December 29, 2024

Flying home from Texas on Friday, I avoided getting sucked into the hysteria of the day, the intra-MAGA discord over H-1B visas.

And now it looks like it's over, more or less: "Trump backs H-1B visas, aligning with Musk on immigration/'I’ve always liked the visas,' he said, siding with tech leaders against anti-immigration hard-liners" (WaPo).

“I’ve always liked the visas. I have always been in favor of the visas,” Trump told the New York Post in a phone interview. He added: “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program.”

It seems as though, to see the problem, you had to buy into the anti-MAGA view that MAGA was all about xenophobia. There must be some number of xenophobes in there, but it seems to me that it's opposition to a chaotic influx of people who might harm us and cost us a lot of money.  That's not in conflict with H-1B visa, which is a legal path for immigrants who are chosen because they to offer benefits to Americans.

The article quotes Tom Warrick, "a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council who worked at the Department of Homeland Security under both Trump and Barack Obama": "The Trump White House has the danger of turning into a snake pit when different factions within Trump’s world compete for his attention. Many people during the first administration feared that whoever talked to Trump last before he made a decision, that’s what he would do. I can say firsthand this actually does happen."

I don't know about that, but I do think that Trump antagonists are rooting for a snake pit.


Kathryn51 said...

You FLEW home? How many years has it been, if that's not too personal a question since you have frequently stated your preference for driving (same for me).

WisRich said...

Is there a need for H-1B visas: Yes
Are H-1B visas being abused: Yes

I think the Tech Bro's and MAGA world can reach a very workable compromise.

Ann Althouse said...

"You FLEW home? How many years has it been, if that's not too personal a question since you have frequently stated your preference for driving (same for me)."

It's a matter of time and whether I'm going alone and the weather. A bunch of factors. I do hate going through airports. I flew to Austin, Texas last Christmas and I did it again this year. I considered driving, and in fact, I had AI plan a way to do the drive where I could do a hike in the middle of each day and stay in a very nice hotel at night. I was really impressed by how well this was done. But in the end, I didn't want to spend that much time driving (and I don't like driving in Austin, so being car free at the destination was positive).

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump has binders full of H1-B visas on his properties.

Not people.

Breezy said...

At Conservative Treehouse, it’s surmised that Trump has confused h1b and h2b visas. He does not have h1b employees, and has spoken out against them in the past. He does employ h2b employees, which are seasonal service employees.

Also, Elon has stepped back from the brink and acknowledged that h1b needs big reform. We’re witnessing a bit of sausage-making - storming norming etc.

mikee said...

40 years ago my H1B visa coworkers of mine felt trapped as indentured servants to their corporate sponsors. I wonder if that's changed any for better or worse. In either case, bringing in qualified employees under a controlled program is far better than having the cartels choose who enters the US. Again, before Reagan the migrant workers who harvested crops came and went, rather than staying forever and bringing their families to live here, too. That labor pool can also be re-established with identified temporary workers who go home after 3 to 6 to 12 months, and who don't establish themselves as anchors for importation of extended families from abroad. All it takes is will, legislation and enforcement against companies that violate the rules.

n.n said...

H1-Bs are doing the work Americans can do, but with significantly less debt inertia and civil expectations.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlie Currie said...

First, it has been pointed out that Trump may have conflated H-1B visas with H-2B visas. He's not used the former, but has and does use the latter. Second, I believe most of the supposed push back on X was coming from instigators, trolls and bots. Not true MAGA voters.

I agree 100% with WisRich above.

Also, just look at the bright spotlight that has been shone on the abuses of H-1B visas that no one would be talking about.

Still winning, as far as I'm concerned.

Kate said...

Vivek spoke like a high school nerd who still carries a grudge. It was puerile and started a firestorm. Let's all have a discussion of the pros and cons, fine. It needs to be based in respect for the American worker, though. Vivek can sit in timeout for a while and rethink his priorities.

Leland said...

