"Jimmy Carter, 39th president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, dies at 100, his son says/The tenacious Southerner was turned out of office by disillusioned voters after a single term. But he had a brilliant post-presidential career as a champion of health, peace and democracy" (WaPo)(free-access link).
His wife, Rosalynn, died Nov. 19, 2023, at 96. The Carters, who were close partners in public life, had been married for more than 77 years, the longest presidential marriage in U.S. history. His final public appearance was at her funeral in Plains, where he sat in the front row in a wheelchair...
When Mr. Carter left Washington in January 1981, he was widely regarded as a mediocre president, if not an outright failure.... In the summer of 1979, Americans waited in long lines at service stations as gasoline supplies dwindled and prices soared after revolution in Iran disrupted the global oil supply....
In November 1979, an Iranian mob seized control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans as hostages. It was the beginning of a 444-day ordeal that played out daily on television and did not end until Jan. 20, 1981, the day Mr. Carter left office, when the hostages were released....
As the years wore on, the judgment on Mr. Carter’s presidency gradually gave way to a more positive view....
It's sad to need to say goodbye to the man who's been with us for so long. I remember walking to the polling place in 1976 and deciding, in the middle of the walk, that instead of voting for him, I'd vote against him. I did not trust him. In 1980, with that monster Ronald Reagan threatening us, I had to vote for him.
Rest easy Jimmy... you were incompetent but honest and thus not the Worst President Ever (WPE)! That prize, so far, goes to Biden. Biden has won it not even trying hard.
Cant say I'm sorry, I mean how many get to live to 100? But I grew to like J. Carter over the years. He wasn't Presidental material, but how many people are? He was an odd duck. The liberal establishment hated him, but he wasn't really a populist. His greatest political achievement was keeping Blockhead Jerry Ford from being POTUS for another term.
Anyway, he spent his Ex-POTUS years writing books and doing good works. RIP.
That was a terrible picture of him the family shared on his 100th birthday. Unfortunately that’s how many people will remember him. RIP.
"In 1980, with that monster Ronald Reagan threatening us, I had to vote for him."
I couldn't get to the polls fast enough to vote against Carter.
He entered hospice care in Feb 2023…. Almost two years ago - remarkable. He was a misguided but tough peanut. RIP.
My mother was apolitical and I only heard her attack two POTUS while she was alive. The first LBJ - who she hated for Vietnam and for being crude and vulgar ( like showing his scar on TV and holding his dog by his ears). The 2nd was Jimmy C - for giving us double digit inflation and interest rates. That's what killed him in 1980. He was the new Hoover.
He voted this year. Imagine that. They let him vote.
We're close to December 31st, the day when you can calculate anybody's age by subtracting their birth year from the current year.
Wonder why he lived so long? I think he quit smoking in the early 60s, and was never a big drinker. And was a big health nut. Jogging while President. Of course, a lot has to be modern medicine. How else to explain fat boy Clinton still being alive at 78?
Only 14, I could only vote for Reagan in the junior high election poll.
He also gave us the oil crisis and put the Saudi's in charge of us. This led directly to 9-11.
Famous place-holder WSJ editorial title, unfortunately not replaced before publication: More Mush from the Wimp.
Not too many years ago, I was one of the people who would have gone to Plains to piss on his grave. Now I'm saving that piss for Delaware.
Jimmy Carter declared that the election of Hamas in Gaza was beyond reproach. Probably true, but also means the people of Gaza got what they voted for, good and hard.
Third. Obama is in there between them.
Jimmy Carter had one edge on, say, Romney: Carter's virtue was not public virtue but his own. Romney was just evil.
So you have a long history of getting it wrong?
And his candidate lost.
Is picking a beagle up by its ears actually wrong? I've never owned a dog, or cat, for that matter, but I'm pretty sure mother beagles pick up their puppies by the ears with their teeth. Can a dog owner tell us for sure, one way or the other?
I, sadly, voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980 out of youthful ignorance. I had only had the vote for 5 months and listened to the fake news media. I learned my lesson and thankfully the majority of Americans were more savvy than me. Never voted for another Democrat and haven't regretted.
Full disclosure, I did not vote for or against Bill Clinton as I was on active duty and took the opinion that I should not take sides since whomever won was the person I had to take orders from as long as they weren't in clear conflict with the Constitution.
