thing. The thing! Cancel it! I'm Joe Biden! You know, the thing. The thing!"
This is Classic "girl math": Look Honey! i saved $120 on this dress! it was on sale!
My wife does this all the time, and gets quite cross when I point out that there is not one heterosexual man on the planet who thinks about household budgeting this way.
I tell you what. Vindication is a heck of a high.
@Dixcus: If Trump has any survival skills he'll pull the security clearances of the 51 spies ASAP. Security clearances are granted through opaque and subjective standards that are biased to protect national security -- when in doubt boot them out. The 51 are either grossly incompetent amateurs or literal traitors. There is no third option so they must go.
All that praise “without evidence” of merit btw.
Or the "poop" of Château de Beaucastel CdP.
Famous Frank Pharma Czar™🇺🇸🇮🇹
Is this how “saving our democracy” works? Asking for 77 million Americans
"For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted (including any that have resulted in convictions) by Special Counsel David C. Weiss in Docket No. 1:23-cr-00061-MN in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and Docket No. 2:23-CR-00599-MCS-1 in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto signed my name and caused the Pardon to be recorded with the Department of Justice."
allthe way back to 2014.
It ain't Trump supporters criticizing Biden's pardon.
Trump supporters are saying "We told you so" to all the Democrats that pretended we didn't remember Bill pardoning his brother.
It's the Left having fits because their pretense was exposed.
False tax returns, you say?
If Hunter went to jail, the whole Biden family would go with him
you have hit upon perfect site for President FJB Library
NGO's are funded to the tune of billions and billions per years.
for human trafficking.
"And you are going to criticize Biden for pardoning Hunter."
It's not the pardon- no sane person thought there wouldn't be one. Plenty of Trump supporters have been saying that *Trump* should pardon Hunter if Joe didn't. It's Democrats "Nobody is above the law" mewlings that are being roundly mocked.
You understand that, right?
Driving out to check the land today, I tuned in to NPR news. Top of the hour:
1. OmiGod the list of extremist Trump nominees is getting longer, Kash Patel now for FBI head. OmiGod it's so irregular, firing the head of the FBI.
2. Gaza refugees starving thanks to Israelis not letting any aid in. They're starving, I repeat, starving.
3. Hurricane season over, this year was abnormally active thanks to Climate Change, 3 hurricanes hit the US OmiGod, 3.
And so it went down the list. All of them scary and bad news, most of it Trump-related, all of them conforming to the preferred LMSN narratives and style guide.
Not mentioned at all: Joe Biden pardons Hunter.
At some point when enough manure is piled, adding more won't increase the stench. Expect a mass blanket pardon for everyone related to Biden's corruption and some oldies but goodies from the Obama regime.
Once Mecham effectively signaled he wasn't going to sentence Trump keeping up the appearance that Hunter might spend any time even in Club Fed was no longer necessary.
"Flinty core" sounds like it also goes back to Henry David Thoreau. For some reason, the phrase "flinty Yankee" which apparently was coined and reached a peak in the Calvin Coolidge-era made a comeback in this century, long after most flinty Yankees are gone.
The Real Joe Biden is bad enough. He's a sleazy politician. But the Ideal Joe Biden that the media and Democrats believed in, and that Biden pretended to be - decent, honest, fair - is positively insufferable.
Alyhouse writes, "I googled the phrase "flinty core" and setting aside a couple descriptions of a singer's voice everything was about wine, where I hear it as a fancy/bullshit way to this tastes like a rock."
But it is a virtuous rock, Madame Professeure.
The flint nodules used to manufacture Mousterian culture implements and weapons are known as cores.
And you are going to criticize Biden for pardoning Hunter.
I missed the part where Trump said he wasn't going to pardon said person. Got a link?
Just read about Jonathan Chait’s disappointment in Biden. These liberals really think that some musty doctrine about the rule of law is going to override a father’s concern for his son? It’s some fundamental truth about families liberals don’t understand. That’s why they thought parents would be ok with having their superiors decide whether or not the parents’ children should start transitioning. It’s why they can’t understand that parents object to boys in girl’s bathrooms. They don’t understand that Joe Biden would be more concerned with saving his son than disappointing them.
When Biden said he "wouldn't" pardon Hunter, that meant he thought his control over the Govt meant he wouldn't HAVE TO pardon Hunter. If Kamala had been elected President, no Biden pardon of Hunter would have been necessary, right? But Biden won't control the Government a few weeks from now, so he has to act while he still can. Principles have nothing to do with it.
25/10 Biden resigns and Kamala pardons him too.
Not one of the Dem propagandists in that video believed a word of what they were saying.
How can anyone who presents themselves as a professional observer of the American political scene think for even a moment that Joe Biden is a decent, honest man, and not a serial liar and corrupt demagogue? No way. The man has a history. Maybe someone who doesn't follow these things too closely could believe it. But not those hacks.
“what did Mika Brzezinski say this morning?”
Didn’t watch, but from what I heard, she didn’t say a damned thing about it.
I don't watch Morning Joe but in every photo I see of Mika her body language suggests she is very tense.
“25/10 Biden resigns and Kamala pardons him too.”
That would make Pomona College very happy and Trump would sell a lot of new hats. Win Win
Flinty core. I never heard it, but then I couldn't stomach more than a minute of that cavalcade of iniquitous filth. (I admire Althouse for her ability to endure it. The metaphorical stench made me want to vomit. Apparently, anosmia conveys some advantages when shit flies like ravenous locusts.) However, it sounds like Joe Scarborough, by "sounds like" I mean it sounds like the sort of cheap theatrical chest-thumping Scarborough demands from his hack writers. That's not to say Joey couldn't have supplied that tawdry imagery all by himself. He's sharp as a tack, ya' know.
Flinty core. That's meant to present the graft-mongering, hair-sniffing, child-fondling, plagiarizing old thief as a reborn Lucius Junius Brutus, a man of such severe nobility he would not spare even his own sons from the just reward for treachery. Of course, that was bullshit too, but Jacque-Louis David painted that scene in 1789 to inspire yet more bloody Bastilles.
But what a Thanksgiving gift it was! (though a bit late) All Americans can be thankful that Joe Biden lived down to his baser instincts, and guided by his wildly spinning moral compass, made utter jackass fools of every despicable talker/whiner in the soi-disant elite culture. Hossanah!
the parade of oh-so-earnest dumb-smart faces ...
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