Good choice to avoid the topic. It is a potential wedge issue, but only on stripping away those that want “America[ns] First” versus those that simply want a protected border with no illegal immigration. Apparently, Steve Bannon is still pushing for no H1Bs and isn’t giving up. I’m not a fan of the visas because I think some companies abuse their employees with them. However, I’ve done work in another country and needed a similar type visa, and I understand their value. I think Musk and Vivek will prevail, as noted by Trump himself.

I found this article at PJMedia to be excellent in the proposed solution:

Charlie Currie said...

Take away the possibility of a future green card from H-1B visas and you'd get far fewer takers. Tech companies would have to make the pay much more inviting, which would draw more US workers to the jobs.

Just stop calling them high skilled workers. They are skilled workers willing to do drudge work for low pay, but with the potential of a future pay off that US workers don't get, for obvious reasons.

Mikey NTH said...

Good lord, every administration has factions jockeying for attention on their pet projects. To see what happens when the administration has no center look at Biden's.

Readering said...

Good old AA, thinking the best of Trump, thinking the worst of others, in service to her readership, under the guise of cruel neutrality.

gilbar said...

"It seems as though, to see the problem, you had to buy into the anti-MAGA view"..

This (truncated) statement seems to sum up today's political reality

gilbar said...

may an ignorant person ask how you got around Austin?
Uber? Taxi? Feet? Rickshaw?

Mikey NTH said...

Unpossible! Trump is stupid! And undisciplined! He needs the proper people (such as the author) to steer him to correct decisions!
(Sarc tag here)

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

This episode came across to me as a preview of how Doge is going to work, with the headliners and the X vox populi mixing it up, exploring all the aspects of a problem and coming up with workable solutions. X is bringing "participatory" back to democracy.

Wince said...

"Many people during the first administration feared that whoever talked to Trump last before he made a decision, that’s what he would do."

Maybe Trump's process is to talk last to whoever's argument carried the day before announcing a decision, as interpreted by whoever's argument didn't?

Eva Marie said...

From today’s episode of Coffee With Scott Adams:

“Accepting, asking American, white American workers, white male American workers specifically, but asking white male American workers to accept DEI, which for the last several years has resulted in only 6 percent of new jobs going to white men. Six percent. Or is it white people in general?
But the level of discrimination against white men specifically, but probably white people against white men is completely unacceptable. So here's what I took away from this that's new. If you tell me to accept DEI, but also bring in somebody from another country to take my job or lower my salary, that's obscene.
It's obscene. It's obscene. Is it good for the economy?
Or it could be, if you did it right. It's obscene. It's an insult.
It's an insult. It's an insult on top of the deepest insult you could ever have, which is racism. So, I want DEI to go away, and I'm sure that Trump sent the same page.
And certainly he'll do it for the government. I do trust that that's going to happen for sure. Is he going to do it in the corporations?

gilbar said...

here's a SIMPLE SOLUTION to our Entire immigration issue.
Let people in, that can do work (trained, capable of learning, not moron or psychopath)
do NOT let in people that CAN'T do work..
The problem isn't H-1B or H-2B.. The problem is criminal bums that are here to:
a) live on welfare
b) eat our dogs And cats
c) murder and rob and rape and burn our women

William said...

People are mottled. They're wrong about some things and right about others. The Know Nothing Party was anti-immigration--or more specifically anti-Catholic immigrants--but they were for the most part abolitionists and, in many cases, pro suffragette. The Know Nothing Party eventually melded into the Republican Party.....The Democratic Party was pro-immigrant, but even in its Northern branch tolerant of slavery. The Southern branch was, of course, pro slavery.....I don't fully understand the complexities of the immigration issue, but every American is either the child of immigrants or the grandfather of an anti-immigrant. As I understand it, there was a huge influx of immigrants right before they closed off the spigot in the twenties. This allowed our country to absorb that last wave. We have now had another huge influx. It would be prudent to shut it down. Also, preference should be given to people from countries that don't consider America the Great Satan. This isn't racial. Filipinos, for instance, actually like America and Americans. I'm not so sure about immigrants from the Near East.