I'm sorry Jimmy didn't live long enough to see the fall of the mullahs in Iran, whom he helped put in power, or to see Trump take back the Panama Canal. Does that make me a bad person?
I'm proud to say that in my first presidential election in 1980, I voted for Ronald Reagan. I had seen what Carter had accomplished in his term in office, and decided that the country didn't need a second one. Thank goodness the country agreed!
Everybody who was anybody went to Nixon's funeral. Carter, at least narratively, is supposed to have thought WTF. This guy is being praised and nobody praises me. We shall see. Trump will probably say something respectful and insightful, upholding an old but not widely copied conservative tradition of hail fellow well met.
On the bright side, I'll get a day off from work for the "Carter Day of Mourning."
He made it to 100. Good for him. My pop made it to 99 and 11 months, so it feels a bit unfair. I'll say this for him; he legalized home beer and wine making which ended up creating huge amounts of business. He also deregulated a few industries like trucking, airlines, and telcoms. I think in retrospect, he was better than many.
My Dad, being a farmer, detested Carter as President. In addition to the high inflation and high fuel and fertilizer prices that happened under his administration, Carter imposed a grain embargo on the USSR in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that tanked wheat, soybean, and corn prices. Other than the Olympic athletes, no other American groups bore the brunt of an ineffective response as did the American farmers. All soon was overshadowed by the Iranian Revolution and the American hostages, but Carter was as hapless as Biden in foreign policy.
A mother's prerogative that arises from a lack of opposable thumbs, is not the same thing as a President being a mean jackass, which is not a prerogative.
They'll probably move fast to get the funeral in before the inauguration, so they don't have to invite him.
I actually voted for Reagan in this election by using a fake ID to register to vote. I wasn't even politically involved at the time. I just registered to vote so I could make $1/signature as a political petitioner. To my eternal shame, I helped bring AHCCCS health care to the state of Arizona. Even at 17 I could tell you in moments who would sign the damn petition. A woman in her 20's? She'll sign!
Another perpetual democrat was born today.
Prof: "I remember walking to the polling place in 1976 and deciding, in the middle of the walk, that instead of voting for him, I'd vote against him."
So you were a Lester Maddox girl?
Carter was pretty damaging as a President, but none of it was out of actual antipatriotic malice or cynical greed, which is more than I can say for a couple of more recent Presidents. Not mentioning any names, but their initials are Barack Obama and Joe Biden. I think Carter's honesty in his post-Presidency at least partially redeemed him. He was still ridiculous with some of his peripatetic election monitoring, but his Habitat work and other charitable works still earn him his place in the halls of the respectable. I wonder if he was aware that Trump won. R.I.P.
Top achievement? Deregulating beer. Look it up.
Being pretty much apolitical and too trusting of the media, after voting for Ford in 76, I voted for Carter to avert nuclear war. Two years later after everything was turning out pretty much opposite of what I had been threatened with I began down the path that made me realize the news media were for the most part either dreadfully ignorant or actually democrat operatives.
RIP Mr. Carter, you haven't been the worst American president ever. Buchanan certainly was worse and I think LBJ, Obama, and JRB are well below you.
IIRC LBJ was lifting full-grown dogs. He was probably the most psychologically twisted president we've had.
Per Wikipedia:
Detailed funeral arrangements have emerged for Jimmy Carter: a 411-page document outlining a state funeral for Carter has been filed with the Military District of Washington, including a national funeral service at Washington National Cathedral, and a public viewing of the former president's remains at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Carter has stated that his final interment and burial will be in the front yard of his family's residence, which is now a component of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park in Plains, Georgia.
I suppose this will affect the timing of POTUS's visit to Italy to see the Bishop of Rome Italian PM and President.
Don't blame me, I voted for Barry Commoner.
Now we gonna have to suffer a confab of the Xs,
--- Democrats, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Bush II
--- the real McCoy, Trump
Jimmy did America one final favor. His funeral will take up some of Biden's time that he might have spent somehow screwing America.
MikeyNTH, same here- I had to wait until 1984 to vote for that monster, Reagan.
Is this why folks are taught that there is a hell? Kinda lame reason.
A sanctimonious prick.
And he was still more competent, yesterday, to be president than Joe Biden is right now.
"Burn in Hell, Jimmy?" What kind of a God sends you to Hell for being a crummy President?