Eva Marie said...

It’s worth listening to the past 3 Scott Adams podcasts to see how he has changed how he looks at this issue. I always listen at 2X the speed, because Adams is a slow talker. Or you can just read the transcripts.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Vivek fell afoul of a very common conceit found in Indian and Indian-American culture; American White people are lazy. I've been in IT for over 30 years and worked with a lot of Indian IT workers, they work a lot long hours but 99.9% of the cases I've seen their output is on par with their "lazy" American colleagues.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

The NY Post didn't ask Trump about total numbers, abuses in the H visas, country caps and other important issues. Remains to be seen what Trump will do. A big deportation will do a lot of good.

narciso said...

Atlantic council is swamp central

narciso said...

Hes fallen upward from the state of iraq project onward to dhs

Old and slow said...

This fight on X was kicked off by morons like Laura Loomer and Steve Bannon. The rush of enthusiastic racists was partly Trump supporting idiots and also a whole lot of new anonymous accounts. I had people spewing "Ni**#r lover" and "race mixer" at me for defending Vivek and Musk, and these were accounts with very few followers and almost no activity. This brewhaha was to some extent (probably to a large degree) instigated and fueled by people opposed to Trump and Musk.

Mikey NTH said...

As an aside, as a member of the USCG Auxiliary I have worked at DHS since it's inception. So, that isn't exactly the endorsement WaPo thinks it is.

john mosby said...

MAGA aren't xenophobes; they are oikophiles. They think government policy should be for the benefit of the people already here. And they are right, in the case of HnB's:

H1B's suck for the country because they take away any incentive to improve our school systems. If employers couldn't import tech workers, they would have to look around and see there's not enough Yanks graduating from STEM majors. Because there aren't enough coming out of high school ready to do college STEM. So they would put pressure on local governments to do that. And they would deal with the HR issues of first-generation professionals because there would be no alternative. But right now, it's far easier to fill out some forms and buy some plane tickets.

And oh by the way, the lack of preparation for good jobs leads many urban yewts to a life of crime, which outnumber the crimes done by immigrants. So H1B's cause crime. Probably more than the unenforced border does.

H2B's suck because they take away entry-level jobs that could go to young Yanks. But that would require having a critical density of teens with basic work skills, habits, and attitudes. Which would require not only school reform but social reform. So it's easier to fill out forms and buy plane tickets. If they couldn't do that, employers would put pressure on local governments to start growing work-capable teens. And they would be forced to deal with the HR issues of first-generation retail workers.

And again, urban yewts who can't get entry-level jobs often turn to crime, in larger numbers than the immigrants. So H2B's also cause crime.

Of course it is easier to have employees who say "Da, tovarisch Director" or "Si, Jefe" than ones who accuse you of disrespeckin' them. But guess what? You go to business with the country you have. That's how you make it better.

One of our biggest mistakes was re-opening immigration right after the civil rights acts. It has really delayed the full integration of 1619 blacks.


Jupiter said...

Well, yeah, there's a need for H-1B's. There used to be a need for African slaves. For much the same reason.
Musk has been munching the scenery about how he needs H-1B's to get the best engineers in the world. But that's actually the O-1 program, which gives visas to highly-talented individuals. H-1B is mostly used to import recent college grads who have to be trained by the people they are replacing. The reason the Techlords like H-1B is that they can pay them whatever they like, and if they quit, they get deported. So, basically, indentured servitude, enforced by the threat of deportation. They could hire Americans, but it would cost more.

Narayanan said...

hopefully lawyers on this blog commentariat can consult immigration attorneys to get full picture and update rest of us

Kakistocracy said...

It might sound obviously untrue that he has sponsored H-1Bs (after all, how many advanced degree-holders does he really need to staff his properties?) but checking this sort of stuff out anyway is one of the basic functions of journalism.

Eligibility requirements include: “Theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge.”

Trump claims to have sponsored “many H-1Bs visas on my properties,” but I just did a five-minute search on USCIS’s employer data hub — covering H-1B petitions from FY2009-2024 — and I wasn’t able to find Trump or his largest businesses on it.

Kakistocracy said...

The elite strikes back! Tech-led wealth concentration collides with the heart-landers' need to the make the payments on the pickup truck. They're giving the shiny new jobs to foreigners!

Where is immigration czar Stephen Miller on this issue?

Jupiter said...

The program is a complete scam, and is massively gamed by Indian "consulting" companies, that submit hundreds of applications, in order to improve their chances in the lottery. It has been suggested that, if the purpose is actually to bring in needed talent, they should ditch the lottery and instead select the applicants who are offered the highest salaries. They presumably have the most needed skills, right? But now, Techlords don't want needed skills. They want cheap labor that can't negotiate and can't quit. They don't really care which slave wins the lottery. A slave is a slave.

Narayanan said...

it will be interesting to show : how many indians in corporate executive started on H1b and made it there??

Jupiter said...

Yeah, it's the only way he can find people who have the special skills and training needed in the hospitality industry.

Eva Marie said...

He is for the visas.

Narayanan said...

the benefits foregone by H1b is where the billions to billionaires go!!

Jupiter said...

Elon isn't "confused". Elon is willfully conflating the O-1 program, which does indeed allow companies to import skills they can't find here, with the H-1B program, which brings in semi-skilled labor at a manual-labor price.

doctrev said...

It's a bit bewildering that Steve Bannon thinks he has influence. He could have. Back in Trump's first term, but he liked talking to the media too much and got canned for it. Now Bannon wants to portray himself as the "true populist" but it's not going to work. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more openly racist pushback against the Administration is being astroturfed to make President Trump appear anti-racist.

But Vivec needs to get back in line. He wasn't brought in to shape immigration policies or American culture. People who ignore their jobs to focus on their own agendas can expect to get canned: just ask Bolton, Tillerson, and even Mattis.

Iman said...

Fuck teh “Agonistas”!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If Trump was really that fickle why didn’t the democrats get in line to get him to do what they wanted? I question everything said about Trump in light of what’s happened first.

Old and slow said...

Our educational results are not driven by the school systems for the most part. It is the individual families that determine how well or how poorly children are educated. All the overhauls and spending in the world will not change this in a material way. Vivek was right to point out that it is the culture of mediocrity that has failed us.

Jupiter said...

Being trapped as indentured servants is the entire point. They apply for the H-1B, hoping that once they are in the US and working in tech, they can somehow wangle a green card. But very few manage it. I knew one guy who did, a South Korean firmware engineer who was absolutely brilliant, and managed to get hired by another company. I don't know how they handled it legally. But if they actually want top talent, they have ways of getting it.

chuck said...

Trump antagonists are rooting for a snake pit

They are digging the pit and buying the snakes, but who is buying the tickets?

Jupiter said...

Vivek slipped up and said the quiet part out loud. I'm kind of surprised, he's a very smart guy, and he's had plenty of time to think about how to make this argument. But he basically said that white Americans are spoiled and lazy and need to be replaced. Why do you suppose he didn't start his company in India, where all the smart, hard-working engineers are located?

Breezy said...

The belief is Trump was confused in his statement, not Elon.

Jupiter said...

Whether you know it or not, you are repeating the talking points of the Techlords. "Hey, we just bought the Republican Party, and we're the only reason Trump won. If you don't let us continue to import slave labor, we'll take our billions and go home". Which is BS, they know the alternative.

Jupiter said...

US citizenship is an extremely valuable asset. H-1B allows certain people to sell that asset, even though it doesn't belong to them. As does the porous border.

Eva Marie said...

Via CFP, Robert Sterling analyzed the data on H-1B visas. His conclusion:
“A casual perusal of the data shows that this isn’t a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it’s been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.”

Jupiter said...