In 1980, with that monster Ronald Reagan threatening us, I had to vote for [Carter].
Gullible, and unashamed of it.
RN's daughters know the right thing to say:
Our family is saddened to learn of the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Throughout his long and productive life, President Carter's service to others -- both in public office and as a private citizen -- earned him the respect and affection of the American people and of people across the globe. His hands-on humanitarian work, which he and Mrs. Carter tirelessly carried out together, helped to provide decent housing, eradicate disease, and improve the lives of millions in communities both at home and abroad. His quest for peace in troubled regions of the world, which culminated in the signing of the Camp David Accords, will long be remembered as one of the hallmarks of his presidency and his life.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Carter family as they honor and reflect on President Carter and his enduring legacy of service to our nation and the world.
In our informal poll in 1976, I voted Gerald Ford for president and Dixy Lee Ray for governor. If Democrats were more like Dixy (and Scoop) and less like Carter, it would've taken me a bit longer to become a Republican/conservative. Carter accelerated the process.
While it's fine to give kudos for his post-presidential charitable works, don't forget he never missed an opportunity to stick his nose into foreign elections. And always take the wrong side when doing so.
What a hateful, egocentric, petty little man. His wife, a dim bulb, was enamored of North Korea and Jim Jones. She and others in her circle literally greased the skids that enabled Jones to murder 900 people and never reconsidered or apologized when it blew up in their faces. The couple redefined useful idiocy and anti-Americanism abroad. And he had contempt for ordinary Americans. The folks here commenting otherwise are ignorant of her deadly errors and how he actually spent his post-presidential career.
Carter spent those later years propping up dictators using our money through the Carter Center, when he wasn’t watching out for cameras so he could denounce America. He meddled in elections worldwide while pretending to do precisely the opposite.
Habitat for Humanity is indeed a well-run charity, but so what? Other people do the work, frequently the very types of people Carter reviled, and he wasn’t much involved. His books are mostly dishonest, if not grossly narcissistic, and his dreadful poetry would never be published by anyone with ordinary ego boundaries.
I spent 20 years on and off at the Georgia Legislature and never heard a single good word spoken about him and many bad ones, especially by Democrats and liberals. It is quite telling that he was not respected nor liked among his own Party in Georgia. They were happy to see him off to D.C. A preening pimple on history. What on earth makes anyone think he was “patriotic,” beyond simplistic sentimentality?
I had a college roommate who voted for John B Anderson. At this point, I don't recall who I voted for in that election (my first!). Maybe Carter, but I don't know.
Carter is STILL more competent Biden, and will be when they put his remains in the ground. Besides, he didn't have Biden's nasty streak. Don't ever forget Biden's nasty streak.
No, it makes you an historically informed person.
"As the years wore on, the judgment on Mr. Carter’s presidency gradually gave way to a more positive view...."
To whom???
Carter is the South's version of John Kerry.
This is precisely the sort of “election monitoring” for which the Carter Center is infamous. They have sown a lot of bloodshed on this earth.
Carter was famously nasty. Much smarter than Biden, except when it came to the subject of Jimmy Carter, but nasty nonetheless.
Vague memories of a Bob Hope special at the end of Carter's administration. The sendoff lyrics might have been -
"Thanks for the memories, of Begin and Sadat, Jordan and his pot, Billy chugging six packs and tinkling in parking lots"
Guess it was a good thing she didn't know about him pissing in the Senate Office Building's parking lot in front of all the secretaries.
IRC, Carter is having a "Presidential state funeral" so unlike McCain's DC Insider Love-in, Carter will have Trump attending his final rites. Normally, all the President's attend. Odd to think that if Trump had lost the election, he might not have been there. Since, Biden's DoJ or the NYC judge would've put him in jail.
Carter made some of the right enemies. Dershowitz, Neo-cons, William F. Buckley, Ted Kennedy, Ben Shapiro, George H.W. Bush, bill clinton. But ultimately, its hard to see how he differed from your standard Liberal Democrat on most issues.
Interesting Tina Trent. I didn't realize Georgians disliked him. I'll have to google his tie-in with Jim Jones.
I never could get over the fact that he couldn't pronounce "nuclear" correctly after he'd been one of Hyman Rickover's boys. Of course, it could be he was doing that on purpose to sound folksy, which makes it worse in my opinion.