Well, this is the Libertarian view. Free minds, free markets. But the fact is, my US citizenship is a valuable asset, but only because it is limited. If everyone on Earth (criminals and cat-eating rapists presumably excepted) can be a US citizen just by identifying as one, then it's worthless. So I suggest a compromise. You can give your citizenship to anyone you like. But then you don't have it any more, and you have to leave. Fair enough? Otherwise, the citizenship you are happily giving away is at least partially mine.

effinayright said...

No, employers of H-1B visa holders cannot pay them "whatever they like."

and No, they can't be threatened with deportation by their employer over the latter's failure to meet legal requirements regarding employing such a visa holder.

"The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) enforces strict rules to ensure that H-1B visa holders are compensated fairly and to prevent undercutting wages for U.S. workers.

Key Requirements for H-1B Wages:
Prevailing Wage Rule:

Employers must pay H-1B workers at least the prevailing wage for the specific occupation and geographic location, as determined by the DOL or an accepted private wage survey." ChatGPT

You are free, of course, to argue that these requiremnts are *routinely* ignored, but please provide some evidence.

And no, H-1B holders who quit their jobs have a 60-day grace period to find another one---they are not automatically deported. If abuse of the H-1B legal requirements re wages, working conditions and the like are the reason for quitting, immigration attorneys can take up the H-1B holder's case.

Face it: you're just shooting from the hip.

Jupiter said...

It is certainly true that the MSM has been delighted to see the victors fighting over the spoils. Do you really believe that Steve Bannon is a "moron"?

effinayright said...

Per ChatGPT:

"There have been several legal cases where employers violated legal requirements related to hiring and compensating H-1B visa holders. Notable examples include:

Cognizant Technology Solutions: In 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) found that Cognizant had underpaid 67 H-1B workers, resulting in $509,607 in back wages. The company cooperated fully and took immediate corrective actions.

VoiceXnet Technologies LLC: In 2021, the DOL determined that this Plano-based company violated H-1B regulations by "benching" an employee—hiring a nonimmigrant worker as a software developer but failing to provide work or pay the promised wages. The company was required to pay $85,405 in back wages.

Cigniti Technologies Inc.: In 2021, this Irving-based IT services company was found to have "benched" a system analyst, failing to pay the required prevailing wage during non-productive periods. The DOL recovered $63,647 in back wages for the affected worker.

These cases highlight the importance of employer compliance with H-1B program regulations, including the obligation to pay the required wages and avoid practices like "benching." Violations can lead to significant financial penalties and back wage payments."
These cases falsify the notion that employers can treat their H-1B visa holding employees like "slaves".

Jupiter said...

Eva Marie, where on Earth did you get that idea?

TaeJohnDo said...

"...but I do think that Trump antagonists are rooting for a snake pit." Ya Think?!

Jupiter said...

You know, shortly after Musk bought Twitter, he laid off 90% of the employees. Presumably, that was the 90% that had fewer tech skills than a randomly chosen Indian college graduate. Which is why he is so desperate to import more randomly chosen Indian college graduates to replace them.

Jupiter said...

I give Musk credit for consistency; believing he has purchased the Republican Party, he now wants to get rid of 90% of us.

tcrosse said...

If there were no contention within the Trump team, the hate-mongers would be complaining that Trump's minions are following their Führer without question. With some people you can't win.

Kakistocracy said...

Silicon Valley has always used H-1B Visa employees to fill their engineering staff. It's more due to an economic choice than an issue with scarcity of talent in the US. US engineers can find better pay and better working conditions at stable and established companies than SV startups are able to provide.

I've met plenty of excellent engineers who came to this country through the H1B program. It's a win-win — the US economy, SV startups and the people who come to the US on this program. Musk is not wrong. His motivation is questionable. He's looking out for himself in this, not the US and our society.

That said, MAGA is completely bonkers when they demand cutting H1B immigration and plan to strip funding for research and education in the US. Nothing in this area make sense.

James K said...

Trump likely has used H2-B rather than H1-B for his service employees. Those are seasonal visas for industries like tourism or agriculture that can't otherwise find enough workers in peak season. If people like Rich want to fact check Trump on that, have at it. The point Trump is making is that these are legal immigrants who come to here to work, not illegals streaming in unchecked who might be terrorists or common criminals.