NYTimes obit includes byline of reporter who died 2017.
However, he did live long enough to see the World Trade Center destroyed and 3,000 Americans killed by the Saudi's - who he enriched so famously during the oil crisis of 1979.
Thats OK, the NY Times died shortly after that.
My mother hated Jimmy Carter so much she did not buy peanut butter for 4 years just to keep him from getting a penny.
Outliving your eulogist. Now that's a feat!
Long before that ,so he built some houses thats to make up for how his policies made people miserable not only here but nicaragua iran and everywhere inbetween
Dr Weevil: um, no: ears are extremely sensitive and not used as lifting handles by animal mothers: they carry babies around by the loose skin (scruff) at the back of the neck. Even in larger adult mammals you can see them respond rather as they did in infancy if you pull up on the scruff -- the animal tends to become passive and relaxed. Smaller ones will relax into something like a fetal position.
Can you possibly be more disingenuous?
hot-bunk for Jimmy and Joey in the coffin?
He wanted to stay alive long enough to vote against Trump.
Hey, he had a good run considering his brain cancer and narrowly surviving that rabbit attack.
would Blockhead Jerry Ford have been worse as POTUS in another term?
kicking Shah in the can down to Mexico!
I thought that was W. Southern thing?
Good-bye to the guy who signed the finding that approved arming and funding and training the Taliban in 1979 in order to provoke a Soviet invasion. How has that worked out? Who are the good friends of the Taliban now Jimmy? Same people who are the good friends of the Libyans now, and the Chechens.
I have a picture of my dad and President Carter meeting in the White House in, I guess, 1977. Dad was a bigshot leader of the Panama Canal pilots (he was only 40) and was in Washington making sure American employees weren’t being screwed by the treaties. He met a lot of Senators and fancy reporters that year. I remember Sally Quinn being at my house in Panama.
I cried in my beer when Reagan beat him, but then I moved out the sh*th*le upstate NY town where I lived, where there were no jobs. Where you had to wait six weeks for an interview at McDonalds, and "voted with my feet" and moved to Boston. And you know what I realized? That "vote with your feet" was the first good advice I had ever gotten from a politician, and I looked at Reagan in a new light.
le Douanier,
That is some first rate douchebaggery- I don't think I have read a comment with more douchebaggery since the last comment Chuck wrote here.
did Gazan have photo ID : did Hamas monitor who voted?
“In 1980, with that monster Ronald Reagan threatening us, I had to vote for him.”
Some people need to learn the hard way…
“His funeral will take up some of Biden's time that he might have spent somehow screwing America.”
Or provide cover for Biden’s idiotic, crippling, anti-American maneuvers.
Like most Democrats before and after, Carter let the media lie for him and never corrected anything their yodels of praise, Remember the "nuclear engineer turned peanut farmer" line? Rubbish. His MOS in the navy was limited to something in the personnel line and his "nuclear experience" consisted of taking the required courses to serve as a personnel officer aboard a nuclear-powered ship. He left the navy almost immediately to take up management of his family's farm, not one he started himself. Running for governor his campaign was carefully silent on the race issue, but he ENDORSED LESTER MADDOX as Lieutenant Governor. His almost immediate, and drastic, swing to extolling the late Dr, King and all his train did not go unnoticed by the legislature: what he accomplished was all in his first year in office; after that, having offended Maddox, Maylon London and anyone else who might have helped him, anything he got through was solely at their sufferance. He was that stupid at handling people, and probably the worst actual "politician" in the world. Maybe that sounds like a backhanded endorsement (damning with faint praise, praising with faint damns) but please don't take it as such, He was an awful governor and a worse president.
so where is Habitat in E TN and W NC?
Amen, Tina. Couldn't have said it better myself, But tried, somewhere down below.
He was a crackerjack carpenter. Unfortunately there were a few years where he played at being president.
The one with a sense of humor, Godfather.
is neucular more avuncular?
if he can vote why not byline obit?
Well, this gives Biden one last time to shine as the host of President Carter's state funeral. Bonus, it may keep Antifa and their Democrat allies from doing stupid stuff in DC on January 6th.
Carter was a bad President but a good man. I hope he is reunited with Rosalynn.
Everyone hated him when he was in office, especially Democrats when he cut some federal offices and jobs to save money.
Then a few years later he did his speaking tour and everyone's all "isn't he dreamy?" I couldn't believe the whole newfound respect turnabout. Such short memories.
I vaguely remember Jimmy Carter calmly talking me down from an acid trip after I took some Orange Sunshine LSD.
Jimmy Carter Was a Terrible President — and an Even Worse Former President
By Phil Klein NRO
Ayn Rand’s 5 Surprisingly Simple Rules for Judging Political ...
Jimmy Carter — “[A] cheap, small town peanut power luster [who’s] been on both sides of every key issue.”
I fondly remember the protest march going past my apartment on Durant Ave. in Berkeley when Reagan was elected. He got my first vote for president.
So no one here actually knows whether it hurts a grown beagle to be picked up by its ears. I recall at the time hearing - perhaps from a beagle-owning neighbor - that it doesn't, and nothing written here has refuted that. I also recall that the press who photographed him picking up his beagle did not report that the dog showed any discomfort. All the uproar came from people seeing the picture, not from the reporters who were actual witnesses.
As for the replies: The fact that LBJ was a "mean jackass" to just about every human being he ever met does not mean that he was that to his dogs. Nor is a generalization about all ears of all animals at all convincing. Most ears are indeed "extremely sensitive", but beagle ears are quite obviously much larger, tougher, and more solidly built than (e.g.) cat ears. My question remains unanswered.
How was his post-Presidential career "brilliant"? I'm not sure. Maybe in comparison to Obama's, or Bush's? I admired his long marriage to Rosalyn.
Original Mike, Yancey Ward:
Don't reply to the troll, whose comment will be deleted as soon as Ann sees it. He's just demonstrating why she does that to him and one other commenter, by posting the kind of insults and lies that put him on her list.
We know the score, Dr. And it's not like ignoring him works.
Sure, but sometimes she deletes replies as well, especially if they name him, as Yancey Ward did, but you and I didn't. Let's see what she does this time. And yes, I've told him before, without naming him, that plenty of anti-MAGA people post up a storm here without being banned. It's just him and D--v- S---son that are deleted, and they must be even stupider than they look if they don't know why.
"Sure, but sometimes she deletes replies as well,"
Fine. No harm.
For the record, I rarely talk to him.
Let us know when you've completed your interviews with the beagles.
FFS, Ann. Why not just cast your vote for Gus Hall?
Jimmy Carter hated by the Warmonging Fake Cons at NRO? He must have been OK then.
Maybe an opportunity for Americans to remember what 'Presidential' means. Kind, caring, helpful snd committed to his family, friends and causes; a full life lived well.
Ford-Carter voters must be pretty rare. Even more rare than Biden-Trump ones.
From Meir Soloveichik's review of Stuart Eizenstat's book on Carter:
"the tale of Carter’s Sunday-school lessons reveal[s] more than political
ineptitude. The subject of his first class was the tale of Jesus driving
the moneylenders from the temple. The press soon reported that the
president had informed his students that this story was “a turning
point” in Christ’s life. “He had directly challenged in a fatal way the
existing church, and there was no possible way for the Jewish leaders
to avoid the challenge. So they decided to kill Jesus.” Anguished
religious leaders involved in interfaith engagement wrote the White
House to object to this simplistic gloss on a subject that has inspired
persecution, and murder, of Jews for centuries.
Eizenstat reports that even after this catastrophe, Carter was not
content “with avoiding further damage from this high-wire exercise.”
He soon spoke at a Sunday-school class again; and, with an AP
reporter in attendance, told those assembled that Jesus, in proclaiming
himself the Messiah, was aware that he was risking death “as quickly as
[it] could be arranged by the Jewish leaders, who were very powerful.”
Eizenstat, himself apoplectic, was immediately flooded by complaints
from both Christian and Jewish leaders asking him “why Carter
approached the question of the Jews’ role in Jesus’s death twice.”"
(Twice is italicized in the original--a book by a Jew who is very sympathetic to Carter!)
What a "hateful, egocentric, petty little man," as Tina Trent said. And a raving antisemite.
I read somewhere that LBJ used to pull out his penis and show it to his aides. Real class act. We have all kinds in the South.
I can't say for sure, but I would bet that Jimmy Carter never cheated on his wife. And he didn't steal money when he was in the White House. He and Obama were similar that way, I think. Bad leaders but decent men.
Carter was arguably the best retired president we ever had.