There may be abuses of the H1-B program, but I know in my industry there are simply not enough Americans getting the necessary credentials. Those who do can find jobs, but the number of job openings far exceeds the number of qualified Americans. There is competition for these jobs and the H1-Bs get the same salary offers as Americans. So Trump's position is defensible, and the fact that he likely hires H2-Bs is beside the point.

Patrick said...

Xenophobia is such a dumb, propagandistic word, like transphobia or homophobia. Americans are tired of foerigners who don't assimilate and only xome here to economically exploit America. And the whole .001% thing is bullshit. Its about cheap labor

Matt said...

Ummm, spend some time on Breitbart and you’ll see that a significant number of MAGA voters are opposed to Trump / Musk on the H1-B visa issue. Many are disappointed and they directly write comments that can only be interpreted as xenophobic. They basically like white Americans and do not like anyone else taking tech jobs. The number of posts that were critical of Indian Americans was pretty disgusting.

Eva Marie said...

Those are trolls.

Mary Beth said...

I'm trying to ignore any uproar that is directed at Musk, Ramaswamy, RFK Jr., Gabbard, or any other Trump ally. I think it's all manufactured to disrupt Trump's advisor/support system. They tried the "President Musk" nonsense first, now this. I'm sure there will be a new one every week, at least until January 20th.

That's not to say the visa program is perfect and should remain exactly as it is. The discussion seems out of proportion to the problem.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Skeptical with respect to nationality, not Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism, classicism). Diversity (e.g. Equivocation and Implosion) is one of the reasons that People voted against Democratics. 20,000 Haitians in a town of 60,000 is evidence of rabid Diversity. Deportation from Obama's mansion by the rising waters of the Atlantic is evidence of rabid Diversity (e.g. elitism).

EAB said...

All hail the H2B Visa workers I know. I live and work in a summer/fall tourist area. In the summer, we get J-1 student workers, but they leave in September. The H2Bs can stay longer and carry us thru the holidays. We hire local high school kids also but they have limited hours. These visa programs really help in areas like ours that have seasonal needs.

Jaq said...

"a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council"

Yeah, there is an unbiased source for you. The Atlantic Council, neocon central.

But as far as H1-B visas go, the purpose of them is to suppress American wages, and they work very well at it. So -1 for Trump. He's not up to -10,000 where Biden was, but it's -1.

bobby said...

Having seen many outraged tweets screaming about Musk and Trump in this episode, I looked closer, and realized that most of them were from the perennially butt-hurt DeSantis Bros. They will be attacking anything and everything for the next four years.

Disparity of Cult said...

This was a clumsy overstep by Vivek.

ALP said...

Immigration paralegal here. The obsession over H-1Bs makes my head hurt, but at least L-1A visas still fly under the radar. Still waiting for the general public and the media to 'discover' the L-1A, which is for multinational managers. I mean, does the US really need more managers? Is THAT what we are lacking in? There are no visa limits like the H-1B and L-1A visa holders have a fast track to a green card. Blows my mind this isn't a bigger issue.

Freder Frederson said...

Can you imagine how incoherent a post must be if n.n removes it?

He probably looks at the post and says to himself (or maybe the other drunk sitting next to him at the bar): "Fuck man, even I can't figure out what the hell I was posting about".

john mosby said...

EAB: "I live and work in a summer/fall tourist area."

There are lots of solutions that build US human and financial capital, but don't involve making special immigration deals. Some off the top of my head:

- Subsidized internal migration for urban young adults. They could follow the weather from summer to winter vacation spots. Kind of like FDR's CCC. Wasn't that one of his prime tools for saving us from the Depression? The USG would pay for transportation and maybe some initial training, the employers would pay for housing. Fedgov could manage it with the manhours that get eliminated from the visa program. The urban kids would spend most of their year in tourist spots rather than with street people.