And a failure.
A buddy of mine uses that "fact," along with some additional mumbo-jumbo obfuscation, to impress the proles.
"As the years wore on, the judgment on Mr. Carter’s presidency gradually gave way to a more positive view...."
Assumes facts not in evidence
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? These days have seen the end, We have gone forward from Carter with the elections of serial adulterers, graft as never seen before, non serving of the all of people and have now even elected a criminal felon to the once dignified office where no matter how competent or not was the person of Carter ,there was never any doubt about his service to others in the name of the God of his faith(born again Christian) and continued his life long com ittment to the service of others and humanity. A model of the office that stopped existing long ago and has accelerated the worst of mankind in a once dignified office of this great country. "WELL DONE GOOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT" words that will not be verbalized after him.. :(
Althouse: "I remember walking to the polling place in 1976 and deciding, in the middle of the walk, that instead of voting for him, I'd vote against him."
I had the opposite experience: my vote for carter in 1976 was the last presidential vote I cast for a Democrat. By 1980, the "Irish Catholics always vote Dem" spell had been broken, by Carter's inflation and pathetic foreign policy.
Don't forget LBJ's proclivity for summoning his advisors to discuss policy while he took a leisurely dump.
If we focus more on what’s going on around us, we may end up feeling better about things
Considering this new information combined with the fact that Elvis died eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich, I am swearing off bananas.
Or should I swear off bread? Or using the toilet? Maybe I should start going outside. Maybe I will stop listening to rock and roll. Damn, I'm really confused. I guess the only answer to avoid everything but peanuts.
Jimmy Carter hated Jews/Israel - and he drank MSNBC Koolaid.
He received Castro-family level health care to stretch his life to 100.
Billy Beer!!
Malaise speech!
Lol. No doubt.
"Biden said his fondest memory of Carter happened in the 1970s when the then-Georgia governor asked Biden for help with his presidential campaign.
"He grabbed me by the arm and said, ‘I need you to help with my campaign,'" Biden recalled. "I said, 'I've only been around a couple of years, Mr. Governor.' He said, ‘No, it’ll make a difference.'"
"I said, 'I'm not sure it will," Biden added. "When I endorsed him for president, I told him why [I] was endorsing him and that it was not only his policies but his character, his decency, the honor he communicated to everyone."
He was just another hateful bigot Dixiecrat. Talk about a long ass con.
For the record- my understanding of habitat for humanity is that the total dollar amount involved in erecting a house is significantly more than the amount simply to buy a house and give it to a needy family. My understanding is the organization is such that it is more for people to feel good about themselves rather than actually helping the needy.
There’s a photo of Rosalyn Carter with John Wayne Gacy..
He was a local Democratic party leader.
Carter was OK on domestic matters, he deregulated the airlines and appointed Volcker, but he bungled almost everything foreign that he touched, from helping get rid of the Shah, to aiding Arafat, and North Korea, to standing by as things in Central America went from bad to worse. Clinton had much the same flaws. Indeed, one could say much the same of any of the recent Democrat presidents.
Don’t believe the Jimmy Carter revisionists
He was a shitty president, and having photos taken of him hammering nails into wood didn't rehabilitate him.
Former President Jimmy Carter: If fully investigated, it would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was put in office because the Russians interfered ...on his behalf.
Mr. Integrity.
Thanks. It was very strange to me how many enemies he had among Georgia Democrats. I can’t recall the Republicans discussing him at all. I met him a few times, read many of his books, and lunched with Rosalyn once or twice as a grad student. I was stupefied by her fascination with North Korea: it certainly wasn’t negative. I would have loved to ask her about Jim Jones, but it would have been rude. And she seemed shy. But they and a lot of other important Democrats, especially Harvey Milk, were deep in with Jones. I will give him credit for eradicating some pretty awful parasites in Africa, but overall the Carter Center is a pro-terrorist racket.
Jimmie, in his capacity as a foreign election monitor, declared that mail-in ballots were unacceptable because of their susceptibility to election fraud. Until the 2020 US election. Then they were A-OK.
Mr. Integrity.
Boy, you got those two votes backwards. Amazing how easily influenced you are by the NY media and Hollywood.
Jimmy’s political career can be summed up by the old sayin, Often wrong, never in doubt. His management style was to be personally in charge of everything, yet never end up doing anything.
He was the first President to be investigated by a special councel when a bank loaned him money for his peanut farm.
You screwed your pooch with that one.
I was a sophomore in college in 1976 and made a sophomoric mistake voting for Carter. I didn’t make the same mistake twice.
True, but after serving, his radicalism and international anti-Americanism really became dominant. Some actions by the Carter Center even enraged my ordinarily politically detached husband.
It was funny that he prided himself on being able to sign more books per minute than anyone else who attempted it. And he built a huge pond for dogs to swim in at the Carter Center. My dog would have voted for him. But she was always easy.
LBJ was indeed the most personally sadistic and perverse (to men) President of modern times. JFK and (candidate) RFK still win hands down for women. I don’t know why Jimmah had to humiliate his wife in Playboy Magazine, though. With a young daughter at the time. Gross and cynical.
Philip Klein in the National Review: Jimmy Carter Was a Terrible President — and an Even Worse Former President https://archive.is/NV5dw
AMDG - I just posted the same - I didn't see your comment before I did so.
That explains a lot. A man so calculating he calculated he could be a politician by systematically alienating everyone.
It’s strange how Lester Maddox and George Wallace both rode segregation mean and hard into office, but the essential populism of each man also drove them to address the plight of working blacks and black prisoners. Maddox ended up passing some of the most important and unlikely desegregation rules of his time and place (while denying he was doing it). Wallace was uniquely respectful of black lawyers in his courtroom; showed leniency towards many black convicts, and renounced segregation and asked forgiveness late in life.
In contrast, Carter was an elitist in populist clothing and a loud and divisive grandstander on desegregation only when it benefitted him. Some things in politics really don’t change much.
Jimmy Carter’s family tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENPCRrLT0Y0
I’m near some Habitat Houses, and you’re basically right. I like that they screen families and require substantial work from them, at least on paper, but they rejected one of the hardest-working and most deserving people I’ve ever met, who is also a veteran and a volunteer for veterans when she isn’t working long hours herself. Then again, she has the wrong politics.
"I'm proud to say that in my first presidential election in 1980, I voted for Ronald Reagan."
Same here. I kept it a secret from my solidly leftist family. Election night 1980 was the most memorable and exciting until 2016.
Carter was indeed a terrible president, but I'll give him credit for deregulating airlines and trucking, which puts him just above Obama and Biden as the third worst.
Double digit inflation and a price war with Saudi princes. Carter hated Americans and America.
Mad props for being able to swing a hammer though.
They built four here a few years ago. Two are still sitting empty.
All Jimmy Carter's siblings died relatively young.
His father and all three siblings died of pancreatic cancer.
Outliving your eulogist. Now that's a feat!
Best line I read all day.
Carter used the Carter Center as a fantasy White House. He propped up Iran, Chavez, and Kim Il-sung. Less well known were his dealings with the class of Weatherman-adjunct American communists and their students and mentees, at least one directly associated with Dohrn, Ayers and Obama, who transformed the DNC into the Israel-hating, Chavez/Castro/Che fetishizing radical zombies who dumbly chant on college campuses today.
It’s hard to understand the peculiar political landscape of the South, where a Lester Maddox can help end segregation while denying doing it as a Jimmy Carter can sow hatred and damage racial progress while collecting prizes up north for being a “decent, caring humanitarian.” I’m not exactly glad that his seething contempt and giant ego drove him to greener killing fields abroad, but at least he didn’t care for meddling much domestically. But it will take a lot longer for the DNC to recover from the cheap hate and stereotypes he helped mainline into its veins. Don’t be fooled by The Carter Center’s veneer of good deeds: that’s just the typical authoritarian leftist nonprofit model of concealing their real ambitions.
It’s too bad more people don’t take the time to understand all of this messy history — it is one hell of an interesting story.
As a newly minted chemistry graduate, the Ford Carter years were the worst. I experienced all the problems Gen Z complains about now. I started work in '75 under Ford who was practically helpless in the face of an overwhelmingly Democrat Congress and things were rough but the accelerated when Jimmuh became president.
Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. Eulogy is the tribute that amnesia pays to recollection.
Sebastian that's a troubling story but pretty common view of devout Christians of that vintage. Encountered it myself among conservative Catholics in the religious sense of the word, and has been a factor in resistance to Vatican 2 all these decades since.
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