- There is a ruined factory town, Indian reservation, depressed farmland, etc., within a couple of hours driving distance of any vacation spot. Fedgov could subsidize transportation, childcare and seasonal housing costs to bring people from those areas to where the jobs are. Would cost even less than a postmodern CCC.

- Just raise prices. It's tourism - people will still come. Look at Disney. Pass some of that money down as wages, and people will come for the jobs, even if they are for a third of the year. They can follow the weather to the winter spots. I bet there are aliens, legal and illegal, who do this right now. Citizens will do it for a little more.

-Does the town really shut down in the off season? Some of the New England coastal spots have to because the weather really blows, but so many "winter" or "summer" spots manage to keep going year-round. Ski resorts just turn into cool summer retreats. Town main streets become open-air high-end shopping malls for rich visitors (Marfa, TX, anyone?). Maybe Americans could find year-round work if foreigners weren't taking away such a big chunk of it.


JK Brown said...

"I can say firsthand this actually does happen."

In the same manner, that one might bring in the side they are leaning toward to address issues brought up by those opposed and have the issues addressed to your satisfaction so you make your decision.

Or how in a trial the side that gives the last final argument gets the verdict they are arguing for, but sometimes they do not.

Eva Marie said...

“That said, MAGA is completely bonkers when they demand cutting H1B immigration and plan to strip funding for research and education in the US.”
Why make it impossible for anyone to have reasonable discussion with you?
1.”MAGA is completely bonkers.”
Can we stop using crazy, bonkers, Hitler, etc. when there’s a complex issue under discussion. And do you think MAGA supporters are monolithic? Does that stand to reason?
2. Funding for education and providing a good education are completely separate issues.
3. As Donald Trump is famous for saying - there are fine people (and fine arguments) on all sides of this issue. And just hurling accusations isn’t helpful.

JK Brown said...

As for the H-1B visas, break the indenture to the sponsoring company and let the workers not be deported as soon as the sponsoring tech giant decides and see how the companies react.

We should remember that Apple, Google and other SV companies were caught in an illegal agreement to not hire each others employees without permission of their current master.

It was all very 14th century

(1388) The Statute of Richard II restricts laborers to their hundred and makes it compulsory for them to follow the same trade as their father after the age of twelve. The wages of both industrial and agricultural laborers are again fixed — ... And here is the historical origin of the important custom of exacting recommendations: servants leaving employment are required to carry a testimonial, and none are to receive servants without such letter — the original of the blacklist.

--Popular Law-making: A Study of the Origin, History, and Present Tendencies of Law-making by Statute, Frederic Jesup Stimson (1910)

BUMBLE BEE said...

Having bought/trimmed the workforce at X, I'd wager Elon has a better grip
on what the tech employee benchmark is. Compare SpaceX to NASA and I come up with the fact that NASA never caught it's boosters, and Boeing is doldrums. America needs to get it's shit rolling faster and better. A lot of ground to catch up. I'll hold my judgement for a time, as DOGE seems on target.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Meow there, Jupiter. Did Elon outbid you?
Get a grip.

BUMBLE BEE said...

From someone on the front lines, coding the future. From Ryan McBeth...
"The US is not producing enough engineers to keep up with demand. Add to that the fact that many software engineers drop out and move to information systems because they can't deal with the rigorous math."

He's in the thick of it right now. Not some "bystander".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Egads, a confession from the Freder.

mccullough said...

Only give out H1-B visas to jobs paying at least $1,000,000 a year. If these visa recipients are that valuable then the jobs should pay that much. They should be the Shohei Ohtani’s in their field

Jupiter said...

ChatGPT? Really? Look, here is how it works.

Jupiter said...

Thanks, Breezy, I should have been clearer. What I meant is that Trump may well be confused, as I rather doubt he hires a lot of computer geeks. But Elon isn't. However, Elon seems to be getting the message. He is now saying that "I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.".

walter said...

Prevailing wage can be gamed by pitting younger vs older more, experienced or hiring greater talent under lesser positions. A 2mo visa allowance between jobs is not much an insurance policy for someone being taken advantage of.

Jupiter said...

Where on Earth did you get the idea that Stephen Miller is "for the visas"?

Jupiter said...

Or here, if you prefer the statistical approach.

Original Mike said...

Flying is one thing, but flying over a holiday is something else entirely. You couldn't get me to do that for all the tea in China.

The Godfather said...

EXCUSE ME! But H1-B Visas aren't the issue that got Trump elected. I have seen no NO news reports of holders of those Visas eating our dogs and cats, putting neighborhoods at risk, overwhelming our welfare facilities, etc. You commenters are all playing into the hands of the anti-Trump Establishment. STOP IT! at least until he's inaugurated .

walter said...

True. He wasn't elected on that. So maybe Elon, in his new role, should think about that.

Narayanan said...

did US judicial profession inherit all that as Common Law?

Kakistocracy said...

All of Trump’s “beliefs” are written in sand.

Kakistocracy said...

Musk and Ramaswamy knew full well how virulent the anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy plans of Trump and his inner circle. One has to believe that they thought with their money and belief in their own intelligence and savvy that they could alter the core of MAGA.

Jim at said...

We hire local high school kids also but they have limited hours.

This is a big problem, and has been for some time. Back in high school, there was no limit to the number of hours per week I could work. In summer, it would exceed 60. Heck, even before I turned 16, it wasn't unusual to spend forty+ hours a week picking berries.

That all changed in the early '90s and here we are.

Jim at said...

Visas aren't the issue that got Trump elected.

That was my first thought. The problem is an open border. Fix that and then we can address any problems with the Visa programs.

chuck said...

Flying on Christmas isn't that bad, or so I was told by some folks attending a Christmas party who had flown in that day.

Mason G said...

As I understand it, the argument for H1-B visas is that there are not enough US citizens available to do the work that needs to be done. Supposing that's actually the case, shouldn't people be asking why that might be? Is it because there just aren't enough Americans with the intelligence/ability to do these jobs or might there be another reason?

I've worked most of my life in engineering adjacent jobs (engineering type work that doesn't require a degree), so I'm familiar with "engineerthink". These are people who actually plan things out and don't just fly by the seat of their pants. Many will have run the numbers before making a commitment and even if the career might be appealing, if they don't see a path forward, they're going to choose something else.

One of the complaints I hear (from a domestic worker's point of view) about the H1-B program is that it tends to hold down salary levels. Perhaps potential Americans bypass these careers because of that, and not because they're not smart enough to do the work?

Just a thought...

Eva Marie said...

@Jupiter: I thought I read that Stephen Miller supported Trump’s support of Elon Musk on this issue. But now I can’t find any mention of that. So I may be wrong. In the past Miller has been for tightening controls on the visas. Musk supports that idea. Anyway my earlier comment may be wrong.

Bunkypotatohead said...

1824: We shoulda picked our own damn cotton.
2024: We shoulda wrote our own damn code.

Bringing a bunch of Africans to the US has made the place more like Africa. It'll be the same way with Indians.

Ralph L said...

gilbar, I'm pretty sure one of her sons lives in Austin.

Rusty said...

Anti Illiegal immigrant, Rich. Please don't assume we're as dumb as you are.
Do better.

Rusty said...

The last time I flew to California was over Thanksgiving. It was the first time, flying American, that I did not have to depart from gate H 18. We left from gate H 10.
However on return we managed to wrangle gate 18.
For those of you who don't know gate H 18 in terminal 3 is in Indiana.

EAB said...

John Mosby: just to confirm - we very much shut down between January and mid-May. Sure, the taxpayers could subsidize urban young adults to come up. But one thing to note is the visa kids come here to a primary employer and then seek a second job. They work a lot of hours to bank money because the pay here is vastly more than they’d make at home. They have to be reminded they are limited to working six days a week. The pay isn’t likely the same incentive for kids coming from an expensive urban environment. Raise prices? That just screws over the year-round locals who are already priced out. Not saying there aren’t alternatives to the visa program but there aren’t easy answers.

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